Stay Where You Are' For 21 Days: Modi Puts India Under Lockdown
Stay Where You Are' For 21 Days: Modi Puts India Under Lockdown
Stay Where You Are' For 21 Days: Modi Puts India Under Lockdown
H Simultaneously published from Hyderabad | Warangal | Tirupati | Amaravati | Visakhapatnam | Khammam | Kurnool | Delhi: RNI No: DELENG/2017/74095 H
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Modi puts
The offices of The Hans India
will remain closed on
Wednesday March 25, 2020 on
account of Ugadi.
India under
There will be no issue
of the edition on
Thursday March 26, 2020
Ugadi, a low-key
affair this year
Hyderabad: The two Telugu
states would be celebrating
‘STAY WHERE YOU ARE’ FOR 21 DAYS Police clear the an�-CAA protest at Shaheen Bagh amid complete lockdown in the na�onal capital
‘Sarvari’ (night) Ugadi on a low
Pradesh Chief Minister YS of the village and with full cals deployed panchayat
Jagan Mohan Reddy on consent of the residents to workers as guards to moni-
Tuesday. The state govern- prevent the spread of coron- tor the people’s movement
Withdraw cash from any Ex-CM of Jammu & Kashmir ment has also decided to ex- avirus. Similar gesture was and stop them to enter the
Rajya Sabha polls scheduled ATM free of charge Omar Abdullah released
tend the deadline for the
state entrance exams for
shown in Pedaganjam of
Chirala in Prakasam district
village. The local Police and
Revenue o�cials extended
for March 26 put off New Delhi: The Union government Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir gov- professional courses. The in Andhra Pradesh. support to the communities
New Delhi: The Election Commission has postponed the Ra- has reduced charges for digital trade ernment has revoked Education Minister said The village heads with the for adopting an innovate
jya Sabha elections transaction and ATM cash with- the Public Safety Act that the deadline for online support of locals sealed the method to curb the move-
due to the threat of drawals to promote digital financial (PSA) of former chief application submission for roads by constructing walls ment of people between the
coronavirus. The 18 transactions at the time of COVID-19 minister Omar Abdullah the Engineering Agriculture and in some places blocked villages.
Rajya Sabha seats of pandemic. As per the decision an- and ended his detention and Medical Common En- by erecting permanent iron Panchayat Sarpanches
seven states were to nounced by Finance Minister on Tuesday more than trance Test (EAMCET) has gates across the road. Tree warned of registering crimi-
be voted on March 26. Nirmala Sitharaman, debit card hold- seven months after he been extended from March logs were also placed across nal cases if any person found
It is believed that now ers, who withdraw cash from any bank and two other former 29 to April 5. He also said the roads to ensure no out- a travel history to other vil-
the new date of elec- ATM, can do it free of charge for the chief ministers - Farooq Abdullah and that the deadline for the side vehicle enters their vil- lage during the lockdown pe-
tion will be released next three months. " you may Mehbooba Mufti were detained ahead of submission of online appli- lage in many areas of the riod. A team of o�cials were
only after getting relief from COVID-19. A total of 55 Rajya have a debit card from a bank, a par- the revocation of Article 370 on August 5 cations for the Integrated Telangana border. visiting the village regularly
Sabha seats of 17 states were being vacated in April. On ticular bank, but you will now be al- 2019. "Government issues orders revok- Common Entrance Test In Kamareddy district, lo- and conducting medical
March 26, the Commission issued notification for elections lowed, without additional charges, to ing detention of Shri Omar Abdullah," (ICET) and the Engineering cal communities resolved tests to the people who are
to these seats. Most of the seats in several states including draw cash from any other bank's ATM Government Spokesperson Rohit Kansal Common Entrance Test not to allow outside people su�ering from fever and flu,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh have been elected unopposed. for the next three months," the Fi- tweeted. The order comes just a day be- (ECET) has been extended in their villages mainly in Nagalgav Revenue Inspector
Only 18 Rajya Sabha seats were to be elected through voting. nance Minister said. fore the hearing in the apex court. from April 2 to April 9. Jukkal and Madnur mandals Venkatesh said.
The panel has been asked to the situation go out of control. Jain met Lt Governor Anil Baijal ital on the first day of the lock- registered in various police sta-
submit its report within 24 hours, Need your (people''s) cooperation on Tuesday to discuss measures down implemented to prevent tions under section 188 of the IPC.
he said. Kejriwal said it was good I have come to know that some people for this," to contain the spread of coron- the spread of coronavirus epi- While 475 under section 65 of
that some patients have recov- Kejriwal added in his tweet in avirus in the National Capital. demic that has claimed at least Delhi Police Act and 323 under
ered but cautioned about a long are not getting food due to curfew. If Hindi. The National Capital has Delhi Police Commissioner S N nine lives in India so far. section 66 of Delhi Police Act, 801
battle ahead against the deadly reported 30 cases of COVID-19. Srivastava also attended the high- A police o�cer said on Monday cases were registered under Delhi
virus. you are in contact with someone who is look- Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal level meeting at the LG o�ce, an that most of these cases were reg- Police Act. Among the 15 districts,
He appealed to the people to on Tuesday said due to Curfew, a o�cial said. The situation emerg- istered under Section 188 of the the maximum 29 cases were reg-
help each other in these di�cult ing for food and support, then send them to number of people were not able ing out of the coronavirus out- IPC and Delhi Police Act. The istered in South East District un-
times. He said people should not to get food, and urged the public break was discussed in the meet- Delhi Police said in a statement: der Section 188. Whereas in this
discriminate against and harass
the nearest Shelter of Delhi Government, to send such people to the nearest ing, they said. Thirty cases of "These criminal cases were regis- district the highest and total 211
those professionals such as doc- food has been arranged there shelters of Delhi Government, COVID-19 have been reported in tered under Section 188 of the IPC cases were registered under Delhi
tors, nurses, pilots and air host- where food was arranged. Delhi so far. and Sections 65 and 66 of the Police Act."
