Staad Pro British Example

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1 Design Operations Page 1 of 104

International Codes

British Codes - Concrete Design Per BS8110

2A.1 Design Operations

It is strongly recommended that the user should perform new concrete design using the RC
Designer Module. The following is provided to allow old STAAD files to be run.

STAAD has the capability of performing design of concrete beams, columns and slabs
according to BS8110. The 1997 revision of the code is currently implemented. Given the
width and depth (or diameter for circular columns) of a section, STAAD will calculate the
required reinforcement to resist the forces and moments.

International Codes

British Codes - Concrete Design Per BS8110

2A.2 Design Parameters

The program contains a number of parameters which are needed to perform and control the
design to BS8110. These parameters not only act as a method to input required data for
code calculations but give the Engineer control over the actual design process. Default
values of commonly used parameters for conventional design practice have been chosen as
the basis. Table 2A.1 contains a complete list of available parameters with their default

Table 2A.1 – British Concrete Design-BS8110-Parameters

Parameter Default Description

Name Value
FYMAIN *460 N/mm2 Yield Stress for main reinforcement
(For slabs, it is for reinforcement in
both directions)
FYSEC *460N/mm2 Yield Stress for secondary
reinforcement a. Applicable to shear
bars in beams
FC * 30N/mm2 Concrete Yield Stress / cube strength
MINMAIN 8mm Minimum main reinforcement bar

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size Acceptable bar sizes: 6 8 10 12

16 20 25 32 40 50
MINSEC 8mm Minimum secondary bar size a.
Applicable to shear reinforcement in
CLEAR * 20mm Clearance of reinforcement measured
from concrete surface to closest bar
MAXMAIN 50mm Maximum required reinforcement bar
size Acceptable bars are per
MINMAIN above.
SFACE *0.0 Face of support location at start of
beam. (Only applicable for shear - use
MEMBER OFFSET for bending )
EFACE *0.0 Face of support location at end of
beam. (NOTE : Both SFACE &
EFACE must be positive numbers.)
TRACK 0.0 0.0 = Critical Moment will not be
printed with beam design report.
Column design gives no detailed

1.0 = For beam gives min/max steel

% and spacing. For columns gives a
detailed table of output with
additional moments calculated.

2.0 = Output of TRACK 1.0

List of design sag/hog moments and
corresponding required steel area at
each section of member
MMAG 1.0 Factor by which column design
moments are magnified

Table 2A.1 - British Concrete Design-BS8110-Parameters

Parameter Default Description

Name Value
NSECTION 10 Number of equally-spaced sections
to be considered in finding critical
moment for beam design. The upper
limit is 20.
WIDTH *ZD Width of concrete member. This
value default is as provided as ZD in
DEPTH *YD Depth of concrete member. This
value default is as provided as YD
BRACE 0.0 0.0 = Column braced in both

1.0 = Column unbraced about local

Z direction only
2.0 = Column unbraced about local
Y direction only
3.0 = Column unbraced in both Y
and Z directions

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ELY 1.0 Member length factor about local Y

direction for column design.
ELZ 1.0 Member length factor about local Z
direction for column design.
SRA 0.0 0.0 = Orthogonal reinforcement
layout without considering torsional
moment Mxy -slabs only
-500 = Orthogonal reinforcement
layout with Mxy used to calculate
WOOD & ARMER moments for
A= Skew angle considered in
WOOD & ARMER equations where
A is the angle in degrees.
SERV 0.0 0.0 = No serviceability check
1.0 = Perform serviceability check
for beams as if they were
2.0 = Perform serviceability check
for beams as if they were simply
3.0 = Perform serviceability
check for beams as if they were
cantilever beams.

* Provided in current unit system

International Codes

British Codes - Concrete Design Per BS8110

2A.3 Slenderness Effects and Analysis Considerations

STAAD provides the user with two methods of accounting for the slenderness effects in the
analysis and design of concrete members. The first method is equivalent to the procedure
presented in BS8110 Part 1 1985 Section In this section, the code recognises that
additional moments induced by deflection are present and states that these 'secondary'
moments are accounted for by the design formula in Section 3.8.3. This is the method used
in the design for concrete in STAAD.

Alternatively STAAD houses a PDELTA ANALYSIS facility, which allows the effects of
these second order moments to be considered in the analysis rather than the design. In a
PDELTA analysis, after solving the joint displacements of the structure, the additional
moments induced in the structure are calculated. These can be compared to those calculated
using the formulation of BS8110.

International Codes

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British Codes - Concrete Design Per BS8110

2A.4 Member Dimensions

Concrete members that are to be designed by STAAD must have certain section properties
input under the MEMBER PROPERTIES command. The following example demonstrates
the required input:

1 3 TO 7 9 PRISM YD 450. ZD 300.
*CIRCULAR COLUMN 300mm diameter
11 13 PR YD 300.
* T-SECTION - FLANGE 1000.X 200.(YD-YB)
* - STEM 250(THICK) X 350.(DEEP)
14 PRISM YD 550. ZD 1000. YB 350. ZB 250.

In the above input, the first set of members are rectangular (450mm depth x 300mm width) and the
second set of members, with only depth and no width provided, will be assumed to be circular with
300mm diameter. Note that area (AX) is not provided for these members. If shear area areas ( AY &
AZ ) are to be considered in analysis, the user may provide them along with YD and ZD. Also note
that if moments of inertias are not provided, the program will calculate them from YD and ZD.
Finally a T section can be considered by using the third definition above.

International Codes

British Codes - Concrete Design Per BS8110

2A.5 Beam Design

Beam design includes both flexure and shear. For both types of beam action, all active
beam loadings are scanned to create moment and shear envelopes and locate the critical
sections. The total number of sections considered is ten, unless that number is redefined
with the NSECTION parameter. From the critical moment values, the required positive and
negative bar pattern is developed with cut-off lengths calculated to include required
development length.

Shear design as per BS8110 clause 3.4.5 has been followed and the procedure includes
critical shear values plus torsional moments. From these values, stirrup sizes are calculated
with proper spacing. The program will scan from each end of the member and provide a
total of two shear regions at each, depending on the change of shear distribution along the
beam. If torsion is present, the program will also consider the provisions of BS8110 - Part 2
-section 2.4. A table of shear and/or combined torsion is then provided with critical shear.

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Stirrups not bent up bars are assumed in the design. Table 2A.2 shows a sample output of
an actual reinforcement pattern developed by STAAD. The following annotations apply to
Table 2A.2

1) LEVEL - Serial number of the bar centre which may contain one or more
bar groups.

2) HEIGHT - Height of bar level from the soffit of the beam in relation to its
local y axis.

3) BAR INFO - Reinforcement bar information specifying number of bars and their

4) FROM - Distance from the start of the beam to the start of the reinforcing

5) TO - Distance from the start of the beam to the end of the reinforcing

6) ANCHOR - States whether anchorage, either a hook or

(STA,END) continuation, is needed at start (STA) or at the end (END).



LEN - 3854. mm FY - 460. FC - 30. SIZE - 300. X 600. mm


mm mm mm STA END

1 29. 6- 8 MM 0. 3854. YES YES

CRITICAL POS MOMENT = 55.31 KN-M AT 1927. mm, LOAD 3

REQD STEEL = 261.mm2, ROW = 0.0014, ROWMX= 0.0400, ROWMN = 0.0013
MAX/MIN/ACTUAL BAR SPACING = 189./ 33./ 40. mm

2 565. 6- 8 MM 0. 3854. YES YES

CRITICAL NEG MOMENT = 55.31 KN-M AT 1927. mm, LOAD 4

REQD STEEL = , ROW = 0.0014, ROWMX= 0.0400, ROWMN = 0.0013
MAX/MIN/ACTUAL BAR SPACING = 189./ 33./ 40. mm

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mm kN kNm S T SIZE S T S+T S T S+T

END 1 1156 84.4 12 4 2 8 mm 3 5 9 335 199 116

2697 END 2 86.6 12 3 2 8 mm 3 5 9 335 199 116



International Codes

British Codes - Concrete Design Per BS8110

2A.6 Column Design

Columns are designed for axial force and biaxial bending at the ends. All active loadings
are tested to calculate reinforcement. The loading which produces maximum reinforcement
is called the critical load and is displayed. The requirements of BS8110 Part 1 - section 3.8
are followed, with the user having control on the effective length in each direction by using
the ELZ and ELY parameters as described in table 2A.1. Bracing conditions are controlled
by using the BRACE parameter. The program will then decide whether or not the column is
short or slender and whether it requires additional moment calculations. For biaxial
bending, the recommendations of of the code are considered.

Column design is done for square, rectangular and circular sections. For rectangular and
square sections, the reinforcement is always assumed to be arranged symmetrically. This
causes slightly conservative results in certain cases. Table 2A.3 shows typical column design

Using parameter TRACK 1.0, the detailed output below is obtained. TRACK 0.0 would
merely give the bar configuration, required steel area and percentage, column size and
critical load case.

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FY - 460. FC -30. N/MM2 RECT SIZE - 300. X 600. MM,



8 12 MM 0.486 3 EACH END


BRACED /SHORT in z E.L.z = 4500 mm ( & 5 )

BRACED /SLENDER in y E.L.y = 4500 mm ( & 5 )
END MOMS. MZ1 = 1 MZ2 = 25 MY1 = 53 MY2 = 40

International Codes

British Codes - Concrete Design Per BS8110

2A.7 Slab Design

Slabs are designed to BS8110 specifications. To design a slab, it must first be modelled
using finite elements. The command specifications are in accordance with section 5.51.3 of
the Technical Reference Manual.

A typical example of element design output is shown in Table 2A.4. The reinforcement
required to resist the Mx moment is denoted as longitudinal reinforcement and the
reinforcement required to resist the My moment is denoted as transverse reinforcement
( Fig. 4.1 ). The following parameters are those applicable to slab design:

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1. FYMAIN - Yield stress for all reinforcing steel

2. FC - Concrete grade

3. CLEAR - Distance from the outer surface to the edge of the bar. This is
considered the same on both surfaces.

4. SRA - Parameter which denotes the angle of the required transverse

reinforcement relative to the longitudinal reinforcement for the calculation
of WOOD & ARMER design moments.

Other parameters, as shown in Table 2A.1 are not applicable.

WOOD & ARMER equations.


If the default value of zero is used for the parameter SRA, the design will be based on the
Mx and My moments which are the direct results of STAAD analysis. The SRA parameter
(Set Reinforcement Angle) can be manipulated to introduce WOOD & ARMER moments
into the design replacing the pure Mx, My moments. These new design moments allow the
Mxy moment to be considered when designing the section. Orthogonal or skew
reinforcement may be considered. SRA set to -500 will assume an orthogonal layout. If
however a skew is to be considered, an angle is given in degrees measured anticlockwise
(positive) from the element local x-axis to the reinforcement bar. The resulting Mx* and
My* moments are calculated and shown in the design format.

The design of the slab considers a fixed bar size of 16mm in both directions with the
longitudinal bar being the layer closest to the slab exterior face. Typical output is as



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FY=460, 6No.16mm BARS AT 150mm C/C = 1206mm2/metre

FY=250, 4No.16mm BARS AT 250mm C/C = 804mm2/metre


(mm2/m) (kN-m/m) (mm2/m) (kN-m/m)


1 0.619 0.249 0.000 2.226 1.855 30.000 TOP
1 0.619 0.249 0.000 0.000 0.000 30.000 BOTT
3 0.437 0.184 -0.007 1.586 1.358 30.000 TOP
3 0.437 0.184 -0.007 0.000 0.000 30.000 BOTT

13 TOP : 195. 2.23 / 1 195. 1.86 / 1

BOTT : 195. 0.00 / 3 195. 0.00 / 3

International Codes

British Codes - Concrete Design Per BS8110

2A.7 Shear Wall Design


Design of shear walls in accordance with BS 8110 has been added to the features of the program.

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The program implements the provisions of BS 8110 for the design of shear walls. It performs in-
plane shear, compression, as well as in-plane and out-of-plane bending design of reinforcing. The
shear wall is modeled by a single or a combination of Surface elements. The use of the Surface
element enables the designer to treat the entire wall as one entity. It greatly simplifies the modeling
of the wall and adds clarity to the analysis and design output. The results are presented in the context
of the entire wall rather than individual finite elements thereby allowing users to quickly locate
required information.

The program reports shear wall design results for each load case/combination for user specified
number of sections given by SURFACE DIVISION (default value is 10) command. The shear wall is
designed at these horizontal sections. The output includes the required horizontal and vertical
distributed reinforcing, the concentrated (in-plane bending) reinforcing and the link required due to
out-of-plane shear.

General format:




FC f2








LMAX f10



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The following table explains parameters used in the shear wall design command block above.

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The following example starts from the definition of shear wall and ends at the shear wall design.

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1. Command SET DIVISION 12 indicates that the surface boundary node-to-node segments will
be subdivided into 12 fragments prior to finite element mesh generation.

2. Four surfaces are defined by the SURFACE INCIDENCES command.

3. The SUPPORTS command includes the new support generation routine. For instance, the line
2 TO 5 GEN PIN assigns pinned supports to all nodes between nodes 2 and 5. As the node-to-
node distances were previously subdivided by the SET DIVISION 12 command, there will be
an additional 11 nodes between nodes 2 and 5. As a result, all 13 nodes will be assigned
pinned supports. Please note that the additional 11 nodes are not individually accessible to the
user. They are created by the program to enable the finite element mesh generation and to
allow application of boundary constraints.

4. Surface thickness and material constants are specified by the SURFACE PROPERTY and
SURFACE CONSTANTS, respectively.

5. The shear wall design commands are listed between lines START SHEARWALL DES and
END. The CODE command selects the design code that will be the basis for the design. For
British code the parameter is BRITISH. The DESIGN SHEARWALL LIST command is
followed by a list of previously defined Surface elements intended as shear walls and/or shear
wall components.

