CSSA 2001 Ext 1 THSC With Solutions

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Question I Begin a new page

(a) Findrhcvalueol' I (-r) * t

(b) A(-2, - 5) and f(t , +) are two points.Find the acutcangleI betweenthe linc AB
and the line x +2y * 1 = 0 , giving the answercorrectto the nearestminute.

(c) The polynomial 1{r) = r-s+ a x' + b x leavesa remainderof 5 whcn it is divided by
G -2), whcrc a and b arenumericalconstants.

(i) Shorvthat t'(,r) is o<Jd.

(ii) Henccfinclrhe rcmainderrvhen P(r) is divided by (x +2) .


ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.The tangentat A t o t h e c i r c l e t h r o u A

g h, B , C a n d D is
paralleltD BD.

(i) Copy thc diagram.

(ii) Give a reasonwhy I ACB : IMAB . I
(iii) Give a rcasonwhy Z ACD = '/.ABD. I
(iv) Henceshow that AC bisectsZBCD . 2

Question 2 Begin a new page

(a) Find (, 1 7

(b) a(-t ,+) and B( r,.V) are two points.The point 414 ,-O) aivirtesthc intervalAB
cxtcrnallyin the ratio 5 : 3. Find the coordinatesof B.

(c.) Find the numberol'ways in which the lettersof thc word EXTENSION can bc arrangcdin
a straightlinc so that no two vowcls arc ncxt to eachother.


\zt ,t')

x' -- 4y. The tangentto thc

\Zt ,f) is a variablepoint which moveson the parabola
parabolaal P cuts thc x axis at T. M is the midpoint of Pf.

(i) Show thatthe tangent P'f hasequation I x - y - tz - O.

(ii) Show that M hascoordinatcs (+ , {) I

\2 2)

(iii) Hencellnd the Cartesianequationo[ the locusof M as P moveson the parab<lla. l


Question 3 Begin a new page

(Ze + A), show that c o s 3 4- 4 c o s t A - 3 c o s A .

(a) (i) By cxpanding cc.,s

(ii) Hcnccshow that il' 2 cosA- x + f then 2cos3A:x3 * 4

x x

(b) Thc function/(.r) is givenby /(t) - .f,r+6 lor x > -6

(i) Fincllhe inverseI'unction / andfind its domain. 2
(ii) On thc samediagram,sketchthe graphsof y : I(r) and y - f-'("), showing 3
clearly the intcrceptson the coordinatcaxes. Draw in the line y -- x .
(iii) Show thatthe x coordinatcsof any pointsol'intersectionof the graphsy - ,f(x) and
y - f - t ( r ) s a d s f yt h e e q u a t i o nx ' - t c - 6 = 0 . H e n c ef i n d a n y p o i n t s o fi n t e r s e c t i o n
o[ the tlvo graphs.

Question 4 Begin a new page

(a) U s e M a t h e m a t i clanld u c t i o n t o s h o w t h a5t ' + Z ( f f isamultipleof 3 forall


Two concentriccircles with centre O have radti 2 cm and 4 cm . The points P and a
lie on the largercirclc zurd /. POQ = y , where 0 <,r . T .

(i) lf the arca A cm2 ol' the shadedregioni. t the areaof the largcr circle, show that
x satisf'ies theequationSsinx -2x -/c =0.
( i i ) S h o w t h a t t h i s e q u a t i o n h a s a s o l u txi o
= na , , w h e r c O . 5 < a < 0 - 6 .
(iii) Taking 0-6 as a lirst approximationflor a , usc one applicationol'Newton's Method
to lind a sccondapproximation,giving the answercorrcctto two decimalplaces.
Question 5 Begin a new page

f I
(a) Evaluate
in simple.slexactform,

= sin' r ' 4
(b) At any point on the curve y - IG), the gradientlunction is given by #

Findrhevatueof f (+) - f (?)

