Rib Index

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Rib index

Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20
Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20


Rib index
Theodoros B Grivas

This article analyzes the double rib contour sign (DRCS) and the rib index (RI). The analyzed topics are 1. the history
of presentations – publication of DRCS-RI, 2. the study source origin: school screening for idiopathic scoliosis (IS), 3.
what the DRCS and the RI are– Description, 4. the quantification of the DRCS – RI, 5. a reliability study for RI 6. how
much the rib index is affected by the distance between the radiation source and the irradiated individual, 7. the
implications on IS aetiology, 8. the applications of Rib index for a. documentation of the deformity, b. assessment of
physiotherapy, c. assessment of brace treatment and d. pre- and post-operative assessment; assessment of the rib-cage
deformity correction on the transverse plane, 9. the use of RI and implications for screening policies 10. the
reference of the RI method in spinal textbooks and finally 11. the citations in Google Scholar.

The history of presentation and publication of lateral spinal radiographs of all asymmetric children it
DRCS-RI was noticed that there was a double rib contour (DRC), an
The DRCS and RI were initially presented in Greece interesting radiologic sign not previously described in the
during the 25th “Nicolas Giannestras- Panayiotis Smyrnis” available to us literature. We coined it “double rib contour
Anniversary Symposium of Spinal Column Diseases, at sign” (DRCS).
the Porto Rio Hotel, Patras, Greece, 21-23 May 1999
[1]. It was then presented in the International Research What are the DRCS and the RI – Description
Society of Spinal Deformities meeting at Clermont All lateral spinal radiographs in IS show a DRCS of the
Ferrand, Château du Marand, France, 23-26 May 2000 [2]. thoracic cage, a radiographic expression of the rib hump
Subsequently, it was published in 2002 [3]. This publica- (RH), Figure 1. The outline of the one hemi-thorax
tion focused on the implications of DRCS on the aetiology (convex) overlies the contour of the other hemi-thorax
of idiopathic scoliosis [3]. (concave). Then the rib index (RI) method extracted
from the DRCS was introduced in order to quantify
The study source origin: school screening for IS the severity of the double rib contour (DRC) that is to
The scoliosis school screening program of the Orthopaedic evaluate the rib hump deformity in IS patients in an at-
Department of “Thriasio” General Hospital of Attica tempt to create a safe reproducible way to assess the RH
started in the school year of 1996. As far as we know, it deformity based on lateral radiographs. This assessment
has been the only program screening children attending actually represents the appraisal of the transverse plane
the first grade of the primary school aged 5 to 6 years to rib-cage deformity, a method applied to the lateral spinal
the last grade of high school aged 17 to 18 years and there- radiographs, which has not been presented earlier in the
fore the collected data covered this wide range of ages. available to us literature, Figure 1.
The screened asymmetric children of this program were
referred to the scoliosis clinic of that department for fur- Quantification of the DRC sign
ther assessment. The children with a scoliometer reading For the quantification of the DRCS and formation of the
more than 7 degrees were assessed radiographically. The RI we:
thoracic cage and the spine were assessed for coronal
(scoliosis) and sagittal (kyphosis-lordosis) Cobb angle and 1. Determine the most extended rib point; p1. This is
the segmental left and right RVAs of the rib-cage. In the the osculation point of a vertical line tangential to
the most extended point of the most extending rib
Correspondence: [email protected] contour (convex).
Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, “Tzaneio” General Hospital of
Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
2. Draw a vertical line passing in p1; Line 1.

© 2014 Grivas; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article,
unless otherwise stated.
Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20 Page 2 of 9

Figure 1 The double rib contour sign (DRCS) of the thoracic cage in a standing spinal radiograph.

3. Determine the least projected rib point; p2. This is The corresponding vertebra is the one at the level of
the osculation point of a vertical line tangential to d1. We define this in order to draw the Line 3.
the most extended point of the least extending rib Therefore d1 is the distance between the most ex-
contour (concave). tended point of the most extending rib contour and the
4. Draw a vertical line passing in p2; Line 2. posterior margin of the corresponding vertebra on the
5. Determine the corresponding vertebra and its lateral scoliosis films, while d2 is the distance from
posterior margin line; Line 3. the least projected rib contour and the posterior mar-
6. Measure the distance from line 3 to Line 1 and gin of the same vertebra.
Line 2. Lastly the “rib index” is defined as the d1/d2 ratio
7. The distance between Line 3 and Line 1 is d1. (calculated by the ratio of spine distances d1/d2). At a
8. The distance between Line 3 and Line 2 is d2. symmetric and non-deformed thorax the rib contour
(RC) lines are practically superimposed and the “rib
In the lateral radiographs, the posterior body’s margin index” is ≈ 1, Figure 2.
line of an un-rotated corresponding vertebra represents
the Line 3. When the corresponding vertebra is rotated, Reliability study
the posterior margin of the vertebral body shows double The variations of the RI in a pair set of lateral chest ra-
line. Then the Line 3 is the parallel one that passes in diographs in 49 randomized volunteers were estimated.
the middle of this double line. Each of these subjects had two consequent chest lateral

