BANK Query

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The document discusses creating different database tables like customer_master, branch_master, account_master etc. for a banking system and inserting sample data into these tables. It also shows some queries to retrieve data from these tables.

The tables created are: customer_master to store customer details, branch_master to store branch details, account_master to store account details, transaction_details to store transaction logs and loan_details to store loan details of customers. Foreign key constraints are added between tables as needed.

Sample data is being inserted into the customer_master, branch_master and account_master tables. Data like customer id, name, city etc. and branch id, name, city etc. are inserted. Accounts are created by linking customer, branch and initial balance details.


create database bank; 
use bank;  
CREATE TABLE customer_master( 
middlename VARCHAR(30), 
lastname VARCHAR(30), 
occupation VARCHAR(10), 
CREATE TABLE branch_master( 
branch_id VARCHAR(6), 
branch_name VARCHAR(30), 
branch_city VARCHAR(30), 
CONSTRAINT branch_bid_pk PRIMARY KEY (branch_id)); 
CREATE TABLE account_master 
(account_number VARCHAR(255), 
customer_number VARCHAR(255), 
branch_id VARCHAR(255), 
opening_balance INT(20), 
account_opening_date DATE, 
account_type VARCHAR(10), 
account_status VARCHAR(10), 
PRIMARY KEY (account_number), 
FOREIGN KEY (customer_number) references customer_master(customer_number), 
FOREIGN KEY (branch_id) references branch_master(branch_id)); 
CREATE TABLE transaction_details( 
transaction_number VARCHAR(6), 
account_number VARCHAR(6), 
date_of_transaction DATE, 
medium_of_transaction VARCHAR(20), 
transaction_type VARCHAR(20), 
transaction_amount INT(7), 
CONSTRAINT transaction_details_tnumber_pk PRIMARY KEY (transaction_number), 
CONSTRAINT transaction_details_acnumber_fk FOREIGN KEY (account_number) 
REFERENCES account_master (account_number)); 
CREATE TABLE loan_details 
(customer_number varchar(255), 
branch_id varchar(255), 
loan_amount bigint(20), 
foreign key(customer_number) references customer_master(customer_number)); 
into customer_master values('C00001','RAMESH','CHANDRA','SHARMA','DELHI','9543198345','SERVI
into customer_master values('C00002','AVINASH','SUNDER','MINHA','DELHI','9876532109','SERVICE',
into customer_master values('C00003','RAHUL','NULL','RASTOGI','DELHI','9765178901','STUDENT','1
into customer_master values('C00004','PARUL','NULL','GANDHI','DELHI','9876532109','HOUSEWIFE','
into customer_master values('C00005','NAVEEN','CHANDRA','AEDEKAR','MUMBAI','8976523190','SE
into customer_master values('C00006','CHITRESH','NULL','BARWE','MUMBAI','7651298321','STUDEN
into customer_master values('C00007','AMIT','KUMAR','BORKAR','MUMBAI','9875189761','STUDENT
insert into customer_master values('C00008','NISHA',NULL,'DAMLE','MUMBAI','7954198761','SERVIC
insert into customer_master values('C00009','ABHISHEK',NULL,'DUTTA','KOLKATA','9856198761','SE
insert into customer_master values('C00010','SHANKAR',NULL,'NAIR','CHENNAI','8765489076','SERVI
insert into branch_master values('B00001','ASAF ALI ROAD','DELHI'); 
insert into branch_master values('B00002','NEW DELHI MAIN BRANCH','DELHI'); 
insert into branch_master values('B00003','DELHI CANTT','DELHI'); 
insert into branch_master values('B00004','JASOLA','DELHI'); 
insert into branch_master values('B00005','MAHIM','MUMBAI'); 
insert into branch_master  values('B00006','VILE PARLE','MUMBAI'); 
insert into branch_master  values('B00007','MANDVI','MUMBAI'); 
insert into branch_master  values('B00008','JADAVPUR','KOLKATA'); 
insert into branch_master values('B00009','KODAMBAKKAM','CHENNAI'); 
insert into account_master values('A00001' ,'C00001','B00001',1000,'2012-12-
insert into account_master  values('A00002','C00002','B00001',1000,'2012-06-
insert into account_master  values('A00003','C00003','B00002',1000,'2012-05-
insert into account_master values('A00004','C00002','B00005',1000,'2013-01-27','SAVING','ACTIVE'); 
insert into account_master  values('A00005','C00006','B00006',1000,'2012-12-
insert into account_master  values('A00006','C00007','B00007',1000,'2010-08-
insert into account_master values('A00007','C00007','B00001',1000,'2012-10-02','SAVING','ACTIVE'); 
insert into account_master  values('A00008','C00001','B00003',1000,'2009-11-
insert into account_master values('A00009','C00003','B00007',1000,'2008-11-
insert into account_master  values('A00010','C00004','B00002',1000,'2013-03-
insert into transaction_details  values('T00001','A00001','2013-01-01','CHEQUE','DEPOSIT',2000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00002','A00001','2013-02-01','CASH','WITHDRAWAL',1000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00003','A00002', '2013-01-01','CASH','DEPOSIT',2000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00004','A00002','2013-02-01' , 'CASH','DEPOSIT',3000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00005','A00007','2013-01-11','CASH','DEPOSIT',7000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00006','A00007','2013-01-13','CASH','DEPOSIT',9000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00007','A00001','2013-03-13','CASH','DEPOSIT',4000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00008','A00001','2013-03-14','CHEQUE','DEPOSIT',3000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00009','A00001','2013-03-21','CASH','WITHDRAWAL',9000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00010','A00001','2013-03-22','CASH','WITHDRAWAL',2000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00011','A00002','2013-03-25','CASH','WITHDRAWAL',7000); 
insert into transaction_details  values('T00012','A00007','2013-03-26','CASH','WITHDRAWAL',2000); 
insert into Loan_details  values('C00001','B00001',100000); 
insert into Loan_details  values('C00002','B00002',200000); 
insert into Loan_details  values('C00009','B00008',400000); 
insert into Loan_details  values('C00010','B00009',500000); 
insert into Loan_details  values('C00001','B00003',600000); 
insert into Loan_details  values('C00002','B00001',600000); 

