Indesign Cs5 Shortcuts: Windows Mac Windows Mac

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InDesign CS5 Shortcuts Windows Mac
InDesign Help F1 Help Step & Repeat Ctrl+Alt+U Command+Option+U
Herff Jones Select All Ctrl+A Command+A
plug-ins Herff Jones Herff Jones Deselect All Ctrl+Shift+A Command+Shift+A
Layout Builder/ Window menu Window menu Edit in Story Editor Ctrl+Y Command+Y
Art Placer/GO! Design Libraries Quick Apply Ctrl+Enter Commmand+Return
Redraw screen Shift+F5 Shift+F5 Find/Change Ctrl+F Command+F
Preferences General Ctrl+K Command+K Find Next Ctrl+Alt+F Command+Option+F
Delete Preferences Check Spelling Ctrl+I Command+I
at start up Ctrl+Alt+Shift Command+Shift+Option+Ctrl Insert selected text into
Find What box Crtl+F1 Command+F1
Change To box Crtl+F2 Command+F2
Update Content Ctrl + F5
New Ctrl+N Command +N
Open Ctrl+O Command+O
Browse (Adobe Bridge) Ctrl+Alt+O Command+Option+O Indexing
Close Document Ctrl+W Command+W Index Palette Shift+F8 Shift+F8
Close All Ctrl+Alt+Shift+W Command +Shift+Option+W Mark Proper Names Ctrl+Alt+Shift+] Command+Option+Shift+]
Save Ctrl+S Command+S Mark Clubs/Businesses Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[ Command+Option+Shift+[
Save as Ctrl+Shift+S Command +Shift+S Nonbreaking Space Ctrl+Alt+X Command+Option+X
Save a Copy Ctrl+Alt+S Command+Option+S Index New Cross
Save All Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S Command+Shift+Option+S Reference Ctrl+U Command+U
Place Ctrl+D Command+D
Export Ctrl+E Command+E Layout
Document Setup Ctrl+Alt+P Command+Option+P Add New Page Ctrl+Shift+P Command+Shift+P
File Info Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I Command+Option+Shift+I Go toPage Ctrl+J Command+J
Package Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P Command+Option+Shift+P First Page Ctrl+Shift+Page Up Command+Shift+Page Up
Print Ctrl+P Command+P Previous Page Shift+Page Up Shift+Page Up
Exit Ctrl+Q Command+Q Next Page Shift+Page Down Shift+Page Down
Clear Local Last Page Ctrl+Shift+Page Down Command+Shift+Page Down
Display Settings Ctrl+Shift+F2 Command+Shift+F2 Next Spread Alt+Page Down Option+Page Down
Override All Master Previous Spread Alt+Page Up Option+Page Up
Page Items Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L Command+Shift+Option+L Go Back Ctrl+Page Up Command+Page Up
Go Forward Ctrl+Page Down Command+Page Down
Undo Ctrl+Z Command+Z
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Command+Shift+Z Type
Cut Ctrl+X Comamand+X Character Styles
Copy Ctrl+C Command+C Make style match text Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C
Paste Ctrl+V Command+V Command+Shift+Option+C
Paste without Formatting Ctrl+Shift+V Command+Shift+V Character
Paste Into Ctrl+Alt+V Command+Option+V All Caps Ctrl+Shift+K Command+Shift+K
Paste in Place Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V Command+Option+Shift+V Small Caps Ctrl+Shift+H Command+Shift+H
Clear Backspace Backspace Strikethrough Ctrl+Shift+/ Command+Shift+/
Duplicate Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D Command+Option+Shift+D Subscript Ctrl+Alt+Shift+(+) Command+Shift+Option+(+)
alternate Alt+drag Option+drag Superscript Ctrl+Shift+(+) (plus sign) Command+Shift+(+) (plus sign)
Underline Ctrl+Shift+U Command+Shift+U
Windows Mac Windows Mac
Paragraph Trademark Alt+2 Option+2
Make style match text Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R Command+Shift+Option+R Insert White Space
