Developments in Aquatic Microbiology: Samuel P. Meyers

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INTERNATL MICROBIOL (2000) 3: 203–211 203

© Springer-Verlag Ibérica 2000 REVIEW ARTICLE

Samuel P. Meyers
Developments in aquatic
Department of Oceanography and
Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Received 30 August 2000

Accepted 29 September 2000
Summary Major discoveries in marine microbiology over the past 4-5 decades have
resulted in the recognition of bacteria as a major biomass component of marine food
webs. Such discoveries include chemosynthetic activities in deep-ocean ecosystems,
survival processes in oligotrophic waters, and the role of microorganisms in food
webs coupled with symbiotic relationships and energy flow. Many discoveries can
be attributed to innovative methodologies, including radioisotopes, immunofluores-
cent-epifluorescent analysis, and flow cytometry. The latter has shown the key role
of marine viruses in marine system energetics. Studies of the components of the
“microbial loop” have shown the significance of various phagotrophic processes
involved in grazing by microinvertebrates. Microbial activities and dissolved organic
carbon are closely coupled with the dynamics of fluctuating water masses. New
biotechnological approaches and the use of molecular biology techniques still provide
new and relevant information on the role of microorganisms in oceanic and estuarine
environments. International interdisciplinary studies have explored ecological aspects
of marine microorganisms and their significance in biocomplexity. Studies on the
Correspondence to: origins of both life and ecosystems now focus on microbiological processes in the
Louisiana State University Station. marine environment. This paper describes earlier and recent discoveries in marine
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Baton Rouge, LA 70893. USA (aquatic) microbiology and the trends for future work, emphasizing improvements
Tel.: +1-225-3885180 in methodology as major catalysts for the progress of this broadly-based field.
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borne pathogens in seawater, and other subjects such as the

The early years nitrogen cycle and luminescent bacteria. The latter resulted in
numerous reports on the physiology of bioluminescent bacteria,
Marine microbiology is a relatively young field of biology which led to the study of the mechanisms of light production
that began in the late 19th century. Table 1 shows major issues by these organisms, their physiology and nutrition, and their
dealt with since those early years [57] (Table 1). The era symbiotic association with various marine fishes and
1855–1890, and oceanic explorations such as the Challenger invertebrate species [12].
expedition, laid the foundation for subsequent microbiological The Galathea expedition [58] was among initial efforts to
studies of the ocean. Initial work studied the survival of water- critically explore microbial aspects of the deep sea and the
nature of marine psychrophilic bacteria. Reports on the effects
Table 1 Sequential development of marine microbiology of hydrostatic pressure on marine microorganisms pioneered
research in microbial aspects of the deep sea [27].
• Studies of survival of pathogenic bacteria in the sea
• Are there true marine bacteria? The importance of obligate psychrophiles was demons-
• Isolation, distribution, abundance trated, introducing such significant concepts as “starva-
• Identification of major microbial taxa tion–survival” and “feast or famine”, which have served as
• Studies of basic cyclic processes
• Enumeration approaches/methodology descriptors of microbial activities under oligotrophic
• Bacteria as decomposers conditions [37]. There have been studies on the effect of
• The microbial loop pressure and on the mechanisms by which pressure can
• Activity/Role of bacteria in diverse marine processes
• Discovery of deep-sea microbiology and thermal-vent communities regulate genetic expression. Other works dealt with nutrient
• The total ecosystem (microorganisms in toto) conditions in the deep sea and with the versatility of microbial
• Molecular methodology responses to pressure [36].
204 INTERNATL MICROBIOL Vol. 3, 2000 Meyers

