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CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS, Apr. 2009, p. 322–348 Vol. 22, No.

0893-8512/09/$08.00⫹0 doi:10.1128/CMR.00044-08
Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Update on Eosinophilic Meningoencephalitis and Its

Clinical Relevance
Carlos Graeff-Teixeira,1* Ana Cristina Arámburu da Silva,1 and Kentaro Yoshimura2
Laboratório de Biologia Parasitária, Faculdade de Biociências e Laboratório de Parasitologia Molecular, Instituto de
Pesquisas Biomédicas da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 91619-900 Porto Alegre,
Brazil,1 and Akita University School of Medicine, Akita, Japan2

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................323
The Eosinophils.......................................................................................................................................................323
ANGIOSTRONGYLIASIS .........................................................................................................................................323
The Parasite.............................................................................................................................................................323
History ......................................................................................................................................................................324

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Life Cycle and the CNS .........................................................................................................................................324
Epidemiology ...........................................................................................................................................................324
GNATHOSTOMIASIS ...............................................................................................................................................328
The Parasite.............................................................................................................................................................328
History ......................................................................................................................................................................328
Life Cycle and the CNS .........................................................................................................................................328
Epidemiology ...........................................................................................................................................................328
The Parasite.............................................................................................................................................................330
History ......................................................................................................................................................................330
Life Cycle and the CNS .........................................................................................................................................330
Epidemiology ...........................................................................................................................................................330
The Parasite.............................................................................................................................................................332
History ......................................................................................................................................................................332
Life Cycle and the CNS .........................................................................................................................................332
Epidemiology ...........................................................................................................................................................332
The Parasite.............................................................................................................................................................334
History ......................................................................................................................................................................334
Life Cycle and the CNS .........................................................................................................................................334
Epidemiology ...........................................................................................................................................................334
BAYLISASCARIASIS .................................................................................................................................................336
The Parasite.............................................................................................................................................................336
History ......................................................................................................................................................................336
Life Cycle and the CNS .........................................................................................................................................336
Epidemiology ...........................................................................................................................................................336

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Avenida Juca Batista

8000 casa 1190, 91780 070 Porto Alegre, Brazil. Phone: (5551) 3277-
9190. Fax: (5551) 3320-3312. E-mail: [email protected].


The Parasite.............................................................................................................................................................337
History ......................................................................................................................................................................337
Life Cycle and the CNS .........................................................................................................................................337
Epidemiology ...........................................................................................................................................................337
MENINGOENCEPHALITIS ................................................................................................................................338
Trichinellosis ...........................................................................................................................................................338
Hydatidosis ..............................................................................................................................................................338
Coenurosis ...............................................................................................................................................................339
Strongyloidiasis .......................................................................................................................................................339
Filariasis ..................................................................................................................................................................339
Myiasis .....................................................................................................................................................................339

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Fungal Infections ....................................................................................................................................................339
Bacterial, Viral, and Allergic Diseases ................................................................................................................339
NEOPLASTIC DISEASES.........................................................................................................................................340
DRUGS, REAGENTS, AND PLASTIC DEVICES .................................................................................................340
CONCLUDING REMARKS ......................................................................................................................................340
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...........................................................................................................................................341
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................341

INTRODUCTION present in small numbers as resident mucosal populations. These

cell groups play a role in the surveillance for and response to
The diagnosis of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis is based foreign entities in the organism. Aside from their proinflamma-
on clinical manifestations and microscopic identification of tory action, they also participate in regeneration and remodeling
eosinophils present in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Routine CSF of tissues (1, 8). Eosinophilic inflammation is also associated with
sediment examination and cell counts are usually done with neoplastic proliferation of epithelial origin.
fresh, unstained fluid samples, and eosinophils are difficult to Eosinophils are considered important effector cells of the adap-
identify in these preparations. This underdetection of eosino- tive immune response. Specifically, they are involved in the Th2-
phils in CSF contributes to the underestimation of the preva- type response, which is mediated by a complex array of cytokines
lence of eosinophilic meningitis. Laboratory workers should be (interleukins 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 16, and 18 and transforming
aware of the importance of correct differentiation of leuko- growth factor), chemokines (RANTES and eotaxins), and lipid
cytes in CSF with Giemsa or Wright stain. Although less than mediators (platelet-activating factor and leukotriene C4) (123).
2% of all meningitis cases have high CSF eosinophil counts Antigen presentation, immune modulation, and inactivation of
(133), the presence of eosinophils is crucial for differential anaphylactic mediators are some of the active contributions of
diagnosis and is thus extremely relevant. these cells to inflammatory responses (83, 110). Eosinophils can
The presence of eosinophils in the CSF should always be also contribute to tissue damage by a number of different mech-
considered an abnormal finding. Some authors consider that anisms (146); e.g., loss of Purkinje cells and spongy changes in
CSF eosinophilia is defined by counts higher than 10 eosino- cerebellum white matter have been observed in experimental
phils per ml or 10% of the total CSF leukocyte count. These infection of mice with Angiostrongylus cantonensis (311).
numbers most probably were arbitrarily chosen from studies of Substantial in vitro data indicate that eosinophils actively
CSF cellularity in healthy individuals as cited by Kuberski destroy multicellular parasites, but in vivo data have been less
(152) and have been accepted as the criteria for eosinophilic conclusive (17, 146). In general, eosinophils preferentially de-
meningitis (230, 237, 295). stroy larval over adult worms (178). However, A. cantonensis
Helminthic infections are the most common cause of eosi- appears to be an exception, as young adult worms of this
nophilic meningoencephalitis. Though less common, CSF-spe- species in nonpermissive hosts (mice and guinea pigs) are
cific eosinophilia may also be associated with other types of killed by CSF eosinophils (297). The ever-increasing evidence
infections, neoplastic diseases, drug use, prosthesis reactions, of complex and multiple actions of eosinophils and the vari-
and miscellaneous idiopathic conditions. ability associated with different hosts and parasite stages pose
a challenge to clarifying the beneficial role of eosinophils in
The Eosinophils helminth infections (8, 146, 177, 186).
Eosinophils participate in the inflammatory process of aller-
gies, proliferative diseases, and helminth infections (1, 123). ANGIOSTRONGYLIASIS
While neutrophils and macrophages destroy pathogens by endo- The Parasite
cytotic digestion, eosinophils are specialized in exocytotic degra-
dation of large parasites, through the extrusion of cellular gran- The superfamily Metastrongyloidea includes cylindrical
ules and contents. Together with mast cells, these leukocytes are worms that live inside arterial vessels and cardiac cavities in a

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FIG. 1. Female A. cantonensis worms are 22 to 34 mm long and
show a dark red digestive organ, two white reproductive organs, and a
transparent cuticle. (Courtesy of Juliano Romanzini, Grupo de Para-
sitologia Biomédica da PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil; reproduced with

vertebrate host. These worms develop infective larvae during

the intermediate mollusk stage. Due to the morphological het- FIG. 2. Young A. cantonensis worms in brain tissue next to the
erogeneity of male bursa, Ubelaker (287) proposed grouping meninges of experimentally infected R. norvergicus. (Courtesy of
the species that have rodents as hosts within the genus Paras- Camila Krug, Grupo de Parasitologia Biomédica da PUCRS, Porto
trongylus. This change in the name of the genus has not been Alegre, Brazil; reproduced with permission.)
widely accepted, though some have used Parastrongylus as a
synonym for Angiostrongylus. Here we use Angiostrongylus,
since a clinical awareness of angiostrongyliasis as a cause of eggs. First-stage (L1) larvae hatch and migrate into rat feces
eosinophilic meningitis has developed over the years. via the trachea and the gastrointestinal tract. Mollusks are the
A. cantonensis is the most important etiological agent of intermediate hosts, in which the L1 larvae molt twice to pro-
eosinophilic meningitis. The filiform male worms are 20 to 25 duce the stage 3 (L3) larvae, which are infective for vertebrate
mm by 0.32 to 042 mm, and the females are 22 to 34 mm by animals. L3 larvae penetrate the vertebrate intestinal wall and
0.34 to 0.56 mm (Fig. 1). Another metastrongylid worm caus- migrate through the circulatory system. Over the course of 2 to
ing human disease is Angiostrongylus costaricensis. This parasite 3 days, the larvae arrive at the brain. There, they molt twice
lives inside the mesenteric arterial system, can cause abdomi- and eventually develop into young adults inside meningeal
nal disease, and occurs throughout the Americas, from the vessels (Fig. 2). These young adults are carried to the pulmo-
southern United States to northern Argentina (198, 220). nary arteries and right heart cavities. Settlement in this final
habitat occurs approximately 4 weeks after the initial intestinal
penetration. In humans, L3 larvae molt twice and are hema-
togenously transported to the central nervous system (CNS),
A. cantonensis was first discovered in 1933, after examination burrowing into neural tissue. The young worms do not com-
of specimens recovered from both Rattus norvegicus (brown plete their life cycle in humans and usually die, leading to
rats) and Rattus rattus (black rats) in Canton (now Guang- intense inflammatory lesions (4, 172).
zhou), China. Human infection was first reported in Taiwan in
1945, but it was not until the 1960s that cerebral an- Epidemiology
giostrongyliasis was recognized as an important public health
problem. At that time, a parasite was recovered from a Filipino A. cantonensis has been found primarily in Asia, islands of
patient in Hawaii (241). Since then, two other Angiostrongylus the Pacific, and Australia but has also been observed in North,
species, A. malaysiensis in Southeast Asia and A. mackerrase in Central, and South America (2, 31, 33, 169, 293) and the
Australia, have been suspected but unconfirmed causes of neu- islands of the Indian Ocean (e.g., La Reunion). The increas-
rological lesions in humans (64, 228). ingly widespread travel of people has led to the detection of
many imported cases of angiostrongyliasis and has become an
important consideration in the differential diagnosis of neuro-
Life Cycle and the CNS
logical disease in travel medicine (3, 164, 262). Interestingly,
A. cantonensis is a zoonotic parasite that affects rats as the although the parasite was originally described in China in the
primary hosts. Sexually mature male and female worms reside 1960s, it was not reported there again until 1984. Since 1984,
in the pulmonary arteries of rats, where the females lay their several outbreaks have been detected in China, including a

severe cluster in Beijing of 160 cases (43, 171, 293). The out- ity of patients manifest persisting paresthesias, weakness, and
breaks detected in Thai workers in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and in cognitive deficits, which may represent rare chronic forms of
U.S. travelers returning from a very brief stay in Jamaica high- the disease (238). Clinicians should consider angiostrongyliasis
light the importance of angiostrongyliasis as a risk for human when evaluating a patient with eosinophilic meningitis, even in
health. In both situations exposure to infection probably took regions outside its traditional geographic boundaries, espe-
place at leisure time, either when individuals ate raw mollusks cially when travelers or suspected imported food are involved
collected in ponds surrounding the factory in the case of the (144, 262).
Thai workers or during a regular meal including a green salad
in the case of the U.S. travelers (262, 281). With the exception Diagnosis
of Taiwan, where most patients are children, A. cantonensis
usually infects men in the third and fourth decades of life (127, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination of a pa-
230). tient with angiostrongyliasis often reveals multiple micronodu-
The main mode of infection is the consumption of raw snails, lar enhancements in brain tissues and linear enhancement in
reported by 51% in a study in Taiwan (127). Another source of the pia mater. Complete resolution of abnormal MRI findings
infection can be other mollusks, and paratenic hosts, such as typically occurs after 4 to 8 weeks (127, 136, 281). Micronod-
frogs, freshwater prawns, crabs, fish, and planaria. A less com- ules have also been detected in MRI imaging of lung paren-

