Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Answer Key-RED PACOP

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1. The upper oxidizing zone of a nonluminous Bunsen flame consists largely of:
A. Incandescent carbon
B. A mixture of reducing gases and oxygen
C. A large excess of oxygen
D. Nitrogen
E. Unburnt gas

2. Less volatile substances may be detected in:

A. Lower oxidizing zone
B. Upper oxidizing zone
C. Upper reducing zone
D. Lower reducing zone
E. Hottest portion of the flame

3. Sb imparts ______ color to the nonluminous Bunsen flame

A. Crimson
B. Yellowish green
C. Green
D. Blue
E. Brick red

4. Tl imparts ______ color to the nonluminous Bunsen flame

A. Crimson
B. Yellowish green
C. Green
D. Blue
E. Brick red

5. In the micro scale of qualitative analysis, the quantity of a substance employed is reduced by a
factor of
A. 0.1
B. 1
C. 10
D. 100
E. 1000

6. A metallic deposit obtained after sublimation may indicate the presence of:
A. Ammonium salts
B. Sulphur
C. Mercury (I) iodide
D. Selenium (IV) oxide
E. Amalgams

7. The color of the flame caused by calcium chloride when viewed through cobalt glass is
A. Brick red
B. Light green

C. Violet
D. Crimson
E. Purple
8. A mixture of potassium and sodium chloride will produce _______ color in the flame test.
A. Orange
B. Violet
C. Yellow
D. Red
E. Reddish orange

9. In the microcosmic salt bead test, the microcosmic salt _________ is used.
A. Na2B4O7.10H2O
B. Cu(BO2)2
C. Na(NH4)HPO4.4H2O
D. CuSO4.5H2O

10. The color of borax bead produced by cerium salts in the oxidizing flame when hot is:
A. Orange red
B. Colorless
C. Yellow
D. Rose-violet
E. Bottle green

11. The upper edge of a filter paper used during filtration should be about ______ cm from the
upper rim of the funnel
A. 1 cm
B. 2 cm
C. 3 cm
D. 2/3 cm
E. 0.5 cm

12. When a precipitate tends to pass through the filter paper, this salt may be added to prevent the
formation of colloidal solutions.
A. Sodium chloride
B. Potassium nitrate
C. Lithium chloride
D. Ammonium nitrate

13. Glass apparatus which are particularly greasy may be cleaned with
A. Hot nitric acid
B. Concentrated hydrochloric acid
C. Chromosulphuric acid
D. Perchloric acid
E. Glacial acetic acid

14. The reaction between lead nitrate and hydrogen sulphide will yield
A. A blue solution
B. A colorless solution
C. A white precipitate
D. A yellow precipitate
E. A black precipitate

15. This compound is formed when mercury (I) chloride dissolves in aqua regia
A. Mercury (II) amidochloride
B. Mercury (I) amidochloride
C. Mercury (I) nitrate
D. Mercury (II) nitrate
E. Mercury (II) chloride

16. Basic mercury (II) amidonitrate exists as:

A. A black precipitate
B. A white precipitate
C. A gray precipitate
D. A colorless precipitate
E. Colorless solution

17. The reaction between silver nitrate and potassium iodide will produce
A. A black precipitate
B. A white precipitate
C. A gray precipitate
D. A yellow precipitate
E. No precipitate

18. The reaction between mercury (II) nitrate and excess potassium iodide will produce:
A. A white precipitate of potassium nitrate
B. A black deposit of metallic mercury
C. A red precipitate of mercury (II) iodide
D. A colorless solution containing tetraiodomercurate (II) ions

19. Purple colored compounds usually indicate the presence of

A. Dichromates
B. Cobalt salts
C. Permanganates
D. Purple sulphur
E. Sulphides

20. Devarda’s alloy contains

A. Cu, Al, Zn
B. Cu, Ni

C. Bi, Pb, Sn
D. Ni, Fe, Cr
E. Pb, Sb, Sn

21. A solution that yields a white precipitate with dilute HCl and dissolves in ammonia solution
indicates the presence of
A. Pb 2+
B. Hg2+ 2
C. Ag+
D. Hg2+

22. A solution that yields a white precipitate with excess reagent of ammonium carbonate indicates
the presence of
A. Group I cations
B. Group II cations
C. Group III cations
D. Group IV cations
E. Group V cations

23. A solution that yields a white precipitate with excess reagent of Na2HPO4 indicates the presence
A. Mg 2+
B. NH 4+
C. Na+
D. K+

24. The most stable complexes are found by ions of these groups of elements
A. Group VI A
B. Group VII A
C. Group I B
D. Group II B
E. Group VIII

25. The element that was named from a Greek word which means “acid former”
A. Hydrogen
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Chloride
E. Helium

26. Artificial radioactive isotopes emit the following except

A. Alpha particles
B. Beta particles
C. Gamma rays

D. K capture x rays

27. Emitted when neutrons exceed protons beyond a stable ratio that occurs mainly in the elements
of atomic numbers above 63
A. Alpha particles
B. Positron
C. Negatron
D. Cyclotron
E. K capture x rays

28. The mineral spodumene contains

A. CaMg3(SiO3)4
B. Na3AIF6
C. CaSO4.2H2O
D. LiA([SiO3])2

29. Compounds formed when molecules of two different halogens react

A. Interhalogens
B. Intrahalogens
C. Semihalogens
D. Cohalides
E. Reaction is not possible

30. CrCl2 (H2O) 4NO3 is

A. Aqueous chromochloronitrate
B. Hydrated chromodichloronitrate
C. Nitrated chromodichlorohydrate
D. Dichlorotetraaquochromium (III) nitrate
E. Dichlorotetraaquochromium (II) nitrate

31. Ethylenediamine is a type of ligand classified as

A. Unidentate
B. Bidentate
C. Hexadentate
D. Tetradentate
E. Pentadentate

32. Francium has Z=

A. 37
B. 55
C. 57
D. 87
E. 95

33. The most stable diatomic molecule is

A. Oxygen
B. Bromine
C. Nitrogen
D. Fluorine

34. The bond existing between mercury (II) fluoride is

A. H bond
B. Ionic
C. Covalent
D. Metallic bond

35. The most metallic of all halogens is

A. Fluorine
B. Chlorine
C. Bromine
D. Iodine

36. If a basic solvent is used, the iodine solution obtained is usually colored
A. Colorless
B. Violet
C. Orange
D. Blue black
E. Black

37. Linus Pauling called this element a superhalogen, probably owing to its high electronegativity
A. Fluorine
B. Chlorine
C. Bromine
D. Iodine

