Schematic Diagram of The Hydraulic System

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The document describes the components and flow of a hydraulic system used for heat transfer.

The hydraulic system circulates a heat transfer fluid continuously to transfer heat between different parts of the system.

The main components include a reservoir, pump, rotary valves, regenerator beds, heat exchangers, flow meters and distributors that work together to regulate the flow and temperature of the fluid.

Schematic Diagram of the Hydraulic System

A schematic diagram of the hydraulic system is shown in this figure .the central part of the
diagram shows four beds; each of them representing the two bed pairs with the same flow
profile. The regenerative cycle gives rise a temperature profile so that the left-hand side of the
diagram is the hot end while the right-hand side is the cold end. To reduce parasitic losses at the
cold end, the majority of the components in the device, including the rotary valves, are placed at
the hot end.

Figure: Schematic diagram of the Hydraulic system

The flow distribution system pumps the heat transfer fluid continuously through the system, as
indicated by the arrows in this Figure. At the particular instant in time depicted in the diagram,
the first regenerator bed (13) is considered magnetized and the third regenerator bed (15) is
considered demagnetized. A fluid particle leaving the reservoir (1) is then suctioned by the gear
pump (2) that increases the pressure of the fluid stream. A needle valve (4) mounted in a flow
bypass sets the flow rate, which is measured by an electromagnetic flow meter (5).The
temperature of the fluid entering the regenerator from the hot side,i.e., the so-called hot
reservoir temperature (T1), is set by a parallel-plate heat exchanger (6) connected to a
temperature-controlled bath (7). The flow passes through a 0.14-mm filter (8) and a purge valve
(9) before entering the high-pressure rotary valve (10) at a pressure P1. The valve allows fluid
flow to the demagnetized beds (15) via the hot-end flow distributor (12). The inlet and outlet
ports of the regenerator are equipped with check valves (18) to direct the flow coming from the
rotary valves. The cold end flow distributor (19) receives the cold fluid coming from the
regenerator at a temperatureT2 and pressure P2. The fluid flow rate at the cold end is measured
by a paddle wheel flow meter (21) before entering the screw-type heat exchanger (22) in which
an immersion electric heater is used to simulate a thermal load. A flow bypass at the cold end
(24) controls the flow rate through the heat exchanger (22). After the thermal load is applied,
the flow at a temperatureT3 and pressure P3 returns to the magnetized beds (13) which are
opened to flow by the low-pressure rotary valve (11). Finally, the fluid flow returns to the
reservoir (1) at a temperature T4 and pressure P4.The absence of a rotary valve at the cold end
requires the use of check valves in the channels of the regenerator beds, as shown in the
cutaway view of the regenerator, magnetic circuit and cold end flow distributor in Fig. 7.The
check valves prevent any flow bypassing the cold heat exchanger. Also, the fluid flow rate is
measured at the cold end just before entering the heat exchanger. The hot and cold end flow
distributors were fabricated in acrylic resin (PMMA) to allow visual access to the correct
functioning of the flow distribution, i.e., movement of the check valves.

The Components used in this Hydraulic system

(1) reservoir, (2) pump, (3) relief valve, (4) needle valve (flow bypass), (5) electromagnetic flow
meter, (6) hot heat ex-changer, (7) temperature controlled bath, (8) filter, (9) purge valve, (10)
high-pressure rotary valve, (11) low-pressure rotary valve, (12) hot end flow distributor (13-16)
regenerator beds, (17) magnet, (18) check valves, (19) cold end flow distributor, (20) filter,
(21)paddle wheel flow meter, (22) cold heat exchanger, (23) purge valve, and (24) flow bypass.

(1) reservoir
Me((What Is A Hydraulic Reservoir?