Figure 2 The Rib Index (RI) of the thoracic cage in a standing spinal radiograph.
Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20 Page 3 of 9

radiographs (LRs) at the radiological department of the How much is the RI affected by the distance
hospital by the same technician during the course of between the radiation source and the irradiated
treatment (named A and B group of LRs) in a standard individual?
position, Figure 3. The cassette was on the left side of A validity study of DRCS was implemented to appraise
the patient. The distance from the radiation source dur- how the RI is affected by the distance between the
ing lateral chest radiographs was chosen to be 1,80m, radiation source and the irradiated child.
that is the one used in the radiographs for the scoliotic The American College of Radiology's (2009) guidelines
children according to the American College of Radiology’s for obtaining radiographs for scoliosis in children recom-
recommendations (2009) [4]. The RI was calculated in mend that the distance from the scoliotic child to the film
both LRs of each patient. The statistical analysis included is 1,80 m [4]. Normal values for the transverse diameter of
the paired t-test in the set of LRs, its correlation coeffi- the ribcage in children aged 6-12 years were considered
cient, the intra- and inter-observer error using the formula those reported by Grivas in 1988 (Figures 4, 5 and 6) [6].
(SD/√2)/2, where SD is this of the differences of the two According to the Euclidean geometry (Figure 7), d1/d2 =
sets of measurement (As-Bs). The SPSS v16 statistical 1.073 at a normal child 12 years of age, provided that the
package was used. It was found that in the 49 pairs of LRs distance ΔZ ≈ 12cm (11,84) and EA = 180cm, with trans-
there was no statistical difference of the RI, (paired t-test verse rib-cage diameter of the child 22cm (Figure 8). The
p < 0.314). The RI in the A and B group of LRs was highly values of the transverse rib-cage diameter measurements
correlated (correlation coefficient R = 0,924, p < 0.0001). are presented in centimeters by age (2-12 years old) in
The intra-observer error was 0.0080, while the inter- boys (Figure 5) and in girls (Figure 6).
observer error was 0.0213, in terms of 95% confidence This validity study demonstrated that the DRCS is
interval (CI). Therefore the RI proves to be a reliable substantially true and practically the RI is not affected
method to evaluate the thoracic deformity or the effect of by the distance between the radiation source and the
surgical or non-operative treatment on the IS rib-cage de- irradiated child [7].
formity (hump). It was also demonstrated that the RI is a However the positioning of the IS patient for the
simple method and a safe reproducible way to assess the radiographic examination is very important. Each radio-
RH deformity based on lateral radiographs, without the graph must be taken by technicians trained to do radiog-
need for any other special radiographs and exposure to raphy in a standard way in any hospital or laboratory.
additional radiation [5]. The 1,8m distance between the radiation source and the
Ethical approval was provided for this study by the irradiated individual may vary, depending on the exa-
Ethical Committee of the "Attikon" General University minee's body size. In order to eliminate this limitation, we
Hospital of Athens, Greece". This study was in compliance calculated the d1/d2 ratio using a couple of distances
with the Helsinki Declaration. (1,9m and 1,7m) between the radiation source and the

Figure 3 The radiographs were obtained in a standard position. Measurements in two radiographs.
Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20 Page 4 of 9

Implications on aetiology of IS
At the introduction it was noted that the screened asym-
metric children of our screening program, with equal or
more than 7 degrees of scoliometer reading, were referred
to the scoliosis clinic for further assessment. In a cohort of
133 similar consequent children spinal postero-anterior
and lateral radiographs were obtained, [1-3]. The DRCS
was assessed in children with and without late onset idio-
pathic scoliosis (LOIS) with 10° - 20° Cobb angle and it
was examined whether the deformity of the thorax or that
of the spine develops first in IS. The cohort of children
under investigation included 47 boys with a mean age
13.28 years and 86 girls with mean 13.39 years. All of
them had a scoliometer reading (Angle of trunk rotation
or inclination ATR or ATI) ATI ≥7°.
The Cobb angle was also assessed. Five groups of
children were formed, as described below:
Figure 4 The way the transverse diameter of the rib-cage is
documented in a child using a special anthropometric tool. group 1 children with no scoliosis and straight spines
n = 27 (12 boys 15 girls)
group 2 children with no scoliosis, spinal curvature
irradiated child. This variation corresponds to different having
body sizes (1,9m for larger/fatter and 1,7m for smaller/ a Cobb angle 1° - 9°
thinner children respectively). The results were almost n = 13, (6 boys +7 girls)
similar and statistically insignificant. In conclusion, body group 3 children with thoracic scoliosis 10° - 20°
size was found irrelevant in the measurement of the RI. n = 47 (17 boys +30 girls)