Drop Caps & Em Space Ctrl+Shift+M Command+Shift+M
Nested Styles Ctrl+Alt+R Command+Option+R En Space Ctrl+Shift+N Command+Shift+N
Set Keep Options Ctrl+Alt+K Command+Option+K Forced Line Break Shift + Enter Shift + Enter
Paragraph Rules Ctrl+Alt+J Command+Option+J Nonbreaking Space Ctrl+Alt+X Command+Option+X
Paragraph Justification Ctrl+Shift+Alt+J Shift+Command+Option+J Thin Space Alt+Shift+Ctrl+M Command+Shift+Option+M
Character Ctrl+T Command+T
Paragraph Ctrl+Alt+T Command+Option+T Text
Tabs Ctrl+Shift+T Command+Shift+T Align Center Ctrl+Shift+C Command+Shift+C
Switch between Justify (all but last line) Ctrl+Shift+J Command+Shift+J
alignment options Alt + click tab Option + click tab Justify (all lines) Ctrl+Shift+F Command+Shift+F
Character Styles Shift+F11 Command+Shift+F11 Align Left Ctrl+Shift+L Command+Shift+L
Paragraph Styles F11 Command+F11 Align Right Ctrl+Shift+R Command+Shift+R
Glyphs Alt+Shift+F11 Option+Shift+F11 Justify Center Ctl+Alt+Shift+C Command+Option+Shift+C
Remove styles & local formatting Alt/Option+click paragraph style name Align to Grid Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G Command+Shift+Option+G
Clear overrides for Apply Bold Ctrl+Shift+B Command+Shift+B
Paragraph styles Alt/Option + Shift - click paragraph style name Apply Italic Ctrl+Shift+I Command+Shift+I
Show/hide Paragraph & F11 Command + F11 Apply Normal Ctrl+Shift+Y Command+Shift+Y
Character styles panels Shift + F11 Command + Shift + F11 Auto flow text Shift+click loaded text icon
Change options without Ctrl + Shift + Alt-double-click style Auto Leading Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A Command+Shift+Option+A
appyling styles Command + Shift + Option-double-click style Auto-Hyphenate off/on Ctrl+Alt+ Shift+H Command+Shift+Option+H
Create Outlines Ctrl+Shift+O Command+Shift+O Hyphenation On/Off
Create Outlines Without Selected Text Ctrl+Alt+H Comamnd+Option+H
Deleting Text Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O Command+Shift+Option+O Decrease Kerning/
Show Hidden Characters Ctrl+Alt+I Command+Option+I Tracking Alt+Right Arrow Option+Right Arrow
Soft Return Shift+Enter Shift+Return Decrease Kerning/
Insert Special Character Tracking x5 Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow Command+Option+Right Arrow
Current Page Number Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N Command+Shift+Option+N Increase Kerning/
Discretionary Hyphen Ctrl+Shift+- (hyphen) Command+Shift+- (hyphen) Tracking Alt+Left Arrow Option+Left Arrow
Indent to Here Ctrl+\ Command+\ Increase Kerning/
Nonbreaking Hyphen Ctrl +Alt+- (hyphen) Command+Option+- (hyphen) Tracking x5 Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow Command+Option+Left Arrow
Right Indent Tab Shift+Tab Shift+Tab Clear Kerning/Tracking Ctrl+Shift+Q Command+Shift+Q
Bullet Character Alt+8 Option+8 Decrease Leading Alt+Down Arrow Option+Down Arrow
Copyright Symbol Alt+G Option+G Decrease Leading x5 Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow Command+Option+Down Arrow
Ellipsis Alt+; (semi-colon) Option+; (semi-colon) Increase Leading Alt+Up Arrow Option+Up Arrow
Em Dash Alt+Shift+- (hyphen) Option+Shift+- (hyphen) Increase Leading x5 Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow Command+Option+Up Arrow
En Dash Alt+- (hyphen) Option+- (hyphen) Decrease Point Size Ctrl+Shift+< Command+Shift+<