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mon path of infection is ingestion of contaminated vegetables, chyma, which may reflect the presence of worms in that organ
water, or fruit juice (262, 280). Hands may carry the larvae (136, 258).
directly to the mouth, after manipulation of or playing with Detection of young adults or L5 larvae is seldom possible,
mollusks, which is likely the main mode of infection among because few parasites probably enter the subarachnoid space,
young children. Like other parasites, whose larval stages de- and a small volume of CSF is usually collected for examination.
velop inside mollusks, A. cantonensis is not specific to one Larval recovery from the CSF was seen in 41.5% of 82 patients
intermediate host. Thus, many species of mollusks are suscep- reported by Hwang and Chen in Taiwan (127). This impressive
tible to infection, though this may not carry great epidemio- parasite recovery may be due to the larger amount of CSF that
logical importance. Achatina fulica, Pila spp., and Ampullarium was collected with a pumping method (127). Overall, the de-
canaliculatus are some of the main mollusk hosts in the An- tection of parasite count in CSF is consistently rare, as shown
giostrongylus life cycle. Angiostrongylus is a growing cause of by the following incidence rates in a variety of reports: 2 out of
concern in food safety, which has forced adjustments in pro- 50 taps in 17 patients (281), 8 out of 125 patients (309), and 1
tocols to ensure quality in both production and handling (233). out of 54 patients (153). To date, no studies from Australia
have reported detection of the parasite in CSF, although there
was one necropsy that reported many worms in the subarach-
noid space (228). Leaving the patient seated for a while prior
The presence of young adult Angiostrongylus organisms in to the collection of CSF by lumbar puncture is known to
the meninges and in the parenchyma of the medulla, pons, and improve the chances of detecting worms (64, 281). The young
cerebellum elicits an inflammatory reaction, known as eosino- adults are approximately 12 to 13 mm long. Table 2 lists ref-
philic meningoencephalitis. Careful study of these inflamma- erences and websites with histological sections of A. cantonen-
tory sites has revealed a predominance of infiltrating eosino- sis and other helminths causing eosinophilic meningoenceph-
phils, with localized areas of suppurative necrosis and alitis.
granulomatous reaction (137). The main initial complaint of Abnormal CSF protein and glucose are found in only a few
infected patients is an acute severe headache (153, 281). This angiostrongyliasis patients, and slight protein elevation is more
headache results from increased intracranial pressure pro- common than glucose decreases (230, 281). In a group of
duced by the widespread inflammatory reaction in the patients described by Punyagupta and colleagues (230), only
meninges. 32% showed normal protein levels, while 95% of patients
Angiostrongyliasis is an acute disease that spontaneously showed normal glucose levels. Initial CSF eosinophil counts
resolves within in a few weeks, rarely entails sequelae, and is were below 10% in only 4% of the patients, but high counts
rarely fatal; the mean duration is 20 days, but it can range from were always consistent in second and subsequent examinations
6 to 34 days (281). Early descriptions called it a “typical eosi- (230). Blood eosinophilia has been detected in up to 84% of
nophilic meningitis” (230), which distinguishes it from the patients at initial evaluation (127). Clinical presumptive diag-
more severe clinical picture of Gnathostoma meningoenceph- nosis can be established by (i) clinical presentation with men-
alitis. Typically, there is an acute severe headache with absent ingitis showing severe headache, (ii) a history of ingestion of
or low-grade fever, meningeal irritation, paresthesias, and oc- raw mollusks, and (iii) prominent eosinophilia in the CSF.
casionally paralysis of the cranial nerves (153, 230). The CSF is Although intrathecal immunoglobulin measurements may
neither xanthochromic nor bloody, and there are no significant help to improve diagnosis (84), differentiation among the hel-
motor disturbances. Radicular pain, coma, and respiratory fail- minthic causes of eosinophilic meningitis requires molecular
ure are all rare (251). Focal lesions do not indicate a clinical diagnostic methods. Immunological methods of diagnosis have
diagnosis of angiostrongyliasis. The vision may be affected di- been under investigation since the early 1980s (65). Assays
rectly by the presence of the worms in the eye or indirectly by have been developed that either detect antibodies with purified
cranial nerve paralysis leading to diplopia (127, 229). Table 1 antigens or detect antigens with monoclonal antibodies (Table
lists the most prevalent clinical manifestations recorded in 3). Reactivity to a 31-kDa component in Western blot (WB)
several clinical studies on cerebral angiostrongyliasis. A minor- analysis has been used for the evaluation of patients. At times,

TABLE 1. Frequency of clinical manifestations and evaluation of blood and CSF eosinophilia in four series of patients with
cerebral angiostrongyliasis
Parameter Result reported in reference:

281 230 127 154

No. (%) of patients

Total 17 484 82 34
With symptom
Headache 17 (100) 477 (99) 51 (62) 27/30 (90)
Neck stiffness 8 (47) 312 (64) 19/34 (56)
Fever 11 (65) 177 (37) 75 (91) 14/34 (41)
Paresthesia 2 (12) 181 (37) 2 (3) 14/26 (54)
Muscle weakness 8 (47) 4 (1) 19 (23)
Orbital/retro-orbital pain 7 (41) 2 (3)
Diplopia/blurred vision 2 (12) 184 (38) 10 (12) 3/34 (9)
Ataxia 1 (6)
Nausea 4 (24) 186 (38) 18 (22)
Vomiting 4 (24) 239 (49) 59 (72)

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Abdominal pain 3 (18)
Aches: body and extremities 30 (6)
Convulsions 17 (4) 16 (20)
Facial paralysis 20 (4) 9 (11)
Somnolence 30 (6) 17 (21)
Urinary retention/incontinence 2 (1) 5 (6)
With sign
Stiff neck 11 (65) 72 (15) 65 (79)
Brudzinsky’s/Kernig’s signs 11 (65) 27 (2) 26 (32)
Hyperesthesia (pain)/paresthesia 3 (18) 20 (4)
Impairment of vision 1 (6) 78 (16)
Impairment of sensorium 26 (5)
Facial palsy 1 (6) 21 (4)

Mean incubation period (range), in days 13 (6–20) 17 (2–34) 13 (2–45) NRa (2–18)

% of patients with CSF prevalence (ⱖ10%) 47 96 62 95
Avg initial no. in CSF (cells/mm3) 100 700 NR NR
% of patients with blood prevalence (criterion) 77 (ⱖ10) 73 (ⱖ10) 84 (ⱖ10) 90 (ⱖ3)
Avg initial no. in blood (cells/mm3) 1,990 3,000 NR NR
NR, not reported.

the WB is preceded by a screening step with the less specific Treatment

but highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Repeated spinal taps provide some therapeutic benefit, as
(ELISA) employing crude antigen (144, 226). Several serolog-
they serve to decrease intracranial pressure. Both experimental
ical tests based on ELISA methods have been used, although
infection studies and isolated reports indicate that killing the
none are commercially available (88). This method requires A.
worms may exacerbate inflammation and increase the severity
cantonensis antigens prepared from larvae or young adults.
of the disease (164, 291). Prednisolone (60 mg/kg of body
Also, the detection of serum antibody has been found to be
weight/day for 2 weeks) and albendazole (15 mg/kg twice a day
more sensitive than detection of CSF antibody (306). There is [b.i.d.] for 2 weeks) were separately tested in the only two
a great need for simple and less expensive procedures, such as randomized placebo-controlled studies. Prednisone signifi-
the multi-immunoblot dot evaluated by Eamsobhana and col- cantly reduced the proportion of patients with persistent head-
leagues (88, 89). aches after completion of the treatment (9.1% compared to
It is possible that antibody detection systems may not reveal 45.5% in the placebo group; P ⫽ 0.0004), the mean duration of
early stages of infection. Studies of experimental infection in headache (5 days compared to 13 days; P ⫽ 0.0), and the
rabbits and mice have shown that the peak antibody response number of repeated lumbar punctures for pain relief (7 com-
does not occur until 4 weeks after infection (167, 292). Among pared to 22; P ⫽ 0.02) (52). The 2-week course of albendazole
the antibodies detected, some may be derived from cross- reduced the proportion of patients with persistent headaches
reactions with other parasites (89, 92, 307). In this scenario, from 20.6% to 40.6% in the placebo group (P ⫽ 0.08), and the
antigen detection methods such as ELISA-PCR may prove mean duration of headache was reduced from 8.9 to 16.2 days
helpful (57) (Table 3). A method for detection of nucleic acids (P ⫽ 0.05) (138). While a 2-week course of prednisolone (60
by real-time PCR has recently been applied to the diagnosis of mg/day) may be recommended in meningitis caused by A.
two suspected cases in Brazil, but the method awaits further cantonensis, the value of albendazole or mebendazole therapy
evaluation (A. C. A. Silva, unpublished data). in conjunction with corticosteroids is not yet fully established,

TABLE 2. References and websites with images of histological sections from parasites causing eosinophilic meningoencephalitis
Agent or infection Reference(s) and/or website

A. cantonensis 291

Gnathostoma spp. 174, 120⬃tsutsumi/case/case190.htm

Schistosoma spp. 158

Cysticercus 256⫽67&uid⫽%7be46c3c48-e880-4b98-87d2-8fbdace4873d%7d

Toxocara spp. 74

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Baylisascaris spp. 108

Paragonimus spp. 129

Trichinella spp. 191


Coenurosis 130⫽sci_arttext&pid⫽S0103–84782008000400021&lng⫽e&nrm⫽iso&tlng⫽e

Strongyloides spp.



since most of the data come from uncontrolled studies or The following combinations have been implemented: albenda-
clinical reports of a few patients (51, 127, 230, 281, 293). zole and thalidomide (42), mebendazole and interleukin 12
Combinations of anthelmintics with anti-inflammatory agents (85), and albendazole with extract from the Chinese medicinal
have been investigated in animal models with positive results. herb Artemisia capillaris (157). Evidently, the key issue in treat-

TABLE 3. Immunological methods for diagnosis of cerebral angiostrongyliasis

Targets Method Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Reference(s)
a b
91-kDa antigen Antigen detection, ELFA 88 (serum) NR 257
100 (CSF) NR
29- and 31-kDa antigens ELISA, crude female antigen 100 67 208
WB, 31-kDa protein 69 83
WB, 29-kDa protein NR “Low”
204-kDa antigen ELISA, antigen detection NR “High” 57, 58
ELISA-PCR, antigen detection 98 100
29-kDa antigen WB 56 (serum ⫹ CSF) 99 (serum ⫹ CSF) 131, 145, 179
WB, IgG4 75 (serum) 95 (serum)
WB (serum) and ELISA (CSF) 80 (serum ⫹ CSF?) NR
31-kDa antigen Dot blot 100 100 87
32-kDa antigen ELISA “High” 100 165
15-kDa antigen ELISA, antigen detection 87 100 167
100- to 3-kDa antigen Dot blot 100 86 89
ELFA, enzyme-linked fluorescent assay.
NR, not reported.

ment of angiostrongyliasis is the control of inflammation. Epidemiology

There is an urgent need for extensive studies of new ap-
proaches to chemotherapy and evaluation of neurological re- Gnathostomiasis mainly affects young male adults in the
lapses (187, 249). third and fourth decades of life and is known to have a seasonal
occurrence corresponding to the rainy season in Thailand
(231). Although the occurrence of human gnathostomiasis is
GNATHOSTOMIASIS well known in Asian countries, especially Thailand, Korea, and
Japan, the CLM caused by Gnathostoma species (possibly G.
The Parasite binucleatum) has been detected mainly in Mexico and other
Latin American countries, such as Ecuador and Peru (40, 79).
Gnathostoma is another nematode capable of causing eosi- Humans become infected with Gnathostoma species by eat-
nophilic meningoencephalitis, known as gnathostomiasis. This ing raw fish, snails, shrimp, vegetables, poultry, pigs, snakes,
worm has a cephalic bulb covered with transverse rows of and frogs. Less common modes of infection are ingestion of
recurved hooks that are larger and more flattened than those water containing infected copepods and penetration of ad-
on the body, and its entire body surface is covered by regular vanced L3 larvae through the skin of food handlers. Feeding
rows of spines. The male’s tail lacks a caudal bursa. Transmis- habits should be carefully investigated, since larvae can remain

