India" and "A Legend, A Phenomenon, A One-Man Army Against Injustices and Upholder of All Just Causes and Above All A Great Humanist"
India" and "A Legend, A Phenomenon, A One-Man Army Against Injustices and Upholder of All Just Causes and Above All A Great Humanist"
India" and "A Legend, A Phenomenon, A One-Man Army Against Injustices and Upholder of All Just Causes and Above All A Great Humanist"
supreme shame’ has quoted eminent Professor Upendra Baxi and pithily put it that “the Supreme
Court of India was Krishnaiyerised to become the Supreme Court for Indians”. In a similar vein,
Dushyant Dave, in a full court reference, remembered Justice Iyer as “one of the greatest sons of
India” and “a legend, a phenomenon, a one-man army against injustices and upholder of all
just causes and above all a great humanist”.
As a prolific writer, he authored various books, articles and delivered many prestigious lectures.
His style of writing judgments was inimitable and his vast knowledge and command over the
language reflected in them. Justice Iyer’s contribution to the development of Indian
jurisprudence makes him one of the greatest judges of all time.