Precal Exam

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Angeles City

Name: Kisha Punsalan Section: XI – St. Titus

 Convert degree measure to radian measure and vice versa.
 Illustrate angles in standard position and find coterminal angles.
 Solve problems involving angular and linear velocity.
 Solve for reference angles.
 Simplify trigonometric expressions.

 The final learning output can be computerized or handwritten. You may submit it in a word file or a
photo file if it is handwritten. Choose any of the following modes of submission:
1. MyClass for those with stable internet connection
2. email (send to )
3. Messenger (username )
4. face-to-face submission at AUF Sta. Barbara Campus once ECQ is lifted
 Follow the instructions below. Sample items are given in each subtest.

I. For the given table, give one angle (in degrees) that belongs to each quadrant. Fill in each column by
determining its equivalent value in radians, its smallest positive and largest negative coterminal angles,
and its reference angle. Examples are given on the pink rows.

Coterminal Angles Reference Angle

Angle in Conversion to Positive Negative (Note: Refer to
of the
Degrees radian (smallest (largest the 1st and 2nd
positive angle) negative angle) column)
π 5π 100 + 1rotation 100 – 1rotation Q II: 180 – 100 =
II 100 ° 100 ° ∙ =
180 9 = 460 ° = −260 ° 80 °
π 5π 300 + 1rotation 300 – 1rotation Q IV: 360 – 300
IV 300 ° 300 ° ∙ =
180 3 = 660 ° = −60 ° = 60 °
π 4π 80 + 1rotation 80 – 1rotation Q I: 80 = 80 °
I 80 ° 80 ° ∙ =
180 9 = 440 ° = −280 °

π 11π 110 + 1rotation 110 – 1rotation Q II: 180 – 110 =

II 110 ° 110° ∙ =
180 18 = 470 ° = −250 ° 70 °

π 10 π 200 + 1rotation 200 – 1rotation Q III: 200 – 180

III 200 ° 200 ° ∙ =
180 9 = 560 ° = −160 ° = 20 °

π 31 π 310 + 1rotation 310 – 1rotation Q IV: 360 – 340

IV 310 ° 310 ° ∙ =
180 18 = 670 ° = −50 ° = 20 °
II. Within your premises, look for circular object that rotates. Make your own problem out of it and
provide a solution. A sample problem is given below for your reference. Place your work on the given
textbox below.

Sample problem:

A small pulley 6 cm in diameter is connected by a belt to a larger pulley. The small pulley is turning at
4 π radians per second . Find the linear velocity of the rim of the small pulley.
Given: diameter = 6cm  radius (r) = 3cm
Angular velocity (ω)=4 π radians per second
Using the formula: v=rω
v=3(4 π)
v=12 π cm per second

II. Within your premises, look for circular object that rotates. Make your own problem out of it
and provide a solution.

A record is turning at 45 π per second. If the distance from the center of the record to a point on the edge
of the record is 8cm, find the linear velocity.


Given: Diameter = 8cm radius (r) = 4cm

Angular velocity (ω ¿ = 45 π per second
Using the formula: v = rω
= 4(45 π )
v = 180 π cm per second

III. Create or search for two (2) trigonometric expressions which simplifies to a single term (single
trigonometric function or a numerical value). Show how it simplifies to a single term by providing the
step by step solution. Two examples are given below for your reference. Place your work on the given
textbox below.

Sample expressions:
1) co s 3 θ+ co s 3 θ ta n2 θ  Factor out common factor: co s 3 θ
= co s 3 θ(1+ tan2 θ)  Use the Pythagorean Identity: 1+ tan2 θ=sec 2 θ
= co s 3 θ( sec 2 θ)  Use the Reciprocal Identity: sec θ=
cos θ
3 1
= co s θ( 2
)  Simplify.
cos θ
= cos θ

sin θ
2) tanθ cscθ cos θ  Use the Quotient Identity: tanθ=
cos θ
and the Reciprocal Identity: csc θ=
sin θ
sin θ 1
= ∙ ∙ cos θ  Simplify.
cos θ sin θ

III. Create or search for two (2) trigonometric expressions which simplifies to a single term (single
trigonometric function or a numerical value). Show how it simplifies to a single term by providing
the step by step solution.

1. tan θ sin θ + cos θ
sin θ sin θ
= (sin θ ) + cos θ  Use quotient identify: tanθ=
cos θ cos θ
si n θ cos θ
= + (cos θ)  Simplify fraction with LCD
cos θ cos θ
2 2
si n θ+cos θ
=  Simplify numerator
cos θ
=  Use Pythagorean identity: sin 2 θ+ cos2 θ=1
cos θ
= sec θ  Use reciprocal identity: secθ=¿
cos θ

sec θ tan θ
2. –
tanθ 1+ sec θ
= s ec θ ¿¿ ¿  Combine fraction
2 2
s ec θ+ sec −tan θ
=  Simplify the numerator
tan θ(1+ sec θ)
s ec θ+1
=  Use Pythagorean identity: 1+ tan2 θ=sec 2 θ
tan θ(1+ sec θ)
1 1
=  Use Reciprocal identity: cot θ =
tan θ tan θ
Trigonometric Expression Rubric:

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Solution and All solutions are correct. The solution is correct Some of the identities There is no solution to
Explanation Correct trigonometric but some trigonometric used are not correct. the problem.
identities were used; ratios are not used An incorrect answer was
calculations and properly. given due to some errors
explanations are correct. in the calculation.

Trigonometry Word Problem Rubric:

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Content and The word problem is The word problem is The word problem is The word problem is not
Organization written in clear and written in clear and not written in clear and written in clear and
coherent language. coherent language. coherent language. A coherent language, or
Mathematical concepts Some mathematical little understanding of may not be observed.
were applied/used concepts were not the mathematical Mathematical concepts
correctly. applied/used correctly. concepts is were not applied/used
demonstrated. correctly
Measurement and All measurements/ The solution is correct Some of the There is no solution to
Solution solutions are correct but some measurements measurements are not the problem.
and realistic. are not realistic. correct or realistic.
A correct formula was An incorrect answer
used; calculations and was given due to some
explanations are errors in the
correct. calculation.

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