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sion to humans occurs indirectly through copepods and verte- in the tissues for a long time prior to migration to the CNS,
brates, which act as intermediate hosts. Adults live in the resulting in long incubation periods (193, 237).
stomachs of carnivorous mammals, such as pigs. Humans are Gnathostomiasis has become an important concern in travel
accidental hosts for larvae. medicine, since several reports of both cutaneous and CNS
diseases in patients coming from classical areas of endemicity
have been published (193, 237, 261). Presumptively “exotic”
History food can now be found in restaurants and specialized markets
all around the world (38). Proper food handling minimizes
The genus Gnathostoma was first described by Owen in 1836 infection, as larvae can be killed by boiling for 5 min or freez-
as cylindrical, 3-cm-long worms with bodies covered by regular ing at ⫺20°C for at least 3 days (252).
rows of spines, living in the gut of vertebrates. Gnathostoma
spinigerum was found in specimens from the stomach wall of a
tiger in a London zoo. This worm was also identified as a cause Disease
of CNS infection in humans in several reports from several east
Initial symptoms caused by penetration of advanced L3 lar-
Asian countries, including Japan and China. Other Gnathostoma vae through the gut wall can include abdominal or epigastric
species have been reported in Japan (G. doloresi, G. nipponicum, pain, anorexia, malaise, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, and fever
and G. hispidum) and Mexico (G. doloresi). Gnathostoma causes (231). These prodromes usually do not last more than 5 days.
cutaneous larva migrans syndrome (CLM) and typically does not Concomitant with localization of larvae in the liver, abdominal
frequently affect tissues other than the skin (78, 202). The de- pain may localize in the right upper abdominal quadrant. Mi-
scription of retrieval of this parasite from a patient with fatal gration in subcutaneous tissues induces a linear dermatitis with
encephalomyelitis in 1967 was the first report of Gnathostoma as light to moderate pruritus, usually localized to the abdomen
a cause of human CNS infection (24, 47). and later in multiple skin areas, known as creeping eruption or
CLM. In addition to linear dermatitis, when Gnathostoma lar-
vae reach the subcutaneous fat in humans, a classical presen-
Life Cycle and the CNS tation is a migratory panniculitis consisting of an erythema-
tous, deeply seated, ill-defined nodule or plaque, accompanied
Initially, Gnathostoma eggs are released into the water from
by itching and occasional pain, located on the trunk or periph-
the feces of natural hosts. After molting once inside the egg, the
ery of the body. Similar lesions will recur a few centimeters
larvae hatch at second stage. Then, larvae are ingested by the beyond the original location. The erratic migration of L3 larvae
first intermediate host (Cyclops), a crustacean copepod, where may result in CNS or eye infection. The incubation period is
they molt into L3 larvae. Later, in a second intermediate host, approximately 4 weeks, but there are some indications that it
such as a freshwater fish or frog, the larvae develop to the may last 3 or more months (231, 174). Dormant larvae are
advanced infectious L3 stage. Birds, reptiles, and mammals known to persist for many years, leading to very long incuba-
may act as paratenic hosts and become infected without tion periods or recurrence (237).
further development of the larvae. The definitive host be- A common CNS impact of gnathostomiasis is radiculomy-
comes infected by feeding upon any of the intermediate elitis, which is characterized by sharp sudden nerve root
hosts or paratenic hosts. Humans may become infected by pain emanating from the spine to the trunk, limbs or peri-
ingestion of contaminated flesh of the second intermediate neum. This pain is often followed by paresis and paralysis of
host or paratenic hosts or through contaminated water. The extremities, and sometimes urinary incontinence. A second
larvae penetrate the human gut wall and migrate through important CNS impact is specific to the encephalus and
the peritoneal cavity to the liver. From there, they continue involves severe headache, impairment of sensorium, neck
to multiple tissues or entire organs, such as the CNS, the stiffness, convulsions, and vomiting. Some patients have
eye, and subcutaneous tissues, without fully developing to these encephalitic manifestations together with hemiparesis
adult worms (13, 120). and hemiplegia of one or both limbs (24, 231). Although

TABLE 4. Immunological methods for diagnosis of gnathostomiasisa

Target Method(s) Sampe material (type)b Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Reference

Crude L3 antigen ELISA (IgG) Serum (4 cutaneous ⫹ 10 CNS) Overall, 59; CNS, 100 Overall, 84; CNS, NR 273
Crude L3 antigen ELISA (IgG) Serum (46 cutaneous) 100 NR 77
Crude antigen Somatic antigen ELISA Serum 87 96 178
ES antigen ELISA 87 97
Crude antigen G. doloresi ELISA (IgG) Serum (299 cutaneous ⫹ 1 ocular) 93 98 79
24-kDa antigen WB Serum 100 100 206
(pI 8.5)
23- to 25-kDa antigen Two-dimensional PAGE Serum 83 100 301
(pI 8.3–8.5) and WB
Crude L3 antigen ELISA (IgG and isotypes) Serum (cutaneous) IgG1: 98 IgG2: 88 209
21-kDa antigen ELISA (IgG4) Serum (11 cutaneous; 2 ocular; 1 100 100 6
24-kDa antigen ELISA (IgG4) Serum (11 cutaneous; 2 ocular; 1 93 93 6
100- to 3-kDa antigen Dot blot Serum (10 cutaneous) 100 100 89
24-kDa antigen WB, isotypes Serum IgG, 91; IgG1, 66; IgG, 97; IgG1, 98; 161

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IgG4, 75 IgG4, 94
PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; NR, not reported.
In cases where the information was available, data in parentheses include number of patients and type of infection with Gnathostoma species: cutaneous, ocular,
CNS, or peritoneal.

isolated subarachnoid hemorrhage is not the usual presen- were evaluated for detection of antibodies in serum of patients
tation of gnathostomiasis, hemorrhagic lesions are common with cutaneous disease. Detection of antibodies in CSF was
and are a main factor in mortality. evaluated in only a very small number of patients with appar-
ent high sensitivity (273, 284). As the detection of antigen or
Diagnosis immune complexes is considered less reliable, the detection of
antibodies at the class or isotype level is a promising approach
A bloody and xanthochromic CSF is highly suggestive of (6, 195, 284). However, significant cross-reactivity has been
gnathostomiasis and is a particularly helpful criterion for dif- demonstrated in several antibody detection systems testing se-
ferentiating from meningitis caused by A. cantonensis (see rum samples from patients infected with A. cantonensis, hook-
above). Eosinophilia is not always present in peripheral blood worms, Strongyloides stercoralis, Trichuris trichiura, Capillaria
but is very common in the CSF. In two studies from Thailand philippinensis, Wuchereria bancrofti, and Opisthorchis viverrini
with large numbers (24 and 162) of patients (24, 231), CSF (89, 209).
eosinophilia (⬎10%) was detected in 74% and 100% of pa- Antigen detection methods have been used for L3 larva
tients, respectively. In the same studies, CSF eosinophilia
confirmation. A 24-kDa glycoprotein specific to L3 is a prom-
⬎30% was detected in 64% and 65% of patients. Protein levels
ising antigen for diagnosis, with sensitivities ranging from
were elevated in two-thirds of patients, and glucose levels were
100% in ELISA to 75% for immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) in WB.
unchanged or only slightly reduced (24, 231).
The specificity of this method ranges from 100% in ELISA to
Upon MRI examination of the spine, lesions may appear
as diffuse or segmental enlargement, with or without post- 93 to 94% for IgG4 in ELISA or immunoblotting (6, 161, 206).
gadolinium linear enhancement. Hyperintense micronodu- There is also a 21-kDa antigen with 100% sensitivity and spec-
lar or fuzzy lesions on T2-weighted brain images, with or ificity in an IgG4 ELISA that deserves more extensive evalu-
without enhancement, can suggest intraparenchymatous or ation (6).
intraventricular hemorrhage (38, 237, 250, 251). Although
only a small number of reports with MRI examination are
currently available, the description of focal brain lesions or Treatment
segmental or nodular enlargements in the spine should be
For the treatment of cutaneous gnathostomiasis, both al-
considered an important aspect for differentiation from
bendazole and ivermectin are reported as effective thera-
It is unusual to detect L3 larvae in the CSF. These larvae are pies, but no anthelmintic agent or corticosteroids have been
2.8 to 5.2 mm long and 0.3 to 0.8 mm wide, and, like adult formally evaluated for the treatment of CNS disease (150,
worms, their body surface is covered by spines. When biopsy or 151, 204). Alongside these curative therapies, radicular pain
necropsy specimens are examined, the presence of spines or and headache require supplemental symptomatic and sup-
hooks in regular rows, as well as the identification of the portive treatment. Though full recovery can be expected in
cephalic bulb, allows the definitive diagnosis of gnathostomia- most instances, the prognosis for neurological disease
sis (Table 2). caused by G. spinigerum is poor. Mortality with this infection
Serological techniques have evolved from the use of crude is in the range of 12 to 15%, and permanent sequelae, such
antigenic preparations to that of partially purified or single as paraplegia, radicular lesions, cranial nerve lesions, and
antigenic components (Table 4). Historically, most methods hemiparesis, remain in 23 to 46% of patients (231, 253).

SCHISTOSOMIASIS geographically spreading to new foci, which makes this an

important problem in travel medicine (156, 201). Neuroschis-
The Parasite
tosomiasis (NSM) is apparently associated with light infections
Among the trematodes, the superfamily Schistosoma- and is primarily associated with people from areas where the
toidea includes flatworms that parasitize the blood vessels of parasite is not endemic traveling in and out of areas of ende-
vertebrates and develop larval stages in mollusks. Other micity (94). But it may also be the case that NSM has been
distinctive features of the Schistosomatoidea are sexual di- underdiagnosed in countries of endemicity where medical at-
morphism, lack of a muscular pharynx, and production of tention has been focused on the large numbers of patients with
nonoperculated eggs. Within the genus Schistosoma, five more severe cases of intestinal and hepatic lesions (160, 201).
species are known human parasites: S. mansoni, S. haema- NSM is most common in young male adults.
tobium, S. japonicum, S. mekongi, and S. malayensis. The
CNS is an ectopic location for eggs of Schistosoma species, Disease
and although the condition has been fully characterized only
for S. mansoni, other species may also involve the CNS. The initial phase of schistosomiasis infection is generally
While S. mansoni is a focus in this review, its pathogenesis asymptomatic. However, an important form of dermatitis can
and clinical features are usually similar to those of S. haema- be used for differential diagnosis. It is known as “swimmer’s

