Powershell Studio Keyboard Shortcuts: General Commands
Powershell Studio Keyboard Shortcuts: General Commands
Powershell Studio Keyboard Shortcuts: General Commands
General Commands:
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Select All Ctrl + A
Delete Del
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
New File Ctrl + N
New Project Ctrl + Shift + N
Open File Ctrl + O
Open Project Ctrl + Shift + O
Save Ctrl + S
Save All Ctrl + Shift + S
Print Ctrl + P
Help F1
Switch to Next Document Tab Ctrl + Tab
Switch to Prev Document Tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Minimize Ribbon Ctrl + F1
Access Ribbon Key Shortcuts Alt or F12
Find in Files Ctrl + Shift + F
Document Commands:
Build All F7
Build Package Ctrl + F7
Build Package and Run
Build MSI Shift + F7
Deploy Files Ctrl + Shift + F7
Preview Form Ctrl + Shift + F5
Debug F5
Run Ctrl + F5
Run Remote F6
Run Remote RSEE Shift + F6
Stop Script Shift + F5
Run in Console Ctrl + F8
Run Selection Shift + F8
Run Selection in Console F8
Format Script Ctrl + Shift + J
Navigation Commands:
Navigate Backwards Ctrl + Shift + -
Navigate Forwards Ctrl + Shift + +
Debugging Commands:
Debug Document F5
Debug with Multiple Files Ctrl + M
Debug Remote (RSEE) Ctrl + F6
Resume F5
Step Into F11
Step Over F10
Step Out Shift + F11
Run to Cursor Ctrl + F10
Toggle Breakpoint F9
Delete all Breakpoints Ctrl + Shift + F9
Toggle Breakpoint Enable Shift + F9
Toggle Tracepoint Ctrl + F9
Delete all Tracepoints Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F9
Designer Commands:
Switch between Design and Editor Ctrl + D
Move Up Up Arrow
Move Left Left Arrow
Move Right Right Arrow
Move Down Down Arrow
Nudge Up Ctrl + Up Arrow
Nudge Left Ctrl + Left Arrow
Nudge Right Ctrl + Right Arrow
Nudge Down Ctrl + Down Arrow
Height Increase Shift + Up Arrow
Height Decrease Shift + Down Arrow
Width Increase Shift + Right Arrow
Width Decrease Shift + Left Arrow
Nudge Height Increase Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Nudge Height Decrease Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Nudge Width Increase Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow
Nudge Width Decrease Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
Bring to Front Ctrl + B
Send to Back Ctrl + Shift + B
Cancel Escape
Reverse Cancel Shift + Escape
Add Default Action Event Enter
Add Event Ctrl + E
Apply Style Ctrl + L
Create Style Ctrl + Shift + L
Create Control Set Ctrl + T
Editor Commands:
Goto Line Ctrl + G
Find/Replace Ctrl + F or Ctrl + H
Find Next F3
Find Previous Shift + F3
Find Selection Next Ctrl + F3
Find Selection Previous Ctrl + Shift + F3
Find All References Ctrl + Alt + F
Comment Line Ctrl + Q
Comment Multiline Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Q
Un-Comment Line Ctrl + Shift + Q
Goto Next Bookmark F2
Goto Previous Bookmark Shift + F2
Toggle Bookmark Ctrl + F2
Clear All Bookmarks Shift + Ctrl + F2
Toggle Collapsed Code Ctrl + Shift + M
Collapse All Code Nodes Ctrl + Minus
Expand All Code Nodes Ctrl + Plus
Create Region Ctrl + R
Copy as HTML Ctrl + Shift + C
Wrap the selected text in () Ctrl + Shift + 9
Wrap the selected text in [] Ctrl + [
Wrap the selected text in {} Ctrl + Shift + [
Wrap the selected text in '' (single quotes) Ctrl + '
Wrap the selected text in "" (double quotes) Ctrl + Shift + '
Wrap the selected text in $() (sub-expression) Ctrl + Shift + Alt + 9
Toggle string quotes Ctrl + Alt + '
Return Commands
Insert Line Break Enter
Insert Line Break Shift + Enter
Open Line Above Ctrl + Enter
Open Line Below Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Delete/Backspace Commands
Delete Del
Delete Line Ctrl + Shift + L
Delete To Next Word Ctrl + Del
