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Cement and Concrete Research 128 (2020) 105951

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Influence of mixing solution on characteristics of calcium aluminate cement T

modified with sodium polyphosphate

Keita Irisawaa, , Inés Garcia-Lodeirob,c, Hajime Kinoshitab
Sector of Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Department of Materials, Eduardo Torroja Institute (IETcc-CSIC), Madrid, Spain


Keywords: This study investigated characteristics of a calcium aluminate cement modified with a phosphate (CAP) by
Calcium aluminate cement (CAC) changing an amount and concentration of mixing solution with sodium polyphosphate. When the amount of
Sodium polyphosphate mixing solution was increased with a constant amount of sodium polyphosphate, an enhanced consumption of
Phosphate cement monocalcium aluminate was observed compared with gehlenite in calcium aluminate cement. Formation of
Mixing solution
gibbsite, Al(OH)3, was also increased as a hydration product in the CAP and a reduction of water in the
amorphous gel phase. When the amount of mixing solution was increased with a constant concentration of
sodium polyphosphate, the enhanced consumption of monocalcium aluminate was not observed. Neither
gibbsite nor any other crystalline hydration products were identified in this series. In addition, unreacted sodium
polyphosphate remained in the system. The increased formation of gibbsite and the possible reduction of water
from the amorphous gel phase appears to contribute to the improvement of the microstructure in the products.

1. Introduction metal solutions as an alternative of ordinary Portland cement [11]. CAP

systems have also been investigated for cementation of radioactive
Chemically-bonded phosphate cements and ceramics can have a wastes [12] including the aqueous secondary wastes arising from the
wide range application, from the technical cements such as dental ce- water treatment of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Stations [13].
ments [1] and shielding material for neutrons or immobilizing matrix The CAP usually consists of anhydrous CAC powder, phosphate
for highly radioactive fission products [2], to the products as common powder(s) and mixing water. It is considered that the CAC hardens
as the construction cements and the corrosion and fire protection together with phosphate component through the acid-base reaction [9].
coatings [3]. Compositional effects on the characteristics of the CAP systems have
Calcium aluminate cement (CAC) modified with phosphates are a been investigated, but the focus of the investigations have been on the
type of chemically-bonded phosphate cements, and can be found in phosphate components, either the types of phosphates [12] or the
various studies. CAC modified with ammonium polyphosphate was amount of the added phosphates against a fixed composition of CAC
investigated by Sugama and Callciero as an alternative for the magne- system [8]. The effects of the mixing solution with varied phosphate
sium phosphate cement system that experiences a hydrolytic dete- and water amounts on the characteristics of the CAP have not been
rioration [4]. They later improved their system by replacing the am- openly reported, despite the significance of water contents in the
monium phosphates to sodium phosphates as the environmentally safe properties of cementitious systems. Numbers of studies on the water
reactant [5] to avoid the potential emission of NH3 gas. Ma and Brown contents can be found for the other cement systems [14–17].
used sodium phosphates to modify CAC hydration, as a means to sup- The present study focused on the amount of mixing solution in the
press the formation of metastable CAH10 and C2AH8 and avoid the CAP system. Based on the formulation in the literature [9], CAC was
consequent conversion reaction into stable C3AH6 [6,7]. modified with a sodium polyphosphate, but the amount of mixing so-
The well-known characteristics of the CAC modified with phos- lution was altered with a constant amount of sodium polyphosphate (a
phates (CAP) are; rapid setting [8], high mechanical strength [9] and constant phosphate to CAC ratio) or a constant concentration of sodium
relatively low internal pH [10]. Taking these characteristics into ac- polyphosphate (a constant phosphate to water ratio), and their effects
count, the CAP was investigated for solidification/stabilization of toxic on the reaction of CAC clinker phases, resulting product phases and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: irisawa.keita@jaea.go.jp (K. Irisawa).