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tobium or other species (160). itch,” a punctiform pruriginous dermatitis caused by penetra-
tion of cercariae. The name is derived from the particular
distribution in areas of skin that has been submerged in con-
taminated water.
In 1851, Theodor Bilharz found a trematode inside the mes- In NSM, spinal lesions predominate (203). The valveless
enteric veins of a young Egyptian and incorrectly considered the epidural Batson’s vertebral venous plexus connects the portal
eggs with lateral and terminal spines an intraspecific variation. venous system and inferior vena cava to the spinal cord and
Sambon proposed the new species as Schistosoma mansoni in cerebral veins. Portal hypertension may open up more chan-
1907, and it was fully described by Pirajá-da-Silva a year later, in nels for egg embolization. This anatomic consideration is
Salvador, Brazil. Interestingly, in 1910, Rufer found calci- relevant to explain the characteristic involvement of the
fied eggs in the kidneys of Egyptian mummies of the 20th medulla below T5, particularly at T11 to L1 (94). NSM can
Dynasty (1250 to 1000 BCE), but there are even more an- ensue in the initial phase of the infection or at any phase,
cient (3000 BCE) molecular indications of human infection but with a low parasitic burden. For example, in a study of
(188). 63 patients, 72% had fewer than 1,000 eggs/g of tissue in
rectal biopsy fragments (93). A very active and modulated
granulomatous reaction involves the egg and may produce
Life Cycle and the CNS
inflammatory tumors with secondary meningeal involve-
The female worms migrate to distal mesenteric veins to ment. Besides the pivotal role of the egg in pathogenesis,
lay eggs, which cross the intestinal wall and eventually reach the reactivity of the host is also fundamental to explain the
the feces. An egg must be in water to hatch and release the spectrum of clinical severity.
miracidium, which is a ciliated larva that actively swims and For the spectrum of clinical manifestations of NSM, Ferrari
penetrates into the tegument of snail intermediate hosts. and colleagues (93) have proposed the following classification:
Thousands of cercariae with bifurcated tails are generated (i) medullar, when the involvement of the spinal cord predom-
after asexual reproduction of the parasite in the mollusk. inates; (ii) myeloradicular, when spinal cord and nerve root
The infective cercariae are released into water after stimu- lesions occur; and (iii) conus-cauda equina syndrome, when
lation by light and penetrate into the skin of vertebrate there is a predominant involvement of the terminal spinal cord
hosts, including humans. The cercaria transforms into a and cauda equina. Symptoms and signs show acute or subacute
schistosomulum immediately after skin penetration and mi- progression. Back pain is the most common initial symptom,
grates to the lungs via the venous circulation. The schisto- but it can persist as undiagnosed NSM because of its wider
somulae break out from the lungs and are finally carried to prevalence caused by chronic fibromyalgia and stress. Other
the portal system through the left side of the heart (147). symptoms include lower limb weakness, bladder dysfunction,
Given this progressive cycle, the presence of eggs in the paresthesias, sensory disturbances, deep tendon abnormal re-
CNS is unexpected. There are two possible explanations for flexes, constipation, and sexual impotence. Involvement of
the presence of eggs in CNS: (i) the anomalous migration of nerve roots, particularly the cauda equina, is quite common in
the worms laying eggs next to the CNS and (ii) embolization NSM (94). It is noteworthy that patients usually do not carry
of the eggs (223, 225, 255). lesions in more commonly affected organs, such as liver, intes-
tines, and lungs. Encephalomyelitis as part of a systemic hy-
persensitivity reaction during the initial phase of the infection
and granulomatous brain masses with the presence of eggs are
Schistosomiasis affects 200 million people, and 600 million very rare and are not associated with eosinophilic CSF pleo-
are at risk of infection. Areas of endemicity where people are cytosis (255). Thus, NSM should be suspected with evidence of
at risk include 74 countries, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and low thoracic, lumbar, or sacral spinal lesions and the presence
Latin America and also Egypt and China (48). Although mor- of eggs in other tissues or feces, alongside the exclusion of
bidity has been reduced in many countries, the infections are other causes of myeloradicular damage.

FIG. 4. S. mansoni egg in the spinal cord of a patient with myelo-

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radiculopathy. The eggs have a lateral spine and are large structures
(114 to 180 ␮m long by 45 to 70 ␮m wide). (Reprinted from reference
260a with permission of the publisher.)

posed CSF diagnostic criteria based on the concentration of

IgG anti-SEA in CSF. Specifically, a value of 0.1 ␮g/ml IgG
anti-SEA excludes the possibility, and 1.4 ␮g/ml of IgG
anti-SEA supports the possibility of schistosomiasis.
Antibody detection methods are not considered useful in
areas of endemicity, because these areas contain a large num-
ber of serologically positive but not diseased individuals (36).
However, for the diagnosis of NSM, immunological methods
FIG. 3. Enlargement (arrow) of the conus medularis with micronodu-
are relevant because this disease is characterized by antibody
lations in spinal cord schistosomiasis. (Reproduced from reference 260 production localized to the CSF. Seroconversion is likely valu-
with permission of the publisher.) able for the diagnostic workup (247).
The use of purified antigens, the study of class or isotype
response, and extensive standardization studies are neces-
sary to improve molecular diagnosis in NSM. Typically, con-
Diagnosis firmed diagnosis is made by demonstration of typical large
Schistosoma sp. eggs on histological sections of the granu-
MRI of schistosomiasis patients shows enlargement of the lomatous lesions as well as in stool or urine samples (Fig. 4
spinal cord and thickening of the spinal roots, including the and Table 2). However, biopsy or surgical resection is not
cauda equina on T1-weighted images. In general, signal hyper- recommended because of the risk of adding damage to neu-
intensity on T2-weighted images and a heterogeneous pattern ral tissues.
of enhancement with contrast material are the most prominent
features in MRI. Conventional myelography and computer-
assisted myelography are less sensitive than MRI but may also Treatment
show the enlargement of the spinal cord or nerve roots (Fig. 3)
(160). Praziquantel (PZQ) and corticoids are the drugs of choice
CSF samples from schistosomiasis patients show a mild to for neuroschistosomiasis treatment, although there is no
moderate increase in cells and protein content. Glucose consensus regarding total doses or duration of the treatment
levels are slightly low or normal, and eosinophilia is evident (68, 160, 259). PZQ should be administered at 50 to 60
in 50% of the patients (93, 197). Failure to detect CSF mg/kg either as a single dose (260) or as a daily dose for 5
eosinophilia has been attributed to lack of identification of days (94). Corticoids should be maintained for long periods,
eosinophils when a stained preparation of the sediment is such as 3 to 6 months. Clinical improvement should begin 24
not examined (222). to 48 h after initiation of corticoid treatment, and these
ELISA performed with soluble egg antigen (SEA) is the drugs should be initiated as soon as NSM is suspected. PZQ
more reliable immunological method for diagnosis of NSM, may be initiated some time later, but an anthelmintic drug
with 56% sensitivity and 95% specificity (95). Although should always be used, to avoid clinical relapses (41). The
more purified preparations and defined antigens have been prognosis is good: 70% of the patients recover completely
reported, they have not been extensively tested for diagnosis (94). MRI is a good method for evaluation of response to
of NSM (81, 234). Ferrari and colleagues (95) have pro- treatment (259).

CYSTICERCOSIS nation of this disease. With humans as the source of infection,

patterns of transmission may arise within social clusters.
The Parasite

Cysticercosis is the infection with the larval stage of Taenia

solium, and neurocysticercosis (NCC) occurs when these cysts
are located in nervous tissues. T. solium is a flat metazoan NCC is neither a febrile disease nor a typical meningitis
organism belonging to the phylum Platyhelminthes, the class syndrome (267). Progression of clinical manifestations is slow
Cestoidea, and the order Cyclophyllidea. Humans are the de- and confusing. Symptoms and signs depend on localization,
finitive host, and herbivorous animals act as intermediate hosts number, size, developmental stage, and type of the cysticerci.
to this worm, commonly known as tapeworm. Host reaction to the presence of the parasite is also a key
determinant in pathogenesis. Between 70 and 90% of patients
History present with seizures, and this parasitic infection is considered
the most important cause of late-onset epilepsy in areas of
Historical references to what is known today as cysticercosis endemicity (107, 216). Contrary to seizures derived from other
date back to antiquity. Aristotle described the characteristics of etiologies of acquired epilepsy, NCC seizures are usually not

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the infection. In 1697, Malpighi described cysticerci as seg- simultaneous with focal neurological signs (267). Intellectual
ments of a worm. The genus Cysticercus was proposed in 1800 impairment and behavior disorders may also be manifestations
by Zeder, and by 1885, Kuchenmeister had experimentally of NCC (184, 213). Meningeal irritation depends on cysts lo-
demonstrated that ingestion of cysticerci gives rise to the tape- cated next to or within the subarachnoid space.
worm, T. solium. As a point of reference, the taxon Cysticercus Cysts in the subarachnoid space or within the ventricular
cellulosae is invalid under the current rules of zoological no- system may lead to the obstruction of CSF flow and to acute
menclature. intracranial hypertension, with focal neurological signs. Intra-
ventricular cysts occur in 20% of patients, and the fourth ven-
tricle is the most commonly affected. With fourth-ventricle
Life Cycle and the CNS
blockage, there are often signs of brainstem dysfunction due to
Tapeworms fixate their scolex at the mucosa of the human the compression of the ventricular floor. Mobile intraventric-
small intestine and produce proglottids packed with eggs that ular cysts may result in sudden death or acute intermittent
are released with feces. Pigs are the intermediate hosts of T. hydrocephalus and hypertension, with bursts of headache, po-
solium, and they become infected by ingestion of the eggs. sitional vertigo, and loss of consciousness related to abrupt
Inside the pig, the embryo (onchosphere) is released from the movements of the head. Giant cysts, bunches of growing cystic
egg and penetrates the intestinal wall, where it migrates membranes, and “racemose” cysticerci are considered malig-
through blood vessels to other body tissues. At the destination nant forms of NCC that result in high lethality and that usually
tissue, a cystic larval stage (the cysticercus) develops with a involve invasion of the basal cisterns (224).
single protoscolex. Cysticerci are found mainly in striated mus- The spinal cord is involved in less than 5% of NCC cases,
cles, subcutaneous tissue, the eye, and the CNS. Ingestion of and this involvement leads to compression syndromes or me-
undercooked pork containing these cysticerci allows the ningomyelitis, manifested by sphincter disturbances and pro-
tapeworm to complete the cycle. After ingestion of tissue gressive weakness of the extremities. In cases with spinal in-
containing cysticerci, protoscolices evaginate from the cys- volvement, 30% of patients have concomitant brain cysts (256).
ticerci and fixate themselves on the human intestinal mu- Small numbers of intraparenchymal cysts are usually asymp-
cosa. Humans are an exclusive definitive host for T. solium tomatic, and their presence carries a good prognosis. The true
but are actually an accidental intermediate host for the frequency of patients with this form of the disease in the
larval stages of the parasite. general population is unknown. Occasional findings in autopsy
studies range widely, from 43 to 91% (46, 297).

