Application: St. Petersburg College

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Petersburg College
q Admission q Readmission
to college credit courses and programs.


Mail application and fee to: Central Records, PO Box 13489, St. Petersburg, FL 33733
Please print LEGAL name in full: USE INK
First name Middle name Last name Suffix
Preferred first name______________________________________________________________________________________ Social Security number

Have you ever had a different last name? q Yes q No
If yes, what name(s)?_____________________________________________________________________________________

U.S. citizen?
q Yes q No If NOT a U.S. citizen, what is your country of citizenship? Information on ethnic origin, sex and age of students is
VOLUNTARY and will not be used for discriminatory purposes.
1. Please indicate your ethnicity by checking (√) the appropriate box.
q Hispanic or Latino
According to the United States Immigration Service,
q Not Hispanic or Latino
q I have a resident alien number_ ________________________________________ 2. Please indicate your race by checking (√) one or more of the
q I have political asylum appropriate boxes.
q I am a refugee q American Indian or Alaskan Native
q Asian
Date issued______________________________________________________________ q Black, or African American
Please attach copies of appropriate documentation. q Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
q White
Visa type_ _______________________________________________________________ Gender (optional)
Are you a U.S. veteran? q Yes q No q Male q Female
Birth date

Home phone number Home e-mail


- -
Work/business phone number Extension_ __________________________________________________________________________
Please print legibly.

- - Work/business e-mail

Cell / Pager number


- - __________________________________________________________________________
Please print legibly.
permanent address: Street and number

City County State ZIP Code


MAILING address (If different from permanent): Street and number


City County State ZIP Code


SR 420 (2/10) 1
Status/basis for admission Home campus
q High school graduate Petition for admission:
q Clearwater q St. Petersburg/Gibbs
(standard diploma or college ready) q Non-high school graduate
q Early Admissions q Special diploma
q Seminole q Tarpon Springs
q GED q Certificate of Attendance
q Credit Bank
Please mark the above location most convenient for you.
q Dual Credit

