B1 Progress Test 6

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Gold Experience B1 Progress test 6

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1 Complete each sentence with one word only.
1 My sister is good at tennis – she can play it really well.

2 My mum says we’ll be ________ to go to Egypt this year. Fantastic!

3 Will you ________ able to help me revise for my English test tomorrow?

4 That bag is too heavy for you. You ________ be able to carry it.

5 I can speak English, but I ________ speak French.

6 I ________ be able to come to your party tomorrow. Mum says I have to visit my gran.

2 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

Amy: I’m really nervous about starting my new school!
Maria: Don’t worry. You 1) can/might feel nervous on the first day, but I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Amy: Maybe . . . but I won’t know anyone!
Maria: You’re so funny, Amy! You 2) will be able to/could make friends really quickly. And don’t
worry – you 3) can/might always email me if you need somebody to talk to.
Amy: What about the lessons? They 4) can/could be really difficult. They 5) might/can be different to
what I’ve done at this school.
Maria: I don’t think that will be a problem. You’re very clever, you know. I’m sure you 6) could/will
be able to learn quickly!

3 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 If you don’t go to see her play football, she isn’t/won’t be happy.
2 When I wash the dishes my mum gives/will give me a little money.
3 You don’t/won’t make any friends if you don’t smile more.
4 She never goes swimming unless I will go/go too.
5 If you like school, you love/will love college.
6 If my mum will see/sees a mouse, she jumps onto a table and screams!

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4 Complete each sentence with one word only.
1 If you like beautiful beaches and sunshine, you’ll love Spain.

2 I never go clothes shopping ________ my best friend comes with me.

3 If it rains at the weekend, we usually ________ to the cinema.

4 If I pass this test, I’ll ________ very surprised.

5 She always takes the bus home if the weather ________ cold.

6 I ________ go to the party unless you come with me!

5 Complete the sentences with these phrases.
deal with fell out get on get to know in common spending
1 Jose and Fernando like the same things. They have a lot in common.

2 I’ll always be there for you. You don’t have to ______________ all your problems alone.

3 I don’t ______________ with my sister because she’s really bossy.

4 The new girl in our class looks really nice. We should ______________ her.

5 I ______________ with Helen yesterday. She was being so annoying!

6 I don’t see my aunt very often. She’s really lively though. I love ______________ time with

6 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

I really don’t 1) get on well with/get to know my sister. She’s always taking my things without asking.
It’s so 2) annoyed/annoying. The problem is we don’t really have much 3) in/on common. She’s loud
and lively and she thinks that I’m 4) bored/boring. I don’t think I am. I’m just more serious than she is.
We fell 5) in/out badly last night. We were sitting in the living room. I wanted to watch my favourite
documentary. It’s about animals around the world and it’s really 6) interesting/interested. My sister and
her silly friends wanted to listen to loud music and dance around. It was really hard to
7) stay calm/get on with. In the end, I realised that the only way to 8) deal with/get to know the situation
was to leave the room. I was 9) surprising/surprised to find my sister crying in her room this morning,
though. She’s usually so happy and noisy. Maybe she’s having a 10) hard/problem time at school. I
might try to 11) spend/stay some time with her at the weekend and find out if she’s OK.


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7 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 She was really disappointing/disappointed when she didn’t win the race.
2 We’re going on holiday next week. The whole family is really exciting/excited!
3 Don’t eat all the cake. Mum will be really annoying/annoyed.
4 It’s surprising/surprised how many people like that band. I don’t think they’re very good.
5 Have you read this book? Try it. It’s so exciting/excited!
6 It rained all day yesterday and Lucy was really boring/bored.