As late as the 1960s, researchers focused their attention on importance in marine microbial ecology. Micro-scale nutrient
descriptive studies of marine microorganisms and on their patches have been reported in mixtures of bacterial isolates
distribution, using methodology inherent to that era [34]. consisting of a protozoan, its prey, and chemotrophic bacteria
Currently, marine microbiology is seen as an integral part of [7].
global marine science, with vast biological implications Many ecologically significant microbial symbioses,
unrecognized in earlier years. The decade 1975–1986 saw major commensalisms, and consortia have been described.
review articles on subjects such as biofilms, the role of bacteria Significant diversification in marine microbiology has
in marine food webs, bacterial ecology of the deep sea, occurred; the field has moved far beyond its roots in classical
psychrophilic bacteria, the concept of starvation survival, and bacteriology, and now it comprises the study of many groups
bacterial biomass and marine productivity [19]. In this era, of autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms, including
major developments occurred in analyses of estuarine and salt protozoa and microalgae. The discovery of cyanobacteria and
marsh ecosystems, especially anaerobic mineralization of their role in primary production has changed our appreciation
organic matter via sulfate, nitrate and iron reduction processes of the oceans and food web processes. Cyanobacteria such as
as well as studies of methanogenesis. Advances in both Trichodesmium are nitrogen fixers and play a major role in
instrumentation and methodology allowed more accurate the marine nitrogen cycle, especially in nitrogen-limited
detailed sampling of the entire water column. New technology, oligotrophic waters [11]. Contemporary researchers recognize
such as the use of rRNA sequencing [41] to identify marine this tremendous diversity of forms and functions, and
bacteria, provided significant information on the phylogeny of ecological studies now focus on “systems” approaches [18].
marine taxa, especially those of the ecologically important Bacteria in aquatic systems are no longer seen as
Vibrionaceae group. Development of immunofluorescent- decomposers and nutrient regenerators; we now recognize
epifluorescent techniques has introduced sensitive detection their role in the uptake of growth-limiting nutrients, with high
systems, especially to elucidate human pathogens in coastal conversion efficiencies [3]. This has resulted in re-evaluation
environments [30]. of bacteria as biological mechanisms for recycling energy and
Research has shifted from studies of microbial distribution material lost to the detrital food chain back into the classical
and population density to considerations of biogeochemical food chain, now referred to as a “food web” [44]. The term
roles of marine bacteria, including bacterial biomass, energy “strategy” has been used to document microbial activity in
flow and mineral cycling. Besides, a broad range of oligotrophic waters and stressed environments [37]. The study
techniques employing radioactive precursors have facilitated of a broad range of grazing phagotrophic protozoa has
the determination of microbial activity and biomass incorporated these concepts into models of energy and nutrient
production. Significant information obtained on marine flow in aquatic communities [48]. Size-selective grazing by
bacteria in various planktonic communities has contributed heterotrophic nanoflagellates is a critical aspect of the
to establish major ecological paradigms such as the microbial loop. Factors such as prey selection, mixotrophy
“microbial loop” [43]. and viral infection of bacteria all play a role in this process
With the discovery of deep-sea thermal vents, microbial involving carbon flow and recycling (regeneration) of essential
symbiosis has received increasing attention [28]. Systems mineral nutrients. Food chains are now recognized as complex
such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria in boring mollusks, food webs, in which the “microbial loop” plays a major role.
photosynthetic organisms in corals, and sulfur-oxidizing A variety of microbial groups, nutritional diversity and
bacteria in hydrothermal-vent organisms, have shown the different energy sources in a community structure characterize
widespread occurrence of marine symbiosis. Pioneering efforts microbial loops, as well as linkages or couplings between
have contributed to our understanding of deep-sea microbio- organisms and feeding types [29]. Bacteria can use diluted
logy, especially the discovery of chemoautotrophic bacterial concentrations of energy (dissolved organic matter) and
populations at deep-sea vents in symbiotic associations with reconvert this into biomass for upper trophic levels, where
the giant hydrothermal-vent tube worm, Riftia pachyptila it serves as food for grazing invertebrates known as
[28]. This, and other significant deep-sea work, has revealed bacteriovores.
the presence of obligate pychrophiles able to actively
metabolize under extreme pressures. It has been possible also
to understand the mechanisms by which marine bacteria Food web dynamics
survive in an oligotrophic ocean; those mechanisms include
using high-affinity substrate capture and formation of Many diverse biotic and abiotic factors affect the microbial
ultrabacteria [37]. The importance of adsorptive surfaces in loop. Since 1974 [43], a vast amount of relevant information
microbially-mediated processes has been demonstrated. There has been obtained on processes and organisms involved in the
is now an appreciation of the role of aquatic microorganisms microbial loop. Particular attention has been given to molecular
in biogeochemical cycles along with the recognition that approaches to study loop processes, and dissolved organic
patchiness and physical and chemical gradients are of great carbon fluxes and coupling processes, as well as the formation
Aquatic microbiology INTERNATL MICROBIOL Vol. 3, 2000 205