38. This principle states that, in a stable complex, there may be no high concentration of negative or
positive charge, and that charge will tend to distribute itself over the atoms within a complex in such
a way that the net charge on each atom approaches zero.
A. Law of Hess
B. Aufbau Principle
C. Electropositvity principle
D. Electronegativity principle
E. Electroneutrality principle

39. Oxidation of phosphorous with oxygen may yield


A. P4O6
B. P4O10
C. P2O4

40. An element that has an electronegativity of 0.9 on the Pauling scale and an element with a
Pauling electronegativity of 3.0 has sufficient difference to form
A. Ionic bonds
B. Covalent bonds
C. Coordinate covalent bonds
D. H bonds

41. Calcium Disodium Versenate may be used in the treatment for heavy metal poisoning, primarily
that caused by
A. Mercury
B. Arsenic
C. Gold
D. Lead

42. The only alkali metal that melts above the boiling point of water is
A. Lithium
B. Sodium
C. Potassium
D. Rubidium
E. Cesium

43. Which alkali metal hydroxide has the highest alkalinity?

A. Lithium hydroxide
B. Sodium hydroxide
C. Potassium hydroxide
D. Rubidium hydroxide
E. Cesium hydroxide

44. All oxides and hydroxides of the coinage metals are freely basic except for
A. Cu2O
B. Ag2O
C. Au2O

45. The reagent that will precipitate out Group I cations

A. Dilute hydrochloric acid
B. Hydrogen sulphide

C. Ammonium sulphide
D. Ammonium carbonate
E. Sodium biphosphate

46. Which among these acid halides has the highest acidity?
B. HBr
C. HCl

47. How many percent by weight of HCl does muriatic acid contain?
A. 96-98%
B. 97-99%
C. 10-16%
D. 35-38%
E. 9.5-105%

48. A type of water that contains iron in solution or suspension and are characterized by a
ferruginous taste
A. Alkaline water
B. Carbonated water
C. Chalybeate water
D. Lithia water
E. Saline water

49. The specific gravity of sulphuric acid is

A. 1.18
B. 1.84
C. 1.71
D. 1.14

50. A type of water which is sometimes known as purgative water

A. Alkaline water
B. Carbonated water
C. Chalybeate water
D. Lithia water
E. Saline water

51. Graham’s salt is

A. Sodium sulfate
B. Magnesium sulfate
C. Calcium phosphate
D. Sodium metaphosphate
E. Ammonium bicarbonate

52. Parenteral preparations containing bacteriostatic water for injection may be administered through
the following routes except:
A. Intravenous
B. Subcutaneous
C. Intramuscular

53. This element decreases the coefficient of expansion in glass.

A. Potassium
B. Iron
C. Titanium
D. Boron
E. Rare earth metals

54. Element that predominates in the plasma and interstitial fluids

A. Sodium
B. Potassium
C. Magnesium
D. Calcium
E. Iron

55. The black precipitate produced in Marsh’s test is

A. Lead
B. Arsenic
C. Silver
D. Hydrogen sulfide
E. Cadmium

56. The xanthoproteic test make use of this acid

A. Boric acid
B. Hydrochloric acid
C. Nitric acid
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Phosphoric acid

57. Softening both temporary and permanent hard water may be achieved through:
A. Boiling
B. Clark’s lime process
C. Demineralization
D. Addition of ammonia

58. The principal anion of the intracellular fluid compartment is

A. Chloride

B. Phosphate
C. Sulfate
D. Bicarbonate
E. Carbonate

59. Ringer’s injection contains_____ mEqs of potassium

A. 147 mEq
B. 130 mEq
C. 4 mEq
D. 2.7 mEq

60. This is used both as a diuretic and in the treatment of chronic acidosis to restore bicarbonate
A. Sodium bicarbonate
B. Potassium bicarbonate
C. Sodium citrate
D. Sodium lactate
E. Ammonium chloride

61. Iron compound which has the superior resistance to oxidation upon exposure to air
A. Ferrous fumarate
B. Ferrous gluconate
C. Ferrous sulfate
D. Ferrous oxide

62. Important component of the protein ceruloplasmin

A. Iron
B. Copper
C. Magnesium
D. Zinc

63. Marsh test is a test for

A. Cadmium
B. Copper
C. Astatine
D. Arsenic
E. Lead

64. The positive result in Gutzeit’s test is the presence of

A. White precipitate
B. Evolution of colorless gas
C. Black spot in filter paper
D. Effervescence in solution

E. Silver mirror in test tube walls

65. Decoloration of fuchsin dye indicates the presence of

A. Phosphates
B. Sulphates
C. Oxides
D. Phosphites
E. Sulphites

66. Prussian blue is:

A. Fe4[Fe(CN6)]3
B. The same as Turnbull’s blue
C. Iron (III) hexacyanoferrate

67. Deficiency of this mineral result to parakeratosis

A. Zinc
B. Iron
C. Copper
D. Magnesium
E. Iodine

68. This metal has the capacity to displace hydrogen in solution

A. Platinum
B. Mercury
C. Tin
D. Bismuth
E. Copper

69. These salts may contain two different cations combined with a single anion or may contain a
single cation combine with two or more anions.
A. Normal salts
B. Hydrogen salts
C. Mixed salts
D. Double salts

70. Temporary hardness of water is usually caused by the presence of:

A. Sodium bicarbonate
B. Sodium carbonate
C. Calcium sulfate
D. Magnesium carbonate
E. Potassium sulfate

71. The element found in human bodies that is an important constituent of xanthine oxidase and
aldehyde oxidase.
A. Iodine
B. Zinc
C. Molybdenum
D. Selenium
E. Copper

72. Defacqz reaction is used to test for:

A. Molybdenum
B. Tungsten
C. Thallium
D. Gallium
E. Gold

73. Turnbull’s blue is

A. Fe3[Fe(CN)6]12
B. Iron (II) hexacyanoferrate
C. The same as prussian blue

74. A precipitate may result in an unknown solution upon the addition of hydrogen sulphide if this
action is present:
A. Ag+
B. As5+
C. Fe2+
D. Fe3+
E. Li+

75. This system of inorganic nomenclature cites the charge on a complex ion rather than the
oxidation state of the central unit.
A. Stock system
B. Ewens-Bassett System
C. Classical System
D. Modern System

76. Being a bridge element, the behaviour of this element and its compound is often different that of
the other members of the Group I family.
A. Lithium
B. Sodium
C. Ammonium
D. Rubidium
E. Cesium