Technical Overview

The program implements provisions of section 3.9 of BS 8110:Part 1:1997 and relevant provisions
as referenced therein, for all active load cases. The wall is designed as unbraced reinforced wall. The
following steps are performed for each of the horizontal sections of the wall set using the SURFACE
DIVISION command (see Description above).

Checking of slenderness limit

The slenderness checking is done for out-of-plane direction. For out-of-plane direction, the wall is
assumed to be simply supported. Hence, the provisions of clause and are applicable.
The default effective height is 1.5 times the clear height. User can change the effective height. The
limit for slenderness is as per table 3.23 for unbraced wall, which is taken as 30.

Design for in-plane bending (denoted by Mz in the shear wall force output)

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Walls are assumed to be cantilever beams fixed at their base and carrying loads to the foundation.

Extreme compression fibre to centroid of tension (concentrated) reinforcement distance, d, is taken

as 0.8 horizontal length of the wall. Flexural design of the wall is carried out in accordance with the
provisions of clause no. 3.4.4. The flexural (concentrated vertical ) reinforcing is located at both ends
(edges) of the length of the wall. The edge reinforcement is assumed to be distributed over a length
of 0.2 times horizontal length on each side. This length is inclusive of the thickness of the wall.
Minimum reinforcements are according to table 3.25.

Design for in-plane shear (denoted by Fxy in the shear wall force output)

Limit on the nominal shear strength, v is calculated as per clause no.

Nominal shear strength of concrete is computed as per table 3.8. The design shear stress is computed
as per clause no. taking into consideration the effect of axial load. The area of
reinforcement is calculated and checked against the minimum area as per clause no.

Design for compression and out-of-plane vertical bending (denoted by Fy and My respectively in the
shear wall force output)

The wall panel is designed as simply supported (at top and bottom), axially loaded with out-of-plane
uniform lateral load, with maximum moments and deflections occurring at mid-height. Design is
done as per clause no. 3.8.4 for axially loaded column with uni-axial bending. The minimum
reinforcement percentage is as per table 3.25. The maximum reinforcement percentage of vertical
reinforcement is as per clause no. Links if necessary are calculated as per the provisions of

Design for out-of-plane shear (denoted by Qy in the shear wall force output)

The out-of-plane shear arises from out-of-plane loading. The design shear stress is calculated as per and shear strength of concrete section is calculated as per table 3.8 considering vertical
reinforcement as tension reinforcement. Shear reinforcements in the form of links are computed as
per table 3.7 and the provisions of clause

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Design for out-of-plane horizontal bending (denoted by Mx in the shear wall force output)

The horizontal reinforcement already calculated from in-plane shear are checked against the whole
section subjected to out-of-plane bending and axial load. The axial load in this case is the in-plane
shear. The section is again designed as axially loaded column under uni-axial bending as per the
provisions of clause 3.8.4. Extra reinforcement in the form of horizontal bars, if necessary, is

Shear Wall Design With Opening

The Surface element has been enhanced to allow design of shear walls with rectangular openings.
The automatic meshing algorithm has been improved to allow variable divisions along wall and
opening(s) edges. Design and output are available for user selected locations.


Shear walls modeled in STAAD.Pro may include an unlimited number of openings. Due to the
presence of openings, the wall may comprise up with different wall panels.

1. Shear wall set-up

Definition of a shear wall starts with a specification of the surface element perimeter nodes, meshing
divisions along node-to-node segments, opening(s) corner coordinates, and meshing divisions of four
edges of the opening(s).


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If the sd1, ..., sdj or the od1, ..., odk list does not include all node-to-node segments, or if any of the
numbers listed equals zero, then the corresponding division number is set to the default value (=10,
or as previously input by the SET DIVISION command).

Default locations for stress/force output, design, and design output are set as follows:


xd - number of divisions along X axis,

yd - number of divisions along Y axis.


xd and yd represent default numbers of divisions for each edge of the surface where output is
requested. The output is provided for sections located between division segments. For example, if
the number of divisions = 2, then the output will be produced for only one section (at the center of
the edge).

2. Stress/force output printing

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Values of internal forces may be printed out for any user-defined section of the wall. The general
format of the command is as follows:

where :

** The range currently is taken in terms of local axis. If the local axis is directed away from the
surface, the negative range is to be entered.


If command ALONG is omitted, direction Y (default) is assumed. If command AT is omitted, output

is provided for all sections along the specified (or default) edge. Number of sections will be
determined from the SURFACE DIVISION X or SURFACE DIVISION Y input values. If the
BETWEEN command is omitted, the output is generated based on full cross-section width.

3. Definition of wall panels

Input syntax for panel definition is as follows:

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i - ordinal surface number,

j - ordinal panel number,

ptype - panel type, one of: WALL, COLUMN, BEAM

x1 y1 z1 (...) - coordinates of the corners of the panel

4. Shear wall design

The program implements different provisions of design of walls as per code BS 8110. General
syntax of the design command is as follows:

Parameter TRACK specifies how detailed the design output should be:

0 - indicates a basic set of results data (default),

1 - full design output will be generated.


If the command AT is omitted, the design proceeds for all cross sections of the wall or panels, as
applicable, defined by the SURFACE DIVISION X or SURFACE DIVISION Y input values.

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a. No panel definition.

Design is performed for the specified horizontal full cross-section, located at a distance c from the
origin of the local coordinates system. If opening is found then reinforcement is provided along sides
of openings. The area of horizontal and vertical bars provided along edges of openings is equal to
that of the respective interrupted bars.

b. Panels have been defined.

Design is performed for all panels, for the cross-section located at a distance c from the start of the

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.1 General

The design philosophy embodied in BS5950:2000 is built around the concept of limit state
design, used today in most modern steel design codes. Structures are designed and
proportioned taking into consideration the limit states at which they become unfit for their
intended use. Two major categories of limit state are recognized - serviceability and
ultimate. The primary considerations in ultimate limit state design are strength and stability
while that in serviceability limit state is deflection. Appropriate safety factors are used so
that the chances of limits being surpassed are acceptably remote.

In the STAAD implementation of BS5950:2000, members are proportioned to resist the

design loads without exceeding the limit states of strength and stability. Accordingly, the
most economic section is selected on the basis of the least weight criteria. This procedure is
controlled by the designer in specification of allowable member depths, desired section
type or other such parameters. The code checking portion of the program checks that code
requirements for each selected section are met and identifies the governing criteria.

The complete B.S.C. steel tables for both hot rolled and hollow sections are built into the
program for use in specifying member properties as well as for the actual design process.
See section 2B.4 for information regarding the referencing of these sections. In addition to
universal beams, columns, joists, piles, channels, tees, composite sections, beams with
cover plates, pipes, tubes and angles, there is a provision for user provided tables.

STAAD.Pro 2006, has introduced the additional option to design tapered I shaped (wide
flange) beams according to Annex G of BS5950. See section 2B.13 for a complete

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Single Angle Sections

Angle sections are un-symmetrical and when using BS 5950:2000 table 25 we must
consider four axes; two principal, u-u and v-v and two geometric, a-a and b-b. In a
TRACK 2.0 design output, the ‘Buckling Calculations’ displays results for the ‘v-v’, ‘a-a’
and ‘b-b’ axes. The effective length for the v-v axis, L vv , is taken as the LVV parameter or
LY * KY, if not specified. The a-a and b-b axes are determined by which leg of the angle
is fixed by the connection and should be specified using the LEG parameter, see section
2B6.6 for more information on the LEG parameter. The effective length in the a-a axis is
taken as LY * KY and the effective length in the b-b axis as LZ * KZ.

The following diagram shows the axes for angles which have been defined with either an
ST or RA specification and is connected by its longer leg, i.e. a-a axis is parallel to the
longer leg.

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.2 Analysis Methodology

Elastic analysis method is used to obtain the forces and moments for design. Analysis is
done for the primary and combination loading conditions provided by the user. The user is
allowed complete flexibility in providing loading specifications and using appropriate load

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factors to create necessary loading situations. Depending upon the analysis requirements,
regular stiffness analysis or P-Delta analysis may be specified. Dynamic analysis may also
be performed and the results combined with static analysis results.

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.3 Member Property Specifications

For specification of member properties, the steel section library available in STAAD may
be used. The next section describes the syntax of commands used to assign properties from
the built-in steel table. Member properties may also be specified using the User Table
facility. For more information on these facilities, refer to the STAAD Technical Reference

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.4 Built-In Steel Section Library

The following information is provided for use when the built-in steel tables are to be
referenced for member property specification. These properties are stored in a database file.
If called for, the properties are also used for member design. Since the shear areas are built
into these tables, shear deformation is always considered during the analysis of these

Almost all BSI steel sections are available for input. A complete listing of the sections available in
the built-in steel section library may be obtained by using the tools of the graphical user interface.

Following are the descriptions of different types of sections available:

Universal Beams, Columns And Piles

All rolled universal beams, columns and pile sections are available. The following
examples illustrate the designation scheme.

20 TO 30 TA ST UB305X165X54
33 36 TA ST UC356X406X287
100 102 106 TA ST UP305X305X186

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Rolled Steel Joists

Joist sections may be specified as they are listed in BSI-80 with the weight omitted. In
those cases where two joists have the same specifications but different weights, the lighter
section should be specified with an "A" at the end.

10 TO 20 TA ST JO152X127
1 2 TA ST JO127X114A

Channel Sections

All rolled steel channel sections from the BSI table have been incorporated in STAAD. The
designation is similar to that of the joists. The same designation scheme as in BSI tables
may be used with the weight omitted.

10 TO 15 TA ST CH305X102
55 57 59 61 TA ST CH178X76

Double Channels

Back to back double channels, with or without spacing between them, are available. The letter
"D" in front of the section name will specify a double channel, e.g. D CH102X51, D
CH203X89 etc.

51 52 53 TA D CH152X89
70 TO 80 TA D CH305X102 SP 5.
(specifies a double channel with a spacing of 5 length units)

Tee Sections

Tee sections are not input by their actual designations, but instead by referring to the
universal beam shapes from which they are cut. For example,

54 55 56 TA T UB254X102X22
(tee cut from UB254X102X22)


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All equal and unequal angles are available for analysis. Two types of specifications may be
used to describe an angle section, either a standard, ST specification or reversed angle, RA
specification. Note, however, that only angles specified with an RA specification can be

The standard angle section is specified as follows:

15 20 25 TA ST UA200X150X18

This specification may be used when the local STAAD z-axis corresponds to the V-V axis specified
in the steel tables. If the local STAAD y-axis corresponds to the V-V axis in the tables, type
specification "RA" (reverse angle) may be used.

35 TO 45 TA RA UA200X150X18

Double Angles

Short leg back to back or long leg back to back double angles can be specified by inputting
the word SD or LD, respectively, in front of the angle size. In case of an equal angle, either
LD or SD will serve the purpose. For example,

14 TO 20 TA LD UA200X200X16 SP 1.5
23 27 TASDUA80X60X6
"SP" denotes spacing between the individual angle

Note that if the section is defined from a Double Angle User Table, then the section
properties must be defined with an 11 th value which defines the radius of gyration about an
individual sections’ principal v-v axis (See Technical Reference Manual, 5.19 User Steel
Table Specification)

Pipes (Circular Hollow Sections)

To designate circular hollow sections from BSI tables, use PIP followed by the numerical value of
diameter and thickness of the section in mm omitting the decimal section of the value provided for
diameter. The following example will illustrate the designation.

10 15 TA ST PIP213.2

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(specifies a 21.3 mm dia. pipe with 3.2 mm wall thickness)

Circular hollow sections may also be provided by specifying the outside and inside
diameters of the section. For example,

1 TO 9 TA ST PIPE OD 25.0 ID 20.0

(specifies a pipe with outside dia. of 25 and inside dia. of 20 in current length units)

Only code checking and no member selection will be performed if this type of specification
is used.

Tubes (Rectangular or Square Hollow Sections)

Designation of tubes from the BSI steel table is illustrated below:

Example: 15 TO 25 TA ST TUB160808.0

Tubes, like pipes, can also be input by their dimensions (Height, Width and Thickness) and
not by any table designations.

6 TA ST TUBE DT8.0 WT 6.0 TH 0.5

(a tube that has a height of 8, a width of 6, and a wall thickness of 0.5 length units)

Note that only code checking and no member selection is performed for TUBE sections
specified this way.

International Codes

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British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000

2B.5 Member Capacities

The basic measure of capacity of a beam is taken as the plastic moment of the section. This
is a significant departure from the standard practice followed in BS449, in which the
limiting condition was attainment of yield stress at the extreme fibres of a given section.
With the introduction of the plastic moment as the basic measure of capacity, careful
consideration must be given to the influence of local buckling on moment capacity. To
assist this, sections are classified as either Class 1, plastic, Class 2, compact, Class 3, semi-
compact or Class 4, slender, which governs the decision whether to use the plastic or the
elastic moment capacity. The section classification is a function of the geometric properties
of the section. STAAD is capable of determining the section classification for both hot
rolled and built up sections. In addition, for slender sections, BS5950 recommends the use
of a 'stress reduction factor' to reduce the design strength. This factor is again a function of
the geometry of the section and is automatically determined by STAAD for use in the
design process.

Axial Tension

In members with axial tension, the tensile load must not exceed the tension capacity of the
member. The tension capacity of the member is calculated on the basis of the effective area
as outlined in Section 4.6 of the code. STAAD calculates the tension capacity of a given
member per this procedure, based on a user supplied net section factor (NSF-a default value
of 1.0 is present but may be altered by changing the input value - see Table 2B.1 ),
proceeding with member selection or code check accordingly. BS5950 does not have any
slenderness limitations for tension members.