Age in years mean SD Plus SD Minus

2 18,5 21,2 15,8

3 18,1 19 17,2
4 18,8 19,6 18
5 17,6 19,5 15,7
6 19,1 21,6 16,6
7 19,7 22,5 16,9
8 20,8 22,3 19,3
9 21 22,5 20,5
10 21,6 23,1 20,1
11 22,3 23,9 20,6
12 22,2 23,4 21

mean SD Plus SD Minus

cm 21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age in years

Figure 5 Transverse thoracic diameter values in cm for boys by age.

Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20 Page 5 of 9

Age in years mean SD Plus SD Minus

2 17,2 18,4 16
3 17,8 18,6 17
4 18,2 19,1 17,3
5 19,05 20 18,1
6 18,6 20 17,2
7 19,5 21 18
8 20,6 21,9 19,3
9 20,7 22,1 19,2
10 20,5 24,9 16,1
11 22,02 24,08 19,96
12 23,3 25,2 21,4

mean SD Plus SD Minus



cm 21



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age in years

Figure 6 Transverse thoracic diameter values in cm for girls by age.

group 4 children with thoracolumbar scoliosis 10° - 20° group 2 = 1.51, in group 3 = 1.56, in group 4 = 1.59 and
n = 14 (4 boys +10 girls) in group 5 = 1.47. Interestingly, no RI sex differences for
group 5 children with lumbar scoliosis 10° - 20° boys and girls were found and there was no correlation
n = 28 (7 boys +21 girls) of the Cobb angle with the RI for the thoracic, thoraco-
lumbar and lumbar mild LOIS groups (scoliosis 10°-20°
The statistical analysis was done using the SPSS-PC Cobb angle). It was recognized that in all school-screening
v10 package using the following techniques: frequencies, referrals (having ATI ≥7°), the thoracic deformity in terms
descriptive (mean, range, min, max, sd dev, sd err, of the DRCS has already been developed. It was also inter-
kurtosis, skewness), ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test, scatter esting to note that there were 20% of children with
plot, Pearson Correlation coefficient and independent straight spines, 10% of children having curves with Cobb
Samples T-test. The mean RI in group 1 was 1.45, in angle 1°-9°, and 70% of children suffering IS. The non-

Figure 7 The Euclidean geometry used for the assessment of Figure 8 The set up for obtaining the radiograph and the used
d1/d2 quotient. points (Greek letters) for the assessment of d1/d2 quotient.
Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20 Page 6 of 9