77. The most chemically active among the members in Group II A

A. Magnesium
B. Beryllium
C. Calcium
D. Strontium
E. Barium

78. The second most abundant element on earth

A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Aluminum
D. Silicon
E. Hydrogen

79. This is the product when a base like sodium carbonate is fused with pure silica.
A. Smectite
B. Talc
C. Silanes
D. Glass
E. Pumice

80. One hundred volumes of hydrogen peroxide is equal to

A. 3%
B. 6%
C. 30%
D. 70%
E. 100%

81. The most stable allotropic form of sulphur at room temperature

A. α- sulfur
B. β- sulfur
C. Г-sulfur

82. The best expectorant is

A. KI syrup
B. NH4Cl solution
C. HI solution
D. H2O vapor

83. Fatal bends in deep sea divers are caused by gaseous_____ in the blood
A. Carbon monoxide
B. Hydrogen
C. Helium

D. Pure oxygen
E. Nitrogen

84. Compounds which are capable of interfering with the passage of X rays are used as
A. Enema
B. Chemotherapeutic agents
C. Radiopaques
D. Radioisotopes

85. Iron oxides are usually used as

A. Astringents
B. Topical protectives
C. Laxatives
D. Pigments
E. Buffers

86. A green precipitate that results after a solution was neutralized with ammonia solution and after
the addition of ammonium sulphide indicates the presence of:
A. Al3+
B. Mn2+
C. Cr3+
D. Co2+
E. Ni2+

87. Potassium alum is an example of a

A. Normal salt
B. Hydrogen salt
C. Mixed salt
D. Double salt

88. Aromatic Ammonia Spirit, USP must be stored in

A. PET bottles
B. Rubber containers
C. PVC containers
D. Amber bottles
E. Clear glass containers

89. The only route of administration approved in administering Iron Dextran Injection
A. Intravenous
B. Intramuscular
C. Subcutaneous
D. Intra arterial
E. Intradermal

90. This metal will not react with acids to produce hydrogen
A. Potassium
B. Aluminum
C. Bismuth
D. Strontium
E. Lead

91. The softest mineral known is:

A. Mg5(Si8O20)(OH)2.8H2O
B. Mg3(OH)2Si4O10
C. [Al4(OH)6][Si4O10)(OH2)]
D. CaAl2Si4O12.6H2O

92. A white precipitate after the addition of excess ammonium carbonate indicates the presence of
A. Group I cations
B. Group II cations
C. Group III cations
D. Group IV cations
E. Group V cations

93. A basic or “sub” salt is prepared by

A. Partial hydrolysis of a normal salt
B. Partial neutralization of a hydroxide
C. Partial reaction with a base
D. A and B
E. B and C

94. An example of an efflorescent substance is

A. Epsom salt
B. Glauber’s salt
C. Blue vitriol

95. Used as bone replacement for temporary braces of long bones and to close openings in the skull
A. Plaster of Paris
B. Zinc-eugenol cement
C. Silver
D. Tantalum
E. Adamantium

96. The following elements belongs to Period III of the periodic table except for:
A. Boron
B. Magnesium
C. Sulfur

D. Silicon

97. Treatment with gold has been used in the following conditions except:
A. Rheumatoid arthritis
B. Disseminated lupus
C. Nondisseminated lupus erythematosus

98. The oxidation state of sulphur that gives rise to sulphuric cid
A. -1
B. -2
C. +2
D. -3
E. +6

99. Metallic mercury is soluble in the following acids except

A. Hot H2SO4
C. HCl
D. Cold HNO3

100. A solution prepared from the complex compound produced when mercuric iodide reacts with
potassium iodide is known as:
A. Benedict’s reagent
B. Valser’s reagent
C. Bordeaux mixture
D. Nessler’s reagent
E. Fehling’s reagent

101. Native colloidal, hydrated silicate is also known as:

A. Kaolin
B. Talc
C. Bentonite
D. Silane
E. Siliceous earth

102. Burrow’s solution contains

A. Aluminum acetate
B. Lead subacteate
C. Magnesium hydroxide

103. Purple of Cassius consists of

A. Metallic gold
B. Colloidal gold
C. Tin chloride
D. Metallic tin

104. A cofactor for phosphate transferring enzymes and also a constituent of bones and teeth
A. Magnesium
B. Iron
C. Calcium
D. Copper
E. Zinc

105. Aluminum silicates that contain impurities of calcium, magnesium, iron oxides, fragments of
quartz etc. is known as ________

A. Bentonite
B. Montmorillonite
C. Kaolin
D. Attapulgite
E. Clay

106. The metal of Masynoeci is also more commonly known as

A. Wood’s alloy
B. Devarda’s alloy
C. Brass
D. Bronze

107. This aluminum magnesium silicate, also known as floridin, is a low plasticity, clay-like material
which, when heated, exhibits an increase in its adsorptive properties.
A. Kaolin
B. Bentonite
C. Talc
D. Fuller’s earth
E. Pumice

108. The purest native form of uncombined carbon is

A. Coal
B. Charcoal
C. Diamond
D. Graphite

109. What is formed when ozone dissolves and unites with the double bonds of substances such as
oil of turpentine, oil of cinnamon and olive oil?
A. Peroxides
B. Ozonides
C. Oxidized oils
D. Dehydrogenated oils

110. The following are the known uses of sodium hypochlorite solution except:
A. Disinfectant
B. Antiseptic
C. Oxidizing agent
D. Bleaching agent

111. Corrosive sublimate is:

A. Ammoniated mercury
B. Mercury bichloride
C. Mercurous chloride
D. Potassium hydroxide

112. The only Group V cation that will yield a precipitate with sodium biphosphate
A. Li+
B. Na+
C. K+
D. NH4+
E. Mg2+

113. Water (as molecules) associated with cations and/or anions of salt in solution or in crystals.
A. Coordinated water
B. Zeolytic water
C. Lattice water

114. Rinman’s green is

A. Zinc acetate
B. Cobalt zincate
C. Copper acetoarsenate
D. Potassium ferrocyanide

115. In testing for the presence of reducing sugars in a diabetic urine, 0.1% concentration of such
sugars will produce ______ with the Fehling’s solution.
A. Brick red precipitate

B. White precipitate
C. Colorless solution
D. Bluish-green solution

116. Solution 2 of the Fehling’s reagent contains the:

A. Cupric sulfate
B. Reducing agent
C. Sequestering agent

117. Which of the following metals are placed higher than hydrogen in the electromotive series of
A. Barium
B. Strontium
C. Nickel

118. The oxidation state of oxygen in the peroxide ion is

A. 0
B. -1
C. -2
D. +2

119. What is the color of the precipitate produced when mercuric salts are treated with sodium
hydroxide TS?
A. Yellow
B. Scarlet
C. White
D. Black
E. No precipitate