Received 2 August 2019; Received in revised form 11 November 2019; Accepted 22 November 2019
0008-8846/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Irisawa, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 128 (2020) 105951

Table 1 After 28 days of curing, the samples were crushed into roughly <
Oxide composition of Secar® 51 [13]. 1 cm3 pieces and immersed in acetone for a few days. Samples were
Oxides Al2O3 CaO SiO2 TiO2 Fe2O3 MgO SO3 K2O + Na2O then air dried at room temperature for 24 h, followed by a vacuum
desiccation at ca. 50 Torr to prevent potential carbonation. Some of the
(wt%) 50.77 38.39 4.83 2.04 1.82 0.40 0.24 0.63 pieces were mounted in an epoxy resin and surface polished to analyse
the microstructure of the resulting cement pastes by scanning electron
microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX) using a HITACHI
basic microstructure of the hardened products were examined. TM3030. Remaining samples were further ground and sieved
to < 63 μm for X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis with a Siemens D500
2. Experimental diffractometer (Cu Kα radiation). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
was also carried out, with powdered samples heated from room tem-
2.1. Materials perature up to 1000 °C at 10 °C min−1 in a N2 flow (200 cm3/min.),
using a Perkin-Elmer TG analyser. The attenuated total reflection/
Secar® 51 supplied by Kerneos Ltd. was used as the basis of the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR/FT-IR) was also carried
binders studied in the present study, combined with reagent grade of out, with < 63 μm of powdered samples as mentioned above using a
sodium polyphosphate, (NaPO3)n (65–70%, Acros Organics Ltd.). The Perkin-Elmer Frontier Optica.
oxide composition of Secar® 51 is shown in Table 1 [13]. Distilled water
was used for dissolution of sodium polyphosphate and then mixed with 3. Results and discussion
3.1. Effect of water on reaction of CAC clinkers
2.2. Sample synthesis and testing procedures
Fig. 1 shows the X-ray diffractograms for the samples. Well defined
Sodium polyphosphate powders were premixed with distilled water and intense reflections of the crystalline calcium aluminate clinker
on a roller mixer for 24 h at room temperature. The mixed solution was phases were observed in the diffractogram of the CAPref, indicating
then added to the Secar® 51 powder during the initial hand mixing of monocalcium aluminate, CA (CaAl2O4, pattern diffraction file PDF #01-
30 s, followed by the shear mixing using a Silverson L4RT high shear 070-0134), gehlenite, C2AS (Ca2Al2SiO7, PDF #00-035-0755), and
mixer for 120 s at 2500 rpm to form a homogenous paste. After mixing, calcium titanate, CT (CaTiO3, PDF #01-075-2100). In good agreement
the paste was cured in a sealed plastic centrifuge tube at 20 °C for with the other reports [8,9,12,13], the CAPref shows no obvious re-
28 days. Table 2 shows the compositions of the CAP samples studied in flection for either the conventional hydration products observed in
the present study. In the Table 2, cement, sodium polyphosphate and hydrated CAC or any crystalline phases other than the anhydrous
distilled water were abbreviated as “c”, “p” and “w”, respectively. The clinker phases [8,9,12]. The phosphate modification is altering the re-
“p/c”, “p/w” and “w/c” were shown as their weight ratios. action pathway, avoiding the conventional CAC hydration and miti-
The composition of the reference sample (CAPref) is the same as that gating potential issues surrounding the conversion reaction throughout
reported by Chavda et al. [9], and composed of 100 g of the Secar® 51 the 28 days of curing period.
