100 Years

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100 Years

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/11051778.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim
Namjoon | Rap Monster/Kim Seokjin | Jin
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim
Namjoon | Rap Monster, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Park Jimin (BTS), Min
Yoongi | Suga, GOT7 Ensemble
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Domestic, Alternate Universe - College/University,
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Jeon Jungkook, Alpha Kim
Seokjin | Jin, Alpha Kim Taehyung | V, Alpha Kim Namjoon | Rap
Monster, Beta Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin in Denial, Jeon Jungkook
is Whipped, and bad at feelings, And kind of a jerk, Jimin is a
sweetheart who corrects his behavior, Taegi is diabetes, namjin is
goals, Jeon Jungkook-centric, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Mpreg,
Knotting, all the good smexy stuff, fluff and crack with a dash of angst,
Jungkook is awkward af, And a shitty boyfriend, but in a good way,
some homophobia, Jungkook is a sub top, #srrynotsrry, Jimin is the king
of power bottoms, Dubcon/Noncon, Time Skips, Slice of Life, except it's
actually like the whole cake of life, or pie or whatever,
Miscommunication, Misunderstandings
Stats: Published: 2017-05-31 Completed: 2017-10-02 Chapters: 25/25 Words:

100 Years
by Rozoir


Jungkook's life doesn't really start until he meets Park Jimin; from that point on, he's all in, for
better or for worse.


Jungkook wants a life-long mate, but Jimin doesn't make it easy.

Day 1

Summer in Busan was blazing without fail. It wasn't the typical 'fuck, this place is kinda hot' blaze,
but more of a 'let me just drench you in the earth's sweat, otherwise known as humidity, because that
shirt isn't quite soaked through yet', a suffocating combination of hot beyond reason and wet enough
to make porn stars blush. It doesn't help that he's in the middle of the city, no fresh country breeze or
small lakes to jump into. He's spent twenty years dealing with this kind of heat in April and
Jungkook still bitches and moans when the a/c breaks, on cue, the hottest weekend of the month.

“You said you were gonna get it fixed!” He whines from his position face-down in the living room,
oversized t-shirt sticking to his back like a second skin. Even his boxers are beginning dampen, the
warm breeze trailing in from the window serving to further antagonize him this miserably hot

“Yeah, well you said you'd move out by now. Fucking alpha scumbag.” His roommate barked out
aggressively, taking large, obnoxious gulps from his cup of ice water. “If you didn't fuck the a/c
guy's girlfriend maybe he'd be more inclined to show up.”

Ah, Lee Mina. She was a good time, maybe even on Jungkook's top ten list. He'd have to call her up
later, when his balls weren't in danger of melting off. “She seemed really interested Tae. I thought
she was the one.”

“She was interested because you smell like sex on legs. They're all interested because you smell like
sex on legs.”

“I'd hate to see what'd happen if I walked outside during one of my ruts.”

“You'd get a fuck ton of kids in the blink of an eye.”

A small explanation was in order.

Jeon Jungkook was not an ordinary alpha. Sure, he popped his first knot when he turned sixteen, and
he'd nearly doubled in size by the time he hit nineteen, but the boy was special. On his seventeenth
birthday his family physician had come in and examined him like a lab rat, nodding his head and
taking notes until he half-expected him to say 'you've got aids, herpes, cancer and gonorrhea. Wear
a condom next time.' What he wasn't expecting was for the guy clap his hands together and go
'You're a wizard, Harry.'
Well, the exact sentence was “Mr. Jeon, you're a proto-alpha!” but it was the same type of situation
as the movie. His fat ass cousin Jooseok had even been sitting there, eating cake because, okay, well
to be fair they were at a birthday party. Still, fat ass could have eaten outside.

But yes, Jungkook was a proto-alpha. The alpha of alphas, head honcho, generally the guy with the
biggest dick in the room (proportionally, he would like to argue, because he's seen some ridiculous
dicks in the porn he watches), so badass he can still transform into a wolf while the rest of the
population is left as temperamental wolf-dog-people things. It's great news to his family, because
only three percent of the korean population are proto-alphas; less than one percent worldwide. And
yet while the rest of his family raved over his condition, he quickly figured out why natural selection
had slimmed down the numbers of proto-everything.

Every month, without fail, he entered a rut that left him delusional and needy, much like an omega's
heat. Except Jungkook was a grown ass man now, and grown ass men didn't beg people to ride their
cocks, or suck up like whipped little kittens for even a second of attention. No matter how many
perks he got from his superior bloodline, none of them were worth the bitch-kook that emerged to
terrorize the hearts of noonas and hyungs with so much aegyo and neediness he probably could've
been lured into a van for candy. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but still. He wanted
to rut like the other alphas; to be all big and bad, aggressive and violent and testosterone-fueled, but
he supposed this was the trade-off for being better than them all of the time. Nothing came without a

But none of that really mattered right now. No, being a proto-alpha didn't stop Jungkook from
sweating buckets in the middle of summer, and it certainly didn't stop Taehyung from nagging at him
like an old maid.

“You're a glorified slut. All that good breeding is wasted on you.”

“And what about you? You're an alpha but you water at the mouth whenever Min Yoongi walks

“He's a beta!”

“That thing is most definitely not a beta. I'm checking his dick for a knot the first chance I get.”
Jungkook dodges a cup thrown at his head, growling in a lazy display of dominance before he goes
back to whining.
“It's fucking hot.” He was melting. He had to be melting, because there was no other fucking
explanation for why half of his body was covered in liquid. “Tae, let's go swimming. We live in
fucking Busan, it won't hurt to go to the beach for a bit.”

“There's a pool down the street. We can just go there.”

“But we have to pay for that-”

“Jungkook, you're rich.”

“So? Doesn't mean I like spending money.” He whines, rolling onto his back to stare up at the
ceiling. There are droplets of sweat rolling down the side of his face, and he's certain that this level of
heat isn't healthy. He needs to cool down soon.

“Speaking of which, we got invited to a date-thing.”


“Yoongi and some friends. He says we're the best looking alphas he knows, and his beta friend
wants in.”

“We live together Tae. I don't wanna hear you fucking Yoongi tonight.”

“Then you can go somewhere else. Look, just play along for me, okay? Who knows, maybe you'll
like him.” Taehyung pleads, and he keeps pleading all the way up to four in the evening when
Jungkook has finally shed his sweat-drenched clothes and he's rinsing off his body in the shower.

“Come on Kookie, do it for hyung!”

“Why the fuck are you in the shower with me? Taehyung, go away!”

“Come on man, i'm not like you! I haven't gotten off in months, and I really like Yoongi, and maybe
after today he'll really like me!” Taehyung hands his younger roommate the soap despite his
ferocious glare, whining and pulling out the puppy eyes from hell. Jungkook tells himself not to
cave, but realistically he's always been a spiteful little shit and why would he listen to himself if he
doesn't let anyone boss him around?

“Is his friend hot?”

“Probably? All of Yoongi's friends are kinda hot.”

“And yet you chose him?”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder my friend.” Taehyung quips with a mock accent, twisting the
end of an invisible mustache before sliding backwards to avoid a slap.

It's a miracle Jungkook doesn't choke his best friend out in the shower but it's even more of a miracle
that he shows up to the homey little restaurant three streets down in the most casual rich boy clothes
he could dig out of his closet—he wanted to pull out the armani suit and the rolex but Taehyung had
slapped him repeatedly and went “You're supposed to be my wingman, dipshit!” before digging
through to find the least flattering outfit he could. This was hard, given Jungkook's status as the heir
to a conglomerate, but god did he try.

“Why the fuck did you make me wear a sweater? It's eight-thousand degrees outside and I have on a

“I kinda told Yoongi you're a pastor's son.”

“You what?”

“What was I supposed to say? 'Oh, he's the biggest slut in town and heir to Jeon industries, but he's
so cheap he shares an apartment with me and won't pay to have the a/c fixed.' Does that sound hot
to you?”

“You could use nicer words.”

“Yeah, and you could be a better person.”

The two alphas snarl and jostle each other until someone slips into the chairs across from them,

“Are you two pups fighting?” the voice is low and raspy, making Jungkook immediately think alpha
and raise his guard but a flick to the nose confirms it's just Yoongi and he relaxes, settling for
shooting the beta a withering glare.

“Hyung! We, uh, we were just talking about something.” Taehyung offers, and if he had a tail it'd
probably be wagging fast enough to whip up a tornado. “How've you been? It's been like-”

“Twelve hours Taehyung. Calm down.” Yoongi chuckles and his eyes disappear into cute little
crescents; Jungkook wants to gag, and it hasn't even been thirty seconds. This is going to be the
longest dinner of his life.

“Anyways, this is my friend Park Jimin. Jimin, this is Kim Taehyung and his friend, Jeon Jungkook.
They're both alphas, even if they bicker like pups.” Yoongi is apparently playing matchmaker today
and Jungkook is mildly irritated but he hides it behind a polite smile, trying to convey the 'fuck you
asshole' through his glistening eyes.

“It's nice to meet you Jimin. Did you also get dragged out because these two are dancing around
each other?” Jungkook laughs off the jab to his arm but he's definitely going to pay Taehyung back
later. Tenfold.

The dinner falls into comfortable conversation of how Taehyung is studying political science and
Jungkook owns more sweaters than his grandfather, and it's all so domestic that it gives the young
alpha whiplash. He's a hit it and quit it kinda guy, and sitting here actually getting to know Jimin
does not equate to either of those things happening tonight.

“So Jungkook, I heard your dad runs a church. You plan on following in his footsteps?” Yoongi
probes, and the man in question is caught off-guard because he was just beginning to drone the
conversation out in favor of checking out the cute waitress.

“I wasn't planning on it. Was gonna go into medicine—it makes a little more money to bring home to
the pups, you know.” A blatant lie. Jungkook couldn't stand the sight of blood and if his math skills
were any indication he'd probably fuck up dosages and kill people. In interest of covering up the fact
that he's completely disinterested he turns to Jimin, nodding his head. “What about you Jimin?
You've been awful quiet.”
Bad move. Yoongi is bristling and Jimin is red up to his ears, but he still answers. “I'm uh, between
jobs right now. I dropped out junior year so college wasn't really an option.”

The table is awkwardly silent for a few seconds, and just as Jungkook is about to excuse himself
because 'whoops, I stepped on a fucking landmine, doused it in oil and then lit it on fire' Kim
Taehyung opens his big mouth and his death has never been made so certain.

“Oh that's perfect! Kookie needs someone to take care of him during his rut next week.”

“I thought you were gonna do it!” He turns to his roommate and best friend, one Kim Taehyung,
with the most betrayed expression he can muster without making Jimin feel bad—worse? Worse.

“I've got something to do with Yoongi that week. Right hyung?” Yoongi just shrugs.


“See? Besides, Jimin is a nice beta who maybe won't be as offended by the stench you work up.”

“I use suppressants.” Jungkook hisses, red beginning to tint his cheeks.

“I don't see why you're so against it. He just makes sure you bathe and don't starve yourself right?
That's why even Taehyung can help you out.” Yoongi adds, and the pressure is suddenly real.

“Well—I mean, yeah, but we just met. I'm not nice during my ruts.” No, he's fucking pathetic.
“Besides, it's not a lot of money-”

“Kookie, yours happens once a month. How do you think I pay rent?”

“I knew you spent that birthday money way too fucking fast-”

“Anyways, Jimin, the job's there if you want it. Say yes?” Taehyung pleads across the table with
puppy eyes, and the beta scratches at the back of his head before nodding, tongue darting across his
lips nervously.

“But...is there any way I could get paid in advance?”

“Of course! Think of it as a signing bonus for dealing with this crybaby.”

Jungkook watches in abstract, detached horror as they shake hands, mouth drawing into a tight line
before he swallows the last of his dignity. He can't let Jimin see him during his rut—maybe he should
stay off the suppressants? But then he might just be violent, and if he screwed things up with Jimin
Yoongi would find out, and then--

“Kookie, are you coming?”

“Coming where?”

“Fire. Yoongi says he can get us in easy.”

“I don't-” He glances at Jimin's hopeful eyes. Fuck, he was an asshole tonight even if he didn't mean
to be. “Yeah, sure. Lead the way.” He raises his hand, expecting Taehyung to grab it and drag him
along like always, but something small is placed into his palm and he looks up to see that Jimin's the
only one standing there, red all the way down to his collar bones as he stares at their connected

“T-they, they already left, so-”

“That sneaky bastard.” Jungkook clicks his tongue against his teeth as he stands up, tugging Jimin
along with him. “He just wants alone time with Yoongi—I'm sorry my friend is like this. He was
dropped on his head as a baby or something, it's the only explanation-”

“Do you really want me to help?”

Jungkook admittedly drops his mouth open like an idiot. “What?”

“With your rut next week. Is it okay if I...”

“Oh that? If Taehyung is really gonna be gone then sure. Is a thousand okay for the advance?”

“Wha--...are your ruts violent?”

“No. It's a predetermined fund set by my parents for each month, so relax. I'm an only child so they
do everything excessively.” Excessive was putting it lightly. He had a collection of credit cards in his
room because they sent him a new one every time he spent under a thousand in a month, which was,
well, every month. “I'm pretty docile, just a little out of it. Kind of like a flu, you know. Except I
might hump your leg.”

Jimin laughs but the sound is drowned out by the deep bass thrumming through the walls of the club.
Taehyung is waiting outside with a wide grin and it takes every last ounce of self-restraint in
Jungkook's body to settle for punching him in the gut.

“I'm not drinking tonight Taehyung. I've got an exam tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow is Sunday-”

“It's my Taekwondo exam. You know he'll kill me if I show up late.”

“What, Choi Minho? That guy couldn't hurt a blade of grass if he stepped on it.” Taehyung defends,
leading them through the doors and straight to the bar. “Besides it's at what, noon? You can wake up
by then easy. Come on, just take one shot with us and then you can keep being mom.”

Jungkook would like to argue that he has never been 'mom', nor will he ever be such a thing but
before the protest can make it past his lips it's washed down with a bitter double-serving of tequila
and gin, and he has to lean against the counter to regain his bearings.

“Jimin, can you watch him for us? Jungkook is a lightweight.”

