This document contains 27 multiple choice questions about the policies and guidelines regarding foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong. The questions cover topics such as the information contained in an employment contract (ID407), requirements for FDH accommodation and medical care, wage deductions, termination procedures, and visa extension applications.
This document contains 27 multiple choice questions about the policies and guidelines regarding foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong. The questions cover topics such as the information contained in an employment contract (ID407), requirements for FDH accommodation and medical care, wage deductions, termination procedures, and visa extension applications.
This document contains 27 multiple choice questions about the policies and guidelines regarding foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong. The questions cover topics such as the information contained in an employment contract (ID407), requirements for FDH accommodation and medical care, wage deductions, termination procedures, and visa extension applications.
This document contains 27 multiple choice questions about the policies and guidelines regarding foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong. The questions cover topics such as the information contained in an employment contract (ID407), requirements for FDH accommodation and medical care, wage deductions, termination procedures, and visa extension applications.
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ID407 適用對象是:ID407 is used for : *
A. 適用於從外國聘用的家庭傭工 For A Domestic Helper recruited from abroad. B. 適用於從外國聘用的家庭護理員 For A Domestic Caregiver recruited from abroad. C. 適用於從外國聘用的家庭司機 For A Domestic Driver recruited from abroad. D. A+B E. A+B+C 2. 以下哪項不屬於主要家務職責? Major portion of domestic duties shall not include: * A. 家庭雜務 Household chores B. 煮食 Cooking C. 按摩 Massage C. 照料家中年老人士 Looking after aged persons in the household D. 照顧小孩 Child-minding 3. 從 2018 年 9 月 29 日起,如果僱主不提供膳食,則應每個月給予傭工港幣_______元的膳食津 貼。From 29 Oct of 2018, if no food is provided by Employer, a food allowance of HK$_______ a month shall be paid to the Helper. * A. 100 B. 200 C. 1053 D. 1075 E. 1037 4. ID407 里不包括以下哪個信息?Which of the following information is not stated on ID407? * A. 外傭姓名 Helper Name B. 外傭原居地住址 Helper place of origin C. 僱主姓名 Employer Name D. 外傭護照號碼 Helper Passport Number 5. 如果傭工採取最直接的路線來港,則自離開其原居地當日起計直接抵達香港為止的期間,每天 應得港幣 的膳食及交通津貼。A daily food and traveling allowance of HK$ ___________ per day shall be paid to the Helper from the date of her departure from her place of origin until the date of her arrival at HK and the traveling is by the most direct route * ( page 31 A. 100 B. 150 C. 200 D. 250 E. 300 6. 僱主應不負責傭工離開其原居地及進入香港所需的下列費用?The Employer shall not be responsible for which of the following fee/expenses for the departure of the Helper from his/her place of origin and entry into HK. * A. 驗身費用 Medical examination fee B. 相關領事館公證費用 Authentication fees by the relevant Consulate C. 在原居地的住宿費用 Accommodation fee at FDH’s country of origin D. FDH 工作簽證費用 FDH Employment Visa fee E. 保險費用 Insurance fee F. A+E 7. 什麼類型的傭工申請,需要在 ID407 上註明前僱傭合約號碼?Which type of application requires the previous employment contract (ID407) number to be stated on the new ID407 ? * A. 申請身處海外的傭工 Apply for overseas Helper B. 