Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Gandhinagar, Phase 1A: Integrated Design Team

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)–Gandhinagar, Phase 1A

Location : Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Site Area : 211795 m2
Built up Area : 127534 m2
Renewable Energy installation : Proposed 500 kwp capacity of installation
GRIHA LD master plan rating : 5 Stars
Year of completion : 2017
The following strategies were adopted to reduce the building impact on the natural environment:
ÞÞSustainable Site Planning:
• Hard paving has been reduced and landscape is interspersed between the building clusters to reduce the
increase in outdoor ambient air temperature.
• Storm water management is planned to reduce peak run-off quantity.
• Sustainable Urban Drainage system in the form of holding ponds has been implemented on the site.
ÞÞWater management:
• The project shall reduce its annual water demand by 41.86% through reuse of treated waste water.
• All fixtures in the project will be low-flow fixtures.
• 100% waste water is treated by DEWATS system installed on site.
ÞÞEnergy Optimization:
• The buildings are designed to be about 46% more energy efficient than GRIHA LD base case.
• Street lighting is designed to be about 85% more energy efficient than the GRIHA LD base case.
• Street lights shall be designed to meet minimum lighting requirements and shall be installed with automatic
ÞÞSolid waste management:
• Bio-gas plant has been installed on site to treat all the organic waste generated and convert it into electricity.
• The project shall convert all its organic kitchen waste into manure.
• All waste from campus will be segregated and sent for recycling through authorized recyclers.
ÞÞSustainable transport:
• Site planning has been done to improve walkability in the campus through continuous and universally
accessible footpaths.
• E-rickshaws will be provided on site for intra-site movement.
• Electric charging facilities will be provided for more than 10% of the total car and two wheeler parking slots.
ÞÞSocial sustainability:
• All construction workers will have clean drinking water, toilets and accommodation.
• Campus has been designed to ensure universal accessibility.
• The institute shall implement measures to increase environmental awareness in the campus.
Integrated Design Team:
Client : Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Gandhinagar
Principal Architect for Academic Block : Mitimitra Consultants
Principal Architect for Hostel Block : HCP Design Planning & Management Pvt. Ltd.
Principal Architect for Housing Block : Vastu Shilpa Consultants
MEP Consultant : Jhaveri Associates
Green Building Design and Certification : dbHMS

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