120. Complexes of iodine with carrier organic molecules serving as solubilizing agent to liberate
iodine in solution.
A. Iodates
B. Starch-iodoform
C. Iodophor

121. A procedure that employs gamma emitting isotopes and focused radiation directly on the area
under treatment
A. Teletherapy
B. Implantation therapy
C. Contact therapy


122. Why is it important to give a patient Lugol’s solution at least 24 hours before the administration
of radioactive iodine?
A. To saturate the thyroid gland with iodine
B. To prevent iodine depletion
C. To prevent the uptake of radioactivity
D. A and B
E. A and C

123. Vogel reaction is used to test for:

A. Nickel ions
B. Ferrous ions
C. Cobaltous ions
D. Ammonium ions

124. Which is false from these statements?

A. Metallic properties of elements generally decrease in a given period as atomic number
B. Ionization energy increases as the atomic number increases
C. Electronegativity of the elements increases from left to right across any period and from
bottom to top in any group (except VIIIA)

125. A useful diagnostic agent in determining renal function is:

A. Iodinated I 125 Serum Albumin
B. Sodium Iodohippurate I 131
C. Sodium Rose Bengal I 131
D. Ferric chloride Fe 59

126. The quantitative Benedict’s solution contains all of the following except:
A. Cupric sulfate
B. Sodium citrate
C. Potassium thiocyanate
D. Potassium ferrocyanide
E. Sodium carbonate

127. In the Griess-Ilosvay test, diazotization of sulphanilic acid is affected by _____ acid, followed by
coupling with 1-naphthylamine reagent to form the red azo dye.
A. Sulphuric acid
B. Hypochlorous acid
C. Nitrous acid

D. Nitric acid
E. Glacial acetic acid

128. Which reagent may be used to differentiate mercurous salts from mercuric salts?
A. Sodium hydroxide TS
B. Copper foil
C. Hydrogen sulfide

129. Which of the following commercial preparations contain potassium iodide and is indicated for
goiter prophylaxis in iodine deficiency?
A. Eltroxin ®
B. Iodine ®
C. Jodid ®
D. Neo mercazole ®
E. Thyrax ®

130. These metals react vigorously with water to form hydrogen gas and metallic hydroxides
A. Alkali metals
B. Alkaline earth metals
C. Coinage metals
D. Rare earth metals

131. All of the members of the family of these metals form complex cations with ammonia
A. Alkali metals
B. Alkaline earth metals
C. Coinage metals
D. Rare earth metals
132. All the other nitrates are soluble in the water except for ______ which is only sparingly soluble
in water.
A. Mercuric nitrite
B. Sodium nitrite
C. Ammonium nitrite
D. Silver nitrite
E. Mercurous nitrite

133. An entity providing a pair of electrons in a coordinate covalent bond is termed as

A. Acceptor species
B. Electron provider
C. Donor species
D. Acid
E. Base

134. This group of element hydroxides in aqueous solutions has the greatest alkalinity in nature with
alkalinity increasing as the ionic radius increases.
A. Group IA
B. Group IB
C. Group IIA
D. Group IIB
E. Group IIIA

135. All Group IA elements have increasing oxidation potentials except:

A. Cesium
B. Rubidium
C. Potassium
D. Sodium
E. Lithium

136. The following are the advantages of using Benedict’s solution over Fehling’s solution except:
A. Benedict’s solution is less alkaline than Fehling’s solution
B. The citrate solution in Benedict’s reagent is a better sequestering agent
C. Benedict’s solution is more stable than Fehling’s solution

137. Thenard’s blue is chemically known as:

A. Aluminum carbonate
B. Sodium cobaltnitarate
C. Cupric sulfate
D. Cobalt meta-aluminate

138. This is also known as White Precipitate

A. Zinc sulfide
B. Ammoniated mercury
C. Calomel
D. Zinc oxide
E. Ammonium carbonate

139. All alkaline earth metals reduce water with the liberation of hydrogen and the formation of an
alkaline solution except:
A. Be
B. Ca
C. Sr
D. Ba
E. Ra

140. This group of elements have an additional ten electrons, giving it a “pseudo- inert gas” or an 18-
electron structure.

A. Group IA
B. Group IIA
C. Group IB
D. Group IIB

141. Hydroxides of this group of elements tend to show amphoteric properties except those at the
top and the bottom elements of this group.
A. Group IA
B. Group IIA
C. Group IIIA
D. Group IVA
E. Group IVB

142. This group of elements predominantly exhibit covalent bonding, owing to the small size and
high charge on the tetravalent ions.
A. Group IA
B. Group IIA
C. Group IIIA
D. Group IVA
E. Group IVB

143. What is the relationship between the oxidation number and acidity of the oxyacids of a given
element in the case of the elements in Group VI?
A. Directly proportional
B. Inversely proportional
C. Acidity and oxidation number has no relation at all

144. The strongest acid among the members of the halogen family is
B. HCl
C. HBr

145. An oxyacid of the halogen with the formula HOXO is appropriately named as
A. Hypohalous acid
B. Halous acid
C. Halic acid
D. Perhalic acid

146. This group of elements are the most stable to any kind of chemical reaction.
A. Group IA

B. Group IB
C. Group VIIA
D. Group VIIIA

147. If oxidizing impurities are rigidly excluded, all alkali metals in this group will dissolve in ammonia
to form a blue solution, which, if evaporated, will recover the uncharged metal eventually.
A. Group IA
B. Group IIA
C. Group IB
D. Group IIB
E. Group IIIA

148. According to this principle, hard acids are electron acceptors with high positive charges and
relatively small sizes while soft acids have low positive charges and relatively large sizes.
A. Lewis Acid and Base Principle
B. Bronsted-Lowry Principle
C. Arrhenius Principle
D. Pearson’s HSAB Principle

149. Heating boric acid to temperature s over 160°C will produce

A. Metaboric acid
B. Pyroboric acid
C. Boron trioxide
D. Tetraboric acid
E. Sodium perborate

150. This group of elements are the first elements large enough to permit the addition of electrons to
the d orbital, beginning with the third principal quantum number.
A. Group IB
B. Group IIB
C. Group IIIB
D. Group IVB
E. Group VB

151. Nitric acid, NF 30 is an aqueous solution containing:

A. Not less than 36.5% and not more than 38% by weight of HNO3
B. Not less than 69% and not more than 71% by weight of HNO3
C. Not less than 85% and not more than 88% by weight of HNO3
D. Not less than 94% and not more than 98% by weight of HNO3
E. Not less than 27% and not more than 30% by weight of HNO3