1. Write a query to display account number, customer’s number,
customer’s firstname, lastname, account opening date. Display the records sorted in
ascending order based on account number. 
SELECT a.account_number,c.customer_number,c.firstname,c.lastname,a.account_number 
FROM customer_master c JOIN account_master a
ON c.customer_number=a.customer_number 
ORDER BY a.account_number; 
2. Write a query to display the number of customer’s from Delhi. Give the count an alias name
of Cust_Count. 
SELECT count(customer_number) Cust_Count FROM customer_master WHERE customer_city='Delhi
3. Write a query to display the customer number, customer firstname, account number for the
customer’s whose accounts were created after 15th of any month. Display the records sorted in
ascending order based on customer number and then by account number. 
SELECT c.customer_number,c.firstname,a.account_number FROM account_master a
join customer_master c ON c.customer_number=a.customer_number WHERE
day(a.account_opening_date)>'15' ORDER BY c.customer_number,a.account_number; 
4. Write a query to display customer number, customer's first name, account number where the
account status is terminated. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on customer
number and then by account number. 
SELECT c.customer_number,c.firstname,a.account_number 
FROMaccount_master a JOIN customer_master c  
ON c.customer_number=a.customer_number 
WHERE a.account_status='Terminated' 
ORDER BY c.customer_number,a.account_number; 
5. Write a query to display the total number of withdrawals and total number of deposits being
done by customer whose customer number ends with 001. The query should display transaction
type and the number of transactions. Give an alias name as Trans_Count for number of
transactions. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on transaction type. 
SELECT transaction_type,count(transaction_number) Trans_Count 
FROM account_master am JOIN transaction_details td 
ON am.account_number=td.account_number 
WHERE customer_number like '%001' 
GROUP BY transaction_type 
ORDER BY transaction_type; 
6. Write a query to display the number of customers who have registration but no account in the
bank. Give the alias name as Count_Customer for number of customers. 
SELECT count(customer_number) Count_Customer FROM customer_master 
WHERE customer_number NOT IN (SELECT customer_number FROM account_master); 
7. Write a query to display account number and total amount deposited by each account
holder (Including the opening balance). Give the total amount deposited an alias name of
Deposit_Amount.  Display the records in sorted order based on account number. 
SELECT a.account_number,a.opening_balance+sum(t.transaction_amount) 
FROM account_master a JOIN transaction_details t ON a.account_number=t.account_number 
WHERE t.transaction_type='Deposit' GROUP BY t.account_number; 
8. Write a query to display the number of accounts opened in each city .The Query should display
Branch City and number of accounts as No_of_Accounts.For the branch city where we don’t have
any accounts opened display 0. Display the records in sorted order based on branch city. 
SELECT branch.branch_city, count(account.account_number) No_of_Accounts  
FROM branch_master LEFT JOIN account_master 
ON account.branch_id=branch.branch_id  
GROUP BY branch.branch_city ORDER BY branch_city; 
9. Write  a query to display the firstname of the customers who have more than 1 account. Display
the records in sorted order based on firstname. 
SELECT c.firstname FROM  
customer_master c JOIN account_master a ON a.customer_number=c.customer_number 
GROUP BY a.customer_number HAVING count(a.account_number)>1; 
10. Write a query to display the customer number, customer firstname, customer lastname who
has taken loan from more than 1 branch. Display the records sorted in order based on customer
SELECT c.customer_number,c.firstname,c.lastname FROM 
customer_master c JOIN loan_details l ON c.customer_number=l.customer_number 
GROUP BY l.customer_number HAVING count(l.branch_id)>1 
ORDER BY c.customer_number; 
11. Write a query to display the customer’s number, customer’s firstname, customer’s city and
branch city where the city of the customer and city of the branch is different. Display the records
sorted in ascending order based on customer number. 
SELECT c.customer_number,c.firstname,c.customer_city,b.branch_city FROM 
Customer_master c JOIN Account_master a ON c.customer_number=a.customer_number 
JOIN Branch_master b ON b.branch_id=a.branch_id 
WHERE b.branch_city<>c.customer_city 
ORDER BY c.customer_number; 
12.  Write a query to display the number of clients who have asked for loans but they don’t have
any account in the bank though they are registered customers. Give the count an alias name of
SELECT count(c.customer_number)Count FROM customer_master c JOIN loan_details l 
ON c.customer_number=l.customer_number 
WHERE c.customer_number NOT IN (SELECT customer_number FROM account_master); 
13.  Write a query to display the account number who has done the highest transaction. For
example the account A00023 has done 5 transactions i.e. suppose 3 withdrawal and 2 deposits.
Whereas the account A00024 has done 3 transactions i.e. suppose 2 withdrawals and 1 deposit. So
account number of A00023 should be displayed. In case of multiple records, display the records
sorted in ascending order based on account number. 
SELECT account_number FROM transaction_details  
GROUP BY account_number 
HAVING count(transaction_number)>=ALL 
(SELECT count(transaction_number) FROM transaction_details  
GROUP BY account_number) ORDER BY account_number; 
14.  Write a query to show the branch name,branch city where we have the maximum customers.
For example the branch B00019 has 3 customers, B00020 has 7 and B00021 has 10. So branch id
B00021 is having maximum customers. If B00021 is Koramangla branch Bangalore, Koramangla
branch should be displayed along with city name Bangalore. In case of multiple records, display
the records sorted in ascending order based on branch name. 
SELECT b.branch_name,b.branch_city FROM 
Branch_master b JOIN account a ON a.branch_id=b.branch_id 
GROUP BY a.branch_id HAVING count(a.customer_number)>=ALL 
(SELECT count(customer_number) FROM  
Account_master GROUP BY branch_id) 
ORDER BY b.branch_name; 
15. Write a query to display all those account number, deposit, withdrawal where withdrawal is
more than deposit amount. Hint: Deposit should include opening balance as well. For example
A00011 account opened with Opening Balance 1000 and  A00011 deposited 2000 rupees on 2012-
12-01 and 3000 rupees on 2012-12-02. The same account i.e A00011 withdrawn 3000 rupees on
2013-01-01 and 7000 rupees on 2013-01-03. So the total deposited amount is 6000 and total
withdrawal amount is 10000. So withdrawal amount is more than deposited amount for account
number A00011. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on account number. 
SELECT td.account_number, 
sum(CASE WHEN  transaction_type='Deposit' THEN transaction_amount END) 
+(SELECT opening_balance  
FROM account_master where account_number=td.account_number) Deposit, 
sum(CASE WHEN transaction_type='Withdrawal' THEN transaction_amount END) Withdrawal 
FROM transaction_details td 
GROUP BY td.account_number 
HAVING Withdrawal > Deposit 
ORDER BY td.account_number; 
SELECT ifnull(t1.account_number,t2.account_number) account_number, 
t2.d Deposit,ifnull(t1.w,0) Withdrawal FROM 
(SELECT account_number,transaction_type,sum(transaction_amount) w from transaction_details 
WHERE transaction_type='Withdrawal' GROUP BY account_number) t1  
(SELECT a.account_number,a.opening_balance+sum(t.transaction_amount) d 
FROM account_master a JOIN transaction_details t ON a.account_number=t.account_number 
WHERE t.transaction_type='Deposit'GROUP BY t.account_number) t2 
ON t1.account_number=t2.account_number  
WHERE ifnull(t1.w,0)>t2.d 
ORDER BY account_number; 
16. Write a query to show the balance amount  for account number that ends with 001. Note:
Balance amount includes account opening balance also. Give alias name as Balance_Amount. For
example A00015 is having an opening balance of 1000. A00015 has deposited 2000 on 2012-06-12
and deposited 3000 on 2012-07-13. The same account has drawn money of 500 on 2012-08-
12 , 500 on 2012-09-15, 1000 on 2012-12-17. So balance amount is 4000 i.e (1000 (opening
balance)+2000+3000 ) – (500+500+1000). 
SELECT  ifnull((SUM(CASE WHEN transaction_type='Deposit'  
THEN transaction_amount END)) - 
(SUM(CASE WHEN transaction_type='Withdrawal'  
THEN transaction_amount END))+(select opening_balance  
from account_master where account_number like '%001'),(SUM(CASE WHEN
THEN transaction_amount END))+(select opening_balance  
from account_master where account_number like '%001'))  AS Balance_Amount 
FROM transaction_details where account_number like '%001'; 
SELECT ifnull(t1.account_number,t2.account_number) account_number, 
t2.d-ifnull(t1.w,0) Balance_Amount FROM 
(SELECT account_number,transaction_type,sum(transaction_amount) w from transaction_details 
WHERE transaction_type='Withdrawal' GROUP BY account_number) t1  
(SELECT a.account_number,a.opening_balance+sum(t.transaction_amount) d 
FROM account a JOIN transaction_details t ON a.account_number=t.account_number 
WHERE t.transaction_type='Deposit'GROUP BY t.account_number) t2 
ON t1.account_number=t2.account_number  
WHERE ifnull(t1.account_number,t2.account_number) LIKE '%001' 
ORDER BY account_number; 
17. Display the customer number, customer's first name, account number and number
of transactions  being made by the customers from each account. Give the alias name for number
of transactions as Count_Trans. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on customer
number and then by account number. 
SELECT c.customer_number,c.firstname,t.account_number, count(t.account_number) Count_Trans  
FROM transaction_details t JOIN account_master a ON a.account_number=t.account_number 
JOIN customer c ON c.customer_number=a.customer_number 
GROUP BY t.account_number ORDER BY c.customer_number, a.account_number; 
18.  Write a query to display the customer’s firstname who have multiple accounts (atleast 
2 accounts).  Display the records sorted in ascending order based on customer's firstname. 
SELECT c.firstname FROM 
Customer_master c JOIN account_master a ON c.customer_number=a.customer_number 
GROUP BY a.customer_number HAVING count(a.account_number)>1 
ORDER BY c.firstname; 
19. Write a query to display the customer number, firstname, lastname for those client where
total loan amount taken is maximum and at least taken from 2 branches. For example the
customer C00012 took a loan of 100000 from bank branch with id B00009 and C00012 Took a loan
of 500000 from bank branch with id B00010. So total loan amount for customer C00012 is
600000. C00013 took a loan of 100000 from bank branch B00009 and 200000 from bank branch
B00011. So total loan taken is 300000. So loan taken by C00012 is more then C00013. 
SELECT ld.customer_number, firstname, lastname 
FROM customer_master cm JOIN loan_details ld 
ON cm.customer_number=ld.customer_number 
GROUP BY customer_number 
HAVING count(branch_id)>=2 AND sum(loan_amount)>= 
ALL(SELECT sum(loan_amount) FROM loan GROUP BY customer_number); 
20. Write a query to display the customer’s number, customer’s firstname, branch id and loan
amount for people who have taken loans. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
customer number and then by branch id and then by loan amount. 
SELECT c.customer_number,c.firstname,l.branch_id,l.loan_amount FROM 
Customer_master c JOIN loan_details l ON c.customer_number=l.customer_number 
ORDER BY c.customer_number,l.branch_id,l.loan_amount; 
21. Write a query to display city name and count of branches in that city. Give the count of
branches an alias name of Count_Branch. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
city name. 
SELECT branch_city,count(branch_id) Count_Branch FROM 
Branch_master GROUP BY branch_city 
ORDER BY branch_city; 
22.  Write a query to display account id, customer’s firstname, customer’s lastname for the
customer’s whose account is Active. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
account id /account number. 
SELECT a.account_number,c.firstname,c.lastname FROM 
Customer_master c JOIN account_master a ON c.customer_number=a.customer_number and
ORDER BY a.account_number; 
23. Write a query to display customer’s number, first name and middle name. For the customers
who don’t have middle name,  display their last name as middle name. Give the alias name as
Middle_Name.  Display the records sorted in ascending order based on customer number. 
SELECT customer_number,firstname,ifnull(middlename,lastname) Middle_name FROM 
Customer_master ORDER BY customer_number; 
24. Write a query to display the customer number , firstname, customer’s date of birth . Display
the records sorted in ascending order of date of birth year and within that sort by firstname in
ascending order. 
SELECT customer_number,firstname,customer_date_of_birth FROM 
Customer_master ORDER BY year(customer_date_of_birth),customer_number; 
25. Write a query to display the customers firstname, city and account number whose occupation
are not into Business, Service or Student. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
customer first name and then by account number. 
SELECT c.firstname,c.customer_city,a.account_number FROM  
Customer_master c JOIN account_master a ON a.customer_number=c.customer_number 
WHERE c.occupation NOT IN ('Service','Student','Business') 
ORDER BY c.firstname,a.account_number; 

