Testrano 600: Three-Phase Test System For Comprehensive Power Transformer Testing

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Three-phase test system for

comprehensive power transformer testing
One system for multiple tests on power transformers: TESTRANO 600

Touch-and-Test with TESTRANO 600

TESTRANO 600 is the world’s first portable, three-phase test system
which supports all common electrical tests on power transformers.
Compared to conventional single-phase test sets the three-phase
capabilities of TESTRANO 600 offer several advantages:
> One setup can be used to perform various tests
> The rewiring effort is significantly reduced
> Testing time can be cut down to a third of the time
> Increased safety as less trips up and down are needed

TESTRANO 600 provides you with a convenient way of testing to gain

a comprehensive insight into the condition of every part of your power
transformer. It can be operated using TESTRANO TouchControl on the
integrated display, or by using our Primary Testing ManagerTM software
on your laptop. This makes it ideal for routine and diagnostic testing
onsite or during factory acceptance tests (FAT).

Your benefits
> True three-phase power transformer
test set
> Powerful device with 3 x 33 A DC or
400 V AC
> Reduced wiring effort as same wiring
can be used for different tests
> Three times faster testing
> Automatic tap changer control and
measurement, no accessory required
> Fast and reliable demagnetization
of transformer’s core


Transformer turns ratio (TTR) measurements LEAKAGE REACTANCE
verify the operating principle of a power Leakage reactance / short-circuit impedance
transformer to detect shorted turns and open- measurements are sensitive methods to assess
circuited conditions. possible deformation or displacements of


Exciting current measurements are performed OF STRAY LOSSES
to assess the turn-to-turn insulation of the
The frequency response of stray lossess (FRSL)
windings, the magnetic circuit of a transformer
test identifies short-circuits between parallel
as well as the tap changer. In order to perform
strands and local overheating due to excessive
this test with 10 kV, the CP TD1 is required.
eddy current losses.


DC winding resistance measurements are used Demagnetization of the core is recommended
to assess contact problems of the windings and after DC has been applied, e.g. during winding
tap changers. resistance tests. The risk of high inrush currents
during energization, and influences on other
tests are reduced.
Dynamic resistance measurements (DRM) are POWER / DISSIPATION FACTOR
used to check the on-load tap changer (OLTC) (with CP TD1)
for poorly maintained and damaged OLTC Power/dissipation factor and capacitance
contacts. measurements are performed to investigate the
insulation of power transformers and bushings.

One system – multiple tests
The newly designed, powerful and compact
three-phase power transformer test set,
weighing 20 kg / 44 lbs.

Three-phase solution to speed up and simplify power transformer

Three wires are all you need

Your advantages of true TESTRANO 600 is connected to the high-voltage and low-
three-phase testing: voltage side of the transformer by using specially designed
> Rewiring effort is significantly reduced multi-purpose cables.
> Speeds up testing because all three phases The cables, which support a 4-wire (Kelvin) connection, only
are energized at once have to be connected once at the transformer’s terminals.
> Fully automated control of tap changer Then all test outputs and measurement inputs are automatically
during the test controlled by TESTRANO 600 without the need to change the
> Verify the phase shift of any winding connection again.
configuration To automatically switch between different tap positions of
an on-load tap changer (OLTC), a multiplug cable can be
connected. This cable can also be used to record motor current
and voltage of the OLTC.


Three powerful sources Active discharge and fast demagnetization

The compact and powerful design with three integrated The active discharge function (patent pending) of
sources enables you to perform high accuracy measurements TESTRANO 600 automatically discharges the winding
in a fraction of the time required by other solutions: within a matter of seconds, e.g. after resistance
> 3-phase transformer turns ratio with 400 V L-L measurements have been performed. This speeds up
testing time and increases the safety for the tester
> 3-phase winding resistance with 33 A
With TESTRANO 600, you can quickly demagnetize the
> 3-phase short-circuit impedance / leakage reactance
transformer’s core before and after testing. This reduces
> Fast demagnetization with 30 A
the risk of high inrush currents during energization and
of influences of a magnetized core on other tests.
A wider frequency range
Standard power / dissipation factor measurements at line Safety first
frequency can only detect the effects of moisture and
TESTRANO 600 follows the “safety first” principles
aging at an advanced stage.
and fulfills the highest safety standards by providing
By combining TESTRANO 600 with CP TD1*, you can an emergency stop button as well as safety and
perform measurements across a frequency range from warning lights.
15 Hz to 400 Hz. This increases the sensitivity of the test
Another example are the custom-designed connector
and enables you to detect problems much earlier than
plugs which prevent you from connecting the wrong
with the standard measurement.
outputs. In addition, the simple wiring concept with
labeled connection leads, leaves almost no room for errors.