(hereinafter, referred to as “c”), 40 g of sodium polyphosphate (here- However, in the 0.40p/c series, a presence of gibbsite, AH3 (Al
inafter, referred to as “p”) and 35 g of distilled water (hereinafter, re- (OH)3, PDF#00-012-0401), a stable hydration product in the conven-
ferred to as “w”). Based on the reference composition, the amount of tional CAC was observed in the formulations with 0.75 and 1.00 of w/c
mixing solution was altered in two different ways; with a constant ratio (CAP75w and CAP100w), but hydrogarnet, C3AH6 (Ca3Al2O6·6H2O,
amount of sodium polyphosphate (at a constant p/c ratio of 0.40 g/g) PDF#00-024-0217), the other stable hydration product in the conven-
or a constant concentration of sodium polyphosphate (at a constant p/w tional CAC was not formed in CAP50w, CAP75w and CAP100w. The peaks
ratio of 1.14 g/g). For the p/c = 0.40 series (0.40p/c series), the CAP of AH3 (18.2 and 20.2°) clearly intensified when the w/c ratio increased
samples were called CAP50w, CAP75w, and CAP100w when the mixing in the 0.40p/c series. On the other hand, the intensity of the main peak
water increased to 50, 75, and 100 g, respectively. For the p/w = 1.14 assigned to CA (29.9°) decreased with increasing w/c ratio, and those
series (1.14p series), the CAP samples were called CAP57p, CAP86p, and assigned to C2AS (31.2°) indicated little change, suggesting the en-
CAP114p based on the increased amount of phosphate to maintain the hanced reaction of CA and limited reaction of C2AS under this condi-
concentration of phosphate constant when the mixing water increased tion. The 1.14p/w series indicated a very similar behaviour to the re-
to 50, 75, and 100 g, respectively. ference system. The peak corresponding to Aluminium phosphate,
AlPO4 (27.65°) [18] was not detected. Neither the formation of stable
Table 2 CAC hydration products (AH3 or C3AH6) nor enhanced reaction of CA
The compositions of the CAP samples in this study. was observed in their XRD data.
Sample Mass (g) Mass ratio (g/g) Fig. 2 shows the peak intensity ratio of the main peaks for CA
(29.9°) and C2AS (31.2°) as a function of w/c ratio of the system. The
Cement Mixing solution circle and square data points show the 0.40p/c series and the 1.14p/w
c p w p/c p/w w/c
series, respectively. The correlation coefficients (R2) of the 0.40p/c and
the 1.14p/w series were 0.96 and 0.01 by a least-square method, re-
CAPref 100 40 35 0.40 1.14 0.35 spectively. The small R2 value for the 1.14p/w series is due to the
0.40p/c series constant value of the data points, indicating the limited relevance of the
CAP50w 100 40 50 0.40 0.80 0.50
CAP75w 100 40 75 0.40 0.53 0.75
linear fitting. Although the simple comparison of XRD peaks would not
CAP100w 100 40 100 0.40 0.40 1.00 allow to conduct a precise quantitative analysis, the data presented here
1.14p/w series can show general trends. For the 0.40p/c series, the peak intensity ratio
CAP57p 100 57 50 0.57 1.14 0.50 of CA/C2AS appears to be linearly correlated with an increase of the w/
CAP86p 100 86 75 0.86 1.14 0.75
c ratio. On the other hand, for the 1.14p/w series, the peak intensity
CAP114p 100 114 100 1.14 1.14 1.00
ratio of CA/C2AS did not change. These results suggest that the con-
c: cement; p: sodium polyphosphate; w: distilled water; p/c: sodium polypho- sumption of CA increases with the increase in the w/c ratio, but it does
sphate to cement weight ratio; p/w: sodium polyphosphate to distilled water not change when the concentration of sodium polyphosphate in the
weight ratio; w/c: distilled water to cement weight ratio. solution is constant.