Police earmark separate Police to address queries BJP welcomes removal ICMR doc says India far
Daily wagers in Delhi seek help, lane at Delhi-Noida border through social media of Shaheen protesters away from corona stage-3
post videos on social media New Delhi (PTI): The police have ear- New Delhi (PTI): The Delhi Police on New Delhi (PTI): Welcoming the removal of HANS NEWS SERVICE
New Delhi (IANS): Amid the nationwide lockdown, the con- marked a separate lane at the Delhi-Noida Tuesday said it will be replying to queries anti-CAA protesters from Delhi's Shaheen
dition of daily wagers seems to have turned pathetic with border for emergency vehicles to pass dur- regarding the lockdown in the National Bagh, BJP's national spokesperson Shah- New Delhi: Currently, India has the capac-
many posting their videos of distress on social media. ing the lockdown imposed in the wake of Capital through social media. "Hi! Delhi. nawaz Hussain on Tuesday said dispersal of ity to test 10,000 corona samples per day.
A video posted from Facebook account and shared by many the coronavirus outbreak, o�cials said on If you have any question on the #Lockdown, the agitators from the site was in the best in- On reaching the infection in the commu-
daily wagers, including handcart-pullers, have appealed the Tuesday. tweet your query with the hashtag terest of everyone in view of the coronavirus nity, millions of samples may have to be
government for help. A person is seen in the post saying, "We The police have also put up a board #LockdownQuery between 5-6 PM and to outbreak. People protesting against the citi- taken for examination every day. The state
don't have anything to eat. I appeal the Delhi government which reads doctors, media, ambulances, answer it for you. zenship law at Shaheen Bagh and other of infection of Kovid-19 (Corona) is wor-
and the Bharat sarkar for help." The other people in the video police and other exempted vehicles should #StayAtHomeSaveLives," the Delhi Police places were removed by the Delhi Police on risome, but India is far away from Stage-
are seen saying they couldn't go to their native places due to use the lane. "Separate lane at Noida Bor- tweeted using it's o�cial handle. On Sunday, Tuesday morning amid the coronavirus lock- 3. Doctor of Indian Council of Medical Re-
the lockdown. The Congress has also demanded help for the der to facilitate Emergency Services' Ve- the Delhi Police imposed prohibitory down in the national capital. The agitators, search (ICMR) Raman Gangakhedkar said
distressed. Senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal reiterated the hicles," Deputy Commissioner of Police orders under section 144 of the CrPC till mostly women, had been on a sit-in at Sha- that there is still time. We can avoid very
Congress demand for financial help for the poor rendered East district Jasmeet Singh tweeted. March 31, banning protests and other heen Bagh for over three months to protest big danger. He said that he has nothing to
jobless due to coronavirus scare. He demanded at least Rs The move comes after many commuters gatherings. against amended Citizenship Act. Terming hide. He believes that there is a transition
10,000 for each of them.Urging the government to work fast complained that they were having di�- Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure it a protest on a "baseless" issue, the BJP period for mankind in the world, but coun-
and not wait for the calamity to reach its doors, "When at culty entering Delhi from Noida amid the Code bans assembly of four or more leader said, "The CAA doesn't take anybody's tries like India can avoid its great side ef-
war, respond on a war-footing." Sibal tweeted. lockdown. people at a place. citizenship. fects through strict discipline.
Forgery case against Omar freed after 8-month detention, PSA revoked
Scindia closed Srinagar (PTI): Former Jammu
‘Can’t remember a better meal’
Bhopal (PTI): The Madhya Pradesh Economic O�ences Wing has and Kashmir chief minister Omar
closed a case against former Union minister Jyotiraditya Scindia and Abdullah was on Tuesday freed af- Srinagar: Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah, who
his family members, where they were accused of falsifying a property ter eight months in detention after was released on Tuesday after nearly eight months of detention, posted an
document while selling land, an o�cial said on Tuesday. Scindia quit the administration revoked the emotional message on Twitter of his first meal with parents in months.