* CP TD1 is an optional accessory to the TESTRANO 600.

See more details on page 11.
Rugged and compact design
With TESTRANO 600 you get all the required components
in just one box. This makes testing quite comfortable and
the system, weighing only 20 kg / 44 lbs, easy to transport.
The rugged design makes it ideal for on-site testing as well
as in rough environments.

The intuitive side panel and color coded cables of

TESTRANO 600 make it easy to connect the test set
for safe and reliable measurements.

TESTRANO TouchControl – Easy test preparation and fast test execution

TESTRANO 600 can be operated in multiple ways:

> TESTRANO TouchControl, using the integrated
touch display for fast and easy test workflow
on the device
> Primary Test ManagerTM software on your
laptop for guided test workflow including
easy data management and automatic
result assessment.
Both solutions support all diagnostic tests on power

TESTRANO TouchControl features an integrated,

high-resolution, multi-touch display.
The high contrast of the 10.6” display ensures
good visibility even in bright sunlight.
This allows fast, flexible and easy testing
without bringing a laptop PC onsite.

The USB interface can be used to

import and export test files to and
from TESTRANO 600.
This can be used to prepare complex
tests in advance and just import
them onsite.

Easy handling during test preparation
During operation with TESTRANO TouchControl, you
can choose between creating a new, manual test or
loading an already prepared test.
In order to identify your asset and keep your testing
results organized, you can enter basic transformer
nameplate information before starting your test.

Best possible support during test preparation

and execution
Each test follows an intuitive two-step workflow. You can
set the measurement parameters on the “Settings” screen
and press “Start”. You can then review the results on the
“Measurement” screen.
Pre-configured wiring diagrams, that depend on the selected
vector group of your power transformer, assist you with
setting up the test equipment in the correct manner.
This minimizes the likelihood of measurement errors and
speeds up your testing process.

Handy features for comparison and

detailed analysis
Test results are available as a table and in graphical form to
provide you with the best possible overview on your test
You can easily re-order the lines of the table when making
phase-to-phase or tap-to-tap comparisons. You can also
switch between different result plots, e.g. one showing the
absolute values and another showing the deviation to
nameplate values.
In order to create customized reports, you can export tests
to our Primary Test ManagerTM.

Primary Test Manager TM – Guided testing with easy data management

Management of location, asset and test data

The Primary Test ManagerTM (PTM) is the ideal software
PTM provides a well-structured database for managing all
tool for the diagnostic testing and condition
related transformer data to get a comprehensive overview
assessment of your power transformers.
of your asset’s condition. You can define and manage
It supports you in performing measurements and locations, assets, jobs and reports in an easy and fast way.
guides you step by step through the entire test
procedure, in order to make testing faster, easier, Data synchronization and back-up
and safer.
During on-site testing, data is often generated by multiple
testing teams. With the ‘PTM DataSync’ module, you can
synchronize all data to a central database hosted on premises
or in the cloud. In doing so, data synchronization and storage
becomes safer and more convenient. You can select the
relevant locations in order to keep the local database small.