Jungkook makes a note in the back of his mind to kill Taehyung the next time he sees him. He also
makes a note to thank whatever soft, squishy person he's holding later for being so soft and squishy,
because he probably would have fallen onto the ground if he wasn't koala-hugging them, and he
definitely wouldn't have koala hugged them if they weren't so damn comfortable.

“He giving you trouble?” Jungkook registers a low voice to the left; whoever he's leaning on shifts,
and he whines softly when his torso is laid against the bar counter.

“No, he's just a little out of it. Happens to the best of us.”

“Still. It's awful rude of him, leaving you alone like this.”

“He's still here.”

“But he's passed out. Blind date, from the smell of things. Didn't go well?”

Jungkook pretends he can't hear the frown in Jimin's voice. He wasn't offended, not in the least.

“...I guess not. But they always end badly anyways.”

“Why not? You seem nice. You're pretty, too.”

“Thanks, but i'm a foul-tempered omega.”


There's the sound of shuffling feet, and Jungkook does his best impression of a dead person as Jimin
sighs next to him. Jimin is an omega. A fucking male omega. If proto-alphas are up there in the
minority of the population male omegas aren't far behind, maybe seven percent of all males in Korea
presenting as such. Male omegas spelled trouble no matter what country you went to—their upkeep
was expensive, and their procedures were more expensive, and overall they just tended to be more
difficult. Sure, they could still have pups like any other omega, but they were still male, which meant
pricey pre-natal care and a pricey surgery to make sure the pups come out healthy, and—god,
Jungkook didn't like thinking about spending money.
“This one's a bust too, huh?”

Jungkook doesn't respond, because as long as he pretends he's passed-out drunk he won't have to
face the fact that Taehyung almost set him up with a male omega. That was like, blasphemy on their
friendship. He'd throttle him later.

“It's a shame. You're cute Jungkook. Cuter than anyone else Yoongi's tried to set me up with.”

Jungkook wants to be flattered, really, but he settles for drooling against his sleeve. Pretending to be
comatose was messy business.

“Even my parents didn't want me after I presented. They won't hire me anywhere because male
omegas are bad news...I can't even get a half-decent apartment without paying an arm and a leg for
the liability insurance. Can you believe how fucked up society is?”

Jungkook is beginning to think Jimin is seriously lonely, if he's talking to a passed-out alpha he met
only a few hours ago. Yoongi probably wasn't the best company.

“Maybe if I just jump into a river-”

“Ddeokbokki!”Jungkook slams his fist into the bar and shoots up, eyes wide and slightly crazed.
Fuck, he looked like a dumbass. He looked so stupid right now, and everyone was staring at him,
and- “Hyung, Kookie wants rice cakes. Please?”

Fuck, what was he doing? What did he care if Park Jimin hurt himself, or killed himself, or jumped
into the Han river, never to be seen again? He didn't even know this guy, so why was he being nice,
pretending to be completely blasted as he ran ahead of him when they left the club making race car
noises. He even crashes into the side of the street stall, falling flat on his ass and pouting until Jimin
catches up and apologizes.

“Sorry, my friend is—he doesn't normally drink, so—Jungkook, down!--so he's a little out of it.”

“Don't worry kid, I know Jungkook. He does this every weekend.” The alpha glares indignantly at
the owner of the voice, one Kim Seokjin, satan-spawn brother of one Kim Taehyung, also satan-
spawn. Fuck their whole family.

“Really? I thought he was a pastor's son. Shouldn't he-”

“This deviant, a pastor's son? What's your name?”

“Park Jimin...” The omega says warily, and Jungkook wants to go crawl under a rock.

“Well Jimin, considering the fact that he lied about what his father does I'm gonna go ahead and say
he doesn't have any foul intentions with you, which is weird, because you're cute and he's drunk.”

“Does he-”

“Sleep around? Yeah, a lot. He's human filth.”

“Hyung!” Jungkook shouts in protest, and he's honestly seconds away from throwing fists and
toppling the other Kim brother, because apparently he hasn't met his quota of hitting Kims for the

“But I guess he must like you or something, considering you still have your clothes on. How about a
serving of rice cakes, on me. To celebrate a new couple?”

“W-we aren't dating, we just met today-”

“But you're blushing Jiminnie. Doesn't that mean you wanna try dating him?”

“Just give us the fucking food so we can go.” The alpha rises to his full height and growls, grabbing
Jimin's hand. “You talk too much for your own good hyung. It'll get you a black eye.”

“Ooh, someone's feeling defensive. Are you sure spicy food won't make it worse?”
“Fuck this, we're going.”

Jungkook storms off, indignantly, like a god damn child, in the direction of his shared apartment.
He's so caught up in thoughts of 'screw every kim in existence' that he doesn't notice he's dragged
Jimin home until he's throwing off his shirt and the elder protests.

“I should head home...” He fidgets, and Jungkook just sighs before shoving him onto the bed.

“If I let you go home alone Taehyung will kill me. Besides, that idiot will crawl into bed with us after
Yoongi drops him off for the night.” When Jimin tries to wiggle away he locks his arms around his
waist, huffing before closing his eyes. “Just sleep.”

Jimin protests for a few minutes before he falls asleep as well, matching the rise and fall of the alpha's
Week 1
Chapter Summary

In the short span of a week, Jimin and Jungkook become uncomfortably close friends

Jungkook wakes to a loud alarm, the chime banging against his eardrums. It takes a few seconds but
he's up, silencing his phone despite the heavy weight that's settled over his body. After a few slow
blinks to let the light in he manages to process the scents of Taehyung and Jimin, the omega glued
tight to his side while the other alpha is hanging off of the bed, Jimin's foot a few inches away from
his stomach where he probably kicked him off during their sleep. Taehyung would probably whine
about that later, but fuck him, he has his own bed across the hall anyways.

He manages to pry himself free of the omega's grip, digging through a pile of week-old laundry to
fish out his Taekwondo uniform. He miraculously arrives on time and completes his test with
minimal incident, aside from a few betas teasing him about reeking of Taehyung again. What he
doesn't expect is for Jimin and Taehyung to be slumped on the couch when he gets home, watching
re-runs of old horror movies and screaming like little girls any time the killer popped up.

“Jimin? I figured you would've been gone by now.”

“I told him to stay. He borrowed your clothes by the way.” Jungkook does his best to hide his
clenched fist because he absolutely hates sharing clothes, shuffling into the kitchen to get a glass of
water because their apartment is still borderline-sweltering. It takes two more cups before he doesn't
feel like his face is going to melt off but he brings a third to the living room just in case, throwing
himself down on the middle seat just as someone on screen is getting cut in half.

He takes a few slow sips of his water, turning to take a closer look at what clothes Jimin had taken so
that he could make a note to sanitize them twice as long. An over-sized stussy tee and some
sweatpants he'd picked up from the armani exchange two winters back when he was visiting europe
for christmas; nothing too important. It fit him nicely, in a cute, over-sized boyfriend look kind of
way at least. Shame he wasn't dating him.

“You can keep those.”

“What?” Jimin is blushing like he could feel alpha's gaze the entire time, but was too shy to comment
on it.
“The clothes. They suit you.”

“Aren't these...nice?”

“It's fine. Having my scent on you will make next week easier anyways.” He shrugs the conversation
off, slapping Taehyung on the stomach and pointing to the door. “It's your turn to get the beer.”

“Uh huh, I'll do it later.” His eyes are glued to the screen so he can't see Jungkook's insistent 'get the
fuck out' stare, which isn't a problem because Jimin decides he's overstayed his welcome and stands
up to leave.

“I should get back home now-”

“Let me walk you.” Jungkook grabs his arm before he can protest, kicking Taehyung on the way
out. “Don't forget the beer you sorry excuse for a wolf.”

“Yeah, and you don't forget to use condoms.” Taehyung calls out after they've shut the door, Jimin
blowing up fifty shades of red before breaking down into a blubbering mess.

“I-it's hot out, I can walk myself-”

“Relax Jimin, I'm not gonna try to fuck you. Unless you want to?” He teases, and the elder slaps his
arm with a soft whine as they make their way down the stairs.

“Quit playing around.”

They fall into a comfortable silence after that, most of the passerbys giving Jungkook wide girth
because he's still in his uniform and smells perhaps the equivalent to a walking panzer tank. Some
betas and omegas even look over at Jimin enviously, causing the older man to fidget.

“So about yesterday...sorry for lying? Taehyung just kind of said something and I got dragged in, but
still. You expected to meet someone impressive, right?” Might as well get it off of his chest now,
before any weird misunderstandings came up between them. Jungkook was a lot of bad things, but a
liar wasn't one of them.

“It's okay. I'm sorry I wasn't impressive either, I guess. Yoongi insisted that you were a great guy and
I should put myself out there.”

“So, am I great?”

“You're a great race car I guess.” Jungkook blanches and Jimin chuckles, lifting the hem of his shirt
to wipe sweat from his forehead.

“For a beta you're pretty bold.” Jungkook grumbles, the corner of his lip twitching just the slightest
when Jimin sticks his tongue out.

“Yeah, I guess so. And you don't really act like an alpha.” Jimin counters, and Jungkook makes a
face because excuse me, i'm the fucking alpha of alphas.

“How so?” He feigns indifference like a true adult, playing with the ends of his belt.

“Even though you're not interested in dating me you've been really nice.”

“Who said I wasn't interested?” Jungkook defends, puffing out his cheeks.

“You don't release pheromones around me or get possessive. Even after the first date most alphas are
attached enough to growl.”

“It's probably the suppressants.” The alpha nearly trips over a rock on the sidewalk, cursing quietly
before gluing his eyes to the ground. “My scent is pretty potent, so sometimes it induces heats in
nearby omegas and submissive betas. Just the ones who are already really close, though.” He catches
a few girls staring as they round the corner, and flashes a demure smirk.

“You do smell pretty good...”

“I smell even better off the pills, first thing in the morning. It's probably why you kicked Taehyung
off when he tried to cling to me.” Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows knowingly and Jimin flushes,
slapping his arm again.

“That was because he was pushing me off first!”

“So you were awake when you got on top of me? Interesting.” Jungkook taps his chin with the tip of
his index finger while Jimin glares and jostles his door open, and it's only then that he realizes they've
arrived at the omega's apartment. It's in a rough part of town and now that he takes a moment to look
around something possessive does puff up in his chest, because all he can smell is alpha.

Jimin looks like he wants to stop him when he steps in, running around the apartment like a rampant
pup and touching literally everything. Despite living in a tiny space with worn walls and creaky
hinges it feels neat and modern, a small desk in the corner and a mattress pushed up against the wall
with separated cords piling out from a power strip that probably shouldn't have so many fucking
plugs in it. There are a few artsy quotes and posters brightening up the room, as well as action figures
(which Jungkook can't stop touching) and a clothing rack stuffed off at an odd angle in the corner.
The alpha has always wondered what the phrase a weed could grow anywhere meant, but now he
thinks Jimin is the embodiment of the quote.

“It sucks, I know, but it's kinda hard to afford other places for me right now.”

“It's tiny.” Jungkook says, finally putting the figure back on it's little make-shift shelf. “But you're
tiny too, so it's okay. Do you have a phone?”

“No. I never really needed one.” Jimin scratches at the back of his head shyly and Jungkook rolls his
eyes, pulling the one from inside his uniform.

“I have like five, so you can use this one. If any girls call you say they have the wrong number,

“You really are a man-slut.” Jimin recoils in mock-disgust and Jungkook shrugs it off, erasing all the
suspicious contacts before handing him the phone with a portable battery.

“I'll call you before my rut starts. Make sure to pack enough clothes...toiletries won't really matter
because i'll try to make you smell like me anyways. Toothbrush should be enough.”
“No condoms?” Jimin teases back, and Jungkook is beginning to suspect that the omega is getting
comfortable around him because he's less abashed about what he says.

“None can fit around my knot, so there's no point. I'll see you next week then?”

“Yeah, next week.” Jimin bites his bottom lip as he waves, his left hand fiddling with the recently
acquired smartphone. Jungkook makes his way back slowly, gnawing on the side of his cheek as he
tries to wrap his head around everything. Jimin said he was an omega last night, but he doesn't act
like it, and he lives in what might as well be an alpha apartment complex. Jimin is sensitive to his
scent, but it doesn't drive him crazy like with the female omegas. Maybe everything he said was just
a lie, some kind of pity party because their date hadn't gone well? Based on scent and muscle mass
alone, Park Jimin was most definitely not an omega.

“Dude, you haven't touched your dinner.”

Taehyung is giving him a judging glare from across the table, and for once Jungkook doesn't want to
punch him in the face. Instead, he wants to ask a question.

“What do you think of Jimin's ass?”


“Is it more omega-like, or beta-like?” Jungkook deadpans, and Taehyung nearly falls out of his seat.
“Like, do you think it gets dripping wet? It looks really tight.”

“Jungkook.” His friend groans, burying his face in his hands.

“This is serious hyung. He's got all those muscles, right? But do you think his ass-”

“Jeon Jungkook, I am not having this conversation with you. Park Jimin is a nice, sweet boy, and
you will not taint him with your sluttiness. Is that clear?”

“I don't wanna mount him or anything. I'm just curious, is all.” Jungkook mumbles and pushes his
food around the plate, the matter still deeply bothering him. “Do you think he could take my knot?”
“Oh my god, I'm leaving.” Taehyung storms out of the kitchen and Jungkook is left to ponder the
mysteries of Jimin's ass on his own.


Jungkook's rut hits him like a freight train monday morning, and he's barely coherent enough to
shoot Jimin a text before collapsing against his bed in a pool of sweat. Taehyung left for his trip last
night and hasn't even bothered sending a text so he must be having too much fun to care that his
friend is about to melt into the bed. Typical Taehyung.

It feels like hours before Jimin comes in and nudges him awake, swallowing thickly when the alpha
musk hits him full-force.

“You should shower.”

“I should?” Jungkook croaks out, sitting up and blinking at Jimin with wide, innocent silver eyes.
He's docile like a pup, as promised, but that doesn't mean he'll behave. “But it's so comfortable here.
Will you shower with me?”


