Economic and Social Council: United Nations

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Economic and Social Distr.

20 March 2002





Working Party on Standardization of

Perishable Produce and Quality Development

Specialized Section on Standardization of

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Forty-eighth session, 23-26 April 2002, Geneva

Item 3 (b) of the Provisional Agenda



Transmitted by New Zealand

Note by the secretariat : The following document contains proposals from New Zealand concerning
weight sizing and amendments to the list of varieties.

page 2

A. Weight Sizing versus diameter

1. Executive summary

It is timely to recognise the changing retailer expectation (regarding the importance of

fruit weight) and advances in technology made since the initial development of the
UN/ECE apple sizing standard.

Recent surveys in New Zealand show that there is not a robust predictive relationship
between fruit diameter and fruit weight. Relying on fruit diameter to achieve all sizing
objectives is therefore extremely difficult in the current commercial environment.
Applying fruit diameter using a fruit weight packing process also introduces a range of
practical limitations in packing a consistently sized fruit.

New Zealand industry data shows that by ensuring individual fruit weight is within a
defined weight range a consistent fruit size is produced.

New Zealand supports the introduction of the weight sizing option as an alternative to
the diameter sizing in the UN/ECE apple standard, and provides recommendations for
minimum weights and tolerances.

2. Introduction

The validity of basing the sizing standard on fruit diameter rather than fruit weight has
been raised at the UN/ECE level on several occasions over the past 15 years. The fruit
sizing methodology adopted by industry during this period has also progressed
significantly to a point where sizing methodology and equipment are increasingly
accurate and automated.

During this timeframe the New Zealand pip fruit industry has met a changing customer
expectation regarding:

 Supplying product in commercial volumes

 Re-designed packaging
 Increased emphasis on the accuracy and definition of sizing.

New Zealand welcomes the decision taken at the 47th Session of the UN/ECE Specialized
Section on Standardization of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables to include the option of sizing by
weight. The following paper discusses the implications of sizing by diameter and weight
and provides data to support proposals for minimum weights and tolerances to ensure
uniformity of fruit size.

3. Background

Customer requirements and availability of technology are the key drivers of change in
the sizing methodology during recent years.

3.1 Retailer requirements

page 3

 Most retailers now specify a minimum fruit weight within each package.
 If the supplier does not deliver to a minimum package weight, the retailer will
implement penalties against the supplier.
 Package weights of fruit packed in rows and layers transpose directly to
individual fruit weights.

3.2 Changes to sizing methodology

There are 5 distinct methods by which apples are commercially sized

 Manual selection by human eye

 Dimensional sizing by mechanical means (various roller types)
 Dimensional sizing by electronic means (cameras)
 Weight sizing by mechanical means (spring balance)
 Weight sizing by electronic means (load cells)

Basing fruit size on the equatorial diameter was consistent with sizing practices at the
time the UN/ECE sizing standard was initially developed. Early sizing machines, (using
large screw mechanisms), allowed fruit of different diameter to drop at successive drops.
The basis of size has now progressed and, commercially, fruit diameter is only one of the
parameters defining size.
Today the great majority of commercially traded fruit, especially that sold through retail
outlets, is sized electronically. Most measure size by electronic load cells (example New
Zealand 95%, Washington State 85%) although a small number use photosizers that sort
on defined geometric parameters (e.g. diameter, diameter plus length, or volume).
It is recognized that sizing methods vary by country in relation to the level of technology
available. In recognition of this variation, diameter sizing, methods are still considered
relevant in certain situations.

New Zealand industry experience and data supports a view that by ensuring individual
fruit weight is within a defined weight range, uniformity of pack presentation (in
relation to sizing) is produced.

Difficulties of electronic diameter sizing

While it is easy for a human to orientate an apple and establish the equatorial diameter
with a sizing ring, it is in practice very difficult to achieve this with electronic optical
sorting methods available today.

To measure equatorial diameter it is necessary to first establish the orientation of the fruit
and the location of the stem and calyx axis. Although, a camera can provide accurate
measurements, (+/- 0.8mm), there are currently limitations in determining which
measured diameter is the equatorial diameter.

3.3 The significance of weight based standards

page 4
The package/fruit weight focus in recent years has significantly influenced the design
and configuration of packaging in the industry. The primary objective in packaging
redesign in New Zealand has been to maximize the weight in the pack for any given pack
volume while maximizing the storage potential of the fruit.