申請在港中轉傭工 Apply for Incomplete Contract Helper in HK C. 申請在港完約傭工 Apply for Transfer Contract Helper in HK D. 申請續約 Apply for Renewal Contract E. B+C F. C+D 8. 在受傭期間,僱主需要為外傭提供免費的醫療不包括:During the period of employment, which of the following(s) are not included by the Employer as free medical treatment to the FDH: * A. 傭工基於自願及個人理由離開香港期間的住院費用 the medical consultation during the period which the Helper leaves HK of his/her own volition and personal purposes. B. 在港診症費用 medical consultation in HK C. 在港住院費用 maintenance in HK hospital D. 在港牙科急診 emergency dental treatment E. A+D 9. 一套 ID407 是一式几份的文件? How many original copies are contained in one set of ID407 ? * ( Chapter VI A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 10. 如果終止合約,僱主和外傭都需要在終止合約后_____天內向入境事務處處長提交書面通 知。In the event of a termination of an employment contract, both the Employer and FDH must give the Director of Immigration a notice in writing within ____________ days after the date of termination. * #60 page 14 A. 3 B. 7 C. 14 D. 28 E. 30 11. 如雙方同意於現有合約屆滿時續訂合約,除非事先獲得入境事務處處長批准在港延期逗留,否 則,傭工須返回其原居放取不少於____天的有薪/無薪假期。If both parties agree to enter into new FDH employment contract upon the expiry of the existing contract, the FDH must return to his/her place of origin for a paid/unpaid vacation of not less than _______ days, unless prior written approval for extension of stay in HK is granted by the Director of Immigration. * ( page 36 #13 A. 3 B. 7 C. 14 D. 30 E. 60 12. 如傭工死亡,僱主須負責支付_____________費用。In the event of the death of the FDH, the Employer shall pay ____________________ from HK to his /her place of origin. * ( page 36 #14 A. 運送外傭遺體的費用 Cost of transporting the Helper’s remains B. 外傭私人財物 Helper’s personal property C. 給外傭家庭的補償金 Compensation to Helper’s family D. A+B E. A+B+C 13. 從香港政府的角度來看 (特別是不從 POEA 的角度), 如申請海外傭工到港,ID407 生效日為: From the prospective of the HK Government (and specifically not from the angle of the POEA), when applying a FDH from overseas, the employment contract (ID407) effective date shall begin on: * A. 傭工到達香港當日 The date on which the Helper arrives in HK B. 簽證簽發日 Employment visa issued date C. 僱主和傭工簽署 ID407 日 the date on which the Employer and Helper signed the ID407 D. ID 407 領事館的合同公證日期 ID 407 Contract Notarization Date at consulate 14. 一份僱傭合約的有效期為:an employment contract is valid for : * A. 1 年 1 year B. 2 年 2 years C. 3 年 3 years D. 4 年 4 years E. 5 年 5 years 15. 下列哪個不適合做為外傭住宿安排?Which of the following is an unsuitable accommodation for Foreign Domestic Helper? * A. 100 尺的單獨工人房 A separate servant room of 100 square feet B. 和一個新生嬰兒共一間房 Share a room with the new born baby C. 和一名異性成年人或青少年同房 Share a room with an adult or teenager of the opposite sex. D. 睡在走廊的臨時床鋪 Sleep on made-do beds in the corridor. E. B+C+D F. C+D 16. 下列哪些不是批准外傭入境簽證必備設施? The essential facilities to be provided to the Helper shall not include? * A. 衣櫥 Wardrobe B. 雪櫃 Refrigerator C. 桌子 Desk D. 水電供應 Light and water supply E. B+C F. A+B+C 17. 簽證批准後,誰不應該保留 ID407 原件 Who should not keep any ID407's original copy after the FDH visa approval? * A. Helper B. Employer C. Consulate D. Immigration E. KL 18. 當僱主要求傭工清潔外窗,而該窗戶並非位處地面,毗鄰露台或公用走廊等地方,則必須要符 合以下哪些安全措施?When an Employer requires the FDH to clean the exterior window and the window is not located on the ground level or adjacent to a balcony, the exterior window cleaning must be performed under what conditions: * A. 被清潔的窗戶須已安裝窗花,而該窗花須鎖上或被固定,以防止窗花被開啟。