Backspace Backspace
Backspace Shift + Backspace
Backspace To Previous Word Ctrl + Backspace
Clipboard/Undo Commands
Copy To Clipboard Ctrl + C
Copy To Clipboard Ctrl + Ins
Cut Line To Clipboard Ctrl + L
Cut To Clipboard Ctrl + X
Cut To Clipboard Shift + Del
Paste From Clipboard Ctrl + V
Paste From Clipboard Shift + Ins
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
Movement Commands
Move Down Down
Move Up Up
Move Left Left
Move Right Right
Move To Previous Word Ctrl + Left
Move To Next Word Ctrl + Right
Move To Line Start Home
Move To Line End End
Move To Document Start Ctrl + Home
Move To Document End Ctrl + End
Move Page Up Page Up
Move Page Down Page Down
Move To Visible Top Ctrl + Page Up
Move To Visible Bottom Ctrl + Page Down
Move To Matching Bracket Ctrl + ]
Move To Next Modified Line Ctrl + Shift + Down
Move To Prev Modified Line Ctrl + Shift + Up
Go To Next Occurance Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Down
Go To Pev Occurance Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Up
Go To Last Edit Position Ctrl + E
Go To Function Declaration Ctrl + F12
Go To Next Function Shift + F12
Go To Prev Function Ctrl + Shift + F12
Scroll Commands
Scroll Down Ctrl + Down
Scroll Up Ctrl + Up
Indenting Commands
Indent Tab, or Alt + Right
Outdent Shift + Tab or Alt + Left
Selection Commands
Select Down Shift + Down
Select Up Shift + Up
Select Left Shift + Left
Select Right Shift + Right
Select To Previous Word Ctrl + Shift + Left
Select To Next Word Ctrl + Shift + Right
Select To Line Start Shift + Home
Select To Line End Shift + End
Select To Document Start Ctrl + Shift + Home
Select To Document End Ctrl + Shift + End
Select Page Up Shift + Page Up
Select Page Down Shift + Page Down
Select To Visible Top Ctrl + Shift + Page Up
Select To Visible Bottom Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Select All Ctrl + A
Select Word Ctrl + W
Cut Word Ctrl + Shift + W
Select To Matching Bracket Ctrl + Shift + ]
Select Block Down Shift + Alt + Down
Select Block Up Shift + Alt + Up
Select Block Left Shift + Alt + Left
Select Block Right Shift + Alt + Right
Select Block To Previous Word Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left
Select Block To Next Word Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Right
PrimalSense Commands
PrimalSense Complete Word Ctrl + Space
PrimalSense Show Method Parameter Info Ctrl + Shift + Space
Trigger Custom PrimalSense keyword Ctrl + Alt + P
Other Commands
Change Character Casing (to uppercase) Ctrl + Shift + U
Change Character Casing (to lowercase) Ctrl + U
Collapse Selection Escape
Toggle Overwrite Mode Insert
Transpose Characters Ctrl + T
Transpose Words Ctrl + Shift + T
Transpose Lines Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T
Expand All Aliases to Cmdlets Ctrl + Shift + A
Toggle Alias Ctrl + B
Insert Snippet Ctrl + K
SurroundsWith Snippet Ctrl + Shift + K
Expand Snippet Shortcut Ctrl + J
Insert New Function Ctrl + Shift + E
Edit Function Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E
Rename Object Ctrl + Alt + J
Edit Script Parameters Ctrl + Shift + P
Qualify cmdlet names Ctrl + Shift + H
Unqualify cmdlet names Ctrl + Alt + H
Splat Command Ctrl + Alt + S
Go To Pane Commands
Call Stack Ctrl + Alt + P, K
Console Ctrl + Alt + P, C
Debug Ctrl + Alt + P, D
Debug Console Ctrl + Alt + P, G
Find Results Ctrl + Alt + P, R
Function Explorer Ctrl + Alt + P, F
Help Ctrl + Alt + P, H
Object Browser Ctrl + Alt + P, B
Output Ctrl + Alt + P, O
Performance Ctrl + Alt + P, M
Project Ctrl + Alt + P, J
Properties Ctrl + Alt + P, P
Snippet Ctrl + Alt + P, S
Toolbox Ctrl + Alt + P, T
Variables Ctrl + Alt + P, V
Watch Ctrl + Alt + P, W
Editor / Document Ctrl + Alt + P, E