The most commonly used packaging type in the New Zealand export apple industry is
the telescopic, multi layer tray carton, which relies on each layer of fruit to support some
of the weight of the carton and the cartons above in a pallet. Any oversized apples in a
tray will receive more pressure and any undersized fruit will not carry their share of the
weight thereby causing bruising of fruit in the tray.

Considering the customer expectation and availability of new technology, in commercial

practice weight sizing has provided the most consistent sizing within a pack across the
entire range of apple varieties. In addition to providing the consumer with a uniformly
sized product, consistent sizing is also critical to avoid bruising of fruit during storage
and transport.

4. The relationship of weight versus diameter

With the commercial shift to individual fruit weight, the New Zealand industry
recognized the importance of measuring the relationship between fruit diameter and

Surveys (400 fruit per size for each variety and region) conducted in New Zealand by
ENZA during 1999-2000 provides a basis for understanding the relationship between
fruit weight and diameter.

The survey results for Royal Gala and Braeburn (Hawkes Bay) are summarized in
Appendix 1.

4.1 Key findings

 The relationship between fruit diameter and size, although consistent, is not
highly accurate. For any given fruit diameter the weight range relative to the
mean weight is 29% for Royal gala and between 22-24% for Braeburn (based
on 2 standard deviations).
 As fruit diameter increases, the difference between the heaviest and lightest
fruit increases. e.g. Braeburn of diameter 55mm produces an 18 gram range
in weight whereas for 100mm diameter the range increases to 96 grams.
 When expressed as a percentage of the mean fruit weight there is a
consistency of weight range for any given diameter. At two standard
deviations the percentage weight range was consistently 29% for Royal Gala
and 22-24% for Braeburn.
page 5

4.2 Discussion points

 The use of one sizing parameter (e.g. diameter) in the UN/ECE standard would be
appropriate where a close relationship can be shown between this parameter and
other key sizing parameters (e.g. weight). The surveys undertaken indicate that a
close relationship does not exist.
 Accurately predicting fruit weight based on a fruit diameter has significant
 Although the weight range increases as fruit size increases for any given fruit
diameter, the percentage weight range (relative to the mean) is relatively
consistent. This supports using a percentage variation as an appropriate tolerance
for weight sizing.
 With most lines of apples it is extremely hard to guarantee a minimum pack
weight if fruit is sized by diameter. Fruit geometry and fruit density are both too
 Conversely the ability to guarantee minimum fruit diameter requirements using
weight sizing equipment on it’s own is extremely difficult.

5. Impacts of diameter sizing for weight based systems

Addressing either fruit diameter or fruit weight individually has a similar outcome in
achieving a consistent fruit size in any package. The limitations in fruit sizing become
apparent when an attempt is made at trying to achieve both weights and diameter sizing
at the same time.

The practical impacts of using minimum diameters when the commercial focus is on
individual fruit weight include:

 Current package types and configurations have been designed on the basis of package
weight and fruit fit. A specific fruit diameter requirement can consequently impact
on individual fruit fit in the pack and consequently fruit quality.
 To accurately meet a minimum fruit diameter, using weight sizing equipment, each
grower line of fruit needs to be corrected for fruit density and shape changes prior to
 Practical implications of meeting a minimum pack weight but also a minimum
diameter has resulted in up to 50% of fruit suitable for weight being rejected for
 Packing to a specified diameter requirement has produced the example depicted
below where it has effectively created an in between size. Often the minimum sizes
defined don’t align to commercial size definition. The added influence of fruit
density changes between grower lines makes this a complex equation.
page 6

“New” size

Typical size profile: Size 100 Size 90

6. Recommendations
New Zealand strongly supports the proposed changes to the UN/ECE Apple Standard to
provide for recognition of individual fruit weight as the basis for sizing. New Zealand
supports the proposal to provide an option to measure fruit size by using either fruit
weight or fruit diameter. This enables those who wish to continue sizing fruit by
traditional methods to do so while also allowing larger commercial suppliers to use
modern technology and size by weight.

6.1 Minimum Weight

New Zealand supports a minimum fruit weight for each class as follows;

Extra I II
Large fruit
110g 90g 90g
Other varieties 90g 80g 70g

The minimum fruit weight recommendations are supported by the studies undertaken in
New Zealand. These studies, show a reasonable comparison between current minimum
diameters and the minimum weights depicted above. Due to the limitations in the
relationship between diameter and fruit weight, a tolerance should be considered for any
absolute minimum that is set. 
6.2 Tolerances for weight range in the pack

The acceptable fruit weight range within a package is dependant on the size of the fruit. 
The proposed tolerance accounts for this by applying an allowable percentage range.  