the Congress on March 10 and later joined the BJP. His resignation stringent Public Safety Act (PSA) “Had lunch with my mum & dad for the first time in almost 8 months. I
from the Congress triggered a revolt in the Madhya Pradesh party against him. A swarm of media can’t remember a better meal even though I’ve been in a bit of a daze &
unit, with 22 MLAs who belong to his camp also tendering their res- personnel and supporters, many don’t remember what I ate,” he tweeted on Tuesday afternoon
ignations. of them in masks, waited for him He also changed his Twitter bio to: 'Former PSA Political detinue, former
This led to collapse of the Kamal Nath-led state government last outside his residence after he was CM of J&K state, former Union Minister, former MP, former MLA. Vice Presi-
week. On March 12, when the Congress was in power in the state, the released. dent JKNC.’ His release order was issued after charges under the Public
Economic O�ences Wing (EOW) decided to verify facts afresh into The National Conference Safety Act (PSA), slapped on him on February 5, were revoked.
the complaint against Scindia and his family of allegedly indulging leader, who turned 50 on March
in wrongdoing while selling a land in Gwalior in 2009. 10, has been under detention since the makeshift detention centre af- a three-page dossier that was chal-
"The complainant, Surendra Shrivastava, approached us for the August 5, when the Centre an- ter news came in that her son was lenged in the Supreme Court by
second time on March 12 seeking a re-look into his complaint against nounced the revocation of Jammu about to be released. his sister Sara Abdullah Pilot. The
Scindias. We forwarded the complaint to our Gwalior o�ce which, and Kashmir's special status un- He was kept at the state guest- Supreme Court last week asked
after a re-investigation, closed it," a top EOW o�cial said. According der Article 370 and its bifurcation house Hari Nivas, just a few hun- the Centre and the Jammu and
to sources in the EOW, it closed the case against Scindia and his into the union territories of dred metres from his o�cial resi- Kashmir administration to in-
family on Friday. Incidentally, Kamal Nath also stepped down as chief Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. dence. His father, former chief form by this week if it was releas-
minister on Friday after his government was reduced to a minority. The order revoking the PSA minister Farooq Abdullah, was ing him.
On March 12, Shrivastava filed a fresh complaint against Scindia against him was issued by Home also charged under the PSA and A bench of Justices Arun
and his family, alleging that by falsifying a registry document, they Secretary Shaleen Kabra. Abdul- released on March 13 after 221 Mishra and M R Shah told the
sold him a piece of land at Mahalgaon which was smaller by 6,000 lah was booked under the strin- days in detention. PDP leader and counsel appearing for the Centre
sqft than the original agreement in 2009, the EOW o�cial said. He gent act on February 5, hours be- former chief minister Mehbooba that Abdullah's sister's plea
initially lodged the complaint on March 26, 2014 against Scindia, fore his six-month custody under Mufti continues to be under de- against his detention would be
who was then a Congress leader, and his family. But it was investigated preventive detention was to end. tention. On February 5, Omar Ab- heard on merit if he was not re-
and closed in May 2018 (when the BJP was in power in the state), The government has revoked his dullah, who was junior foreign leased soon. The petition, which
the o�cial said. Earlier this month, 22 MLAs loyal to Scindia resigned detention with “immediate ef- Na�onal Conference leader Omar Abdullah poses for a photograph with his minister and commerce minister may now become infructuous,
father and party chief Farooq Abdullah and his mother Molly Abdullah a�er he
from the Congress, paving way for the BJP to come to power in the fect”, the order stated. Abdullah's was freed from deten�on as the administra�on revoked the stringent Public in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led could have come up for hearing
state again. Senior BJP leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan took oath as mother was the first to arrive at Safety Act (PSA) against him, in Srinagar on Tuesday Cabinet in 2000, was served with on Wednesday or later this week.
chief minister of the state on Monday night.
Rlys to produce hospital Kashmir's first +ve COVID-19 350 FIRs lodged against B'luru civic body deploys
Corona: Kerala Police to hold case treated successfully
beds, stretchers, IV stands violators of lockdown drones to fight COVID-19
online hackathon for solutions Srinagar (IANS): The first positive case
Thiruvananthapuram (IANS): The Kerala Police on Tuesday an- New Delhi (IANS): To meet the growing requirement of es- of coronavirus in Srinagar has been suc- Lucknow (IANS): About 350 FIRs have been lodged in Bengaluru, March 24 (IANS): Bengaluru civic
nounced that it would hold an online hackathon titled Code-Vid- sential medical items in the wake of coronavirus epidemic, cessfully treated, an official said on Tues- the past 24 hours in Uttar Pradesh for violation of the body has deployed drones for spraying disinfec-
19 to get ideas on how to cope with the COVID-19 virus, that has the Indian Railways has decided to manufacture at its pro- day. Deputy Commissioner Srinagar lockdown in the state. tants over all the areas of the city to combat
taken a toll of Kerala. Ninety one people in Kerala have so far duction units hospital beds, stretchers, IV stands, ventila- Shahid Choudhary, quoting the Director Additional chief secretary home, Avanish Awasthi, coronavirus, a top official said on Tuesday.