Although no gender preference has been suggested, the
disease appears to be more severe in women. There is a hy- Live and uncomplicated cysts are spherical lesions measur-
pothesis that female hormones exacerbate the outcome (101). ing approximately 1 cm. By computerized tomography (CT) or
Peak age incidence is found in middle-aged adults (267). MRI, it is possible to identify the presence of a small dot inside
Infection with T. solium and cysticercosis are probably more the cyst that corresponds to the invaginated scolex, or proto-
widespread than what is known from reports in the literature. scolex. When cysts degenerate, they are surrounded by edema
The countries with the largest prevalence of NCC are Mexico and a ring enhancement. Calcification may ensue both around
and India. Infections are also prevalent in other countries of and within the lesion at a final stage. Due to isodensity, intra-
Latin America, Africa, and Asia. ventricular cysts are seen only by MRI scans. CT is still the first
Cysticercosis is acquired by ingestion of eggs released with line of image examination, since it reveals the cysts and calci-
feces, not by ingestion of undercooked pork. A frequent mis- fications, a feature not well demonstrated by MRI. This makes
take in reports of clinical cases is to exclude the possibility of CT a crucial diagnostic tool for NCC.
NCC, due to underreporting of eating raw pork. Good sanita- The CSF of NCC patients shows mononuclear pleocytosis
tion and health education are key measures to ensure elimi- and eosinophilia. Cell counts rarely exceed 300 per mm3. Pro-

TABLE 5. Immunological methods for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in CSF samplesa

Target Method Material Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Reference

Fractions, saline/SDS ELISA CSF Tso-NaCl: 100 Tso-NaCl: 100 12

Tcra-NaCl: 85 Tcra-NaCl: 100
Tso-SDS: 95 Tso-SDS: 100
Tcra-SDS: 87 Tcra-SDS: 97
Antigen ELISA CSF 218
Anti-Tso 81 82
Anti-Cra 90 98
Anti-Cra, 95 100
⬍30 kDa
ES antigens ELISA CSF 92 97 192
14- and 18-kDa antigens ELISA CSF 100 100 217
14-kDa antigen ELISA CSF 95 100 221
Peptides HP6-2 and Ts45W-1 ELISA CSF 93 85 100
14 and 18-kDa antigen ELISA CSF and serum 100 100 91
10-kDa antigen, recombinant ELISA CSF 91 NR 162
Serum 97 96

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14-kDa antigen, recombinant ELISA CSF 100 100 69
Serum 97 100
Fractions: 47–52, 64–68 and WB CSF 100 NR 11
70 kDa Serum 80 NR
Crude antigen (W) and VF, ELISA CSF TsoW, 91; TcraW, 87; TsoW, 94; TcraW, 94; 274
Tso and Tcra TsoVF, 91; TcraVF, 91 TsoVF, 97; TcraVF, 97
Tso, Taenia solium; Tcra, Taenia crassiceps; NaCl, saline extract; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate extract; W, worm; VF, vesicular fluid; NR, not reported.

teins in CSF are elevated within the range of 50 to 300 mg/dl, The use of other recombinant antigens (54, 96) or synthetic
and glucose levels are usually normal (267). peptides (100), examination of isotypes such as IgG4 (55), the
Immunological diagnosis of cysticercosis has mainly been use of tertiary conformational alterations (227) or multie-
made with antibody detection by ELISA and WB. There is a pitope chimeric proteins (245) and other novel strategies may
long list of antigens that have been evaluated, in both crude further improve immunological detection methods.
and purified forms (Tables 5 and 6). WB with purified cystic- Nucleic acid detection by PCR was positive in the CSF of 29
ercus glycoprotein antigens is the current “gold standard” an- out of 30 patients with NCC (5). Identification of Taenia spe-
tibody detection assay, and three to five main components have cies is possible in feces and in tissues by restriction fragment
been evaluated as synthetic or recombinant peptides, with ex- length polymorphism analysis, base excision sequence scan-
ceptional performance in serology (134, 248, 282) (Tables 5 ning, thymine-based analysis, and multiplex PCR (305).
and 6). The use of these peptides to detect antibodies in the In 2000, a panel of experts convened in Peru and proposed
CSF is expected to reproduce what has been well demon- diagnostic criteria for NCC. The following criteria are now
strated in serum. Immunological tests are more successful with considered absolute: histological demonstration of the parasite
CSF samples, but results are dependent upon the activity of the from biopsy of a brain or spinal cord lesion (Table 2), cystic
infection. Inactive cysticerci are usually associated with very lesions showing the scolex on CT or MRI, and direct visual-
low reactivity (162, 192). Immunofluorescence and comple- ization of subretinal parasites by funduscopic examination. The
ment fixation (CFA) tests are much less sensitive and specific isolated presence of one absolute criterion or different combi-
than ELISA and WB, especially with use of purified antigens nations of major, minor, and epidemiologic criteria supports
(30). two degrees of diagnostic certainty: definitive or probable di-

TABLE 6. Antibody detection immunoassays for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in serum samplesa
Target Method Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Reference(s)

10- to 24-kDa glycoproteins ELISA and WB 100 NR 134

10-kDa protein, recombinant ELISA 97 98 54
Chimeric antigen (Ag1V1/Ag2), ELISA 90 NR 244, 245, 246
Crude antigen, fraction VF ELISA Tso-VF, 100; Tcra-VF, 100 Tso-VF, 90; Tcra-VF, 96 30
8-kDa protein (TsRS1) WB 100 100 117
GP50, recombinant WB 100 100 119
Crude andtigen, fraction VF ELISA Tso-VF, 91; Tcra-VF, 91 Tso-VF, 96; Tcra-FV, 95 9
T24, recombinant WB 94 98 118
Ts8B1-3, Ts8B2, recombinant ELISA 96 93 96
20- to 24-kDa protein ELISA 86 100 180
Dot blot 86 98
NR, not reported; Tso, Taenia solium; Tcra, Taenia crassiceps; VF, vesicular fluid.

agnosis. For details, see the report of the consensus meeting caused by migrating larvae of the Toxocara species (15). In
(73). 1951, a larva was found for the first time in the brain of a
patient, and it was subsequently proven to be T. canis (14). In
Treatment 1958, Sprent gave the first detailed description of the life cycle
of T. canis (268).
The therapeutics of NCC varies according to the clinical
situation. Corticoids may be necessary with the inflammatory
Life Cycle and the CNS
clinical forms, such as meningitis and co-occurrence of NCC
with vasculitis. Corticoids are mandatory treatment for large Adult T. canis lives in the lumen of dog intestine and pro-
intraventricular cysts and encephalitis (236); the recommenda- duces eggs, which are eliminated in feces. Eggs are thick-
tion is dexamethasone, 4 to 30 mg/day, or prednisolone, 1 walled and can remain in the environment for a long period of
mg/kg/day, as long as necessary. Adequate seizure control may time before they embryonate and become infective. When the
require antiepileptic drugs. Ventricular shunting is required eggs are ingested by dogs, L2 larvae are liberated and pene-
for persistent hydrocephalus. Surgical removal is necessary to trate the intestinal wall. Larvae travel through the circulatory
relieve life-threatening giant and/or racemose cysts, or cysts system to the liver and lungs. From the lungs, they crawl up the
producing significant compression syndromes. Advances in di- bronchial tree and re-enter the digestive system, where they

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agnostic tools, such as imaging methods and immunological develop into adults. Persistence of larvae in the tissues leads to
detection, have improved surgical treatment approaches (61). the most common mode of infection in dogs: vertical transmis-
Albendazole (15 mg/kg/b.i.d. for 8 days) is the drug of choice sion through the transplacental route. The persistence of lar-
for the treatment of NCC in symptomatic patients with multi- vae in nonusual paratenic hosts, such as mice, rats, and mon-
ple live brain parenchymal cysticerci. PZQ is an apparently less keys, is another source of infection, because the larvae are
effective alternative (275). In cases of inflamed and degener- ingested by wild canids and felids with their prey (268). In cats,
ated or calcified cysts, albendazole is not indicated for treat- no transplacental infection occurs with T. cati, but transmission
ment. As in other CNS parasitic infections, there are concerns to offspring does occur via milk. Infection through the inges-
about sudden degradation of the cysts, which may exacerbate tion of paratenic hosts is also common in cats (75).
inflammatory lesions (35, 72). In accidental hosts such as humans, as larvae persist in the
Hydrocephalus and intracranial hypertension occur in 60% tissue and wander outside their usual route, they may eventu-
of patients, and these are the main indicators of poor progno- ally reach multiple organs, like the eyes and the CNS. Al-
sis. Mortality is 50%, and most patients die within 2 years after though CNS infection in humans is rare, T. canis larvae are
a shunt is implanted (276). Intraventricular cysts are prone to neurotropic in experimental infections of primates (111). Ex-
cause further complications and high mortality (66). Recur- perimental infections of mice with T. canis indicate that it
rence of seizures is common and does not necessarily represent accumulates in both body muscle and brain tissues after 1 week
failure of anthelmintics, since usually only calcified nodules are postinfection, but experiments with T. cati show that accumu-
detected (267). lation is restricted to muscle.

The Parasite Toxocariasis is a cosmopolitan parasitic infection. Sero-
The superfamily Ascaridoidea includes cylindrical worm prevalence is highly variable, but children are considered the
parasites of vertebrates, whose larvae migrate in host tissues on most likely exposed population, due to outdoor activities and
their way to becoming adults inside the gut lumen. Ascaris frequent contact with dogs and cats (75, 97). Interestingly,
lumbricoides is a well-known enteroparasite of humans. Ascaris there is not a clear association of human toxocariasis with the
and Toxocara species have very similar morphologies, habitats, presence of pets in the house, probably because contaminated
and life cycles. In the genus Toxocara, there are the ascarids of outdoor areas are the main source of infection (45). Infective
dogs (T. canis) and cats (T. cati), which measure between 7.5 Toxocara eggs can remain viable for months or years in the
and 12.5 cm and exhibit characteristic cervical alae. Among environment, which increases the chance for their dissemina-
felids, parasitic larvae of T. cati and Toxascaris leonina do not tion by paratenic hosts or by rain and wind (75). The contam-
have the same migration behavior and preference for nervous ination of drinking water supplies can lead to waterborne out-
tissue shown by T. canis, which may explain the prominence of breaks (16).
T. canis as a cause of CNS infections.
Human toxocariasis manifests as either VLM or ocular larva
Toxocara specimens were initially described by Werner in migrans syndrome. Ocular infection is considered a compart-
1782, but the genus was not established until 1905 by Stiles mentalized infection, and patients may present isolated ocular
(302). Human infection was first documented in the 1950s, larva migrans syndrome.
when Wilder discovered a larval nematode within a retinal CNS infection is rare, and pure meningitis is also rare. Re-
granuloma of a child (298). Around the same time, Beaver and ports of not more than 50 patients with neurotoxocariasis can
colleagues described what today is called “visceral larva mi- be found in the literature, and in many reports the diagnosis
grans” (VLM), a severe multisystem disease with eosinophilia was only presumptive. For example, diagnoses have been made

TABLE 7. Immunological methods for diagnosis of toxocariasis in serum

Target Method Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Reference

TES Dot blot 95 97 32

ELISA 95 90
30-kDa protein, recombinant ELISA, TES TES: 100 TES: 57 304
ELISA, 30-kDa antigen 30-kDa protein: 100 30-kDa protein: 97
120-kDa protein, recombinant WB 100 100 102
TES ELISA (IgG) IgG: 97 IgG: 45 205
ELISA (IgG4) IgG4: 36 IgG4: 78
TES Dot blot 100 85 240
ELISA 100 70
57-kDa protein Sandwich ELISA 90 100 128
30-kDa protein, recombinant ELISA (IgG4) 92 89 207

based on the presence of neurological dysfunctions and eosino- tools for toxocariasis. These tests have a high sensitivity and