of high-weight molecular material [25] (Table 2). Considerable sources of C, N, and P for growth and metabolism [48]. The
research has focused on biotic/abiotic “control” factors with methodology for measuring microbial productivity has
emphasis on phagotrophic (grazers), and more recently on advanced significantly, especially with the use of molecular
marine viruses. Presence and availability of diverse energy approaches. This has shown the major role of flagellates in
sources has been the focus of numerous investigations [44]. grazing activities, the significance of marine viruses as major
components of aquatic ecosystems and has allowed the
Table 2 Advances in knowledge of the microbial food web modeling of microbial and nutrient fluxes through both macro-
and micro-food webs [6]. Although microbial cells are small,
• Establishment of appropriate methodology to measure
microbial productivity
their high surface-to-volume ratio is significant and their
• Adaptation of molecular biological methods biomass is noteworthy in the sea [2].
(ribosomal RNA gene probes, location of specific enzymes) The role of biotic and abiotic “decoupling” factors in
• Analyses of microbial dynamics within and among different ecosystems
• Studies of predation activities in material/energy transfer
microbial food webs is evident in flagellate grazing
• Recognition of viruses as numerically important components (phagotrophs), substrate (energy) availability and the presence
of aquatic ecosystems of viruses. Grazing rates can significantly affect the dynamics
• Modeling of microbial/energy fluxes (movement of materials through
the food web based on rate/quantity information)
of microbial associations. Variations in bacterial production
and protozoan grazing rates can result in uncoupling, i.e.,
disruption of normal predator/prey oscillation rates. Selective
The concept of the microbial loop has developed, in which as well as non-selective grazing, in terms of the particular prey,
the role of nanoplanktonic algae (cyanobacteria) in oceanic is prevalent in various trophic systems. The coupling/uncoupling
productivity and that of microflagellates as grazer populations of primary production from growth, and the fate of excess
are recognized [55]. The microbial loop is now viewed as an photosynthate, will continue to be a major area of investigation.
essential link for both oceanic secondary productivity and The intensity of coupling of bacteria to variations in primary
regeneration of essential rate-limiting nutrients (Fig. 1). production and the variability of dissolved organic carbon,
Picoplanktonic microorganisms (diameter < 2 µm), primarily including the occurrence of protein-containing particles, has
bacteria, cyanobacteria, prochlorophytes and some protozoa, been addressed by various researchers [33]. The significance
are important in energy flow and nutrient cycling in oligotrophic of viruses, nutrient limitations and carbon fluxes are critical
oceanic ecosystems [47]; they contribute significantly to factors in such processes. Bacteria are now seen as transformers
phytoplankton biomass and production. It has been shown that of organic nutrients and dissolved organic matter (DOM) into
phagotrophy also contributes to dinoflagellate growth by both living biomass and particulate carbon. Furthermore, bacteria
enhancing photosynthetic performance and by supplying organic play a significant role in structuring the molecular weight