tested positive, with over 63,000 people under observation. Doc- tors, etc. "In the wake of pandemic Covid-19, the railway, in of the Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Med- told reporters here on Tuesday that 250 FIRs had "Disinfectants will be sprayed using drones to
tors are keeping their fingers crossed as more test results are ex- consultation with production units and zonal railway work- ical Sciences, tweeted: "Srinagar's first been registered on Monday and 100 on Tuesday. sanitise public spaces. Mechanical sweepers to
pected. shops, has decided to use its facilities, like Chittaranjan COVID-19 positive case successfully He said that the state government had started be deployed for intensive cleaning. Jetting ma-
The Cyberdome wing of the Kerala Police has asked all those Loco Works, Integral Coach Factory, Chennai, Rail Coach treated: Director SKIMS. Let's #Break- preparing to tackle the Corona virus from February chines from BBMP will be employed in this exer-
interested to log on to their link at the Cyberdome, latest by Factory, Kapurthala, Diesel Loco Works, Varanasi, and Rail TheChain". The first positive case of and the results were apparent now. cise," tweeted Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara
March 29. It has been titled 'Come forward, showcase your tech- Wheel Factory, Yelehanka, to manufacture these essential Covid-19 in the Kashmir Valley was re- He said that all departments of the state govern- Palike (BBMP) Commissioner B.H. Anil Kumar.
nical skills, stop-prevent, contain the pandemic COVID-19'. State items" to help combat the pandemic, the Indian Railways ported on March 17. A woman from Khan- ment were working in close coordination to deal with Powered by six propellers, the drones have a
Police chief Aloknath Behra on Tuesday evening conducted vehi- said in a statement, here on Tuesday. The Railway Board yar in downtown Srinagar, with travel the prevailing situation. capacity to lift 15 litre disinfectants provided by
cle checks on the roads and later told the media that since it was has issued necessary instructions to the General Managers history of Saudi Arabia, had tested posi- "More than one lakh people have come to the the civic body to spray in places when there is
the first day of the lockdown, some leniency was being shown to of these production units to explore the feasibility to man- tive and had been undergoing treatment state form other places during the past ten days. We more human density.
violators. "It won't be like this from now on, and we will under no ufacture items, like simple hospital beds (without mat- at the SKIMS. Meanwhile two more per- have gone in for a lockdown to ensure social distanc- Six nozzles under the propellers spray the dis-
circumstances allow anyone to come out for a ride and such tress), medical trolleys for hospitals and quarantine facili- sons, with travel history to outside J&K, ing and also prevent spread of the virus," he said. infectant from the drone with a flight time of 20
things. Very strong action will be taken against those who violate ties, IV stands, stretchers, hospital footsteps, hospital were found positive on Tuesday, taking He lauded the fact that almost all anti-CAA minutes.
the directives. This is being enforced for the benefit of the people bedside lockers, washbasins with stands, ventilators, PPEs the total number of cases in Kashmir to protests had been called off in view of the Corona A single battery can power the drone to spray
only," said Behra. like masks, sanitizers, and water tanks. three. scare. the liquid in an area of three acres.
4 EDIT ��������������������������������
mostly related to tax and regulatory issues, to infuse due on March 15 would be computed at nine per
After completion of my harashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
ne upshot of the Covid– training at the Lal Bahadur The southern food was not documented much even in the middle ages,
19 scare has been the Shastri National Academy of so we need to depend heavily, to draw information about the same, on
self-imposed exile it Administration in Mussoorie, literature.
has caused, particularly in the I was posted to Krishna district Let's move over to the Satavahana regime. Historians have mentioned
elderly to which category this in Andhra Pradesh as an Assis- that the food that the Telugus had was as varied as it is now. We had 'Anna
columnist most decidedly be- tant Collector under training. Prasadas', wheat products, lentil mixes along with meat and fish prod-
longs to. While being moder-
ately inactive has been the nat-
One of the initial tasks en-
trusted to me was the prepara-
The bridge across the river Naguleru was completely ucts.
What could be the one product that we can trace to our history and
ural state of things over the
past decade or so after super-
tion of the Village Economic
Report of the village to which
submerged and one had only the ribbon of the road to culture? 'Kudumu'. Even 'Undrallu'? Yes, because these have been on the
o�er to Lord Ganesha since ancient times. Dairy products led to the mak-
annuation, the extent of immo-
bility demanded by the present
I was posted for training as a
village officer. The village was
indicate where the sides of the bridge were. Once ing of 'Payasam' since at least two thousand years ago.
Pan cakes too were a part of it but called di�erently in the Telugu land
situation is somewhat difficult Pamarru which was also the again, ignoring the peril of the swelling and swift - Atlu. Call it Dosa or Adai, we had all those varieties served since long
cope up with.
As Ghalib once said, “Subah
village in which my predeces-
sor R V V Vaidyanatha Iyer had waters, I persuaded the fragile Standard Herald car, here.
Our mothers and sisters were so patient and so caring that they further
Hoti Hai Sham Hoti hai Umar
yun hi tamaam hoti hai”.
also been trained. Though
sorely tempted to plagiarise his with the glasses rolled up, to brave it across the evolved several crunchy and yummy savouries like 'chakkilalu, laddu,
bobbatlu, taalikalu, ariselu, gaarelu, boorelu (all those stu�ed items),
Morning comes, then
evening. All life is like that. En-
brilliant report, I resolved to
do an original job and, in the invisible bridge. Finally, and with a little assistance dhappalam (this one should and must have sweet pumpkin if nothing
else) etc were the norms.
nui, in other words.
In such circumstances, it is
event, put out a passable effort.
