CHAP 1 5 Final

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Chapter 1


In today’s world, technology plays an important role in every industry as well as in our
personal lives. In today’s generation, most people are depending on technology. People cannot
live without technologies such as televisions, mobile phones, computers, and others because it
is part of their everyday life. Technology helps people to do their home works quickly because
technology makes their work much easier and less time-consuming.

Another use of technology is communication. We can quickly connect and easily talk with
our friends, families or relatives overseas using a mobile phone or video chats by having internet
access. Technology is also used as entertainment for us because by the use of media sites we
can watch videos, movies, and surf the internet anytime we want.

In education, technology gives a big help to students because of the machines invented.
Using smart phones and computers in part of studying makes the student be more interested to
learn. Students will be more excited to learn and be knowledgeable on how to use technology
devices in the right way. Technology became the part of studying also because of the modern

Technology plays a big role in the medical field, because it is beneficial to humans for
several reasons, it can help treat sick people and consequently save many lives. Improving
machines that can help people be treated and examined. Invention of new medicines to cure
rare diseases.

According to Montrieux, Vanderlinde, Schellens, De Marez (2015) several authors have

mentioned the need to shift from the traditional classroom setting, where the student is seen as
a passive consumer of educational knowledge, to a classroom in which learners are considered
active participants and where collaboration and sharing information in a resource-rich
environment is given precedence. Students nowadays is more interested in

lessons when teacher uses visuals or video clips instead of the old way of teaching. It
catches their attention because it’s more interesting and not boring. It can also enhance their
visual knowledge because of putting technology based teaching.

Technology has positive impacts on education and at the same time, it may also have
negative impacts. The positive impact of it is that it makes students more excited to learn. It
helps the students with busy schedules and has the freedom to work at home on their own
time. It can be a helping hand in terms of education because it can help to gain more
information through the use of internet access. Technology has its negative impacts, we give
most of our time through surfing the internet and get distracted in terms of school works. It
affects the students to become lazy and tardy. There can be health issues too when used over

The purpose of this research is to help and to give more information to the students about
the right usage of technology in their life and also in education. This research study will help
most of the students to know how technology really helps them in everything when they know
how to use technology in the right way and how technology has playing a big role in education
in today’s generation.

The students are always using technology in everything that’s why the researcher is
encouraged to conduct this research. The role of technology in education also pushes the
researcher to research about the right way to use technology in terms of education. Anything is
instant in today’s generation because of this, the researchers want the students to know that
technology is created to make everybody’s life easier and faster but it should be in moderation.

The study is done in St. Rose Catholic School, Inc. Paniqui, Tarlac in the academic year 2019-
2020. It is for the students of SRCS Senior High School students to know the impact of
technology in their academic performance. This study was done in SRCS for the benefit of the
researcher who is currently attending this school. This research aims to know the basic concern
of the SHS in the impact of technology.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the impacts of technology to the Senior High School Students.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:

1. Determine how does the following student’s demographic profile affect their academic
performances with regards to the technology.
A. Age
B. Gender
2. Determine the impact of technology to the Senior High school students in terms of:
2.1 Education
2.2 Communication
2.3 Entertainment

3. Determine the responses of the students regarding the benefits of the technology.
5- strongly agree
4- agree
3- neutral
2- disagree
1- strongly disagree

Significance of The Study

This results of this study will be beneficial to the students, parents, and future researchers
because it will lead them to consciousness regarding the impact of technology among Senior
High School Students. This will serve as their guide for them to realize that they need to take
these impacts seriously.

The result would be beneficial to the following:

For the parents. This study will give them information on the effects of technologies to their

For the students. They will become more knowledgeable about how they are affected by the use
of technologies in studying.

For future researchers. This study benefits the future researchers in a way that this becomes
their way guide reference in conducting a new study related to this.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited to the selected Senior High School Students enrolled in St. Rose
Catholic School with ages range from 16-18 years old and is only for the academic year 2019-
2020. The scope of this research study is the impact of technology on the academic performance
of the Senior High School Students. Aims to know if modern technology has a significant impact
on the performance of a student at school.

Definition of Terms

Technology- invented useful things.

Peers- social group around individual.

SHS- Senior High School

A.Y.- Academic Year


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Technology is part of everybody’s life. People uses technology devices almost in

everything because it is part of their everyday life. Technology helps us do our home works
quickly and faster because technology makes our work much easier and less time-consuming.