Please check only one academic plan you wish to pursue. If you are undecided, please contact an advisor/counselor.
Non-Degree q Emergency Admin. and Mgmt. (EAM) q Healthcare Informatics (HCINF)
q Credit Bank (CREDT-NO) q Engineering Technology (ENG) q Information Technology (IT) Security (ITSEC)
q Dual Credit (DUAL-NO) q Environmental Science Technology (ENVSC) q Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LEAN)
q Enrichment (ENRCH-NO) q Financial Services — Banking (FINSV) q Linux System Administrator (LINXSA)
q Job Improvement (JOB-NO) q Fire Science Technology (FIRE) q Medical Quality Systems (MEDQS)
q Transient Students (TRANS-NO) q Healthcare Informatics (HCINF) q Microsoft Certified IT Professional Server
q Hospitality & Tourism Management (HMGT) Administrator (MCITPSA)
q Pre-Early College (PRECOLL-NO)
q Human Services — Social Services (HSDIS) q Public Safety Administration Gangs Enforcement
q Human Svcs. — Alcohol/Substance Abuse Management (GEM)
Post-Baccalaureate Students: q Six Sigma Black Belt (SIXSG)
q PRE-IMPACT (Educator Preparation Institute q Information Tech (IT) Security (ITSEC) q Veterinary Practice Management (VETTC)
Alternative Certificate Program) (IMPACT-PR) q Insurance Services (INSV) q Veterinary Management (VMG)
q Music Industry/Recording Arts (MIRA) q Video Game Foundations (VGF)
Associate in Arts degree — GENAA plan q Paralegal Studies (LEGAL)
Choose a Sub Plan q Parks and Leisure Services (PALS) Applied Technology Diplomas —
q Photographic Technology (PGY) Financial Assistance Eligible — ATDF
q Architecture (ARCH)
q Pre-Dental Hygiene (DENHY-PR)
q Biology (Biology) q Associate Addiction Professional (AAP)
q Pre-Emergency Medical Services (EMS-PR)
q Biology Education (BIO ED) q Maternal & Child Health (MCH)
q Pre-Funeral Services (FUNSE-PR)
q Business & Management (BUS) q Youth Development Professional (YDP)
q Pre-Health Care Informatics (HCINF-PR)
q Business Education (BUS ED)
q Pre-Health Information Management (HIM-PR)
q Chemistry (CHEM)
q Pre-Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT-PR) Applied Technology Diplomas —
q Computer Science (COPSC)
q Pre-Nursing (NURSE-PR) Not Financial Assistance Eligible — ATDN
q Criminal Justice (CRMJU)
q Pre-Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA-PR)
q Elementary Education (ELEM) q Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
q Pre-Radiography (RAD-PR)
q Engineering (ENGNR)
q Pre-Respiratory Care (RESC-PR)
q Exceptional Education (EXCEP ED) One of the following only can be selected
q Pre-Veterinary Technology (VETTC-PR)
q Fashion Marketing Management (FASH) if application is being made for an upper-
q Sign Language Interpretation (INTRP)
q Film (FILM) division degree. The Baccalaureate Application
q Technology Management (TECMGT)
q Forestry/Agriculture (FORAG) Supplement form also must be submitted.
q Web Site Design & Management (WEBSDM)
q General — Undecided (GENAA)
q Gerontology (GERON)
q Human Services (HUSEV)
Certificates — Financial Assistance Eligible — Bachelor of Science degree — BS
q Humanities (ENGHM) CERTF
q Biology
q International Business (INTBS) q Building Construction Technology (BCNST) q Business Administration
q Mass Communication (MCOMM) q Business Administration (BUSADM) q Business Technology Education
q Mathematics (MATH) q Computer/Web Programming Specialist (CWPS) q Educational Studies
q Mathematics Education (MATH ED) q Computer-Related Crime Investigation (CRCI) q Elementary Education (K-6)
q Music (MUSIC) q Computer Support (APLUS) q Elementary Education with ESOL and Reading
q Nursing (NURSE) q Crime Scene Technology (CST) Endorsement
q Pharmacy (PHARM) q Drafting Technology (DRAFT) q Exceptional Education with ESOL and Reading
q Pre-Med (PRE-MED) q Emergency Admin. and Mgmt. (EAM) Endorsement
q Pre-Law/Criminology (PRLAW) q Fire Officer I (FOI) q Mathematics Education (6-12)
q Psychology/Counseling (PSYCH) q Food and Beverage Management (FBM) q Middle Grades General Science Education (5-9)
q Recreation/Physical Education (RECPE) q Gang Investigations (GI) q Middle Grades Mathematics Education (5-9)
q Social Work (SOCWK) q Homeland Security (HLS) q Nursing
q Speech/Audio Pathology (SPCH) q Medical Coder (MEDCD) q Science Education — Biology Emphasis (6-12)
q Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise q Technology Education
Associate in Applied Science degree — AAS Administrator (MCITPEA)
q Paralegal Studies (LEGAL) Bachelor of Applied Science degree — BAS
q Industrial Management Technology (INMG) q Paramedic (PMED)
q Management (MGMT) q Rooms Division Management (RDM) q Banking
q Marketing (MKT) q Dental Hygiene
q Health Services Administration
Certificates — NOT Financial Assistance Eligible
Associate in Science degree — AS q International Business
q Management and Organizational Leadership
q Arch. Desgn. and Constn. Tech (ARCH)
q Accounting Applications (ACTAP) q Orthotics and Prosthetics
q Aviation Maintenance Mgmt.(AVAMM)
q Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) q Paralegal Studies
q Business Administration (BUS)
q Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) q Public Safety Administration
q Computer Networking (COMPNET)
q Digital Graphics (DIG) q Sustainability Management
q Computer/Web Programming and Analysis
q Digital Media/Multimedia Production (DMPRD) q Technology Management
q Digital Media/Multimedia Video Production q Veterinary Technology
q Crime Scene Technology (CST)
q Criminal Justice Technology — Public Safety
q Engineering Technology Support (ENGTECH) Advanced Technical Certificates —
Services (CJPSS)
q Fire Inspector I (FISI) NOT Financial Assistance Eligible — ATC
q Digital Arts, Media and Interactive Web Design
q Fire Inspector II (FISII)
(DIG-AS) q Critical Care — ATC (CC)
q Fire Investigator I (FIVI)
q Drafting and Design Technology (DRAFT) q Emergency Care — ATC (EMC)
q Fire Officer II (FSOII)
q Early Childhood Education (CHDEV) q Sepsis Awareness and Education — ATC (SAE)
Were you enrolled at this college before 1969? Expected term of attendance

q Yes q No Term Month Year

High school / GED information Fall q August _______________

Spring q January _______________
Name of high school_________________________________________________________________________
Summer q May or June _______________

City and state_______________________________________________________________________________ Attended another college?