Fig. 1 Diagram of flows of

organic material assumed to be
associated with heterotrophic
bacteria. The pool of dissolved
organic carbon (DOC) and
extracellular organic carbon
(EOC) is fed by excretion from
phytoplankton (and other sour-
ces not indicated here); bacteria
growing on this material are
removed, either by predation
from heterotrophic flagellates,
or by viral lysis. Viral lysis rele-
ases the organic material of the
bacterial cells, in part as new
viral particles. Assuming that
only a minor fraction of the
viruses are successful in new
infections, or adsorbing to lar-
ger particles, the virus produc-
tion is also returned to the pool
of DOC (From Mar Ecol Prog
Ser 83:273–280, 1982)
206 INTERNATL MICROBIOL Vol. 3, 2000 Meyers

distribution of organic matter in the sea. The DOM pool is a Increased emphasis has been on basin-wide and global scale
major energy source and play a major role in nutrient approaches, leading to automation in sampling and analytical
regeneration (Fig. 2). capabilities. Besides, there has been a trend toward interdis-
ciplinary research utilizing the combined knowledge of
scientists over a broad range of oceanic subjects. Mixotrophy,
combination of phagotrophic and phototrophic nutrition in a
single species, is of noteworthy significance in microbial food
webs [46]. Work in the Mediterranean has shown that abundant
mixotrophic algae also function as potential bacterivores [23].
Feeding, pigmentation and growth in a species of the mixo-
trophic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium is reported in which both
photosynthesis and phagotrophy support higher growth rates
associated with mixotrophy than with strictly autotrophic growth

Fig. 2 Conceptual model of carbon flux through the ocean’s food web and
some of the major pathways of carbon from phytoplankton to bacteria. POM: Sediment processes
Particulate organic matter. DOM: Dissolved organic matter.
1–2: Grazing on phytoplankton by zooplankton, with release of feces, The discovery of the metabolic diversity of sulfate and sulfur
munchates (2–3) and soluble products (2–4)
1–3: Death of phytoplankton from virus infection or nutrient depletion, followed reducers in marine sediment has been a major contribution to
by solubilization of bacteria (3–6) marine microbiology. The benthic sediment-water interface,
1–4: Release of DOM by phytoplankton the benthic boundary layer (BBL), is the focus of considerable
1–5: Grazing on picophytoplankton by protozoans, with release of feces (5–3)
and soluble products (5–4) contemporary research. Modification of organic matter close
to the seafloor may be as rapid as that determined in the
euphotic zone. The BBL could be considered a distinct
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) found in marine environment with small-scale variations in the vertical
food webs, especially during algal blooms, may represent a distribution of particle composition along with enhanced
significant pathway for dissolved organic carbon in the sea microbial activity, affecting energy budgets for benthic
[42]. Marine colloids are the most abundant particles in the communities. A 1997 review on sediment bacteria [38] stressed
ocean, accounting for 30–50% of the dissolved organic carbon the need for further studies of the mechanisms whereby
(DOC) in seawater. Such colloids, at the boundary between sedimentary microbes interact with each other and with their
chemical species and sinking particles, may support the bulk environment, forming critical linkages. New microscopic
of heterotrophic microbial production in seawater. Also techniques such as confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM)
involved is “marine snow” (macroaggregates) and non-specific and environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM),
surface-related interactions in colloid cycling [13]. Marine along with fluorescent probes, will have a major impact to
snow, known as particulate organic carbon (POC), serves as understand the activities of sediment bacteria. Major areas for
a vehicle for vertical flux of organic matter and enriched further study are the structural and functional processes within
“hotspots” of microbial respiration and sites of rapid turnover sediments and their loss due to a variety of factors.
of particulate carbon in the sea [1, 31]. The stability of a broad
range of biologically-active compounds within the DOM Methodology Innovative methodological approaches have
component of seawater may depend largely on their interfacial revealed new ecologically-significant information. This can be
characteristics [49]. seen in studies of grazing-loss rates of bacteria [52], wherein
Early studies on the physiology and biochemistry of marine fluorescently-labeled tracers are combined with flow cytometry
bacteria have provided a better understanding of such organisms to estimate in situ loss rates of natural planktonic bacteria to
compared to those of terrestrial origin [34]. Investigations have grazers. Flow cytometry has significant application in analysis
elucidated specific requirements and the role of various ions, of bacterial distribution, especially in analysis of grazing rates
i.e., Na+ and Mg2+, in marine bacterial metabolism and specific of nanoflagellates. It also allows the recognition of more than
cellular processes. Marine bacteria have been shown to require a single virus population in natural samples and can be applied
Na+ for their growth, as well as to have a specific requirement to analyze the heterotrophic bacterial community [10]. Increased
for Na+ for membrane transport activities. Magnesium interacts use of the cytometric method in analyses of flagellate grazing
with the cell walls of marine bacteria and is required to maintain rates can be expected, especially to discern the complex
them intact. There has been a growing effort to determine distribution of such rates under a variety of natural conditions,
mechanisms, processes, and control of microbial productivity and the linkage of the key nanoflagellate genera to specific
in the ocean, including the effect of diel variations [23]. grazing rates. Molecular approaches are being used to study the
Aquatic microbiology INTERNATL MICROBIOL Vol. 3, 2000 207