Compression members must be designed so that the compression resistance of the member
is greater than the axial compressive load. Compression resistance is determined according
to the compressive strength, which is a function of the slenderness of the gross section, the
appropriate design strength and the relevant strut characteristics. Strut characteristics take
into account the considerable influence residual rolling and welding stresses have on
column behaviour. Based on data collected from extensive research, it has been determined
that sections such as tubes with low residual stresses and Universal Beams and Columns are
of intermediate performance. It has been found that I-shaped sections are less sensitive to
imperfections when constrained to fail about an axis parallel to the flanges. These research
observations are incorporated in BS5950 through the use of four strut curves together with
a selection of tables to indicate which curve to use for a particular case. Compression
strength for a particular section is calculated in STAAD according to the procedure
outlined in Annex C of BS5950 where compression strength is seen to be a function of the
appropriate Robertson constant ( representing Strut Curve) corresponding Perry factor,
limiting slenderness of the member and appropriate design strength.

A departure from BS5950:1990, generally compression members are no longer required to

be checked for slenderness limitations, however, this option can be included by specifying

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a MAIN parameter. Note, a slenderness limit of 50 is still applied on double angles

checked as battened struts as per clause 4.7.9.

Axially Loaded Members With Moments

In the case of axially loaded members with moments, the moment capacity of the member
must be calculated about both principal axes and all axial forces must be taken into
account. If the section is plastic or compact, plastic moment capacities will constitute the
basic moment capacities subject to an elastic limitation. The purpose of this elastic
limitation is to prevent plasticity at working load. For semi-compact or slender sections,
the elastic moment is used. For plastic or compact sections with high shear loads, the
plastic modulus has to be reduced to accommodate the shear loads. The STAAD
implementation of BS5950 incorporates the procedure outlined in section 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 to
calculate the appropriate moment capacities of the section.

For members with axial tension and moment, the interaction formula as outlined in section
4.8.2 is applied based on effective tension capacity.

For members with axial compression and moment, two principal interaction formulae must
be satisfied – Cross Section Capacity check ( and the Member Buckling Resistance
check ( ). Three types of approach for the member buckling resistance check have
been outlined in BS5950:2000 - the simplified approach (, the more exact
approach ( and Annex I1 for stocky members. As noted in the code, in cases
where neither the major axis nor the minor axis moment approaches zero, the more exact
approach may be more conservative than the simplified approach. It has been found,
however, that this is not always the case and STAAD therefore performs both checks,
comparing the results in order that the more appropriate criteria can be used.

Additionally the equivalent moment factors, m x m y and m yx , can be specified by the user or
calculated by the program.

Members subject to biaxial moments in the absence of both tensile and compressive axial
forces are checked using the appropriate method described above with all axial forces set to
zero. STAAD also carries out cross checks for compression only, which for compact/plastic
sections may be more critical. If this is the case, COMPRESSION will be the critical
condition reported despite the presence of moments.

Shear Load

A member subjected to shear is considered adequate if the shear capacity of the section is
greater than the shear load on the member. Shear capacity is calculated in STAAD using
the procedure outlined in section 4.2.3, also 4.4.5 and Annex H3 if appropriate, considering
the appropriate shear area for the section specified.

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Lateral Torsional Buckling

Since plastic moment capacity is the basic moment capacity used in BS5950, members are
likely to experience relatively large deflections. This effect, coupled with lateral torsional
buckling, may result in severe serviceability limit state. Hence, lateral torsional buckling
must be considered carefully.

The procedure to check for lateral torsional buckling as outlined in section 4.3 has been
incorporated in the STAAD implementation of BS5950. According to this procedure, for a
member subjected to moments about the major axis, the 'equivalent uniform moment' on the
section must be less than the lateral torsional buckling resistance moment. For calculation
of the buckling resistance moment, the procedure outlined in Annex B.2 has been
implemented for all sections with the exception of angles. In Annex B.2., the resistance
moment is given as a function of the elastic critical moment, Perry coefficient, and limiting
equivalent slenderness, which are calculated within the program; and the equivalent
moment factor, m LT , which is determined as a function of the loading configuration and the
nature of the load ( stabilizing, destabilizing, etc ).

R. H. S Sections - Additional Provisions

Rectangular Hollow sections are treated in accordance with S.C.I. recommendations in

cases when the plastic axis is in the flange. In such cases, the following expressions are
used to calculate the reduced plastic moduli:

Srx = (A*A/4(B-t))(1-n) [ 2D(B-t)/A + n-1 ]

for n>= 2t(D-2t)/A

Sry = (A*A/4(D-t))(1-n) [ 2B(D-t)/A + n-1 ]

for n>= 2t(B-2t)/A

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.6 Design Parameters

Available design parameters to be used in conjunction with BS5950 are listed in table 2B.1

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along with their default values. The following items should be noted with respect to their

1. (PY Steel Design Strength )

The design parameter PY should only be used when a uniform design strength for an entire
structure or a portion thereof is required. Otherwise the value of PY will be set according
to the stipulations of BS5950 table 9 in which the design strength is seen as a function of
cross sectional thickness for a particular steel grade (SGR parameter) and particular
element considered. Generally speaking this option is not required and the program should
be allowed to ascertain the appropriate value.

2. (UNL, LY and LZ - Relevant Effective Length)

The values supplied for UNL, LY and LZ should be real numbers greater than zero in
current units of length. They are supplied along with or instead of UNF, KY and KZ (which
are factors, not lengths) to define lateral torsional buckling and compression effective
lengths respectively. Please note that both UNL or UNF and LY or KY values are required
even though they are often the same values. The former relates to compression flange
restraint for lateral torsional buckling while the latter is the unrestrained buckling length
for compression checks.

3. (TRACK - Control of Output Formats )

When the TRACK parameter is set to 0.0, 1.0 or 2.0, member capacities will be printed in
design related output (code check or member selection) in kilonewtons per square metre.

TRACK 4.0 causes the design to carry out a deflection check, usually with a different load
list to the main code check. The members that are to be checked must have the parameters,
DFF, DJ1 and DJ2 set.

An example of each TRACK setting follows:-


--------------------------- ******************************




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1 ST UB686X254X170 PASS BS- 0.036 3

86.72 C 0.00 -22.02 4.50



--------------------------- ******************************





1 ST UB686X254X170 PASS BS- 0.036 3

86.72 C 0.00 -22.02 4.50


MCZ= 1141.9 MCY= 120.4 PC= 3451.5 PT= 5739.9 MB= 1084.1 PV= 1597.5
BUCKLING CO-EFFICIENTS m AND n : m = 1.000 n = 1.000
PZ= 5739.90 FX/PZ = 0.02 MRZ= 1141.9 MRY= 120.4


--------------------------- ***************************

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1 ST UB533X210X92 PASS BS-4.3.6 0.902 100

0.00 0.00 585.41 0.00



Grade of steel = S 275

Modulus of elasticity = 205 kN/mm2

Design Strength (py) = 275 N/mm2


Member Length = 325.00

Gross Area = 117.00 Net Area = 117.00

Major axis Minor axis

Moment of inertia : 55229.996 2389.000

Plastic modulus : 2360.000 356.000

Elastic modulus : 2072.031 228.285

Shear Area : 58.771 53.843

DESIGN DATA (units - kN,m) BS5950-1/2000

Section Class : PLASTIC

Major axis Minor axis

Moment Capacity : 649.0 94.2

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Reduced Moment Capacity : 649.0 97.9

Shear Capacity : 969.7 888.4


(axis nomenclature as per design code)

LTB Moment Capacity (kNm) and LTB Length (m): 649.00, 0.001

LTB Coefficients & Associated Moments (kNm):

mLT = 1.00 : mx = 1.00 : my = 1.00 : myx = 1.00

Mlt = 585.41 : Mx = 585.41 : My = 0.00 : My = 0.00



BS-4.2.3-(Y) 0.329 100 - 292.3 - - -

BS-4.3.6 0.902 100 - 292.3 - 585.4 -

BS- 0.814 100 0.0 68.0 0.0 585.4 0.0

BS- 1.027 100 0.0 - - 585.4 0.0

BS- 0.902 100 0.0 - - 585.4 0.0

Annex I.1 0.902 100 0.0 - - 585.4 0.0

Torsion and deflections have not been considered in the design.


4. (MX, MY, MYX and MLT Equivalent Moment Factors)

The values for the equivalent moment factors can either be specified directly by the user as
a positive value between 0.4 and 1.0 for MX, MY and MYX and 0.44 and 1.0 for MLT.

The program can be used to calculate the values for the equivalent moment factors by

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defining the design member with a GROUP command (see the Technical Reference Manual
section 5.16 Listing of Members/Elements/Joints by Specification of GROUPS). The nodes
along the beam can then be defined as the location of restraint points with J settings.

Additionally for the MLT parameter, the joint can be defined as having the upper flange
restrained (positive local Y) with the a U setting or the lower flange restrained (negative
local Y) with a L setting.

For example, consider a series of 5 beam elements as a single continuous member as shown

To enable the steel design, the beam needs to be defined as a group, called MainBeam:



_MainBeam 11 2 38 12 3


Note that this can be done in the GUI by selecting the beams and clicking on the menu

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Tools | Create New Group&

Therefore, this 5 beam member has 6 joints such that:-

Joint 1 = Node 3

Joint 2 = Node 1

Joint 3 = Node 33

Joint 4 = Node 14

Joint 5 = Node 7

Joint 6 = Node 2

a) Consider MX, MY and MYX

Say that this member has been restrained in its major axis (local Y) only at the ends. In the
minor axis (local Z) it has been restrained at the ends and also at node number 33 (joint 3).
For local flexural buckling, it has only been retrained at its ends. Hence:-

For the major axis, local Y axis:-

MX _MainBeam J1 J6

For the minor axis, local Z axis:-

MY _ MainBeam J1 J3 J6

For the lateral flexural buckling, local X axis:-

MYX _ MainBeam J1 J6

b) Consider MLT

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Say that this member has been restrained at its ends against lateral torsional buckling and
the top flange has been restrained at node number 33 (joint 3) and only the lower flange at
node number 7, (joint 5). Hence:-

MLT _MainBeam J1 T3 L5 J6

To split the beam into two buckling lengths for L y at joint 14:-

MY _groupname J1 J4 J6

5. (LEG - Table 25 BS5950 for Fastener Control)

The slenderness of single and double angle, channel and tee sections are specified in BS 5950 table
25 depending on the connection provided at the end of the member. To define the appropriate
connection, a LEG parameter should be assigned to the member.

The following table indicates the value of the LEG parameter required to match the BS5950
connection definition:-

Clause LEG (a) - 2 bolts short leg 1.0
long leg 3.0
Single Angle
(b) - 1 bolt short leg 0.0
long leg 2.0 (a) - 2 bolts short leg 3.0

long leg 7.0
Double Angle (b) - 1 bolt short leg 2.0
long leg 6.0
(c) - 2 bolts long leg 1.0
short leg 5.0
(d) - 1 bolt long leg 0.0
short leg 4.0 (a) - 2 or more rows of 1.0


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Channels (b) - 1 row of bolts 0.0 (a) - 2 or more rows of 1.0

Tee Sections (b) - 1 row of bolts 0.0

For single angles, the slenderness is calculated for the geometric axes, a-a and b-b as well
as the weak v-v axis. The effective lengths of the geometric axes are defined as:-

La = KY * KY

Lb = KZ * LZ

The slenderness calculated for the v-v axis is then used to calculate the compression
strength p c for the weaker principal axis (z-z for ST angles or y-y for RA specified
angles). The maximum slenderness of the a-a and b-b axes is used to calculate the
compression strength p c for the stronger principal axis.

Alternatively for single angles where the connection is not known or Table 25 is not
appropriate, by setting the LEG parameter to 10, slenderness is calculated for the two
principal axes y-y and z-z only. The LVV parameter is not used.

For double angles, the LVV parameter is available to comply with note 5 in table 25. In
addition, if using double angles from user tables, (Technical Reference Manual section
5.19) an eleventh value, r vv , should be supplied at the end of the ten existing values
corresponding to the radius of gyration of the single angle making up the pair.

6. (SWAY Sway Loadcase)

This parameter is used to specify a load case that is to be treated as a sway load case in the
context of clause This load case would be set up to represent the k amp M s
mentioned in this clause and the steel design module would add the forces from this load
case to the forces of the other load case it is designed for.

Note that the load case specified with this parameter will not be designed as a separate load
case. The following is the correct syntax for the parameter:-

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SWAY (load case number) MEMBER (member


_(group name)


SWAY 5 MEM 1 to 10

SWAY 6 _MainBeams

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* current units must be considered.

**For angles, if the original section is an equal angle, then the selected section will be an equal angle
and vice versa for unequal angles.

(note there was an NT parameter in STAAD.Pro 2005 build 1003 which is now automatically
calculated during the design as it is load case dependant)


1) "Deflection Length" is defined as the length that is used for calculation of local deflections within
a member. It may be noted that for most cases the "Deflection Length" will be equal to the length of

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the member. However, in some situations, the "Deflection Length" may be different. For example,
refer to the figure below where a beam has been modeled using four joints and three members. Note
that the "Deflection Length" for all three members will be equal to the total length of the beam in this
case. The parameters DJ1 and DJ2 should be used to model this situation. Also the straight line
joining DJ1 and DJ2 is used as the reference line from which local deflections are measured. Thus,
for all three members here, DJ1 should be "1" and DJ2 should be "4".


DFF 300. ALL



2) If DJ1 and DJ2 are not used, "Deflection Length" will default to the member length and local
deflections will be measured from original member line.