Jungkook is so ashamed he could die. This isn't him, it's his fucking flea-ridden wolf talking, but he's
not even in a state to explain that to Jimin. “I don't wanna do it alone.” He reaches for one of Jimin's
hands, playing with his fingers distractedly. “Hyung, you'll shower with me, won't you?” bitch-kook
releases a wave of pheromones and Jimin nods stupidly, leading him to the shower. Jungkook wants
to curse at his hyung for being so easy to seduce. Fuck, he can't even analyze is ass because his wolf
is prancing around happily, starving for attention from Jimin. He'd have to formulate a plan of action
while he was in the shower.

“Jungkook, hyung is going to stay outside okay?” Jimin comes to his senses when the alpha starts
stripping, and thank god because the wolf was having some pretty sinister thoughts that made even
Jungkook blush.

“But you said-”

“I think you should shower to clear your head first. Here, take these pills too.” He holds out the rut
suppressants and Jungkook recoils, scrunching his nose in distaste.

“I don't wanna.”

“You're taking them.” The alpha doesn't have time to react when his mouth is forced open and the
pills are flicked in, Jimin holding his jaw shut by force until he sees the tell-tale bob of an adam's
apple. Jungkook would have to thank him for being so rough later, because otherwise his wolf
would spend the next week running rampant until he locked it away again. “Now go rinse off. I'll
cook you breakfast.”

Jungkook tries to do as he's told when he's left alone in the bathroom, except his rinse turns into a
soak because his hormones are still going haywire and he needs to jack off three times before he feels
like he won't start rutting against every pliable surface, Jimin's ass included. He rutted against
Taehyung's leg once, and earned a black eye as well as a life-time of teasing. Something told him
Jimin's punishment would be worse.

His skin is starting to prune up when he finally shuts off the water, and after drying off he ties a
towel around his waist and saunters into the kitchen, welcomed by the smell of over-heated plastic
and a low buzzing noise. He crinkles his nose, glancing over Jimin's shoulder to the green mush
whirring through the blender.

“What's that?”

“Breakfast.” Jimin smiles and holds out a cup, and Jungkook doesn't hide his disgust.

“I get that much, but what the fuck is it? Alien blood?”

“A kale acerola protein shake.” The shorter male fills a second cup once he's done blending, pressing
it to his lips and taking a long gulp. “It's really good for you.”

Jungkook shoves all of his prejudice aside for just a moment and downs a heavy glop of the green
liquid, squeezing his eyes shut. It's not so bad at first, maybe a little bitter and—oh, fuck, what did he
just put in his mouth? Jungkook slams the glass down and doubles over coughing. His body would
never forgive him for ingesting that. “It tastes like shit!”
“Not gonna ask how you know what that tastes like.” Jimin comments dryly as he takes another sip
from his glass. “Anyways, the TV and everything is set up for you. Taehyung said you liked
knotting porn?” The elder gives him a judgmental stare over the edge of his glass as he takes another
sip, and he's halfway done with the disgusting mixture in the blink of an eye.

“I've never knotted anyone so it's stimulating to watch.” Jungkook mumbles, grabbing his glass off
of the counter and chugging it before rinsing out the glass. Eating things usually lowered his libido. It
would make fun time on the couch a little more bearable.

“I thought you were a slut?” Jimin smirks and Jungkook wants nothing more than to sock him in the
stomach for his insolence but his wolf is pacing and whining for attention again so he indulges him
with an answer instead.

“I only knot when I'm in rut. Maybe it's a stamina issue or something but I haven't been able to
during heats.”

“Or maybe you're just gay.” Jimin offers, setting his cup in the sink. “It's not unheard of. Male alphas
who can't knot omegas because they're not aroused enough.”

“Jimin, look, I'm not like Taehyung-”

“I know. You're just open-minded, which is why you didn't say anything when Yoongi's friend
turned out to be me, right?”

Jungkook's expression goes blank for a moment, eyes turning cold. “What about you Jimin? What's
keeping you from finding a pretty little omega to fuck?”

“Who says I don't already have one?” He bites back, clenching his fists and baring his fangs in

“The fact that you hang around people like Yoongi. Repressed faggots that should've been born as
omegas.” Jungkook doesn't know where all of the anger or aggression came from but it suddenly fills
his chest and swirls in the pit of his stomach, practically radiating off of his body in waves.
“Don't you dare talk about him like that.” Jimin hisses and narrows his eyes, shoving the larger male
against the counter and pinning him there with a growl. “You don't know what he's given up to get
where he is.”

“Ah, yes. Happy, with Taehyung, my poor stupid doting roommate who's probably smothering him
with so much affection right now he's suffocating. Really, I feel for the guy.” Jungkook bites back,
eyes flashing silver as the beginnings of irritation prickle underneath his skin. He wants to smash
Jimin's face in but the rational side is still in control, and it's advising against destroying his only
connection with the outside world for the next week.

“You're an asshole.”

“I'm normal. A normal, healthy male who mounts females and makes pups and doesn't burden the
world with his existence.”

“And what about your friend Taehyung then? Is he a freak?”

“No, Taehyung's just-” He's afraid, Jungkook wants to say. Unfortunately, it's not his place. “He's
an exception.”

“So you're a hypocrite and an asshole?”

“I'm an alpha in rut who's feeling beyond homophobic because someone just called me gay. Forgive
me for falling prey to my hormones.” He snarls and shoves the smaller male off, chest heaving. His
palms burn from where he's touched Jimin, and his wolf is thrashing about when it sees Jimin's
dejected expression, begging for comfort. Jungkook feels a little bad but it's not all his fault, right?
Jimin knew that he'd be moody. He's in rut, for Christ's sake.

“Hey man, sorry...I just...my parents are really traditional, and i've always been a little self conscious
about the knotting problem, so-”

“It's fine.” Jimin cuts him off briskly, pursing his lips.

“It's not. You're upset.” The alpha pouts, blocking the exit when Jimin moves to leave the kitchen.
“You can't go until we hug it out.”

“When Tae and I get into arguments we always hug it out and compliment each other. It keeps the
bond strong.”

“Who said I wanted to bond with you?”

“Who said I wanted to hug you?”

“I'm just gonna stay mad at you now.”

“Fuck—it was an automatic response hyung. I'm sorry, okay? How can I make it up to you?”

Jimin scowls and stares him down for a few seconds before a light flashes behind his eyes, and
suddenly his gaze is raking along the alpha's exposed torso. “Let me watch you.”

“Watch me do what?” Jungkook resists swallowing the lump in his throat when Jimin's eyes
suddenly turn predatory, discreetly praying that this wasn't going where he thought it was.

“Let me watch you jack off. No sassy comments.”

“That's it?”

“What were you expecting?”

“I mean—no talking or anything?”

“There's no point in talking it out with a bag of hormones. You'll just start saying stupid shit again.”
Jimin points out, already unbuckling the front of his pants. “They're even starting to drive me a little
The alpha tries not to be disgusted at how proud his wolf is of having an effect on Jimin but it
probably shows because the smaller male reminds him “No sassy comments.” before flopping down
on the couch and turning on the TV. Jungkook is hesitant at first, but in the end letting Jimin watch
him was the right choice. After a few videos both of them have worked out the tension that all the
alpha musk in the air built up, and bitch-kook is back in full-force whining against the floor to have
his hair pet until Jimin cooks them both lunch and sends him back to the shower to rinse off the new
layer of sweat coating his skin.

Multiple cold showers later and he's finally done for the day, except the sweltering heat has filled in
where his rut left off and now he'll probably have to take a fifth shower because he can't exactly go
to bed laying in a pool of his own sweat (again). He groans into the pillow he's pulled from the
couch, thrashing about weakly.

“You need anything down there?” Jimin calls from his seat across the room, cup of ice water still
hovering near his lips. Jungkook would ask for a cup of water to dump over his head but the heat has
rendered him useless so he just flops onto his back, landing against the wood floor with a wet smack.
Jimin cringes and gags at the noise.

“Fuck, are you okay?”

“Hot...” Jungkook manages to groan out, whimpering when a cool hand presses against his head. It
felt nice, like the warm soft person back at the bar.

“Christ, you're practically roasting...Jungkook, we need to get you to a hospital.”

“We can't...my scent.” The alpha clenches his eyes shut, wishing that his rut would come back
because whatever the fuck this is isn't pleasant. He'd rather be bitch-kook than dead-kook.

“So you want me to just let you die?”

“Fuck...shower. I'll just-.”

“A shower might make it worse! Just let me call someone. We can cover your scent.” Jimin presses
close and starts fussing over him, and Jungkook can't hold back the small whine that escapes his
throat when he turns and leans into the touch. Honestly, he doesn't even want to mate right now.
He's spent every summer of his life roasting in this sweltering summer heat. His ruts always strike
him powerless, no matter who he spends them with. It's reached a point where he doesn't even seek
the half-hearted primal relief of knotting an omega he'll never see again.

“Jungkook, stay with me!”

First Month
Chapter Summary

The mystery of Jimin's ass is solved

When he wakes up it's nice and cold, and whatever bed he's on feels like literal heaven. Everything
about this room is perfect, from the dim lighting to the muted beeps of the machines, all the way
down to the thick musk of cedar and cinnamon wafting through the air. There's something else there
—honey, maybe? Jungkook crinkles his nose when he inhales deeply, the mix of cinnamon and
cedar blocking out everything else. There's a small groan that vibrates against the side of his neck,
devolving into warm puffs of air as the source of the sound shifts, waking up slowly.

The alpha is about to freak out over the fact that he's sharing a bed with a stranger when he feels the
other wolf—an omega, he can smell it now—rub against the side of his neck, nipping softly at his
scent gland. His entire body tenses before the mingled scent hits him in another strong wave,
drawing out a confused growl.


“It's Jimin. The doctors said scenting you would help with the chills.” The smaller male pulls back,
but only a little, clearly comfortable with the position. “We're in a nesting suite at the university

“Alphas don't nest.”

“It's...it's for me.” Jimin answers quietly, and Jungkook sighs before propping himself up on an
elbow so that he can look down at his bed mate.

“I triggered your heat?”

“Just a short one. It only lasted a few hours.”

Silence fills the room for just a moment too long, and the alpha breaks it with sharp click of tongue
against teeth.
“I knew you had an omega ass.”

“Excuse me?”

“Your ass. It's too round and tight to be a beta's. That thing is practically a knot magnet.”

“I did squats and dance for years to get this ass.” Jimin bristles, baring his fangs like that'd scare the
alpha straight; all it does is make Jungkook chuckle.

“You could have just told me from the beginning, you know. That you were an omega.”

“Why? You feel bad for calling me a repressed faggot?” It's meant as a joke but it still comes out
fairly sharp, like the words were painfully intimate. Jungkook makes a mental note to never talk
during his rut again, because he'll probably fuck up one way or another.

“No. Well, yeah, but, that's not why. I don't care about that kind of stuff.”

“So why would I need to tell you?”

“So that I don't accidentally treat you like Taehyung. We've broken eachother's bones. Like, several
times.” He emphasizes, rubbing a spot on his side. Two alphas living together meant a territory fight
every five minutes, and sometimes they got maybe a little too violent—the emergency hotline knew
their address and phone number by heart, and it's reached the point where they just ask 'which one?'
before sending out a car. Or two, when the fight was particularly nasty.

“You two really are pups, just like Yoongi said.” Jimin rolls his eyes but whines when the alpha
pulls away and rolls to the other side of the bed.

“My rut feels like its over. I'll cover the bill, so you can stay here as long as you want.” Jungkook
kicks his feet over the side of the bed and stretches out, only registering he was naked bar his boxers
when the sheets fall from his waist.
“Did they leave any spare clothes?”

“The nurse said she'd bring some by today. I guess they figured we'd be at it all night.” The omega
supplies, running his fingers through his hair. He smells good, even from across the bed—Jungkook
likes the way their scents mingle. Jimin must've been on suppressants before, because there's no way
he'd miss something so fragrant. “I thought you'd be in rut all week?”

“Whatever happened yesterday probably ended it. I've never melted like that before, so i'm guessing
it was because this is the first time I spent it with an omega.” Jungkook mumbles, mostly to himself,
before pressing the call button next to the bed. His eyes catch sight of a pair of discarded briefs in the
trash, smelling strongly of slick and semen; he gives Jimin a knowing look and the elder flushes,
pulling the sheets tighter around his waist.

“Y-you smelled really good. I couldn't help it.”

“You want mine?” He offers, already stepping out of the scratchy white boxers and leaving Jimin
with a full, strapping sunrise view of Jung-cock.

“Wha- I...you shouldn't-”

“I'm used to being seen like this hyung. Here.” He tosses the rumpled cloth into the smaller male's
chest before crawling back into bed just as the door to their room opens with a heavy click.
Jungkook is about to sass the hospital staff for taking too long when a familiar undignified shriek
pierces his eardrums.

“Jeon Jungkook, what on earth are you doing in a nesting suite?!”

“Mother?” He half-squeaks, half-snarls, unsure of whether he should be scared for his life or mildly
irritated that she's butting in yet again.

“When they called and told me you were here—is that—is that a male omega? Jungkook!” His
mother gives him a scandalized expression, pulling the sanitizing wipes out of her purse and—oh no,
he was not going to let her-

“Fu-mmph...Mom, chill!” The taste of bleach and artificial citrus sticks to the roof of his mouth even
after he manages to slap the wipe onto the ground, and he resorts to rubbing his face against the
sheets furiously to get the residual disinfectant off. “What's wrong with you!”

“Me? Jeon Jungkook, what is wrong with you! First, you live in that tiny apartment with your
homosexual friend, then you refuse to accept internships at the company and take classes during the
summer, and now you're in a standard nesting suite at the university hospital with a lowly male

“Well damn, when you put it like that mom-” He's about to go off on a sassy rant but his father
rounds the corner first, clearing his throat. Jungkook feels his heart drop through the floor, burrow
into the foundations of the hospital and build a bunker ready for world war three. He was fucked.



“This is bold, even for you.”

I'm going to rip your fucking throat out when your mother isn't looking is what he really means.
Jungkook swallows thickly and pulls the sheets up to his chest.

“I didn't do anything wrong. He was watching me during my rut and I overheated, so we ended up
here. There's no reason to freak out.” The alpha defends, or tries to, but his parents are about as
cooperative as the thin cotton linens that keep pooling at his hips when he shifts even slightly.

