Lab-5 Manual: Department of Software Engineering University of Gujrat
Lab-5 Manual: Department of Software Engineering University of Gujrat
Lab-5 Manual: Department of Software Engineering University of Gujrat
University of Gujrat
Introduction to Computing
Lab-5 Manual
Microsoft PowerPoint-3
Afifa Akhtar
Lab Instructor
Lab-5 Manual
MS PowerPoint-Advance
In our today’s lab we’ll discuss some advance features of PowerPoint like adding audio, video
and creating an animated slide show.
Adding Video:
You can add video in your presentation that is either saved in your PC locally or is available
Online videos are embedded in your slides. An embedded video will still be hosted on its
original website, meaning the video itself won't be added to your file. Embedding can be a
convenient way to reduce the file size of your presentation, but you'll also need to be
connected to the Internet for the video to play. Websites like YouTube allows to embed a video.
1. To insert a video from a file saved locally in your system go to insert tab, click the Video drop-
down arrow, then select Video on My PC.
Locate and select the desired video file, then click Insert.
With the Screen Recording feature on the Insert tab, you can create a video of anything you are
doing on your computer and insert it into a slide.
To resize a video:
• Click and drag the corner sizing handles until the video is the desired size.
The corner sizing handles will resize a video while preserving its original aspect ratio. If you use
the side sizing handles, the video will become distorted.
To move a video:
To delete a video:
• Select the video you want to delete, then press the Backspace or Delete key on
your keyboard.
The Playback tab has several options you can use to edit your video. For example, you
can trim your video to play an excerpt from the original, add a fade in and fade out, and
add bookmarks that allow you to jump to specific points in the video.
Most of the features on the Playback tab can only be used with videos that are inserted from a
file. They will not work with embedded videos.
To trim a video:
1. Select the video, then click the Playback tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click the Trim Video command.
3. A dialog box will appear. Use the green handle to set the start time and
the red handle to set the end time.
1. On the Playback tab, locate the Fade In: and Fade Out: fields.
2. Type the desired values, or use the up and down arrows to adjust the fade
To add a bookmark:
3. The bookmark will appear on the timeline. Click the bookmark to jump to that
Video options
There are other options you can set to control how your video will play. These are found in
the Video Options group on the Playback tab.
Like pictures, PowerPoint allows you to format the appearance of a video by applying a video
style, adding a border, changing the shape, and applying various effects.
You can add a poster frame to a video, which is the placeholder image your audience will see
before the video starts playing. The poster frame is usually just a frame taken from the video
If you want to use a picture from your computer, select Image from file.
1. Select the video, then click the Format tab on the Ribbon.
2. In the Video Styles group, click the More drop-down arrow to display available
video styles.
Adding Audio:
PowerPoint gives you options to add Audio from local source or to record a special audio for
that specific presentation.
1. From the Insert tab, click the Audio drop-down arrow, then select Audio on My
2. Locate and select the desired audio file, then click Insert.
Sometimes you may want to record audio directly into a presentation. For example, you might
want the presentation to include narration. Before you begin, make sure you have
a microphone that is compatible with your computer; many computers have built-in
microphones or ones that can be plugged in to the computer.
To record audio:
1. From the Insert tab, click the Audio drop-down arrow, then select Record Audio.
6. When you're done, click OK. The audio file will be inserted into the slide.
For making the application more user-friendly, PowerPoint provides the same options for
editing or previewing both audio or video.
So, for previewing, moving, deleting or editing the audio you can use your knowledge from the
previous section.
By default, an audio file will appear as a speaker icon in the slide. If you want, you can change
the icon to a different picture.
3. The Insert Pictures dialog box will appear. Click Browse to select a file from your
computer. Alternatively, you can use the online image search tools to locate an
image online. In our example, we'll search using the phrase music note.
Adding Animation:
To make your presentation livelier you have to add animation in your presentation text
and objects.
In PowerPoint, you can animate text and objects such as clip art, shapes, and pictures.
Animation—or movement—on the slide can be used to draw the audience's attention
to specific content or to make the slide easier to read.
The four types of animations
There are several animation effects, you can choose from, and they are organized into four
• Entrance: These control how the object enters the slide. For example, with
the Bounce animation the object will "fall" onto the slide and then bounce
several times.
• Emphasis: These animations occur while the object is on the slide, often
triggered by a mouse click. For example, you can set an object to spin when you
click the mouse.
• Exit: These control how the object exits the slide. For example, with
the Fade animation the object will simply fade away.
• Motion Paths: These are similar to Emphasis effects, except the object moves
within the slide along a predetermined path, like a circle.
3. A drop-down menu of animation effects will appear. Select the desired effect.
4. The effect will apply to the object. The object will have a small number next to it
to show that it has an animation. In the Slide pane, a star symbol also will
appear next to the slide.