3) The above parameters may be used in conjunction with other available parameters for steel

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.7 Design Operations

STAAD contains a broad set of facilities for the design of structural members as individual
components of an analysed structure. The member design facilities provide the user with
the ability to carry out a number of different design operations. These facilities may be
used selectively in accordance with the requirements of the design problem.

The operations to perform a design are:

· Specify the load cases to be considered in the design; the default is all load cases.

· Specify design parameter values, if different from the default values.

· Specify whether to perform code checking or member selection along with the list
of members.

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These operations may be repeated by the user any number of times depending upon the
design requirements.

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.8 Code Checking

The purpose of code checking is to ascertain whether the provided section properties of the
members are adequate. The adequacy is checked as per BS5950. Code checking is done
using the forces and moments at specific sections of the members. If no sections are
specified, the program uses the start and end forces for code checking.

When code checking is selected, the program calculates and prints whether the members
have passed or failed the checks; the critical condition of BS5950 code (like any of the
BS5950 specifications for compression, tension, shear, etc.); the value of the ratio of the
critical condition (overstressed for value more than 1.0 or any other specified RATIO
value); the governing load case, and the location (distance from the start of the member of
forces in the member where the critical condition occurs).

Code checking can be done with any type of steel section listed in Section 2B.4 of the STAAD
Technical Reference Manual or any of the user defined sections in section 5.19 with two
exceptions; GENERAL and ISECTION. In BS5950, these will not be considered for design
along with PRISMATIC sections, which are also not acceptable.

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.9 Member Selection

STAAD is capable of performing design operations on specified members. Once an analysis

has been performed, the program can select the most economical section, i.e. the lightest
section, which fulfills the code requirements for the specified member. The section selected
will be of the same type section as originally designated for the member being designed.
Member selection can also be constrained by the parameters DMAX and DMIN, which
limits the maximum and minimum depth of the members.

Member selection can be performed with all the types of steel sections with the same
limitations as defined in section 2B.8 - CODE CHECKING.

Selection of members, whose properties are originally input from a user created table, will
be limited to sections in the user table.

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Member selection cannot be performed on members whose section properties are input as
prismatic or as above limitations for code checking.

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.10 Tabulated Results of Steel Design

For code checking or member selection, the program produces the results in a tabulated
fashion. The items in the output table are explained as follows:

a) MEMBER refers to the member number for which the design is performed.

b) TABLE refers to steel section name, which has been checked against the
steel code or has been selected.

c) RESULTS prints whether the member has PASSED or FAILED. If the

RESULT is FAIL, there will be an asterisk (*) mark on front of the

d) CRITICAL COND refers to the section of the BS5950 code which governs the

e) RATIO prints the ratio of the actual stresses to allowable stresses for the
critical condition. Normally a value of 1.0 or less will mean the
member has passed.

f) LOADING provides the load case number, which governed the design.

g) FX, MY, and MZ provide the axial force, moment in local Y-axis and the
moment in local z-axis respectively. Although STAAD does consider
all the member forces and moments (except torsion) to perform design,
only FX, MY and MZ are printed since they are the ones which are of
interest, in most cases.

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h) LOCATION specifies the actual distance from the start of the member to the
section where design forces govern.

i) TRACK If the parameter TRACK is set to 1.0, the program will block out
part of the table and will print the allowable bending capacities in
compression (MCY & MCZ) and reduced moment capacities (MRY &
MRZ), allowable axial capacity in compression (PC) and tension (PT)
and shear capacity (PV). TRACK 2.0 will produce the design results as
shown in section 2B.9.

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.11 Plate Girders

Sections will be considered for the Plate Girder checks (BS 5950 Section 4.4) if d/t > 70 e
for ‘rolled sections’ or d/t >62 e for ‘welded sections’. The parameter SBLT should be
used to identify sections as rolled or welded; see the parameter list for more information.

If the plate girder has intermediate stiffeners, the spacing is set with the PNL parameter.
These are then used to check against the code clauses ‘ - Minimum web thickness
for serviceability’ and ‘ - Minimum web thickness to avoid compression flange
buckling’. The following printout is then included if a TRACK 2.0 output is selected:-

Shear Buckling check is required: Vb = 1070 kN : qw = 118 N/mm2

d = 900 mm : t = 10 mm : a = 200 mm : pyf = 275 N/mm2

BS- status = PASS : BS- status = PASS

The section is then checked for shear buckling resistance using clause ‘ - Simplified
method’ and the result is included in the ratio checks.

International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.12 Composite Sections

Sections that have been defined as acting compositely with a concrete flange either from a
standard database section using the CM option, or from a modified user WIDE FLANGE
database with the additional composite parameters, cannot be designed with BS5950:2000.

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International Codes
British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950:2000
2B.13 Design of Tapered Beams

Design Procedure

Sections will be checked as tapered members provided that are defined either as a Tapered I
section, e.g.

1 TO 5 TAPERED 100 2.5 75 25 4 25 4

or from a USER table, e.g.


100 2.5 75 25 4 25 4 0 0 0
75 2.5 50 25 4 25 4 0 0 0

The user must specify the effective length of unrestrained compression flange using the
parameter UNL.

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The program compares the resistance of members with the applied load effects, in
accordance with BS 5950-1:2000. Code checking is carried out for locations specified by
the user via the SECTION command or the BEAM parameter. The results are presented in a
form of a PASS/FAIL identifier and a RATIO of load effect to resistance for each member
checked. The user may choose the degree of detail in the output data by setting the TRACK

The beam is designed is designed as other wide flange beams apart from the Lateral
Torsional Buckling check which is replaced by the Annex G.2.2. check.

Design Equations

A beam defined with tapered properties as defined above will be checked as a regular wide
flange (e.g. UB or UC), except that the following is used in place of clause 4.3.6, the lateral
torsional buckling check.

Check Moment for Taper Members as per clause G.2.2

The following criterion is checked at each defined check position in the length of the
member defined by the BEAM parameter.


Fc is the longitudinal compression at the check location;

M bi is the buckling resistance moment M b from 4.3.6 for an equivalent slenderness l TB ,

see G.2.4.2, based on the appropriate modulus S, S eff , Z or Z eff of the cross-section
at the point i considered;

M xi is the moment about the major axis acting at the point i considered;

Pc is the compression resistance from 4.7.4 for a slenderness λTC, see G.2.3, based on the
properties of the minimum depth of cross-section within the segment length Ly.

G.2.3 Slenderness lTC

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lTC = yl

In which:

λ = Ly/ry


a is the distance between the reference axis and the axis of restraint,

hs is the distance between the shear centers of the flanges;

Ly is the length of the segment;

ry is the radius of gyration for buckling about the minor axis;

x torsional index

G.2.4.2 Equivalent slenderness lTB for Taper members

lTB = cntntl

In which for a two-flange haunch:


c is the taper factor, see G.2.5;

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G.2.5 Taper factor

For an I-section with D ≥ 1.2B and x ≥ 20 the taper factor c should be obtained as follows:


D max is the maximum depth of cross-section within the length Ly, see Figure G.3;

Dmin is the minimum depth of cross-section within the length Ly, see Figure G.3;

x is the torsional index of the minimum depth cross-section, see

Otherwise c is taken as 1.0

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.1 General

This code has been withdrawn by the British Standards, but has been retained in
STAAD.Pro for comparative purposes only.

The design philosophy embodied in BS5950 is built around the concept of limit state
design, used today in most modern steel design codes. Structures are designed and
proportioned taking into consideration the limit states at which they become unfit for their
intended use. Two major categories of limit state are recognized - serviceability and
ultimate. The primary considerations in ultimate limit state design are strength and stability
while that in serviceability limit state is deflection. Appropriate safety factors are used so
that the chances of limits being surpassed are acceptably remote.

In the STAAD implementation of BS5950, members are proportioned to resist the design
loads without exceeding the limit states of strength and stability. Accordingly, the most

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economic section is selected on the basis of the least weight criteria. This procedure is
controlled by the designer in specification of allowable member depths, desired section
type or other such parameters. The code checking portion of the program checks that code
requirements for each selected section are met and identifies the governing criteria.

The complete B.S.C. steel tables for both hot rolled and hollow sections are built into the
program for use in specifying member properties as well as for the actual design process.
See section 2B.4 for information regarding the referencing of these sections. In addition to
universal beams, columns, joists, piles, channels, tees, composite sections, beams with
cover plates, pipes, tubes and angles, there is a provision for user provided tables.

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.2 Analysis Methodology

Elastic analysis method is used to obtain the forces and moments for design. Analysis is
done for the primary and combination loading conditions provided by the user. The user is
allowed complete flexibility in providing loading specifications and using appropriate load
factors to create necessary loading situations. Depending upon the analysis requirements,
regular stiffness analysis or P-Delta analysis may be specified. Dynamic analysis may also
be performed and the results combined with static analysis results.

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.3 Member Property Specifications

For specification of member properties, the steel section library available in STAAD may
be used. The next section describes the syntax of commands used to assign properties from
the built-in steel table. Members properties may also be specified using the User Table
facility. For more information on these facilities, refer to the STAAD Technical Reference

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2B1.4 Built-In Steel Section Library

The following information is provided for use when the built-in steel tables are to be
referenced for member property specification. These properties are stored in a database file.
If called for, the properties are also used for member design. Since the shear areas are built
into these tables, shear deformation is always considered during the analysis of these

Almost all BSI steel sections are available for input. A complete listing of the sections
available in the built-in steel section library may be obtained by using the command


just before the definition of the member properties and the command


following the definition of all the member properties. Following are the descriptions of
different types of sections available:

Universal Beams, Columns And Piles

All rolled universal beams, columns and pile sections are available. The following
examples illustrate the designation scheme.

20 TO 30 TA ST UB305X165X54
33 36 TA ST UC356X406X287
100 102 106 TA ST UP305X305X186

Rolled Steel Joists

Joist sections may be specified as they are listed in BSI-80 with the weight omitted. In
those cases where two joists have the same specifications but different weights, the lighter
section should be specified with an "A" at the end.

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10 TO 20 TA ST JO152X127
1 2 TA ST JO127X114A

Channel Sections

All rolled steel channel sections from the BSI table have been incorporated in STAAD. The
designation is similar to that of the joists. The same designation scheme as in BSI tables
may be used with the weight omitted.

10 TO 15 TA ST CH305X102
55 57 59 61 TA ST CH178X76

Double Channels

Back to back double channels, with or without spacing between them, are available. The letter
"D" in front of the section name will specify a double channel, e.g. D CH102X51, D
CH203X89 etc.

51 52 53 TA D CH152X89
70 TO 80 TA D CH305X102 SP 5.
(specifies a double channel with a spacing of 5 length units)

Tee Sections

Tee sections are not input by their actual designations, but instead by referring to the
universal beam shapes from which they are cut. For example,

54 55 56 TA T UB254X102X22 (tee cut from UB254X102X22)


All equal and unequal angles are available for input. Two types of specifications may be
used to describe an angle. The standard angle section is specified as follows:

15 20 25 TA ST UA200X150X18

This specification may be used when the local STAAD z-axis corresponds to the V-V axis specified
in the steel tables. If the local STAAD y-axis corresponds to the V-V axis in the tables, type

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specification "RA" (reverse angle) may be used.

35 TO 45 TA RA UA200X150X18

Double Angles

Short leg back to back or long leg back to back double angles can be specified by inputting
the word SD or LD, respectively, in front of the angle size. In case of an equal angle, either
LD or SD will serve the purpose. For example,

14 TO 20 TA LD UA200X200X16 SP 1.5
23 27 TASDUA80X60X6
"SP" denotes spacing between the individual angle

Pipes (Circular Hollow Sections)

To designate circular hollow sections from BSI tables, use PIP followed by the numerical value of
diameter and thickness of the section in mm omitting the decimal section of the value provided for
diameter. The following example will illustrate the designation.

10 15 TA ST PIP213.2 (specifies a 21.3 mm dia. pipe with 3.2 mm wall thickness)

Circular hollow sections may also be provided by specifying the outside and inside
diameters of the section. For example,

1 TO 9 TA ST PIPE OD 25.0 ID 20.0 (specifies a pipe with outside dia. of 25 and inside dia. of 20 in
current length units)

Only code checking and no member selection will be performed if this type of specification
is used.

Tubes (Rectangular or Square Hollow Sections)

Designation of tubes from the BSI steel table is illustrated below:

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Example: 15 TO 25 TA ST TUB160808.0

Tubes, like pipes, can also be input by their dimensions (Height, Width and Thickness) and
not by any table designations.

6 TA ST TUBE DT8.0 WT 6.0 TH 0.5 is a tube that has a height of 8, a width of 6, and a wall
thickness of 0.5 length units.

Note that only code checking and no member selection is performed for TUBE sections
specified this way.

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.5 Member Capacities

The basic measure of capacity of a beam is taken as the plastic moment of the section. This
is a significant departure from the standard practice followed in BS449, in which the
limiting condition was attainment of yield stress at the extreme fibres of a given section.
With the introduction of the plastic moment as the basic measure of capacity, careful
consideration must be given to the influence of local buckling on moment capacity. To
assist this, sections are classified as either plastic, compact, semi-compact or slender,
which governs the decision whether to use the plastic or the elastic moment capacity. The
section classification is a function of the geometric properties of the section. STAAD is
capable of determining the section classification for both hot rolled and built up sections.
In addition, for slender sections, BS5950 recommends the use of a 'stress reduction factor'
to reduce the design strength. This factor is again a function of the geometry of the section
and is automatically determined by STAAD for use in the design process.