microbiology of sediments, and to characterize total and specific Cyanobacteria focused attention on the production of secondary
microbial biomass and the microenvironment itself [16]. metabolites by this group of phytoplankton. Related research
Traditional colony-counting techniques have been supplemented, concerns toxic algae as well as production of toxic compounds
and in many instances they have been replaced by cloning of by bacteria comparable to those found in algal species.
bacterial 16 rRNA genes from the environment. Such approaches Research is now documenting the significance of ectoen-
have demonstrated the biogeographical diversity among marine zymes [15] in the aquatic environment, which will reveal worth-
bacterioplankton and their varied physiological states. while information on the kinetics of material turnover, especially
There has been notable development of quantitative aquatic that of dissolved organic matter. Bacteria inhabiting marine
microbiology, including a variety of methods to estimate snow have cell-specific ectoenzymatic activities up to three
microbial biomass, metabolic activity, growth rate and orders of magnitude higher than bacteria in the surrounding
production [50]. The use of radioisotopes has provided the water [31, 35]. The variability of ectoenzymatic profiles among
sensitivity necessary to assess microbial rate processes in natural different bacterial isolates indicates the importance of species
systems. The trend has been toward in situ experimentation for composition of the bacterial communities as well as grazing
obtaining “real world” information [18]. Methodology has activities [45]. Researchers have shown the release of dissolved
uncovered significant members of the phytoplankton, including amino acids in the form of primary amines by flagellates and
the nanoplankton, the picoplankton (the cyanobacteria) and the ciliates grazing on bacteria. A Japanese team has reported that
prochlorophytes. The discovery and recognition of the specific proteins survive in seawater as dissolved protein, the
magnitude of the cyanobacteria alone has completely changed origin of these proteins being bacterial porin [50]. Studies in
the concept of marine productivity. The growth rates and biological oceanography have revealed the presence of
biomass of phototrophic nanoplankton exceed those of large ecologically important peptides and their function as chemical
photosynthetic net plankton. Furthermore, the importance of signal molecules in aquatic ecosystems. These various findings
microzooplankton (the grazers or phagotrophs) in the transfer provide new and significant information on carbon and nitrogen
of biomass to higher trophic levels has been recognized [51]. cycling within overall aquatic food web processes (Fig. 3).
Use of submersibles to collect samples and for deep-sea in situ
experiments has provided new information. Similarly, the use
of microelectrodes to study microenvironments, both estuarine
and deep sea, comprise major advances at the critical microscale
site level in different ecosystems [17]. Molecular approaches,
begun several decades ago, are now being applied as marine
biotechnology becomes the “wave of the future” [30]. In this
regard, rRNA sequencing research has allowed to establish a
phylogeny of the marine bacteria [41]. Such biotechnological
work will allow the exploitation of unique ecosystems,
especially the recovery of biologically-active compounds.