152. This mixture is used for its ability to absorb CO2 from expired air in metabolic function test.
A. Slaked Lime D. AOTA
B. Soda Lime E. NOTA

C. Lime Water

153. Each element in this group has a core with an outer shell of 18 electrons, together with a single
valence electron in the outermost shell.
A. Group 1A D. Group IIB
B. Group IB E. Group IIIA
C. Group IIA
154. Sal soda or washing soda has the formula
B. B. Na2CO3
C. C. Na2CO3. H2O
D. Na2CO3. 7 H2O
E. Na2CO3. 10 H2O

155. This buffer system is useful at alkaline pH and can be used in ophthalmic solutions, contact
lens solution and as solvent for soluble fluorescein.
A. Sorensen phosphate buffer
B. Atkins and Pantin buffer
C. Feldman’s buffer
D. Gifford’s buffer

156. When combined with oxygen or in the form of their oxygen salts, the halogens have ___
A. one D. A and B
B. negative E. B and C
C. greater than one

157. Addition of Barium chloride solution to solutions containing nitrites will produce
A. Evolution of gas D. Transient pale blue solution
B. Brown precipitate E. No precipitate
C. White crystalline precipitate

158. An antioxidant usually found in solutions of drugs with phenol or catechol nucleus ex.
Epinephrine HCl to prevent oxidation of these compounds to quinines and similar substances.
A. Sulfur dioxide D. Nitrogen
B. Sodium hyposulfite E. Sodium nitrite
C. Sodium metabisulfite

159. This is used to provide an inert atmosphere to retard oxidation in cod liver oil, olive oil, and
multiple vitamin preparations.
A. Helium D. Carbon dioxide
B. Nitrogen E. NOTA
C. Hydrogen

160. Temporary hard water is caused by the presence in solution of calcium or magnesium ____.

A. sulfates D. chlorides
B. hydroxides E. NOTA
C. bicarbonate

161. Members of the “heavy platinum metals” include

A. Ruthenium D. Palladium
B. Iridium E. NOTA
C. Rhodium

162. Faulty calcium metabolism defined as a reduced volume of bone tissue per unit volume of
anatomical bone and commonly affects postmenopausal women is known as:
A. Osteoporosis D. Hypocalcemia
B. Rickets E. NOTA
C. Paget’s disease

163. Organic mercurial salts were previously used as diuretics and are all administered parenterally
A. Meralluride D. Chlormerodrin
B. Sodium mercaptomerin E. NOTA
C. Calomel

164. This element can replace calcium in bone formation and has been used to hasten bone
remineralization in diseases such as osteoporosis.
A. Strontium D. Magnesium
B. Barium E. Tantalum
C. Beryllium

165. Betadine® antiseptic topical solution contains ____ % of iodine.

A. 0.5-1% D.10%
B. 5% E. NOTA
C. 7.5%

166. This compound has been used in the treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis and Monilia albicans.
However, extended use of this product may result to argyria and nephritis.
A. Silver nitrate D. Silver lactate
B. Silver nitrite E. Silver protein
C. Silver trinitrophenolate

167. This sodium salt does not produce systemic alkalosis readily and is antiketogenic. As such, it is
thought to be more suitable as an electrolyte replenisher.
A. Sodium bicarbonate D. Sodium tatrate
B. Sodium lactate E. Sodium citrate
C. Sodium gluconate

168. In the reaction: KMNO4 + 5 HNO2 + 3 H2SO4 3 MnSO4 + 5 HNO3 + K2SO4, the
reducing agent is:

A. KMnO4 D. H2O
C. H2SO4
169. Addition of ferric salts to solutions of thiocyanates causes the formation of a blood-red colored
solution, which has been variously ascribed to the formation of:
A. Fe (SCN) 3 D.AOTA
B. Fe (SCN) 6 E. NOTA
C. Fe (SCN) ++

170. KNaC4H4O6. 4 H2O is also known by the following names except:

A. Potassium Sodium tartrate D. Rochelle salt
B. Sal seignette E. NOTA
C. Seidlitz powder

171. Fresh silver stains on skin may be best removed by painting the affected area with
A. Tincture of iodine
B. Sodium thiosulfate
C. Sodium picrate
D. Potassium cyanide

172. Citric acid is added to Milk of Magnesia to

A. prevent oxidation D. A and B
B. enhance palatability E. B and C
C. minimize alkalinity

173. This substance gives calamine its pink color.

A. Zinc oxide D. Ferric oxide
B. Ferrous oxide E. NOTA
C. Zinc carbonate

174. Flash-light powders are mixtures of potassium chlorate or barium peroxide and the powdered
form of this element
A. Calcium D. Sulfur
B. Aluminum E. Phosphorus
C. Magnesium

175. NaF may be stored

A. in dark, glass bottles D. AOTA
B. for one year E.NOTA
C. in cool temperatures

176. The explosive form of antimony is the

A. Metallic form D. Yellow antimony
B. Amorphous form E. Black antimony
C. Crystalline form

177. Salt of wormwood is

A. KHCO3 . 4 H2O D. K2HPO4
B. K2CO3 . ½ H2O E. NOTA

178. In the compound sodium manganite, NaMnO3, manganese exhibits a valence of

A. 2 D. 6
B. 3 E. 7
C. 4

179. The following elements exhibit amphoteric property except

A. Aluminum D. Lead
B. Tin E. NOTA
C. Zinc

180. Fool’s gold is

A. Gold sodium thiomalate D. Ferrous carbonate with shale
B. Auric selenate E. NOTA
C. Iron pyrite

181. In a weakly acidic medium, the reaction between this metal and stannous chloride will produce
a purple precipitate commonly known as Purple of Cassius
A. Tin D. Gold
B. Silver E. Lead
C. Mercury

182. The most desirable form of talc for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
A. amorphous D. steatite
B. foliated E. granular
C. fibrous

183. Quilonium-R® is also

A. Lithium bromide D. Lithium bicarbonate
B. Lithium chloride E. Lithium hydroxide
C. Lithium carbonate

184. The iron salt in this commercial preparation has the advantage of being the least irritating to the
GI tract.
A. Feosol® D. Cherifer® capsule
B. Hemobion® E. NOTA
C. Revicon Max®

185. A native form of calcium carbonate that has been freed from most of its impurities through
A. Drop chalk D. Lime

B. Precipitated chalk E. NOTA

C. Muriate of Lime

186. A property of some substances to lose water molecules from a crystalline structure.
A. Dehydration D. Efflorescence
B. Hygroscopic property E. NOTA
C. Deliquescence