create database flight; 
use flight; 
CREATE  TABLEair_credit_card_details 

profile_id VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, 
card_type VARCHAR(45), 
expiration_month INT, 
expiration_year INT 
CREATE  TABLEair_passenger_profile 

profile_id VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL , 
password VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
first_name VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
last_name VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
address VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
mobile_number BIGINT NULL , 
email_id VARCHAR(45) NULL  
CREATE  TABLEair_ticket_info 

ticket_id VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , 
profile_id VARCHAR(10) NULL , 
flight_id VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
flight_departure_date DATE NULL , 
status VARCHAR(45) NULL  
CREATE  TABLEair_flight_details 

flight_id VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , 
flight_departure_date DATE NULL , 
price DECIMAL(10,2) NULL , 
available_seats INT NULL  
CREATE  TABLEair_flight  

flight_id VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , 
airline_id VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
airline_name VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
from_location VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
to_location VARCHAR(45) NULL , 
departure_time TIME NULL , 
arrival_time TIME NULL , 
duration TIME NULL , 
total_seats INT NULL  
INSERT INTO air_credit_card_details VALUES 
INSERT INTO air_flight_details VALUES 
INSERT INTO air_ticket_info VALUES 
(2,5,3179,'2013-04-03','on time'), 
(2,4,3180,'2013-04-02','on time'), 
(1,2,3177,'2013-06-15','on time'), 
(1,3,3176,'2013-03-14','on time'), 
(3,1,3171,'2013-03-15','on time'), 
(5,2,3178,'2013-06-05','on time'), 
(4,3,3171,'2013-03-15','on time'), 
(5,1,3175,'2013-05-25','on time'), 
(6,3,3177,'2013-06-15','on time'); 
INSERT INTO air_passenger_profile VALUES 
(1,'godbless','John','Stuart','Street 21, Near Bus Stop-Hyderabad-
432126',9865263251,'[email protected]'), 
(2,'heyyaa','Robert','Clive','Sector 3, Technopolis-Kolkata-
700102',9733015875,'[email protected]'), 
(3,'hello123','Raj','Sharma','House No. 3, Anna Nagar-Kochi-
452314',9775470232,'[email protected]'), 
(4,'yesboss','Sanjay','Mittal','21 Cauunaught Place-Delhi-144985',9856856321,'[email protected]'), 
(5,'imhere','Tony','Stark','51A, Greams Lane-Chennai-144587',9832015785,'[email protected]'); 