“You. What's your name?” His father turns his attention to Jimin and does his best to smile politely.
Jungkook definitely gets his resting bitch face from his dad.

“Jimin sir...Park Jimin.” The omega supplies, pressing against Jungkook's back because unlike the
alpha's his body was supposed to be decently covered at all times. Sexist, sure, but it'd been
ingrained in him as proper manners.

“Jimin, what happened yesterday? We were quite surprised when we got the call but couldn't enter
the room. My wife nearly fainted, thinking he'd gone off and gotten a girl pregnant.” He tries for a
small joke but the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes and the omega presses closer to Jungkook with
an inaudible whimper.
“He...he overheated so I had him brought here. But then his pheromones sent me into heat...sent half
the nurses into heat as well, actually. They put us in here because they thought we were mates and
didn't want any of the staff to...make mistakes. But this isn't his fault sir, I convinced him I was a beta
—he had no way of knowing this would happen.” Jimin scoots forward to bow his head respectfully,
voice wavering. “Please forgive me for doing this to your son.”

Jungkook's mother looks disgustingly pleased and ready to go on a tirade about how unworthy Jimin
is when the alpha clears his throat and rests a large hand on Jimin's thigh (which feels really fucking
nice, might he add) before speaking.

“Jimin, I knew you were an omega since we met.”

“What?” The elder looks up stupidly, pointing to himself. “Me?”

“Yeah.” Jungkook nods, licking his lips.

There's a brief silence as the gears start turning in the omega's head, body flushing from his ears
down to his chest as he process all of the implications that come with 'Jungkook knew you were an
omega all along.'


I'm going to punch you in the face as soon as your parents leave—the unspoken promise from the
omega. Well, he'd probably have to had reaped what he'd sown eventually. This is exactly why he
hated lying. Led to all sorts of messy situations.

“Are you courting him Jungkook?” His mother asks hopefully, which is ironic considering Jimin was
unworthy just five seconds ago. Funny how the prospect of grandpups could change things.

“No. We're just friends.”

“Are you even wearing pants underneath there Jungkook?” His father suddenly growls, eyes zoning
in on where the sheet has dropped low enough that the waistband of his briefs should be visible.

“And you, Jimin?” The elder alpha softens his gaze but it's still stern, and Jungkook thanks god he
passed off his underwear before, because if Jimin didn't have any-

“N-no sir.”

The young alpha whips around to curse him out but then their bare thighs touch underneath the
sheets, and Jungkook can feel his death coming slowly. His father takes a moment to compose
himself, pinching the bridge of his nose like it's the choke point of all of his wrath towards his son in
a way that makes his wife clear her throat before removing herself from the room quietly. Jimin looks
like he wants to run as well but the alpha pheromones in the room have him glued to the spot and
shaking. Jungkook almost feels bad for him, except he distinctly remembers insisting that they stay

“Jeon Jungkook.”

Dear god, his dad sounded like fucking Darth Vader with the way he huffed in between every three

“You will take this omega out on a proper date and give him a damn chance. I'm tired of you
whoring around!”

“But I'm not! Dad, you know i'm looking for my mate-”

“Sex is not the only way to find someone compatible son! Even the doctor said you're better off
going on dates, and yet you persist with this lecherous behavior!”

Jungkook scoffs, rolls his eyes a little before crossing his arms over his chest because he was most
certainly not lecherous. “Dad, I have urges. Mounting is how I assert my dominance. Mounting is
how I say I love you. Hell, mounting is how I play. It's not like I asked to be a super-alpha!”

“So find a mate to do all of those things with. Jimin seems sturdy and strong, and most importantly
he's an omega. I'm sure he can handle all of your urges, or in the very least fend you off if he doesn't
want to! Isn't that right Jimin?”

The omega flusters, slightly intimidated by the alpha pheromones clogging his senses. “Um-”

“Jimin is my friend! Don't just offer him up on a platter like that!”

“J-jungkook?” Jimin meekly prods the alpha's side, but he's too busy arguing to pay attention.

“He's clearly interested in you, why else would he stick around for more than five minutes? You're a
brat!” His father looks ready to lunge, large canines protruding more than usual as his expression is
twisted from all the growling and snarling he does.

“I don't know dad, maybe because he likes hanging out with me?” Jungkook is about to throw the
monitoring equipment across the room when the smell of cinnamon overpowers him, nostrils flaring
before he turns to inspect the source. Jimin is shivering, and—oh. Without hesitation he charges into
his father, shoves him out of the room and shuts the door tight behind them. All of his senses are
enhanced, and every alpha in the hallway has turned their towards the room with flickering crimson

“We triggered his heat...my scent isn't covering it anymore.”

“I'll get the staff to move him. Christ, an unmated omega in a nesting suite—Why don't you just
invite every alpha in the building to force a claim? It'd be more considerate!” While his father stomps
down the hall muttering about how his son's fucked up again Jungkook growls at any alpha who gets
too close to the door, even bristling when a pretty young omega nurse comes up to him with a bag.
She doesn't back down, clearing her throat like she has something to say; Jungkook decides to humor


“Clothes are required in the hospital at all times.”

“What do you—shit.”
Once he realizes he's still very much naked his hands fly to his crotch and he doesn't stop bowing in
apology until his father comes back with the hospital staff.


“You fucking alpha scumbag.”

God, did he miss Taehyung. He almost started crying when his alpha roommate came through the
door saturday morning with a tan and an armful of strange souvenirs; he would've, if Yoongi hadn't
trailed in after him.

“Where's Jimin? He head home early?” The beta questions, and Jungkook wonders how he managed
to stay ghostly pale.

“Yeah, he's back at his house now. Wasn't feeling well.” Mostly because I triggered his heat twice
and now he doesn't want to see me ever again Jungkook thinks, biting the inside of his cheek. “How
was the trip?”

“Great! Would have been better if Yoongi actually set foot in the sun, but otherwise great.”
Taehyung dodges a playful slap from the beta while lining up the trinkets he's collected. It's mostly
key chains and shot glasses, but there's also a preserved shark embryo that makes Jungkook cringe a
little because the thing looks like a demon. He taps the side of the glass jar a few times out of
curiosity before straightening up.

“Which one is for me?” He hopes it's the shot glass with boobs on it. Jungkook has always wanted
one of those, but his parents never let him have one.

“I'm you're gift. Be grateful I came back to this shit hole to deal with you.” The elder growls, and
Jungkook growls back because he's not about to lose a fight for dominance in front of Yoongi.

“Don't get mad at me because Yoongi wouldn't let you scent him.” Taehyung's ears turn pink and
Jungkook bites back a laugh because he didn't think that was actually the reason his roommate was
being so grumpy from the moment he walked in.

“Calm down you pups. Jungkook, can you take this to Jimin for me?” Yoongi tosses him a small
package and the alpha frowns, shaking his head.
“I don't know where he is, and I don't really have a reason to see him.”

“Aren't you two a thing now?”

“He gave me food, not sex. Why would we be a thing?”

“He helped you through your rut you ungrateful brat.” The beta spits out, eyes narrowing once he
realizes that all is not sunshine and happiness as he initially assumed.

“Yeah, and we're good buddies for it, but not a thing. I'm not into guys hyung.” Jungkook responds
respectfully, because he's already stepped on the 'gay' landmine once this week and he isn't about to
upset Taehyung's hole of choice. He at least needs his best friend to be on his side when he gets old
and wrinkly.

“You were all over him at the bar!” Taehyung accuses, wagging his finger like some five-dollar rip
off of a certain famous Nintendo attorney.

“I was showing my date a good time. Sue me.”

“Just give him the damn package Kookie! I'm sure you did something embarrassing like hump his
leg but Jimin is a good guy and you should be mostly forgiven by now.” The other alpha tries to
reason, but Taehyung is shit at reasoning, and all it does is make Jungkook storm off to his room
muttering about how that was a one-time thing and Taehyung's going to do worse one day, just wait.

While the newly blooming couple outside cackled and bickered Jungkook opted for moping like a
hormonal teenage girl, shutting himself off to the world once he'd buckled down on his gaming
desktop and started up a round of Starcraft. He zerg-rushes everything in existence to a point where
his opponents quit mid-match after calling him colorful variations of mentally handicapped but he's
winning, so he feels better; fuck if he can't win in life, all he needs is to build additional pylons so he
can wipe the floor with some twelve-year-old who probably hasn't seen sunlight in three months.

His phone has been vibrating insistently for the past fifteen minutes but he ignores it, figuring
Taehyung was just prank calling from the living room; he does that a lot, because apparently they're
still kids despite being mostly through their undergraduate degrees.
“Kookie, wanna grab a bite to eat?” Taehyung pops his head in on cue when the phone rings again,
and Jungkook doesn't bother looking away from the screen because even though he's on his side
account he's finally met a new player who isn't absolute trash at the game.

“In a bit? Is that why you were calling me?”

“Why would I call you if I'm home?”

“I dunno. My phone's just been going off so I figured it was you.” His phone is still going off so
Taehyung walks over and picks it up, staring down at the name in confusion.

“Jungkook, it says you're getting a call from phone two. She one of your hookups?”

“Huh?” He's too busy asserting his dominance in the virtual world to connect the dots right now;
honestly he should have dived for the phone the second his roommate's scrawny fingers wrapped
around it but like every other alpha in existence he's got a hard-on for winning and right now his
intergalactic-wargasm is more important than avoiding Taehyung's line of questioning.

“I'll pick it up. Looks like they called a lot.” Taehyung swipes right on the screen and pinches his
nose, speaking with a garbled Busan accent. “Yes, you've reached Choi's Chick-...Jimin?” Jungkook
perks but doesn't look away, clicking furiously.

“The fuck is he calling for?”

“...You don't sound so good buddy. You sure you wanna talk to him?”

“Is something wrong?” When he finally looks away from the screen he can see how Taehyung's
brow is furrowed and his mouth is drooping in a frown, a sign that he's actually worried. Before they
can exchange anymore words he snatches the phone, shoving Taehyung into the chair so that he can
finish the match. “Hey hyung, you okay?”

“Jungkook, I'm in trouble—my heat is coming on.”

“So? You have scent suppressants right?”

“No, I—fuck. Normally I go out into the woods but I wasn't ready for this one so-”

“So?” Jungkook quirks an eyebrow but he's already heading for the door.

“I'm at my apartment.”

“The one with all the alphas?”

“Y-yeah...I think some are outside.”

“Give me five minutes.”

Jungkook runs faster than he did for his 400 meter dash at nationals—which he won, of course. His
pheromones are on full blast, and he hopes they get ahead of him and let those alpha fuckers know
he isn't about to let his friend get raped just because he chose a shitty apartment complex. Although,
it would be pretty funny if he just-

“Back off . Your knot probably isn't even big enough to satisfy a kid.”

Oh, he walked into conversation about pedophilia. Lovely.

“He doesn't want anyone but me. Like I said, he was always coming over asking for sugar-”

“Did it ever occur to you guys that maybe he doesn't want any of you?” Jungkook bristles as he
approaches, puffing his chest out and narrowing his eyes as he faces the older, admittedly larger
alphas. Damn, he shouldn't have skipped gym day last week.

“What are you doing here, pup? Have you even ever gotten your knot wet before?” One of them
jeers at him, and Jungkook growls in warning, the sound coming from low in his stomach. His eyes
flash silver and he's ready to make a mess of everyone in front of him but before he can the scent of
cinnamon hits his nostrils and he tenses, eyes training on the door.
It's open just a crack, barely enough to let any light shine through but it's enough to set the alphas off
and Jungkook has to force his way through to block the door, snarling until he can feel his bones
crack as his body prepares to shift. He's pretty sure everything about him screams 'I mean business'
but some of the bolder alphas still hang around, sizing him up from a short distance. He's got a trick
up his sleeve that'll probably make all of them scamper off like scared little pups but one should
always try for tact first, as his father would say.

“Fuck off before I make you.” He's practically foaming at the mouth but he doesn't move from his
spot in front of the door, far more concerned with protecting Jimin's apartment. He knows that not
every alpha is as easygoing or open-minded as him; most of them are violent, aggressive, dominant
to a fault. His own father is a prime example, or even Taehyung; they're rough with each other,
dangerously so, and it doesn't bother them. He sort of understands why unmated alphas tend to die
young now, with the way this pack is drooling at Jimin's door. They probably kill each other over

The scene is loud and rowdy, so it doesn't come as much of a shock that the authorities take notice
and make their way over. When a police car flashes its lights the crowd scatters and Jungkook
relaxes, but he can't help the twitch in his muscles when the officer exits the car and approaches.

“Jungkook? Is that you?”

The alpha nearly goes limp when he recognizes lanky officer, a soft whine of relief leaving his
throat. “Yeah, I—can you take my friend to a nesting hotel? This compound isn't safe for him.” The
smell is driving him insane but the officer, Namjoon, is in a disgusting marriage with his disgusting
hellspawn alpha mate Kim Seokjin making him another disgusting alpha that probably barely
registered there was an omega in heat. He was alright, until he started seeing Taehyung's brother.

“Jesus, that's your friend? You looked like you were about to rip someone's throat out for him.”
When Namjoon gets a little too close to the door Jungkook growls in warning, offering a strained
smile afterward.

“Just uh, just let me get him maybe? I'm still a little tense.”

“Friend my ass...whatever Kook-ah. I'll pull the car up closer, so make it quick.”

Jungkook bows apologetically a few dozen times before slipping into Jimin's apartment and praying
to god the thick scent of omega doesn't give him an uncomfortable hard-on. Jimin is leaning against
the wall whimpering, and it only gets worse when the Alpha leans down to check his temperature.
“Fuck man, you alright?” For once there's genuine concern in his voice as he helps Jimin up, wiping
the sweat from his brow and neck with hopes that he'd cool off a little. The omega looks like he's
about to say something, but he suddenly starts sobbing and Jungkook cannot even begin to count the
number of fucks that leave his mouth rapid-fire as he scoops the smaller man up and bursts through
the door. Namjoon is waiting outside as promised, playing on his phone until he hears the doors in
the back of the car slam shut. He gives the younger alpha a look before sauntering over to the driver's
side and and hopping in, biting back curses because Jungkook kind of looks like he'll break through
the grate separating them and choke him to death.