187. This aluminum magnesium silicate, also known as Floridin, is a low plasticity clay-like material
with high water content. It finds its use in the decolorization of oils.
A. Kaolin D. Pumice
B. Bentonite E. NOTA
C. Fuller’s Earth

188. This compound is said to be the recommended calcium salt as electrolyte replenisher because
it provides an optimum ratio of 1:1 calcium to phosphorus.
A. Calcium lactate D. Tribasic calcium phosphate
B. Calcium carbonate E. NOTA
C. Dibasic calcium phosphate

189. Vleminckx’s solution, a mixture prepared by boiling lime and sublime sulfur, is used as
A. cathartic D. emetic
B. scabicide E. irritant
C. antifungal

190. Fowler’s solution

A. Dilute sodium hypochlorite D. Bromine, tenth-normal solution
B. Copper Acetoarsenate solution E. NOTA
C. Potassium arsenite solution

191. Nordhausen acid also refers to

A. Diluted hypochloric acid D. Fuming sulfuric acid
B. Phosphoric acid E. Muriatic acid
C. Concentrated nitric acid

192. Precipitation of copper salts can be prevented by sequestering agents found in

A. Fehling’s reagent D. AOTA
B. Benedict’s reagent E. NOTA
C. Haine’s reagent

193. Reduced iron is an odorless, grayish black and very fine powder, which should pass through
A. No. 20 D. No. 80
B. No. 40 E. No. 100
C. No. 60

194. The least abundant of all inert gases

A. Krypton D. Argon
B. Xenon E. Neon
C. Radon

195. What is the difference between Iodine Tincture and Iodine solution?
A. the concentration of iodine present D. AOTA
B. the comparative antiseptic efficiency E. NOTA
C. the solvent medium used

196. Acalka® is also

A. Sodium chloride D. Magnesium sulfate
B. Calcium carbonate E. Zinc oxide
C. Potassium citrate

197. The impurity, which is found more frequently in talc, is

A. Zinc oxide D. Magnesium oxide
B. Calcium oxide E. Ferrous oxide
C. Silica

198. Nessler’s reagent, an alkaline solution of Potassium tetraiodomercurate (II), is used to detect
A. Arsenic D. Aluminum
B. Ammonia E. Mercury
C. Zinc

199. The only single acid to dissolve gold

A. Nitric acid D. A and B
B. Hydrochloric acid E. B and C
C. Selenic acid

200. 750 mg of Kalium Durules contain an equivalent of ____ mEq of potassium chloride
A. 2.9 D. 9.8
B. 3.8 E. 12.2
C. 6.5

201. This cation does not react with HCl but forms precipitates with H2S in dilute mineral acid
A. Arsenic (III) D. Pb
B. Fe (II) E. Li
C. Ca

202. Which among these hydroxides are the most soluble?

A. Strontium chloride D. Magnesium hydroxide
B. Barium hydroxide E. NOTA

C. Calcium hydroxide

203. The group reagent for Group I cation

A. Dilute HCl
B. H2S in dilute mineral acid medium
C. Ammonium sulfide in neutral or Ammoniacal solution
D. Ammonium carbonate in ammonium chloride in neutral or slightly acidic media

204. A strong, caustic substance also known as burnt lime

A. Calcium carbonate D. Calcium chloride
B. Calcium hydroxide E. Calcium sulfite
C. Calcium oxide

205. The compound commonly known as Plaster of Paris

A. Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate D. Aluminum chloride
B. Dried Calcium sulfate E. Chlorinated Lime
C. Sodium phosphate

206. Butter of Zinc

A. Zinc carbonate D. Zinc lactate
B. Zinc chloride E. NOTA
C. Zinc oxide

207. Tromdorff’s starch is used for detecting

A. nitrites D. A and B
B. free chlorides E. B and C
C. iodides

208. What acid can be used to purify talc?

A. Hydrochloric acid D. AOTA
B. Sulfuric acid E. NOTA
C. Nitric acid

209. Philosopher’s wool is also

A. Mercuric chloride D. Magnesium carbonate
B. Lithium carbonate E. Sodium phosphate
C. Zinc oxide

210. Which among the halogen is the most polarizable?

A. Iodine D. Fluorine
B. Bromine E. NOTA
C. Chlorine

211. Which reagent is more sensitive in the detection of sodium ions?


A. Uranyl magnesium acetate solution D. Tartaric acid

B. Uranyl zinc acetate solution E. NOTA
C. Chloroplatinic acid

212. Which reagent can be used to precipitate potassium salt but not sodium?
A. Sodium hexanitrocobaltate (III) D. AOTA
B. Tartaric acid solution E. NOTA
C. Chloroplatinic acid

213. Fenton’s test is a test for

A. chromates D. chlorides
B. tartrates E. iodides
C. sulfates

214. The only silver halide, which shows appreciable solubility in water
A. Silver chloride D. Silver fluoride
B. Silver bromide E. NOTA
C. Silver iodide

215. Helium is usually supplied in cylinders, which are colored ____

A. green D. grey
C. brown

216. Nitrous oxide is usually supplied in cylinders, which are colored ____
A. green D. grey
C. brown

217. This gas is lighter than air and causes the pitch of sounds uttered by the vocal cords to be
increased, producing unintelligible speech with a “Donald Duck” sound
A. Oxygen D. Nitrogen
B. Carbon dioxide E. Nitrous oxide
C. Helium

218. Which of the following statements is false regarding activated charcoal?

A. Activated charcoal is administered in a charcoal to poison ratio of 5:1 to 10:1
B. Higher doses of activated charcoal are necessary if the patient ate before the poisoning
C. Charcoal tablets may substitute the powdered form as it is as effective
D. Repeated administration of activated charcoal after an adequate initial dose of the antidote
appears to exert no additional inhibition of absorption of the poison

219. An effective precipitant for both topical and gastric exposure to phosphorus is
A. Cupric sulfate D. Calcium gluconate

B. Sodium phosphate E. NOTA

C. Magnesium sulfate

220. Dry ice is the frozen form of

A. Hydrogen D. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen E. NOTA
C. Nitrogen

221. Preston’s salt is

A. Magnesium sulfate D. Cobaltous chloride
B. Calcium chloride E. Calcium carbonate
C. Ammonium carbonate

222. This precipitation can hasten absorption in the stomach, increase acid gastric juice secretion
and act as carminative. It is prepared by charging carbon dioxide in water at a pressure of 3-4
A. Lime water D. Dilute hydrochloric acid
B. Soda water E. NOTA
C. Dakin’s solution