1. Write a query to display the average monthly ticket cost for each flight in ABC  Airlines. The
query should display the Flight_Id,From_location,To_Location,Month Name as “Month_Name”
and average price as “Average_Price”. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
flight id and then by Month Name. 
SELECT f.flight_id,f.from_location,f.to_location, 
monthname(af.flight_departure_date) Month_Name, 
AVG(price) Average_Price FROM air_flight f JOIN air_flight_details af 
ON f.flight_id = af.flight_id WHERE f.airline_name = 'abc' 
GROUP BY f.flight_id,f.from_location,f.to_location,Month_Name  
ORDER BY f.flight_id, Month_Name; 
2.Write a query to display the number of flight services between locations in a month. The Query
should display From_Location, To_Location, Month as “Month_Name” and number of flight
services as “No_of_Services”.  Hint: The Number of Services can be calculated from the number of
scheduled departure dates of a flight. The records should be displayed in ascending order based on
From_Location and then by To_Location and then by month name. 
SELECT f.from_location,f.to_location, 
monthname(af.flight_departure_date) Month_Name, 
count(af.flight_departure_date) No_of_Services  
FROM air_flight f JOIN air_flight_details af 
ON f.flight_id = af.flight_id 
GROUP BY f.from_location,f.to_location,Month_Name 
ORDER BY f.from_location,f.to_Location,Month_Name; 
3.Write a query to display the customer(s) who has/have booked least number of tickets in ABC
Airlines. The Query should display profile_id, customer’s first_name, Address and Number of
tickets booked as “No_of_Tickets”Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
customer's first name. 
SELECT ap.profile_id,ap.first_name,ap.address,count(ati.ticket_id) No_of_Tickets FROM 
air_passenger_profile ap JOIN air_ticket_info ati ON ap.profile_id=ati.profile_id 
JOIN air_flight af ON af.flight_id=ati.flight_id and af.airline_name='abc' 
GROUP BY ap.profile_id,ap.first_name,ap.address HAVING count(ati.ticket_id)<=ALL 
(SELECT count(ticket_id) 
FROM air_ticket_info GROUP BY profile_id) 
ORDER BY ap.first_name; 
4. Write a query to display the number of tickets booked from Chennai to Hyderabad. The Query
should display passenger profile_id,first_name,last_name, Flight_Id , Departure_Date and  number
of tickets booked as “No_of_Tickets”.Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
profile id and then by flight id and then by departure date. 
SELECT ap.profile_id,ap.first_name,ap.last_name,af.flight_id,ati.flight_departure_date, 
count(ati.profile_id) No_of_Tickets FROM  
air_ticket_info ati JOIN air_passenger_profile ap ON ap.profile_id=ati.profile_id 
JOIN air_flight af ON af.flight_id=ati.flight_id 
WHERE af.from_location='Chennai' and af.to_location='Hyderabad' 
GROUP BY ati.flight_id,ati.profile_id 
ORDER BY ap.profile_id,af.flight_id,ati.flight_departure_date; 
5. Write a query to display flight id,from location, to location and ticket price of flights whose
departure is in the month of april.Display the records sorted in ascending order based on flight id
and then by from location. 
SELECT af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location,afd.price FROM 
air_flight af JOIN air_flight_details afd ON af.flight_id=afd.flight_id 
and month(afd.flight_departure_date)='04' 
ORDER BY af.flight_id,af.from_location; 
6. Write a query to display the average cost of the tickets in each flight on all scheduled dates. The
query should display flight_id, from_location, to_location and Average price as “Price”. Display the
records sorted in ascending order based on flight id and then by from_location and then by
SELECT af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location,avg(afd.price) Average_Price FROM 
air_flight af JOIN air_flight_details afd ON af.flight_id=afd.flight_id 
GROUP BY af.flight_id 
ORDER BY af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location; 
7. Write a query to display the customers who have booked tickets from Chennai to Hyderabad.
The query should display profile_id, customer_name (combine first_name & last_name with
comma in b/w), address of the customer. Give an alias to the name as customer_name.Hint:
Query should fetch unique customers irrespective of multiple tickets booked.Display the records
sorted in ascending order based on profile id. 
SELECT ap.profile_id,concat(ap.first_name,',',ap.last_name) customer_name,ap.address FROM 
air_passenger_profile ap JOIN air_ticket_info ati ON ap.profile_id=ati.profile_id 
JOIN air_flight af ON af.flight_id=ati.flight_id 
WHERE af.from_location='Chennai' and af.to_location='Hyderabad' 
GROUP BY ati.profile_id 
ORDER BY ap.profile_id; 
8. Write a query to display profile id of the passenger(s) who has/have booked maximum number
of tickets.In case of multiple records, display the records sorted in ascending order based on
profile id. 
SELECT profile_id FROM air_ticket_info 
group by profile_id 
having count(ticket_id)>=all(select count(ticket_id) 
from air_ticket_info 
group by profile_id) order by profile_id; 
9. Write a query to display the total number of tickets as “No_of_Tickets” booked in each flight in
ABC Airlines. The Query should display the flight_id, from_location, to_location and the number of
tickets. Display only the flights in which atleast 1 ticket is booked.Display the records sorted in
ascending order based on flight id. 
SELECT f.flight_id,f.from_location,f.to_location,COUNT(t.ticket_id) AS No_of_Tickets 
FROM air_ticket_info t JOIN air_flight f 
ON  f.flight_id = t.flight_id where AIRLINE_NAME = 'abc' GROUP by  
having count(t.ticket_id)>=1 
ORDER by f.flight_id; 
10. Write a query to display the no of services offered by each flight and the total price of the
services. The Query should display flight_id, number of services as “No_of_Services” and the cost
as “Total_Price” in the same order. Order the result by Total Price in descending order and then by
flight_id in descending order.Hint:The number of services can be calculated from the number of
scheduled departure dates of the flight 
SELECT flight_id,count(flight_departure_date) No_of_services,sum(price) Total_Price FROM 
air_flight_details GROUP BY flight_id 
ORDER BY Total_price DESC,flight_id DESC; 
11. Write a query to display the number of passengers who have travelled in each flight in each
scheduled date. The Query should display flight_id, flight_departure_date and the number of
passengers as “No_of_Passengers” in the same order.Display the records sorted in ascending
order based on flight id and then by flight departure date. 
SELECT flight_id,flight_departure_date,count(ticket_id) No_of_passengers FROM 
air_ticket_info GROUP BY flight_id,flight_departure_date 
ORDER BY flight_id,flight_departure_date; 
12. Write a query to display profile id of passenger(s) who booked minimum number of tickets. In
case of multiple records, display the records sorted in ascending order based on profile id. 
SELECT profile_id FROM air_ticket_info 
GROUP BY profile_id HAVING count(ticket_id)<=ALL 
(SELECT count(ticket_id) FROM air_ticket_info GROUP BY profile_id) 
ORDER BY profile_id; 
13. Write a query to display unique passenger profile id, first name, mobile number and email
address of passengers who booked ticket to travel from HYDERABAD to CHENNAI.Display the
records sorted in ascending order based on profile id. 
SELECT DISTINCT ap.profile_id,ap.first_name,ap.mobile_number,ap.email_id FROM  
air_passenger_profile ap JOIN air_ticket_info ati ON ap.profile_id=ati.profile_id 
JOIN air_flight af ON ati.flight_id=af.flight_id 
WHERE af.from_location='Hyderabad' and af.to_location='Chennai' 
ORDER BY profile_id; 
14. Write a query to intimate the passengers who are boarding Chennai to Hyderabad Flight on 6th
May 2013 stating the delay of 1hr in the departure time. The Query should display the passenger’s
profile_id, first_name,last_name, flight_id, flight_departure_date,  actual departure time , actual
arrival time , delayed departure time as "Delayed_Departure_Time", delayed arrival time as
"Delayed_Arrival_Time" Hint: Distinct  Profile ID should be displayed irrespective of multiple
tickets booked by the same profile.Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
passenger's profile id. 
SELECT DISTINCT ap.profile_id,ap.first_name,ap.last_name,ati.flight_id,ati.flight_departure_date, 
addtime(af.departure_time,'01:00:00') Delayed_Deparuture_Time, 
addtime(af.arrival_time,'01:00:00') Delayed_Arrival_Time FROM 
air_passenger_profile ap JOIN air_ticket_info ati ON ap.profile_id=ati.profile_id 