K. Irisawa, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 128 (2020) 105951

It should be noted that the enhanced dissolution of CA and forma-

tion of AH3 could be related, but not directly from the conventional
hydration of CAC. The reaction of CA, the main reactive clinker phase
in CAC results in the eventual formation of stable cubic phase (C3AH6)
through the formation of metastable hexagonal phases, CAH10 or C2AH8
as shown in the following equations [19,20].
CA + 10H → CAH10 (1)

2CA + 11H → C2 AH8 + AH3 (2)

2CAH10 → C2 AH8 + AH3 + 9H (3)

3C2 AH8 → 2C3 AH6 + AH3 + 9H (4)

From Eqs. (1)–(4), the hydration of CA to form C3AH6 can be

summarised as Eq. (5).
3CA + 12H → C3 AH6 + 2AH3 (5)

These equations show that, in the conventional hydration of CA, the

formation of AH3 should occur always along with the formation of
metastable CAH10, C2AH8 or stable C3AH6 in comparable amount.
However, XRD data (Fig. 1), did not show the presence of these phases,
suggesting that these hydration pathways did not occur.
A possible explanation for the formation of AH3 in the 0.40p/c
series without the other conventional CAC hydrates is the formation of
AH3 along the amorphous binding phase. It has been reported that
sodium calcium orthophosphate (SCOP) gel, NaCaPO4·nH2O, was
formed in the similar systems as a precursor phase of hydroxyapatite
[5,13]. In the presence of sodium polyphosphate, CA may be consumed
according to the following reaction to form SCOP gel,
CaO∙Al2 O3 + NaPO3 + (3 + n)H2 O → NaCaPO4 ∙nH2 O + 2Al(OH)3
Eq. (6) shows that the reaction of CA can result in AH3 without
forming other conventional CAC hydration products. The SCOP gel
cannot be observed in the X-ray diffractograms, because it is amorphous

3.2. Effect of water on product phases

Figs. 3 and 4 show mass loss (wt%) and differential mass loss (wt
%/°C) as a function of temperature for the 0.40p/c and the 1.14p/w
series, in comparison with CAPref. With respect to CAPref, the main mass
Fig. 1. X-ray diffractograms for the CAP samples. loss observed at 40–150 °C with a broad peak in the differential curve
could correspond to the loss of free water, as well as the loss of water
loosely bonded with the amorphous SCOP gel [5,9,12,13]. The small
mass loss in the region of 220–300 °C corresponds to the dehydration of
gibbsite, AH3 [21]. This suggests that gibbsite presented in a small
amount or in a poorly crystallized form in the CAPref, and was not
positively detected in the XRD.
When the amount of mixing solution is increased with a constant
amount of sodium polyphosphate in the 0.40p/c series, the mass loss of
free water and water loosely bonded with the amorphous SCOP gel at
40–150 °C increased first (CAP50w), but then, decreased according to an
increase of w/c ratio (CAP75w and CAP100w). On the other hand, the
mass loss attributed to AH3 at 220–320 °C increased and separated into
two peaks with the increased amounts of mixing solution. The mass loss
events at 220–240 and 240–320 °C were clearly observable in CAP100w.
A similar behavior of a synthetic gibbsite at corresponding tempera-
tures has been reported with DTA data [22], where the event at
220–240 °C is attributed to the loss of non‑hydrogen bonded hydroxyl
groups and that at 240–320 °C to the loss of water from gibbsite, part of
which resulting in the formation of boehmite (γ-AlOOH). A small mass
loss observed between 500 and 550 °C is attributed to the dehydrox-
Fig. 2. Intensity ratio of CA (29.9°) to C2AS (31.2°) as a function of w/c ratio.
ylation of the earlier formed boehmite. These results suggest that in-
creased mixing solution with a constant amount of sodium polypho-
sphate promotes the formation of gibbsite and decrease in the free

K. Irisawa, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 128 (2020) 105951

Fig. 5. The mass loss (a) up to 150 °C and (b) between 220 and 320 °C as a
function of the w/c ratio for the 0.40p/c (open circle) and 1.14p/w series
Fig. 3. (a) Mass loss (wt%) and (b) differential mass loss (wt%/°C) as a function
(closed circle).
of temperature for CAP50w, CAP75w, and CAP100w in 0.40p/c series, compared
with CAPref.
loss of free water and water bonded with the amorphous SCOP gel at
40–150 °C increased with increasing amount of mixing solution. On the
other hand, the mass loss of gibbsite at 220–320 °C did not show any
significant change. It appears that increasing amount of mixing solution
only influences the amount of free water and water loosely bonded with
the amorphous SCOP gel when the concentration of sodium polypho-
sphate in the mixing solution is constant. It did not contribute to the
increased formation of gibbsite, even if amount of the mixing solution
increased. The consumption of CA appears to depend on the con-
centration of sodium polyphosphate in the mixing solution. These re-
sults are in good agreement with the XRD results. The increase in
gibbsite was observed in the 0.40p/c series, whereas the 1.14p/w series
did not show the observable formation of gibbsite or any other crys-
talline hydrate phases.
Fig. 5 illustrates the mass loss up to 150 °C and that between 220
and 320 °C as a function of the w/c ratio both for the 0.40p/c and the
1.14p/w series. With respect to the 0.40p/c series (open circle), the
mass loss up to 150 °C behaved like inverted parabolic curve (Fig. 5 a),
but the mass loss between 220 and 320 °C showed a linear increase
(Fig. 5 b): the straight line is drawn by least square method (R2 = 0.97).
The exact cause of the inversed parabolic behavour for the free water
and water loosely bonded with the amorphous gel phase is unclear, but
must be related to the formation of gibbsite, as the mass loss between
220 and 320 °C attributed to the gibbsite formation gradually increases.
It appears that the formation of gibbsite takes some of the free water
and water loosely bonded with the amorphous gel.
This observation can provide some insight into the behavior of
alumina component in relation to the amorphous gel phase in CAP
Fig. 4. (a) Mass loss (wt%) and (b) differential mass loss (wt%/°C) as a function systems. Chavda et al. mentions the formation of C-A-P-H type gel,
of temperature for CAP57p, CAP86p, and CAP114p in 1.14p/w series, compared suggesting alumina component as a part of the amorphous gel phase
with CAPref. [9], whereas Sugama and Carciello conclude a formation of alumina gel
separated from the amorphous SCOP gel phase [5]. The data obtained
water and the water bonded with the amorphous SCOP gel, possibly in the present investigation suggests that both of these can happen,
because some of water was used to form gibbsite. depending on the concentration of sodium polyphosphate in the mixing
When the amount of mixing solution is increased at a constant solution. A possible explanation is that, when the concentration is high,
concentration of sodium polyphosphate in the 1.14p/c series, the mass i.e., CAPref (same composition as Chavda et al. [9]), alumina