The highlight of the one
from extremely helpful local villagers, we made it to Wedding, festivals and special occasions had quite a spread of sweets
and other condiments along with fruits. And pickles? You name it. A sim-
natural for the mind to cast its
roving eye over events of by-
month stay in Pamarru was the
companionship I developed
the other side. That all of us had a great time ple mango gave us a yearlong accompaniment with every meal. Raw
mango, dried ones, cut ones all pickled nicely, with red chilli powder/green
gone days and to recollect with the ‘karanam’ of the vil- celebrating Diwali at the other end was the chillies, turmeric, fenugreek, salt and oil turned our daily meal into a
Tirupati gears up for COVID-19 exigencies Keep fighting Modi puts India
under lockdown
� �������������������������������������������������������
� ���������������������������������������������������
spirit up: PM Continued from P1
Modi said that several states
have already announced a lock-
down over the past few days
Continued from P1 and that this must be taken se-
� ��������������������������������������������������������� A top functionary of the central govern- riously.
����������������������� ment called up some of the Chief Ministers Earlier in the day, Union Fi-
� ��������������������������������������������������������� and apprised them of the necessity of impos- nance Minister Nirmala
ing the curfew if people continue to venture Sitharaman had, in a press con-
� ��������������������������������������������������������������� out of their homes. ference, announced a slew of
������������������ The state governments and the union ter- economic measures to ease reg-
ritory administrations have been advised to ulatory and compliance provi-
� ����������������������������������������������� impose curfew wherever necessary as many sions amid the ongoing coron-
people continue to go out of their homes de- avirus pandemic.
V PRADEEP KUMAR Such rooms are used to contain air- spite the lockdown ordered to check the On March 19, during his ad-
borne contaminants within the room. spread of the virus, a government o�cial dress last week, the Prime
Tirupati: As the number of coron- Negative room pressure is an isola- said. The state governments have been told Minister had appealed to the
avirus cases has been increasing in tion technique used in hospitals to that public gatherings could lead to escala- people to observe a day-long
the country and with the fears of prevent cross contamination from tion of the prevailing situation. "Now, it is 'Janata Curfew' on March 22.
community transmission of the virus room to room. up to the state governments to take action He had also said that the re-
rising, the government is putting It includes ventilation that gener- as per the local situation and give necessary solve and patience of the peo-
everything ready to face any eventu- ates negative pressure to allow air to instructions to the district magistrates who ple are critical to combat coro-
ality. flow into the isolation room without ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� have the powers to impose curfew," the o�- navirus.
Though there were no positive going from it. The air will be mechan- ������������������������������������ cial said. Cabinet secretary Rajiv Gauba "I request people to avoid
cases in the pilgrim city so far, 10 neg- ically filtered or disinfected by ultra- asked state governments to immediately going to hospitals for a routine
ative pressure rooms are being built violet radiation or chemical means To a question, he said so far, there have also tested negative, confirmed identify and earmark hospitals to deal with check-up to ease pressure on
at Ruia Hospital on war-footing of before being released to the sur- were maximum 4-5 patients at the DM&HO Dr M Penchalaiah. the coronavirus outbreak. the medical staff," PM Modi
which seven will be ready in the next rounding outdoor environment. isolation ward at a time. But, in the Meanwhile, Padmavati Nilayam In a letter to Chief Secretaries of all the had said, urging those who can
one week. These rooms are meant for Speaking to The Hans India, event of sudden rise in the cases like which was taken over by APTDC re- states, Gauba also said it is absolutely essen- to postpone surgeries.
coronavirus positive cases if any. COVID-19 nodal officer at the Ruia in other countries, the hospital is cently to accommodate its tourists tial that surveillance and contact tracing of The reported cases in India
Each positive case will be kept in Hospital Dr S Subba Rao has said that ready to isolate the patients. For this, has been made a quarantine centre all positive cases is taken up and no sus- rose to over 500 on Tuesday
each room which will have an at- only positive cases will be kept in another 200 beds have been readied and all arrangements are in place pected or high-risk person is left out. even as states and Union Ter-
tached bathroom, TV and other these rooms while the negative and at medicine and surgical wards which there. "All states should immediately identify ritories across the nation an-
amenities so that patient can stay suspected cases will be kept in the can be used under exigencies. Collector Dr Bharat Gupta, Joint and earmark hospitals dedicated for man- nounced curfews and lock-
there alone without any pressure or isolation rooms and wards. As of now, He said that so far they sent 23 Collector D Rajendra Prasad and agement of COVID -19 cases and ensure downs. Domestic flights in the
contact with other positive cases. Dis- 34 beds isolation ward is ready at old samples for COVID-19 test and in all RDO V Kanaka Narasa Reddy have that they are in a state of full readiness to country have also been sus-
trict Collector Dr N Bharat Gupta has maternity hospital. Of which 20 are cases the reports were negative. visited the facility on Monday deal with the situation in the event of a pended from March 25 until
been showing special care on the isolation rooms and the other 14 beds Presently, there are three patients in evening along with the isolation further spike in the number of confirmed March 31 to contain the
speedy completion of these rooms. are placed in a hall. isolation at Ruia Hospital and they wards at Ruia Hospital. cases," he said. spread of the outbreak.