Communication is one of the use of technology. Communicating to our friends,

classmates, and families or relatives overseas abroad makes more convenient because it of
technology device invented like smart phones and computers. In the medical field, technology
plays a big role because of the machines invented that can help treat sick people and save many
lives. Technology also plays a big role on education because of the machines invented it will help
the students in studying and exploring new things. Technology was created to make people lives
easier and faster but it should be limited and in moderation.

Related Literature

In accordance with (Mohammed T. Al – Hariri PHB, 2017), using technology based

education it makes the student to be independent and improve their collaborative learning.
Through technology, it can connect people even they are at both ends of the world and can
exchange ideas and still learn from each other. Using of technology in education, the students
can enhance and achieve greater understanding and can be the way to develop their critical
thinking skills. In the study of (Chowdhry S., Sieler K., Alwis L, 2014), using virtual learning
environment type of learning indicated the ways to provide and lessen online access to the
study materials, handouts, and modules. Online activities will improve students learning and
using visual aid will catch the attention of the students to focus on studying.

The study of (Mohammed T. Al – Hariri PHB, 2017) and (Chowdhry S., Sieler K., Alwis L,
2014), had similarities because their studies focus that making use of technology based teaching
helps the teachers to teach the students in modern way of teaching because they are using

technology devices. It makes the students studying very easy and enjoyable because using
technology in education will give them entertainment while learning.

On the other hand, (Mohammed T. Al – Hariri PHB, 2017) included that through the use of
technology, people can interact to other people by using technology devices invented. They can
still exchange ideas and information without hustle because in today’s generation, most people
have access to the technology world so that they can basically exchange conversations only by
using technology devices. Students will easily collect new information when they use technology
devices invented in the right way.

In accordance with (Magwa Simufurosa, 2013), stated that technology can facilitate
deep exploration and interrogation of information, high level of thinking and profound
engagement. Technology helps us to expand our mind, to enhance our learning and to use our
imagination by allowing the students to design, explore, and experiment or access information.
In the study entitled, “The Impact of Modern Technology in Education.” (R. Raja, P.C
Nagasubramani, 2018), stated that technology helps students in many ways. Through the use of
technology, it increases the learning and interactivity of a student. Also, the transfer of
knowledge becomes very easy and convenience. He also stated that the students become more
interested to learn through the use of technology, when it comes to visual images in terms of

The Study of (Magwa Simufurosa, 2013) and.” (R. Raja, P.C Nagasubramani, 2018),
stated that technology helps us enhance our skills in learning and expand our learning capacity.
Using technology in studying can use our imagination by allowing the students to experiment
and create new things in using gadgets invented. Through the use of technology, it increases the
learning and interactivity of a student. Also, the transfer of knowledge becomes very easy and
convenient. Through the use of these technology, it improves the interaction and interest levels
of a students and its motivation. Technology usage may help students to be their ways in an
academic achievement in school. But, it also indicated that the over used at technology may
affect the students focus on their academic tasks and negatively affects their performance in
school. This studies focus on the benefits of technology to the students and it says that using
technology devices helps students in many ways but using technologies must be limited.

On the other hand, the journal entitled “The Impact of technology on student
achievement” (2002) It stated that through the use of technology students can master their
fundamental skills like reading, writing and others that will provide foundation for their future
learning. They become responsible user to express themselves more clearly and understand
fully and through the use of technology for them to be motivated to higher levels of
achievement. This study indicates that using of technology, students can master their skills like
writing, reading, and critical thinking that will be their foundation to student’s future learning.

This journal has similarities with the study of (Magwa Simufurosa, 2013) and (R. Raja,
P.C Nagasubramani, 2018) because their studies focuses on the use and benefits of technology
to the students and to teachers. Their studies include that technology can enhance the students
learning capacity, it can improve their critical thinking and can use student’s imagination to
create new things that can be their starters to future learning.

Foreign Studies

The study of Andrea K-Olsen (2016), it stated that through the use of technology, it
helps students learning in their skills such as reading, writing, and comprehension to be
improve. Using technology in studying help students to understand and translate some
unfamiliar words that they encounter. They can also expand their knowledge by searching new
words and phrases that they can use in their future leanings. In the study of (Jumoke S., S.A.
Oloruntoba O., 2015), it stated the use of technology may affect the society in the free access,
security, safety and coordination of school activities but it becomes a part of culture of a
person’s everyday life. The students free access to technology may have bad sides because
some of the students uses technology devices too much and its must be one of the reason that
can affect his/her academic performance in school.