Paragraph Symbol Alt+7 Option+7 Decrease Point Size x5 Ctrl+Alt+Shift+< Command+Option+Shift+<
Quotation Mark Increase Point Size Ctrl+Shift+> Command+Shift+>
Single Left Alt+] N/A Increase Point Size x5 Ctrl+Alt+Shift+> Command+Shift+Option+>
Single Right Shift+Alt+] N/A Decrease Kerning Ctrl+Alt+Backspace Command+Option+Delete
Double Left Alt+[ N/A Decrease Kerning x5 Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Backspace Command+Option+Shift+Delete
Double Right Shift+Alt+[ N/A Increase Kerning Ctrl+Alt+\ Command+Option+\
Straight Quotes Increase Kerning x5 Ctrl+Alt+Shift+\ Command+Shift+Option+\
Single Alt+’ Control+’ Move to beginning of story Ctrl+Home Command+Home
Double Alt+Shift+’ Control+Shift+’ Move to end of story Ctrl+End Command+End
Registered Trademark Alt+R Option+R Move to end of line End End
Windows Mac Windows Mac
Move to left one word Ctrl+Left Arrow Command+Left Arrow Bring to Front Ctrl+Shift+] Command+Shift+]
Move to right one word Ctrl+Right Arrow Command+Right Arrow Bring Forward Ctrl+] Command+]
Move to start of line Home Home Send Backward Ctrl+[ Command+[
Recompose All Stories Ctrl+Alt+/ Command+Option+/ Send to Back Ctrl+Shift+[ Command+Shift+[
Select All Ctrl+A Command+A Select
Deselect All Ctrl+Shift+A Command+Shift+A First Object Above Ctrl+Alt+Shift+] Command+Option+Shift+]
Select Line Ctrl+Shift+\ Command+Shift+\ Next Object Above Ctrl+Alt+] Command+Option+]
alternate Triple-click Triple-click Next Object Below Ctrl+Alt+[ Command+Option+[
Select one character Last Object Below Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[ Command+Option+Shift+[
to left Shift+Left Arrow All Objects on Layer Alt+Click Layer Option+Click layer
Shift+Left Arrow Copy selection to layer Alt/Option+drag small square to new layer
to right Shift+Right Arrow Content Shift + Escape
Shift+Right Arrow Container Escape
Select One Line Above Shift+Up Arrow Shift+Up Arrow Group Ctrl+G Command+G
Select One Line Below Shift+Down Arrow Shift+Down Arrow Ungroup Ctrl+Shift+G Command+Shift+G
Select paragraph Quadruple-click Quadruple-Click Lock Position Ctrl+L Command+L
Select one paragraph Unlock On Spread Ctrl+Alt+L Command+Option+L
before Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Text Frame Options Ctrl+B Command+B
Command+Shift+Up Arrow Fit Content to Frame Ctrl+Alt+E Command+Option+E
after Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Fit Frame to Content Ctrl+Alt+C Command+Option+C
Command+Shift+Down Arrow Center Content Shift+Ctrl+E Command+Shift+E
Select one word Double-click Double-click Fit Content Proportionally Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E Command+Shift+Option+E
Select one word to left Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Command+Shift+Left Arrow Fill Frame Proportionally Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C Command+Option+Shift+C
Select one word to right Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Command+Shift+Right Arrow Effects: Drop Shadow Ctrl+Alt+M Command+Option+M
Select to start of story Ctrl+Shift+Home Command+Shift+Home Clipping Path Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K Command+Shift+Option+K
Select to end of story Ctrl+Shift+End Command+Shift+End Compound Path-Make Ctrl+8 Command+8
Select end of line Shift+End Shift+End Compound Path-Release Ctrl+Alt+Shift+8 Command+Option+Shift+8