JOIN air_flight af ON af.flight_id=ati.flight_id 
WHERE af.from_location='Chennai' and af.to_location='Hyderabad'  
and ati.flight_departure_date='2013-05-06' 
ORDER BY profile_id; 
15. Write a query to display the number of tickets as “No_of_Tickets” booked by Kochi Customers.
The Query should display the Profile_Id, First_Name, Base_Location and number of tickets
booked.Hint: Use String functions to get the base location of customer from their Address and give
alias name as “Base_Location”Display the records sorted in ascending order based on customer
first name. 
SELECT ap.profile_id,ap.first_name, 
substring_index(substring_index(ap.address,'-',2),'-',-1) Base_Location, 
count(ati.ticket_id) No_of_Tickets FROM  
air_passenger_profile ap JOIN air_ticket_info ati ON ati.profile_id=ap.profile_id 
WHERE ap.address LIKE '%Kochi%' 
ORDER BY ap.first_name; 
16. Write a query to display the flight_id, from_location, to_location, number of Services as
“No_of_Services” offered in the month of May. 
SELECT af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location,count(afd.flight_departure_date) No_of_services
air_flight af JOIN air_flight_details afd ON af.flight_id=afd.flight_id 
WHERE month(flight_departure_date)='05'  
GROUP BY af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location 
ORDER BY af.flight_id; 
17. Write a query to display profile id,last name,mobile number and email id of passengers whose
base location is chennai.Display the records sorted in ascending order based on profile id. 
SELECT profile_id, last_name, mobile_number, email_id 
FROM air_passenger_profile 
WHERE address LIKE '%Chennai%'  
ORDER BY profile_id; 
18. Write a query to display number of flights between 6.00 AM and 6.00 PM from chennai. Hint
Use FLIGHT_COUNT as alias name. 
SELECT count(flight_id) FLIGHT_COUNT FROM air_flight  
WHERE from_location='CHENNAI'  
AND departure_time BETWEEN '06:00:00' AND '18:00:00'; 
19. Write a query to display unique profile id,first name , email id and contact number of
passenger(s) who travelled on flight with id 3178. Display the records sorted in ascending order
based on first name. 
SELECT DISTINCT ap.profile_id,ap.first_name,ap.email_id,ap.mobile_number FROM  
air_passenger_profile ap JOIN air_ticket_info ati ON ap.profile_id=ati.profile_id 
WHERE ati.flight_id='3178' 
ORDER BY ap.first_name; 
20. Write a query to display flight id,departure date,flight type of all flights. Flight type can be
identified based on the following rules : if ticket price is less than 3000 then 'AIR
PASSENGER',ticket price between 3000 and less than 4000 'AIR BUS' and ticket price between 4000
and greater than 4000 then 'EXECUTIVE PASSENGER'. Hint use FLIGHT_TYPE as alias name.Display
the records sorted in ascendeing order based on flight_id and then by departure date. 
SELECT flight_id,flight_departure_date, 
case when price<3000 then 'AIR PASSENGER' 
when price>=3000 and price<4000 then 'AIR BUS' 
when price>=4000 then 'EXECUTIVE PASSENGER' 
end FLIGHT_TYPE FROM air_flight_details 
ORDER BY flight_id,flight_departure_date; 
21. Write a query to display the credit card type and no of credit cards used on the same type. 
Display the records sorted in ascending order based on credit card type.Hint: Use CARD_COUNT AS
Alias name for no of cards. 
SELECT card_type, count(card_type) Card_Count FROM air_credit_card_details 
GROUP BY card_type ORDER BY card_type; 
22.Write a Query to display serial no, first name, mobile number, email id of all the passengers
who holds email address from Serial No will be the last three digits of profile
ID.Hint: Use SERIAL_NO as Alias name for serial number.Display the records sorted in ascending
order based on name. 
SELECT substring(profile_id,-3) SERIAL_NO,first_name,mobile_number,email_id FROM 
WHERE email_id LIKE '' 
ORDER BY first_name; 
23.  Write a query to display the flight(s) which has least number of services in the month of May.
The Query should fetch flight_id, from_location, to_location, least number of Services as
“No_of_Services” Hint: Number of services offered can be calculated from the number of
scheduled departure dates of a flight if there are multiple flights, display them sorted in ascending
order based on flight id. 
SELECT afd.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location,count(afd.flight_id) No_of_Services 
FROM air_flight_details afd JOIN air_flight af ON af.flight_id=afd.flight_id 
WHERE monthname(afd.flight_departure_date)='May' 
GROUP BY afd.flight_departure_date HAVING count(afd.flight_id) <= 
ALL(SELECT count(flight_id) FROM air_flight_details 
WHERE monthname(flight_departure_date)='May' 
GROUP BY flight_departure_date) 
ORDER BY flight_id; 
24. Write a query to display the flights available in Morning, AfterNoon, Evening& Night. The
Query should display the Flight_Id, From_Location, To_Location , Departure_Time, time of service
as "Time_of_Service". Time of Service should be calculated as: From 05:00:01 Hrs to 12:00:00 Hrs - 
Morning, 12:00:01 to 18:00:00 Hrs -AfterNoon, 18:00:01 to 24:00:00 - Evening and 00:00:01 to
05:00:00 - NightDisplay the records sorted in ascending order based on flight id. 
SELECT flight_id,from_location,to_location,Departure_Time, 
WHEN departure_time BETWEEN ('05:00:01') AND ('12:00:00') 
THEN 'Morning' 
WHEN departure_time BETWEEN ('12:00:01') AND ('18:00:00') 
THEN 'AfterNoon' 
WHEN departure_time BETWEEN ('18:00:01') AND ('24:00:00') 
THEN 'Evening' 
WHEN departure_time='00:00:00' 
THEN 'Evening' 
WHEN departure_time BETWEEN ('00:00:01') AND ('05:00:00') 
THEN 'Night' 
END Time_of_Service 
FROM air_flight 
order by flight_id; 
25. Write a query to display the number of flights flying from each location. The Query should
display the from location and the number of flights to other locations as “No_of_Flights”. Hint: Get
the distinct from location and to location.Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
from location. 
SELECT from_location,count(flight_id) No_of_Flights FROM 
air_flight GROUP BY from_location 
ORDER BY from_location; 
26.  Write a query to display the number of passengers traveled in each flight in each scheduled
date. The Query should display flight_id,from_location,To_location, flight_departure_date and the
number of passengers as “No_of_Passengers”. Hint: The Number of passengers inclusive of all the
tickets booked with single profile id.Display the records sorted in ascending order based on flight
id and then by flight departure date. 
SELECT af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location,ati.flight_departure_date, 
count(ati.ticket_id) No_of_Passengers FROM 
air_flight af JOIN air_ticket_info ati ON af.flight_id=ati.flight_id 
GROUP BY af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location,ati.flight_departure_date 
ORDER BY af.flight_id,ati.flight_departure_date; 
27. Write a query to display the flight details in which more than 10% of seats have been booked.
The query should display Flight_Id, From_Location, To_Location,Total_Seats, seats booked as
“No_of_Seats_Booked” .Display the records sorted in ascending order based on flight id and then
by No_of_Seats_Booked. 
SELECT af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location,af.total_seats, 
(af.total_seats-afd.available_seats) No_of_Seats_Booked FROM  
air_flight_details afd JOIN air_flight af ON afd.flight_id=af.flight_id 
WHERE (af.total_seats-afd.available_seats)>(af.total_seats*0.1) 
ORDER BY flight_id,No_of_Seats_Booked; 
28. Write a query to display the Flight_Id, Flight_Departure_Date, From_Location,To_Location and
Duration  of all flights which has duration of travel less than 1 Hour, 10 Minutes. 
SELECT af.flight_Id,afd.flight_Departure_Date,af.From_Location,af.To_Location,af.duration  
FROM air_flight af JOIN air_flight_details afd ON af.flight_id=afd.flight_id 
WHERE af.duration<'01:10:00'; 
29. Write a query to display the flight_id, from_location,to_location,number of services as
“No_of_Services” , average ticket price as “Average_Price” whose average ticket price is greater
than the total average ticket cost of  all flights. Order the result by lowest average price. 
SELECT afd.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location, 
count(afd.flight_departure_date) No_of_Service, avg(price) Average_Price  
FROM air_flight af JOIN air_flight_details afd ON af.flight_id=afd.flight_id 
GROUP BY af.flight_id,af.from_location,af.to_location 
HAVING avg(price)>(SELECT avg(price) FROM air_flight_details) 
ORDER BY average_price; 