The study of Andrea K-Olsen (2016), focus on the benefits and used of technology. Using
technology devices in studying will help the students to enhance and improve their skills in
learning. They can use technology in searching the meaning of an unfamiliar words and phrases

that they newly encounter and it can be a way to expand their knowledge by encountering new
words and phrases that they can use in the future.

On the other hand, the study of (Jumoke S., S.A. Oloruntoba O., 2015), it focuses on the
effect of too much access in technologies. The students will may affect their academic
performance in school and too much used of technology devices can also affect their social life
because some students focus on playing games and watching videos rather than doing their
assignments at home. Having free access to other technology devices, most students became
irresponsible because they are too much attached in technology. Using technology in studying
must be limited so that the students will focus on their studies first before playing.

Contemporary Educational Technology (2016), indicated that technology allows the

most difficult task to become seamlessly easy and more efficient. Through this it can
disseminate knowledge easily so that the student can learn more. It can be more easy to
improve their knowledge and can be the way for the student to achieve more in terms of

The journal entitled, Contemporary Educational Technology (2016), focused on the

students learning. It tells that technology makes people lives’ easier and more efficient. Through
the use of technology distribute and share information’s and ideas to others that they can use in
their studies. Using technology devices, students will improve their knowledge and
understanding and it can be the way to achieve their academic goals.

Local Studies

In the study of (Tamayo D, Dela Cruz G. 2014) it explains that the use of technology can
have its positive and negative impact on a student in their academic performance. It clearly
stated that some parents do not allow their children to be exposed in technology because it
lessen the focus on their academic performance but is for others it can be the way for them to
gain new knowledge and understanding to be creative and expand their learning. The study of
(Monscrate C, 2018) the use of technology in ways of teaching of a teacher can help the
effectiveness to improve the academic performance of a students. It stated that if teachers are

willing to adjust for students to change their old way of teaching. The academic performance of
students depends on how teacher’s way of teaching even if teachers will not be fully satisfied
that computers are indeed essential to a student learning process.

The study of Tamayo D, Dela Cruz G. (2014) it focuses on the use of technology and
indicated the positive and negative impact of technology on the students that will may affect
their academic performance in school. It said that the students parent must not exposed their
children to use technology devices too much, they must have limited the time of their children
when they are using technology gadgets. If it is for their academic purposes, parents must keep
an eye to their children until it finishes they researches and assignments because they might not
do their task and just surf the internet.

On the other hand, the study of (Monscrate C, 2018) it stated that technology ways of
teaching will help the effectiveness of the teachers to teach their students and to help the
students to improve their academic performances. Technology based teaching is not easy but
the teacher must exert more effort and enhance their willingness in teaching. The old way of
teaching makes students be bored in class and sleepy but using technology based in some
aspects of teaching, makes the students be more active and concentrated. The student’s
performance will depend on how the teacher use technology in teaching and how technology is
efficient in using as a learning tool in studying.

In the study of (Liwanag K. 2015) focuses on the use of information and communication
technology utilization in teaching from its influence on a student academic performance. She
stated that the use of ICT can be a big help for collaborative learning for easy transition of
knowledge and information. Also it can be a good help to students to access and communicate
to everyone faster.

In accordance to Liwanag K. 2015, the study focuses on how ICT will be a big help for the
students on their collaborative learning and transition of ideas, and knowledge. ICT can be a
helping hand of the students to access and communicate to everyone easier and faster. It also
stated on the use of technology in terms sharing information and communication technology
that can influence students in their academic performance. Communicating without any hustle
will be beneficial to everyone.