(c) A particteis pcrfonning Simple HarmonicMotion in a straightlinc. At timc I secondsit

(J on
hai velocity v metrespcr seiond, and displacementx metreslrom a lixcd point
thelinc, where x - 5,ns #'
(i) Find the penod of the motion.

(ii) Find an expressionfor v in terms of t, and henceshow that v' = * (tS- "t) .
Find rhe speedof the particlc when it is 4 rnetres to the nght of O.

Question Begin a new Page


aeroplaneA through a telescoPeT'

A personon horiz.ongalground is looking at an -'at
go ms a constantaltitude of 200 rnetres
The aeroplanels approachingat a speed.ol
of the aeroplanefrom the telescopeis
abovethe terescope.when the honiontal distance
is 0 radians'
r metres,the anile of elevation of the aeroplane

-, 200
(i) Showthat I = tan

d0 16000
(ii) Showthat 2 +4O000
d, x
: La, giving the answerin degrees
(iii) Find the rateat which e is changingwhen 0
per secondcorrect to the nearestdegrce'

its displacement is x metres from

(b) A particle movesin a straightrine. At time / seconds -" -t
and its velocity is v ms
a fixetl point O on the line, its accelerationis a ms

whereYisgivenbY'-2 ;

(i) Find an exPressionlor a rnterms of x'

- 6Oe-'
(ii) Show that , = dx , and henceshow that x' =&
[ #

limiting behaviouro[ the particle'

(iii) sketch the graphof r' against r and describethe

Question 7 Begin I new Page

(a) Four farr dice are rolled. Any die showing 6 is left alone,while the rematningdice are
rolled again.
(i) Find rhe probability (cone ctto 2 decimal places)that after the first roll of the dice,
exactly one of the four dice is showing 6:
(ii) Find the probabitity (correct ro 2 decimalplaces) that after the secondroll of the dice
exactlytwo of the f our dice are showing 6.

(b) A particleis projectedfrom a point O with speecl50 ms at anangleof elevation0 ,
andmovesfreelyundergravity,where 8 = l0 ms
of theparticleat
for thehorizontalandverticaldisplacements I
(i) Wntedownexpressions
timet secondsrelerredto axes Ox andOy.
(ii) Henceshowthattheequarionof thepathof theprojectile,givenasa quadraticequation 2
in tanO, is . r t t a n '0 - 5 0 0 , rt a n O* ( " t + 5 o o y ) - 0 '

(iii) Henceshowthattherearetwo valuesof 0 , 0 < 0 .7, for whichtheprojectilepasses 2

rhroughagivcnpoint(X,f) providedthat 500Y < 62500-X2-

(iv) If theprojectilepasses rhroughthepoint (X, X) whosecoordinates satisfythisinequaliry, 2

andthe two valuesof 0 are a and P , find expressions in terms o[ X for
r a n s + t a n p a n d l 4 t a t a n B , a n d h e n c e s h o w tah+aPt = + .

Page4 QUESTION 2(c) Find the number of ways in which the letters of the
word EXTENSION can be arrangedin a straight line so
that no two vowels and no two consonantsare next to

Page7 QUESTION6(b) A particle moves in a straight line. At time / secondsits

displacementis x metresftoq a fixed point O on the
lini, its accelerationis d -s-2, and its velocity is v ms-l
wherev is given by u --Z - + The particle
x z
starts2 metresto the right of O

Mathematics Extension I CSSA HSC Trial Examination
Marking Guidelines

Question I
(a) Outcomes Assessed:H5, H9
Markin Guidelines

or simplification
. one mark lor value of sum

- - 3 1+ 4 t '= 1 9
I ( - r ) ' * t = l !+ 2 t

(b) i;'r.",,,., P4
Markin Guidelines

. onern"arkfor values of gradtents

. one mark for value of tan 0
I one mark for size of angle

AB hasgradient m, = J
x+2y*1= 0 hasgradientmr= d-
+ tan0 ='
=1,:-#l . - .Q - 8 1 0 5 2 '

(c) OutcomesAssessed:(i) PS (ii) PE3

Markin Guidelines

(i) . on" markfor showing{r) is odd

(ii) . onemarkfor showingremainderis -(z)
o one mark for value of remainder

(i) (ii) WhenP(") is dividedbY({ +2) ,
{-r) = (-r)' + c (-.r)' + b (-x) remainderis y'1-Z)= - 42) since P(t) is odd
=-r5 -ax3-bx =-5 since 42)=S
={rt +axt +b.r)

= -{r) for all .r

.'. {t) is odd.

