How Can Language Influence The Culture of A People?

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You’re going to watch a TED Talk about language changing people’s perspectives. Turn to p86.

1. Answer question A in note form and add it to this week’s Google Doc.

How can language influence the culture of a people?

Language is, at least for me, one of the pillars that supports the culture of a certain place. Languages allow
communication in the first place between the people of a community, words, dialects, every characteristic that
a language acquires is influenced by culture. Through languages, a person can show their experiences and
their perspective of the world, in short, it is a form of manifestation of culture. This is why, as well as a large
number of cultures, there is a great variety of languages and within these languages there are even different
ways of speaking, but nevertheless they always have something in common with each other, this is what
allows communication.

2. Here is the link to the video:

a. Watch the video and answer questions from tasks B-D.
b. Take note of the times given in each task. Please stop the video after each part. You can
repeat if you need to listen a second time.
c. Write down your answers in your book, take a photo of it and upload it to your Google Doc.
3. Once you’ve finished the listening, write down your thoughts to the ‘final questions’ on p87.
4. Final reflection: In your Google doc, write (in full sentences), your thoughts to the following questions:

a. Do you think your language includes any of these aspects from exercise C?

In my language, which is Spanish, it includes several details mentioned, such as the perception of
time, gender in grammar, the way of describing events, among others. In fact, many of the examples
the author mentions apply to my language.

b. Do you think the Spanish language shapes the way you think about things?

Yes, in my language there are many words that allow me to express my ideas as best as possible
and if the way I see the world, there is a lot of vocabulary, I also like how it is heard, I think Spanish
allows more than another language to explain in details like no other.

c. Now consider intercultural communication. How do you think we can use this
information to better understand others?

Understanding the differences in the language generates an environment of understanding and

acceptance of the differences. When one person understands and understands another, it is easier to
get along or else, the same happens with languages, by relating and knowing these aspects, stronger
bonds can be established between people and thus improve social relationships.

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