Conceptual Framework

Technology plays a big role in the world and help so many people. Technology make your
works easier and less time consuming. Students is one of the beneficial of technologies because
it can be used to help them in studying. It makes the students more knowledgeable and by the
use of technology devices invented. Using technology based education, it makes the student be
more focused and interested in studying. It catches their attention and at the same time they
are enjoying while learning. Technology makes people connect to their families and friends
anytime and it is easy and convenient because of the technology gadgets like smart phones and
computers. Technology also helps in the medical field because of the machines invented to cure
sick people and examine patients very easy. The doctors treat many lives of people because of
the hospital machines they created. Technology is created to help and lessen the works of
people but when using technology, the user must be responsible and use technology only when

Demographic profiles serve as a dependent variables of the study. In addition to get

information to the students, the demographic profiles that can help the variables to make a
stand of what are the impacts of technology of the Senior High School students in their
academic performance. The profiles are classified in age, gender, and educational attainment.

Chapter 3


This chapter shows what is the type of research design, the respondents, how the data
being gathered analyzed, the instrumentation of the research, the statistical treatments and the
research ethics.

Research Design

This study focuses on the qualitative research type and uses survey research design to
describe and to assess the impacts of technology in the academic performance of the Senior
High School Students. After collecting the data, the statistical figures are being presented as a
virtual representation of the results.


The researcher used 50 respondents coming from the Senior High School students of St.
Rose Catholic School Inc. during the academic year 2019-2020. The study used random sampling
method in selecting respondents.

Data Gathering Process

The researcher provided questionnaires consist of 3 questions related to the research

study. The survey will conduct on the free time of the researcher. The researchers will collect
the questionnaires when they answered all the questions given. The researcher will combine all
the information and create a table to analyze the data. When the results were complete, the
conclusion must be made.


The tool of this research study was made by questionnaires. Questionnaires are made up of
introductory phrases which contains directions and greetings, the questionnaire’s body which is
questions made up of multiple choice and ratings. At the last part of the questionnaire, it
indicates the assurance that the student’s identity will not be exposed together with the final
message of the researcher.

Statistical Treatment

This study will use pie graph to present the overall result being gathered from the Senior
High School Students of SRCS in A.Y. 2019-2020.

Research Ethics

The researcher will observe and maintain the ethnic of how a research must be done. This
study was made without violation. The content covers the 80% of the information from the
researcher and 20% it came from the scholarly authors, books, and articles.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

The pie graph and table will display the overall presentation of results gathered from the
Senior High School Students of St. Rose Catholic School in Grade 11 St. Thomas Aquinas Science
Technology Engineering and Mathematics strand, St. Louis Bertrand of Accountancy and
Business Management and Grade 12 St. Jordan of Technical Vocational and Livelihood strand.
The three Senior High School strands will have covered the three sections of 50 participants. The
data are organized and will be computed by the researcher. The answers are being tallied and
total through the use of table graph. Each one of the table has different presentation of data.
The researcher will present three categories below that will divided by the impact of technology
in communication, entertainment and in education to their academic performances at school.
The pie graph form will show the students are being divided through their answers. The pie
graph will show the percentage of students answered strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree,
and strongly disagree on the questionnaire being made by the researcher.

The interpretation of the results must be made after the presentation of the data. The
interpretation of the results will have presented on how many senior high school students
answered the following questioned of being strongly agreed, agreed, neutral, disagreed, and
strongly disagreed. The tables that the researcher will present are polished and carefully studied
to maintain the actual results from their participants. The researcher had interpreted the total
number of the respondents who answers strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly
disagree. The analysis of data being gathered from the Senior High School Students of Grade 11
and Grade 12 are into it or in favor in a certain situations and some other students are not into it
or not in favor to the question. The study seeks to understand the impact of technology to the
academic performances of senior high school students in terms of education, entertainment,
and communication.

The researcher done the survey through the use of questionnaires that answered the
following 10 questions about the impact of technology in terms of communication,

entertainment, and education by the 50 senior high school students in the academic year 2019-
2020. The researcher who made the questionnaires asked the participants if the questions is
easy for them to understand and easy to answer or difficult for them to get it. Below this are the
discussion of the presentation of the results gathered, analysis, and interpretation of the data.
The discussion seeks to answer the three statement of the problem which are the demographic
profile of SHS Grade 11 and 12 students, to determine what are the impacts of technology in
terms of communication, entertainment, and education. The students who responded to the
survey papers are proven that they are affected to the impacts of technology in their academic
performances at school.