PTM supports you in the best po

Easy management of location, asset and test data due to a structured database,
tests via wiring diagrams and ass
implemented search and filter functions and automatic data synchronization.
international standards.

and automatic result assessment

Execution of diagnostic tests Result analysis and reporting

PTM enables you to control and operate the connected Results are automatically stored and organized in the
test set directly from a computer. In order to assist you database on your PC and are available for analysis and
during testing, PTM helps you in defining your transformer reporting. Each test can be automatically assessed according
with type-specific nameplate views. to international standards and guidelines or based on your
individual limit values.
Customized test plans
Based on the nameplate values, PTM generates a customized Comparison tools for detailed analysis
test plan according to current standards and guidelines for The measurement result can be visualized in tables and plots
each asset. Thereby, PTM provides you with a comprehensive for easy review and assessment. Additionally, they can be
test plan to thoroughly assess the condition of your asset. compared with previous results and historical trends, allowing
By selecting or de-selecting individual tests, you can tailor further in-depth analysis.
the test procedure to your specific needs with minimum
effort. At the same time, test plans can be configured in Customized, individual reports
advance to enable fast and effective measurements. PTM automatically generates reports including all asset-
related information and performed tests. This gives you a
comprehensive overview of the test object, test results and
You can easily adapt test reports, for example, by choosing
from different types of result tables and diagrams and by
providing comments on every test. Furthermore, you can
incorporate your company logo, photos and other test results.

ssible way during execution of diagnostic

For a comprehensive analysis, PTM offers automatic result assessment
set-specific test plans according to
and comparison as well as customized reporting.

Technical data and possible accessories


Outputs Inputs
HV & LV outputs – power HV & LV inputs – voltage2
Frequency DC/1 mHz … 599 Hz Input Range Accuracy3
AC (RMS) 0 ... 300 mV 0.01 % rd + 0.003 % fs
Power Vmains P30s Pcontinuous
0 ... 3 V 0.01 % rd + 0.003 % fs
> 100 VRMS 1500 W 1000 W 0 ... 30 V 0.01 % rd + 0.003 % fs
> 190 VRMS 4000 W 2400 W 0 ... 300 V 0.012 % rd + 0.003 % fs
DC 0 ... 42.4 mV 0.022 % rd + 0.032 % fs
0 ... 424 mV 0.01 % rd + 0.017 % fs
HV & LV outputs – voltage
0 ... 4.24 V 0.007 % rd + 0.012 % fs
Source Range Imax, continuous Imax, 30s 0 ... 42.4 V 0.01 % rd + 0.017 % fs
3-phase AC 0 ... 230 V (LN) 100 mARMS 12 A 0 ... 424 V 0.007 % rd + 0.012 % fs
(RMS) 0 ... 80 V (LN) 16 A 20 A
0 ... 40 V (LN) 33 A 40 A HV & LV inputs – current4
1-phase AC 0 ... 240 V 16 A 20 A Input Range Accuracy3
(RMS) 0 ... 120 V 33 A 40 A AC (RMS) 0 ... 0.4 ARMS 0.017 % rd + 0.0033 % fs
3-phase DC 0 ... ±113 V 16 A - 0 ... 4 ARMS 0.036 % rd + 0.0033 % fs
0 ... ±56 V 33 A 0 ... 40 ARMS 0.023 % rd + 0.013 % fs
DC 0 ... 0.56 ADC 0.1 % rd + 0.023 % fs
1-phase DC 0 ... ±340 V 16 A -
0 ... ±170 V 33 A 0 ... 5.6 ADC 0.037 % rd + 0.026 % fs
0 ... 56 ADC 0.008 % rd + 0.01 % fs
HV & LV outputs – current
Combined values
Source Range Vmax, continuous
3-phase DC 0 ... ±33 A 56 V DC resistance measurement
0 ... ±16 A 113 V Current Range Accuracy3
1-phase DC 0 ... ±100 A 56 V 30 ADC 1 ... 10 Ω 0.037 % rd + 0.017 % fs
0 ... ±33 A 170 V 0.1 ... 1 Ω 0.04 % rd + 0.027 % fs
0 ... ±50 A 113 V 0.01 ... 0.1 Ω 0.033 % rd + 0.017 % fs
0 ... ±16 A 340 V 0.001 ... 0.01 Ω 0.037 % rd + 0.027 % fs
0.0001 ... 0.001 Ω 0.05 % rd + 0.043 % fs
3-phase AC 0 ... 33 A (LN) 40 V
3 ADC 10 ... 100 Ω 0.1 % rd + 0.18 % fs
(RMS) 0 ... 16 A (LN) 80 V
1 ... 10 Ω 0.1 % rd + 0.267 % fs
1-phase AC 0 ... 100 A 40 V 0.1 ... 1 Ω 0.1 % rd + 0.18 % fs
(RMS) 0 ... 33 A 120 V
0 ... 50 A 180 V
Ratio measurement
0 ... 16 A 240 V
Range Accuracy3
On-load tap changer input/output 1:1 ... 10 0.03 % rd + 0.043 % fs
1:10 ... 100 0.027 % rd + 0.043 % fs
Voltage 300 VRMS
1:100 ... 1000 0.027 % rd + 0.043 % fs
Accuracy AC (50 / 60 Hz) / DC 0.07 % rd + 0.07 % fs
1:1000 ... 10 000 0.027 % rd + 0.043 % fs
Current clamp input 3 VRMS
Tap up/down switch Current1: 300 mAcontinuous
9 A for 0.7 s
Voltage1: 300 VRMS