“To ensure there is uniformity of size within a package, the difference in diameter or
individual fruit weight between the fruit in the same package shall be limited to:

20% of the average individual fruit weight in the package”

page 7

Appendix 1: Fruit weight and diameter survey results for Royal Gala
and Braeburn

Royal Gala weight versus diameter relationship

Figure 1 and Table 1 show the relationship between fruit diameter and weight for
Hawkes Bay Royal Gala (2000 season).

Figure 1:

Relationship Between Fruit Diameter and Weight

The plotted lines are the mean and + or - 3 standard deviations from mean.
Based on HB Royal Gala size information collected by ENZA in 2000

y = 14.587e 0.0355x
y = 11.899e 0.0356x
Fruit Weight (g)

y = 9.2352e0.0357x




55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Fruit Diam eter (m m )

Table 1: Royal Gala weight and weight range for a given fruit diameter

Weight Range Weight Range

Diameter Mean wt. (2 Standard Deviations) (3 Standard Deviations)
(mm) (gm) As % of
(gm) (gm) As % of mean
55 84 72 - 97 66 - 102
60 101 86 - 115 79- 122
65 120 102 - 138 94 - 146
70 144 122 - 164 112 - 174
75 172 146 - 196 134 - 208
80 205 175 - 284 161 - 248
85 245 209 - 280 192 - 297
90 293 249 - 334 230 - 354
95 350 298 - 399 274 - 423
100 418 356 - 477 328 - 505
page 8

Braeburn weight versus diameter relationship

Figure 2 and Table 2 show the relationship between fruit diameter and weight for
Hawkes Bay Braeburn (1999 season).

Figure 2:

Relationship Between Fruit Diameter and Weight

The plotted lines are the mean and + or - 3 standard deviations from mean.
Based on HB Braeburn size information collected by ENZA in 1999

y = 15.288e 0.0348x
y = 12.919e 0.0344x
Fruit Weight (g)

300 y = 10.531e0.0338x



55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Fruit Diam eter (m m )

Table 2: Braeburn weight and weight range for a given fruit diameter

Weight Range Weight Range

Diameter Mean wt. (2 Standard Deviations) (3 Standard Deviations)
(mm) (gm)
(gm) As % of mean (gm) As % of mean
55 86 74 - 92 68 – 104 42%
60 102 87 - 109 80 – 123
22% 43%
65 121 103 - 130 95 – 147
70 144 122 - 155 112 – 175
75 171 145 - 184 133 – 208
80 203 172 - 218 23% 157 – 247
85 241 204 - 260 186 – 294 45%
90 286 242 - 309 221 – 350
95 339 286 - 367 24% 261 – 417
100 403 340 - 436 309 - 496
page 9

B. UNECE Standard for Apples and Pears FFV-01

Revision of the list of varieties

New Zealand comments of draft List of Varieties tabled at the 47th Session of the
UNECE Specialized Section on Fresh Fruit & Vegetables.

Proposed Changes to variety list

1. Additional varieties
The following varieties are recommended additions to the proposed list including
updated trade names, recommended colour group and sizing classification.

Variety Synonyms/Trade names Colour Sizing

group classification

Alborz Seedling C Other varieties

Moonglo C Other varieties
Redfield Red Braeburn™, Southern Rose TM A Other varieties
Royal Gala A Other varieties
Scifresh Jazz™ B Other varieties
A Other varieties
Sunrise A Other varieties
page 10

2. Deleted varieties
The following deleted varieties are still commercially grown in New Zealand and are
part of the export mix of varieties. It is recommended they remain on the list of varieties:
Apples: Orin
Pears: Concord, Conference, Winter Cole, and Winter Nellis

3. Updated synonyms/trade names

The following varieties have recent trademark criteria included and vary slightly to the
description from the working group list:

Baigent Brookfield TM
Joburn Red Braeburn™, Aurora TM,
Southern Rose TM
Mariri Red Eve TM, Red Braeburn™ Southern
Rose TM
Scired Pacific Queen™
Sciglo Southern Snap TM
Sciros Pacific Rose TM

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