1. What are the profiles of Grade 11 students in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

Table 1. Demographic Profile in terms of Age

AGE 15 years 16 years old 17 years old 18 years

old old
11 ABM St. Louis 0 11 5 0
11 STEM St. Thomas 3 10 4 0
12 TVL St. Jordan 0 3 10 4
TOTAL 3 24 19 4

The presentation of result in table 1 is from the senior high school students regarding in
their demographic profile in terms of age. The table 1 shows that in the section of St. Louis of
grade 11 ABM strand, most of the respondents are 16 years old and 17 years old unlike in grade
11 STEM St. Thomas, the respondents are divided into three age level, in 15 years old there are
3 respondents, 10 respondents that is in 16 years old, and in the age of 17 there is 4
respondents. As seen in the table 1, the average age of the respondents in the strand of TVL
grade 12 St. Jordan is 17 years old which the number of respondents is 10 and the 4
respondents who answers are 18 years old and the remaining 3 respondents are in 16 years old.

18 15 OF AGE
D; D;
17 8%;6%;
8%6% 16
D; D;
38 48
%; %;
38 48
% %


Figure 1.1 Percentile Presentation of Age.

The figure 1.1 shows the percentile presentation of grade 11 and 12 of senior high school in
terms of their age. As seen in the pie graph, most of the respondents are in the age of 16 years
of age that has 48% total, the next one is 17 years old that has 38% of total respondents.
Followed by 18 years old who has 8% of the total respondents. The lease percentage of age is in
the 15 years old respondents who has 6% in total.

Table 2 Demographic Profile in terms of Gender


11 ABM St. Louis 11 5

11 STEM St. Thomas 10 7

12 TVL St. Jordan 14 3

TOTAL 35 15

Table 2 shows the gender profiles of grade 11 and 12 students of senior high school. In
grade 11 St. Louis of ABM strand, the table shows that the respondents are mostly female with
the total number of 11 and 5 male respondents. In the grade 11 STEM strand of St. Thomas the
female is 10 while the male is 7. In St. Jordan of grade 12 TVL strand, the respondents are 14
females and 3 males.



Percentile Presentation of Gender

Figure 2.1 reveals the overall percentage of students’ gender. Out of 50 respondents,
70% of them are females while 30% are male.

2. Determine the impact of technology to the Senior High school students in terms of:
2.1 Communication
2.2 Entertainment
2.3 Education

The following tables shows the overall result gathered from Grade 11 and 12 senior high
school students in the impact of technology in communication, entertainment, and education.

Table 3 Impact of technology in communication.

QUESTIONS (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. I use technology to 24 17 3 4 2
communicate easier.
2. I use technology to keep in 19 20 4 4 3
touch with friends and
3. I use electronic 19 17 4 5 2
communication devices like
smart phones and computer
because it is more
TOTAL 62 54 11 13 7

4% table 3
34% the



answers of the grade 11 and 12 senior high school in terms on the impact of technology in
communication. As the table shown above, the question number 1 answers 24 in strongly agree,
17 are agree, 3 people who answers are neutral, 4 are disagree, and 2 are being strongly
disagree. In the number 2 question, 18 respondents are strongly agree, 20 are agree, 4 are being
neutral and disagree while 3 are strongly disagree. In the question number 3, 19 respondents
are strongly agreeing, 17 are agree, 4 are being neutral, 5 are disagree while 2 are strongly

Figure 3.1 Percentile presentation on using technology to communicate easier.

As shown in figure 3.1 contains the percentage of students through the use of
technology to communicate easier. The 48% of students are strongly agree. Some say they are
agreeing which gains 34% of its respondents. 6% are neutral; 8% are disagree and 4% are
strongly disagree at situation which gathered of students out of 50.

8% 38%




Percentile presentation on using technology to keep in touch with friends and family.

As shown in figure 3.2 contains the percentage of students through using of technology to
keep in touch with friends and family. The 38% says they are strongly agree; 40% are agree; 8%
are being neutral and 8% are disagree; while 6% are strongly disagree at situation which
gathered of students out of 50.

4% 3.3
9% 40%

Percentile presentation on using electronic communication devices like smart phones and
computer because it is more convenient.

As shown in figure 3.3 contains the percentage of students through using electronic
communication devices like smart phones and computer because it is more convenient. who are
strongly agree to which weighs 40% of the respondents; 36% says they are agree; 9% tells they
are neutral and 11% are disagree; while the remaining respondents are strongly disagree at
situation which gathered 4% of students out of 50.