Axial Tension

In members with axial tension, the tensile load must not exceed the tension capacity of the
member. The tension capacity of the member is calculated on the basis of the effective area

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as outlined in Section 4.6 of the code. STAAD calculates the tension capacity of a given
member per this procedure, based on a user supplied net section factor (NSF-a default value
of 1.0 is present but may be altered by changing the input value - see Table 2B.1 ),
proceeding with member selection or code check accordingly. BS5950 does not have any
slenderness limitations for tension members.


Compression members must be designed so that the compression resistance of the member
is greater than the axial compressive load. Compression resistance is determined according
to the compressive strength which is a function of the slenderness of the gross section, the
appropriate design strength and the relevant strut characteristics. Strut characteristics take
into account the considerable influence residual rolling and welding stresses have on
column behaviour. Based on data collected from extensive research, it has been determined
that sections such as tubes with low residual stresses and Universal Beams and Columns are
of intermediate performance. It has been found that I-shaped sections are less sensitive to
imperfections when constrained to fail about an axis parallel to the flanges. These research
observations are incorporated in BS5950 through the use of four strut curves together with
a selection of tables to indicate which curve to use for a particular case. Compression
strength for a particular section is calculated in STAAD according to the procedure
outlined in Appendix C of BS5950 where compression strength is seen to be a function of
the appropriate Robertson constant ( representing Strut Curve) corresponding Perry factor,
limiting slenderness of the member and appropriate design strength.

In addition to the compression resistance criteria, compression members are required to

satisfy slenderness limitations which are a function of the nature of the use of the member
( main load resisting component, bracing member etc). In both the member selection and
the code checking process, STAAD immediately does a slenderness check on appropriate
members before continuing with the other procedures for determining the adequacy of a
given member.

Axially Loaded Members With Moments

In the case of axially loaded members with moments, the moment capacity of the member
must be calculated about both axes and all axial forces must be taken into account. If the
section is plastic or compact, plastic moment capacities will constitute the basic moment
capacities subject to an elastic limitation. The purpose of this elastic limitation is to
prevent plasticity at working load. For semi-compact or slender sections, the elastic
moment is used. For plastic or compact sections with high shear loads, the plastic modulus
has to be reduced to accommodate the shear loads. The STAAD implementation of BS5950
incorporates the procedure outlined in section 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 to calculate the appropriate
moment capacities of the section.

For members with axial tension and moment, the interaction formula as outlined in section
4.8.2 is applied based on effective tension capacity.

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For members with axial compression and moment, two principal interaction formulae must
be satisfied - local capacity check ( and overall buckling check (section ).
Two types of approach for the overall buckling check have been outlined in BS5950 - the
simplified approach and the more exact approach. As noted in the code, in cases where
neither the major axis nor the minor axis moment approaches zero, the more exact approach
may be more conservative than the simplified approach. It has been found, however, that
this is not always the case and STAAD therefore performs both checks, comparing the
results in order that the more appropriate criteria be used. Members subject to biaxial
moments in the absence of both tensile and compressive axial forces are checked using the
appropriate method described above with all axial forces set to zero. STAAD also carries
out cross checks for compression only, which for compact/plastic sections may be more
critical. If this is the case, COMPRESSION will be the critical condition reported despite
the presence of moments.

Shear Load

A member subjected to shear is considered adequate if the shear capacity of the section is
greater than the shear load on the member. Shear capacity is calculated in STAAD using
the procedure outlined in section 4.2.3 and considering the appropriate shear area for the
section specified.

Lateral Torsional Buckling

Since plastic moment capacity is the basic moment capacity used in BS5950, members are
likely to experience relatively large deflections. This effect, coupled with lateral torsional
buckling, may result in severe serviceability limit state. Hence, lateral torsional buckling
must be considered carefully.

The procedure to check for lateral torsional buckling as outlined in section 4.3 has been
incorporated in the STAAD implementation of BS5950. According to this procedure, for a
member subjected to moments about the major axis, the 'equivalent uniform moment' on the
section must be less than the lateral torsional buckling resistance moment. For calculation
of the buckling resistance moment, the procedure outlined in Appendix B.2 has been
implemented for all sections with the exception of angles. In Appendix B.2., the resistance
moment is given as a function of the elastic critical moment, Perry coefficient, and limiting
equivalent slenderness, which are calculated within the program; and the equivalent
moment factor, m, and slenderness correction factor, n, which are determined as a function
of the loading configuration and the nature of the load ( stabilizing, destabilizing, etc ).

The user is allowed to control these values through the parameters CMM & CMN. If CMM
is set to -1, the program automatically calculates the coefficient 'm'. Similarly parameter
CMN may be used for the calculation of coefficient 'n'. BS5950 recommends the use of
tables 15 & 16 for the calculation of coefficient 'n'. The parameter CMN may be set to -1 or
-2 to instruct the program to obtain coefficient 'n' from table 15 or 16 respectively. If a

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positive value is provided for either CMN or CMM, the program will use this value directly
in calculations. The default value for each of these parameters is 1.0 as shown in table 2B.1
of this document. It may be noted that BS5950 recommends the use of either 'm' or 'n' in
lateral torsional buckling calculations. If both 'm' and 'n' are set to values less than 1 in
error, the program will always reset CMN to 1 and over-ride the provided value. The
following table illustrates the use of parameters 'm' and 'n'.


CMM ANY POSITIVE Direct use of this value
VALUE calculations.
-1 Program calculates 'm'
-2 Calculate ‘m’ for both
CMN ANY POSITIVE Direct use of this value
VALUE calculations.
-1 Program calculates 'n' per
BS5950 - Table 15
-2 Program calculates 'n' per
BS5950 - Table 16


Note that if negative value options are chosen, lateral restraints should be modelled by
nodes and the section command incorporated to find Mo. Failure to use the SECTION 0.5
command will cause the program to reset CMN to 1.0 and over-ride any value that may
have been provided. In requesting 'n' to be calculated by the program by using a negative
CMN value, the member properties must be British ( or British combined with user table
sections). If other profiles such as European are being used then 'n' values are reset
conservatively to 1.0 by the program. In the case of angles, section 4.3.8 of the code is

R. H. S Sections - Additional Provisions

Rectangular Hollow sections are treated in accordance with S.C.I. recommendations in

cases when the plastic axis is in the flange. In such cases, the following expressions are
used to calculate the reduced plastic moduli:

Srx = (A*A/4(B-t))(1-n) [ 2D(B-t)/A + n-1 ]

for n>= 2t(D-2t)/A

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Sry = (A*A/4(D-t))(1-n) [ 2B(D-t)/A + n-1 ]

for n>= 2t(B-2t)/A

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.6 Design Parameters

Available design parameters to be used in conjunction with BS5950 are listed in table 2B.1
along with their default values. The following items should be noted with respect to their


The design parameter PY should only be used when a uniform design strength for an entire
structure or a portion thereof is required. Otherwise the value of PY will be set according
to the stipulations of BS5950 table 7 in which the design strength is seen as a function of
cross sectional thickness for a particular steel grade and particular element considered.
Generally speaking this option is not required and the program should be allowed to
ascertain the appropriate value.

2. (UNL, LY and LZ - relevant EFFECTIVE LENGTHS)

The values supplied for UNL, LY and LZ should be real numbers greater than zero in
current units of length. They are supplied along with or instead of UNF, KY KZ ( which are
factors, not lengths) to define lateral torsional buckling and compression effective lengths
respectively. Please note that both UNL or UNF and LY or KY values are required even
though they are often the same values. The former relates to compression flange restraint
for lateral torsional buckling while the latter is the unrestrained buckling length for
compression checks.

3. (CMN and CMM - Lateral torsional buckling coefficients)

As per section 2B.7 of this manual CMM and CMN should not both be used in a given
design. In such a case the program will reset CMN to 1.0

4. (TRACK - control of output formats )

When the TRACK parameter is set to 1.0 or 2.0, member capacities will be printed in
design related output ( code check or member selection ) in kilonewtons per square metre.
An example of each follows.

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--------------------------- ******************************





1 ST UB686X254X170 PASS BS- 0.036 3

86.72 C 0.00 -22.02 4.50



--------------------------- ******************************





1 ST UB686X254X170 PASS BS- 0.036 3

86.72 C 0.00 -22.02 4.50

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MCZ= 1141.9 MCY= 120.4 PC= 3451.5 PT= 5739.9 MB= 1084.1 PV= 1597.5
BUCKLING CO-EFFICIENTS m AND n : m = 1.000 n = 1.000
PZ= 5739.90 FX/PZ = 0.02 MRZ= 1141.9 MRY= 120.4


--------------------------- ******************************





1 ST UB686X254X170 PASS BS- 0.036 3

86.72 C 0.00 -22.02 4.50

Grade of steel = 43

Modulus of elasticity = 205 kN/mm2

Design Strength (py) = 265 N/mm2 Reduced = 232N/mm2


Member Length = 450.00
Gross Area = 216.60
Net Area = 216.60

z-axis y-axis
Moment of inertia : 170147.000 6621.000
Plastic modulus : 5624.000 810.000

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Elastic modulus : 4911.156 517.670

Shear Area : 109.122 100.470
Radius of gyration : 28.027 5.529
Effective Length : 450.000 450.000

DESIGN DATA (units - kN,m) BS5950/1990

Section Class : SLENDER
Squash Load : 5739.90
Axial force/Squash load : 0.015

z-axis y-axis
Slenderness ratio (KL/r) : 16.1 81.4
Compression Capacity : 5036.2 3451.5
Tension Capacity : 5739.9 5739.9
Moment Capacity : 1141.9 120.4
Reduced Moment Capacity : 1141.9 120.4
Shear Capacity : 1561.5 1597.5


Lateral Torsional Buckling Moment (MB = 1084.1)
co-efficients m & n : m =1.00 n =1.00, Effective Length =4.500



BS-4.7 (C) 0.025 3 86.7 3.2 0.0 -22.0 0.0
BS- 0.036 3 86.7 3.2 0.0 -22.0 0.0
BS- 0.047 1 83.3 7.4 0.0 -27.6 0.0
BS- 0.026 1 83.3 7.4 0.0 -27.6 0.0
BS-4.2.3-(Y) 0.005 1 83.3 7.4 0.0 -27.6 0.0
BS-4.3 (LTB) 0.020 4 -86.7 3.2 0.0 22.0 0.0

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Torsion and deflections have not been considered in the design

5. ( LEG - table 24/28 BS5950 for fastner control )

The LEG parameter follows the requirements of BS5950 table 28. This table concerns the fastner
restraint conditions for angles, double angles, tee sections and channels for slenderness. The
following values are available:

Clause (a) Single Angle, short leg 1.0

(b) Single Angle, short leg 0.0

(a) Single Angle, long leg 3.0

(b) Single Angle, long leg 2.0

Clause (a) Double angle, short leg 3.0

(b) Double angle, short leg 2.0

(c) Double angle, long leg 1.0

(d) Double angle, long leg 0.0

(a) Double angle, long leg 7.0

(b) Double angle, long leg 6.0

(c) Double angle, short leg 5.0

(d) Double angle, short leg 4.0

Clause (a) Channels, 2 or more rows 1.0

(b) Channels, 1 row 0.0

Clause (a) Tee sections, 2 or more rows 1.0

(b) Tee sections, 1 row 0.0

When defining member properties for single angles, the spec (manual ref: 5.20.1) should be
provided as RA and not ST. See fig 1.6 of the Technical Reference Manual.

Table 28 may be by-passed in favour of table 24 by using:

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10 = Table 24 for equal angles or long legs of unequal angles

11 = Table 24 for short legs of unequal angles

For single angles, LY and KY parameters should be provided relative to the raa axis while
LZ and KZ are related to rbb. Lvv will be considered as the minimum of the KY*LY and
KZ*LZ values.

For double angles, the LVV parameter is available to comply with note 5 table 28. In
addition, if using double angles from user tables, (Technical Reference Manual section
5.19) an eleventh value, rvv, should be supplied at the end of the ten existing values
corresponding to the radius of gyration of the single angle making up the pair.

Table 2B1.1 - British Steel Design BS5950:1990 - Parameters

Parameter Default Description
Name Value
KY 1.0 K factor value in local y - axis.
Usually, this is the minor axis.
KZ 1.0 K factor value in local z - axis.
Usually, this is the major axis.
LY * Member Length Length in local y - axis (current units)
to calculate (KY)(LY)/Ryy
slenderness ratio.
LZ * Member Length Length in local z - axis (current units)
to calculate (KZ)(LZ)/Rzz
slenderness ratio.
UNF 1.0 Factor applied to unsupported length
for Lateral Torsional Buckling
effective length per section of
UNL * Member Length Unsupported Length for calculating
Lateral Torsional Buckling resistance
moment section of BS5950.
PY * Set according to steel Design Strength of steel
grade (SGR)
NSF 1.0 Net section factor for tension
SGR 0.0 Steel Grade per BS4360

0.0 = Grade 43

1.0 = Grade 50

2.0 = Grade 55
3.0 = As per GB 1591 16 Mn
SBLT 0.0 0.0 = Rolled Section

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1.0 = Built up Section

MAIN 1.0 As per BS5950 4.7.3

1.0 = Main structural member (180)

2.0 = Secondary member. (250)

3.0 = Bracing etc (350)

CMM ! 1.0 Coefficient m for lateral torsional
buckling. (see section 2B.5)
CMN ! 1.0 Coefficient n for lateral torsional
buckling. (see section 2B.5)
TRACK 0.0 0.0 = Suppress all member capacity

1.0 = Print all member capacities.

2.0 = Print detailed design sheet.

4.0 = Deflection Check (separate

check to main select / check code)
DMAX * 100.0cm Maximum allowable depth
0.0cm Minimum allowable depth
RATIO 1.0 Permissible ratio of the actual
BEAM 0.0 0.0 = Design only for end moments
or those locations specified by the
SECTION command.

