Atoms Lesson Plan

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GRADE 8 School

LESSON Sub-Teacher
Section and Time


Demonstrate an understanding of the identity of a substance
A. Content Standards
according to its atomic structure
B. Performance Standards

S8MT-IIIa-b-8: Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and

electrons in a particular atom
C. Learning Sub-Tasks:
Competencies/  Observe that objects may attract or repel each other
Objectives  Compare the masses of the subatomic particles using
different ways of visual representation

II. CONTENT(Subject Matter/ Atomic Structure

1. Teacher’s Guide Grade 8 Teacher’s Guide pp. 191-205

2. Learner’s Grade 8 Science Learner’s Module pp. 191-207
A. References

Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Instructional materials,audio-visuals
Materials from

The teacher will ask questions regarding about the phase changes of matter.
1. What do you think happen to the particles of solid as it absorbs heat?

2. How about gas, what happens to the particles when energy is removed?
3. What do you call the phase change from solid to liquid?
4. How about liquid to gas?


 The teacher will show a short video of magnets:

1. When putting the south ends next to each other, what happens to the magnets?
2. How about when you place the north and south ends next to each other, what will

Establishing purpose of the lesson

 Learning competency: Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and
electrons in a particular atom.
Sub-tasks: Observe that objects may attract or repel each other
Compare the masses of the subatomic particles using different ways of visual

Unlocking of Difficult Terms

 Inflate- fill with air
 Rub- press, and move hand repeatedly
 Simultaneously- at the same time
 Lightest- weigh less, not weighing much
 Visual- can be seen by the eyes
 Repel- keep something away
 Attract - pull toward each other; to move toward each other
 Deduce- to come to conclusion

The teacher will let the students perform and answer the activities on their LM’s for 25 minutes.

Activity 1 : Charge it to experience


 Observe that objects may attract or repel each other

 Infer that objects may carry positive and negative charges
 Deduce the neutral objects contain positive and negative charges

Guide Questions:

Q1. What happened with the balloons?

Q2. Did the balloons acquire same charge or different charges? What made you say so?
Q3. What happened with the balloons?
Q4. Does the glass have a different or same charge as the balloon? What made you say so?

Activity 2: The Big Difference

 Compare the masses of the subatomic particles
 Infer which subatomic particle contributes to the mass of the atom

Table 1. Fundamental Particles of an Atom

Name of Particle Charge Mass (amu)

Electron -1 0.000549

Proton +1 1.00728

Neutron 0 1.00867

Guide Questions:

1. Refer to the masses of the subatomic particles in table 1.

Q1. Which subatomic particle is the lightest?
Q2. Which subatomic particle is the heaviest?
Q3. Which subatomic particles have almost the same mass?
Q4. How does the mass of the neutron compare with the mass of the proton?
Q5. Which subatomic particle/s make/s up most of the mass of the atom?


 The teacher will call random students to report their answers.

 Checking of the activity
 Analysis of the students output.
 The teacher will further discuss the topic.

 Atom is the building block of matter.
 The smallest/ tiny particle of an element

Sub- atomic particles:
 Electron (e-)
 Proton (p+)
 Neutron (n0)

The 3 subatomic particles:

1. Electrons (e-) - negatively charged particles
- found outside the nucleus with a mass of 9.109 x 10 -28
- discovered by Joseph John Thompson
2. Protons (p+) - positively charged particles
- found inside the nucleus with a mass of 1.672 x 10 -24
- discovered by Ernest Rutherford
3. Neutrons - are neutral, they carry no electrical charge
- the heaviest particle
- found inside the nucleus with a mass of 1.675 x 10 -24
- discovered in 1932 by James Chadwich

Nucleus - the center of the atom containing the protons and neutrons.


Enrichment Activity:
Label the parts of the nucleus of an atom.

What do you think is the importance of atom in our life?

1. What are the 3 subatomic particles of matter?
2. What subatomic particle contains positive charge?
3. What subatomic particle contains negative charge?
4. When does the object attract or repel?


Direction: Write the letter of your answer only.

1. A subatomic particle that is negatively-charged and can be found inside the nucleus.
A. Electrons b. neutrons c. protons
2. A subatomic particle that is neutral or no charge.
A. Electrons b. neutrons c. protons
3. A subatomic particle that is positively charged.
A. Electrons b. neutrons c. protons
4. It is the building blocks of matter.
A. Mass b. atom c. neutrons
5. The center of an atom containing protons and neutrons.
A. Nucleus b. neutron c. protons

Identify some objects at least 4 that can be charged than the ones used in the class activities.


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