DLL Sci 8 12-13-2022

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Lampayan, Matalam, Cotabato


School LAMPAYAN NHS Grade Level 10
Teaching Dates DECEMBER 13, 2022 Quarter SECOND
Time 7:54 AM – 8:45 AM
Section YAKAL

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of comets,
A. Content Standards:
meteors, and asteroids.
Discuss whether or not beliefs and practices about comets and meteors have
B. Performance Standards:
scientific bases.
1. Compare the characteristics of these Near Earth Objects (NEO's), comets,
meteors, and asteroids.
C. Learning Competencies /
2. Briefly describe their origin and its interaction in the solar system.
1. Compare the characteristics of these Near Earth Objects (NEO's), comets,
Write the LC Code for each.
meteors, and asteroids.
2. Briefly describe their origin and its interaction in the solar system.
 Compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids.
Characteristics of Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide Page/s: 47-49
2. Learner’s Materials Pages: 153
3. Textbook Pages:
4. Additional Materials from learning Resources (LR) portals:
B. Other Learning Resources
Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance, Passing of Assignments,
*Preliminary Activities
Setting of Classroom Standards
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Review the basic information about comets, meteors, and asteroids.
or presenting the new lesson
Have you already watched a movie showing rocks from outer space
crashing violently on Earth? Do you know that there are many rocks in outer
B. Establishing a purpose for
space? Those are what we call comets and asteroids. Are you aware that
the lesson
“falling stars” are not stars but meteors? Listen carefully to our lesson and
answer the activities to find out.
Did you know that recent discoveries like the Comet ‘Neowise’ that
dazzled on Hungary’s sky on July 23, 2020 have made the experts know more
about the Near-Earth Objects (NEO) like comets, asteroids, and meteors? With
the advent of telescopes and space probes, these instruments provided more
C. Presenting illustrative knowledge on the origin and nature of the universe. Recently, astronomers
examples / instances of the have discovered asteroid 2012 DA14 that came close to Earth. It made a very
lesson close approach to the Earth as it orbited the Sun on February 16, 2012. It
exploded over the Lake Cherbakul in Russia causing damages to properties
and according to the press release of National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), the material exploded are composed of different
Science 8: Quarter 2 – Week 6
Discuss Table 1: Characteristics of Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors

D. Discussing the new concepts

and practicing new skills #1

Perform this Activity entitled “Let Us Know Them More”

Directions: Fill in the Venn diagram by identifying the different components
present in comets, meteors, and asteroids from the box below. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Word Bank:
Metals Nickel
Silicates Ammonia
E. Discussing new concepts
Dusts Flame
and new skills #2
Rocks Carbon Dioxide
Ice Sodium
Iron Argon
Clues: At the intersection of the circles, write the components that are both
present in the two circles from the two Near-Earth Objects mentioned. At the
center, write the components that are common from comets, meteors, and
Complete the following statements:
F. Developing mastery (guides First I know that comets are _______________________________________.
formative assessment) Second I know that asteroids are___________________________________.
Finally, I know that meteoroids are__________________________________.
Complete the following statements to summarize today’s lesson:
1. _______ typically come from the Oort Cloud and some from the Kuiper Belt.
2. Asteroids originated from the _______ which is in between Mars and Jupiter.
3. _______ is a streak of light that happens when a meteoroid enters the
Earth’s atmosphere.
4. The _______, _______, and _______ differ in orbits, orbital periods, origins,
chemical compositions and their importance to research.
G. Making generalizations and
5. The “dirty snowball” made of ice is the _______ of a comet.
abstractions about the
6. The orbit of an asteroid is _______ while the orbit of a comet is elongated.
7. _______ are remnants or fragments of asteroids and comets located outside
the Earth's atmosphere.
8. _______ is the most well-known short-period comet of the 20th century
since it takes 75 to 76 years to orbit the Sun.
9. On February 2013, _______ made a closer approach to Earth as it orbited
around the Sun.
10. Kuiper Belt is located beyond _______.
H. Finding Practical applications
of concepts and Draw in a short bond paper a comet, asteroid and a meteorite. Describe each.
skills in daily living
I. Evaluation of Learning Directions: Identify what is being referred to in each item. Choose your
answers from the box. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Earth’s Atmosphere Kuiper Belt Mars and Jupiter
Oort Cloud Asteroid Belt Uranus Earth and Mars

Science 8: Quarter 2 – Week 6

______ 1. It is the origin of the comets that is beyond the solar system.
______ 2. It is where the asteroids originated.
______ 3. It is the origin of the comets located within the orbit of Neptune.
______ 4. It is where meteors can be found.
______ 5. Most asteroids can be found between these two planets.
Read the news article entitled “Risks of Asteroid Strike to Earth from Elon
J. Additional activities for Musk's Starlink Project Feared” and answer the questions that follow. You can
application or remediation find in this link:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation: _________
B. No. of learners who scored below 80% who needs additional activities for remediation: _________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson: _________
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _________
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter with my principal or superior can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Date: December 13, 2022


Teacher - III


School Head

Science 8: Quarter 2 – Week 6

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