Design and Construction of Groundnut Oil Expeller

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Design and Construction of Groundnut Oil Expeller

Article  in  International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering · July 2015


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2 authors:

Samuel Ejiko Akerele O. v.

The Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti The Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria, Ado-Ekiti


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International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 4 Issue 6 June 2015, Page No. 12529-12538

Design and Construction of Groundnut Oil Expeller

Akerele O. V. and *Ejiko, S.O.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State
[email protected] *[email protected]
Groundnut is a very important oil seed and food crop around the globe based on its nutritional and trade
values, it also serves as food for humans or livestock, and in the absence of meat, forms a valuable dietary
protein component. Oil extracted from groundnut by traditional means can produce about 20-30% from the
groundnut whereas the mechanical methods will yield a higher percentage. A mechanical means of
extracting oil was designed, constructed with locally available materials and tested for groundnut oil
extraction. The machine consists of the frame, hopper, gear reduction unit and the power shaft. It was
powered by a 15 hp three-phase electric motor. The expeller has an average extraction efficiency and
capacity of 72.94 % and 61.4kg/hr respectively. The machine comes with a production cost of N197, 000.
The expeller can be used for small scale groundnut oil extraction in the rural and urban communities.
Keywords: Groundnut, Machine, Expeller, Efficiency, Oil

Introduction almost exclusively processed in combination with

the utilization of the residue for human

The groundnut, Arachis hypogaea, also known as
consumption. In fact often the bye-product, a kind
the peanut or earthnut, is botanically a member of
of a snack called Kulikuli in Nigeria and some
the Papilionaceae, largest and most important
other African countries, is usually the main
member of the Leguminosae. Hans and Frans.
product and the processing of the groundnut oil
(1989). It is a very important oil seed and food
only as part of the process. Groundnuts give
crop around the globe for its nutritional and trade
edible and pleasant tasting oil for direct human
values. Shankarappa et al., (2003). Mainly native
consumption and are used as salad oil or for
to warmer climates, groundnuts frequently
cooking. The oil is also further processed to
provide food for humans or livestock, and in the
margarine or Vanaspati in India, soaps, paints and
absence of meat, form a valuable dietary protein
cosmetics. The oil content of groundnut can
component. Hammos (1994) Groundnuts are
Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12529
contain up to 50% oil (although the usual range is Vegetable oil expellers are of different types and

40% to 45%) and 25 % to 30 % protein (Hammos, forms based on design, construction and the raw

1994). Oil is extracted from groundnut through materials they are to process. Alonge et al., (2004)

either traditional means (mostly dependent on develop a small scale screw press for groundnut

human energy with about 20-30% of the oil oil extraction while a mechanical compression rig

extracted) or mechanical means with over 30% of was developed by Olaniyan and Oje (2007) for

the oil been extracted (Olaomi, 2008). Most shea butter extraction. Olaniyan (2010) developed

vegetable oils are recovered by grinding, cooking, a manually-operated expeller for groundnut oil

expelling and pressing, or by solvent extraction of extraction and the performance of palm kernel oil

the raw materials. The most common method of (PKO) extracting machine was evaluated by

extracting edible oil from oilseeds is mechanical Olawepo-Olayiwole and Balogun (2004). In most

pressing of oilseeds (Bamgboye and Adejumo, PKO and soya bean oil (SBO) extraction mills,

2007). large and commercial scale industrial expellers are

used; such expellers are expensive, involve high

Extraction of groundnut oil could be done in two
level technology which cannot be afforded by
major ways that is the traditional and improved
small scale and low income oil millers. In order to
methods. The traditional method is usually a
assist the small scale oil millers in the rural
manual process and involves preliminary
communities, small scale screw press oil expellers
processing and hand pressing. The improved
need to be designed, constructed and integrated
method consists of chemical extraction and
into the vegetable oil industry. The goal of this
mechanical expression. The chemical extraction
work is to design, develop and test a small scale
method requires the use of organic solvents to
screw press oil expeller for groundnut in the rural
recover the oil from the products. Mechanical
communities. This would go a long way in
method involves the application of pressure to
ensuring food security, alleviating poverty, and
already pre-treated oil-bearing products. It
creating employment for the teaming youth in the
employs the use of devices like screw and
hydraulic presses as a means of applying the

pressure (Gunstone and Norris, 1983).

Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12530
The aim of this work is to design and fabricate an The machine has the following specifications;

improved, durable and electrically powered oil capacity of 100 kg/hr for expelling, speed range

expeller making use of accessible raw material. In between 50 and 100 rpm, screw thread thickness

order to achieve this, specific objectives such as of 5 mm, length of Power screw shaft 600 mm,

develop a machine to extract oil from an oil integral cone length of 120 mm, screw threaded

bearing fruit, reduce the amount of time spent in section of 530 mm length and an extraction

extracting oil and increase oil yield by a chamber with 70 mm internal diameter and 308

considerable percentage, thereby increasing mm length. The Isometric and orthographic view

income and providing a suitable alternative to are shown in Figures 1 to 5, while Figure 6

industrial oil millers that is affordable to small represent the machine pictorial view.

scale oil milling industries. Design Analysis

Materials and Methods Hopper Design

The design was targeted toward achieving the The hopper design is based on the volume of

following, high oil yield, high extraction frustum of a pyramid. The volume of the pyramid

efficiency, high quality of oil, availability and low is obtained by subtracting the volume of a smaller

cost construction of groundnut oil expeller. Other pyramid from that of a larger one as given by

considerations included the desire to design the Khurmi and Gupta (2004)

cylindrical barrel to accommodate the require 1

V   R2 H  r 2h

quantity of raw material. Also considered is to
design the worm shaft to ensure maximum
Where R = outer radius, H = external height, r =
conveyance, crushing, grinding and pressing of
inner radius and h = internal height. There values
the nuts. Consideration was also given for a strong
are 175 mm, 350 mm, 50 mm and 100 mm
main frame to ensure structural stability and
respectively, when applied a volume of 0.011m3
strong support for the machine.
was obtained.

Extracting Chamber Design

Description of the machine
The extraction chamber is designed based on

internal pressure in the chamber, the extracting

Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12531
chamber is treated as a thin walled cylinder or (tan 𝑎+𝑓/ cos 𝜃𝑛)
Ts = Frm 𝑓𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛼
cos 𝜃 𝑛
vessel with equation 2 as given by hall et al,
(2002) the tangential stress perpendicular to the

axis of the cylinder is

where F = axial load resulting from crushing of
d ec
 seeds, rm is mean thread radiu, 𝛼 is screw thread
lead angle, f = coefficient of friction is 0.3, 𝜃n is

(2) angle between tangent to tooth profile and a radial

line measured in a plane parallel to thread helix, 𝜃

Where 𝜎 = perpendicular or hoop stress estimated is conical ejector lead angle (30°). Khurmi, and

as 36.25Mpa, 𝜌 = internal pressure is given as Gupta, (2004) established the equation for tanα as

4.5MPa and dec = internal diameter of extracting shown in equation 5.

𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒
chamber is given as 70mm to obtained a thickness tan𝛼 = 2𝜋𝑟𝑚

of 5 mm. The volume of the extracting chamber (5)

(Vec) is given as 1.473×10-4m3. rm, is mean radius of conical elector since it is

Forces Acting on the Screw Threads very much in contact with the seed and does the

The total axial force F acting on the screw threads actual pressing.

is given by equation 3 as stated by Shigley and rm  (72  45) / 2  58.5mm

Mischke (1989) F  P
cos    sin   Since pitch = lead angle
sin    cos  75
tan α = 𝑥75 = 0.2040
The torque Ts, required to turn the power screw
Where P is the force needed to crush and move
shaft is determined to be Ts = 3256Nm
the groundnut seeds,
= 10,520.797N
Torque Required To Turn Power Screw Shaft
Power Required To Drive Power Screw Shaft
The torque, Ts required to turn the power screw
If average N = 60rpm
shaft against the axial load according to Shigley ∴ ωS = (2𝜋60) / 60

and Mischke (1989) is given in equation 4. ∴ Using Ts = 3256Nm, the power Pe,
required to drive the power screw shaft is
determined from equation 6 by (Khurmi and
Gupta, 2004).

Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12532
P =TS X 𝑤 s Kt for rotating shaft experiencing minor shock

(6) equals 1.5 to 2.0 and 1.0 to 1.5 respectively

Where Ts = tongue on power screw shaft

Using a factor of safety of 2
𝑤 s= angular speed of power screw shaft 0.5  621
Ss   155.25Mpa
Pe = 3256 x 2𝜋 = 20.458𝑘𝑊
Using Mb = 1538.88Nm and Mt = 3766.7Nm
Shearing Forces/Bending Moment on Power
from ASME design shafting code
Screw Shaft
The shearing forces arid bending moments are D 3  16 /   162  106  1.5  1428.882  1.
determined from fig. 3.4 below, considering the
weight of the shaft (135N) and seeds (0.009N) and = 1.34976 x 10-4m

the load responsible for crushing and pressing of ∴ D = 51mm which is the design diameter

seeds using B. M diagram, maximum B. M occurs Actual diameter used is 45mm

at point D, which is at 0.24 m to RA. Maximum Since actual diameter of shaft used is greater than

bending moment at D is 538.88 Nm calculated design the ASME design code for solid
shafts is satisfied.

Determination of Power Screw Shaft Diameter

The power screw shaft being subjected to both RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

torsional and bending loads, has its diameter Test was carried out to evaluate the performance

obtained, based on the combined loading of the machine. In carrying out this text, the

according to ASME design shafting code is given machine was run without load for l0 minutes with

by Hall et al., (2002) in equation 7. a 3 phase, 1470 rpm, 11.2 KW electric motors.

16 √(𝐾𝑏−𝑀𝑏)2 −(𝐾𝑡 𝑀𝑡)² At the end of the l0 minutes, the machine was
D3 = 𝜋 𝑆𝑠
loaded with 2,500g well dried groundnut seed
through the feed hopper having adjusted the
where D is shaft diameter, Mb is bending load, Mt
conical ejector clearance to 1.0mm. The
is torsional load , Kt is combined shock and
adjustment was done with the aid of the four
fatigue factor applied to bending moment, Kb is
adjusters. The extraction time for the 2,500g of
combined shock and fatigue factor applied to
groundnut seeds was noted. Also the weights of
torsional moment ,Ss is Allowable shear stress in
the extracted oil and the resulting cake were
shaft. From ASME design shafting code, Kb and
recorded. At the end of the first trial, another two

Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12533
trials were made with the same conical ejector extraction rate, oil yield, pressing time for batch

clearance (adjustment) of 1.0mm. On successful processing and the extraction efficiency.

completion of test for adjustment of 1.0mm, the From the test results obtained, it is obvious that

same procedure was followed in carrying out the with a decrease in clearance between the conical

test for conical ejector adjustments of 2.0mm and ejector and the extracting chamber, there is a

3.0mm. The extraction time, weights of extracted corresponding decrease in the feed rate of the

oil and cake were recorded. The results of the test machine. The average feed rate at 1.0mm

carried out to ascertain the performance adjustment is 289.6g/min. This is smaller when

evaluation are shown in Table 1. From Table 1, compared to 345.7g/min and 387.6g/mm of

A1, A2 and A3 can be established as; 2.0mm and 3.0mm adjustment respectively.

A1= Average of pressing time for 1mm = This is so because, a smaller opening or clearance

8.4mins restricts the flow of material through the

For 2mm = 7.23mins extraction chamber, and thus little difficult in

For 3mm = 6.47mins machine operation.