Gold better bet for Indian investors Govt bans export of sanitisers, ventilators US Dollar 79.25 South
Today, gold is more relevant than ever before for The Central government on Tuesday banned export of all Euro 86.91 African Rand 4.98
the Indian investors. In such �mes of uncertain�es sani�sers and ven�lators with immediate effect in wake
and global market turmoil, gold possesses the ability of the coronavirus outbreak. "Export of all sani�sers is UAE Dirham 22.82 Hong Kong Dollar 11.3
to significantly improve risk-adjusted returns of prohibited, with immediate effect," the Directorate
por�olios across various levels of risk and act as a General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) said in a no�fica�on. It Thai Baht 2.67 Japanese Yen 0.79
hedge against infla�on and our data confirms this also banned exports of all types of ven�lators, including
British Pound 92.87 New Zealand Dollar 46.65
– WGC Managing Director-India Somasundaram PR any ar�ficial respiratory apparatus or oxygen therapy
Australian Dollar 47.64 Saudi Riyal 22.33
Canadian Dollar 55.6 Swedish Krona 8.6
Swiss Franc 81.44 Singapore Dollar 55.29
Mkts rebound amid PLANT CLOSURES
Moody’s downgrades
ONGC rating
Amara Raja to
to lose `2,300 cr
Milk demand Say waiver of penalty, late fee and interest on GST will also help industry
New Delhi: The central gov- such force majeure causes of
goes up 5-10% ernment on Tuesday raised Move aimed at shielding MSMEs from insolvency default," she said. New Delhi: India Inc on ner, EY, said, "Extended
New Delhi: Mother Dairy, the threshold for invoking in- proceedings due to corona crisis: FM Spelling out other relief Tuesday said the govern- time for payment under
which supplies over 30 lakh solvency under the IBC to Rs measures, the finance minis- ment's move to extend the the Sabka Vishwas
litres of milk everyday in the 1 crore from the current Rs 1 ter said no additional fees will deadline for filing income Scheme as well is a wel-
national capital region, said it lakh with a view to prevent be charged for late filing dur- tax and GST returns and come measure as compa-
is not facing any major supply triggering of such proceedings ing a moratorium period from raise threshold of default nies were struggling for
disruptions in spite of 5-10 per against small and medium en- April 1 to September 30 in re- that could trigger insol- making the payment in the
cent increase in demand on terprises that are facing cur- spect of any document, return, vency of a company would lockdown scenario."
Tuesday, amid lockdowns in rently the heat of coronavirus statement etc, required to be help businesses, especially Assocham President Ni-
the wake of coronavirus pandemic. Talking to re- filed in the MCA-21 Registry, MSMEs, tide over the neg- Chandrajit Banerjee ranjan Hiranandani said
spread. However, Parag Milk, a porters, Finance and Corpo- irrespective of its due date. ative impact of the coron- the industry looks forward
major player in Maharashtra, rate A�airs Minister Nirmala She further said that the avirus outbreak. crunch, and thus, tide for the broader economic
said it is facing challenges in Sitharaman said the govern- mandatory requirement of At a press conference on through these tough packages like One time
distribution of milk from the ment may also consider sus- holding meetings of the board Tuesday, Finance Minister times," CII Director Gen- Roll Over for debt restruc-
last two days, because of re- pending some key provisions of the companies within pre- Nirmala Sitharaman an- eral Chandrajit Banerjee turing across the indus-
strictions in movement of its of the Insolvency and Bank- tion 4 of the IBC 2016 to Rs 1 measures relating to statutory scribed interval provided in nounced that the govern- said. Deloitte India Part- tries to be announced soon
employees and distributors ruptcy Code (IBC) in case the crore from the existing thresh- and regulatory compliance the Companies Act (120 ment has waived charges ner M S Mani said the ex- for resurrecting its eco-
from local authorities. "We current situation following the old of Rs 1 lakh," Finance Min- matters across sectors in view days), 2013, shall be extended on cash withdrawals from tension of GST return fil- nomic health.
are relentlessly working to- outbreak of COVID-19 contin- ister Nirmala Sitharaman said, of COVID-19 outbreak. by a period of 60 days till next ATMs of other banks as a ing timelines together "These proactive steps
wards ensuring and meeting ued beyond April 30, 2020. adding that it will be imple- "If the current situation two quarters, i.e. till Septem- precursor to a broader with the deferment of e- are the need of the hour
the demand for milk across "Due to the emerging finan- mented straightaway. continues beyond April 30, ber 30. Besides, applicability stimulus package for the invoicing and new returns to mitigate some of the
the region with no major sup- cial distress faced by most This will by and large pre- 2020, we may consider sus- of Companies (Auditor's Re- economy distressed by the announced earlier would hardships that the busi-
ply disruptions. As milk is an companies on account of the vent triggering of insolvency pending section 7, 9 and 10 of port) Order, 2020 shall be coronavirus outbreak. allow businesses to focus nesses are going
essential commodity, we are large-scale economic distress proceedings against micro, the IBC 2016 for a period of six made applicable from the fi- "Waiver of penalty, late on resumption of business through," said Sohinder
closely working with all our caused by COVID 19, it has small and medium enterprises months so as to stop compa- nancial year 2020-2021 in- fee and interest on GST processes once normalcy Gill, director general, So-
stakeholders and taking all ef- been decided to raise the (MSMEs), she said while an- nies at large from being forced stead of from 2019-2020 no- will also help industry resumes in future. ciety of Manufacturers of
forts to ensure seamless flow threshold of default under sec- nouncing a series of relief into insolvency proceedings in tified earlier. cope up with the huge cash Abhishek Jain, tax part- Electric Vehicles.
in the value chain to serve
` to average at 77 per
consumers at these challeng-
ing times.