Did you leave in good standing?
q Yes q No
Graduation month_ _________________________________________Year_____________________________
If no, indicate whether you were:
q on probation
State where GED was awarded________________________________________________________________ q suspended
q dismissed
Are you eligible to return?
Month GED was completed__________________________________Year_____________________________ q Yes q No

You must list in chronological order EVERY college and university attended before entering this institution, starting with the most recent. Include schools
even if you did not complete a term. If additional space is needed, please use a separate sheet.

Names of all colleges previously attended City and state Graduated Degree received

____________________________________________________________________________________________ q Yes q No ___________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ q Yes q No _ _______________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ q Yes q No ___________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ q Yes q No ___________________________

in an emergency, Notify

Name and address_ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Relationship to student_ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Home phone number Business phone number Cell / Pager number

- - - - - -
I acknowledge by my signature that I understand the college is collecting my Social Security number for the purpose of complying with federal and state statutes related to employment,
financial and academic assistance and inter-institutional articulation or transfer, and that the college may disseminate that information in some communications with outside organizations,
while taking precaution to safeguard use of the number. I also understand that should I choose not to have my Social Security number transmitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
in response to Hope/Lifetime Learning Tax Credit reporting, I face the possibility of a fine of $50.

I hereby apply for admission to St. Petersburg College and agree that, if accepted, I will abide by all rules, procedures, and policies of the college, now and hereafter adopted, as set forth
in the Board of Trustees Rules and Procedures Manual, and as published in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. I certify that as a condition of admission, I will not unlawfully
possess, use, sell, purchase, manufacture, deliver or possess with the intent to sell, purchase, manufacture or deliver any controlled substance while enrolled at St. Petersburg College. I
understand that it is my responsibility to request that my high school and/or college transcripts be forwarded to the college. However, I authorize St. Petersburg College to obtain my high
school and/or college transcript(s) and other necessary admission records, including test scores, from other institutions that I have attended, electronically and/or hard copy. I certify that
the answers given herein are true and correct. I further understand that a false statement in this application or any admission document will subject me to penalties pursuant to §837.06,
Florida Statutes; and is grounds for denial of admission or, upon further discovery, grounds for dismissal and invalidation of college credit or degree based on such credit.

By signing this application, I am granting permission to St. Petersburg College, its agents and staff to use video and photographs of myself for SPC promotional/advertising materials
without charge. No promises have been made and no consideration is involved for their use. If I do not want SPC to use video and photographs of myself, I will inform the associate
provost on my home campus.

Signature (in ink)___________________________________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________

A copy of St. Petersburg College’s Annual Security Report — which includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property
owned or controlled by St. Petersburg College; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus, and which includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such
as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters — can be obtained by contacting either the associate provost’s office, site administrator’s
office, the Campus Security office or the office of Human Resources.

St. Petersburg College is dedicated to the concept of equal opportunity. The college will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or marital status, or against any qualified individual with
disabilities, in its employment practices or in the admission and treatment of students. Recognizing that sexual harassment constitutes discrimination on the basis of sex and violates this rule, the college will not tolerate
such conduct. Should you experience such behavior, please contact the director of EA/EO at 727-341-3261; by mail at P.O. Box 13489, St. Petersburg, FL 33733-3489; or by e-mail at [email protected].