The hydraulic reservoir can be thought of as a container that is capable of holding the fluid
required by the system. It also includes a reserve to cover any kind of losses from minor leakage
and evaporation. The reservoir can be made mainly to provide space for the expansion of the
fluid, permit air entrained in the fluid to escape and to help in cooling the fluid))

Hydraulic Reservoir

Hydraulic systems always require a *finite quantity of fluid* usually liquid, that should be stored
and reused continually as the systems keep on working. Thus, part of a hydraulic reservoir or
tank is a very important part of hydraulic systems. This reservoir or tank may be a *part of the
framework* of the main machine or maybe a *separate stand-alone unit*. In both cases, the
design of the reservoir and implementation plays an important role.
(2) pump
Me((A gear pump uses the meshing of gears to pump fluid by displacement. They are one of the
most common types of pumps for hydraulic fluid power applications. The gear pump was
invented around 1600 by Johannes Kepler.))

Gear pumps are widely used in chemical installations to pump high viscosity fluids. There are
*two main variations*: external gear pumps which use two external spur gears, and internal
gear pumps which use an external and an internal spur gears. Gear pumps are positive
displacement (or fixed displacement), meaning they pump a constant amount of fluid for each
revolution. Some gear pumps are designed to function as either a motor or a pump.
(3) relief valve
Hydraulic Relief Valves

Me((Relief valves are the most common type of pressure-control valves. The relief valves’
function may vary, depending on a system’s needs. They can provide overload protection for
circuit components or limit the force or torque exerted by a linear actuator or rotary motor.))

The internal design of all relief valves is basically * similar*. The valves consist of two sections: a
body section containing a piston that is retained on its seat by a spring(s), depending on the
model, and a cover or pilot-valve section that hydraulically controls a body piston’s movement.
The adjusting screw adjusts this control within the range of the valves.

Valves that provide emergency overload protection do not operate as often since other valve
types are used to load and unload a pump. However, relief valves should be cleaned regularly by
reducing their pressure adjustments to flush out any possible sludge deposits that may
(4) needle valve (flow bypass)
Needle Valves

Me((A needle valve is used to make relatively fine adjustments in the amount of fluid flow.

The distinguishing characteristic of a needle valve is the long, tapered, needlelike point on the
end of the valve stem.))

This "needle" acts as a disk. The *longer part of the needle is smaller than the orifice* in the
valve seat and passes through the orifice before the needle seats. This arrangement permits a
very gradual increase or decrease in the size of the opening. Needle valves are often used as
component parts of other, more complicated valves. For example, they are used in some types of
reducing valves.

(5) electromagnetic flow meter

Introduction to Magnetic Flow Meters

A magnetic flow meter (mag flow meter) is a volumetric flow meter which does not have
any *moving parts* and is ideal for wastewater applications or any dirty liquid which is
conductive or water based. Magnetic flow meters will generally not work with hydrocarbons,
distilled water and many non-aqueous solutions). Magnetic flow meters are also ideal for
applications where low pressure drop and low maintenance are required.

Me((Principle of Operation:

The operation of a magnetic flow meter or mag meter is based upon Faraday's Law, which states
that the voltage induced across any conductor as it moves at right angles through a magnetic
field is proportional to the velocity of that conductor. ))
(6) hot heat exchanger
A heat exchanger is a system used to transfer heat between two or more fluids. Heat exchangers
are *used in both cooling and heating processes*.[1] The fluids may be separated by a solid wall
to prevent mixing or they may be in direct contact.[2] Me((They are widely used in space
heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power stations, chemical plants, petrochemical plants,
petroleum refineries, natural-gas processing, and sewage treatment. Another example is the heat
sink, which is a passive heat exchanger that transfers the heat generated by an electronic or a
mechanical device to a fluid medium, often air or a liquid coolant.))
(7) temperature controlled bath
Me((Hydraulic system liquids are used primarily to transmit and distribute forces to various
units to be actuated. Liquids are able to do this because they are almost incompressible.))
Pascal’s Law states that pressure applied to any part of a confined liquid is transmitted with
undiminished intensity to every other part. Thus, if a number of *passages exist in a system*,
pressure can be distributed through all of them by means of the liquid.