SEC concludes
Infosys probe
New Delhi: Infosys on Tuesday New Delhi: Fitch Solutions on
said the US Securities and Ex- Tuesday revised down its forecast
change Commission (SEC) has for the Indian rupee, saying the cur-
concluded the investigation in rency will average 77 per US dollar New Delhi: Big retailers, which Taken up measures like handles. “We are managing the avoid a large gathering inside
the whistleblower allegations in 2020 and 80 in 2021 amid ongo- are presently dispensing only restricted entry, faster- queue in such a way that people the store. The tokens are prop-
made last year, and that it ing global risk-o� sentiment and essential items amid the lock- are standing away from each erly sanitized with disinfectants
does not anticipate any further likely steep monetary easing. down, are taking precautionary billing facili�es to reduce other,” Avenue Supermarts and then handed over to cus-
action by the regulator. In Oc- It saw real GDP growth at 5.4 per measures like restricted entry human-to-human contact CEO and Managing Director tomers”.
tober last year, Infosys had in- cent in 2020-21 fiscal that starts in the currency. "We are, however, re- and marked lines to main- Neville Noronha said. Walmart India, which oper-
formed stock exchanges of April and 5.8 per cent in the follow- vising our forecast for the rupee to tain social distancing to Avenue Supermarts that ates in cash & carry format, has
having received anonymous ing financial year. "We at Fitch So- average Rs 77.00/$ in 2020 and Rs avoid coronavirus infec- runs D-Mart stores, is hand- also marked lines and is only
whistleblower complaints al- lutions maintain our view for the 80.00/$ in 2021, versus Rs 73.00/S tion at their stores. ing out coloured coupons to permitting one person per
leging certain unethical prac- Indian rupee to persist on a long- and Rs 75.00/$ previously," it said. Some stores as Reliance its customers waiting out- membership card. “We have
tices by the top management. term weakening trajectory against The Indian rupee has depreciated Fresh, More, Walmart and side in the open area and marked the floors of our Best
It then started a probe into the the US dollar," it said in a note. by about 7 per cent since January Metro Cash & Carry are then allowing entry of a par- Price stores with yellow stripes
matter and roped in external Over the short-term horizon, the and has averaged 72.10 to a US dol- even screening body tem- ticular colour at a time as and boxes to designate enough
investigators. US market regu- ongoing global risk-o� sentiment lar in 2020. perature of their cus- part of its crowd manage- space for each member to main-
lator SEC had also initiated a and likely steep monetary easing "The rupee's weakness initially tomers before allowing ment plan. “We are calling tain safe distance from each
probe into the matter. In a reg- will pressure the rupee weaker, al- began with risk-o� sentiment as a them entry into the store. out the colour as yellow, other,” said a Walmart India
ulatory filing on Tuesday, In- though this would be partially result of the central bank's takeover Metro Cash & Carry India green and then 20 to 30 peo- spokesperson.
fosys said it has received a no- counteracted by a sharp improve- of Yes Bank, which raised fears said it is pre-packing loose com- Several retailers like Future, ple are walking inside the store. He further said: “The stores
tification from the SEC stating ment in India's terms of trade due among investors regarding the modities to avoid infection at its DMart, and Walmart have When these people out from the are also equipped with contact-
that its investigation investiga- to the plunge in oil prices as a result banking sector's stability. The drop stores and is ensuring plenty of marked special lines on their store, then we call the next less thermometers for conduct-
tion has concluded. “The com- of the ongoing oil price war. has since been sustained by investor cash tills and mobile checkouts shop floors to maintain social colour,” said Noronha. ing temperature checks. Entry is
pany does not anticipate any Over the long term, the rupee's concerns around the growing to reduce the billing time. It has distancing. They are also regu- Metro Cash & Carry MD & barred for those detected with
further action by the SEC on overvaluation and structurally Covid-19 pandemic, which is still also introduced a token system larly sanitising the stores and CEO Arvind Mediratta said: “We fever and high-touch surfaces of
this matter." higher inflation relative to the US causing a massive sell-o� in global to avoid large gathering at disinfecting all touchpoints have initiated a token system to our stores are being regularly
would exert downside pressure on risk assets," it said. stores. which include trolly and basket manage the customers and cleaned with disinfectant.”
4 death in Maha
WHO praises India
Mumbai (IANS): A 65-year-old man who arrived here from UAE via Ahmedabad passed Geneva: The executive director of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Michael J Ryan, on
away due to COVID-19 late Monday night, while the number of positive cases shot up to 107 Tuesday said that India has a tremendous capacity to deal the coronavirus outbreak situa-
in the state with 10 new cases, officials said here on Tuesday. tion as it has experience of eradicating two pandemics, namely small-pox and polio.