“Any preference on where you go?” He asks as he turns onto the road, glancing over his shoulder.

“Go to...go to the Jeon Tower. Use the connected underground parking lot.” Jungkook was a lot of
things, but oblivious wasn't one of them. If the heir to Jeon industries was seen entering a nesting
hotel with an anonymous omega the news would blow up for weeks, and his dad would actually
force him to marry Jimin. He had to be careful.

“As you wish, young master.” Namjoon jokes, revving his engine before speeding down the
roadway in the direction of a tall, ominous looking skyscraper.
second month
Chapter Summary

Jeon Jungkook gets firsthand experience with things he never wanted to know

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Based on his years of research via porn, Jungkook expects a heat to be the hottest thing ever. He
expects endless sex, a needy mess of an omega, the word 'alpha' bouncing off of the walls every five
seconds—he quickly realizes that porn is idealized. Jimin isn't some hot sultry cockslut, and he isn't
the happiest alpha alive. No, he's spent the past two hours rubbing his back, massaging his hips,
helping him clean the slick from between his thighs while reassuring him that no, its fine, really. If he
was ever in love with the idea of caring for his omega through a heat, the feeling is gone faster than
his free time for the week.

“Sorry about this. I just—Yoongi doesn't know, and I don't want him to find out like this.” Jimin is
scenting him again, rubbing against his cheeks and neck and gripping his bicep like he's afraid the
alpha will leave. They're pressed together in a king-sized bed, a hasty nest of blankets and pillows
circling them to make Jimin feel comfortable.

“Don't worry about it. It's not like you chose to be an omega, or to have your heat right now.”
Jungkook mumbles mindlessly, carding fingers through his hair. “We shouldn't have to apologize or
feel bad for who we are.” The omega pauses his actions, nails suddenly digging into Jungkook's skin
hard enough to draw blood. The alpha winces and looks down, glaring. “Jimin?”

“My parents raised me to be an alpha.” He starts quietly, and Jungkook lets his expression fall
neutral.”It's not...I mean, look at me. I'm small, but i'm not girly. I...I've always been a little thick.
Stocky, so I thought it was because i'd be an alpha. You were probably the same, right?”

Jungkook chooses to shrug, because he was pretty scrawny before he presented. Granted, he also
shot up like a tree within a year, so he was probably a late bloomer.

“Everything was set up for me. I had great friends...I had a dance scholarship...a girlfriend I loved.”
The last bit catches the alpha off guard, making him pause to think. Jimin didn't like being called
derogatory names because he didn't choose to like men; they were his only option if he didn't want to
die alone. If he wanted to live outside of slums and poverty.
“I had so much going for me, but when I turned eighteen I got my first heat instead of my first
rut...do you know what they told me at the college I got into?” Jimin's crying, but it's quiet. The tears
are just an accent to his sad monologue, and Jungkook can't find it in himself to wipe them away.

“They said omegas couldn't compete, so I couldn't have the scholarship. My parents didn't want to
send me either, because what's the point in educating someone who's going to spend most of his day
getting fucked and beaten into submission?” He sounds bitter, dark, the most refined of Himalayan
pink salts if Jungkook might describe it, but he lets the omega vent. He guesses he's the only person
Jimin can really vent to.

“And my girlfriend. That fucking—I caught her with one of my friends two days after I presented.
Two days. I loved her, but she said she needed a knot. She needed stability, not love. She needed-”

“A real man.” Jungkook finishes his sentence with a soft hum, staring ahead. He's seen it among
alphas, even with Taehyung—bullying because they didn't fit the status quo. Because normal guys
wanted to be alphas, and if they managed to get that far they wanted to be the leader of the alphas.
Even Jungkook was guilty of the prejudice to a point—he'd wanted to flee when Jimin revealed his
status. Male omegas were unnatural, trouble, but they didn't ask to be born that way. Just like
Jungkook didn't ask for his stupid proto-alpha genes.

“How did you know what she said?”

“It's what they teach us in school. Alphas are guys, and omegas are girls. Anything in-between isn't
right.” He states simply, turning his head. “So, are you trying to say you've felt sorry all this time for
not being an alpha?”

“No, I just-”

“I'm sorry Jimin.” The alpha kisses his temple and Jimin's eyes go wide with shock. Fuck, what was
he even doing?

“F-for what?” The elder manages to mumble out, cheeks flushing pink.

“For not being your alpha sooner and letting you live with this shitty mindset.” There he goes, the
man and his famous way with words. Jungkook would make an excellent CEO one day.
“What to you mean my alpha?” Jimin makes a scandalized face and pulls away, pink all the way up
to his ears. Pink would probably suit his hair as well, Jungkook thinks.

“Like the old meaning. The leader of your pack. The guy who beats up other guys with you.” The
younger clarifies, dragging him back. “We'd be like...y'know, family?”

“But i'm the hyung. Why should you get to be the alpha?” Jimin sniffles, but it looks like he's done
crying for the moment.

“I'm bigger and scarier. No offense, but you're not gonna scare off anyone with a face like that.”
Jimin could probably scare some small children if he ran around shirtless with a mask on, but even
then he'd seem more like an imp than anything.

“No offense to you, but you look like a fucking bunny. Bunnies aren't scary.” Jimin quips, pushing
the young alpha into the mound of pillows behind him. Jungkook blinks once, twice, three times
before he yelps in surprise because-

“You bit my fucking ear!” He reaches up and there's blood, and fuck is he ready to faint. Jungkook
can't handle blood, he was more of a bruises kind of guy. This was the first and last time he'd help
Jimin through his heat.

“Yeah, because i'm your alpha. Submit.” The elder giggles like it was all just a game, pheromones
leaking everywhere despite Jungkook's two-hour efforts to calm him down and clean him up; there's
a trail of slick peeking out from his boxers, bending to follow the curves of a muscle in a way that
mimics the ups and downs of Jimin's emotions.

“Do you have an alpha kink hyung?” Jungkook changes the focus, tries to fluster Jimin because
normally it's so damn easy but the elder chuckles in response and he knows he's going to spend the
next two hours fending off an unnecessarily horny omega.

“No, but I like to eat cute little alpha bunnies.”

Jungkook's never really cared about his nose or his overbite, but after literally being chewed on and
rutted against until his skin pruned in one spot he considers cosmetic surgery to save himself from
dirty old men with weird fetishes.
Next week when he gets back to his apartment he's ordered an entire collection of Versace tracksuits
to hide the blotchy red patches all over his skin and even went so far as to getting his ears pierced to
hide the marks from Jimin's bite. It's a radical change, and considering he hasn't been in contact with
Taehyung at all for five days his roommate is up in arms and railing him with questions that he
honestly doesn't have the patience or dignity to answer.

“Jungkook, the fuck man? I called you so many times—did you get into some kind of trouble?”

“Me? Trouble? Tae, I don't get in trouble.” He scoffs, maybe snorts a little because he tries too hard,
and slaps the other alpha on the back in an overly-friendly way. Not suspicious at all. Fuck,
Jungkook didn't even know how to spell suspicious. He was a business major anyways, so it didn't
really matter.

“Anyways, how have you and Yoongi been? Make any progress?” He tries to change the subject,
adjusting the collar of the turtleneck he's currently sporting in the middle of august, which is not
suspicious at all.

“He's been worried sick over Jimin. You two both just cut off all contact after that call—what

“It was just a little fight. Couple of alphas from Jimin's apartment, so we had to lay low for awhile.”

“Five days is a little while? And you said you didn't know where he lived!”

“I just didn't wanna be Yoongi's delivery boy okay! He's got you whipped, not me.” Jungkook
grumbles, and he's certain it's convincing because Taehyung snarls before throwing a cup at his
head. It shatters and they're down another coffee mug but the crisis has been averted so he takes the
gaping head wound like a champ, ending the conversation.

And for awhile, Jimin disappears from his life. Disappears from everything, really, aside from the
occasional mention when Yoongi comes over to watch movies or have dinner. He's gotten a job as a
bartender at the club Fire, through some of Yoongi's connections. He's living well, hiding his secret
of being an omega well, because Taehyung still calls him 'The second best beta after Yoon-yoon'
and they still crack jokes about how Jimin is the most dominant looking beta this side of the city.

Jungkook has recovered from his countless hickeys and is proudly sporting a bare, toned chest and a
dark red pair of swim trunks as he walks along the beach, sipping on a mix of tropical juices while
Taehyung chugs his third beer from a clear plastic cup. It was prime beach weather, which meant it
was prime 'hit-on-girls-and-sexile-Taehyung' weather, so the pair had made their way out to the coast
to go swimming. Jungkook was brandishing a six-pack and toned everything, whereas his roommate
fell a little more on the slender side--mostly because he was standing next to a muscle pig, or so he
argued. Girls were throwing flirty smiles and the sweet smell of omega wafted by in so many
variations it made his head spin; berries, orchids, citrus, something that he swore was a cake or a
doughnut, all of them mingling in a way that made the silver flash in his eyes.

“Fucking alpha scumbag, stop looking at those girls like they're food.” Taehyung slaps his arm and
the other alpha straightens, taking another sip from his cup.

“It's been awhile. I need to let out some of this pent up energy.”

“Just go fuck Jimin. You're always going on about his ass.” Taehyung looks at his empty cup with a
frown, glancing around for the nearest beachside bar.

“Tae, I'm not into asses. Asses pale in comparison to what I usually dip into.”

“And how would you know, mister 'I fuck every omega in a three mile radius'? I've felt both, and I
assure you, asses are better.” The lean alpha begins veering off in the direction of a restaurant and
Jungkook follows, scoffing.

“How? Other guys can't possibly enjoy knotting, and that's the best part, isn't it?” Jungkook sounds
skeptical, and with good reason; unlike girls, Taehyung's precious Yoongi wasn't built to take a knot,
and it was probably stressful for both parties involved. That's the common sense way of thinking at
least, but Jungkook forgets that reality doesn't apply to Kim Taehyung because he's an alien and they
aren't real. When they reach the bar he has this all-knowing grin, but he takes his time in answering.

“Fuck Kookie, I shouldn't really talk about this but—Hey, can I get another pint of Hite? With a little
soju mixed in. Thanks.” He turns back from the bartender, leaning against the counter. “Look, you
like tight things, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.” He sees a few betas shoot them dirty glances, but that doesn't stop him from
casually sipping on his drink.

“Well, you know how girls eventually get loose right? It's inevitable, like wrinkles and white hair
and shit.” Taehyung smacks his lips together, snatching the younger's cup so that he can drink
something while he waits for his beer.
“Yeah, but that's just life. Like, one day our knots are just gonna be sad little skin flaps.” An elderly
man nearby chokes on his drink—Jungkook pretends it wasn't his fault.

“Yeah, well asses are different. They're muscle Kookie. You may have a flappy dick as an old guy,
but you can still be jacked as fuck.”

“I don't get where you're going with this.”

“Look, just imagine this. Jimin's got that tight little ass, right? Like, he must do thousands of squats a

“So he hits the gym. I still don't see your point.”

“So, if the outside of his ass is that tight, can you imagine the inside?” Taehyung leans closer, throws
an arm around his shoulders so he can whisper in his ear. “Do you know how much they beg and
whimper when you swell because they can't take it? Yoongi tries to crawl away, but once i've got it
jammed right against his spot-” The older alpha chuckles darkly, and Jungkook feels his mouth go
dry. “I bet Jimin feels like heaven on earth. Pinning down all that muscle, ramming your knot in
while he squirms underneath you, begs you to stop because it's too big.”

Jungkook would like to argue that he's not a sadist in the least and above the most base of alpha
desires, but for just one millionth of a thousandth of a hundredth of a second, he lets the image cross
his mind. Jimin with his cheek smashed into the sheets, tears streaked down his face and his biceps
straining as he tries to crawl up the bed. Rips in the sheets from where he's gripped them too tight, a
thick, familiar looking forearm pinning down his neck and another smashing his hips into the
mattress as his body jolts forward violently with each thrust from the bulky alpha above him. Moans
and whimpers of Jungkook's name until the knot finally breaches, and he's-

“Tae, Kook, I didn't know you went outside!” A familiar high voice breaks the alpha from his trance,
and it takes every ounce of self-control the alpha has not to flush bright red.

“Jimin, we were just talking about you!” Taehyung leans towards the bar counter again, smiling
broadly at the man on the other side. “I was explaining to Kookie how your ass would be so much
better than any of the girls he goes after.”

“Is he still going on about my ass?” Jimin smirks and raises an eyebrow, sliding the beer Taehyung
ordered across the counter.
“What the—no, I was just curious that one time okay? Fuck, I need to get friends who aren't gay.”
Jungkook sulks against the glossy wooden counter, tilting his head to watch as Jimin starts prepping
another drink. “What are you doing here anyways? Don't you work at Fire?”

“Yeah, but I'm filling in for my friend Chen. He went on a last minute vacation to Jeju with the
misses.” Jimin carefully measures out equal parts gin and tonic water, and Jungkook contemplates
slapping the cup onto his tank just to antagonize him.

“Damn, vacation sounds nice. So uh, hows the new place?” He feigns disinterest, watching in mild
disgust as Taehyung mixes his beer with the fruit juice Jungkook brought along.

“Same as the old one, just a little closer to work.” Jimin smiles fondly, sliding the completed drink
down the counter. “You guys should come out to the club tonight. We're having singles event.”

“There you go Kookie! A prime opportunity to test my theory.”

“What theory?” Jimin says with a frown, and Jungkook snatches the cup from Taehyung's hand.

“Nothing important. I'm just a little pent up—haven't mounted anything since my last rut.” His eyes
flash silver again and Jimin swallows thickly, letting out a nervous chuckle.

“Just try to make it off the dance floor with whoever you pick up.”

“Hey, why don't we all drink before? I'll call up Yoongi and Seokjin, and we can all head out to the
club together!” Taehyung fidgets excitedly, spilling some of his drink onto the bar. “We can just
pretend we're single and find each other later.”

“I'll just meet you guys at the club. I don't drink.” Jungkook straightens up, glancing around the
beach. He was getting more and more irritable by the second, and the omega pheromones floating
around were starting to clog his senses.

“Jungkook, we're going. They can even meet at our house, since we just cleaned. It'll be fun!”
“Tae, I don't like drinking.”