Table 4 Impact of technology in entertainment.

QUESTIONS (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

4. I use technology when I am 21 19 5 3 2
5. I use technology to release 20 17 6 5 2
6. I get entertainment through 25 16 4 3 2
7. I use technology when I am 27 15 3 2 3
TOTAL 93 68 18 13 8

In the table 4 it shows the answers of the grade 11 and 12 senior high school in terms on
the impact of technology in entertainment. As the table shown above, the question number 4
answers 21 in strongly agree, 19 are agree, 5 people who answers are neutral, 3 are disagree,
and 2 are being strongly disagree. In the number 5 question, 20 respondents are strongly
agreeing, 17 are agree, 6 are being neutral and disagree while 5 are disagree and 2 are strongly

disagree. In the question number 6, 25 respondents are strongly agree, 16 are agree, 4 are being
neutral, 3 are disagree while 2 respondents are strongly disagree.


10%; 10%
42%; 42%

38%; 38%



Percentile presentation of using technology when bored.


12% 40%




As shown in figure 4.1 contains the percentage of students through on using of technology
when bored. The 42% says they are strongly agree; 38% are agree; 10% are being neutral and
6% are disagree; while the remaining 4% are strongly disagree at situation which gathered of
students out of 50.

Figure 4.2 Percentile presentation of using technology to release stress.


6%2% figure


contains the percentage of students through using of technology to release stress. The 40%
respondents are strongly agree; 34% says they are agree; 12% tells they are neutral and 10% are
disagree; while the remaining respondents are strongly disagree at situation which gathered 4%
of students out of 50.

Figure 4.3 Percentile presentation of using technology to get entertainment.

6% 4.3




contains the percentage of students through using of technology to release stress. The 50%
respondents are strongly agree; 32% says they are agree; 8% tells they are neutral and 6% are

disagree; while the remaining respondents are strongly disagree at situation which gathered 4%
of students out of 50.

Figure 4.4 Percentile presentation of using technology when alone.

As shown in figure 4.4 contains the percentage of students through using of technology
when alone. The 54% respondents are strongly agree; 30% says they are agree; 6% tells they are
neutral and 4% are disagree; while the remaining respondents are strongly disagree at situation
which gathered 6% of students out of 50.

Table 5 Impact of technology in terms of education.

QUESTIONS (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

8. I use technology as guide 26 16 4 3 2
for my assignments.
9. My purpose in using 11 18 16 3 2
technology is for my
10. Technology helps me finish 25 14 7 2 2
my requirements faster

TOTAL 63 48 27 8 5

In the table 5 it shows the answers of the grade 11 and 12 senior high school in terms on
the impact of technology in entertainment. As the table shown above, the question number

8answers 26 in strongly agree, 16 are agree, 4 people who answers are neutral, 3 are disagree,
and 2 are being strongly disagree. In the number 9 question, 11 respondents are strongly
agreeing, 18 are agree, 16 are being neutral and disagree while 3 are disagree and 2 are strongly
disagree. In the question number 10, 25 respondents are strongly agree, 14 are agree, 7 are
being neutral, 2 are disagree while 2 respondents are strongly disagree.






Percentile presentation of using technology as guide for their assignments.

7%4%12% figure



contains the percentage of students through using of technology as guide for their assignments.
The 52% respondents are strongly agree; 31% says they are agree; 8% tells they are neutral and

6% are disagree; while the remaining respondents are strongly disagree at situation which
gathered 4% of students out of 50.

Figure 5.2 Percentile presentation of using technology for studies.





As shown in figure 5.2contains the percentage of students through using of technology as

guide for their assignments. The 40% respondents are strongly agree; 36% says they are agree;
7% tells they are neutral and 5% are disagree; while the remaining respondents are strongly
disagree at situation which gathered 12% of students out of 50.

Figure 5.3 Percentile presentation of using technology to helps them finish their requirements

As shown in figure 5.1 contains the percentage of students through using of technology to
finish requirements faster. The 50% respondents are strongly agree; 28% says they are agree;
14% tells they are neutral and 4% are disagree; while the remaining respondents are strongly
disagree at situation which gathered 4% of students out of 50.