K. Irisawa, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 128 (2020) 105951

[5]. Orthophosphates can show strong and broad peaks ranging from
1150 to 1000 cm−1 [25–27]. These bands would also coincide with the
formation of SCOP gel, as reported by Sugama and Carciello [5]. The
result indicates that the sodium polyphosphate used in the CAPref was
consumed by acid-base reaction with Secar® 51 and orthophosphate gel
was formed.
In the 0.40p/c series (Fig. 6b), the band at 1024 cm−1 corre-
sponding to R-PO4 becomes more intense as the amount of the mixing
solution is increased with a constant amount of sodium polyphosphate.
This peak could also be overlapping with the bending vibration (δ) of
OH groups in AH3 to be observed at 1020 cm−1 [20]. On the other
hand, the bands at 910 and 1080 cm−1 corresponding to H2PO4− be-
comes less intense with the increase in water. These results indicate that
increasing mixing solution with constant amount of sodium polypho-
sphate led to an increase in R-PO4 and AH3, but to a decrease in
In the 1.14p/w series (Fig. 6c), the band at 1260 cm−1 corre-
sponding to P]O became observable when the mixing solution is in-
creased at a constant concentration of sodium polyphosphate. The
balance of the absorption bands at 1080, 1024, and 910 cm−1 did not
show any observable change among the CAPref, CAP57p, CAP86p, and
CAP114p although the intensity of the peaks appears to gradually in-
crease. The observation of P]O bonding shows that a significant
amount of sodium polyphosphate remained in the system without fully
consumed when it is increased together with water at a constant con-
centration, suggesting a limited reaction of CAC clinkers necessary for
the consumption of sodium poly phosphate. This is consistent with the
XRD data previously discussed.
Fig. 6. ATR-FT/IR spectra for (a) raw materials, (b) the CAP samples in the
0.40p/c series, and (c) the CAP samples in the 1.14p/w series. 3.4. Effect of water on microstructure