A2= Average oil yield at clearance 1mm = From the results obtained, it was discovered that

1068.3 oil yield from the groundnut seed was dependent

2mm= 832.0 on the clearance between the conical ejector and

3mm = 723.7 the extracting chamber. At a clearance or

A3= Average Feed Rate at clearance 1mm adjustment of 1.0mm, the average oil yield was

= 289.6 g/min 1068g. This is higher when compared to the 832g

2mm = 345.7 g/min and 723.7g obtain from the adjustments of 2.0mm

3mm = 387.6 g/min and 3.0mm respectively. The reason for this is the

In carrying out the experiment, the pressure fact that when there is a large clearance there is

adjusting bolts and nuts was the only part of the not enough pressure to mill the cake to remove the

expeller that was controlled and the cone oil. Hence there is loss of oil as the cake comes

clearance dictate the expeller feed rate, oil out containing some quantity of oil.

Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12534
From the test results also, it can be deduced that from the test results in Table 1, using the feed

the smaller the clearance or adjustment of the rates.

conical ejector, the higher the time needed to mill Average capacity =
289.6  345.7  387.6
and extract oil from the seed. At an adjustment of  1022.9 g / min
1.0mm, the average extraction time was 7.23 =
61.37 Kg / hr
minutes and 6.47 minutes used at clearance
≈ 61.4𝑘𝑔/ℎ𝑟
2.0mm and 3.0mm respectively. This is due to the
Efficiency of the Machine
fact that at smaller clearance, much time and
Efficiency, 𝜂m of the machine is obtained from the
pressure would be required to compress and force oil extraction efficiency E, which is given by
the material out of the small clearance. E  100%
Effect of Clearance on Fineness of Cake Where Y = oil yield in percentage.
The decree of fineness of the ground cake depends C0 = oil content of nut (50% for groundnut
on the clearance between the conical elector and
The oil yield Y is calculated from
the extraction chamber. It was observed that the
(W1  W2 )
Y  100
extracted cake at 1.0mm was finest. This W1
Where W1 = weight of un-milled
observation is due to the fact that as the flow area
groundnut seed
decreases as the pressure exerted increases. This
W2 = weight of cake (after milling)
aids the grinding and compression of the cake sample
Using averages from test results in table 1
against extraction chamber walls, thus producing a
(2500  2500  2500) g
fine cake. On the other hand, when the flow area W1   2500 g
increases, the pressure exerted on the cake
(1465  1613  1687) g
becomes relatively small, thus leading to coarse W2   1588.3g

Capacity Rating of the Machine

(2500  1588.3) g
Y  100  36.47%
The capacity of the machine was established 3

based on the test carried out with the machine.

The average capacity of the machine is calculated

Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12535
Oil extraction efficiency, extraction. Journal of Agricultural Engineering
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Table 1: Performance Evaluation of Groundnut Oil Extracting Machine

Pressing time Weight of cake Weight of cake Machine oil yield Feed rate (g/min)
(mm) before milling (g) (g)
after milling (g)

S/N Trial Average Trial Average Trial Average Trial Average Trial Average

1 8.0 2,500 1,480 1,070 312.5

2 8.5 8.4 2,500 2,500 1,465 1,465 1,070 1068.3 294.12 289.6

3 8.7 2,500 1,450 1,095 287.36

1 7.4 2,500 1,640 815 337.8

2 7.2 7.23 2,500 2,500 1,610 1,613 835 832 347.2 345.7

3 7.1 2,500 1,590 846 352.1

1 6.9 2,500 1,720 705 362.3

2 6.4 6.47 2,500 2,500 1,680 1,687 724 723.6 390.63 387.6

3 6.1 2,500 1,660 742 409.84

Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12537
Fig 1: Groundnut Oil Expeller Assembly diagram Fig 2: Isometric view of the hopper

Fig 3: Assembly Machine diagram with labels Fig 4: Isometric view of Extraction Chamber

Fig 5: Orthographic view of the assemble Machine Fig 6: Groundnut Oil Expeller pictorial view

Akerele O. V. IJECS Volume 4 Issue 6 June, 2015 Page No.12529-12538 Page 12538

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