scoliotics were followed due to the existing RH; they were their parents are very much concerned about their trunk
1,5-2 years younger than the ones who had already deve- deformity (TD). One of their TD components is the RH,
loped IS and they had both a RI ≈ 1,5. The DRCS was which is mainly the expression of the rib deformity. The
present in all referrals; in contrary there was no scoliotic brace treatment aims not only to hold or correct the
spine without it, as the DRC sign is always present in central axis, the spinal deformity, but also the TD in
scoliotic lateral spinal radiographs with no exception. This the thorax, the RH.
study led us to the conclusion that the DRCS is primarily Twenty children with right thoracic (n = 14) and double
the result of rib deformation and secondarily of vertebral curves (n = 6) (right thoracic left lumbar) were assessed.
rotation, because DRCS could be present in straight spines The SRS/SOSORT inclusion criteria for brace treatment
with no vertebral rotation. This observation supports the were used, [11-14]. The reference vertebra from which the
hypothesis that in IS the deformity of the thorax develops RI was assessed was documented. Statistical analysis was
first and the deformity of the spine succeeds [1-3,8]. done using the t-test. The mean thoracic Cobb angle was
Longitudinal follow-up results of data from school 27, 5 degrees. The posterior margin of the reference verte-
screening strengthen this statement [9]. bra was the T8 in 4 scoliotics, T9 in 2, T10 in 4, T11 in 6,
L1 in 2 and L2 in 2, respectively. The mean pre-brace
Applications of Rib index treatment RI was 1,864 and the early post-brace 1,205
The RI can be applied for four purposes in the treatment respectively, p = 0,007. It was concluded that the DDB
of scoliosis. They are: significantly improves the RH deformity during the
initial treatment period in the thoracic curves and in
a. Documentation of the deformity the thoracic component of the double scoliotic curves
b. Assessment of Physiotherapy (Figure 9), [15,16].
c. Assessment of brace treatment
d. Pre-and Postoperative assessment Pre-and Postoperative assessment
The assessment of the post-operative rib-cage deformity
Documentation of the deformity correction on the transverse plane, using various surgical
Using the RI we can assess and document the transverse techniques, was recently reported [17-20].
plane thoracic deformity from lateral spinal radiographs. The first publication of a follow-up study on surgically
treated patient, in which the RI was applied to assess
Assessment of Physiotherapy rib hump correction, was by A. Crawford and his group
The RI, as an objective measure to document changes of in 2012 [17]. It was initially used in a multi-center study
the RH deformity, was used in non-operative treatment for AIS of Lenke type I curves treated with posterior
of IS using specific scoliosis physiotherapeutic exercises, spinal fusion with or without costoplasty, instrumented
(SSPE). Lebel and Lebel reported on a Risser 4 progres- with pedicle screws or hybrid constructs, with a minimum
sive AIS patient treated with the Schroth Method [10]. follow-up of 2 years. The first group (Group I) was treated
The authors reported: At diagnosis, the mean RI was with pedicle screws, direct vertebral rotation and no cost-
1.658 and the Cobb angle was 45°. In August 2012, the oplasty, while the second group (Group II) was treated
mean RI and Cobb angle increased to 2.352 and 56° re- with pedicle screws, vertebral rotation and costoplasty.
spectively, indicating an increase in RH deformity and The RI calculated from the DRCS was measured radio-
progression of scoliosis. In November 2012, after 12 graphically and compared between the two groups. The
weeks of SSPE treatments, the mean RI and Cobb angle statistical analysis of pre-operative and post-operative RH
started to decrease to 2.16 and 52°. In October 2013,
after a total of twelve 2-3hr clinic visits and 12 months
of a daily 1.5-2hr Schroth method SSPE, the mean RI
decreased to 1.665 and the Cobb angle to 42°. These
mean RI and Cobb angle measurements show progres-
sion from 2011-2012 and improvement from 2012-2013
as a result of daily SSPE. The authors concluded that the
RI can be used as an additional objective measure to
show RH improvement with SSPE [10].

Assessment of brace treatment

The RI was used to assess the initial correction of the Figure 9 Assessment of the pre-brace treatment RI and the
early post-brace. Figure a,b depicts the radiographs and Figure 9c,d
RH in AIS treated with the Dynamic Derotation Brace
the clinical picture of the girl wearing the brace.
(DDB). It is well established that scoliotic children and
Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20 Page 7 of 9

deformity correction using the RI showed that costoplasty correlation of Cobb angle to the RI in radiographs from
combined with pedicle screws and vertebral derotation the screening programs referrals.
may significantly improve rib hump deformity, as opposed Approximately 30% of younger referred girls, aged
to pedicle screws and vertebral derotation alone, [17]. equal or less than 13 years old with an ATR ≥7°, were
Subsequently Stavropoulos et al 2014 measured the RH found to have either a straight spine or a spinal curve
deformity correction in AIS treated with full screw or hy- under 10°. In this age group the correlation between
brid constructs using the DRCS and RI. Sixteen scoliotics thoracic deformity in terms of RH (the transverse plane
(group A) were operated upon using full pedicle screw thoracic deformity) assessed using the RI and the radio-
with median age 15 years and 9 scoliotics (group B) graphic spinal measurement in terms of Cobb angle, is
were operated using hybrid construct with median age not statistically significant, while in older referred girls,
17.2 years. RI correction was calculated by subtracting the aged 14–18 years old, it is [21]. Thus, all younger indi-
postoperative RI from the preoperative RI. In group A the viduals, referred to scoliosis clinics from screening pro-
mean pre-operative RI was 1.93 and the post-operative grams, who are identified with a surface deformity (RH)
1.37 (p < 0.001). In group B the mean pre-operative RI was but without a severe scoliotic curve (Cobb angle), are at
2.06, while the mean post-operative RI was 1.5 (p = 0.008). risk to develop IS. All these children should be followed
However, between group A and B the RI correction means and not discharged from regular follow-up, see Figure 10.
was not found to be statistically significant, p = 0.803. The In line with this statement are the Nissinen et al 1993
authors concluded that the RH deformity correction is the school screening longitudinal study findings [9].
same, no mater what type of spinal construct is used. They Without the aforementioned screening program that
also stated that, according to their results, it is implied included younger children in addition to the usual age
that the RH deformity more likely results from asymmet- ranges, the above statement would not be made [22].
ric rib growth rather than from vertebral rotation [18,19]. The aim of school screening is to identify most or all the
Haber et al also used the RI, in an effort to provide some individuals with unrecognized IS at an early stage, when
more insight on the continuing debate whether all-screw a less invasive treatment is more effective. It was earlier
constructs outperform hybrid constructs in small, flexible emphasized that a further contribution of the screening
thoracic AIS. They endorse the statement that “The RI programs is in the research of IS epidemiology, natural
has also been shown to be a reliable method to judge rib history and aetiology [22]. In addition, these programs
rotation owing to its simplicity and ability to be measured are a unique tool for research of IS in humans. In most
on lateral film” [20]. published articles all aetiopathogenetic factors are stu-
died in animals and not in humans, in contrast with
The use of RI and implications for screening screening programs where any knowledge on IS aeti-
policies ology is derived from humans, in other words it is hu-
The introduction of the RI resulted in a very important man evidenced based knowledge [23]. Such contribution
knowledge derived from the statistical analysis of the is beyond the original aim of school screening; however