Varchar(15)NOT NULL,Constraint MT_cts1 PRIMARY KEY(CUSTOMER_ID)); 
(CARD_ID Varchar(10),DESCRIPTION Varchar(30) NOT
Create table MOVIES_MASTER 
(MOVIE_ID Varchar(10),MOVIE_NAME Varchar(50) NOT NULL,RELEASE_DATE Varchar(30)
BIGINT(10),Constraint MT_cts4 PRIMARY KEY(MOVIE_ID)); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS001', 'AMIT', 9876543210,'ADD1', '2012-02-12',
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS002', 'ABDHUL', 8765432109,'ADD2', '2012-02-
12', '21'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS003', 'GAYAN', 7654321098,'ADD3', '2012-02-
12', '21'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS004', 'RADHA', 6543210987,'ADD4', '2012-02-
12', '21'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS005', 'GURU', NULL,'ADD5', '2012-02-12', '21'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS006', 'MOHAN', 4321098765,'ADD6', '2012-02-
12', '21'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS007', 'NAME7', 3210987654,'ADD7', '2012-02-
12', '21'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS008', 'NAME8', 2109876543,'ADD8', '2013-02-
12', '21'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS009', 'NAME9', NULL,'ADD9', '2013-02-12',
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS010', 'NAM10', 9934567890,'ADD10', '2013-02-
12', '21'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_MASTER Values('CUS011', 'NAM11', 9875678910,'ADD11', '2013-02-
12', '21'); 
Insert into LIBRARY_CARD_MASTER Values('CR001', 'Silver', 200, 5); 
Insert into LIBRARY_CARD_MASTER Values('CR002', 'Gold', 400, 9); 
Insert into LIBRARY_CARD_MASTER Values('CR003', 'Platinum', 600, 8); 
Insert into LIBRARY_CARD_MASTER Values('CR004', 'VISA', 800, 7); 
Insert into LIBRARY_CARD_MASTER Values('CR005', 'CREDIT', 1200, 6); 
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV001', 'DIEHARD', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 , '2HRS',
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV002', 'THE MATRIX', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 ,
'2HRS', 'A','ACTION','DIR2','L1','L2',100); 
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV003', 'INCEPTION', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 ,
'2HRS', 'U/A','ACTION','DIR3','L15','L2',100); 
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV004', 'DARK KNIGHT', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 ,
'2HRS', 'A','ACTION','DIR4','L15','L2',100); 
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV005', 'OFFICE S', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 , '2HRS',
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV006', 'SHAWN OF DEAD', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 ,
'2HRS', 'U/A','COMEDY','DIR6','L1','L25',100); 
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV007', 'YOUNG FRANKEN', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 ,
'2HRS', 'U/A','COMEDY','DIR7','L1','L2',100); 
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV008', 'CAS', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 , '2HRS',
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV009', 'GWW', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 , '2HRS',
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV010', 'TITANIC', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 , '2HRS',
Insert into MOVIES_MASTER Values('MV011', 'THE NOTE BOOK', '2012-05-13','ENGLISH', 4 ,
'2HRS', 'A','ROMANCE','DIR11','L1','L2',100); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_CARD_DETAILS Values('CUS001', 'CR001', '2012-05-13'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_CARD_DETAILS Values('CUS002', 'CR002', '2012-05-13'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_CARD_DETAILS Values('CUS003', 'CR002', '2013-05-13'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_CARD_DETAILS Values('CUS004', 'CR003', '2013-05-13'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_CARD_DETAILS Values('CUS005', 'CR003', '2012-05-13'); 
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS001', 'CUS001', 'MV001', '2012-05-13',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS002', 'CUS001', 'MV001', '2012-05-01',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS003', 'CUS002', 'MV004', '2012-05-02',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS004', 'CUS002', 'MV004', '2012-04-03',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS005', 'CUS002', 'MV009', '2012-04-04',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS006', 'CUS003', 'MV002', '2012-03-30',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS007', 'CUS003', 'MV003', '2012-04-20',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS008', 'CUS003', 'MV005', '2012-04-21',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS009', 'CUS003', 'MV001', '2012-04-22',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS010', 'CUS003', 'MV009', '2012-04-22',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS011', 'CUS003', 'MV010', '2012-04-23',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS012', 'CUS003', 'MV010', '2012-04-24',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS013', 'CUS003', 'MV008', '2012-04-25',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS014', 'CUS004', 'MV007', '2012-04-26',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS015', 'CUS004', 'MV006', '2012-04-27',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS016', 'CUS004', 'MV006', '2012-04-28',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS017', 'CUS004', 'MV001', '2012-04-29',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS018', 'CUS010', 'MV008', '2012-04-24',
Insert into CUSTOMER_ISSUE_DETAILS Values ('IS019', 'CUS011', 'MV009', '2012-04-27',
1.Write a query to display movie names and number of times that movie is issued to
customers. Incase movies are never issued to customers display number of times as 0.
Display the details in sorted order based on number of times (in descending order) 
and then by movie name (in ascending order). The Alias name for the number of movies
issued is ISSUE_COUNT. 
movies_master m LEFT JOIN customer_issue_details c ON m.MOVIE_ID=c.MOVIE_ID 
GROUP BY m.movie_name 
2.Write a query to display id,name,age,contact no of customers whose age is greater than
25 and and who have registered in the year 2012.   Display contact no in the below format
+91-XXX-XXX-XXXX example +91-987-678-3434 and use the alias name as "CONTACT_ISD".
If the contact no is null then display as 'N/A'  Sort all the records in ascending order based
on age and then by name. 
substring(contact_no,4,3),'-',substring(contact_no,7)),'N/A') CONTACT_ISD 
FROM customer_master WHERE age>25 and year(date_of_registration)='2012' 
3.Write a query to display the movie category and number of movies in that category.
Display records based on number of movies from higher to lower order  and then by
movie category in ascending order.Hint: Use NO_OF_MOVIES as alias name for number of
4.Write a query to display the number of customers having card with description “Gold
card”. <br/>Hint: Use CUSTOMER_COUNT as alias name for number of customers 
SELECT count(c.customer_id) CUSTOMER_COUNT FROM  
library_card_master l JOIN customer_card_details c ON l.CARD_ID=c.CARD_ID 
WHERE description='Gold'; 
5.Write a query to display the customer id, customer name, year of registration,library
card id, card issue date of all the customers who hold library card. Display the records
sorted by customer name in descending order. Use REGISTERED_YEAR as alias name for
year of registration. 
SELECT c.customer_id,c.customer_name, 
year(c.DATE_OF_REGISTRATION) REGISTERED_YEAR,cd.card_id,cd.issue_date FROM  
customer_master c JOIN customer_card_details cd ON c.customer_id=cd.customer_id 
6.Write a query to display issue id, customer id, customer name for the customers who
have paid fine and whose name starts with 'R'. Fine is calculated based on return date and
actual date of return. If the date of actual return is after date of return then fine need to
be paid by the customer order by customer name. 
customer_master c JOIN customer_issue_details ci ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id 
WHERE customer_name LIKE 'R%' and ci.actual_date_return>ci.return_date 
ORDER BY customer_name; 
7. Write a query to display customer id, customer name, card id, card description and card
amount in dollars of customers who have taken movie on the same day the library card is
registered. For Example Assume John registered a library card on 12th Jan 2013 and he
took a movie on 12th Jan 2013 then display his details. AMOUNT_DOLLAR =
amount/52.42 and round it to zero decimal places and display as $Amount. Example
Assume 500 is the amount then dollar value will be $10. Hint: Use AMOUNT_DOLLAR as
alias name for amount in dollar. Display the records in ascending order based on customer
concat('$',round(amount/52.42)) AMOUNT_DOLLAR FROM 
customer_master c JOIN customer_issue_details ci ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id 
JOIN customer_card_details cc ON cc.customer_id=c.customer_id 
JOIN library_card_master l ON cc.card_id=l.card_id 