At the bottom of the menu, you can access even more effects.
Effect options
Some effects will have options you can change. For example, with the Fly In effect you can
control which direction the object comes from. These options can be accessed from the Effect
Options command in the Animation group.
To remove an animation:
Animations are best used in moderation. Adding too many animations can make your
presentation look a little silly and can even be distracting to your audience. Consider using
mostly subtle animations, or not using animations at all.
If you select a new animation from the menu in the Animation group, it will replace the object's
current animation. However, you'll sometimes want to place more than one animation on an
object, like an Entrance and an Exit effect. To do this, you'll need to use the Add
Animation command, which will allow you to keep your current animations while adding new
1. Select an object.
2. Click the Animations tab.
3. In the Advanced Animation group, click the Add Animation command to view
the available animations.
4. Select the desired animation effect.
5. If the object has more than one effect, it will have a different number for each
effect. The numbers indicate the order in which the effects will occur.
2. From the Animations tab, click the Move Earlier or Move Later commands to
change the ordering.
In some cases, you may want to apply the same effects to more than one object. You can do
this by copying the effects from one object to another using the Animation Painter. In our
example, we want to copy an animation from one slide to another because they have similar
1. Click the object that has the effects you want to copy. In our example, we'll click
our answer text.
3. Click the object you want to copy the effects to. In our example, we'll click the
answer text on the next slide. Both objects now have the same effect.
To preview animations:
Any animation effects you have applied will show up when you play the slide show. However,
you can also quickly preview the animations for the current slide without viewing the slide
The Animation Pane allows you to view and manage all of the effects that are on the current
slide. You can modify and reorder effects directly from the Animation Pane, which is especially
useful when you have several effects.
2. The Animation Pane will open on the right side of the window. It will show all of
the effects for the current slide in the order in which they will appear.
If you have several animated objects, it may help to rename the objects before reordering them
in the Animation Pane. You can rename them in the Selection Pane. To open the Selection
Pane, click an object, then from the Format tab click Selection Pane. Double-click the name of
an object to rename it.
2. The effects for the current slide will play. On the right side of the Animation
Pane, you will be able to see a timeline that shows the progress through each
If the timeline is not visible, click the drop-down arrow for an effect, then select Show
Advanced Timeline.
By default, an effect starts playing when you click the mouse during a slide show. If you have
multiple effects, you will need to click multiple times to start each effect individually. However,
by changing the start option for each effect, you can have effects that automatically play at the
same time or one after the other.
1. From the Animation Pane, select an effect. A drop-down arrow will appear next
to the effect.
2. Click the drop-down arrow and select one of the three desired start
options. Start on Click will start the effect when the mouse is clicked, Start With
Previous will start the effect at the same time as the previous effect, and Start
After Previous will start the effect when the previous effect ends.
When you preview the animations, all of the effects will play through automatically. To test
effects that are set to Start on Click, you will need to play the slide show.
From the Animation Pane, you can access the Effect Options dialog box, which contains more
advanced options you can use to fine tune your animations.
1. From the Animation Pane, select an effect. A drop-down arrow will appear next
to the effect.
2. Click the drop-down arrow, then select Effect Options.
3. The Effect Options dialog box will appear. Click the drop-down menus and select
the desired enhancement. You can add a sound to the animation, add an
effect after the animation is over, or animate text in a different sequence.
Some effects have additional options you can change. These will vary depending on which
effect you have selected.
1. From the Effect Options dialog box, select the Timing tab.
2. From here, you can add a delay before the effect starts, change the duration of
the effect, and control whether the effect repeats.
After this you can apply the changings by pressing the OK button.
Now for adding transition you can go to Transition Tab and apply the suitable one, select
transition duration and go to Slide Show and select From Beginning from “start slide show
Lab Task:
Task 1:
1. Go to following link and
download butterfly.mp4 and Practice Presentation.pptx.
2. Create a new presentation and add “Title and Content” Slide. Add Heading, “My Music”
and insert any audio file from your PC. Change the “icon” of your audio.
3. Create another slide, add heading “My Video” and insert “butterfly.mp4” into content
area. Expand it to match placeholder’s size.
Change “Video Style” to “Rotated, Gradient”
4. Add animations and transition to the presentation and save it.
Task 2:
1. Open Practice Presentation.pptx
Explore how different animations have used in it.
2. Delete all the animations and add them again like before.
Task 3:
1. Create a new presentation.
2. Download .png pictures for Sun and Earth.
3. Add Slide, insert Sun at the center of the slide and place Earth beside it.
4. Add animation to the Earth and make it revolve around the Sun.
5. Add another Slide, Insert Milkyway.mp4 and trim it to make a “1 Minute” Video.
Home Task:
Explore basic principles of a good presentation, make a presentation on it and discuss it in next