2603- 2
(d) Outcomes Assessed:(t) ( i i ) P E 3 (iii)PE3 (iv)H5' PEz, PE3

Marki Guidelines

br copying dtagram
(ii) 'one mark for reason
(iii) . one mark for reason
(iv) ' one mark for showing -/- MAB= I ABD
. one mark for showing I ACB - /. ACD

(ijr) z ACD = I ABD becausethe anglessubtendedin
the samesegmentat B and C by the arc AD are


ZMAB = ^t ABD (equal alternate angles, W ll BD)

/.AcB - z.ACD(aln = ./.ACB,ABD = /ACD)
(rL) Z ACB = Z MAB becausethe angle betweenthe AC biSECtSZBCD
tangentMA and the chord AB through the point of
contactA is equal to the angle ACB in the alternate

Question 2
(a) Outcomes Assessed:P7, PEs
Markin Guidelines

oone mark for lirst denvafve

o one mark for secondderivative


dz = z k " ) + ( z . t( )z r r " ) = z ( r + 2 x ' ) e "

L ," = Zxe" - e
,r = (zrr"
dr dx' dx

(b) Outcomes Assessed: P 4

Markin u eunes
Crlteria Marks

o one mark for equationin y 3

o one mark for coordinatesof B


sx-3x(-1) = 14 + 5r+3=28 . ' .l = 5

lY-3x(4) - -6 = 5Y-12=-12 .'.)=0
,comes Assessed:PE3
Markin Guidelines

. one rnark for number of arrangementsoI vowels

. one mark for number of arrangementsof consonanG
. one mark for total numbcr of arrqnSgments

The vowels ( E, E, I, O) can be arrangedin The consonants( N,N, S, T, X ) can be arranged
2 = 6O lvays'
-- L2 waYS' positionsl, 3, 5, 7, 9 in
positions 2, 4, 6, 8 in
=72O .
Hencethe total number of arrangementsis 12 x 60

(d) OutcomesAssessed:(i) PE3' PE4 (ii) PE3 (iii) PE3

Markin Guidelines

@equationof tangent
(ii) 'one markflorcoordinates of T
. onemark for coordinatesof M
(iii) . one mark for


(ii)Atr, )=0+ tx-0-t2=0 - x=l

Hence I hascoordinates (t, O), and
M isthe midPointof \Zt ,t'\ and T '0) '
tr,,,') cmrdinates 4, = (+, A
W, )

d y r 3t 2x
(i) y-i x' + _2.=i X (iii)AtM,x:7 - '=a
hasgradientl(zt) - t r ? , (2x\' 2xz
.'.tangentat 4,,r') : . Y -+ t ' = t \[J;. J, 9
and equation y-t'-t(x-Zt)
Hencethe locus haseqution ? x z - 9 y .
tx-y-t/ =O
Qu es t ion 3

(a) O ut c om es As s e s s e d : (i ) P 4 ( i i ) P E 3

n G ulideli
(l el tnes
Criteria Marks
(i) ' one mark lor expansionand expressions for cos2.4' sin 24
' one mark for simplification to obtain final expressionflor cos3,4 in terms o[ cosA

(ii) . one mark for expressing2 cos34 in termsof ( ** !')

