Guidelines - For - Creating - An - Advertising - Campaign PDF

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The key takeaways are that advertising is an important tool for companies to promote their products and services, and that there are different types of advertising campaigns like radio spots, TV ads, and promotional campaigns.

The different types of advertising campaigns discussed are radio spots, TV ads, and promotional campaigns.

The steps to create a radio spot are to write a script, time it up by reading it aloud and measuring the timing, record the audio, edit the recording, and save it in a suitable format like WAV or MP3.

Guidelines for creating an advertising campaign

Throughout time, advertising has become an important tool for companies looking
forward to achieve their main purpose which is to sell their products or services. Grow-
ing companies require a good publicity to get their products or services recognized.

Nowadays, most of the companies invest in publicity because they don´t want to left
behind in relation to their competitors. On the other hand, companies that are more
competitive have a budget intended for advertising, which is invested every month
designing innovative strategies that positions the brand and increases sale volumes.

But, what is

According to Mercado (2004, p.395), advertising is de-

fined as the set of activities related to give information
about availability and quality of products or services
that encourage buyers to acquire them (translated by
the author).

What is an
An advertising campaign is related to a careful planning and executive procedure in
order to achieve the main purpose of the company. To get the advertiser objective set
an ad series are prepared using a specific topic.
Now, let see three different ways to do a campaign:

1. Radio spot
Radio spot is a short message that includes music and sound effects with the aim of
suggestion, remembering or reporting something (this activity takes two minutes, at

How do you do it?

• Script: Write down the ideas that you want to transmit to the audience.

• Timing up: You should read aloud each script’s paragraph measuring time in seconds
and using a stopwatch. The reading should be clear and slow. Also, it is need to empha-
size the parts that are required to highlight.

• Recording: It could be done using a mobile device. Then, the audio is downloaded
using some available tools such as: windows sounds recorder, Adobe Audition, and Au-
dacity, among others. The place should be quiet. For example, it could be a high floor
in a place away from noise or in any quiet moment of the day.

• Editing: an editing tool can be used to improve the quality of the material. You can
cut, copy or paste according to your necessities. Additionally, the material can include
background music. In this case, the voice volume should be higher than the audio track,
so it is important to control the volume in the program we chose.

• Saving: The audio track has to be exported to a suitable format for later editing. Some
of the most common formats are WAV and MP3.

2. T.V ad
An ambitious advertising ad can have until 15 phases; in this opportunity, we will ex-
plain a family business design in 4 steps (, 2011).
• Idea: It must specifically express what you want to perform through a storyboard
which contains the actions of the characters and the development of the action.

According to Mollá (2012), storyboard consists of a series of sequential narrative draw-

ings that collect through pictures the director’s imagined plans after reading the script
(translated by the author).

• Video: It must have a quality level. In the case you cannot offer a quality video, it can
be replaced by images or animated cartoons, paying attention to the decoration of the

• Budget: The cost of each ad must be measured. It is essential that the campaign is ac-
companied by a budget support.

• Actors: They can be chosen among the family members or people who are close to
the family environment, which is beneficial when a product or service is promoting for

3. Promotional campaign
According to Rivera & John (2002), promotional campaign is another marketing tool that
must be carefully planned (translated by the author). Therefore, it has to be elaborated
with a strategy that includes the following steps:

Objectives: They must be clear and accurate in order to achieve the campaign purpose.
Additionally, the promotional instrument has to be carefully selected for running the
promotional campaign.

Budget: Although the promotional campaign is not advertising, you should have a
budget and a sale forecast.

Organization and launching: The campaign is planned at this phase. Also, it includes
control systems that will be implemented during the execution.

Promotion actions: This phase contains a strategy and tactical plan that includes differ-
ent channels which are used simultaneously.

Creativity: It is the basis to develop the promotional campaign since all the process de-
pends on the essential idea or concept. To achieve an efficient campaign it is necessary
to know about the market target behavior and the profitability of promotional actions.

Also, it is necessary to evaluate the channel efficiency and the results of the synergy
promotional actions.
Advertising is an important tool in order to position a product or service in the market.
Although it needs permanently investment, companies get great outcomes since the
product or service is in the consumer’s mind promoting the sales goal.

Adapted from the next authors:

• Mercado, S. (2004). Mercadotecnia programada: principios y aplicaciones para orien-

tar la empresa hacia el mercado. México, D.F. Editorial Limusa S.A. Recuperado el 24 de
mayo de 2013 de

• Vega, V. (1993). Mercadeo básico. Costa Rica. Editorial EUNED. Recuperado el 24 de

mayo de 2013 de

• Dorrego, C. (2013). Algunas ideas para hacer un Spot de radio. Recuperado el 24 de

mayo de 2013 de

• Mollá, D. (2012. p.51). La producción cinematográfica. Las fases de creación de un lar-

gometraje. Barcelona. Editorial UOC. Recuperado el 24 de mayo de 2013 de http://goo.

• (2011). Cómo crear tu propio anuncio de televisión. Recuperado el 24

de mayo de 2013 de

• Rivera, J., y de Juan, M. (2002. pp. 43 y 44). La promoción de ventas. Variable clave del
marketing. Madrid. Editorial ESIC. Recuperado el 24 de mayo de 2013 de

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