“Come on you pussy, a few shots will get you all jacked up for the girls. You wanna pop a knot
tonight, right?” His friend gives him that look, the one that says you're gonna end up doing it one
way or another, and Jungkook feels himself die a little on the inside.


“Look, there's no way you'll do anything you regret when you're with us. Just let loose Kookie!”

Oh, if only poor innocent little Jungkook knew just how wrong his friend was.

Chapter End Notes

Ty ty for reading! I'm still kinda figuring this site out (and finishing the last few chapters
of this story) so sorry if i'm slow responding to comments but I hope you enjoy!
Third Month
Chapter Summary

Jungkook makes the deal of a lifetime

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Kook-ah, you gotta do it.”

“Fuck you, i'm not doing that gay shit.”

“You know you're in a room full of gay guys right?”

“Yeah, and that was my first mistake.” Jungkook throws back his penalty shot, glaring at the other
men in the circle. Seokjin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi, even Jimin—literally not a single girl in this
fucking circle, and he had to snowball a shot while straddling someone's hips. Whoever invented
truth or dare deserved an eternity of torture in the deepest levels of hell.

“You can't drink forever. You're gonna do some gay shit eventually dammit!” Taehyung wags his
finger, and he's already so red they probably won't even let him into the club. Yoongi is just
chuckling, pressed against his side.

“You can't make me do gay shit Tae.”

“The fuck I can't—Who's turn is it next?” All eyes suddenly fall to the person sitting on Jungkook's
right—Park Jimin.

“Tae, don't you fucking-”

“Park Jimin.” The older alpha says with a certain satisfied finality. “I dare you to give Jungkook the
greatest boner of his life.”
Jungkook turns his head and prays to every deity in existence that Jimin is just as against the idea as
him; when he's met with a sultry smirk, he wishes the alcohol would pump straight to his heart and
numb the anxious feeling in his chest.

“I don't think I should drink anymore...”

“I can drink for you!” Jungkook blurts out, reaching for the nearest bottle. He presses the lip of the
bottle to his mouth before anyone blocks him and pours, ignoring the bitter taste because this is so
much better than whatever he was about to be put through. He manages to kill the rest of what turned
out to be tequila, now that he actually looks at the bottle. Fuck.

“Holy shit. Kookie's gonna be so lit tonight.” Seokjin is wide-eyed, amazed that the literal lightest of
lightweights managed such a feat without passing out.

“Fuck, Tae, you gotta watch him. It's your fault he drank so much.” Namjoon points an accusing
finger, suddenly vocal at the prospect of losing his night out.

“Wha-No! He drank for Jimin! Jimin should watch him.”

“Tae, you know I can't watch him. I'm gonna be behind the bar.” Jimin whines, jumping a little
when Jungkook's head drops onto his shoulder.

“He clearly likes you the most. That's why he's leaning on you.”

“He's sitting right next to me!”

Jungkook shuts his eyes, trying to cope with the sudden influx of dizziness that came with the literal
liquid death he just downed. His senses were going haywire—he could hear everything and nothing,
smell the individual scents of everyone in the room, even Yoongi's subtle sandalwood that he
normally had to be centimeters away to smell. He could even smell the sweet hints of Jimin's
cinnamon, suppressed to everyone else but suffocating him in the worst of ways. All he could think
of was the omega, how he was so close, so warm and inviting.

He growls and pulls Jimin into his lap, coiling arms around his waist in a grip the devil himself
couldn't break. All of the other alphas in the room tense, unsettled by the sudden haze of possessive
pheromones in the air. Yoongi's so unsettled he can't help but hide behind his boyfriend, and the
room is full of cautious, glowing eyes. Jungkook's own are trained on the opposing alphas—more
specifically on Taehyung, who's neck isn't marred by a mating bite. He directs a snarl at the older
alpha before growling against Jimin's throat, sending a clear message.

Taehyung makes a terrifying realization. “Oh my god Jimin, he's gonna fuck you.”


“Fuck, Kookie's gonna fuck you till you can't walk. He's gonna fuck you like he's your daddy. He's
gonna make you his prison bitch-”

“Wha—get him off me!” Jimin squirms, but it's useless. Jungkook isn't letting go until he gets what
he wants.

“You'll just have a sore ass. It's fine.” Yoongi calls from over Taehyung's shoulder, voice wavering
slightly. “Better than him clawing our throats out.”

“Yoongi! I thought we were friends!”

“Yeah, and as your friend i'm going to prescribe you a thorough fucking by that hormone-crazed
alpha in exchange for the safety of my fine pale ass.”

“You fucking-”

“Jungkook, shouldn't you take him to bed?”

The youngest alpha in the room is gone seconds after the words are said, Jimin shouting profanities
all the way down the hall. He's still cursing when Jungkook drops him onto the bed, stripping off his
own shirt to reveal the rippling muscle he had on display earlier at the beach.

“Kookie, you know you shouldn't do this-”

“I want to make a deal with you.” The alpha says with surprising clarity, crossing his arms over his

“Deal?” Jimin shivers and sits up, doing his best to scoot away. “What deal?”

“Let me see if...let me try to knot you. I want to see if I-”

“If you're only attracted to men?” Jimin finishes his sentence, his expression suddenly somber. “You
want to see if you're stimulated enough to knot, right? What's in it for me?”

“If...if I can—fuck, even if I can't i'll take care of you during your heats. The proper way.” The
omega shivers at Jungkook's tone, licking his lips before nodding in agreement.

“Okay. Fuck, okay. Just—I'll tell you what I like. You have to make this feel good for me too.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes but agrees anyways, moving to straddle the omega's hips.

“So where do you wanna be touched?”

“C-can you scent me first?” Jimin shifts uncomfortably, releasing nervous pheromones in thick
waves until the alpha obliges and rubs against his neck, nipping softly at the flesh. Jungkook takes
his time, swapping between nuzzling and wet, open-mouthed kisses until his scent on Jimin is
overpowering, so strong even the faint cinnamon has disappeared completely. Jimin visibly relaxes
once the alpha is done, eyes glowing a soft amber but otherwise calm.

“Does the young master wish for anything else?” Jungkook mocks, leaning back on his heels.

“Can you do it like...like we're dating?” The alpha tilts his head curiously at the request, trying to
process exactly what Jimin means.

“You want me to fuck you like one of my girlfriends?”

“No, not—like how you would if...”

“If?” Jungkook presses, raising an eyebrow.

“If it was our wedding night?” Jimin tries, a pink tint rising to his cheeks.

“Oh. Hmm...how would I touch my bride, after holding out for months.” Jungkook mutters to
himself, toying with the hem of Jimin's shirt. He contemplates for a few seconds, really wracks his
brain for a scenario because he honestly hadn't thought about marriage or long term relationships,
before something clicks and he nods his head. “Okay. I can do that. Just let me know if you don't
like it, okay?” Jimin hums in response, slipping off his own shirt and pants so that his briefs are the
only thing standing between him and his 'wedding night'.

“What should I call you?”


“If we're married we should have pet names. What should I call you?”

“I dunno...Jiminnie?”

“I'm calling you daddy.”

Jimin flushes and shoots up, blubbering out a squeaky “Why?!”

“Because I want you to show me what to do.” Jungkook licks his lips before leaning down to suck
and nip at a pale collar bone, enjoying the way his partner's breath hitches. “What do you want me to
do, daddy?” The alpha practically purrs, lifting his lips to plant a chaste kiss against Jimin's.

It takes a few awkward minutes, but something changes in the omega's eyes. They're darker, more
sinister almost—he clicks his tongue, running his fingers through his hair in a way that makes
Jungkook question his sexuality yet again. “I thought I told you to call me hyung.”

The young alpha barely has time to blink before he's on his back, Jimin's eyes glowing more strongly
than ever as he leans over and bites into his side, breaking skin. Jungkook hisses at the sting but he's
frozen in place by the golden gaze, mouth watering involuntarily at the lofty scent of aroused omega.
“Did you have fun chasing after girls today?”

“What?” The alpha shifts, wincing when he feels Jimin's canines scrape along the fresh wound
before he presses his tongue against it, lapping up the few loose rivulets of blood.

“You think I didn't notice the way other omegas were fucking you with their eyes?” Jimin growls,
moving up to trace his lips along a bulging pectoral before he sinks he teeth into the hard flesh. He
swipes his tongue along his lips, rutting his hips against Jungkook's thigh. “You think they'd look at
you the same if they saw my marks all over your body?”

The behavior is shockingly dominant, and Jungkook barely suppresses the instinct to growl, to throw
Jimin down and show him who the real alpha is. He remembers what the omega revealed to him
during his heat—how he was raised as an alpha all of his life, proud and strong, and how everything
made a turn for the worse long after he'd matured, long after he'd become who he really was.
Jungkook is beyond willing to indulge Jimin's dominant nature if it means he feels good—feels how
he wants to feel.

“We'll find out tomorrow, won't we?” He sits up, pulling the omega with him so that he can kiss
under his jaw, a subtle gesture of submission that makes Jimin's heart race. “But hyung, I'm hard.
Can you...” Jungkook tugs on Jimin's wrist, pulls his hand down to cup the tent in his pants and
arches into the touch. Jimin seems to regard the action with interest for a second, but something
mischievous lights in his amber eyes before he smirks, undoing the top button of the alpha's jeans.

“Kookie, how'd you like to fuck me raw?” The omega whispers against the shell of his ear, and
Jungkook nearly whimpers at how sinful the tone is but he's saved by a high-pitched artificial bell
sound buzzing on the floor. Jimin clicks his tongue against his teeth, reaching for the phone on the
floor while his free hand continues to squeeze at the alpha's bulge.

“Yeah boss? I thought my shift wasn't until midnight.” Jungkook bites his lip to keep quiet, putting
his hand over his mouth for added protection because he fucking knew Jimin would do something
rude if given even a thousandth of a chance. The omega is still rubbing a palm along the outline of
his cock, tongue in cheek as he negotiates with his manager. “He called out? But i'm busy right now.
Yeah, bedroom busy. Bring him in?”

Jungkook's breath hitches when the elder turns to look at him, a small smile playing on his lips as he
stills his hand. “I don't think he can wait that long. Might tear through half the customers before my
shift is over.”

The alpha growls softly against his neck, scraping his teeth along the pale patch of flesh above his
scent gland and smirking at the way the elder's breath hitches. When Jimin tries to continue the
conversation on the phone he slides his hands up the omega's back, scraping blunt nails against his
shoulder blades before slipping around the front to pinch and pull at his nipples. All the while his
mouth is working away at the sensitive spot on Jimin's neck, being just gentle enough not to leave a
mark. “B-boss, I gotta go. Just give me ten minutes to get there, yeah?” The call ends and Jungkook
resists the urge to say 'about damn time', pulling back with an innocent pout when Jimin slaps his
hands away.

“What?” He asks, although he knows all too well why he's in trouble.

“Jungkook, that was my boss. I can't afford to lose my job.”

“You two sounded all buddy-buddy. I don't think he'll fire you over a few moans.” The young alpha
tries to slide his hands back up but they're slapped away again so he frowns. “What's up?”

“I told him I'd be there in ten minutes.”

“So? Give me five and I can probably change your mind.” Jungkook leans in to kiss along the
omega's neck again but he sputters like an idiot when his face is shoved away, eyes flashing silver in
warning. “What the fuck?”

“My ass, my rules. You can wait until the end of my shift.” The elder snarls, lifting his body so that
he can get out of the alpha's lap. A thick pair of arms pull him back down and Jungkook is growling
full force now, the need to mount something surpassing any and all need for civility.

“I want you now.” It's a brazen request, one that he'll probably regret later in all honesty, but his
instincts are amplified because Jimin smells exactly like him and that means he's his omega, right?


Jungkook finds out immediately that he is most definitely and irreversibly wrong when a fist collides
with his face, his hands flying to sooth the smarting area while the other wolf scuttles to get dressed
like he's in danger. He wants to curse and snarl at the pain but the look on Jimin's face is enough to
sober him up, a solid lump forming in his throat. The older man looks like he's been betrayed, and
while part of Jungkook wholeheartedly agrees the other is scrambling for reasons to defend himself,
the slight of rejection still fresh in his mind.
“I'm not your fucking toy Jungkook. I'm not anyone's toy.” the omega spits out venomously,
shrugging his shirt on. “You think you can take advantage of me because i'm just another weak little

“Jimin, I never said those things.” The alpha sits up, still rubbing his cheek. He'd probably have a
bruise there tomorrow.

“Yeah? Well you never say anything meaningful Jungkook, so how the fuck am I supposed to

“What do you mean?” The whole situation is turning into a b-grade drama, and Jungkook should
really stop while he can, but he doesn't, because most of his life has been a fuck up so why stop

“I told you everything about me Jungkook. Things I haven't told anyone. But you?” The omega
scoffs and walks towards the bed, and Jungkook resists the urge to shrink back like a pup. “You're
all about dick jokes and apologies. You act like this great fucking guy, but who are you really? Just
when I think you're a half-decent alpha you go and do shit like this, or that shit you pulled during
your rut.”

“Jimin, there are reasons I can't be open.” He's more aware now, eyes a soft brown as he pulls the
sheets over his waist. “And this—this was a mistake. Not—I'm glad I chose you, but the reason was
wrong. Can I—fuck.” Jungkook ruffles his own hair, groaning at the prospect of finishing his

“Can you what?” The omega demands, and with the way the alcohol is still swimming in his head
Jungkook can't help but clench his eyes shut to level himself.

“Take you on a date. When we go to the club, sneak away from the bar for a bit.”

“For what?”

“So we can talk and dance. Like normal--”

“Boyfriends?” Jimin finishes, taking a step towards the bed. “You want...me?” The omega is hesitant
to say the word, and Jungkook can feel his ears turning red.
“Yeah, I—I want to try us. I haven't slept with anyone since my rut, and I think...I think it's because
of you. No one else is good enough.” He admits quietly, moving his hand to tug at a few stray
strands of hair. “I've never liked a guy before, but you're different.”

“Me neither, to be perfectly honest.” Jimin chuckles, and the tension in the room is gone faster than it
formed. “Even as an omega I've always gone for beta girls. Old habits die hard, right?”