component can stay as a part of the amorphous gel, but it can pre- Fig. 7 shows backscattered electron (BSE) and elemental mapping
cipitate as gibbsite when the concentration of sodium phosphate in the (Na, P, Al, Ca) images for the CAPref, CAP100w and CAP114p. In the BSE
solution becomes low, simultaneously resulting in some reduction of images, microcracks are shown in black lines and unreacted CAC
water by the consumption of free water and water loosely bonded with clinker phases in light grey. The microcracks is considered to be formed
the amorphous SCOP gel. by the shrinkage of the amorphous binding phase, because of the initial
With respect to the 1.14p/w series (closed circle), the mass loss up exothermal acid-base reaction between Secar® 51 and sodium poly-
to 150 °C showed a linear increase (Fig. 5a): a straight line was drawn phosphate and successive cooling down of the system [8,12].
by a least square method (R2 = 0.99). On the other hand, the mass loss The BSE image for CAP100w clearly shows less microcracks and
between 220 and 320 °C did not show any observable change with the unreacted CAC clinker phases compared with those for CAPref and
increase in the w/c ratio (Fig. 5b). The linear increase in the mass loss CAP114p. The increased reaction of CAC or CA (the main clinker phase
up to 150 °C shows an enhancement of the free water and water loosely of Secar® 51) is consistent with the XRD results shown in Fig. 1. It
bonded with the amorphous SCOP gel, likely suggesting a mild increase appears that the increase in the mixing solution (without changing the
in the amorphous gel formation. Since the high concentration of sodium amount of sodium polyphosphate) can improve the microstructure of
polyphosphate in the mixing solution was maintained in this series the system by promoting the reaction of CA. In this particular series
(1.14p/w series) and the consumption of CA was limited, the gibbsite (0.40p/c series), the increased formation of gibbsite and the reduction
formation was not increased, even if the amount of the mixing solution of water bonded with the amorphous gel phase were identified (Figs. 3
was increased. and 5), and they must have also contributed to the improvement of the
microstructure. This is interesting, as the reduction of microcracks in
3.3. Effect of water on bonding in the product phases the CAP systems has been reported so far only by curing the system at
elevated temperatures [13].
Fig. 6 shows the ATR-FT/IR spectra for the raw materials (Secar® 51 According to the elemental mapping, Na and P clearly exist in the
and sodium polyphosphate) and the CAP samples (0.40p/c and 1.14p/ amorphous matrix phase in all of CAPref, CAP100w and CAP114p, while Al
w series). With respect to the raw materials (Fig. 6a), the most obvious and Ca exist both in the amorphous matrix and unreacted CAC phases.
signals on Secar® 51 are the absorption bands in the region of It is, however, noticeable that more Al and Ca are dispersed in the
900–650 cm−1. The bands from 900 to 750 cm−1 are attributed to the matrix phase in the CAP100w (0.40p/c series), confirming the enhanced
stretching vibration (υ) of AleO in AlO4 groups, while the bands at reaction of CA and corresponding inclusion of Al and Ca in the matrix
750–600 cm−1 are associated with those in AlO6 groups [23]. The peak phase.
at 1020 cm−1 corresponds to the bending vibration (δ) of OH groups in
AH3 [24]. Sodium polyphosphate shows the absorption bands for P]O 4. Conclusions
(1260 cm−1), PeO (1080 cm−1), P-O-P stretching mode (980 and
864 cm−1), and a region of double absorption band for δ P-O-P mode The present study investigated the effects of the amount of mixing
(780–710 cm−1) [5,13,25]. solution on the characteristics of the CAP system. When the mixing
With respect to the CAPref (Fig. 6b and c), the peak at 1260 cm−1 solution was increased with a constant amount of sodium polypho-
corresponding to P]O double bonds disappeared, and a new band at sphate, the consumption of monocalcium aluminate in the CAC was
1024 cm−1 was observed, corresponding to orthophosphate (R-PO4) enhanced, resulting in the increased formation of gibbsite and the

K. Irisawa, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 128 (2020) 105951

Fig. 7. Backscattering electron (BSE) and elemental mapping (Na, P, Al, Ca) images for the CAPref, CAP100w, and CAP114p.

reduced free water and water bonded with the amorphous gel phase. No addition, unreacted sodium polyphosphate remained in the CAP.
crystalline hydration products with calcium was identified, suggesting The data obtained in the present investigation suggests that alumi-
that it is forming a part of the amorphous gel phase. On the other hand, nium ions can take a part of the amorphous gel phase or precipitate as
when the mixing solution was increased with constant concentration of gibbsite when the amount of mixing solution is increased, depending on
sodium polyphosphate, the enhanced consumption of monocalcium the concentration of sodium polyphosphate in the mixing solution.
aluminate was not observed. Neither gibbsite nor any other crystalline When the concentration is high, aluminium ions can stay as a part of the
hydration products was identified in the products in this series. In amorphous gel, but it can precipitate as gibbsite when the

K. Irisawa, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 128 (2020) 105951

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