Manufacturers of hydraulic devices usually specify the type of liquid best suited for use with
their equipment in view of the working conditions, the service required, temperatures expected
inside and outside the systems, pressures the liquid must withstand, the possibilities of
corrosion, and other conditions that must be considered.
(8) filter
Filters are another important component in any hydraulic system. A filter prevents

Hydraulic filter

contaminants from entering the hydraulic system and ensures satisfactory working with
minimum maintenance. Me((A suction line filter is located at the suction side of the pump and
prevents the contaminants in the reservoir fluid from entering the hydraulic system. Reservoir
fluid can get contaminated from small atmospheric dust particles coming from the air
breather)). The return line filter is located at the end of the return line. Small particles enter the
fluid due to wear of the system.
(9) purge valve
The JASC Purge Air Check Valve is designed for continuous through-air operation with air
temperature in excess of 400° F and operating pressure up to 1200 PSIG. JASC’s Purge Air Check
Valve is designed to operate on water, Stoddard solvent, naphtha, jet fuel, diesel fuel, synthetic
oil and hydraulic oil.

Me((The JASC Purge Air Check Valve is contamination tolerant, chatter resistant and provides an
ANSI Class 6 zero-leak seal in the check direction. JASC’s Purge Air Check Valve provides toggle
action when opening and closing to prevent the check valve from experiencing high frequency
oscillation and premature wear of the valve internals.))
(10) high-pressure rotary valve
Me((The three-way Rotary valve concept is illustrated in Figs The design consists of a stationary
sleeve and a rotating/trans-lating spool. The sleeve is designed to replace part of the pump
housing in order to minimize the dead volume between the pump outlet and the spool. ))The
outlet flow of the pump is directed to tangential nozzles that port fluid to the *inner diameter of
the sleeve* bore and into the inlet section of the spool. The cross sections of the nozzles are
rhombic shaped to match the helical land as this minimizes the on/off transition time for a given
flow area(Fig..The spool, shown in Fig., rotates and translates within the sleeve bore. The inlet
(center) section of the spool is partitioned into two flow paths (highlighted in dark and light gray
in Fig. by overlapping helical lands. Internal pathways along the axis

(11) low-pressure rotary valve

The Rotary Valve is an important component of pneumatic transmission systems. *The rotary
valve control the flow of various granular, grain or powdered materials from places such as silos,
bunkers, cyclones, filters, mixers.* Cell rollers are used to prevent air flow between zones where
material under pressure, vacuum or gravity is taken and discharged. *This machine ensures a
steady and stable flow of the product.*
(13-16) Regenerator beds

Whereas in recuperators, where heat is transferred directly and immediately through a partition
wall of some kind, from *a hot to a cold fluid*, both of which flow simultaneously through the
exchanger, the operation of the regenerative heat exchanger involves the temporary storage of
the heat transferred in a packing which possesses the necessary thermal capacity. One
consequence of this is that in regenerative heat exchangers or thermal regenerators, *the hot
and cold fluids pass through the same channels in the packing*, alternately, both fluids washing
the same surface area. In recuperators, the hot and cold fluids pass simultaneously through
different but adjacent channels.