“Right.” Jungkook lets a shy smile grace his features, reaching out to take one of Jimin's hands.
“We're both too straight for this shit.”

“Says the guy who wanted to knot me five minutes ago.” Jimin jokes, handing the young alpha his
clothes. “Come on. I've got three minutes to haul ass to the club in time for Jaebum's dropped shift.”

“Yeah, got it. And Jimin?” The younger starts, pulling his pants on. Jimin quirks a brow but waits,
stares at Jungkook expectantly with his arms crossed over his chest.


“Let's not—no sex until you want it. No matter what. Deal?”

The smile Jimin gives him is blinding, and Jungkook thinks he feels his heartbeat pick up.


Chapter End Notes

thanks for kudos/comments/whatever shiny buttons you can press!

Fifth Month
Chapter Summary

Jungkook learns the dangers of keeping secrets

The deal seemed fine at first, but Jungkook quickly learns that Jimin is a fan of testing people's
patience. Namely, his patience. While he sits at the bar and mopes Jimin is talking it up with all of the
single alphas and betas swooning over him, throwing around his flirty smile and sultry eyes as they
purchase drink after drink just to get the opportunity to speak with him. On one hand he's flattered
that his new boyfriend is hot enough to run an entire bar on singles night, but considering they
haven't done anything beyond scenting and spending obscene amounts of time together watching
rom coms during Jimin's heat and porn during his rut the insecurity is beginning to chip away at his
self control.

He's been forced to sip on a cup of ginger ale, which was probably a good thing considering he'd
downed a third of a bottle of tequila before even walking into the club, but the more sober he gets the
more his interest shifts towards the gyrating hips on the dance floor. “That could be you.” a voice in
his head says, mocking him. “You could be fucking all those pretty little omegas, but you had to
choose the difficult one.”

“Fuck if I don't know.” He mumbles to no one in particular, taking another sip from his cup. He
didn't bother taking his suppressants but it's mostly alphas at the bar anyways so he can't find it in
himself to care, figuring worst case scenario he could chat someone up and Jimin would get a taste of
his own medicine. He's about to focus his energy on glaring at the middle-aged alpha who keeps
staring down Jimin's ass when he walks to the other side of the bar but a tap on his shoulder catches
his attention, and the sweet scent of a submissive beta filters through as he turns to face whoever
touched him.

“You look lonely. Someone leave you here?”

“Something like that.” He replies curtly, internally enraged that he can't fuck this person either
because he's dating Jimin now, god dammit. “But i'm sure he'll be back.”

“If he really wanted you he wouldn't walk away. Especially not on a night like this.” The beta drapes
himself over Jungkook, drowning him in pheromones and it's absolute torture but he keeps his
composure, gently shrugging the other man off.
“I'm flattered, but I can't flirt with you. Monogamous obligations, you know?”

“Why? It's not like you're mated, right?” His lap is suddenly full of sultry whatever the fuck this guy
is, and Jungkook has the strongest urge to throw him across the room which just confirms his initial
suspicion; not a single fiber of his being is gay. On that note, he was never going out to a gay night
club ever again. Fuck his gay friends. But not actually, because he wasn't into that. Unless it was
Jimin of course.

“I'm not going to cheat on my boyfriend, okay buddy? I'm sure you can find a great guy somewhere
else who isn't tied down. Look at the bartender.” He gestures over to Jimin innocently, missing the
way the omega's been glaring out of the corner of his eye. “Try him. He seems to like talking.”

“He's also coming over here.” The beta supplies with an amused smirk, shifting so that his weight is
resting more on Jungkook's thighs. The alpha scrunches his nose in protest, leaning away only to
meet the irritated gaze of what he found to be a very hot bartender.

“Would you like a shot, sir?” Jimin asks sweetly, pretending to clean a glass with a rag he'd just used
to wipe a spill clean with. It takes Jungkook a full thirty seconds to realize he's the 'sir' in this

“I...I shouldn't drink anymore.” He mumbles, gently pushing the beta off of his lap; he ignores the
way the other man scowls at him in protest. “I've already had too much.”

“I insist. It'll be on the house.” The omega is smiling cutely but Jungkook recognizes pure evil when
he sees it. He swallows thickly, shaking his head.

“No, really, I shouldn't-”

“But you seem so fond of doing things you shouldn't Kookie. Why stop now?”

After the kind offer, Jungkook spends the rest of the night hugging the toilet, and the consequent
morning glued to Jimin in his queen sized bed, groaning like a sick child.

“Serves you right.” The omega hisses, handing him an aspirin and some water. Jungkook downs the
pills the second they touch the skin of his hand.
“Can we do this later? I just wanna cuddle.”

“No. Why were you talking to that slutty beta yesterday?”

Jungkook thrashes around on his side of the bed a bit for turning to face his boyfriend. “He talked to
me first! And I told him no three times, even shoved him away-”

“He was on your lap for at least a minute.” Jimin's stare is icy, and Jungkook can't believe what he's

“You're upset over that?”

“What the fuck do you think?”

“I'm sorry?” he tries, scooting closer to the man in question. Jungkook hasn't had a girlfriend since
fifth grade, when he held hands with Jung Juri. He'd probably make the shittiest of shitty boyfriends,
now that he takes a moment to think about it. Then again, Jimin was being petty, so he didn't really
care that he was being the shittiest of shitty boyfriends.

“Not even an hour and you already cheated on me. An hour Jungkook!”

“Jimin, I'm not gay! I'm not gonna cheat on you with some other guy, because the only dick I like is
your dick, and why the fuck would I risk losing the dick and ass I like? Use some common sense
man.” He mutters darkly, wrapping his thighs around the omega's waist in a deadlock so he can't
crawl out of the bed. “Although I've never seen it. Can I see your dick?”

“W-what?” Jimin blubbers, slapping the thighs as he tries to wiggle free. It's cute, the way he
struggles In vain. Jungkook finds his wolf cooing proudly.

“You've seen mine, right? Let me see yours. It's only fair hyung.”

“Jungkook, I swear to god-”

“I see you two are getting along just fine.” Taehyung chuckles from the door, walking in with two
plates of breakfast. “And here I thought you wouldn't go all the way.”

“Well we didn't.” Jungkook sits up, rubbing at the bruises on his torso. Jimin left his mark, even if
they didn't engage in any 'promiscuous activities'. “Got cockblocked by Jimin's work. We're dating
now though.” He mumbles the last part, letting Jimin go in favor of scooting forward to wrap around
his back.

“What?” Taehyung drops the plates, and Jungkook is about to loose his shit because there's maple
syrup and bacon all over his carpet but then his boyfriend shoots up like a fucking puppy and nods,
leaning against his chest.

“We're official!”

“Fuck Jiminnie, if you weren't so cute I'd throw something at you. You're going out with this dirtbag
now? Before sex?”

“Tae.” Jungkook warns, holding back the urge to growl because his best friend knew far too much to
be blabbering to Jimin.

“He hasn't dated since 5th grade Jimin. Like, all he knows how to do is get into people's pants and
hold hands. He's useless.” Taehyung supplies, ignoring the dirty look his roommate shoots him when
he's done. “At least bone him and get something enjoyable out of it.”

“You've never really dated before?” Jimin turns in the alpha's hold and Jungkook feels a fluster
coming to his cheeks but he's ten percent certain he manages to fight it back.

“There are...reasons why I couldn't be in a relationship.”

“Yeah, like-”

“Reasons that need not be disclosed.” Jungkook bristles, shooting his friend a glare that he manages
to register. Taehyung makes a small 'o' with his mouth before nodding, attention returning to the
smallest in the room.
“So does this mean Jiminnie is coming over every day?”

“I wouldn't want to intrude...” The omega shifts and mumbles shyly, and Taehyung squeals at how
adorable he is before jumping on to the bed for the sole purpose of squishing his cheeks.

“Oh my god, we're keeping him Kookie. Jimin, you're gonna be with us all the time, kay?”

“Don't pester him.” Jungkook growls, pulling his boyfriend closer to his chest and slapping the other
alpha's hands away. “Jimin does what he wants, not what you want.”

“Funny, because it looks like you're the one getting all pushy and possessive. What's it been, eight
hours?” Taehyung sneers, sliding off the bed before he can be punished for his sass. “Anyways, your
aunt called. You need to drop some paperwork off in Seoul for next semester, so gear up.”

“Seoul?” Jimin pipes in, furrowing his brow. Taehyung looks between Jungkook and the omega,
three, no, four times with his mouth gaping before he throws his phone at his roommate.

“You didn't tell him?!” He points an accusing finger, wags it around until his arm gets tired before
switching hands. “Jeon Jungkook!”

“Tell me what?” Jimin frowns, turning in his boyfriend's arms to frown. “What's he going on about
now Kookie?”

“Oh, uh....during the year, I attend Seoul National.” He shrugs, not seeing the problem.

Except it's a problem.

A big problem.

“When were you going to tell me you don't live here?” Jimin is instantly stressed, and Jungkook
doesn't get why; what does a four hour drive change? It's not like he attends Harvard or Yale (he
chose to turn them down because his cousins were all currently attending, so he decided to hold out
for grad school).

“I mean, never? I didn't think it mattered. I come back most weekends anyways, to study with Tae.”

“Jungkook, we'll barely see eachother! I...we should be together a lot, shouldn't we?”

“Should we?” He wrinkles his nose, trying to imagine spending all of his time with Jimin. No, nope,
he'd probably get annoyed at some point. Probably not a good idea. “Weekends aren't bad. 'Sides,
don't couples just cuddle and have sex? That's a weekend thing.”

Taehyung slams his palm against his forehead and Jimin shoves the young alpha back into the

“That's what hook ups do Jungkook. Couples spend time together, and talk, and care for eachother--”

“And we can do all of that on the weekend. It's not like our feelings are going to change just because
we only see each other two days a week.” Jungkook huffs and scoots to the other side of the bed,
poking at a random spot. “Plus we can just skype or call, right? I didn't think it would be a problem
with us.”

“But what about when I need-” Jimin bites his lip before he says too much, glancing at Taehyung.
“What if I need you here during the week?” He tries to convey something through a hopeful gaze,
but Jungkook is a little dense when it comes to telepathy. Sue him.

“If you really need me i'll come to you hyung. I just won't be down the street anymore.”

“But Kookie-”

“Relax hyung. Haven't I been good to you? Haven't we been good?”

Jungkook manages to convince him that everything will be okay, and for the rest of the summer
everything is sunshine and rainbows.


“Oppa, can you help me with this problem?”

Two months into the semester and Jungkook still can't shake his annoying group mate. There's
always been a following of freshman girls who run around calling him oppa, but normally they give
up after he sleeps with one of them and kicks her to the curb. Except he can't exactly use his usual
deterrent method because he's in a relationship now, and apparently you can't do those things
because fucking monogamy. Consequently, he can only smile awkwardly and lean over the younger
girl while he reads the question.

“Eunbi, that's the line for your name.”

“Is it? Oh, I meant this one!” She points to the next line, and he reads the finely printed english.

“Game theory? The professor should have spent an entire week on that. Do you know about the
prisoner's dilemma?”

“No. I think I slept through that class.” Eunbi pouts cutely, releasing pheromones that Jungkook is
most definitely not interested in, nope, he's definitely okay with the simple hugs and cuddles Jimin
gives him when he visits on the weekend. Nope, doesn't have the urge to wet his dick at all.

“Well, I can help you for a bit, but I need to head back to my dorm. Family stuff, you know?” He
ignores the cute little huff and shake he gets in response, scooting closer with his chair to go over the
concepts. Normally around now there's a line of girls calling 'oppa!' with their homework at the
ready, but he's going to escape before he becomes a thirst trap—not that he minds being a thirst trap,
but he's got a degree to complete too.

Jungkook keeps going until his phone buzzes on the table, Jimin's name flashing several times. “So if
both parties confess—hold on a sec.” He swipes to answer the call, smiling when Jimin's face pops
up on the screen. “Hey hyung, what's up?”

“Jungkookie, Kookie-yah!” He calls out in a shrill voice, smiling until his eyes disappear. “Where
are you?”
“The library, helping out some kids. Why? You gonna ask me what i'm wearing next?” He makes a
face of mock disappointment, clicking his tongue against his teeth. “I told you video chatting that
kind of stuff is illegal hyung.”

“No, but I've got a surprise waiting for you back at your dorm! Guess what it is.”

Jungkook doesn't remember telling Jimin his room number, because Jungkook doesn't have a room.
Still, he plays along, tapping his chin thoughtfully with his free hand.

“Hmm...maybe some cake?” His birthday was coming up. Speaking of which, he'd have to attend
that annoying party his parents threw every year. The typical 'look, our son is more successful than
your son' gala.

“Nope. Try again!” Jimin giggles, and from the corner of his eye he can see Eunbi clutching her
pencil hard enough to snap it; a little scary, considering she was cute five seconds ago.

“I dunno...food? Maybe that guitar I was looking at over the summer?” he guesses, angling his
phone so that it catches his good side. Not that Jimin would care, but still, he liked to look dashing at
all times.

“No, dummy. I'll give you a hint. It starts with a me and ends with a dumbass.”

“Meat dumbass?” He squeaks out hopefully, because Jimin cannot be here for his birthday. Jimin
can't surprise him, because then Jimin will find out who he is, and if Jimin finds out he's been hiding
his real identity for five months, four of which they've been dating, he's going to get his dick
chopped off and handed to him in ornate wrapping paper.

“Kook, you attend a SKY school. There's no way you're that dumb.” Jimin scolds, and the sound of
wheels rolling on pavement echos in the background. “Anyways where do you live? I wanna drop
my stuff off.”

“Uh...uh..wait, can you find your way to the library?” Jungkook has a minor meltdown. He lives in a
mansion ten minutes away, and his chauffeur is probably waiting to pick him up right about now. He
lives in what is perhaps the most expensive house in Seoul, overlooking the city from the mountain
where his father has unabashedly flattened a large portion of the poor earth so that he can look down
on others even before he goes to bed. He lives in a place Jimin will 100%, no bullshit, without a
doubt or a dickhole feel uncomfortable in, because his room is the size of their smallest bathroom. He
needed a backup, and fast.