1.0 = Calculate moments at 12th

points along the member and use the
maximum Mz value for design.
Clause checks at one location

2.0 = Same as BEAM = 1.0 but

additional checks are carried out for
each end.
3.0 = Calculate moments at 12th
points along the member. Clause
checks at each location including the
ends of the member.
CODE BS5950 Design Code to follow. See section
5.47.1 of the Technical Reference
LEG 0.0 Values range from 0 - 12. See section
2B.6.5 for details. The values
correspond to table 24/28 of BS5950
for fastner conditions.
LVV * Maximum of Lyy and Used in conjunction with LEG for
Lzz Lvv as per BS5950 table 28 for
(Lyy is a term used double angles, note 5.
by BS5950)
1.0 1.0 = BS5950 per clause B.2.5
(continuous) to calculate Mb.

2.0 = To calculate Mbs (simple) as

per Clause 4.7.7 as opposed to Mb.

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DFF None "Deflection Length" / Maxm.

(Mandatory for allowable local deflection
deflection check)
DJ1 Start Joint Joint No. denoting starting point for
of member calculation of "Deflection
Length" (See Note 1)
DJ2 End Joint of member Joint No. denoting end point for
calculation of "Deflection
Length" (See Note 1)
ESTIFF 0.0 Clauses and

1.0 = Pass if member passes

EITHER clause.

1.0 = Pass if member passes BOTH

WELD 1.0 closed Weld Type, see AISC steel design
2.0 open
1.0 = Welding on one side only
(except for webs of wide flange and
tee sections)

2.0 = Welding on both sides (except

pipes and tubes)
TB 0.0 2.0 = Elastic stress analysis
3.0 = Plastic stress analysis
0.0 Transverse stiffener spacing (a in
Appendix H1)

0.0 = Infinity

Any other value used in the

SAME ** 0.0 Controls the sections to try during a
SELECT process.

0.0 = Try every section of the same

type as original

1.0 = Try only those sections with a

similar name as original, e.g. if the
original is an HEA 100, then only
HEA sections will be selected, even if
there are HEMs in the same table.

! CMN & CMM cannot both be provided.

* current units must be considered.

**For angles, if the original section is an equal angle, then the selected section will be an equal angle
and vice versa for unequal angles.

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1) "Deflection Length" is defined as the length that is used for calculation of local
deflections within a member. It may be noted that for most cases the "Deflection Length"
will be equal to the length of the member. However, in some situations, the "Deflection
Length" may be different. For example, refer to the figure below where a beam has been
modeled using four joints and three members. Note that the "Deflection Length" for all
three members will be equal to the total length of the beam in this case. The parameters
DJ1 and DJ2 should be used to model this situation. Also the straight line joining DJ1 and
DJ2 is used as the reference line from which local deflections are measured. Thus, for all
three members here, DJ1 should be "1" and DJ2 should be "4".


DFF 300. ALL



2) If DJ1 and DJ2 are not used, "Deflection Length" will default to the member length and
local deflections will be measured from original member line.

3) The above parameters may be used in conjunction with other available parameters for
steel design.

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.7 Design Operations

STAAD contains a broad set of facilities for the design of structural members as individual
components of an analysed structure. The member design facilities provide the user with
the ability to carry out a number of different design operations. These facilities may be
used selectively in accordance with the requirements of the design problem.

The operations to perform a design are:

· Specify the load cases to be considered in the design.

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· Specify design parameter values, if different from the default values.

· Specify whether to perform code checking or member selection along with the list
of members.

These operations may be repeated by the user any number of times depending upon the
design requirements.

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.8 Code Checking

The purpose of code checking is to ascertain whether the provided section properties of the
members are adequate. The adequacy is checked as per BS5950. Code checking is done
using the forces and moments at specific sections of the members. If no sections are
specified, the program uses the start and end forces for code checking.

When code checking is selected, the program calculates and prints whether the members
have passed or failed the checks; the critical condition of BS5950 code (like any of the
BS5950 specifications for compression, tension , shear, etc.); the value of the ratio of the
critical condition (overstressed for value more than 1.0 or any other specified RATIO
value); the governing load case, and the location (distance from the start of the member of
forces in the member where the critical condition occurs).

Code checking can be done with any type of steel section listed in Section 2B.4 of the STAAD
Technical Reference Manual or any of the user defined sections in section 5.19 with two
exceptions ; GENERAL and ISECTION. In BS5950, these will not be considered for design
along with PRISMATIC sections which are also not acceptable.

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.9 Member Selection

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STAAD is capable of performing design operations on specified members. Once an analysis

has been performed, the program can select the most economical section, i.e. the lightest
section, which fulfills the code requirements for the specified member. The section selected
will be of the same type section as originally designated for the member being designed.
Member selection can also be constrained by the parameters DMAX and DMIN which
limits the maximum and minimum depth of the members.

Member selection can be performed with all the types of steel sections with the same
limitations as defined in section 2B.8 - CODE CHECKING.

Selection of members, whose properties are originally input from a user created table, will
be limited to sections in the user table.

Member selection can not be performed on members whose section properties are input as
prismatic or as above limitations for code checking.

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.10 Tabulated Results of Steel Design

For code checking or member selection, the program produces the results in a tabulated
fashion. The items in the output table are explained as follows:

a) MEMBER refers to the member number for which the design is performed.

b) TABLE refers to steel section name which has been checked against the steel
code or has been selected.

c) RESULTS prints whether the member has PASSED or FAILED. If the

RESULT is FAIL, there will be an asterisk (*) mark on front of the

d) CRITICAL COND refers to the section of the BS5950 code which governs the

e) RATIO prints the ratio of the actual stresses to allowable stresses for the

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critical condition. Normally a value of 1.0 or less will mean the member has passed.

f) LOADING provides the load case number which governed the design.

g) FX, MY, and MZ provide the axial force, moment in local Y-axis and the
moment in local z-axis respectively. Although STAAD does consider all
the member forces and moments (except torsion) to perform design,
only FX, MY and MZ are printed since they are the ones which are of
interest, in most cases.

h) LOCATION specifies the actual distance from the start of the member to the
section where design forces govern.

i) TRACK If the parameter TRACK is set to 1.0, the program will block out
part of the table and will print the allowable bending capacities in
compression (MCY & MCZ) and reduced moment capacities (MRY &
MRZ), allowable axial capacity in compression (PC) and tension (PT)
and shear capacity (PV). TRACK 2.0 will produce the design results as
shown in section 2B.9.

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.11 Plate Girders

Plate girders may be considered for design in BS5950. The "py" used in the calculation of
compressive strength is reduced by 20N/mm 2 as per the code if parameter SBLT is set to
1.0. The code requires that for d/t >63E, the interaction checks be modified in order to
check for shear buckling of the web. This is considered in STAAD ( versions 15.0 and
over) following clause and of the code. The shear capacity is found from
table 21 of the code and used in clause For plate girders, clauses and are also considered. In order to account for these checks, the output has been
modified to show these variations from the more common critical checks. An example is as
follows, using TRACK 2.0, showing the bottom part of the output having been modified as

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BS5950 Table 7<note 2>: d/t > 63E Web Is Checked For Shear Buckling

d/t =101.7 qcr=191.9 N/mm2 d*t=14639 mm2 ( 2809.4 kN

Flange =COMPACT Pyf=344 N/mm2 a=PASS a=PASS

Flange Ratio (a) =0.20 L= 1 Web Ratio =0.05 L= 1



BS- 0.177 1 0.0 -150.0 0.0 -1125.0 0.0

BS-4.2.3-(Y) 0.049 1 0.0 150.0 0.0 -1125.0 0.0

BS-4.3 (LTB) 0.151 1 0.0 -150.0 0.0 -1125.0 0.0

BS- 0.053 1 0.0 150.0 0.0 -1125.0 0.0

BS- a 0.203 1 0.0 -150.0 0.0 -1125.0 0.0

International Codes

British Codes - Steel Design Per BS5950

2B1.12 Composite Sections

The definition of composite sections has been provided for in the standard sections
definition - section 5.20.1 of the Technical Reference Manual. This is purely for analysis
and for obtaining the right section properties. It uses the American requirement of 18 times
depth (CT) as the effective depth. For more control with British sections two new options
are available in user provided tables.


Using the standard definition of I sections in WIDE FLANGE, 4 additional values can now
be provided. The first is the width of concrete to the left of centre of the steel web (b1).
The second is the concrete width to the right (b2). The third is the concrete depth (d1) to be
considered. The last is the modular ratio. The above values are accepted in the program by
adding a '-' at the first position on the first line of data. The program now awaits four extra
values on line 2 as described above. If (-) is provided on the second line the program
requires another 2 breadths + 1 thickness for the bottom plate.

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The same is true for ISECTION definition in user table.


-66.5 44.98 .76 15.24 1.09 21345 645 21.3 34.185 33.223
150 150 30 10
-92.05 2.15 92.05 42.05 3.66 42.05 3.66 197.9 153.9 1730
40 40 12 1

The larger British sections have been coded as USER TABLES under wide flange and are
available on request to any existing user. Please note however that composite design IS
NOT available in this portion of STAAD.

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS5400

2C.1 General Comments

BS5400 is an additional code available from Research Engineers. It does not come as
standard with British versions.

The British Standard, BS5400 adopts the limit state design philosophy and is applicable to
steel, concrete and composite construction. The code is in 10 parts covering various aspects
of bridge design. The implementation of part 3, Code of practice for design of steel bridges,
in STAAD is restricted in its scope to simply supported spans. It is assumed that the depth
remains constant and both construction and composite stages of steel I-Sections can be
checked. The following sections describe in more detail features of the design process
currently available in STAAD.

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International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS5400

2C.2 Shape Limitations

The capacity of sections could be limited by local buckling if the ratio of flange outstand to
thickness is large. In order to prevent this, the code sets limits to the ratio as per clause
9.3.2. In the event of exceeding these limits, the design process will terminate with
reference to the clause.

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS5400

2C.3 Section Class

Sections are further defined as compact or non-compact. In the case of compact sections,
the full plastic moment capacity can be attained. In the case of non compact sections, local
buckling of elements may occur prior to reaching the full moment capacity and for this
reason the extreme fibre stresses are limited to first yield. In STAAD, section types are
determined as per clause 9.3.7 and the checks that follow will relate to the type of section

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS5400

2C.4 Moment Capacity

Lateral torsional buckling may occur if a member has unrestrained elements in

compression. The code deals with this effect by limiting the compressive stress to a value
depending on the slenderness parameter which is a modified form of the ratio Le/Ry. Le is
the effective length governed by the provision of lateral restraints satisfying the
requirements of clause 9.12.1. Once the allowable compressive stress is determined then
the moment capacity appropriate to the section type can be calculated. STAAD takes the
effective length as that provided by the user, defaulting to the length of the member during
construction stage and as zero, assuming full restraint throughout, for the composite stage.
The program then proceeds to calculate the allowable compressive stress based on appendix
G7 from which the moment capacity is then determined.

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International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS5400

2C.5 Shear Capacity

The shear capacity, as outlined in clause is a function of the limiting shear strength, l,
which is dependant on the slenderness ratio. STAAD follows the iterative procedure of
appendix G8 to determine the limiting shear strength of the web panel. The shear capacity
is then calculated based on the formula given under clause

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS5400

2C.6 Design Parameters

Available design parameters to be used in conjunction with BS5400 are listed in table 2C.1.
Depending on the value assigned to the 'WET' parameter, the users can determine the stage
under consideration. For a composite design check, taking into consideration the
construction stage, two separate analyses are required. In the first, member properties are
non-composite and the WET parameter is set to 1.0 . In the second, member properties
should be changed to composite and the WET parameter set to 2.0. Member properties for
composite or non-composite sections should be specified from user provided tables (refer
to section 5.19 of the manual for specification of user tables). Rolled sections, composite or
non-composite, come under WIDE FLANGE section-type and built-up sections under
ISECTION. When specifying composite properties the first parameter is assigned a
negative value and four additional parameters provided giving details of the concrete
section. See user table examples provided.

Table 2C.1 - BS5400 Design Parameters

Parameter Default Description

Name Value
UNL* Member Length Unsupported Length for calculating
allowable compressive bending
PY* Set according to Design Strength of
steel SGR
NSF 1.0 Net section factor for tension
SGR* 0.0 Steel Grade per BS4360
0.0 = Grade 43
1.0 = Grade 50
2.0 = Grade 55

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SBLT 0.0 0.0 = Rolled Section

1.0 = Built up Section
MAIN 1.0 1.0 = Grade of concrete 30 N/mm2
2.0 = Grade of concrete 40 N/mm2
3.0 = Grade of concrete 50 N/mm2
WET 0.0 0.0 = Wet stage with no data saved
for composite stage.
1.0 = Wet stage with data saved for
composite stage.
2.0 = Composite and wet stage
3.0 = Composite stage only.
TRACK 1.0 1.0 = Print all member capacities.
0.0 = suppress all member capacities.
LY* Member Length Length to calculate slenderness ratio
for bending about Y-axis.
LZ* Member Length Length to calculate slenderness ratio
for bending about Z-axis.
KY 1.0 K value for bending about Y-axis.
Usually this is minor axis.
KZ 1.0 K value for bending about Z-axis.
Usually this is major axis.
STIFF 1.0 Factor of length for panel length in
the shear calculation.

* Provided in current unit systems.

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS5400

2C.7 Composite Sections

The definition of composite sections has been provided for in the standard sections
definition - section 5.20.1 of the Technical Reference Manual. This is purely for analysis
and for obtaining the right section properties. It uses the American requirement of 18 times
depth (CT) as the effective depth. For more control with British sections two new options
are available in user provided tables.