\ x J 5
o one mark for binomial expansionof r *1')
\ x J
o one mark for simplification to obtain final expressionfor cos3A in terms of x

(i) (ii)
cos34 - rcs(2A+ A) 2 c o s 3 A = 8 c o sAt - 6 c o s A
=cos2AcrlsA-sin2^4sinA = (2cosA)' -3 (2ms A)
= (Zcos' A-1)ms A - (2sinAos.
)sinA l\3
=/ - 3_[ ./ r * ; )l \
= 2 o s t A - c o s A- 2 s i n z A c o s A [.'*=)
- 2 c o s ' A - c o s A- Z ( l - o o s 2 a ) m s e 1
=13*3.r+ *f1)'-rr- 1
x \J/ x
= 4 c o s 3 A- 3 c o s A
= r t + 1* 3-

(b) Outcomes Assessed:(i) P5, HE4 (ii) pS, HE4 (iii) p4

Markine Guidelin es
Criteria Marks
(i) . onemarkforfindingthffi
. onemarkfor thedomainof theinversefunction
(ii) . onemarkfor the graphof y = f(t) andintercepts
. onemarkfor the graphof y - f -t(r) andintercepts 7
. onemarkfor the line y = J passingthroughthepointof intersection
(iii) . onemarkfor theequation
oonemarkfor thecoordinates of thepointof intersection

(i) (ii)
Y -,[ffi Inbrchanging ,r and y
y'=x*6 gives y=x'-6
x = !' -6 .-.I-t (r) = x, -6 l= x

Range .f /(r) is
Domain d f-'(x) is v - f(x)
{y:v>o} {.r:x>o}
(iii)Wherey=;(x), y -.f -'(rI != x intersecr,
-t(.t)-r =+
f .rt-6=r

But .r *-2 (ourside
domain)..-. .r = 3 pointol' thc cur!'csrs (3,3).
Question 4
(a) Outcomes Assessed: HE2
ar l n G uri d e ltnes
Criteria Marks
. one mark lor establishingthe truth of S(l)
o onemark for s(ft) true + 5* + z(tt') -lt t for someinteger M.
oo n e m a r k f o r5 t * '+ z ( t t ' . ' ) = s ( s * ) + z z ( t t - ) 5
o one mark for deducing s(k) tme + s(k + I) true
. one mark for deducing s(") true for all integers n> |

D e f i n e t h c s e q u e n c e o f s t a t e mSe( n )t s: 5 n + Z ( f f " ) i s a m u l t i p l e o f 3 , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . .
ConsiderS(l): 5' + Z(tt') =Zl = 3 x 9 .'. S(t) is true.
If S(t) is true, then 5t +Z(tlr)=Zttt forsomeintegerM. **

c o n s i d e r s ( t + t )s: t ' r+ z ( t t * " ) =s ( s ^ ) + z z ( t t=- )t f i t ' ) * z ( t t ' ) l * r z ( r r * )

.'.st*'*z 01'.')= 5QM)+ tz 0r-)= 3{sM+ + (rr')} if s(t) ;s rrue,using *x
But M andk integral+ +(r r is an integer.
S(ft)true =r S(ft+l) true, k =1,2,3,...
Hences(t) is rrue, and if S(/<)is true, thenS(k+ 1) is true. .'. ,S(2)is true, arrdthen S(f) is true,
andsoon. Henceby MathematicalInduction,^S(n)is truefor all positiveintegersn.

(b) Outcornes Assessed: (i) H 5 (ii) Ps, H2 (iii) PE3

arKlng Guideli
Criteria Marks
(i) 'one markfor areasof smallcirclesectorandtriangleOQ
o onemarkfor equatingexpression for shadedareato # of largecirclearea
. onernarkfor simplificationto find equationin requircdform
(ii; . on. rnarkfor showing/(0-5),/(0.6) haveopposite signs
. onemarkfor usingcontinuityof /(.r) to deduce0 . 5 < a < 0. 6
(iii) . onemarkfor expression for secondapproximation
. onemarkfor calculationof secondapproximation