Biotechnology Biotechnological approaches, including the use

of immunochemical methodology, will be increasingly applied
to all phases of research in marine biology in general [50]. Indeed,
molecular biology is changing our understanding of ocean
microbiology in terms of what is there and what it does. Flow-
cytometry methods [10], combined with the nucleic acid specific
dye SYBR Green-1, have proven to be very effective to enumerate
marine viruses. This and other methodologies will clarify the
structure and dynamics of virus populations in natural water
bodies. The application of molecular biology to oceanic studies
has allowed both a more definitive analysis of the structure of the
microbial community and the determination of the metabolic
status of different components of microbial populations [16].
Equally important has been the use of innovative methodology,
including techniques in microbial genetics and computer-driven
analytical instrumentation. Marine biotechnology has given Fig. 3 Scheme of the succession of microbial populations (A) and ectoenzymatic
increasing attention to the discovery of novel microbial biocatalysts activities (B) involved in the degradation of polysaccharides. After an initial
peak of bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) appeared and, through
along with the improvement of methods to isolate microorganisms grazing controlled bacterial numbers. Ectoenzymatic activities reflect shifts
from the deep sea. The 1998 International Conference on Toxic in the microbial populations (from Aquat Microb Ecol 20:75–82, 1999)
208 INTERNATL MICROBIOL Vol. 3, 2000 Meyers

Ecological trends Such trends include recognition of higher in nutrient-rich environments [24]. Factors involve
microhabitat events, increased focus on composite group viral lysis of bacterial cells with consequences for nutrient
(consortia) of microorganisms, and a variety of new techniques and energy cycling, control of species diversity and exchange
for analyses of biomass, growth rates, and metabolic activities of genetic material among bacteria in marine environments.
on a surface/volume basis. The microbial component is now Potential impact on dissemination of the cholera toxin has
viewed as a critical biomass portion of the total marine food web. been noted [53]. Research suggests that the effects of phages
There is growing evidence that microbial heterotrophs may play on mortality, nutrient flow and species diversity in microbial
a major role in ocean iron cycling, affecting critical nutrient- food webs depend largely on the lytic pathway of viral
limited availability. Laboratory and pure culture studies have infection [40]. There is a need to study more environments,
been replaced in part with analyses of actual rates of activity such as the open ocean and deep-sea, and more phage-host
in the field under ambient “real world” conditions. A new field systems to find general trends and to determine the variability
of research has involved the chemical and microbial ecology of of viral activity. Mortality of microorganisms due to viral
biologically-active compounds and specific ecosystems such as infection has significant implications in both nutrient and
sponges and corals. A diversity of chemical compounds are found energy cycling. Reports of virus concentrations in aquatic
in marine sponges with a variety of postulated ecosystem environments of 2.5 × 108 virus particles per milliliter suggest
functions. How such compounds enter into microbial ecology that viral infection could be significant in the ecological
warrants investigation in terms of chemical ecology [39]. control of planktonic microorganisms [40]. It is estimated
Increased attention is being given to micro-scale nutrient patches, that as much as 10–20% of marine bacteria is lysed daily with
consisting of protozoa, their preys, and chemotrophic- 2–3% of primary production lost through viral activity [54].
heterotrophic bacteria. Events leading to such patches are Further implications are seen in the exchange of genetic
associated with bacterial cell lysis and predation events, and can materials among bacteria in marine ecosystems following
have significant implications for the flow of energy and nutrients phage attack.
in the oceans. Focus in microbial ecology is needed to study Researchers recently have reported on viruses in the
bacterial foraging strategies and constraints imposed by the bacterioplankton of oligotrophic waters [40]. Although
physical microenvironment. bacterial mortality due to viral infection seemed low, finer
Microbial aspects of food web dynamics include reports detection techniques should be developed. Viral impact will
on marine bacteria that kill noxious red-tide flagellates. vary depending on the nutrient characteristics of the particular
Surface-active polysaccharides have been shown to partic- water mass. In this regard, further studies are needed in the
ipate in the formation of transparent exopolymer particles vast oligotrophic environment of the open-sea. Elsewhere,
(TEP) by bubble adsorption of seawater [42]. This may be there are reports on marine viruses in microbial food webs and
a major pathway for the formation of such particles in surface the rapid turnover of viruses and lysis products [14]. Such
waters, especially during algal blooms. TEP and their viral lysis products are likely to be major sources of organic
precursors appear to be a chemically distinct group of N and P, especially in oligotrophic systems. Further
polysaccharides whose production and standing crop are microbial/virus studies are needed to assess the importance of
uncoupled from bulk carbohydrates [56]. Recent studies virus-mediated processes to biogeochemical cycling in the
[42] have noted the formation of TEP and their origin from main microbial food web.
dissolved precursor material. It is stressed that mechanisms
and rates of transformation between the different carbon Deep-sea microbiology The discovery of deep-sea
pools (dissolved organic carbon [DOC], particulate organic hydrothermal vents in 1977 ranks among the major events
carbon [POC] and colloidal organic carbon [COC]) must be in the history of oceanography and marine microbiology [28].
studied to understand oceanic processes. Lastly, it is In unique life systems, H2S is used as a prime energy source
postulated that close correlations may exist between out- for chemoautotrophic bacterial production. The discovery
breaks of cholera and sea-surface warming brought about of symbiotic or mutualistic associations between such bacteria
by such critical climatic factors as El Niño. and giant tube worms (Riftia) have led to a better
understanding of microbial diversity and the unique
Marine viruses The presence of large concentrations of physiological breadth of organisms referred to as
viruses in marine ecosystems has been established [5]. Flow- “extremophiles.” Complex interactions between marine bacte-
cytometry has facilitated virus detection and discrimination ria and closely-associated animal populations and specific
between a wide range of different viruses [9]. Numerous ecosystems have been shown in other parts of the ocean
studies indicate that indigenous marine bacteriophages are ecosystem. Such associations are widespread and can be
dynamic components of microbial food webs and are now found in shallow-water settlements. Deep-sea microbiological
included in models of carbon transfer within the microbial studies will accelerate as increasing focus is placed on the
loop [8] (see Fig. 2). Virus-like particles are extremely isolation and study of extremophiles and their production of
abundant in oligotrophic waters with viral infection being biologically-active compounds.
Aquatic microbiology INTERNATL MICROBIOL Vol. 3, 2000 209