223. Pale yellow precipitate obtained after the reaction with silver nitrate solution
A. Silver chloride D. Silver fluoride
B. Silver iodide E. NOTA
C. Silver bromide

224. The only sodium halide, which has the least solubility in water
A. Silver chloride D. Silver fluoride
B. Silver bromide E. NOTA
C. Silver iodide

225. Howe’s solution is a solution of

A. Sodium hypochlorite D. Ammonium chloride
B. Cupric sulfate E. NOTA
C. Ammoniacal silver nitrate

226. Silver chloride is insoluble in

A. Dilute acids D. AOTA
B. Ammonium hydroxide E. NOTA
C. Sodium thiosulfate

227. This compound has been used in the treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis and Monilia albicans
infections in concentration from 1-2%
A. Mild silver protein D. Colloidal silver iodide
B. Strong silver protein E. Silver picrate
C. Colloidal silver chloride

228. Glauber’s salt

A. Sodium hydroxide D. Sodium sulfate
B. Magnesium sulfate E. NOTA
C. Ammonium carbonate

229. Yellow precipitate is used

A. Ophthalmic antiseptic D. Expectorant
B. Emetic E. NOTA
C. Scabicide

230. White precipitate is used as

A. Local anti- infective D. AOTA
B. Dusting powder E. NOTA
C. Topical anti-parasitic

231. Phosphorus allotrope occurring as a microcrystalline, non-poisonous powder, which is insoluble

in all solvents
A. White phosphorus D. Violet phosphorus
B. Red phosphorus E. Black phosphorus
C. Scarlet phosphorus

232. Fine, yellow, crystalline form of sulfur with a faint odor and taste
A. Amorphous sulfur D. Plastic sulfur
B. Precipitated sulfur E. NOTA
C. Sublimed sulfur

233. Also known as Iac sulfur

A. Amorphous sulfur D. Plastic sulfur
B. Precipitated sulfur E. NOTA
C. Sublime sulfur

234. Also known as Flowers of Sulfur

A. Amorphous sulfur D. Plastic sulfur
B. Precipitated sulfur E. NOTA
C. Sublime sulfur

235. Solder is an alloy of

A. Antimony D. Copper
B. Lead E. Zinc
C. Bismuth

236. Which of the following statements in Dalton’s Atomic Theory are valid in the light of researches
that are more recent in atomic structure?
A. All elements consist of minute discrete particles called atom
B. Atoms of a given element are alike and have the same mass.
C. Atoms cannot be subdivided nor those of one element changed into another

D. Atoms cannot be created nor destroyed


237. An essential trace element which seemed to improve or normalize impaired glucose tolerance
of some diabetics, elderly and malnourished children.
A. Zinc D. Chromium
B. Manganese E. Copper
C. Iron

238. Iron Dextran must be administered via this route only

A. subcutaneous D. oral
B. intravenous E. topical
C. intramuscular

239. Iron interferes with the absorption of tetracycline through the mechanism of
A. Oxidation D. Chelation
B. Reduction E. NOTA
C. Neutralization

240. Parakeratosi is associated with a deficiency of

A. Calcium D. Iodine
B. Iron E. NOTA
C. Zinc

241. This trace element has been implicated in cellular respiration and as an antioxidant in
conjunction with Vitamin E
A. Manganese D. Sulfur
B. Selenium E. Iron
C. Molybdenum

242. How many mEq /L of sodium do the human plasma contains?

A. 4 D. 154
B. 5 E. 142
C. 3

243. How many mEq /L of potassium do the human plasma contains?

A. 4 D. 154
B. 5 E. 142
C. 3

244. The best food source of Copper

A. meat D. AOTA
B. egg yolk E. NOTA
C. whole grains

245. This trace element best found in legumes and whole grains, competes with calcium for
A. Magnesium D. Zinc
B. Iron E. Copper
C. Iodine

246. A deficiency of this trace element results to hypochromic anemia and excessive hepatic storage
in Wilson’s disease
A. Magnesium D. Zinc
B. Iron E. Copper
C. Iodine

247. This trace element is a constituent of Factor 3, acts with Vitamin E to prevent liver necrosis and
muscular dystrophy in animals and inhibits lipid peroxidation
A. Cobalt D. Selenium
B. Manganese E. Chromium
C. Molybdenum

248. This trace element is a constituent of Vitamin B12

A. Cobalt D. Selenium
B. Manganese E. Chromium
C. Molybdenum

249. A deficiency of this inorganic ion results to cystinuria and cysteine renal calculi
A. Cobalt D. Magnesium
B. Sulfur E. Fluoride
C. Selenium

250. This trace element is poorly absorbed and needs to be aided by Vitamin D
A. Sodium D. Iron
B. Potassium E. Magnesium
C. Calcium

251. Deficiency of this inorganic ion results to osteomalacia and renal rickets
A. Calcium D. Chloride
B. Phosphorus E. NOTA
C. Sodium

252. This is added to whole blood to complex blood calcium and prevent clot formation in a collected
A. EDTA D. Warfarin
B. Citrate E. NOTA
C. Heparin

253. Hypocalcemia can be caused by


A. hypoparathyroidism D. NOTA
B. Vitamin D deficiency E. AOTA
C. Steatorrhea

254. The fourth most abundant cation in the human body is

A. Magnesium D. Manganese
B. Iron E. Cobalt
C. Calcium

255. This cation exerts a powerful general anesthetic action similar to that produced by chloroform
when injected intramuscularly or intravenously
A. Magnesium D. Manganese
B. Iron E. Cobalt
C. Calcium

256. How many mEq /L of chlorine do Ringer’s Injection contains?

A. 147 D. 155.5
B. 4 E. NOTA
C. 4.5

257. This compound is used in the treatment of chronic acidosis to restore bicarbonate reserve and
also exerts a diuretic effect
A. Sodium bicarbonate D. Sodium biphosphate
B. Potassium bicarbonate E. NOTA
C. Sodium citrate

258. Salmiac refers to

A. Sodium lactate D. Sodium acetate
B. Potassium citrate E. NOTA
C. Ammonium chloride

259. The zone in the non-luminous Bunsen flame used for testing volatile substances on whether
they impact any color to the flame
A. upper reducing zone D. lower temperature zone
B. upper oxidizing zone E. NOTA
C. hottest portion of the flame

260. The fusion zone in the non-luminous Bunsen flame is also the
A. upper reducing zone D. lower temperature zone
B. upper oxidizing zone E. NOTA
C. hottest portion of the flame