Information for Residence Classification
A Florida resident for tuition purposes is a person who has, or a dependent of a parent or legal guardian who has, established and maintained legal residence
in Florida for at least 12 months. Residence in Florida must be as a bona fide domiciliary rather than for the purpose of maintaining a residence incident to
enrollment at an institution of higher education. Other persons not meeting the 12-month legal residence requirement may be classified as Florida residents
for tuition purposes only if they fall within one of the limited special categories authorized by the Florida Legislature and the State Board of Education. All other
persons are ineligible for classification as a Florida resident for tuition purposes.
To qualify as a Florida resident for tuition purposes, you must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident alien, or a legal alien granted indefinite stay by the U.S.
Immigration and Naturalization Service. Living in or attending school in Florida will not in itself establish legal residence. Students who depend on out-of-
state parents for support are presumed to be legal residents of the same state as their parents. Residence in Florida must be for the purpose of establishing a
permanent home and not merely incident to enrollment at an institution of higher education. Documents supporting the establishment of legal residence must
be dated, issued or filed 12 months before the first day of classes of the term for which a Florida resident classification is sought. A copy of the most recent tax
return or other documentation may be requested to establish dependence/independence. Definitions: Dependent - A person for whom 50% or more of his/
her support is provided by another as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. Independent - A person who provides more than 50% of his/her own support.
(CCheck q the appropriate boxes:
1. I am an independent person and have maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. q Yes q No
2. I am a dependent person and my parent or legal guardian has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. q Yes q No
3. I am a dependent person who has resided for five years with an adult relative other than my parent or legal guardian and my relative has maintained
legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. q Yes q No
4. _I am married to a person who has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. I have established legal residence and intend to make
Florida my permanent home. q Yes q No (If yes, copy of marriage certificate is required.)
5. I was previously enrolled at a Florida public college/university and classified as a Florida resident for tuition purposes. I abandoned my Florida
domicile less than 12 months ago and am now re-establishing Florida legal residence. q Yes q No
6. According to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, I am a permanent resident alien or other legal alien granted indefinite stay. I have
maintained domicile in Florida for at least 12 months. q Yes q No (If yes, INS documentation required.)
7. I am a member of the armed services of the U.S. and am stationed in Florida on active military duty pursuant to military orders, or whose home of
record is Florida; or I am the member’s spouse or child. q Yes q No (If yes, copy of military orders DD2058 or military document showing home
of record required.)
8. I am a member of an eligible Florida Army National Guard Unit. q Yes q No
9. I am a full-time instructional or administrative employee of a Florida public school, community college or institution of higher education; or I am the
employee’s spouse or dependent child. q Yes q No (If yes, copy of employment verification required.)
10. I am part of the Latin American/Caribbean scholarship program. q Yes q No (If yes, copy of scholarship papers is required.)
11. I am a qualified beneficiary under the terms of the Florida Pre-Paid Postsecondary Expense Program (§240.551, Florida Statutes) q Yes q No
(If yes, copy of card required.)
12. I am living on the Isthmus of Panama and have completed 12 consecutive months of college work at the FSU Panama Canal Branch; or I am the
student’s spouse or dependent child. q Yes q No
13. I am a full-time employee of a Florida state agency or political subdivision of the state whose student fees are paid by the state agency or political
subdivision for the purposes of job-related law enforcement or corrections training. q Yes q No
14. I am a full-time student participating in a linkage institute. (§288.8175, Florida Statutes) q Yes q No
Attach copies of documentation indicated above. Additional documentation (e.g., voter’s registration, driver’s license, tax returns, deeds, etc.) may be required
by the college. All documentation is subject to verification. Someone other than the student (e.g., parent) should complete this affidavit if the student is
dependent or seeks to be classified as a Florida resident by virtue of a relationship. Otherwise, the student should complete this affidavit. PLEASE PRINT.

1. Name of student_ ______________________________________________________ 2. Student’s Social Security #__________________________________

_NOTE: The person who is claiming Florida residency (i.e., the student if he/she is independent, or the parent, guardian or spouse if the student is
dependent) must complete the following.

3. VISA status or Alien Registration Number of student_____________________ 4. Name of person claiming Florida residency:______________________

5. Relationship to student:______________________________________________________ 6. Claimant date of birth: _ ________________________________

7. Permanent legal address:

Street address_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City________________________________________________________________________________ State__________zip Code_________________________

8. Telephone number:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Date legal Florida residence and domicile was established:_______________________________________________________________________________

10. Voter registration state:______________________________ County:___________________ Number:_________________ Issue date:____________________

11. Driver’s license state:_ ______________________________ Number:____________________________________________ Issue date:____________________

12. Vehicle registration state:____________________________ VIN or title number:__________________________________ Issue date:____________________

13. Other_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature (in ink) of student (person listed on Item #1 above)___________________________________________________________ Date____________________

I do hereby swear or affirm that the above-named student meets all requirements indicated in the checked category above for classification as a Florida
resident for tuition purposes. I understand that a false statement in this document will subject me to penalties for making a false statement pursuant to
§837.06, Florida Statutes, and shall entitle the college to not admit the student, or upon later discovery, to deny further registration and invalidate college
credit and/or a degree based on such credit.

Signature (in ink) of claimant (person listed on Item #3 above), if different than student’s___________________________________ Date____________________


I understand that I do not qualify as a Florida resident for tuition purposes for the term for which this application is being submitted, and that if I should qualify
for some future term, it will be necessary for me to file the required documentation before the beginning of the term to be considered for Florida residency

Signature (in ink)__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date____________________


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