Bioknowledgy Quick Quiz On Classification of Biodiversity (5.3)
Bioknowledgy Quick Quiz On Classification of Biodiversity (5.3)
Bioknowledgy Quick Quiz On Classification of Biodiversity (5.3)
1. Two different trees have been classified as Pinus pinea and Pinus nigra. Which of the following
statements is correct?
2. A collection of four animal specimens is observed and a dichotomous key is applied. Which specimen
is an arthropod?
A. Specimen A
B. Specimen B
C. Specimen C
D. Specimen D
B. Flat body
C. Hard exoskeleton
D. Presence of cnidocytes
5. Pseudolarix amabilis produces seeds but not flowers. Physcomitrella patens has leaves but not roots.
To which groups do they belong?
a. State the principle of natural classification that allows the prediction of characteristics shared by
species within a group.
b. Describe the problems caused by convergent evolution and adaptive radiation cause when using
the natural classification system.
The convergent evolution can cause unrealted especies to appear similar as the species occupy, similar
habitats; Adapive radiation causes related species to appear to be very different due to the species
occupying very different habitants.