Mydvd User Guide: Menu)
Mydvd User Guide: Menu)
MyDVD workspace
MyDVD has a mode: Advanced Mode. It has two different
workspaces that let you organize (Tree Mode) and edit (Edit
Advanced Mode
Advanced Mode (showing Tree Mode workspace)s
Advanced Mode includes an Edit Menu workspace with an
Using Advanced Mode
The Advanced Mode in MyDVD lets you customize your project
in a number of ways. For example, you can
Before you start
It’s a good idea to think about how you
want to organize your media in your
Advanced Mode project. Advanced Mode
uses a tree structure and submenus to
organize projects.
Let’s take a look at an example project.
Example: I have a quite a few video clips
from a weekend trip. For my project, I
decide to include the best clips from three
different activities. My main menu title will
be “Winter Trip”, and I will create submenus
for each activity:
videos within a menu or submenu. If you have more than four
videos for any one group, you can create another substructure
that suits the project. In the example described, if there were
nine dog sledding videos, another submenu based on
participants could be created: Mom (3 videos), Dad (3 videos)
and Kids (3 videos).
6. In the Media Browser panel, click the Media tab, and
navigate to the video and photo files that you want to add.
7. In the Tree Mode panel, look at the placeholders available
in the chosen template and decide how to organize your
project to accommodate your media. You can click the
menu button in the upper-right corner of a placeholder,
and click any of the following:
checking the Disc size drop- down menu to the right of the
11. When you are happy with your project, click one of
the following:
submenu, or chapter placeholder in the Tree panel.
Tip: You can also add media to your tree by using the Add
Title command in the menu. The placeholder for the
media is added automatically, but you can’t control where
it is created (the next available location in the tree
4. Click OK to return to the Tree Mode and review the new
Chapter Menu.
To edit menu layout, text, background imagery, or music
1. In the Tree Mode view of Advanced Mode, click the
thumbnail of the menu that you want to edit.
2. Click the Edit Menu button below the Tree Mode pane.
3. Do any of the following:
• To change the background image, click the Photo button
Project basics
There are a number of basic tasks that you can perform in
Advanced Mode.
Auto Save, Save, Save As
You can save your projects so that you can edit them later. By
default, autosaving is enabled, so your work is protected in the
event of a program or system interruption. You can turn off
autosaving if you do not want to overwrite your file as you
work. You can also use Save As to save different versions of
your project to a new file name.
Intro videos
You can add an intro video to your project (for example, a
bumper video or opening narrative).
Project settings
At any time, you can review and change project settings. For
example, you can view the disc format, determine what
happens when you click menu items, lock button aspect ratio,
set alerts, and apply the chosen settings as the default for
future projects.
Erasing a disc
You can erase existing content from a disc before you burn.
To enable or disable autosave
• Click File menu > Save Project As, navigate to the location
where you want to save the file and type a file name.
The file is saved in the .MyDVD format.
To open a saved project
1 Start MyDVD.
2 Click File menu > Open.
Tip: You can also open a project file from the New
Project dialog box by clicking Open Existing Project or
Open Last Project.
To add an intro video to your project
1. Click Tools menu > Add Intro Video.
2. Navigate to the video that you want to use, and click Open.
The intro video is added before the main menu. In
Advanced Mode, it displays in the tree structure.
To erase a disc
1. Ensure the disc you want to erase is in your disc drive.
2. Click Tools menu > Erase Disc.
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MyDVD® User Guide