(ii)L€t f(r)=8sinx-2x-x. Then

/(0.s) = - Q . 3 l< 0 a n d / ( 0 . 6 ) = 0 . 1 8> 0 .
Hence,sincef (r) is continuous,f (a) =O for
s o m e0 . 5 < a < 0 . 6 ,

(iii)Takinga firstapproximation a, =0.6,

(i) Nervton'smetho<J givesa secondapproximatron
Areaof A PoQ -- i(o')sin.r a=o-6 - /(0'6)-
Areasmallcirclcsecror=*(:t) .. . o ) - 2 ( o : o -) z
= 0-6_
s sin(o
.'. shadcdarea= 8sin.r - 2.r
8 cr>s(oe) - Z
.'.8 sin.r- ?x = *o (o') = rl
= 0 . 5 6 to ? decimal place.s.
8sin.r-2.r-It =0
stion 5

Outcomes Assessed:HE6
a Guideli
Criteria Marks
. one mark lor changeol-limits
. one mark for changeo[ variable 4
. one mark for integration
. one mark for evaluation


Let I-
| +t=-
J , a (,r+ Jx)
dx Then I __
1,,T V q Z u d u
I ^

t t z= x , u > O =1, tE.'J

zr=L a dx =2u du = 1 [ r (a
n + t)ll
x=lgr=1, x=49=-u-7 1 - j ( l n8 - l n 2 ) - 1 l n 4 = I n 2

(b) Outcomes Assessed: H5

Ma kt n Guideli
ul oettnes
Criteria Marl(s
. onemarkfor expressingsin?-r in termsof cos2-r
oonemarkfor integration,includingconslanto[ integration
. onemarkfor evaluationot f (+), t (T)
. onemarkfor valueof difference


dY - z.r
t sinf + .)
y = +(r -+sin2.r)+c, c coratant c)

(c) OutcomesAssessed:(i) HE3 (ii) H5, HE3

Mat kine G uidelines

a rKtn
Criteria Marks
(i) . one mark for finding the period of the motion
(ii) . one mark for expressing v t in termsof I
. one mark for expressing v t in termsof x
. one mark for the value of the speed,

vz= (+) :s (r- cos't,)
(i) Penod is Zrc + t = 4 seconds
(i i ) = ?(25-25cos't,)
, ' =T ( : s _ . r ' )
v=- = 5(-f,sin*r)
dt x = 4 : +, ' - ? ( : S - 1 6- ) +
v2=(+).25sin2*r is ? *.
Question 6

(a) Outcomes Assessed:(i) P4, HE4 (ii) HE4, HEs (iii)H5

Markins Guidelines

(i) ' one mark for expressionfor 0

(ii; . on" mark for expression fo, {

. one mark for exprcssion fo, {

(iii) . onemarkfor valued

. one mark for value of 0

(i) (ii)

d0 | ( 200\ -2C0
P -
- t - G t :
ITAP =0 dr l+(+)' \ x" / x'+ 40000
(alt. ./ s, parallellines) de dx - 200
-d0= (-80)
200 dt- a* at- f +4oooo
tan9 =-
x de 16000
0 - tan'r dt x'+4om

Hence e is increasingat I 1o s (conect to the nearestdegree)

(i) HEs (ii) H3' H5, HE4 (iii) HE3' HE7

(b) OutcomesAssessed:
ng Guidelines
Marklne ('u
Criteria Marks

(ii) . one mark for expressingI as an integral with respectto x

. one mark for intcgration t,otind f in terms o[ r
I one mark for expressionfor x' in termsof r 7
(iii) . one mark for graphof x' as a functionof I
. one mark for limiung values ot'x, v, Q
. one mark for descnptionof limiting behavioulluygrdl -