The window being cleaned is fitted with a grille which is locked or secured in a manner that prevents the grille from being opened. B. 傭工除了手臂外,身體其他部分不得伸出窗外。No part of the Helper’ body extends beyond the window ledge except the arms. C. 無論基於什麼情況下僱主都不能要求傭工清潔外窗。 Employer shall not request Helper to clean the exterior window under any circumstances. D. A+B 19. 傭工與同一僱主續訂僱傭合約但押後返回原居地度假,其簽證有效期通常最多為_________年 If a FDH renew an ID407 with same employer with home leave deferred, their new FDH employemnt visa is usually no more then ______year(s )? * page 8 #23 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4 20. 如果僱主家庭住址有更改,僱主需要通知該傭工及入境事務處處長,並送交一份僱主及傭工雙 方簽署的______; If the Employer’s residential address changes, the Employer shall submit ______, duly signed by both the Employer and the FDH, to the Director of Immigration for record. * A. ID407 B. ID407G C. ID407E D. ID936 21. 在_____年四月一日前獲入境事務處處長批准讓傭工在外住宿的僱主,只要繼續僱傭傭工,且 未曾中斷超過六個月,便可繼續讓傭工在外住宿。Employer who have obtained the Director of Immigration's approval before 1 April___ __to allow their FDH to live out can continue to do so, so long as they continue to employ the same FDH without a break of more than 6 months * Page 5 Letter A A. 2003 B. 2005 C. 2008 D. 2018 22. 《從外國受聘來港家庭傭工簽證/延長逗留期限申請表格》指的是?Which is the correct form for a FDH to apply for the "Visa/Extension of Stay for Domestic Helper from Abroad" ? * A.ID988A B.ID988B C.ID407 D.ID929 23. 傭工在限期后留港可被檢控,一經定罪,最高可判罰款________及監禁兩年 Helper who remain in HK after the permitted period are liable to prosecution and are subject to a fine of up to __________ and imprisonment for up to two years on conviction. * page 8 located in Note: A. HKD 50,000; A. HKD 60,000; A. HKD 70,000; A. HKD 80,000; 24. 任何人士非法扣除工資屬犯罪,可被判________及監禁一年 Any person who unlawfully deducts wages commits an offence and is liable to a fine of ________and to imprisonment for one year * #38 A,HKD 100,000 B,HKD 200,000 C,HKD 300,000 D,HKD 400,000 25. 外傭損壞或遺失僱主的用具,每次只可按值扣除,但不可超過: How much is the maximum deduction per item per incident if a FDH damages or losses an employer’s properties? * A. $ 100 為限 $100maximum B. $ 200 為限 $200maximum C. $ 300 為限 $300maximum D. $ 400 為限 $400maximum E. $ 500 為限 $500maximum 26. 外傭損壞或遺失僱主的用具,每次只可按值扣除,在這些情況下扣除的工資總額,亦不得超過 僱員該工資期所得工資的? What is the maximum percentage of monthly wage that an employer may deduct from the FDH's salary if a FDH damages or losses several of an employer’s properties? * A.10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 25% E. 30% 27. 遞交延長合約期不多於一個月的申請時,所需文件是:In making an applicaiton for extension of not more than one month, the following documents are required: * A. ID988A B. ID407 正本 original copies of ID407 C. 僱主簽署的確認信,說明延長合約期的原因,并確定延長合約期后將不需續約聘請該名傭工及 a supporting letter signed by the employer stating the reason for such extension and undertaking that upon such extension no renewal of contract with the same helper will be required and D. 傭工的旅行證件正本 original of the helper's travel document E. B+C+D F. A+B+C+D 28. 傭工如在任何法定假日之前,層連續為僱主工作______個月,則可享有該假日的假日工資 If the helper has worked continuously for the employer for ______ months preceding any of these holidays, she is entitled to be paid for that statutory holiday. * A. 3 B. 6 C.9 D.12 29. 每日的疾病津貼相等於每日平均工資的____________The daily rate of sickness allowance is equal to _______of the average daily wages. * A. 50% B. 60% C. 70% D. 80% 30. 