Symbiosis Microbial diversity in the marine environment is predominant symbiont in the light organ at any particular time
seen in a variety of symbiotic relationships [12]. Endosymbiotic illustrates the importance of abiotic factors in such associations.
bacteria have also been found associated with marine nematodes The presence of intracellular bacteria (endosymbionts) in
[26] (Fig. 4). Work beginning in the 1970s has provided a wealth Noctiluca scintillan s[32], a cause of red tides in European
of information on bacterial bioluminescence and the relationship waters, is of special interest in view of increasing speculations
of luminous bacteria and luciferase with various marine on the role of bacteria in toxic algal blooms, particularly those
mammals. This is evident today in our understanding of the of dinoflagellates. Changes in the composition of free-living
function of diverse light-inducing mechanisms with the so- microbial communities associated with algal blooms have been
called flashlight fish. Members of at least two families of squids reported, and these changes have been suggested to have
and several families of marine fishes harbor monospecific toxicological implications [22]. As an example, the ecological
cultures of luminous bacteria in specialized light organs. The significance of such relationships and phylogenetic diversity
presence of a phylogenetically diverse assemblage of in a gutless marine oligochete, Olavius loisae, has been reported.
endosymbiotic bacteria is being reported from other marine Recent work on bacterial endosymbionts suggests that this could
invertebrates [26]. Recent pioneering work has provided be a phylogenetically diverse assemblage of bacteria unknown
additional significant information on the role of Vibrio symbionts from other marine invertebrates.
with various species of squid [21], reporting two different
species of luminous Vibrio bacteria co-occurring within a single Coral reef studies Coral-related research has shown the
light organ. importance of bacteria in carbon and nutrient transfer in such
critical environments [20]. We can expect to see methodology
focusing on ectoenzymatic activities related to the microbial
turnover of both dissolved and particulate organic matter. Micro-
sensors have allowed to study photosynthesis and calcium uptake
simultaneously [17]. With accelerated global warming, there are
more and more reports of diseases and stress-induced mortalities
of corals. In coral communities, worldwide occurrence of
bleaching and disruption of the microalgal endosymbionts
(zooxanthellae) and reports of related bacterial activities warrants
serious attention. Recent studies carried out in Israel [4] have
shown the role of Vibrio shiloi as a pathogen in both the inhibition
of photosynthesis and the bleaching of the coral zooxanthella
Oculina patagonica in the Mediterranean Sea.