Only AC permitted
Typical phase accuracy at 50 / 60 Hz, V > 30 % of fs: 0.017°
Means “typical accuracy”; at typical temperatures of 23 °C ± 5 K; 98 % of all units have an accuracy which is better than specified
Typical phase accuracy at 50 / 60 Hz, I > 30 % of fs used range: 0.025°
From 2 000 m to 5 000 m altitude CAT III compliance only with half voltage
From 2 000 m to 5 000 m altitude only CAT II compliance or CAT III compliance with half voltage
Signals below 45 Hz with reduced values possible.
Recommended system requirements marked in bold
Graphics adapter supporting Microsoft® DirectX 9.0 or later is recommended.
Installed software required for the optional Microsoft Office® interface functions.


Power specifications High-voltage output

Voltage Nominal: 100 V ... 240 V AC U/f I S tmax f
Permitted: 85 V ... 264 V AC 0 ... 12 kV AC 7 300 mA 3 600 VA > 2 min. 15 Hz ... 400 Hz
Frequency Nominal: 50 Hz / 60 Hz 0 ... 12 kV AC 7 100 mA 1 200 VA > 60 min. 15 Hz ... 400 Hz
Permitted: 45 Hz ... 65 Hz
Power fuse Automatic circuit breaker Internal measurement of voltage output / current inputs
with magnetic overcurrent
Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
tripping at I > 16 A
0 ... 12 000 VAC 1V Error < 0.3 % of V > 2 000 V
Power consumption Continuous: < 3.5 kW reading + 1 V
Peak: < 5.0 kW
0 ... 5 A AC 5 digits Error < 0.3 % of Ix < 8 mA
reading + 100 nA
Environmental conditions
5 digits Error < 0.5 % of Ix > 8 mA
Temperature Operating: -10 °C ... +55 °C / +14 °F ... +131 °F reading
Storage: -30 °C ... +70 °C / -22 °F ... +158 °F
Relative humidity 5 % ... 95 %, non-condensing Capacitance Cp (equivalent parallel circuit)
Maximum altitude Operating: 2 000 m / 6 550 ft, Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
up to 5 000 m / 16 400 ft 1 pF ... 3 μF 6 digits Error < 0.05 % of Ix < 8 mA, V test =
(with limited specifications 5,6) reading + 0.1 pF 300 V ... 10 kV
Storage: 12 000 m / 40 000 ft
1 pF ... 3 μF 6 digits Error < 0.2 % of Ix > 8 mA, V test =
reading 300 V ... 10 kV
Mechanical data
Dimensions 580 × 386 × 229 mm / 22.9 × 15.2 × 9.0 inch Power factor PF / dissipation factor DF
(W × H × D) (W = 464 mm / 18.3 inch without handles)
Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
Weight Device with display: 20.6 kg / 45.5 lbs
0 ... 10 % 5 digits Error < 0.1 % of f = 45 Hz ... 70 Hz,
Device without display: 19.5 kg / 43 lbs
(capacitive) reading + 0.005 % I < 8 mA, V test =
300 V ... 10 kV
Equipment reliability
0 ... 100 % (PF) 5 digits Error < 0.5 % of V test =
Shock IEC / EN 60068-2-27, 15 g / 11 ms, 0 ... 10 000 % (DF) reading + 0.02 % 300 V ... 10 kV
half-sinusoid, each axis
Vibration IEC / EN 60068-2-6, frequency range from
10 Hz to 150 Hz, continuous acceleration 2 g
(20 m ⁄s2 / 65 ft ⁄s2), 10 cycles per axis

