The Act
The Act
The Act
(4) The Gwalior Limitation Act provided for limitation of 30 years for filing a civil suit.
Firstly, it is to be noted that before the Courts below respondent have never contended
that the Gwalior Limitation Act was applicable. In the present case, for the first time, this
contention is raised before this Court that too only in written submissions after arguments
were over, and, therefore, it is difficult for us to appreciate and deal with the same.
Secondly, as stated earlier, Ryotwari Act was the special law enacted by the State for
dealing with the rights of the tenants who were direct tenants of the State and were
required to pay rent directly to the State. Their rights were governed by the said Act. The
Act permitted transfer or mortgage of their tenancy rights. In such a situation, a shorter
period of 3 years was provided for redemption of the mortgage of the tenancy rights, In
that set of circumstances, the contention that such interpretation will not protect
agriculturists and that it would destroy precious rights to redeem tenancy rights of the
mortgagor would have no bearing.
Further, the Ryotwari Act was repealed by the Madhya Bharat Land Revenue & Tenancy
Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Madhya Bharat Act") which came into force on 15th
August, 1950. The Preamble of the said Act provides that it was for consolidating and
declaring the law relating to revenue administration in the United States of Gwalior,
Indore and Malwa (Madhya Pradesh) and the land revenue, land tenure and other matters
connected with land in the Ryotwari tracts or villages of the United State. Section
3 specifically repeals all other Acts, laws, rules relating to matter connected with
Ryotwari villages in force. The said Act further provides for the establishment of
Revenue Courts having jurisdiction, powers and for the procedure including the
procedure of filing the appeals and period of limitation. Revenue Court as defined mean
all or any of the authorities mentioned in sub-section (vii) of Sections 4 which includes
Suba, Additional Suvas, Naib Subas. Chapter VI deals with tenancies and sub-
tenancies. This Act also provided for special procedure with regard to the mortgage of
tenancy rights by `Pakka tenant' which includes `Pukhta Maurusi' as defined in Section
54(vii) Section 54 gives the definitions, inter alia, of Rent, the Ryotwari village and pakka
tenant. Pakka tenant is defined in Section 54 (vii) as under:-
"Pakka tenant-means a tenant who has been or whose predecessor in interest had been
lawfully recorded in respect of his holding as a "Ryot Pattedar", "Mamuli Maurusi", "Gair
Maurusi" and "Pukhta Maurusi" when this Act comes into force or who may in future be
duly recognised as such by a competent authority."
"72. Mortgage-
(1) A pakka tenant may mortgage his rights in the whole or any part of his holding by
way of simple or usufructuary mortgage to a bona fide agiculturist for a period of not
more than six years, provided that an area of at least 15 acres on Pakka tenure is left with
him in his possession free of any encumbrance or charge or any kind.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any enactment for the time being in force, a
mortgage deed effecting a mortgage for a period of more than 6 years shall not be
(3) No mortgage shall be deemed to be valid until the mortgage deed effecting such a
mortgage has been duly registered in accordance with the law of registration in force for
the time being.
(4) A usufructuary mortgage effected under this section shall be deemed to have been
satisfied and redeemed after the expiry of the period for which the mortgage was effected
without the payment of the mortgaged money.