Analysis of data

1. The demographic profiles of the senior high school students in terms of their age, most
of the respondents are in the age of 16, followed by 17 years old, 15 years old and 18
years old. It was shown that most of the respondents that are grade 11 and 12 are in the
average age of 16 and 17 years old. In terms of gender, the female has got the highest
total number of percentage who answered the questionnaires in the survey done.
2. The impacts of technology to the senior high school students in terms of education,
entertainment, and communication. The availability of technology helps them mostly in
doing their work and tasks easier and faster. On the other hand, the use technology
really had impacts to the senior high school students because most of the respondents
use technology not only for educational purposes but also in communication and
entertainment. Based on the results, most of the answers of the respondents are
strongly agree in using technology to helps them study and to finish their requirements
faster. In addition, in terms of communication, most of the respondents are strongly
agree on using technological communication devices to communicate to their peers and
families easier and faster. As for their entertainment, the respondents had the highest
average answered strongly agree of using technology to entertain themselves.

3. According to the results above, the impact of technology in terms of communication,

education, and entertainment in their academic performances have a great
understanding for knowing the usage of technology and how it really helps a lot of
people in doing their work easier and faster.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation

This chapter shows the summary of findings from the data gathered. Conclusions are
made in the research study and recommendations must also done by the researcher.

Summary of findings

The summary of findings will discuss the result of the data gathered. Most of the
respondents that answers the questionnaires containing 10 questions are women under the age
of 16 years old. The impact of technology in the academic performance of the senior high school
has impact in communication, entertainment, and education. Entertainment had the highest
impact on the answers of the students in using technology. Students are using technology to
have relaxation and entertainment by using their smart phones. They use technology mostly
when they are alone and nothing to do. The second highest rate of answers is that they use
technology, for communicating and to have connection to their families and friends. The
students also use technology is for their education because they want to expand their
knowledge and discover new words that they can apply in the future learning. Using technology
in studying as guide for their assignments is one of the factor of technology because for the
students, it makes their life easier to do their school works faster and creative.


1. The demographic profiles of the Senior High School grade 11 and 12 students in St. Rose
Catholic School Inc., during the academic year 2019-2020 based on their age are 15 years old, 16
years old, 17 years old and 18 years old. In terms of their gender, the highest number who
answers are women than men.

2. The Impact of technology to the senior high school students in terms of communication,
entertainment, and education.

2.1 Impact of technology in entertainment had the highest impact for the students. Most of the
students use technology is because of entertainment because it relaxes them and they release
their stress by using smart phones and scrolling in social media.

2.2 Impact of technology in education is the second highest impact for the students. They are
using technology for studying as their guide for their assignments. Using of technology makes
their assignments and researches easier and faster to finish and at the same time they are also
entertained because they discover new learning that they can use in the future.

2.3 Impact of technology in communication had the least high impact for the students. The
students use technology to have connection to their peers and families. They use technology
communication devices like smart phones to talk to their relatives abroad because it is
convenient and easy to use.

3. The impacts of technology to the senior high school are proven that the impacts given are
beneficial to the students.


1. The students should be more aware on using of technology as part of their lives. When using
of technology, it should be on moderation.

2. The parents should watch their children when using technology, it should be limited.

3. The teachers should be more knowledgeable on using technology for them to share to the
students with the use of technology in teaching.

4. The school administration must give more technology devices to the students that they can
use in studying.

5. Future researchers should give more information and dig dipper on the impacts of technology
to the students.


 file:///C:/Users/PC/Downloads/Impact%20of%20Technology-5340.pdf


Good Day Rosalimans! This research was conducted by a student from St. Jerome
Hermosille named Julie Rose A. Cariazo, a Grade 12 student under the strand Humanities and
Social Science. This study aims to know the impact of technology to the senior high school
students during the A. Y. 2019-2020. The researcher assures that all of the information given by
the respondents will remain confidential. Thank you!

Name: Age:

Direction: Kindly put mark (/) to indicate your answer. 5- strongly agree 4- agree 3- neutral
2- disagree 1- strongly disagree

QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1

I use technology to communicate easier.

I use technology to keep in touch with friends/peers and


I use electronic communication devices like smart phones

and computer because it is more convenient.

I use technology when I am bored.

I use technology to release my stress.

I get entertainment through technology.

I use technology when I am alone.

I use technology as guide for my assignments.

My purpose in using technology is for my studies.

Technology helps me finish my requirements faster

Section: Gender:


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