5468-Tank Cleaning Checklist

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Form No: CHEM/003


(A) Before tank cleaning
 1 Did you check cleaning guidebook for procedure regarding tank cleaning?
 2 Has the cleaning standard requirement of load port/charterer been confirmed?
 3 Did you prepare cleaning plan and make it known to crew well?
 4 Did you post the cleaning plan in CCR?
 5 Did you consider effect of cleaning to adjacent tanks?
 6 Did you check stock of FW, cleaning detergents and cleaning solvent?
 7 Did you discuss cleaning plan with engine department?
 8 Did you make the properties (hazards) of unloaded cargo known to crew well?
 9 Did you make the properties (hazards, etc) and safe using method of cleaning
detergents and cleaning solvent known to crew?
 10 Did you give precautionary knowledge to crew for safety?
 11 Did you instruct crew to wear protective clothes and equipment?
 12 Did you test function of measuring equipment e.g. oxygen meter, combustible gas
meter, chemical gas detector?
 13 Are all scuttles of accommodation quarter closed?
 14 Are all doors of accommodation quarter closed?
 15 Did you confirm eye washer and shower on upper deck to be functional?
 16 Did you ready accommodation ventilation with re-circulation mode?
 17 Did you make deck tidy and in order?
 18 Did you clean deck to remove vegetable oil, etc?
 19 Was enough lighting for working in the dark prepared?
 20 Is safe working condition secured and maintained on the spot?
 21 Was communication system confirmed to be functional?
 22 Did you discuss and agree amongst crew procedures for emergency cases?
 23 Are Walkie- talkies functional?
 24 Did you agree and instruct arrangement of personnel on working spot?
 25 Is all equipment to be used for cleaning and confirmed to be safe and functional?
 26 Are necessary lines and hoses connected as per the plan?
 27 Are lines and hoses connected properly and securely?
 28 Is condition (open/ close) of valves as per the plan?
 29 Are lines used for cleaning segregated properly from the others?
 30 Are valves used for cleaning functional and in good condition?
 31 Is condition (open/ close) of valves indicated in CCR?
 32 Are lashing ropes arranged for valve handles?
 33 Has electric conducting wires on tank cleaning hoses been tested?
 34 Are weather and other circumstances taken into consideration for cleaning operations?
 35 Is the After discharge (empty tank) certificate CHEM/018 issued by surveyor?
 36 Has cable straps on fixed tank cleaning machines been removed by Chief Off. or Duty
Reported by Confirmed by

Chief Mate of M/ T Master of M/ T

Date : Date :

Rev: 00 Page 1 of 3
Form No: CHEM/003


(B) During tank cleaning

 1 Are cleaning operations progressing as per the plan?

 2 Is close communication being kept with engine department?
 3 Are working condition of tank cleaning machines being monitored frequently?
 4 Are tank cleaning machines being lashed to tank in rough sea (if practicable)?
 5 Is pressure and temperature of cleaning water being checked frequently?
 6 Are pump, boiler, heater working well?
 7 Confirm steam pressure inside the tank is not building up.
 8 Was vent line cleaned and drained and breather valve opened and cleaned?
 9 Is tank washings being discharged from tank immediately?
 10 Is result of every process of cleaning being inspected closely in tank by responsible
 11 Do you check if seawater spray, cleaning water or other foreign matter is not entering
into tank through openings?
 12 Is safe working practice being maintained on the spot?
 13 Is progress and result of cleaning being reported to the company as necessary?
 14 Is record of tank cleaning progress kept in cleaning log in details?
 15 Is every necessary information passed when shift (duty) is changed?

Reported by Confirmed by

Chief Mate of M/ T Master of M/ T

Date : Date :

Rev: 00 Page 2 of 3
Form No: CHEM/003


(C) After tank cleaning

 1 Is finished condition of cleaning checked?

a. Residue of previous cargo and cleaning detergent
b. Dryness
c. Wall wash test
 2 Is finished condition of cargo line, vent line, cargo hose and strainer checked?
(Remained water, odour, foreign matter, cargo residue, etc)
 3 Is proper preventive measure given to tank to prevent fouling after cleaning?
 4 Was result of cleaning report to the company?
 5 Were equipments used for cleaning (hose, cleaning machine, etc) washed, cleaned and
stowed in order?
 6 Was tank cleaning heater cleaned and drained completely?
 7 Were tank cleaning line, steam and steam drain lines drained?
 8 Were all the outfitting in tank such as cargo pump, cargo line, valve, heating coil and
level gauge inspected by observation?
 9 Wasn’t anything such as waste rag, bolt, nut, tool left behind in tank?
 10 Were deck and pump room cleaned?
 11 Is deck dept tidy?
 12 Was stock of cleaning materials such as detergent checked and reported?
 13 Was condition of coating and tank structure checked and recorded?
 14 Is cleaning detergent and cleaning solvent being handled and stowed with proper
 15 Is safe working practice being maintained?
 16 Was oil record book and/ or cargo record book entered properly?

Reported by Confirmed by

Chief Mate of M/ T Master of M/ T

Date: Date:

Rev: 00 Page 3 of 3

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