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philia and negative serology for other parasitic causes, such as specificity (74). Before the era of purified TES components,
angiostrongyliasis, combined with a pattern of close contact the preabsorption of serum samples with antigen of Ascaris
with dogs. Some authors give too much value to positive re- suum was a successful strategy for improving specificity, since
sponses to anthelmintic treatment and consider it supportive of cross-reactivity complicates a distinct immunological diagnosis
a presumptive diagnosis. With so little rigorous data from drug (132, 239, 240).
trial treatment of CNS toxocariasis and several cases of spon- Recombinant proteins, like TES arginine kinase (30 kDa
taneous remission, only tentative conclusions can be drawn and 120 kDa), have been evaluated as targets for antibody
from the reported outcomes. detection methods (Table 7), and IgG2, IgG4, and IgE re-
The CNS impact of toxocariasis is manifested as meningitis sponses were found to be more specific with this method (175,
(36%), myelitis (28%), encephalitis (62%), or some combina- 205, 294). The adsorption of recombinant antigens into polysi-
tion (90). Other rarer clinical presentations of CNS impact are loxane-polyvinyl alcohol beads has also been reported as a
extramedullary tumor, brain vasculitis, seizure, and isolated more sensitive method than classical ELISA (60). There are
behavior disorder (289). autoantibodies against small nuclear ribonucleoproteins asso-
In Sprent’s early descriptions of the parasite impact on hu- ciated with toxocariasis that may recognize epitopes shared by
man disease in 1958, he suggested that toxocariasis facilitates the host and Toxocara. Their role in pathogenesis is unknown,
viral or bacterial infection, similar to infections with S. mansoni and their usefulness in diagnosis is open for investigation
and S. stercoralis (159). Data from a recent case-control study (210).
have not supported this association with toxocariasis (199). Examination of serum samples is worthwhile in CNS toxo-
cariasis, since negative blood and positive CSF is an exception
(90). Higher antibody titers in CSF than in serum appear to be
the rule, with the more frequent myelitic form in toxocariasis
MRI images of toxocariasis patients may show multiple or (112, 290). However, serum reactivity is not a reliable indicator
solitary subcortical, cortical, or white matter lesions, which are of CNS disease activity, since serum reactivity persists long
T2-weighted hyperintense and homogeneously enhanced after after clinical recovery (289).
contrast administration. Spinal cord involvement with tumoral Nucleic acid detection methods for diagnosis of toxocariasis
lesions is also usually hyperintense at T2 upon MRI and shows are also under investigation. Analysis of sequences in the in-
strong enhancement (303). ternal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of nuclear ribo-
It is rare to find larvae in the CSF (289, 290) or tissue, as somal DNA may prove useful for identifying species of Toxo-
illustrated by a report of one single larva within 100 sections cara (166).
from a biopsy fragment (302). L2 larvae are 290 to 300 by 18 to
21 ␮m. Due to their small dimensions, these larvae are espe- Treatment
cially difficult to detect in transverse biopsy sections (Table 2).
The general characteristics of a nematode larva in histological There has been no clinical trial evaluating drug treatment
sections include a chitinous envelope and scattered embryonic for CNS toxocariasis. Considering that albendazole has good
cells with relatively small nuclei. These morphological aspects penetration in nervous tissues and is apparently less toxic than
are not at all specific to T. canis larvae, as they are similar to other anthelmintics, it remains the recommended treatment, at
other nematode larvae, such as S. stercoralis. 5 to 15 mg/kg b.i.d. for 2 to 4 weeks (90). If immune vasculitis
In toxocariasis, eosinophilia can reach 70% in either blood aggravates the clinical course of neurotoxocariasis, corticoids
or CSF (90). It is possible to have peripheral eosinophilia may be of help, but this condition is considered very rare and
without CSF eosinophilia, and vice versa. CSF protein is is also very difficult to identify (265). Overall, there is no
slightly elevated in about half of toxocariasis patients, and consensus on the use of corticoids for toxocariasis.
glucose levels are usually normal (90, 176). The impact of toxocariasis can be long-term. Sequelae ensue
Immunological methods detecting the L2 excretory-secre- in approximately 30% of patients, and these include persis-
tory (TES) antigens of T. canis are widely recognized diagnosis tence of cognitive deficits and weakness in the extremities.

Mortality occurs primarily in children less than 6 years old (90, a very low number is required to produce infection and disease.
196). Experimental toxocariasis infections in mice have shown Male children are prevalent among reported cases of B. pro-
several alterations in brain lesion biomarkers that suggest pro- cyonis infection, which has been attributed to their more fre-
gression toward chronic neurodegenerative disorders (168). quent engagement in exploratory outdoor activities (266).
This is yet another justification for multicentric studies of treat- However, changes in the behavior of both raccoons and girls
ment evaluation and long-term follow-up of toxocariasis infec- may alter this observed prevalence, so this alternate etiological
tions. pairing should not be ignored. Domestic dogs and puppies
have been found to be infected with B. procyonis. Infected pets
BAYLISASCARIASIS represent a possible great risk of infection, particularly for
children (266).
The Parasite
The superfamily Ascaridoidea includes large cylindrical Disease
worms that live within the lumen of the intestines. These ani-
mals produce thick-walled eggs that spend some time in the Infection with B. procyonis is known as baylisascariasis. The
environment before becoming infective. One of the most prev- systemic erratic migration of B. procyonis larvae may be asymp-

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alent enteroparasites in humans is Ascaris lumbricoides. An- tomatic or may produce visceral, cutaneous, or ocular larva
other ascarid worm is Baylisascaris procyonis, which infects migrans syndrome. The larvae may reach 1,900 ␮m in length
raccoons (Procyon lotor) and produces VLM in humans. Al- and 80 ␮m in maximal diameter, producing extensive tissue
though P. lotor is native to North America, these animals and damage (108). A macular rash on the face and trunk has been
B. procyonis have been introduced worldwide (108). described as a manifestation of CLM produced by B. procyonis
larvae (67, 103).
History Unlike angiostrongyliasis and gnathostomiasis, ocular dis-
ease is concomitant with neurological disease in many patients.
B. procyonis was first found in raccoons in the New York CNS disease is usually very severe and leads to sequelae or
Zoological Park in 1931. The genus Baylisascaris was estab- death. The typical clinical presentation of CNS disease is an
lished by Sprent in 1968. It is considered to be the most im- acute and rapidly progressing meningoencephalitis, character-
portant cause of VLM in over 100 species of birds and mammals ized by lethargy, ataxia, and paralysis. Fever is usually not
(108). The first human cases were reported in the mid-1980s. prominent, and there is impairment of humor and conscious-
Human disease is rare and always entails sequelae or death. ness. Extensor posturing, spasticity, paresis, cranial nerve in-
volvement, ataxia, and seizures are among the neurological
Life Cycle and the CNS clinical manifestations. A less acute disease is expected in adult
patients (108).
The adult worms of B. procyonis live in the lumen of the
small intestine and excrete thick-walled eggs that are released
in feces. These eggs can remain in soil for several weeks before Diagnosis
they embryonate and become infective. Raccoons ingest the
eggs, and then the larvae hatch and enter the wall of the CNS imaging is somewhat informative. MRI eventually
raccoon small intestine. There, they develop into adult worms, demonstrates nonspecific diffuse white matter lesions. Hydro-
which return to the lumen of the intestine. When B. procyonis cephalus and edema are also apparent at imaging, if not be-
larvae are ingested by less adapted hosts, like humans and fore. There is no meningeal or parenchymal enhancement (67,
many other vertebrate species, they migrate out of the intestine 108, 109).
and can remain encapsulated in tissues or invade the CNS and Eosinophilia in the CSF may be extremely high. It varies
produce disease. Between 5 and 7% of the larvae are estimated from 4 to 68% in mild pleocytosis to between 1 and 125 cells/
to migrate into the CNS. Encapsulated larvae can be at an mm3. CSF eosinophilia can be present without major abnor-
infective stage when a raccoon eats another host. Infection in malities in protein and glucose concentrations. Elevation of
raccoons is highly prevalent, being estimated at 70% in adults white cell counts in peripheral blood is mild, but blood eosin-
and 90% in young (108, 266). ophilia can vary widely, from 5 to 45% (108). The diagnosis of
baylisascariasis should be considered whenever eosinophilic
meningoencephalitis occurs in a epidemiologically compatible
The first report of a human infection with B. procyonis in As with the other tissue-dwelling parasites mentioned above,
1984 reflected the increasingly shared environment of raccoons histological sectioning of infected tissue does not always reveal
and humans. A 10-month-old infant died from severe eosino- the infecting organism. But when detected in transverse sec-
philic encephalitis, and the source of infection was likely the tion, B. procyonis has prominent lateral cuticular alae, large
raccoon nest in unused chimneys of a house. Raccoons do not triangular excretory columns, and a diameter of 60 to 80 ␮m
require a rural or sylvatic environment and, like many other (243). Larvae may be isolated or amid a host inflammatory
wild species in recent decades, are living in urban areas. As B. reaction of infiltrating eosinophils, histiocytes, and lympho-
procyonis is highly prevalent among raccoons, a huge number cytes (Table 2). Large numbers of eosinophils may be found
of eggs are released daily in feces. These eggs in the environ- next to necrotic migration tracks and blood vessels (103, 116,
ment are extremely resistant to adverse conditions in soil, and 126). In patients with a less fulminant and subacute disease

course, fully developed granulomas with scattered eosinophils History

may be detected (126).
Similar to Gnathostoma, P. westermani was first identified in
There are a variety of effective immunological detection
a tiger at a zoo. P. westermani parasites were recovered from a
methods. Antibodies can be detected in serum and CSF, pref-
Bengal tiger at the Amsterdam Zoo in 1877. Consequently, the
erably by ELISA but also by WB and immunofluorescence on
species was named after the tiger keeper, Mr. Westerman. The
sections of frozen L3 larvae (108). The small number of con-
genus Paragonimus was established by Diesing in 1850, while
firmed infections prevents a more extensive evaluation of sen-
working in Brazil. The first human infection was documented
sitivity and specificity. These methods are apparently quite
in 1879, in Taiwan (129).
sensitive, since patients with clinical disease usually have pos-
itive immunological tests in both serum and CSF. Brain biopsy
or autopsy material has confirmed the serum and CSF immu- Life Cycle and the CNS
nological diagnosis in many patients (103, 108, 126). Excretory- Multiple mammals can be infected with adult flukes, includ-
secretory antigens have been used as antigens in ELISA and ing domestic cats and dogs. The flukes live in mammal lungs
WB, and the fraction of 33 to 45 kDa appears to be a good and produce eggs that pass into bronchial secretions and are
target for the specific detection of anti-Baylisascaris antibodies eliminated via expectoration or swallowing and eventual inclu-
(28). There are cross-reactive epitopes in B. procyonis antigens

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sion in feces. Ultimately these eggs reach environmental fresh-
and other parasites, but the use of selected antigenic fractions water. After 2 weeks of embryonation, the eggs hatch and
results in improved immunological diagnosis (28, 27). release the free swimming miracidia. These ciliated larvae
must infect mollusks for the development of cercariae. Crus-
Treatment taceans, such as crabs or crayfishes, may be infected by direct
penetration of cercariae or by ingestion of mollusks. In these
Anthelmintic drugs have not a proven beneficial for the second intermediate hosts, the cercariae encyst and become
treatment of baylisascariasis, since they lack larvicidal effects in metacercariae.
human tissues (108). In experimental animal infections with B. Ingestion of raw or undercooked crustaceans is the main
procyonis, reduction of CNS lesions was obtained with albenda- mode of human infection, which results in paragonimiasis.
zole, diethylcarbazine, mebendazole, and thiabendazole, but Larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate in the abdom-
only when they were administered from day 1 to day 10 after inal tissues, through the diaphragm to the lung, where they
the infection. Even so, albendazole (20 to 40 mg/kg/day for 1 to develop into adult worms (170). Eventual CNS infection oc-
4 weeks) has been used to treat most of the recently reported curs when flukes enter the cranial cavity through the jugular or
cases (108). Corticosteroids have been used in the majority of carotid foramen and usually invade the temporal and occipital
patients to reduce inflammatory reactions, but well-controlled lobes of the brain (50).
studies are necessary to establish their role in treatment.
Given the severity of the disease, its poor prognosis, and the Epidemiology
demonstrated effect of anthelmintics to prevent disease, it is
prudent to immediately start prophylactic treatment with al- Paragonimus is responsible for 3.5% of food-borne parasitic
bendazole (20 to 40 mg/kg/day) or thiabendazole (50 mg/kg/ CNS infections in China (310), where 290 million are esti-
day) immediately after exposure to raccoon latrines or mated to be infected (170). It is endemic to several countries in
cages. For effective prophylaxis, administration of anthel- South America, Africa, and particularly Asia. The distribution
mintics should continue until epidemiological investigation of the human infection is determined by dietary choices, since
has clearly excluded the possibility of B. procyonis eggs at the Paragonimus is acquired by ingestion of raw or undercooked
exposure site. Otherwise, treatment should be maintained for crustaceans. Similar to other helminths that cause eosinophilia,
at least for 10 days. This recommendation is based on experi- Paragonimus has shown increased global prevalence as the
mental infections wherein success was achieved only with treat- breadth of human travel and food exchange expands.
ment periods that covered expected CNS vulnerability to larval
invasion (108). Disease
Paragonimiasis manifests as a pulmonary infection, with
PARAGONIMIASIS cough, thoracic pain, and bloody sputum, but meningitis is
The Parasite usually not concomitant with these acute pulmonary infections
(211); however, CNS infection is the most common (50%)
Flukes are flatworms from the class Trematoda that are nonpulmonary form of paragonimiasis (170, 277). Clinical
elongated, leaf-shaped, hermaphroditic organisms. Different manifestations of cerebral disease are, in order of decreasing
species dwell in the lung (e.g., Paragonimus species), in the frequency, seizures, focal signs, and meningismus (170). Unlike
liver (e.g., Fasciola hepatica), in the intestines (e.g., Metagoni- what is seen in tuberculous meningitis and other etiologies,
mus yokogawai), and in the blood vessels (e.g., Schistosoma there is no severe compromise of general condition or mental
species). Paragonimus belongs to the superfamily Troglotrema- status (211). Paravertebral pain, urinary dysfunction, abnormal
toidea, and at least eight species of Paragonimus are known to tendon reflexes, paresis, and muscular spasms can reflect spinal
cause human disease: P. miyazakii, P. skrjabini, P. heterotremus, involvement (170).
P. africanus, P. uterobilateralis, P. kellicoti, P. mexicanus, and From autopsy analysis and biopsies, it has been determined
the most common, P. westermani (22, 23). that the pathology of CNS paragonimiasis may affect the me-