Figure 10 The linear relationship between thoracic Cobb angle and RI is graphically depicted. There is only linear association between
thoracic Cobb Angle and rib-index in the age group of 14–18 years. (Predicted Thoracic Cobb Angle = - 6.357 + 7.974 Χ (Rib-Index) [16].
Grivas Scoliosis 2014, 9:20 Page 8 of 9

it is very important because we can expand our know- the description and quantification of the DRCS and the RI
ledge and adequately understand the pathogenesis of IS. are explained. The reliability study for RI and how much
The role of biological factors such as the menarche, the the RI is affected by the distance between the radiation
lateralization of the brain, the handedness, the thoracic source and the irradiated individual is another topic of
cage, the intervertebral disc, the melatonin secretion, this article. The implications of the DRCS and RI in the
as well as the role of environmental factors such as the aetiology of IS are analyzed. The clinical applications of RI
light and the impact of the geographical latitude in in the assessment of the thoracic deformity in the trans-
IS prevalence, were studied in children referred from verse plane, the outcomes of physiotherapy, bracing and
school screening [22]. The current evidence supports surgical treatment are described. The use of RI and impli-
that school screening programs should be continued not cations for screening policies are also detailed. Finally, the
only for early detection of IS but also as a basis for epi- spinal text books referring this method and the Google
demiological surveys until we learn much more about Scholar citations are enumerated.
the aetiology of IS.
The role and usefulness of RI in the school screening Consent
program, at a first consideration, seems to be minor in the Written informed consent was obtained from the patient’s
screening program itself, but very important for research guardian/parent/next of kin for the publication of this
purposes. However, the introduction of RI and its correl- report and any accompanying images.
ation to the Cobb angle of the radiographs of the children
Competing interests
referred from school screening, shaped the age range of The author declares that he has no competing interests.
them who must be followed, so that our decision on this
issue was more thorough. Therefore the importance of RI Authors’ contributions
The author conceived the RI, coined the DRCS, implemented the literature
in the school screening program is significant. search and drafted the manuscript.

Reference of the RI method in spinal textbooks Acknowledgements

A safe way to recognize a method’s importance is to no- The author would like to express his gratitude to all the colleagues who so
far participated to the “Thriasio” and “Tzaneio” General Hospitals School
tice if it is referred in pertinent classical text books. The Screening for Scoliosis program, and especially Mrs Christina Mazioti, Health
RI method used to assess the RH, in other words the visitor serving in “Thriasio” and “Tzaneio” General Hospitals, for her key role in
transverse plane thoracic deformity, is currently referred the implementation of these programs, feeding the collected data derived
from the program to SPSS program and taking part in our Scoliosis Clinic.
in some classical spinal text books [24,25].
Received: 28 August 2014 Accepted: 31 October 2014
Citations in Google Scholar
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the double rib contour sign. London, United Kingdom: 15th EFORT Congress; and take full advantage of:
20. Haber LL, Hughes JD, Womack ED, Roberson RM, Wrigh PB: Screw versus
hybrid constructs for flexible thoracic curves in adolescent idiopathic • Convenient online submission
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21. Grivas TB, Vasiliadis ES, Mihas C, Savvidou O: The effect of growth on the
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22. Grivas TB, Vasiliadis E, Savvidou OD, Triantafyllopoulos G: What a
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school screening program could contribute in clinical research of
idiopathic scoliosis aetiology. Disabil Rehabil 2008, 30(10):752–762.
doi:10.1080/09638280802041086. Submit your manuscript at

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