傭工在合約終止或期滿后,因受阻而被迫延遲離港,她應在獲准逗留期限屆滿前向_________ 申請延期留港一段短時間。Should the helper be unavoidably delayed in leaving HK after the termination or expiry of her contract she should apply to the _________for a short extension of stay before her permitted stay expires * A. 駐港領事館 Consulate B. 入境事務處處長 Director of Immigration C. 僱主 Employer D. 勞工處 HK Labour Department 31. 外傭的每月最低薪金已於 2018 年 09 月調整至港幣: Minimum monthly salary of foreign domestic helpers was adjusted to HKD in Sep of 2018? * A. 4,520 B. 4,010 C. 4,110 D. 4,210 E. 4,410 32. 傭工在僱傭合約合約上的簽署必須與下列哪些文件的簽署相同?The helper's signature on the ID407 must be the same as that on ___________________? * A. ID988A B. Passport C. ID988B D. A+B E. B+C 33. 根據 ID407 以下說法正確的是?According to ID 407 which of the following is correct ? * A. 在沒有得到傭工同意下僱主應以現金支付工資 wages shall be paid by the employer in cash without Helper’s consent. B. 在沒有得到傭工同意下僱主應以支票支付工資 wages shall be paid by the employer in cheque without Helper’s consent. C. 在沒有得到傭工同意下僱主可將工資存入傭工的銀行賬戶。wages shall be paid by the employer into helper's bank account without Helper’s consent. D. 以上都不是。None of above 34. 在任何情況下,傭工獲準留港的指定期限都不會超過護照到期日前的________: Any given permission for a FDH to stay in HK will expire on a specified date which in any case shall not be beyond ________ days prior to the expiry of the passport, * A. 3 天 3 days B. 7 天 7 days C. 1 個月 1 month D. 3 個月 3 months 35. 任何僱主如少付工資給僱員,即屬犯罪,可被判罰款港幣________元及監禁_____年。Any employer who underpays wages commits and offence and is liable to a fine of _____ and to imprisonment for________years. * A. HK$360,000; 5 B. HK$350,000; 6 C. HK$360,000; 3 D. HK$350,000; 3 36. 請判斷以下說法是否正確? 傭工在受僱的首 12 個月內,每受僱滿一個月,可享有四日有薪病 假。Please judge whether the following statement is correct. The Helper is entitled to sickness allowance at the rate of 4 paid sickness days for each completed month of employment during the first 12 months of employment. * A. 正確 Correct B. 錯誤 Error 37. 請判斷以下說法是否正確?ID407 的屆滿日期不是傭工留港的最後期限。實際的最後期限是傭 工護照上註明的逗留期限。Please judge whether the following statement is correct. The expiry date of the ID407 is not the last permitted date of the FDH's stay in the HKSAR. The actual end date is the limit of stay on the FDH's passport. * A. 正確 Correct B. 錯誤 Error 38. 請判斷以下說法是否正確,按照《僱員補償條例》的規定而購買的外傭保險,一般並不包括非 因工受僱而引致的疾病或意外, 但如果非工作意外發生, 僱主仍然須負責醫療費用。Please judge whether the following statement is correct. The liability of the employer to provide free medical treatment for the FDH who is ill or suffering from personal injury not attributable to his/her employment is normally not covered by insurance policy for the purpose of the Employees' Compensation Ordinance; nonetheless, the employer remains responsible for such expenses for non-work related accidents. A. 正確 Correct B. 錯誤 Error 39. 請判斷以下說法是否正確?傭工受僱 2 個月,則不論僱傭合約是以何種理由終止,她可獲發按 比例計算的工資代替年假。Please judge whether the following statement is correct? If the FDH employment contract is terminated for whatever reason, after 2 months or more but less than12 months, the FDH should be paid a pro rata sum in lieu of annual leave. * A. 正確 Correct B. 錯誤 Error 40. 除非得到勞工處處長書面批准,否則所扣除的工資總額(因缺勤而扣除工資及除外)不得超過 該工資期內應支付的工資的四分之一。Except with the approval in writing from the Commissioner for Labour, the total of all deductions, excluding those for absence from work, made in any one wage period must not exceed One quarter of the wages payable for that period. * A. 正確 Correct B. 錯誤 Error