ninges in the first exudative stage, when eosinophils may be cluster for diagnosis is the combination of swelling facial le-
present. Meningitis is secondary to parenchymal lesions, which sions on the lids or the lips, an acute fever, and myalgias.
progress chronically to granulomatous and fibrotic lesions Trichinella infection is most commonly acquired by con-
(211, 212). Eggs may be found in histological sections at the sumption of inadequately cooked pork from domestic pigs.
border of necrotic nodules (141). Undercooked meat from walrus, bear, cougar, and wild boar
can also be a source of trichinellosis (173, 185). The main
Diagnosis diagnostic criterion for trichinellosis is a history of eating un-
dercooked meat, especially pork products, together with the
CNS paragonimiasis can be difficult to detect. CSF eosino- clinical detection of blood eosinophilia. CSF is normal in most
philia is not present in all paragonimiasis patients. Thus, dif- patients (173). Antibodies are detected by serology, with either
ferentiation from tuberculous meningitis is mandatory. Other ELISA or WB (308). The study of trichinellosis in animals has
bacterial etiologies should also be considered, since CSF glu- led to some well-defined and cloned molecules that may im-
cose levels are typically low (212). Cerebral involvement may prove antibody detection methods in humans (29, 200). At the
include chronic silent lesions, detectable with image examina- onset of the clinical course, weak humoral reactivity may lead
tion as multiple conglomerated iso-intensity or low-signal-in- to false-negative results in immunological tests (199). Multi-
tensity round nodules, with peripheral rim enhancement (39, plex PCR can detect Trichinella DNA and differentiate it from

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50, 141, 277). Skin tests, CFA, immunodiffusion, hemaggluti- that of several other organisms, but a negative result from a
nation, and other techniques have been used for anti-Paragon- muscle sample does not exclude the possibility of CNS infec-
imus antibody detection, with variable results (49). tion (173, 312). A muscle biopsy that reveals encysted larvae
Immunofluorescence, ELISA, and WB are the main meth- will confirm the diagnosis (34) (Table 2). In more severe cases,
ods for diagnosis (49, 170). The use of antigenic fractions and corticoids must be given, and anthelmintics are recommended.
development of methods at the class or isotype level may result Mebendazole can be given at 200 mg/day for 5 days, or al-
in improved immunological diagnosis. Proteins from adult bendazole can be given at 400 mg/day for 3 days, but most
worms (32 and 35 kDa) and egg extracts (28, 46, and 94 kDa) Trichinella infections are uncomplicated and self-limited, and
were recognized by WB in 98% of samples from infected specific therapy is usually not required (34).
patients, with 100% specificity (149). A recombinant egg anti-
gen was evaluated by ELISA, with 90% sensitivity and 100%
specificity (163).
In pulmonary and skin paragonimiasis, the definitive diag- Hydatidosis is the infection with larval stage tapeworms of
nosis is the identification of operculated eggs or the worms in the genus Echinococcus. While the species E. granulosus and E.
sputum and biopsy specimens (Table 2). Detection of eggs in multilocularis are known to infect the human CNS, E. vogeli
CSF should not to be expected, since most of the CNS lesions and E. oligarthus do not usually affect human nervous tissues
occur in the parenchyma, and meningitis is a secondary event (59). The most common cause of human hydatidosis is E.
(211). granulosus. Dogs are the initial host for the worm, and eggs are
released with feces. After ingestion of eggs, the oncospheres
Treatment are released in the upper small intestine, where they penetrate
the intestinal wall and migrate through the blood or lymph
PZQ is 80 to 90% effective for elimination of the lung fluke. stream to several tissues. Typical locations of hydatid cysts are
The recommended treatment is a total dose of 150 mg/kg, the liver and lungs. Less common are cysts in the CNS, which
divided into three doses over 2 days. Triclabendazole is an occur in 2 to 8% of patients (59). All hydatid cysts grow slowly,
alternative treatment, at 10 mg/kg/day for 3 days. Less effective and depending on their location can cause a variety of effects,
are mebendazole and bithionol, which result in cure rates such as headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness in the extremi-
lower than 70% and have many side effects. Surgical removal ties, seizures, visual disturbances, and cranial nerve distur-
of cerebral or spinal nodules may be necessary to relieve life- bance (286). A neurogenic bladder may result from a cyst
threatening mass compression effects (170). located in the spine (82). One-third of all hydatid cysts are
asymptomatic. Cysts in the CNS are usually solitary and have
OTHER INFECTIOUS AGENTS LESS COMMONLY an intraparenchymal and supratentorial location. CNS cysts do
CAUSING EOSINOPHILIC MENINGOENCEPHALITIS not typically elicit a strong inflammatory reaction, even when
they are in the subarachnoid space (21) (Table 2). Eosinophilic
meningitis may occur as a complication of surgical resection,
Larval stages of nematodes from Trichinella species migrate but this is rare (26). The cysts are seen upon tomography and
and encyst in tissues of several animals, including humans (34, MRI, and they can be differentiated from cysticerci by the
86). Up to 17% of patients infected with Trichinella spiralis may absence of a solitary and visible protoscolex. By contrast, cys-
present with neurological symptoms among a range of mani- ticerci are rarely larger than 1 cm and may be present in higher
festations caused by the disseminated migration of larvae. Only numbers in several other locations. Peripheral edema and ho-
very few patients show predominantly neurological effects, and mogeneous calcifications are rare. Antibodies can be detected
CSF eosinophilia is rare among those cases (105, 173). Head- with indirect hemagglutination, indirect fluorescence tests, and
ache, deep-tendon abnormal reflexes, neck stiffness, and be- ELISA. Recommended treatment combines the long-term ad-
havior disturbances may last for a week or two, and recovery is ministration of albendazole or mebendazole and surgical pro-
usually spontaneous and complete. An important symptom cedures. Typical surgical interventions include the PAIR tech-

nique (puncture, aspiration of fluid, injection of 15% saline of thiabendazole or other anthelmintic therapeutics is not es-
solution, and reaspiration) and complete surgical resection of tablished, and surgical resection may be necessary (104).
the cyst (285).
Fungal Infections
Coenurosis Coccidioidomycosis is the most prevalent fungal cause of
Coenurosis is infection with larval stages of Taenia multiceps, eosinophilic meningitis. It has a well-defined geographic dis-
a cestode that is parasitic in canids. Cysts are larger than tribution; it is endemic to desert areas in the southwestern
cysticerci (4 to 5 cm in diameter) and have multiple invagi- United States and northwestern Mexico. Besides Coccidioides
nated scolices (Table 2). CNS disease following Taenia multi- immitis, Coccidioides posadasii has been described as a new
ceps infection is very rare and manifests as increased intracra- species causing coccidioidomycosis (98). First, inhalation of
nial pressure. CSF eosinophilia is not the rule (19, 130). conidia causes a systemic mycosis. The first stage of multipli-
cation takes place in the lungs and is followed by dissemina-
tion, which does not necessarily result in disseminated disease.
Strongyloidiasis According to records from areas of endemicity in the United
States, roughly 30% of patients with CNS infections caused by

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Strongyloides stercoralis is an intestinal nematode of humans.
C. immitis present with significant CSF eosinophilia (i.e., more
Infective larvae penetrate the skin or mucosa, migrate to the
than 10% of total leukocyte counts or at least 10 eosinophils
lungs, and reach the gut lumen after crawling up on the surface
per mm3), while another 40% of these patients have lower
of the bronchial tree. Intestinal strongyloidiasis is usually
counts (133, 235). (The remaining 30% have no eosinophils
asymptomatic, but severe disease is associated with immuno-
detected.) Other reports describe eosinophilic meningitis as a
suppressive conditions (143). Disseminated strongyloidiasis is
very rare manifestation of C. immitis infection. Pleocytosis is
characterized by the widespread migration of larvae (Table 2).
usually modest, and lymphocytes predominate. CSF glucose
The huge number of larvae entering the intestinal mucosa and
levels are decreased, and protein levels are usually higher than
circulating systemically increases the likelihood of CNS inva-
150 mg/dl. Fungal endosporulating spherules are seldom visu-
sion and secondary bacterial meningitis. Enteric gram-negative
alized in CSF or biopsies. Recovery of spherules may be en-
bacteria gain access to the circulatory system together with the
hanced by urine filtration (70). CSF cultures are positive for
larvae as they penetrate the mucosa. Larvae may be found in
only a small number of cases (139).
CSF or CNS tissues, but eosinophilic meningitis does not occur
Detection of IgG and IgM antibodies is best performed by
(143, 215, 263).
immunodiffusion and CFA techniques. IgM antibodies can be
detected between 1 to 3 weeks and 4 months after infection.
Filariasis Although positive serum CFA is considered a hallmark of
disseminated disease, these antibodies are not detected in 30%
Filarial nematodes are the major group of tissue-dwelling of coccidioidal meningitis patients, so their absence should not
worms infecting humans. Filariasis is one of the most prevalent rule out diagnosis (264).
helminthic infections worldwide. The larvae of filarial parasites Without treatment, coccidioidal meningitis is universally fa-
have been identified in CNS tissue and CSF and include Loa tal (271). Fluconazole in high doses (up to 1,200 mg/day) is
loa, Wuchereria bancrofti, and Onchocerca volvulus (Table 2). currently the best option for treatment (139). Itraconazole,
Another filarial parasite, Meningonema peruzzii, has been de- voriconazole, and intrathecal amphotericin B are also options.
tected in the subarachnoid space of African primates, and their Whatever the choice, treatment should be sustained for years,
sheathed microfilariae have been detected in the CSF of hu- since therapy is not curative, and the fungus remains latent in
man patients (214). But there are few reports of these parasites tissue even after successful clinical remission (76, 271, 300).
causing eosinophilic meningitis or encephalitis in humans or Other mycoses that affect the CNS do not produce eosino-
other animals (80, 122, 270, 288). Conflicting results come philic inflammatory reactions in the meninges, except for rare
from epidemiological investigations of the association of on- occasions. They are cryptococcosis, candidiasis, aspergillosis,
chocerciasis and epilepsy in Africa, yet no evidence of a con- histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, and mucormycosis (7, 19, 114).
nection between these conditions was found in a meta-analysis
of several studies (181).
Bacterial, Viral, and Allergic Diseases

Myiasis Meningeal eosinophilic reaction may be concomitant with

other infections. These include allergic aspergillus sinusitis
Myiasis is the invasion of animal tissues with larval stages of (37), streptococcal newborn infection (190), coxsackie viral
flies. The larvae, called maggots, may parasitize the skin of meningitis (44), and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (152).
vertebrates and produce nodular lesions with an opening that Also associated with CSF eosinophilia is rickettsial disease and
drains a serosanguineous material. Facial lesions, especially Rocky Mountain spotted fever (63). CSF eosinophilia has been
next to the eyes and in the paranasal sinus, may result in bone described in a few cases of neurosyphilis and tuberculous men-
erosion and migration of the larvae to the CNS, where eosi- ingitis but without a well-documented etiological role for these
nophilic meningitis may ensue. Diagnosis is clinical, and image bacteria (152). It is of historical relevance to mention that the
analysis may show a migration track along with suspected lar- earliest report of eosinophilic meningitis in 1907 involved a
vae that vary from 2 to 30 mm in length (Table 2). The efficacy patient with neurosyphilis (152). Rheumatoid arthritis (121),

TABLE 8. Most common causes of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis, with percentages of the helminthiasis cases with CSF eosinophiliaa
Parasite’s usual habitat Maximum % of patients
Helminthiasis Total no. of infected humans Reference(s)
in humans with CSF eosinophilia

Angiostrongyliasis CNS 2,827 100 230, 293

Gnathostomiasis Skin 230 100 24, 230, 237
Cysticercosis CNS, muscle, skin, eye ⬃1,000,000 (active disease; CNS Unknown 276
and other locations)
Schistosomiasis Mesenteric veins 550 50 48, 94
Toxocariasis Liver, eye, and several 50 80 90
other organs
Baylisascariasis CNS 20 100 108, 266
Paragonimiasis Lung 20 80 49, 170, 211, 212
Rough estimates made from data in the literature.