Future developments

Both microbial diversity and function of the ecosystem will be

significantly affected by critical phenomena such as ocean
warming and El Niño oscillation. Future research will focus on
Fig. 4 Transmission electron micrograph of bacterial symbionts in the gutless micro-scale nutrient patches [7] and invertebrate grazing
marine oligochaete Olarius loisae showing a symbiont-containing region just activities. The study of such patches may identify additional
below the cuticle of the worm. Note three distinct bacterial morphotypes: large
bacteria (la) with cytoplasmic globules and small bacteria (arrows) interspersed significant pathways to recycle growth-related nutrients in the
among the large bacteria which both occur in all six specimens examined, microbial food web. Studies of bacterial biomass in the ocean
whereas intermediate-sized bacteria (i) (also referred to as the third morphotype) have already revealed the release of copious amounts of capsular
occurred in two out of six worms. Bar = 1 µm. (From Mar Ecol Prog Ser
178:271–280, 1999) material as semi-labile to refractory dissolved organic carbon.
The viroplankton is now recognized as a major component of
This symbiotic relationship of species of Vibrio with several the traditional microbial loop affecting both autotrophs and
genera of squid has introduced exciting observations on heterotrophs. Perhaps of even greater significance in aquatic
luminous bacteria associated with light organs of squid, as well ecosystems is gene transfer through phages and lysogenic
as with species of flashlight fishes. Earlier work studied the conversion, which involves potentially biological hazards such
species V. fisheri as a light organ symbiont of Pacific squids, as the dissemination of the cholera toxin.
whereas recent reports focus on V. logei, the predominant light- The increasing use of molecular techniques will allow a
organ symbiont of Mediterranean squids (Sepiola sp.). The better insight into microbial processes that regulate aquatic
effect of ambient water temperature on the nature of the systems, including the role of viruses. The ability to predict
210 INTERNATL MICROBIOL Vol. 3, 2000 Meyers

the detailed physiological traits of an organism from its rRNA on instrumentation yet to be built.
sequences is of great importance in microbial-ecology studies. The Millennium issue (Vol. 38 No. 1) of the Aquatic
Comparison of genetic sequences of prokaryotes, using rRNA Microbiology Newsletter notes the following quotation from
as a phylogenetic marker molecule, has changed concepts of O. Kinne, showing the significance of contemporary research
bacterial evolution. Genotypic analyses provide invaluable in marine microbiology: “It has taken marine researchers a long
information on the extremophile group, especially on archae- time to fully recognize the greatness of smallness—to appreciate
bacteria from deep-sea thermal vents [27]. As sequences from that the ecological dynamics of life processes are first of all
a greater variety of organisms with diverse physiologies are linked to and directed by the activities of microorganisms. It
obtained, this will provide a more complete picture of the is in the microbial realm that the scene for the unfolding of
biochemical diversity of marine microorganisms. Recent more complex expressions of life is set, where the basic driving
investigations show that small amounts of coral exudates, forces of ecology are at home.”
rich in dissolved and particulate organic matter, greatly
stimulate microbial growth, with bacterial biomass 6-fold Acknowledgments I am indebted to Drs. Juan Barja Pérez and Alicia
Estévez-Toranzo of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela for their
high in coral [20, 39].
invitation to present the Inaugural Address at the III “Reunión Científica de
Advancements in technology and instrumentation in Microbiología del Medio Acuático”, held by the Spanish Society for
microbial ecology, including an increasing level of automation, Microbiology (Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 2000). I also apprecia-
data processing capabilities and computerization, can be te the efforts of Dr. Jesús López Romalde in facilitating all of the logistics
anticipated. Other suggested developments include remote involved in my travel and other arrangements.
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