Select start of line Shift+Home Shift+Home
Select range Shift+Left, Right, Up or Down arrows Table
Delete word in front Table Setup Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B Command+Shift+Option+B
of insertion point Ctrl+Backspace Show Table Shift+F9 Shift+F9
Command+Delete Insert Table Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T
Update missing font list Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/ Command+Option+Shift+/ Insert Column Ctrl+Alt+9 Command+Option+9
Delete Column Shift+Backspace Shift+Delete
Swatches Panel Insert Row Ctrl+9 Command+9
Create new swatch Delete Row Crtl+Backspace Command+Delete
based on current swatch Alt/Option-click new swatch button Move to
Create spot color based next cell Tab Tab
on current swatch Ctrl+Alt/Command+Option-click new swatch button previous cell Shift+Tab Shift+Tab
Change options without Ctrl+Alt+Shift-double-click swatch first/last cell in column Alt+Page Up/Page Down Option+PageUp/Page Down
applying swatch Command+Option+Shift-double-click swatch first/lastcell in row Alt+Home/End Option+Home/End
first/last row in frame PageUp/Page Down
Object up/down one cell Up Arrow/Down Arrow
Hide Ctrl + 3 left/right one cell Left Arrow/Right Arrow
Move Ctrl+Shift+M Command+Shift+M Select
Transform Again Ctrl+Alt+3 Command+Option+3 Table Ctrl+Alt+A Command+Option+A
Transform Sequence Column Ctrl+Alt+3 Command+Option+3
Again Ctrl+Alt+4 Command+Option+4 Row Ctrl+3 Command+3
Windows Mac Windows Mac
Cell Ctrl+/ Command+/ Document Grid Ctrl+’ Command+’
Cell above/below Shift+Up Arrow/Down Arrow Snap to Document Grid Ctrl+Shift+’ Command+Shift+’
Cell to the right/left Shift+Right Arrow/Left Arrow Scroll down one screen Page Down Page Down
Set cell text options Ctrl+Alt+B Command+OPtion+B Scroll up one screen Page Up Page Up
Start row on next column Enter (numeric keypad) Show Structure Crtrl+Alt+1 Command+Option+1
Start row on next frame Shift+Enter (numeric keypad) Switch to previous
Toggle between text selection and cell selection Esc document Ctrl+Shift+~ Command+Shift+~
Switch to next document Ctrl+~ Command+~
all panels in side tabs Ctrl+Alt+Tab Command+Option+Tab
Overprint Preview Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y Command+Shift+Option+Y
Show/Hide all panels,
Zoom In Ctrl+= Command+=
toolbox & Control panel Tab Tab
Ctrl+Spacebar Command+Spacebar
Show all panels except
Zoom Out Ctrl+- (hyphen) Command+- (hyphen)
toolbox & control panel Shift+Tab Shift+Tab
Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar Command+Option+Spacebar
Show text threads Ctrl + Alt + Y Command + Option + Y
Fit Page in Window Ctrl+0 Command+0
Smart Guides Ctrl + U Command + U
Fit Spread in Window Ctrl+Alt+0 Command+Option+0
Double-click Hand tool Double-click Hand tool
Character & Paragraph
Actual Size Ctrl+1 Command+1
modes in Control panel Ctrl+Alt+7
200% Ctrl+2 Command+2
400% Ctrl+4 Command+4
Focus to/from
50% Ctrl+5 Command+5
Control palette Ctrl+6 Command+6
Access Zoom % field Ctrl+Alt+5 Command+Option+5
Measurement System Alt+Shift+Ctrl+U Shift+Command+Option+U
Switch between current &
previous Zoom levels Ctrl+Alt+2 Command+Option+2
Entire Pasteboard Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0 Command+Shift+Option+0 Window
Fast Display Ctrl+Alt + Shift + Z Command+Shift+Option + Z Minimize Windows key+M Command+M
Typical Display Ctrl+Alt+Z Command+Option+Z Hide Application N/A Command+H