Primary Test ManagerTM

System requirements8
Operating system Windows 10™, 64-bit
Windows 8™ and 8.1™, 64-bit
Windows 7™ SP1, 32-bit and 64-bit
CPU Multicore system with 2 GHz or faster
Single core system with 2GHz or faster

RAM minimum 2 GB (4 GB)

Hard disk minimum 4 GB of available space

Storage device DVD-ROM drive

Graphics adapter Super VGA (1280×768) or higher-resolution

video adapter and monitor 9
Interface Ethernet NIC

Installed software 10
Microsoft Office® 2016, Office® 2013,
Office® 2010, Office® 2007, or Office® 2003

Ordering information

TESTRANO 600 Packages

Description Ordering No.

TESTRANO 600 Basic Package > Package for performing transformer turns ratio, VE000701
DC winding resistance and demagnetization
> Primary Test ManagerTM Standard: PC software including
Manual Control Mode and report generator

TESTRANO 600 Standard Package > Package for performing transformer turns ratio, VE000702
DC winding resistance, short-circuit impedance /
leakage reactance, frequency response of stray losses
(FRSL) and demagnetization
> Primary Test ManagerTM Standard: PC software including
Manual Control Mode and report generator

TESTRANO 600 Advanced Package > Package for performing transformer turns ratio, VE000703
DC winding resistance, short-circuit impedance /
leakage reactance, frequency response of stray losses
(FRSL), demagnetization, power / dissipation factor
and capacitance
> CP TD1 and its accessories
> Primary Test ManagerTM Standard: PC software including
Manual Control Mode and report generator

TESTRANO 600 Universal Package > Package for performing transformer turns ratio, VE000704
DC winding resistance, short-circuit impedance /
leakage reactance, frequency response of stray losses
(FRSL), demagnetization, power / dissipation factor
and capacitance as well as dynamic resistance
measurement (DRM)
> CP TD1 and its accessories
> Primary Test ManagerTM Standard: PC software including
Manual Control Mode and report generator

TESTRANO 600 Advanced Control Options

Description Ordering No.

TESTRANO 600 TouchControl TESTRANO 600 TouchControl featuring an integrated VEHO0700

10.6“ color touch display

PTM Advanced for TESTRANO 600 License for PC software upgrade adding Guided Workflow, VESM0703
customized test plans, automatic assessment, graphical
comparison and trending

TESTRANO 600 Upgrade Options and Accessories

Description Ordering No.

“Short-Circuit Impedance / Software license upgrade to perform short-circuit VESM0701

Leakage Reactance” Module impedance / leakage reactance tests and frequency
response of stray losses (FRSL)

“OLTC Scan and Transient Recording” Software license upgrade to perform dynamic VESM0702
Module resistance measurements (DRM) on on-load
tap changers

CP TD 1 Upgrade Option Upgrade option to expand your exisiting TESTRANO 600 VE000641
to a power / dissipation factor test system

TESTRANO 600 HV Cable 6 m / 19.7 ft extension package for HV cables VEHK0704

Extension Package for large power transformers

TESTRANO 600 LV Cable 6 m / 19.7 ft extension package for LV cables VEHK0705

Extension Package for large power transformers

Warning Lamp Set Warning strobe with connection cable (15 m / 49 ft) VEHZ0611

Remote Emergency Switch 3-position remote emergency switch, VEHZ0688

with connection cable (15 m / 49 ft)

Safety Box SAB1 Safety box with remote emergency switch, start button VEHZ0812
and LED indicators, connection cable (6 m / 19.7 ft)

TESTRANO 600 Transport Case Transport case with wheels for TESTRANO 600 VEHP0076
for Accessories accessories

Find detailed ordering information and package descriptions on www.omicronenergy.com.

TESTRANO 600 Advanced Package

A strong and safe connection

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Don Platts
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We can help minimize your downtime by lending you equipment from a readily
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OMICRON is an international company serving the electrical power industry with
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© OMICRON L2595, September 2016

www.omicronenergy.com Subject to change without notice.

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