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A warm welcome
Have you ever wondered what it’s like starting a new school in a new country? Chiltern High School
has organised a special system to help students who are new to the school and who come from different
countries. They have a special ‘welcome system’ which is a team of students who work extra hard to
make sure that new students have an easy time when they arrive at the school. ‘Many new students can
have a hard time,’ says Becky Robson, the fifteen-year-old who has run the welcome system for two
years. ‘Starting a new school can be really difficult to deal with. Some students come from different
countries and they have to cope with learning a new language, too.’
So what does the welcome system do? Becky explains, ‘Well, when a new student starts at our school
we choose them a special ‘friend’ who can help them during the first few weeks. It can be very boring
and annoying if you don’t understand what is happening in your lessons. We have special computer
programmes which translate a lot of what the teacher says. That helps a lot. It’s amazing how quickly
the new students learn English – they do really well!’
The Welcome Team also learns about the new students’ countries. We teach our classmates words from
their language and we do special things for their national days – that kind of thing. Students feel much
better if their classmates know a little about their own culture.
Sometimes new students have other problems too. Moving to another country can be difficult and
sometimes they fall out with their family. We can help them by trying to talk to them and having a
laugh with them. We spend a lot of time with them. We love it because we find that we can learn a lot
from these students, too. I love working with the welcome system. You get to know so many people
that it’s never boring!’

12 Read the text. Are the sentences (1–11) Right (A) or Wrong (B)? If there is not enough
information, choose Doesn’t say (C).
1 Chiltern High School’s welcome system is for students who do not like school.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
2 Becky Robson had a very hard time at school two years ago.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
3 The welcome system helps new students deal with any problems they might have.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
4 New students can play computer games in class.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say

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5 Becky is surprised by how slowly new students learn English.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
6 The Welcome Team learns about the new students’ countries.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
7 New students sometimes fall out with their teachers.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
8 The Welcome Team helps new students to do their homework.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
9 The Welcome Team only spends time with the new students for the first week.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
10 Students on the Welcome Team enjoy the time they spend with the new students.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
11 Becky met her best friend when she was working with the Welcome Team.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say


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13 Read the text again and complete the sentences with these words.
annoying fifteen special spends translate two
1 Becky Robson is fifteen years old.

2 Becky started the Welcome Team ____________ years ago.

3 The Welcome Team organises ____________ events for students’ national days.

4 It can be boring and ____________ if you don’t understand what your teacher is saying.

5 Special computer programmes ____________ things for the new students.

6 The Welcome Team ____________ a lot of time with the new students.

14 Complete the sentences with the bold words in the text.

1 I often fall out with my sister because she’s really annoying!

2 I _______________ with Eric – he’s my best friend.

3 You will _______________ some more students if you join the drama club.

4 The only way to _______________ this situation is to talk to your teacher.

5 We went to see a/an _______________ film last weekend.

6 Children sometimes _______________ when they go to a new school.

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15 Read the email from Joe. Frank has to reply to the email and answer Joe’s questions. Tick
() the answers Frank should include in his reply.
Hi Frank,
How’s it going? I had a really nice time with you today. Did you have a good journey home?
Just one question: Did you maybe take my iPod home with you by mistake? It’s not a problem and I’m
not annoyed at all. It’s just that I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find it.
I’m not sure what to do. I think I’ll need it before I next see you, though. Could you post it to me
Bye for now,

1 Give information about his journey home. 

2 Say thanks to Joe for a nice day. ____

3 Say whether he has the iPod. ____

4 Apologise for taking the iPod home. ____

5 Say what he will do. ____

6 Say what he is going to watch on TV this evening. ____

16 Complete the sentences with these phrases.

by mistake next time straight away too annoyed up to you you like
1 I’m really sorry. I must have put it in my bag by mistake.

2 I’ll send it to you __________________ .

3 I hope you’re not __________________ .

4 I can post it to you or bring it to you next weekend. It’s __________________ .

5 I can buy you a new one if __________________ .

6 I’ll give it back __________________ I see you.

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17 Imagine you are Frank. Reply to Joe’s email, using the ideas in Exercises14 and 15 to help


Total: 100

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