The latest coronavirus casualty takes the death toll due to the disease "There is a need in the number of labs where a surge is seen. India is
in Mumbai to four in the past one week and the national toll to 10. An- a very populous country and the future of this virus will be considered
other 94 suspected cases are admitted to various city hospitals, accord- in a very highly and densely populated country. India led the world in
ing to Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). eradicating two pandemics, small-pox and polio so India has a tremen-
With four more new coronavirus positive cases reported in Gujarat, dous capacity," J Ryan said during a daily press brief on COVID-19 pan-
the total such cases in the western state climbed to 33 on Tuesday, as demic. "There are no easy answers. It is exceptionally important that
the authorities decided to put the entire state under lockdown. Out of countries like India show the way to the world as they have done be-
the four new cases since Monday, three got the infection locally while fore," he added.
one got infected abroad, including a man, 32, from Surat had travelled to According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of
Saudi Arabia. Another man, 66, got infected locally. One man aged 53 cases worldwide has surpassed 3,30,000, while the number of deaths
and one woman aged 54 in Gandhinagar got infected locally. has exceeded 16,000.
The number of confirmed cases in Haryana rose to 16 on Tuesday, The COVID-19 outbreak in the United States has the potential to ex-
Health Department officials said. The number of positive cases reported ceed that in Europe, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Tues-
from Gurgaon now stand at 10, they said. Besides, a case each has been day as the number of reported US cases surges.
reported from Panchkula, Faridabad, Palwal and Sonipat. Two people have tested positive The pandemic began in China in December but the epicentre has since shifted from Asia
for coronavirus in Panipat, the officials said. Test reports of 65 samples were awaited, they to Europe. WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris told reporters during a virtual press confer-
said. Entire Haryana went under lockdown on Tuesday, a day after the state government is- ence that 85 percent of the new cases reported to the global body overnight had come
A BMC worker sprays disinfectant on the sued the order to help check the spread of coronavirus. from Europe and the United States, now the two "main drivers of the outbreak". A vendor, wearing mask, sits near sacks of
premises of a residential area to contain the onions at the Sahibabad Fruits and Vegetables
spread of coronavirus during lockdown, in Market in Ghaziabad on Tuesday
Bhopal on Tuesday
Centre asks States to
2.5 mn masks worth `15 cr 6 Pak Civil Servants
sacked for selfie
fund isolation wards Mumbai (IANS) In a major swoop, Mumbai Police have seized
three truckloads of 2.50 million masks worth Rs 15 crore Karachi, Pakistan: Pakistan has suspended six
New Delhi: As coronavirus cases surge, the Cen- hoarded illegally and busted a four-member gang, Home civil servants after they posed for a selfie with
tre on Tuesday asked all state governments to Minister Anil Deshmukh said here on Tuesday. a coronavirus patient in a quarantine centre,
release funds for setting up of additional med- "The masks were being hoarded by the gang and were in- an official said on Tuesday.
ical facilities like hospitals, clinical laboratories tended for sale in the black market. The seizure includes over The selfie -- widely shared on social media -
and isolation wards to combat the pandemic. 325,000 N-49 masks, plus others of different varieties," Desh- - pictured a group of men around the apparent
The move came as the number of coronavirus mukh told mediapersons. patient, several of them smiling broadly and
cases in the country crossed 500. He said that at the height of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, Ma- none wearing face masks.
"The central government has asked all the harashtra is facing a massive shortage of all types of masks The picture was taken at a quarantine facil-
state governments to deploy fiscal resources for and this seizure is expected to ease the problems somewhat. ity near Sukkur in virus-hit Sindh province,
establishing additional medical facilities such as The seizure came after a tip-off received by Mumbai Police where 399 of the country's 892 COVID-19
hospitals, clinical labs, isolation wards, expand- Commissioner Param Bir Singh last week on a gang hoarding cases have been recorded so far.
ing and upgrading existing facilities to combat the heavy-demand masks for exorbitant prices. "Six of the government employees have
the challenge posed by COVID-19," an official Accordingly, a trap was set up by Senior Inspector of Police been suspended and put into quarantine,"
statement said. Meanwhile, a Chinese national (Crime) Mahesh Desai who posed as a customer and finally Rana Adeel, deputy commissioner in Sukkur,
working in Umred in rural Nagpur was on Tues- managed to bust the gang by raiding locations in Mumbai told AFP.
day detained and shifted to a hospital in view of and Thane. While four persons have been arrested, the police The commissioner added the six -- employ-
the novel coronavirus outbreak, police said. The are on the lookout for two absconders, said Deshmukh. ees of the provincial land department -- were
man had arrived in the country in December Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Akbar Pathan said visiting a local politician who was in quaran-
from China, from where the coronavirus broke the four accused were produced before a magistrate and re- tine after contracting the novel coronavirus
out, an official said. manded to police custody till March 27. during a visit to Iran.
Printed and Published by K. Hanumanta Rao, on behalf of Hyderabad Media House Pvt. Limited, Flat.No.609, 6th Floor, Kirti Shikhar Building, Plot.No.11, Dist.Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058.
and Printed at M/s. Marutinandan Printers & Publishers, A-15, Bara Bagh, G.T Karnal Road, Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110033. Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: DELENG/2017/74095