High Quality Display Ctrl+Alt+H Command+Option+H Hide Others N/A Commmand+Option+H
First Spread Alt+Shift+Page Up Shift+Option+Page Up Align Shift+F7 Shift+F7
Last Spread Alt+Shift+Page Down Shift+Option+Page Down Color F6 F6
Fit Selection in Window Ctrl+Alt++ (plus sign) Command+Option+ +(plus sign) Control Ctrl+Alt+6 Command+Option+6
Overprint Preview Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y Command+Option+Shift+Y Effects Ctrl+Shift+F10 Command+Shift+F10
Force Redraw Shift+F5 Shift+F5 Info F8 F8
Show Text Threads Ctrl+Alt+Y Command+Option+Y Layers F7 F7
Hide/Show Frame Edges Ctrl+H Command+H Links Ctrl+Shift+D Command+Shift+D
Hide/Show Rulers Ctrl+R Command+R Object & Layout
Hide/Show Guides Ctrl+; Command+; Align Shift+F7 Shift+F7
Hide/Show all palettes Tab Tab Object Styles Ctrl+F7
Lock Guides Ctrl+Alt+; Command+Option+; Output
Resize frame & content Ctrl+drag Command+drag Preflight Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F Commmand+Option+Shift+F
Resize proportionally Ctrl + Shift+ drag Command + Shift+drag Separations Preview Shift+F6 Shift+F6
Select All Guides Ctrl+Alt+G Command+Option+G Quick Apply palette Ctrl+Enter Command+Return
Snap to Guides Ctrl+Shift+; Command+Shift+; Pages F12 Command+F12
Create Zero-point guidelines Ctrl/Command click Zero-point Stroke F10 Command+F10
when dragging guides Swatches F5 F5
Show/Hide Styles
Baseline Grid Ctrl+Alt+’ Command+Option+’ Character Styles Shift+F11 Command+Shift+F11

Windows Mac Windows Mac
Paragraph Styles F11 Command+F11 Type on Path tool Shift+T Shift+T
Object Styles Ctrl + F7 Type tool T T
Text Wrap Ctrl+Alt+W Command+Option+W Zoom tool Z Z
Temporary Zoom in tool Ctrl+Spacebar Command+Spacebar
Temporary Zoom out tool Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar
Type & Tables
Character Ctrl+T Command+T
Index Shift+F8 Shift+F8
Lock/Unlock Zero Point Right-click zero point Control-click zero point
Paragraph Ctrl+Alt+T Command+Option+T
Table Shift+F9 Shift+F9
Glyphs Alt + Shift + F11 Command + Option + F11 Layers Panel
Scripts Ctrl + Alt + F11 Select all objects on layer Alt-click layer Option-click
Copy selection to new layer Alt/Option-drag small square to new layer
Add Anchor Point tool = =
Apply Color , (comma) , (comma) Pages Panel
Apply gradient . (period) . (period) Create Master Page Ctrl/Command-click New Page button
Apply No Color / / Apply master to
Convert Direction selected page Alt-click Master Option-click Master
Point tool Shift+C Shift+C Base another master page
Delete Anchor Point tool - - on selected master Alt/Option-click master you want to be based on
Direct Selection tool A A Insert Pages dialog box Alt-click New Page button Option-click New Page
Ellipse tool L L button
Eyedropper tool I I Add new page after
Free Transform tool E E last page Shift + Ctrl +P Shift + Command + P
Gradient tool G G
Gradient Feather tool Shift+G Shift+G
Hand H H
Temporary Hand tool Alt+Spacebar Option+Spacebar
Line tool \ \
Measure tool K K
Pen tool P P
Pencil tool N N
Position tool Shift+A Shift+A
Rectangle Frame tool F F
Rectangle tool M M
Rotate tool R R
Scale tool S S
Scissors tool C C
Selection tool V or Esc V or Esc
Shear tool O O
Toggle fill & stroke X X
Swap fill & stroke Shift+X Shift+X
Default Fill & Stroke D D
Toggle Text &
Object Control J J
Toggle Normal &
Preview setting W W

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