ORDER BY customer_name; 
8.Write a query to display the customer id, customer name,contact number and address
of customers who have taken movies from library without library card and whose address
ends with 'Nagar'. Display customer name in upper case. Hint: Use CUSTOMER_NAME as
alias name for customer name. Display the details sorted in ascending order based on
customer name. 
CUSTOMER_NAME,contact_no,contact_add FROM 
customer_master WHERE contact_add LIKE '%Nagar' and  
customer_id NOT IN (SELECT customer_id FROM customer_card_details) 
and customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM customer_issue_details) 
9.Write a query to display the movie id, movie name,release year,director name of movies
acted by the leadactor1 who acted maximum number of movies .Display the records
sorted in ascending order based on movie name. 
SELECT movie_id,movie_name,release_date,director FROM movies_master  
WHERE lead_role_1 IN(SELECT lead_role_1 FROM  
(SELECT lead_role_1,count(movie_id)ct FROM movies_master  
GROUP BY lead_role_1)t WHERE t.ct>=ALL(SELECT count(movie_id)  
FROM movies_master GROUP BY lead_role_1)) ORDER BY movie_name; 
10.Write a query to display the customer name and number of movies issued to that
customer sorted by customer name in ascending order.  If a customer has not  been issued
with any movie then display 0. <br>Hint: Use MOVIE_COUNT as alias name for number of
movies issued. 
SELECT c.customer_name,count(ci.movie_id) MOVIE_COUNT FROM 
customer_master c LEFT JOIN customer_issue_details ci ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id 
GROUP BY c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_name; 
11.Write a query to display serial number,issue id, customer id, customer name, movie id
and movie name of all the videos that are issued and display in ascending order based on
serial number.Serial number can be generated from the issue id , that is last two
characters of issue id is the serial number. For Example Assume the issue id is I00005 then
the serial number is 05 Hint: Alias name for serial number is 'SERIAL_NO' 
SELECT substring(ci.issue_id,-2) SERIAL_NO,ci.issue_id,c.customer_id,c.customer_name, 
m.movie_id,m.movie_name FROM customer_master c JOIN customer_issue_details ci 
ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id JOIN movies_master m ON m.movie_id=ci.movie_id 
12.Write a query to display the issue id,issue date, customer id, customer name and
contact number for videos that are issued in the year 2013.Display the records in
decending order based on issue date of the video. 
SELECT ci.issue_id,ci.issue_date,c.customer_id,c.customer_name,c.contact_no FROM 
customer_master c JOIN customer_issue_details ci ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id 
and year(ci.issue_date)='2013' ORDER BY ci.issue_date DESC; 
13.Write a query to display movie id ,movie name and actor names of movies which are
not issued to any customers.  <br> Actors Name to be displayed in the below
format.LEAD_ACTOR_ONE space ambersant space LEAD_ACTOR_TWO.Example: Assume
lead actor one's name is "Jack Tomson" and Lead actor two's name is "Maria" then Actors
name will be "Jack Tomsom & Maria"Hint:Use ACTORS as alias name for actors name.
<br> Display the records in ascending order based on movie name. 
SELECT movie_id,movie_name,concat(lead_role_1,' & ',lead_role_2) ACTOR FROM
WHERE movie_id NOT IN (SELECT movie_id FROM customer_issue_details) ORDER BY
14.Write a query to display the director's name, movie name and lead_actor_name1 of all
the movies directed by the director who directed more than one movie. Display
the directors name in capital letters. Use DIRECTOR_NAME as alias name for director
name column Display the records sorted in ascending order based on director_name and
then by movie_name in descending order. 
SELECT upper(director) DIRECTOR_NAME,movie_name,lead_role_1 FROM movies_master 
GROUP BY director HAVING count(movie_id)>1 ORDER BY director,movie_name DESC; 
15.Write a query to display number of customers who have registered in the library in the
year 2012 and who have given/provided contact number. <br> Hint:Use
NO_OF_CUSTOMERS as alias name for number of customers. 
SELECT count(customer_id) NO_OF_CUSTOMER FROM customer_master 
WHERE contact_no is not null and year(date_of_registration)='2012'; 
16.Write a query to display the customer's name, contact number,library card id and
library card description of all the customers irrespective of customers holding a library
card. If customer contact number is not available then display his address. Display the
records sorted in ascending order based on customer name.  Hint: Use CONTACT_DETAILS
as alias name for customer contact. 
SELECT c.customer_name,ifnull(c.contact_no,c.contact_add)
CONTACT_DETAILS,l.card_id,l.description FROM 
customer_master c LEFT JOIN customer_card_details cc ON c.customer_id=cc.customer_id 
LEFT JOIN library_card_master l ON l.card_id=cc.card_id 
ORDER BY customer_name; 
17. Write a query to display the customer id, customer name and number of times the
same movie is issued to the same customers who have taken same movie more than once.
Display the records sorted by customer name in decending order  For Example: Assume
customer John has taken Titanic three times and customer Ram has taken Die hard only
once then display the details of john.  Hint: Use NO_OF_TIMES as alias name for number
of times 
SELECT ci.customer_id,c.customer_name,count(ci.movie_id) NO_OF_TIMES FROM 
customer_issue_details ci JOIN customer_master c ON c.customer_id=ci.customer_id 
GROUP BY ci.customer_id,ci.movie_id HAVING count(movie_id)>1 
ORDER BY customer_name DESC; 
18.Write a query to display customer id, customer name,contact number, movie category
and number of movies issued to each customer based on movie category who has been
issued with more than one movie in that category. Example: Display contact number as
"+91-876-456-2345" format.&nbsp; Hint:Use NO_OF_MOVIES as alias name for number of
movies column. Hint:Use CONTACT_ISD as alias name for contact number. Display the
records sorted in ascending order based on customer name and then by movie category. 
SELECT c.customer_id,c.customer_name,concat('+91-',substring(c.contact_no,1,3),'-', 
substring(c.contact_no,4,3),'-',substring(c.contact_no,7)) CONTACT_ISD 
,m.movie_category,count(cc.movie_id) NO_OF_MOVIES FROM customer_master c JOIN
customer_issue_details cc 
ON c.customer_id=cc.customer_id JOIN movies_master m ON m.movie_id=cc.movie_id 
GROUP BY c.customer_id,m.movie_category HAVING count(cc.movie_id)>1 
ORDER BY customer_name,movie_category; 
19.Write a query to display customer id and customer name of customers who has been
issued with maximum number of movies and customer who has been issued with
minimum no of movies. For example Assume customer John has been issued 5 movies,
Ram has been issued 10 movies and Kumar has been issued 2 movies. The name and id of
Ram should be displayed for issuing maximum movies and Kumar should be displayed for
issuing minimum movies. Consider only the customers who have been issued with atleast
1 movie Customer(s) who has/have been issued the maximum number of movies must be
displayed first followed by the customer(s) who has/have been issued with the minimum
number of movies. In case of multiple customers who have been displayed with the
maximum or minimum number of movies, display the records sorted in ascending order
based on customer name. 
SELECT cid.customer_id , customer_name FROM  customer_master cm JOIN
customer_issue_details cidON cm.customer_id=cid.customer_id 
GROUP BY customer_id , customer_name 
HAVING count(movie_id)>=ALL(SELECT  count(movie_id) 
FROM customer_issue_details 
GROUP BY customer_id) 
SELECT cid.customer_id , customer_name FROM 
customer_master cm JOIN customer_issue_details cid 
ON cm.customer_id=cid.customer_id 
GROUP BY customer_id , customer_name 
HAVING count(movie_id)<=ALL(SELECT  count(movie_id) 
FROM customer_issue_details 
GROUP BY customer_id) ORDER BY customer_name; 
20.Write a query to display the customer id , customer name and number of times movies
have been issued from Comedy category. Display only for customers who has taken more
than once. Hint: Use NO_OF_TIMES as alias name  Display the records in ascending order
based on customer name. 
SELECT c.customer_id,c.customer_name,count(m.movie_id) NO_OF_TIMES FROM 
customer_master c JOIN customer_issue_details cc ON c.customer_id=cc.customer_id 
JOIN movies_master m ON m.movie_id=cc.movie_id  
WHERE m.movie_category='Comedy' 
GROUP BY c.customer_id HAVING count(m.movie_id)>1 
ORDER BY customer_name; 
21.Write a query to display customer id and total rent paid by the customers who are
issued with the videos. Need not display the customers who has not taken / issued with
any videos. Hint: Alias Name for total rent paid is TOTAL_COST. Display the records sorted
in ascending order based on customer id 
SELECT cid.customer_id, sum(m.rent_cost) TOTAL_COST FROM customer_issue_details cid 
JOIN movies_master mm ON cid.movie_id=mm.movie_id GROUP BY cid.customer_id order
by customer_id; 