261. A large excess of oxygen is present in this zone of the non-luminous Bunsen flame
A. upper reducing zone D. lower temperature zone
B. upper oxidizing zone E. NOTA
C. hottest portion of the flame

262. Salts containing the cation calcium will form a precipitate with
A. Dilute HCl
B. H2S in dilute mineral acid medium
C. Ammonium sulfide in neutral or Ammoniacal solution
D. Ammonium carbonate in ammonium chloride in neutral or slightly acidic media

263. This cation belong to the sub group IIA in the classification of cations except
A. Mercury (II) D. Copper
B. Tin (II) E. Cadmium
C .Bismuth

264. Salts containing the cation chromium (III) will form a precipitate with
A. Dilute HCl
B. B. H2S in dilute mineral acid medium
C. Ammonium sulfide in neutral or Ammoniacal solution
D. Ammonium carbonate in ammonium chloride in neutral or slightly acidic media

265. Which zone in the Bunsen flame should you heat the thin platinum wire after cleaning it by
dipping into concentrated HCl?
A. upper reducing zone D. lower temperature zone
B. upper oxidizing zone E. NOTA
C. hottest portion of the flame

266. Which zone in the Bunsen flame should one introduce the substance being investigated to
observe the color that imparts to the flame?
A. upper reducing zone D. lower oxidizing zone
B. upper oxidizing zone E. NOTA
C. hottest portion of the flame

267. Group reagent of Group IV cations

A. Dilute HCl
B. H2S in dilute mineral acid medium
C. Ammonium sulfide in neutral or Ammoniacal solution
D. Ammonium carbonate in ammonium chloride in neutral or slightly acidic media

268. Strontium imparts this color to the flame when viewed through cobalt glass
A. Crimson D. Light green
B. Purple E. Nil
C. Yellowish green

269. Which of these subatomic particles have the smallest mass?

A. electron D. AOTA

B. proton E. NOTA
C. neutron

270. Chemical activity, in general, increase for the elements listed in the Periodic Table in
descending order except for the _______ elements
A. Group IA D. Group IIB
B. Group IB E. Noble gases
C. Group IIA

271. Borax (Na2B4O7 .10 H2O) is also known as

A. Sodium borate D. Sodium pyroborate
B. Sodium tetraborate E. AOTA
C. Sodium biborate

272. The following are bulk-increasing laxative except

A. Castor oil D. Liquid petrolatum
B. Cellulose E. NOTA
C. Saline cathartics
C. Iron

273. The following are irritant laxative except

A. sulfur D. vegetable acids
B. Anthraquinones Cathartics E. NOTA
C. Mercurial purgatives

274. Other names of Potassium carbonate are the following except for one
A. potash D. Salt of Wormwood
B. Pearl ash E. NOTA
C. Cream of Tartar

275. Caution is highly exercised in handling potassium chlorate as great explosions may occur when
it is triturated with
A. Tannic acid D. charcoal
B. Sulfides E. AOTA
C. Reduced iron

276. This toxic potassium salt, which is excreted slowly by the kidney, may cause lysis of red blood
cells, which in turn, irritates the kidney and produces a marked interstitial nephritis. It can also cause
some conversion of hemoglobin to met hemoglobin
A. Potassium carbonate D. Potassium hydroxide
B. Potassium chlorate E. NOTA
C. Potassium chloride

277. If cuprous oxide is colored red, cupric oxide is colored

A. blue D. green
B. colorless E. NOTA

C. black

278. Which of the following elements occur highest in the electromotive series of metals?
A. Aluminum D. Bismuth
B. Calcium E. Hydrogen
C. Iron

279. Which of the following elements occur lowest in the electromotive series of metals?
A. Copper
B. Strontium
C. Iron

280. Which of the following metals will react with acids to produce hydrogen?
A. Zinc
B. Copper
C. Silver
D. Mercury
E. Nota

281. Potassium alum is an example of a

A. normal salt D. double salt
B. Hydrogen salt E. hydroxy salt
C. mixed salt

282. KCaPO4 is an example of a

A. normal salt D. double salt
B. Hydrogen salt E. hydroxy salt
C. mixed salt

283. An acetate salt, which is only sparingly soluble in water

A. Calcium acetate D. Sodium acetate
B. Mercurous acetate E. Potassium acetate
C. Lead acetate

284. White precipitate

A. ZnO D. HgNH2Cl
B. HgCl2 E. NOTA
C. ZnSO4

285. Yellow mercuric oxide turns red in the presence of

A. air D. A and B
B. heat E. B and C
C. light

286. Corrosive sublimate

A. 4 Bi (OH)2HNO2. BiO (OH) D. magnesium
B. HgCl2 E. NOTA
C. Zinc

287. Copper is associated to promote better assimilation of

A. Iron D. Magnesium
B. Calcium E. NOTA
C. Zinc

288. First prepared by Egyptians by subliming the ashes resulting from the slow burning of camel’s
A. Ammonium hydroxide D. Ammonium bromide
B. Ammonium chloride E. NOTA
C. Ammonium carbonate

289. Argol is composed of

A. Potassium bitartrate
B. Calcium tartrate
C. Cream of Tartar

290. Eau Forte

A. water D. nitric acid
B. alcohol E. hydrochloric acid
C. sulfuric acid

291. The following acids have oxidizing properties except

A. Sulfuric acid D. AOTA
B. Phosphoric acid E. NOTA
C. Nitric acid

292. Which of the following anions will have a positive result to Fenton’s test?
A. tartrates D. succinates
B. citrates E. AOTA
C. malates

293. The color of the precipitate produced when Barium chloride solution reacts with solutions of
A. white D. brownish red
B. black E. no precipitate
C.pale yellow

294. Borate salts may be derived from



295. The precipitate produced in the reaction of magnesium salts with Sodium hydroxide will readily
dissolve in
A. excess reagent D. ammonia
B. water E. NOTA
C. Alcohol

296. Continuous washing is employed in the reaction between Magnesium sulfate and Sodium
hydroxide to prepare Milk of Magnesia
A. dissolved the unreacted magnesium sulfate D. AOTA
B. dissolve the unreacted sodium hydroxide E.NOTA
C. removes the byproduct sodium sulfate

297. Chile saltpeter is

A. KNO3 D. NaNO3
C. NaNO3

298. Niter is
A. KNO3 D. NaNO3
C. NaNO3

299. Which of the following cations is expected to react with hydrochloric acid?
A.Magnesium D. Ammonium
B. Sodium E. NOTA
C. Potassium

300. The purest native form of uncombined carbon

A. charcoal D. coal
B. graphite E. NOTA
C. diamond

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