Using the standard definition of I sections in WIDE FLANGE, 4 additional values can now

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be provided. The first is the width of concrete to the left of centre of the steel web (b1).
The second is the concrete width to the right (b2). The third is the concrete depth (d1) to be
considered. The last is the modular ratio. The above values are accepted in the program by
adding a '-' at the first position on the first line of data. The program now awaits four extra
values on line 2 as described above. If (-) is provided on the second line the program
requires another 2 breadths + 1 thickness for the bottom plate.


The same is true for ISECTION definition in user table.


-66.5 44.98 .76 15.24 1.09 21345 645 21.3 34.185 33.223
150 150 30 10
-92.05 2.15 92.05 42.05 3.66 42.05 3.66 197.9 153.9 1730
40 40 12 1

The larger British sections have been coded as USER TABLES under wide flange and are
available on request to any existing user. Please note however that composite design IS
NOT available in this portion of STAAD.

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS8007

2D.1 General Comments

BS8007 is an additional code available from Research Engineers. It does not come as
standard with British versions.

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STAAD has the capability of performing concrete slab design according to BS8007.
BS8007 provides recommendations for the design of reinforced concrete structures
containing aqueous liquids. It is recommended that the design of the structure is carried out
according to BS8110, unless modified by the recommendations given in BS8007.

Please use the following in conjunction with Section 2A of this Manual - BS8110.

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS8007

2D.2 Design Process

The design process is carried out in three stages.

1) Ultimate Limit States

The program is structured so that ultimate design is first carried out in accordance with
recommendations given in BS8110. All active design load cases are considered in turn and
a tabulated output is printed showing possible reinforcement arrangements. 12, 16 and 20
mm bars are considered with possible spacings from 100,125,150,175 and 200 mm. Within
these spacings, the layout providing the closest area of steel is printed under each bar size.
Longitudinal and transverse moments together with critical load cases for both hogging and
sagging moments are also printed. Minimum reinforcement is in any case checked and
provided in each direction. WOOD & ARMER moments may also be included in the

2) Serviceability Limit States

In the second stage, flexural crack widths under serviceability load cases are calculated.
The FIRST and EVERY OTHER OCCURING design load case is considered as a
serviceability load case and crack widths are calculated based on bar sizes and spacings
proposed at the ultimate limit state check.

Crack widths due to longitudinal and transverse moments are calculated directly under bars,
midway between and at corners. A tabulated output indicating critical serviceability load
cases and moments for top and bottom of the slab is then produced.

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3) Thermal crack widths

Finally thermal, crack width calculations are carried out. Through available parameters, the
user is able to provide information on the type of slab, temperature range and crack width

Surface zone depths are determined based on the type of slab and critical areas of
reinforcements are calculated and printed in a tabulated form.

Four bar sizes are considered and for each, max crack spacing, Smax and crack widths are
calculated for the critical reinforcements and printed under each bar size.

Maximum bar spacing to limit crack widths to the user's limit is also printed under each bar

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS8007

2D.3 Design Parameters

The program contains a number of parameters which are needed to perform and control the
design to BS8007.

These parameters not only act as a method to input required data for code calculations but
give the Engineer control over the actual design process. Default values of commonly used
values for conventional design practice have been chosen as the basis. Table 2D.1 contains
a complete list of available parameters with their default values.

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS8007

2D.4 Structural Model

Structural slabs that are to be designed to BS8007 must be modelled using finite elements.

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The manual provides information on the sign convention used in the program for defining
elements, (See main manual section 2-6).

It is recommended to connect elements in such a way that the positive local z axis points
outwards away, from the centre of the container. In this manner the "Top" of elements will
consistently fall on the outer surface and internal pressure loads will act in the positive
direction of the local z axis.

An example of a rectangular tank is provided to demonstrate the above procedure.

Element properties are based on the thickness given under ELEMENT PROPERTIES
command. The following example demonstrates the required input for a 300 mm slab
modelled with 10 elements.

1 TO 10 THI 300.0

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per BS8007

2D.5 Wood & Armer Moments

This is controlled by the SRA parameter. If the default value of zero is used, the design
will be based on the Mx and My moments which are the direct results of STAAD analysis.
The SRA parameter (Set Reinforcement Angle) can be manipulated to introduce WOOD &
ARMER moments into the design replacing the pure Mx, My moments. These new design
moments allow the Mxy moment to be considered when designing the section. Orthogonal
or skew reinforcement may be considered. SRA set to -500 will assume an orthogonal
layout. If however a skew is to be considered, an angle is given in degrees, measured
between the local element x axis anti-clockwise ( positive ). The resulting Mx* and My*
moments are calculated and shown in the design format.

Table 2D.1 - BS8007 Design Parameters

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Parameter Default Description

Name Value
FYMAIN * Yield for all reinforcing steel
* 460 N/mm2
* 30 N/mm2 Concrete grade.
* 20 mm Distance from the outer surface to the
edge of the bar. This is considered the
same on both surfaces.
0.0 Orthogonal reinforcement layout
without considering torsional moment
Mxy - slabs on -500.
orthogonal reinforcement layout with
Mxy used to calculate WOOD
&ARMER moments for design.
A* Skew angle considered in WOOD
angle in degrees.
SCON 1 Parameter which indicates the type of
slab ee. ground or suspended as
defined in BS8007
1 = Suspended Slab
2 = Ground Slab
TEMP 30°C Temperature range to be considered
in thermal crack width calculations
CRACK * 0.2 mm Limiting thermal crack width

* Provided in current unit systems

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per British Cold Formed Steel Code

2E.1 General
Provisions of BS 5950-5:1998,have been implemented. The program allows design of
single (non-composite) members in tension, compression, bending, shear, as well as their
combinations. Cold work of forming strengthening effects have been included as an option.

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per British Cold Formed Steel Code

2E.2 Cross-Sectional Properties
The user specifies the geometry of the cross-section by selecting one of the section shape
designations from the Gross Section Property Tables published in the “The Steel

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Construction Institute”, (Design of Structures using Cold Formed Steel Sections).

The Tables are currently available for the following shapes:

· Channel with Lips

· Channel without Lips
· Z with Lips

· Pipe

· Tube

Shape assignment may be done using the member property pages of the graphical user
interface (GUI) or by specifying the section designation symbol in the input file.

The properties listed in the tables are gross section properties. STAAD.Pro uses unreduced
section properties in the structure analysis stage. Both unreduced and effective section
properties are used in the design stage, as applicable.

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per British Cold Formed Steel Code

2E.3 Design Procedure
The following two design modes are available:

1. Code Checking

The program compares the resistance of members with the applied load effects, in
accordance with BS 5950-5:1998. Code checking is carried out for locations specified by
the user via the SECTION command or the BEAM parameter. The results are presented in a
form of a PASS/FAIL identifier and a RATIO of load effect to resistance for each member
checked. The user may choose the degree of detail in the output data by setting the TRACK

2. Member Selection

The user may request that the program search the cold formed steel shapes database (BS

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standard sections) for alternative members that pass the code check and meet the least
weight criterion. In addition, a minimum and/or maximum acceptable depth of the member
may be specified. The program will then evaluate all database sections of the type initially
specified (i.e., channel, angle, etc.) and, if a suitable replacement is found, presents design
results for that section. If no section satisfying the depth restrictions or lighter than the
initial one can be found, the program leaves the member unchanged, regardless of whether
it passes the code check or not.

The program calculates effective section properties in accordance with Section 4 of the
subject code. Cross-sectional properties and overall slenderness of members are checked
for compliance with

· Clause 6.2.2, Maximum Effective Slenderness Ratio for members in Compression

· Clause 4.2, Maximum Flat Width Ratios for Elements in Compression

International Codes

British Codes - Design Per British Cold Formed Steel Code

2E.4 Design Equations

Tensile Strength

The allowable tensile strength, as calculated in STAAD as per BS5950-5, section 7 is

described below.

The tensile strength, P t of the member should be determined from clause 7.2.1


Ae is the net area An determined in accordance with cl.3.5.4

py is the design strength

Combined bending and tension

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As per clause 7.3 of BS 5950-5:1998 members subjected to both axial tension and bending
should be proportioned such that the following relationships are satisfied at the ultimate
limit state




Ft is the applies tensile strength

Pt is the tensile capacity determined in accordance with clause 7.2.1 of the subject

M z ,M y ,M cz ,M cy are as defined in clause 6.4.2 of the subject code

Compressive Strength

The allowable Compressive strength, as calculated in STAAD as per BS5950-5, section 6 is

described below.

For sections symmetrical about both principal axes orclosed cross-sections which are not
subjected to torsionalflexural buckling, the buckling resistance under axial load, Pc, may be
obtained from the following equation as per clause 6.2.3 of the subject code

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For Sections symmetrical about a single axis and which are not subject to torsional flexural
buckling, the buckling resistance under axial load, Pc, may be obtained from the following
equation as per clause 6.2.4 of the subject code

Where the meanings of the symbols used are indicated in the subject clauses.

Torsional flexural buckling

Design of the memberswhich have at least one axis of symmetry, and which are subject to
torsional flexural buckling should be done according to the stipulations of the clause 6.3.2
using factored slenderness ratio aL E /r in place of actual slenderness ratio while reading
Table 10 for the value of Compressive strength(p c ).


= 1 , otherwise

Where the meanings of the symbols used are indicated in the subject clause.

Combined bending and compression

Members subjected to both axial compression and bending should be checked for local
capacity and overall buckling

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Local capacity check as per clause 6.4.2 of the subject code

Overall buckling check as per clause 6.4.3 of the subject code

For Beams not subjected to lateral buckling, the following relationship should be satisfied

For Beams subjected to lateral buckling, the following relationship should be satisfied

Fc is the applied axial load

P cs is the short strut capacity as per clause 6.2.3

Mz is the applied bending moment about z axis

My is the applied bending moment about y axis

M cz is the moment capacity in bending about the local Z axis in the absence of F c and
M y , as per clause 5.2.2 and 5.6

M cy is the moment capacity in bending about the local Y axis, in the absence of F c and

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M z ,as per clause 5.2.2 and 5.6

Mb is the lateral buckling resistance moment as per clause 5.6.2

P Ez is the flexural buckling load in compression for bending about the local Z axis

P Ey is the flexural buckling load in compression for bending about the local Y axis

C bz ,C by are taken as unity unless their values are specified by the user

The Mcz, Mcy and Mb are calculated from clause numbers 5.2.2 and 5.6 in the manner described

Calculation of moment capacities

For restrained beams, the applied moment based on factored loads should not be greater
then the bending moment resistance of the section, M c

Mcz = SzzX po

Mcy = Syy X po


M cz is the Moment resistance of the section in z axis

M cz is the Moment resistance of the section in z axis

po is the limiting stress for bending elements under stress gradient and should not
greater then design strength p y

For unrestrained beams the applied moment based on factored loads should not be greater
than the smaller of the bending moment resistance of the section , M c , and the buckling
resistance moment of the beam, M b

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Then buckling resistance moment, M b, may be calculated as follows

MY is the yield moment of the section , product of design strength p y and elastic
modules of the gross section with respect to the compression flange Zc

ME is the elastic lateral buckling resistance as per clause

η is the Perry coefficient

Please refer clause numbers 5.2.2 and 5.6 of the subject code for a detailed discussion
regarding the parameters used in the abovementioned equations.

Shear Strength

The maximum shear stress should not be greater then 0.7 ´ p y as per clause 5.4.2

The average shear stress should not exceed the lesser of the shear yield strength, p v or the
shear buckling strength, q cr as stipulated in clause 5.4.3 of the subject code.

The parameters are calculated as follows :-

pv = 0.6 X p y

Pv= A*Min(pv,qcr)

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Pv is the shear capacity in N/mm^2

py is the design strength in N/mm^2

t is the web thickness in mm

D is the web depth in mm

Combined bending and Shear

For beam webs subjected to both bending and shear stresses the member should be
designed to satisfy the following relationship as per the stipulations of clause 5.5.2 of the
subject code


Fv is the shear force

M is the bending moment acting at the same section as Fv

Mc is the moment capacity determined in accordance with 5.2.2

The next table contains the input parameters for specifying values of design variables and
selection of design options.

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Parameter Name Default Value Description

BEAM 1.0 When this parameter

is set to 1.0 (default),
the adequacy of the
member is
determined by
checking a total of 13
equally spaced
locations along the
length of the member.
If the BEAM value is
0.0, the 13 location
check is not
conducted, and
instead, checking is
done only at the
locations specified by
command (See
STAAD manual for
details. For TRUSS
members only start
and end locations are
CMZ 1.0 Coefficient of
equivalent uniform
bending Cb. See
Used for Combined
axial load and
bending design.
CMY 1.0 Coefficient of
equivalent uniform
bending Cb. See
Used for Combined
axial load and
bending design.
CWY 1.0 Specifies whether the
cold work of forming
strengthening effect
should be included in
computation. See
Values: 0 – effect
should not be

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1 – effect
should be included
FLX 1 Specifies whether
buckling restraint is
provided or is not
necessary for the
member. See
BS:5950-5:1998, 5.6

0 – Section not
subject to torsional
flexural buckling

1 – Section subject to
torsional flexural
FU 430 MPa Ultimate tensile
strength of steel in
current units.
FYLD 250 Yield strength of steel in current units.

KX 1.0 Effective length factor for torsional buckling.