create database loan; 
use loan; 
CREATE TABLE loan_card_master 

loan_idvarchar(6)PRIMARY KEY, 
CREATE TABLE employee_master 

employee_idvarchar(6)PRIMARY KEY, 
CREATE TABLE item_master 

item_idvarchar(6)PRIMARY KEY, 
CREATE TABLE employee_card_details 

employee_idvarchar(6) REFERENCES employee_master, 
CREATE TABLE employee_issue_details 

issue_idvarchar(6)PRIMARY KEY, 
employee_idvarchar(6) REFERENCES employee_master, 
insert into loan_card_master values('L00001','Furniture',5); 
insert into loan_card_master values('L00002','Stationary',0); 
insert into loan_card_master values('L00003','Crockery',1); 
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS001','E00001','I00001','2012-02-03','2014-02-
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS002','E00001','I00004','2012-02-03','2020-02-
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS003','E00002','I00005','2013-01-03','2015-01-
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS004','E00003','I00007','2010-07-04','2012-07-
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS005','E00003','I00008','2010-07-04','2012-08-
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS006','E00003','I00010','2012-03-14','2012-06-
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS007','E00004','I00012','2013-04-14','2016-04-
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS008','E00006','I00018','2012-08-18','2019-04-
insert into employee_issue_details values('ISS009','E00004','I00018','2013-04-18','2013-05-
insert into employee_master values('E00001','Ram','Manager','Finance','M','1973-12-
insert into employee_master values('E00002','Abhay','Assistant
insert into employee_master values('E00003','Anita','Senior Executive','Marketing','F','1977-
insert into employee_master values('E00004','Zuben','Manager','Marketing','M','1974-10-
insert into employee_master values('E00005','Radhica','Manager','HR','F','1976-07-
insert into employee_master values('E00006','John','Executive','HR','M','1983-11-08','2010-
insert into employee_card_details values('E00001','L00001','2000-01-01'); 
insert into employee_card_details values('E00001','L00002','2000-01-01'); 
insert into employee_card_details values('E00001','L00003','2002-12-14'); 
insert into employee_card_details values('E00002','L00001','2007-02-01'); 
insert into employee_card_details values('E00002','L00002','2007-03-11'); 
insert into employee_card_details values('E00003','L00001','2007-04-15'); 
insert into employee_card_details values('E00003','L00002','2007-04-15'); 
insert into employee_card_details values('E00003','L00003','2007-04-15'); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES ('I00001','Tea Table','Y','Wooden','Furniture',5000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES  ('I00002','Dinning
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00003','Tea Table','N','Steel','Furniture',6000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00004','Side Table','Y','Wooden','Furniture',2000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00005','Side Table','Y','Steel','Furniture',1500); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00006','Tea Table','N','Steel','Furniture',7000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00007','Dinning Chair','Y','Wooden','Furniture',1500); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00008','Tea Table','Y','Wooden','Furniture',4000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES  ('I00009','Sofa','N','Wooden','Furniture',18000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00010','Cupboard','Y','Steel','Furniture',10000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00011','Cupboard','N','Steel','Furniture',14000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00012','Double Bed','Y','Wooden','Furniture',21000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00013','Double Bed','Y','Wooden','Furniture',20000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00014','Single Bed','Y','Steel','Furniture',10000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00015','Single Bed','N','Steel','Furniture',10000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00016','Tea Set','Y','Glass','Crockery',3000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00017','Tea Set','Y','Bonechina','Crockery',4000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00018','Dinning Set','Y','Glass','Crockery',4500); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00019','Dinning Set','N','Bonechina','Crockery',5000); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00020','Pencil','Y','Wooden','Stationary',5); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00021','Pen','Y','Plastic','Stationary',100); 
INSERT INTO item_master VALUES('I00022','Pen','N','Plastic','Stationary',200); 
1. Write a query to display category and number of items in that category. Give the count an alias
name of Count_category. Display the details on the sorted order of count in descending order. 
SELECT item_category,count(item_id) Count_category FROM 
item_master GROUP BY item_category ORDER BY Count_category DESC; 
2. Write a query to display the number of employees in HR department. Give the alias name as
SELECT count(employee_id) No_of_Employees FROM  
employee_master WHERE department='HR'; 
3. Write a query to display employee id, employee name, designation and department for
employees who have never been issued an item as a loan from the company. Display the records
sorted in ascending order based on employee id. 
SELECT employee_id,employee_name,designation,department FROM  employee_master  
WHERE employee_id NOT IN (SELECT employee_id FROM employee_issue_details) 
ORDER BY employee_id; 
4. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name who was issued an item of highest
valuation. In case of multiple records, display the records sorted in ascending order based on
employee id.[Hint Suppose an item called dinning table is of 22000 and that is the highest price of
the item that has been issued. So display the employee id and employee name who issued dinning
table whose price is 22000.] 
SELECT employee_id,employee_name FROM employee_master 
WHERE employee_id IN(SELECT employee_id FROM employee_issue_details 
WHERE item_id IN (SELECT item_id FROM item_master 
WHERE item_valuation=(SELECT max(item_valuation) FROM  
item_master i JOIN employee_issue_details e ON i.item_id=e.item_id))); 
5. Write a query to display issue_id, employee_id, employee_name. Display the records sorted in
ascending order based on issue id. 
SELECT eid.issue_id, eid.employee_id, em.employee_name 
FROM employee_master em JOIN  employee_issue_details eid 
ON em.employee_id=eid.employee_id ORDER BY eid.issue_id; 
6. Write a query to display employee id, employee name who don’t have loan cards.Display the
records sorted in ascending order based on employee id. 
SELECT employee_id,employee_name FROM employee_master 
WHERE employee_id NOT IN(SELECT employee_id FROM employee_card_details); 
7. Write a query to count the number of cards issued to an employee “Ram”.  Give the count an
alias name as No_of_Cards. 
SELECT count(loan_id) No_of_Cards FROM 
employee_card_details WHERE employee_id IN  
(SELECT employee_id FROM employee_master WHERE employee_name='Ram'); 
SELECT count(loan_id) No_of_Cards FROM   
employee_card_details c JOIN  employee_master e 
ON c.employee_id = e.employee_id 
WHERE e.employee_name= 'Ram'; 
8. Write a query to display the count of customers who have gone for loan type stationary. Give
the count an alias name as Count_stationary. 
SELECT count(e.employee_id) Count_Stationary 
FROM employee_card_details e JOIN loan_card_master l 
ON e.loan_id=l.loan_id WHERE l.loan_type='Stationary'; 
9. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name   and number of items issued to
them. Give the number of items an alias name as Count. Display the details in descending order of
count and then  
SELECT e.employee_id,employee_name,count(e.item_id) Count FROM  
employee_issue_details e JOIN employee_master em ON e.employee_id=em.employee_id 
GROUP BY e.employee_id ORDER BY count DESC,e.employee_id; 
10. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name who was issued an item of
minimum valuation.In case of multiple records, display them sorted in ascending order based on
employee id.[Hint Suppose an item called pen is of rupees 20 and that is the lowest price. So
display the employee id and employee name who issued pen where the valuation is 20.] 
SELECT employee_id,employee_name FROM employee_master 
WHERE employee_id IN(SELECT employee_id FROM employee_issue_details 
WHERE item_id IN (SELECT item_id FROM item_master 
WHERE item_valuation=(SELECT min(item_valuation) FROM  
item_master i JOIN employee_issue_details e ON i.item_id=e.item_id))) 
ORDER BY employee_id; 
11. Write a query to d..0/
isplay the employee id, employee name and total valuation of the product issued to each
employee.  Give the alias name as TOTAL_VALUATION.Display the records sorted in ascending
order based on employee id.Consider only employees who have been issued atleast 1 item. 
SELECT e.employee_id,em.employee_name,sum(i.item_valuation) TOTAL_VALUATION FROM 
item_master i JOIN employee_issue_details e ON e.item_id=i.item_id 
JOIN employee_master em ON em.employee_id=e.employee_id 
GROUP BY e.employee_id ORDER BY employee_id; 
12. Write a query to display distinct employee id, employee name who kept the item issued for
more than a year. Hint: Use Date time function to calculate the difference between item issue and
return date. Display the records only if it is more than 365 Days.Display the records sorted in
ascending order based on employee id. 
SELECT DISTINCT e.employee_id,e.employee_name FROM  
employee_master e JOIN  employee_issue_details ei ON e.employee_id=ei.employee_id 
WHERE datediff(ei.return_date,ei.issue_date)>365 
ORDER BY employee_id; 
13. Write a query to display employee id, employee name and count of items of those who
asked for more than 1 furniture. Give the alias name for count of items as COUNT_ITEMS.Display
the records sorted in ascending order on employee id. 
SELECT e.employee_id,e.employee_name,count(ei.item_id) COUNT_ITEMS FROM 
employee_master e JOIN employee_issue_details ei ON e.employee_id=ei.employee_id 
JOIN item_master i ON ei.item_id=i.item_id 
WHERE i.item_category='Furniture'  
GROUP BY ei.employee_id HAVING count(ei.item_id)>1; 
14. Write a query to display the number of men & women Employees. The query should display
the gender and number of Employees as No_of_Employees. Display the records sorted in
ascending order based on gender. 
SELECT gender,count(employee_id) FROM employee_master 
GROUP BY gender ORDER BY gender; 
15. Write a query to display employee id, employee name who joined the company after 2005.
Display the records sorted in ascending order based on employee id. 
SELECT employee_id,employee_name FROM employee_master 
WHERE year(date_of_joining)>'2005' 
ORDER BY employee_id; 
16. Write a query to get the number of items of the furniture category issued and not issued. The
query should display issue status and the number of furniture as No_of_Furnitures.Display the
records sorted in ascending order based on issue_status. 
SELECT issue_status,count(item_id) No_of_Furniture FROM 
item_master WHERE item_category='Furniture' 
GROUP BY issue_status ORDER BY issue_status; 
17. Write a query to find the number of items in each category, make and description. The Query
should display Item Category, Make, description and the number of items as No_of_Items. Display
the records in ascending order based on Item Category, then by item make and then by item
SELECT item_category,item_make,item_description,count(item_id) No_of_items FROM 
item_master GROUP BY item_category,item_make,item_description  
ORDER BY item_category,item_make,item_description; 
18. Write a query to display employee id, employee name, item id and item description of
employees who were issued item(s) in the month of January 2013. Display the records sorted in
order based on employee id and then by item id in ascending order. 
SELECT e.employee_id,employee_name,i.item_id,i.item_description FROM 
employee_master e JOIN employee_issue_details ei ON e.employee_id=ei.employee_id 
JOIN item_master i ON i.item_id=ei.item_id 
WHERE month(ei.issue_date)='01' and year(ei.issue_date)='2013' 
ORDER BY employee_id,item_id; 
19. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name and count of item category of the
employees who have been issued items in at least 2 different categories.Give the alias name for
category count as COUNT_CATEGORY.Display the records sorted in ascending order based on
employee id. 
SELECT ei.employee_id,e.employee_name,count(DISTINCT i.item_category) COUNT_CATEGORY
employee_master e JOIN employee_issue_details ei ON e.employee_id=ei.employee_id 
JOIN item_master i ON i.item_id=ei.item_id 
GROUP BY ei.employee_id 
ORDER BY employee_id; 
20. Write a query to display the item id , item description which was never issued to any
employee. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on item id. 
SELECT item_id, item_description FROM item_master   
WHERE item_id NOT IN (SELECT item_id from employee_issue_details) 
ORDER BY item_id; 
21. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name andtotal valuationfor the
employees who has issued minimum total valuation of the product.  Give the alias name for total
valuation as TOTAL_VALUATION.[Hint: Suppose an employee E00019 issued item of price 5000,
10000, 12000 and E00020 issue item of price 2000, 7000 and 1000. So the valuation of items taken
by E00019 is 27000 and for E00020 it is 10000. So the employee id, employee name of E00020
should be displayed. ] 
SELECT e.employee_id,em.employee_name,sum(i.item_valuation) TOTAL_VALUATION FROM 
item_master i JOIN employee_issue_details e ON e.item_id=i.item_id 
JOIN employee_master em ON em.employee_id=e.employee_id 
GROUP BY e.employee_id HAVING sum(i.item_valuation)<=ALL( 
SELECT sum(i.item_valuation) TOTAL_VALUATION FROM 
item_master i JOIN employee_issue_details e ON e.item_id=i.item_id 
JOIN employee_master em ON em.employee_id=e.employee_id 
GROUP BY e.employee_id); 
22. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name, card issue date and card valid
date.Order by employee name and then by card valid date. Give the alias name to display the card
valid date as CARD_VALID_DATE.[Hint:  Validity in years for the loan card is given in
loan_card_master table. Validity date is calculated by adding number of years in the loan card
issue date. If the duration of year is zero then display AS 'No Validity Date'. ] 
SELECT e.employee_id,e.employee_name,card_issue_date, 
when l.duration_in_years>0 then date_add(ec.card_issue_date,interval l.duration_in_years year) 
when l.duration_in_years=0 then 'No Validity Date' end CARD_VALID_DATE  
employee_master e JOIN employee_card_details ec ON e.employee_id=ec.employee_id 
JOIN loan_card_master l ON l.loan_id=ec.loan_id 
ORDER BY employee_name,CARD_VALID_DATE; 
23. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name who have not issued with any item 
in the year 2013. Hint: Exclude those employees who was never issued with any of the items in all
the years. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on employee id. 
SELECT DISTINCT e.employee_id,e.employee_name FROM  
employee_master e JOIN employee_issue_details ei ON e.employee_id=ei.employee_id 
WHERE e.employee_id NOT IN (SELECT employee_id FROM employee_issue_details 
WHERE year(issue_date)='2013') 
ORDER BY employee_id; 
24. Write a query to display issue id, employee id, employee name, item id, item description and
issue date.  Display the data in descending order of date and then by issue id in ascending order. 
SELECT issue_id, eid.employee_id, employee_name, im.item_id, item_description,issue_date 
FROM employee_issue_details eid JOIN employee_master em ON
JOIN item_master im ON eid.item_id=im.item_id 
ORDER BY issue_date DESC, issue_id; 
25. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name and total valuation for employee
who has issued maximum total valuation of the product. Give the alias name for total valuation as
TOTAL_VALUATION.[Hint: Suppose an employee E00019 issued item of price 5000, 10000, 12000
and E00020 issue item of price 2000, 7000, and 1000. So the valuation of items taken by E00019 is
27000 and for E00020 it is 10000. So the employee id, employee name and total valuation of
E00019 should display. ] 
SELECT e.employee_id,em.employee_name,sum(i.item_valuation) TOTAL_VALUATION FROM 
item_master i JOIN employee_issue_details e ON e.item_id=i.item_id 
JOIN employee_master em ON em.employee_id=e.employee_id 
GROUP BY e.employee_id HAVING sum(i.item_valuation)>=ALL( 
SELECT sum(i.item_valuation) TOTAL_VALUATION FROM 
item_master i JOIN employee_issue_details e ON e.item_id=i.item_id 
JOIN employee_master em ON em.employee_id=e.employee_id 
GROUP BY e.employee_id); 

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