Me((In thermal regenerator operation the hot fluid passes through the channels of the packing
for a length of time called the "hot period," at the end of which, the hot fluid is switched off. A
reversal now takes place when the cold fluid is admitted into the channels of the packing,
initially driving out any hot fluid still resident in these channels, thereby purging the
regenerator. The cold fluid then flows through the regenerator for a length of time called the
"cold period," at the end of which the cold fluid is switched off and another reversal occurs in
which, this time, the hot fluid purges the channels of the packing of any remaining cold fluid. A
fresh hot period then begins.))
(17) magnet
Pneumatic cylinders carry many advantages in terms of r*elatively low first cost, application
simplicity, and durability.* To integrate a pneumatic cylinder into an automated system,
electrical signals must be supplied to the controller indicating the position status of the
cylinders. Toward that end, *pneumatic cylinder manufacturers, machine builders*, and end
users have developed a number of ways to detect extension or retraction of a pneumatic
cylinder and provide an electrical signal to the control system.
(18) check valves
Check valves are normally in the close position and open when the fluid flows through it. It also
has the capability of shutting off the flow in the event the pressure downstream exceeds the
upstream pressure. Me((It is used for flow in one direction only. Thus it prevents backflow
through the valve. Because flow of the fluid through the valve is allowed to be in one direction
only, check valves must be installed properly by noting the normal direction of flow. An arrow
stamped on the outside of the valve body indicates the direction of flow. ))Check valves may be
classified as *swing check valve and lift check valve*. The L/D ratio for check valves range from
50 for the swing check valve to as high as 600 for lift check valves.

(19) cold end flow distributor

This is because; both pulse tube and reservoir pressure amplitudes decrease when the orifice
valve is opened. But in the DPTR system, additional mass flow rates occur through the DI valve,
which leads to *slightly increased pressure amplitude* for both pulse tube and reservoir as can
be seen from the below figures. compressor pressure Fig plots the *mass flow rates of
compressor,* cold and hot ends for the specific case of DPTR. Me((Mass flow rate through cold
zone is slightly larger when compared to that of compressor. This is due to density differences of
working gas in compressor (which is at ambient temperature) and at cold end.))
(21)paddle wheel flow meter
Me(( The F-1000 Paddlewheel Flow Meters are easy to install, battery-powered and a great
value for many full pipe water flow applications. The F-1000 Paddlewheel Flow Meters feature
high quality, durable materials that provide long operational life in a variety of applications,
including mildly corrosive liquids. With their simple strap-on saddle or T-mount installation
fittings, the F-1000 Paddlewheel Flow Meters install quickly on most standard pipe sizes, and
they can be mounted in virtually any position. )) The Paddlewheel Flow Meter's *easy to read, 6-
digit LDC display indicates both rate of flow and total flow,* and includes a reset button for the
totalizer. Once the F-1000 Paddlewheel Flow Meters is installed, its meter head and mechanical
portion may be quickly removed for maintenance or replacement.
(22) cold heat exchanger
Me((Heat exchanger, any of several devices that transfer heat from a hot to a cold fluid. In many
engineering applications it is desirable to increase the temperature of one fluid while cooling
another. This double action is economically accomplished by a heat exchanger.)) The cooling of
air or other gases with water between stages of compression, and the preheating of combustion
air supplied to a boiler furnace using *hot flue gas as the heating medium.* Other uses include
the transfer of heat from metals to water in atomic power plants and the reclaiming of heat
energy from the exhaust of a gas turbine by transferring heat to the compressed air on its way to
the combustion chambers. *Heat exchangers are used extensively in fossil-fuel and nuclear
power plants, gas turbines, heating and air-conditioning, refrigeration, and the chemical
industry.* The devices are given different names when they serve a special purpose. Thus
boilers, evaporators, superheaters, condensers, and coolers may all be considered heat
(24) Flow bypass
The deceleration valve in this case to become knowledgeable more about the type of the valves
for application in the hydraulic system. The *hydraulic cylinder often has built-in cushions that
slow down the cylinder pistons at the extreme end of theirs travel.* Me((An external valve is
required when it is necessary to decelerate a cylinder at some intermediate position or to slow
down or stop. The deceleration valve is restricter type flow control. It is usually used in meter-
out circuit. Most deceleration valves are cam operator with tapered spool. It is gradually
decrease flow to or form an actuator for smooth stopping or deceleration)). A normally open
valve cuts off flow when a cam depresses its plunger. It may be used to slow the speed of a drill
head cylinder at the transition from rapid traverse to feed.

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