It is a fraction and is unit-less. Values can
range from 0.01 (for a column completely
prevented from buckling) to any user
specified large value. It is used to compute the
KL/R ratio for twisting for determining the
capacity in axial compression.
KY 1.0 Effective length factor for overall buckling
about the local Y-axis. It is a fraction and is
unit-less. Values can range from 0.01 (for a
column completely prevented from buckling)
to any user specified large value. It is used to
compute the KL/R ratio for determining the
capacity in axial compression.
KZ 1.0 Effective length factor for overall buckling in
the local Z-axis. It is a fraction and is unit-
less. Values can range from 0.01 (for a
member completely prevented from buckling)
to any user specified large value. It is used to
compute the KL/R ratio for determining the
capacity in axial compression.
LX Member Unbraced length for twisting. It is input in the
length current units of length. Values can range from
0.01 (for a member completely prevented
from torsional buckling) to any user specified
large value. It is used to compute the KL/R
ratio for twisting for determining the capacity

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in axial compression.
LY Member Effective length for overall buckling in the
length local Y-axis. It is input in the current units of
length. Values can range from 0.01 (for a
member completely prevented from buckling)
to any user specified large value. It is used to
compute the KL/R ratio for determining the
capacity in axial compression.
LZ Member Effective length for overall buckling in the
length local Z-axis. It is input in the current units
of length. Values can range from 0.01 (for
a member completely prevented from
buckling) to any user specified large
value. It is used to compute the KL/R ratio
for determining the capacity in axial
MAIN 0 0 – Check slenderness ratio
0 – Do not check slenderness ratio
NSF 1.0 Net section factor for tension members
2540.0 Maximum allowable depth. It is input in the

cm. current units of length.

RATIO 1.0 Permissible ratio of actual to allowable
TRACK 0 This parameter is used to control the level of
detail in which the design output is reported
in the output file. The allowable values are:

0 - Prints only the member number, section

name, ratio, and PASS/FAIL status.

1 - Prints the design summary in addition to

that printed by TRACK 1

2 - Prints member and material properties in

addition to that printed by TRACK 2.

International Codes

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British Codes - Design Per British Cold Formed Steel Code

2E.5 Verification Problem
In the next few pages are included a verification example for reference purposes.

Verification Problem-1

In this problem, we have assigned Channel sections with lips to different members.Member
numbers 28 to 31 have been assigned section 230CLHS66X16,member numbers 3 TO 6 and
15 TO 19 have been assigned the section 230CLMIL70X30 and member numbers 1, 2, 7
TO 14 have been assigned the section 170CLHS56X18. These members have been designed
as per BS 5950 Part 5. Other sections have been assigned from the AISI shapes database
(American cold-formed steel) and designed in accordance with that code.

The excerpts from the design output for member number 1 are given herein below.

1) Bending Check

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As per Clause of BS 5950 –Part 5 the limiting compressive stress(p o ) for stiffened
webs is given by the minimum of


p o = Py where Py = Min ( FYLD, 0.84XFU) = 361.2 N/mm 2

So that

= 332.727 N/mm 2

The limiting compressive moments in local Y and Z axes will be given by

M cz = S zz X p o = 27632.4 X 332.727 = 9.19 X 10 6 N-mm

M cy = S yy X p o = 27632.4 X 5427.50 = 3.46 X 10 6 N-mm

Maximum bending moment about local Z = 2159 N-m at node 7

Maximum bending moment about local Y = 19.755 N-m at node 7

Bending Ratio Z = 2.15 X10 6 / 9.19 X10 6 = 0.235 ……hence verified

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Bending Ratio Y = 19755.3/ 3.46 X10 6 = 0.0057 ……hence verified

Buckling resistance moment M b

As per section 5.6.2,

The buckling resistance moment


The Yield moment(M Y ) of section is given by M Y = S zz X p o = 9.19 X 10 6 N-mm

The elastic buckling resistance moment(M E ) as per clause is calculated to be

4.649 X10 6 N-mm

And, so that

= 2.325 X 10 10

Which gives

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2) Compression Check

The Axial force induced in member# 1 is 3436.75N

The elastic flexural buckling load P E = 1.185 X 10 6 N

The short strut capacity (Pcs ) is given by A eff X py= 457.698 * 344 = 157448 N

Perry Coefficient (η) = 0.02074

Buckling resistance = 153782 N

For Channel section(being singly symmetric) as per clause 6.2.4

Buckling resistance


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The limiting compressive moment(M c ) in the relevant direction = 9.19 X 10 6 N-mm,as

calculated above

And the distance(e s ) of the geometric neutral axis of the gross cross section and that of the
effective cross section = 38.24 m

So that,

Compression ratio = ……hence verified

3) Axial Compression and Bending

Local capacity check as per clause 6.4.2

= 0.26

Over all buckling check : 6.4.3

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= 0.2773 ……hence verified

4) Shear Check as per clause 5.4.2 and 5.4.3

pv = 0.6 X p y = 0.6 X 379.212 = 227.52 N/mm 2

P v = A*Min(p v ,q cr ) = 112.11 N/mm 2

Shear resistance Y = 33579.4 N

Shear resistance Z = 21148.6 N

Shear Ratio Y = ……hence verified

Shear Ratio Z = ……hence verified

5) Shear Check with Bending as per clause 5.5.2

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Shear with bending on Z =

= 0.08327 …… hence verified

Shear with bending on Y =

= 0.000….426 ……hence verified

Input File:






1 0 5 0; 2 0 5 10; 3 10 5 0; 4 10 5 10; 5 55 0; 6 5 5 10; 7 0 5 2; 8 0 5 4;

9 0 5 6; 10 0 5 8; 11 10 5 2; 12 10 5 4; 13 10 5 6; 14 10 5 8; 15 5 5 2;

16 5 5 4; 17 5 56; 18 5 5 8; 19 10 0 0; 20 10 0 10; 21 0 0 10; 22 0 00;


1 1 7; 2 3 11; 3 1 5; 4 2 6; 5 5 3; 6 6 4; 7 78; 8 8 9; 9 9 10; 10 10 2;

11 11 12; 12 12 13; 13 13 14; 14 14 4; 15 5 15; 16 15 16; 17 16 17; 18 17 18;

19 18 6; 20 7 15; 21 15 11; 22 8 16; 23 16 12; 24 9 17; 25 17 13; 26 10 18;

27 18 14; 28 1 22; 29 2 21; 30 3 19; 31 4 20; 32 1 21; 33 21 4; 34 4 19;

35 19 1; 36 2 20; 37 20 3; 38 3 22; 39 22 2;

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32 TO 39 TABLE ST 3LU3X060

20 TO 27 TABLE ST 3HU3X075


28 TO 31 TABLE ST 230CLHS66X16

3 TO 6 15 TO 19 TABLE ST 230CLMIL70X30

1 2 7 TO 14 TABLE ST 170CLHS56X18








E 4.176e+006


DENSITY 0.489024

ALPHA 6.5e-006

DAMP 0.03



BETA 90 MEMB 20 TO 27



32 TO 39



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3 TO 6 20 TO 27 UNI GY -0.3 0 5


1 2 FX 0.6

2 4 FZ -0.6
















TRACK 2 MEMB 1 TO 19 28 TO 31



Output File:

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****************************************************** **********

* *

* STAAD.Pro *

* Version Bld *

* Proprietary Program of *

* *

* Date= *

* Time= *

* *

* USER ID: *








32 ST 3LU3X060 2.26 21.81 5.17 0.02

1.51 1.51 4.05 1.93

20 ST 3HU3X075 4.91 63.15 40.66 0.06

1.24 2.40 10.63 9.59

28 ST 230CLHS66X16 8.78 663.30 42.82 0.18

5.40 2.94 60.93 9.29

3 ST 230CLMIL70X30

11.40 868.90 66.93 0.36

6.72 3.84 80.13 14.15

1 ST 170CLHS56X18 5.23 224.50 20.49 0.06

3.00 1.89 27.96 5.43

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************ END OF DATA FROM INTERNAL STORAGE ************


**NOTE-Tension/Compression converged after 2 iterations, Case= 1








MX= 84.00 MY= 12.00 MZ= -96.00






MX= -84.00 MY= -12.00 MZ= 96.00



X = 1.56266E-02 1

Y = -4.80071E-01 16

Z = -1.74873E-02 4

RX= -8.28375E-03 6

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RY= -2.10910E-05 14

RZ= -8.31623E-03 7

************ END OF DATA FROM INTERNAL STORAGE ************




1 1 0.0397 -0.0184 -0.0339 0.0074 0.0000 -0.0027

4 1 0.0305 -0.0185 -0.0444 -0.0074 0.0000 0.0025

16 1 0.0352 -1.2194 -0.0392 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000

************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT **************




19 1 -447.32 2312.64 85.08 0.00 0.00 0.00

20 1 -447.10 2041.85 186.39 0.00 0.00 0.00

21 1 174.26 1768.33 187.79 0.00 0.00 0.00

22 1 175.85 2041.85 85.05 0.00 0.00 0.00

************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT **************





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3 1 1 669.42 1448.06 2.70 -1.68 -215.75 61582.12

5 -669.42 -767.67 -2.70 1.68 -196.10 107256.50

24 1 9 -0.63 -0.06 -285.30 -0.04 -0.08 1.04

17 0.63 0.06 -395.09 0.04 -8366.18 -9.62

28 1 1 2155.98 -404.11 -85.05 0.00 12961.01 -61586.40

22 -2155.98 404.11 85.05 0.00 0.00 0.00

************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT **************





| MEMBER# 20 SECTION: 3HU3X075 LEN: 60.00 GOV.LOC: 60.00 |

| STATUS: PASS RATIO = 0.285 GOV.MODE: Bend + Compress GOV.LOAD: 1 |

| |


| BEND. Z: 28.21 BEND. Y: 30.98 SHEAR Z: 11.76 SHEAR Y: 5.88 |

| |

| FYLD: 55.00 COLDWORK FYLD: 55.71 FU: 58.00 A: 0.76 AE: 0.76 |

| IZ: 1.5173E+00 IZE: 1.5173E+00 IY: 9.7684E-01 IYE: 9.7684E-01 |

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| SZE_T: 6.4841E-01 SZE_C: 6.4841E-01 SYE_T: 5.8539E-01 SYE_C: 7.3374E-01 |



| MEMBER# 21 SECTION: 3HU3X075 LEN: 60.00 GOV.LOC: 0.00 |

| STATUS: PASS RATIO = 0.285 GOV.MODE: Bend + Compress GOV.LOAD: 1 |

| |


| BEND. Z: 28.21 BEND. Y: 30.98 SHEAR Z: 11.76 SHEAR Y: 5.88 |

| |

| FYLD: 55.00 COLDWORK FYLD: 55.71 FU: 58.00 A: 0.76 AE: 0.76 |

| IZ: 1.5173E+00 IZE: 1.5173E+00 IY: 9.7684E-01 IYE: 9.7684E-01 |

| SZE_T: 1.0115E+00 SZE_C: 1.0115E+00 SYE_T: 7.3374E-01 SYE_C: 5.8539E-01 |


STAAD/Pro CODE CHECKING - (BS5950-5-v1.0)




| MEMBER# 1 SECTION: 170CLHS56X18 LEN: 609.60 LOCATION: 609.60 |

| STATUS: PASS RATIO = 0.277GOV.MODE: Bend + Compress GOV.LOAD: 1 |

|------------------------------------------------ --------------------------|

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Yield strength of steel: 379.21 N/mm2

Ultimate tensile strength: 430.00 N/mm2


Section Name: 170CLHS56X18

Member Length: 60.96

Gross Area(Ag): 5.46 Net Area (Ae): 4.58

z-z axis y-y axis

Moment of inertia (I) : 237.68 21.99

Moment of inertia (Ie): 236.04 19.44

Elastic modulus (Zet): 27.91 5.21

Elastic modulus (Zec): 27.63 10.41


z-z axis y-y axis

Tension Capacity (Pt): 0.00

Compression Capacity (Pc): 93.79

Moment Capacity (Mc): 9.19 3.46

Shear Capacity (Pc): 21.15 33.58



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BS-6.3 Compression ratio - Axial 0.037

BS-6.4 Bend-Compression ratio 0.277

BS-5.1 Bending Ratio - Z 0.235

BS-5.1 Bending Ratio - Y 0.006

BS-5.1 Biaxial Bending Ratio 0.241

BS-5.4 Shear Ratio - Z 0.168

BS-5.4 Shear Ratio - Y 0.003

BS-5.5.2 Bending -Z & Shear - Y Ratio 0.083

BS-5.5.2 Bending -Y & Shear - Z Ratio 0.000


| MEMBER# 2 SECTION: 170CLHS56X18 LEN: 609.60 LOCATION: 609.60 |

| STATUS: PASS RATIO = 0.282GOV.MODE: Bend + Compress GOV.LOAD: 1 |

|------------------------------------------------ --------------------------|


Yield strength of steel: 379.21 N/mm2

Ultimate tensile strength: 430.00 N/mm2

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Section Name: 170CLHS56X18

Member Length: 60.96

Gross Area(Ag): 5.46 Net Area (Ae): 4.58

z-z axis y-y axis

Moment of inertia (I) : 237.68 21.99

Moment of inertia (Ie): 236.04 21.99

Elastic modulus (Zet): 27.91 14.20

Elastic modulus (Zec): 27.63 5.43


z-z axis y-y axis

Tension Capacity (Pt): 0.00

Compression Capacity (Pc): 93.79

Moment Capacity (Mc): 9.19 1.81

Shear Capacity (Pc): 21.15 33.58



BS-6.3 Compression ratio - Axial 0.037

BS-6.4 Bend-Compression ratio 0.282

BS-5.1 Bending Ratio - Z 0.235

BS-5.1 Bending Ratio - Y 0.010

BS-5.1 Biaxial Bending Ratio 0.245

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BS-5.4 Shear Ratio - Z 0.168

BS-5.4 Shear Ratio - Y 0.003

BS-5.5.2 Bending -Z & Shear - Y Ratio 0.083

BS-5.5.2 Bending -Y & Shear - Z Ratio 0.000

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