Behçet’s disease (115), and neurosarcoidosis (254) are occa- polypeptide), should be included in the diagnostic workup

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sionally associated with meningeal eosinophilic infiltrates. (56).
Eosinophils were also rarely found in conjunction with cerebral
ischemia and hemorrhage (25).
CSF eosinophilia can be associated with causes other than
living infectious agents. There are a few reports of CSF eosin-
Clonal proliferation of eosinophils and CSF eosinophilia ophilia associated with use of drugs. Associations with ibupro-
have been documented with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and fen (232), ciprofloxacin (10), and intraventricular vancomycin
undifferentiated myeloproliferative disorders (135). This pro- (113) and gentamicin (189) have been found. When the reso-
liferation is in contrast to the list of hematological neoplasms lution of symptoms and disappearance of CSF eosinophils fol-
where there is malignant proliferation of these cells, such as low the discontinuation of these drugs, the association of the
chronic eosinophilic leukemia, systemic mastocytosis, chronic eosinophilic meningitis with the underlying condition requiring
myelomonocytic leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, the drug treatment can be ruled out (232). CSF eosinophilia
chronic myeloid leukemia, atypical chronic myeloid leukemia, may indicate malfunction of a plastic implant or any nonor-
acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and acute ganic materials coming in contact with the meninges (278).
lymphoblastic leukemia (99). In the most common neoplasia Eosinophilia has also been associated with catheters impreg-
associated with CSF eosinophilia, Hodgkin’s disease, eosino- nated with rifampin and minocycline (18). Therefore, the
philic pleocytosis is rare (125, 219, 272). meningeal reaction to these drugs cannot be ruled out. CSF
The eosinophil morphology is usually normal, and immature eosinophilia is present in up to 30% of children with an intra-
eosinophils are extremely rare, even in eosinophilic leukemia ventricular shunt. This measurement must be taken as an in-
(20, 53). It is important to bear in mind that clonal eosinophilia dicator of treatment malfunction and/or an infectious compli-
as a truly neoplastic disorder is much less frequent than eosin- cation (106, 283). In addition, contrast media for myelography,
ophilia reactive to an infection, an allergen, or a malignant cell. like iodized oil, may induce eosinophilic meningitis in some
Reactive CSF eosinophilia has also been detected in T-lineage patients (124, 140, 182, 183). Detection of eosinophilic arach-
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (99). Other malignancies that may noiditis in human immunodeficiency virus-negative drug ad-
involve CSF eosinophilia are disseminated glioblastoma (71) dicts without evidence for other causes suggests that illicit
and carcinomatosis (62). drugs may also lead to CSF eosinophilia (242).
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome (IHS) is a disorder
characterized by eosinophilia of unknown origin lasting longer CONCLUDING REMARKS
than 6 months. The signs of IHS are cell counts exceeding
1,500/␮l of blood in the absence of known causes of eosino- Generally, eosinophilia is classified as one of the following:
philia, accompanied by organ damage or dysfunction due to (i) reactive, such as in the inflammatory reaction to helminths;
release of the toxic components of eosinophil granules. Al- (ii) clonal, as in eosinophilic leukemia; or (iii) unexplained, as
though nervous tissues are reported to be affected in 54% of in IHS (99). CSF eosinophilia is most frequently associated
IHS patients, neurological disturbances and specific eosino- with reaction to infectious agents.
philic meningitis are not a common finding (296, 299). From As demonstrated by experimental animal studies of helmin-
five reports that included CSF examination, only two out of thic infections, the occurrence of eosinophilic meningitis is
eight IHS patients had increased CSF eosinophil counts (53, dependent on the localization of parasite structures next to the
142, 155, 194, 279). In some cases, the distinction between IHS meninges (148). Cystic larval parasitic stages, in the form of
and leukemia is problematic, and infiltration of the meninges hydatids, cysticerci, and coenuri, may produce endocranial hy-
with eosinophils suggests a diagnosis of malignancy (269). Be- pertension. Spinal taps are usually avoided, to foster a better
sides the classical criteria initially proposed in 1975, absence evaluation of meningeal reaction, if it ever occurs. Meningeal
of clonality and rearrangements in genes like PDGFRA reaction occurs mainly after rupture or degradation of the
(the gene for platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha cystic larvae (276). A. cantonensis, T. solium cysticerci, and B.

TABLE 9. Conditions less commonly associated with This concept is unfortunately not clear to many researchers
CSF eosinophilia and physicians, as demonstrated by equivocal statements
Frequency of that a given serological method was “able to specifically
Cause of eosinophilia Reference(s)
association confirm a presumptive diagnosis.” Detection of antibodies
Nematode infections (roundworms) will never be confirmatory, but it may certainly give strong
Trichinellosis Rare 105, 173 support to the etiological hypothesis. An active search for
Strongyloidiasis Exceptionally rare 143
Filariasis Exceptionally rare 80, 288 useful panels of well-defined and purified antigens, prefer-
ably recombinant molecules, is urgently needed. Also urgent
Cestode infections (tapeworms) is the need for standardization of nucleic acid detection
Hydatidosis (surgical Rare 26
complication) methods that can be applied to CSF samples, for better
Coenurosis Exceptionally rare 19, 130 detection of meningoencephalitis. There is an ongoing effort
Arthropod infections to establish a worldwide multicenter laboratory network for
Myiasis Exceptionally rare 104 evaluation and quality control of diagnostic methods for
helminthic causes of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis. Phy-
Fungal infections
Coccidioidomycosis 70% of patients 235 sicians should contact local public health services for up-
Cryptococcosis Exceptionally rare 114 dated information on sources for diagnostic tests.

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Bacterial and viral infections
The permeability of geographic boundaries, facility of
Syphilis, tuberculosis, and others; Exceptionally rare; 152, 295 travel, increase in migrating populations, and various glob-
Coxsackie virus, lymphocytic uncertain causality alization phenomena have increased the movement of peo-
choriomeningitis virus, and
others ple and the transport of “exotic” foods. Due to this move-
ment, so-called negative epidemiological indicators do not
Inflammatory diseases strongly influence the etiological consideration of infectious
Rheumatoid arthritis Exceptionally rare 121
Behçet’s disease Exceptionally rare 115 diseases as they have had in the past. Food safety is a
Sarcoidosis Exceptionally rare 254 legitimate concern everywhere, especially for the two main
Neoplastic diseases causes of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis: angiostrongyliasis
Hodgkin’s lymphoma Rare 125 and gnathostomiasis. Increased introduction of hosts to new set-
Other neoplastic diseases Exceptionally rare 62, 71, 135
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic Rare 296, 299 tings and climate change may create the opportunity for geo-
graphic spread of parasites.
Drugs, reagents, and plastic devices
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Exceptionally rare 232
Antibiotics Exceptionally rare 10, 113, 189
Myelography contrast media Exceptionally rare 124, 140 C. Graeff-Teixeira is the recipient of CNPq, MS-DECIT, and
Illicit drugs Isolated report 242 FAPERGS grants and a CNPq PQ fellowship.
Plastic catheters/shunts 30% of malfunctioning 106, 283 Reviewers’ criticisms greatly improved the manuscript.
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Carlos Graeff-Teixeira (M.D., Ph.D.) grad- Ana Cristina Arámburu da Silva (M.Sc.,
uated at the Medical School, University of Ph.D.) graduated in Clinical Analysis and
Passo Fundo, and was a clinical fellow, In- Biochemistry, at the Pharmacy School, Fed-
ternal Medicine, at Hospital das Clinicas, eral University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Alegre, Brazil, and got her M.Sc. (1999) and
Brazil (1980 to 1982). He got an M.Sc. de- Ph.D. (2007) in Zoology at the Faculdade
gree on Infectious Diseases at Universidade de Biociencias, PUCRS University, Porto
Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1986) and Ph.D. Alegre, Brazil. She was a postdoctoral re-
in Tropical Medicine at Instituto Oswaldo search fellow at the Division of Parasitic
Cruz, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1991). Diseases, National Center for Zoonotic,
He was also a research fellow at the Na- Vector Borne and Enteric Diseases, Centers
tional Institute for Medical Research, London, United Kingdom for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA (2008). She is cur-
(1990), at R. M. E. Parkhouse’s laboratory. As well, he is a past rently Associate Professor of Parasitology, Faculdade de Biociencias,
president of the Brazilian Society for Parasitology (2000 to 2004). and head of the Molecular Diagnosis Laboratory, Instituto de Pesqui-
Since 1992, he has been Professor of Parasitology at the Ecology and sas Biomedicas, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil. She works with molec-
Diversity Department, Faculdade de Biociencias, Pontifı́ca Univer- ular biology and has made contributions for the development of nu-
sidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil. cleic acid detection methods for both A. cantonensis and A.
He is also head of the Molecular Parasitology Laboratory at the In- costaricensis infections.
stituto de Pesquisas Biomedicas at the same university and a scientific
advisor for the Ministry of Health, Brazil. He has been studying the
disease diagnoses and epidemiologies of Angiostrongylus costaricensis Continued next page
since 1978 and A. cantonensis since 2000.

Kentaro Yoshimura (D.V.M., Ph.D.) got his

M.V.M. (1962) and Ph.D. (1965) at Hok-
kaido University after graduation studies in
veterinary medicine at Gifu University. He
has worked at the 406 Medical Laboratory,
U.S. Army Medical Command, Japan
(1965), at National Institute of Health, To-
kyo, Japan (1970), and the Department of
Parasitology, Juntendo University School of
Medicine as an Associate Professor (1972 to
1983). He joined E. J. L. Soulsby’s Pathobi-
ology Laboratory, at the University of Pennsylvania, as an NIH Inter-
national Research Fellow (1973 to 1974). In 1983, he was appointed
Professor of Parasitology at Akita University School of Medicine and
retired in 2002. He is now Emeritus Professor, Akita University, Japan.
His main research interest has been the mechanisms of the host spec-
ificity of parasitic helminths, especially Angiostrongylus cantonensis and

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Paragonimus species. His works have demonstrated that eosinophils
play a critical role in the killing of developing intracranial A. cantonen-
sis in nonpermissive hosts.

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