(i) (ii)
t t
g 32 64 - .uz
, (3?
V - = | - - '
= 'lo24
F 3 r - .r4 -- lt -

\.r il dr
r 2

o - ! 8 , , )' = +
" d!r(\ r. ry-
- 3 3+ .rt ) (Y G
dr*- 4)
- 1024 ,r ( 2-r
u =
T l
(ii) Cont.
| --- ln(o+- r') * > = c =1n60
r , ( a- q - * ' \
-. - rl{ I e _f-r'
\ 6 0 ) 60
.'. x'= & - 6Oe-'

A s t + o o , . r - + 8 - ,r - + t a - t = O ' , a - # f + * = O -
Hencethe particle.ism_ov_ing
right and slowing down as it approaches
its limiting position
8 metresto the right of O.

Questlon 7
(a) Outcomes Assessed: (i) HE3 (ii) HE3

ar Guldeli
u nes
urtterla Marks
(l) oonemartclor valueof probabiliry
(ii) 'one mark for expressibn for pr6babilityof two 6'son first roll andno 6'son second
' onemarkfor expression for probabilitiof one6 on first roll andone6 on second
' onemarkfor expressionfor probabilifyo[ no 6'son first roll and 5
. onernarkfor.valueof probability two 6'son second


(i) P(one6 on .firstroil) =aCr (+)'(f)3 = 0.39 (to 2 decimalplaces)

(ii) P(rwoC s on firstroil and no 6 s onsecondroil)=aCz({)'(*)' * 'c.(*)'(f)' = e.o8o4

\one 6 on firsrrotl and one 6 on secondrou) = .C,(*)t(*)' x 'c'(*)'(t)' = e'Bq
ftno G s on "firstrolt and rwo 6 s on secondrott)- aco(t)'(*)' " 'c'(*)'(*)' = Q'oss8
. ' . 4 m o 6 s o v e r a l t=
) 0 . 0 8 0 4+ 0 . 1 3 4 0 + 0 . 0 5 5 g= 0 . 2 7 ( to 2 decimalplaces)

(b) outcomes Assessed:(i) HE3 (ii) HE3 (iii) p4, H2 (iv) p 4 Hz

Marklns Guideli
u nes
urlterta Marks
(i) o one mark for expressionslor ; and y in te.ms of 0 und t
(ii) . one rnark flor expressionfor y in termsof .r
o one mark for rearrangementas quadraticin
tan 0
(iii) ' onemark fordiscnrninant in termsof X .nd y 7
' one mark for usingdiscnminant> 0 to give
(iv) ' one mark for the valuesof the sum and produciof rana', ran'p
in termso[
. one mark flor the value of a + p

( i ) x = 5 OI c o s 0 and )=50tsing -5t' (iii) Projectilepassesthroughthe point (X ' f) if

(it) tan0 satisfiesthe quadraticequation
x \:
sin0 5x' x' tan'e - 5oox tan6 * (x' + 5oor)- o
"-- _ -
- = f -
50cos0 msO 2500 cor 0 This cquationhasnvo distinct solutionsflor tan0 ,
500 y= 500,r tan0 x' sect I and hencefor I , provided its discriminant A > 0.
= 5 0 0 . r t a0n- x ' ( r * * ' 0 ) 4 - (-5oox)' - 4 x2(x' * soor)
= 50O.r tan0 - ,'- t
x'tan 0 = 4x' (ozmo - x'- 5oor)
;. x't;rn,e - 500.rtan0 *(tt +5oo y)= o .'. A> 0 Provided 5OOf < 63500 - X'

(iv) tf the projectilepassesthroughthe point (X, X) where 500X < 62500 - X', thenthe equation
x ' t a n ' e- 5 o o x t a n o* ( x ' + 5 o o x ) = o hastwo distinct real roots tan d , tarl p whcre
ffi=X 500 X 2 + 5 0 0 X = 1 + 500
tilt a+ tan p - = and tan d tan F =
x 2 x x' X

.'. mn(a+ F) =
tand + tanB
1- tana t:u,;.LB
S i n c0e< s + F < n , a+B =+.

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