“Why? Wanna see me that bad?” The omega smirks and shakes his phone, going still for a moment
as he stopped to look around. “Ah, I can see it from here. Meet me halfway?”

“Yeah hyung, sure thing. Bye?” He swallows nervously but manages to hide it with a smile, and
Jimin must buy it because he waves and smiles before the call cuts out.

“Oppa, I still don't get it...” Eunbi is tugging on his sleeve now, but Jungkook doesn't have time for
ditsy fangirls. No, he needs to save his own ass before it gets flayed.

“Try paying for a tutor or asking someone else? I must be bad at explaining.” He scratches the back
of his head sheepishly and gives his best friendly smile because fuck if he wasn't gonna use this
opportunity to stop tutoring her forever. “Sorry, I gotta catch my hyung. See you in class!” He waves
before darting out the door and while he's certain he made Eunbi swoon more than he made her
upset, keeping up his good image in case—god forbid—he became single again after today was
important too.

Jimin is just walking up to the steps when he makes it outside, with a little carry-on bag and a
backpack. He's dressed in one of Jungkook's shirts and a pair of black skinny jeans, and the alpha
growls softly because he knows at least half the campus probably ogled his ass on the way over. His
thoughts are interrupted by a tight hug, arms automatically wrapping around the omega's smaller
frame as he looks down.

“You didn't have to come, you know. I would've taken the train up to see you.” He mumbles, half
hoping they can just go back to Busan together today and save him immense misery.

“But it's gonna be your birthday! And mother nature is gifting you with the greatest present any
alpha could wish for.” Jimin wriggles his eyebrows suggestively, but Jungkook blanches. Jimin is set
to have his heat this week? Jungkook will most definitely be busy—he has two papers due, and that
stupid family gala, and then he has to travel to Singapore to help his father with a deal—fucked. He's
absolutely fucked.

“Hyung, we don't even have sex. Hell, we haven't even kissed yet, and every time you're in heat I
just cuddle with you and make you feel better.” The alpha tries teasing, although it's half-hearted;
he'd rather Jimin had his heat at a more convenient time, like never.
“I think i'm ready now...I trust you, Kookie.” Jimin smiles softly and stares at his toes, and it's the
sweetest, cutest thing ever, but Jungkook nearly groans because now he has to reject his boyfriend in
his time of need and miss out on their very first sexy time.

“Actually, I'm kinda busy this week hyung. Family stuff, you know?” He tries, shrugging his
shoulders. “But we can celebrate next week monday? I should be done by then.”

“Jungkook, my heat won't just wait until next week monday.” Jimin frowns, and it makes Jungkook
frown too. He doesn't like seeing his hyung sad or upset.

“It's something I can't get out of. You know I wouldn't ditch if it wasn't important hyung.”

“Am I not important then?...Do you...do you not think of starting a family with me?” Jimin asks
softly, distressed, and now Jungkook knows he's fucked up bad because the omega's shoulders
slump and his lip is quivering. He can't be the one who walks out on Jimin, even if it's only in his
mind, but still, if his omega finds out he'll be even more burdened.

“Hyung, we've been with each other for nearly half a year. I haven't had sex for nearly half a year.
You're pretty fucking important to me, and honestly i'm not opposed to little Jikook babies
rampaging around Busan stirring up shit. Hell, that would be great.” The young alpha pulls his
boyfriend closer, kisses his forehead then each of his eyelids before pecking his nose. “But there are
still things about me that you don't know. Things that most people don't know, actually.”

“Kookie, we promised no secrets.” Jimin looks like he's escaped the brink of tears, but that doesn't
stop him from sniffling. “You know I won't leave you no matter what.”

“You sure? It's a pretty big secret.”

“Try me.”

“Alright. Hyung, I'm Jiminsexual.” The alpha winces when he receives a clout to the ear.

“Try again, man-slut. What's so special that you can't help me through my heat?”
“Okay. I'm heir to the largest corporation in South Korea and i've got a business trip to Singapore
after my birthday gala on thursday, which is preceded by two very important business ethics essays.”

“And I'm the fucking prince of Busan, come to bear your children and clean the royal cock.
Jungkook, quit joking around and just tell me!” Jimin rolls his eyes and pulls away, crossing his arms
over his chest in a gesture that clearly says 'i'm upset with you until I get what I want.'

“That was the truth.”

“Fuck you. Is it because i'm a guy? Are you getting cold feet now that you realize you'll actually
have to touch me?”

“No hyung, it's the fucking truth. Look, google Jeon Group heir. See who pops up.”

Jimin rolls his eyes for the thousandth time before pulling out his phone and typing; seconds later he
curses and throws it against the library steps, shattering the little dreamworld they'd lived in the past
five months.
Year 1
Chapter Summary

Jungkook finally gets to the fun part of being in a relationship

Chapter Notes

WARNING: This is like 50% smut, read at your own risk

“I'm dating a fucking billionaire.”

Jimin's been staring into his coffee cup for the past fifteen minutes, while Jungkook just casually
munches away at a tray of pastries. His chauffeur is waiting outside, this time prepared to take two
back to the Jeon Manor.

“Yeah babe, you caught a good one. We get it.”

“No, no you don't—you're so sweet. Why are you so sweet? I thought all rich kids were-”

“Assholes? Yeah, most are. Or they're like Taehyung and they get shoved into the underground
because they're a disgrace. Still an asshole, though.” Jungkook pops a piece of banana nut muffin in
his mouth, smirking. “But you caught the good one. Fuck Jimin, karma is on your side.”

“But...your parents were okay with you fucking marrying me Jungkook! They didn't even care,

“My old man is misogynistic and elitist. He was probably fucking proud that it looked like I bedded
you. It implies i'd fucking break anyone else in half with my dick, yeah? It's an alpha power thing.”

“Then why not just mate an alpha?”

“Because that's shameful. We still have to be respectable in the eyes of society. Even the Jeons aren't
above that hyung.” He slides a piece of cake towards his boyfriend, smiling. “Actually, you're
probably perfect for me in his eyes. An omega raised as an alpha won't take shit from those damn
snakes all the other shareholders are married to. You'd put them in their place so fast they'd get

“But an omega like me has...has issues Jungkook. Trust issues, commitment issues, attitude

“And your boyfriend is a whiny little bitch, so he's happy to have someone he can complain with.
Look, i'm not gonna be some cheesy unrealistic asshole and say you're perfect.”

“Ouch.” Jimin recoils, but it doesn't seem too serious so Jungkook keeps going.

“However, I did not fall for, turn gay and arguably singularly sexual for, and or choose to date a
flawless omega. Fuck perfect, I've got Park Jimin and all his fucked up baggage.” The young alpha
announces proudly, puffing up his chest like what he just said was the most logical thing in the
world. Jimin stares at him with his mouth open for a few silent moments, and it seems like he's going
deck him, but the older man bursts out into gut-wrenching laughter, doubling over in his seat and
nearly landing face-first in the cake his boyfriend had put out for him.

“Oh my—Jeon Jungkook, you're the worst fucking boyfriend ever. I can't believe you just—Fuck
perfect?” Jimin is laughing so hard it's causing a scene, and the younger offers his best awkward
smile before hissing 'Hyung!' under his breath.

“Did you fucking hear yourself? Like, does your brain ever process what your mouth says, or is
there just a giant bottle of viagra in between your eyes?”

“Viagra would imply I was getting some.” Jungkook quips, sipping on his glass of sparkling water.
He was probably the only person in the world who came to a cafe and ordered sparkling water
instead of coffee.

“Well you can still have me, dumbass. My terms remain the same.”

“But Jimin, there's the gala and-”

“Why don't you just take me with you?”

“I'm not letting those other assholes look at you. You're mine.” Jungkook's eyes flash silver and he
snarls, gripping the table so hard it cracks under the pressure. When Jimin clears his throat with an
unimpressed look he calms down, stuffing his hand back into his pocket. “In the most fair, equal
meaning of the word of course.”

“Stop pretending you're a gentleman.”

“But I need to appear angelic in front of my boy.” Jungkook is happy Jimin is taking this all so well.
Then again, Jungkook drops bombs on his boyfriend every five seconds, so he supposes Jimin has
prepared himself for the worst.

“Master Jeon, your father insists that you return home soon.” The boys jump apart when a man in a
suit appears, standing at a respectful distance with his hands behind his back. Jimin looks weirded
out but Jungkook just sighs and stands up, ruffling his hyung's hair.

“Let's go. Dad is probably gonna try to get you to sign marriage papers the second you walk in, so
do me a favor and break your hands.” the young alpha jokes, opening the door for his boyfriend
before sliding in after him.

“Fine by me. It's either that or an anchor baby, either way your ass isn't leaving me behind.” Jimin
flushes slightly when Jungkook leans over him to buckle him in, taking extra care to adjust his

“Hyung, since we're doing...this. Can we—can I have you before your heat? So you remember it?”
Jungkook can feel his heart pounding in his ears now, because he hasn't gotten off in nearly half a
year—no, no that's not why. It's because he's never slept with Jimin before, and the prospect of
finally acting on the fantasies he's been having since he met the other man is giving him a mental
hard-on. It might be giving him a physical hard on too.

Jimin regards him for a few minutes, lips pursed into a thin line as he tugs at his seatbelt. He still
seems hesitant, but his fidgeting dies down a bit as he whispers. “...You won't leave me after?”

“Jimin, i'm not like her, or any of them. Fuck, if you don't trust me then trust that my knot will keep
me physically attached to you for at least an hour.” Jungkook pleads, flapping his hands around
uselessly. “I love you man, why would I-”

Jungkook shuts his mouth.

Jimin stares, wide-eyed.

The driver coughs heavily, like he's choking on his own breath.

That was the lamest confession ever. Jungkook is the worst boyfriend ever.

Jimin doesn't laugh this time.


“Well son, have you decided on Jimin as your mate? The Han family is still asking, but I absolutely
despise that snake of a man.”

Jungkook is sharing a glass of whiskey with his father. They're in his study, as they have been ever
since he got home, because Jungkook was too much of a coward to own up to what he said at in the
car. Jimin looked like he wanted to cry happy tears, but Jungkook bolted the second the door was

He didn't really do feelings well.

“Jimin is...Jimin is good, dad. Great, even.”

“But?” His father presses, a disappointed frown distorting his otherwise handsome features.

“I told him I love him today.”

His father scoffs and rolls his eyes before taking another sip from his glass, clearly amused. “You
love someone you barely know?”

“I...I do. But I can't help but wonder...what if he doesn't feel the same? I don't want to force him into
anything just because he has no other options.” The young alpha slumps, sniffling. He's not crying,
not yet anyways; he's just feeling a little under the weather.

“He had options. Still has them. He chose you for who you are, not your status, son.” The older
alpha tilts his glass around, watching the dark liquid swirl. “It's okay to let yourself be happy you
know. What happened with Taehyung wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's.”

Jungkook flinches at the mention of the incident, tightening his grip on his cup.

“You should go to him. Omegas need their alpha's presence to stay calm.”

“Jimin doesn't need me like that dad.”

“No, Jimin says he doesn't need you like that. A good alpha knows that he should smother his
omega, son.” his father chides, taking another sip. “He'll feel more secure and loved that way.”

“You're a traditional asshole.”

“And you need to realize that traditions exist for a reason.”

Jungkook stares his father down before leaving his drink and storming off towards his bedroom.
Jimin Is already there, changed into his pajamas and curled up on the bed looking all sad and angelic
and fuckable. The alpha gulps.

“Hey, baby-”

“I love you too, you know. It's not fair that you ran away before I could say it.” Jimin keeps his back
facing the alpha, but the tension in the sheets gives away that he's clutching them. “I love you too.”
“Jimin, it's not a competition.” Jungkook chuckles and eases himself onto the bed, wrapping his arms
around the omega's narrow waist. “Save your energy for the dank sex.”

“Jungkook, people use dank to describe memes.”

“Fuck, if our sex is a meme doesn't that mean it happens often? I want our sex to be a meme.” The
alpha buries his nose into his boyfriend's neck, inhaling the suppressed scent of fresh cinnamon.
Jimin laughs so hard he snorts, slapping at the arms around his waist.

“I can't believe I was worried when you left. You'll never get anyone else to date you.”

“Hey, I got Jung Juri in fifth grade. We held hands and shit.”

“Now there's a meme. We held hands and shit.”

“Can I love you man be a meme too? Because I love you, man.” Jungkook kisses the edge of Jimin's
jaw, tightening his grip when he inhales a fresh wave of pheromones. He whines softly in the back
of his throat, pressing his hips forward.

“Kookie, easy. Your parents-”

“Won't hear a thing. Soundproof walls are a meme in this house.”

“Do you even know what a fucking meme is?”

“Nah, but can you rub your ass back a little? I think my erection is getting an erection.” Jungkook
ruts his hips forward carefully, nose pressed so close to Jimin's neck it'd be impossible for him to
miss the scent of a stressed omega.

“How about you make me hard first, and then I consider giving you what you want?” Jimin pulls
away, scowling. His cheeks are flushed but he doesn't seem as affected; Jungkook takes It as a
challenge. The omega is shoved flat on his back and Jungkook disappears beneath the
covers,humming the Jaws theme song as he inches between Jimin's thighs.
“Kookie, what the fuck are you—Oh my god!” Jimin practically jumps when he feels a tongue
pressed against his perineum, trailing downwards until it circles the rim of his entrance. The omega
undoubtedly has two questions; one, how the fuck did Jungkook get his underwear off without him
noticing and two, where did he learn to use his tongue like that. The alpha will answer neither no
matter how many times he's asked; no, he'll just keep eating Jimin out until he's drowning in slick,
and the omega will just have to learn to like it.

“Fuck, is this what it feels like? God, this is almost as good as head-” The young alpha takes
personal offense to the statement and probes his tongue in deeper, tightening his grip when Jimin's
hips jump up. He's probably just found the edge of the omega's prostate (Jungkook prides himself on
how well he can use his tongue) so he keeps probing in the same spot, slurping and sucking lewdly
because he was pretty sure that's what Jimin's into. That and being eaten out, of course.

“J-jungkook, hold on, I can't-” Jimin lets out a breathy keen, gripping the sheets for dear life as he
pushes his hips back, knuckles turning white. Jungkook is just innocently taking his time, trying to
ignore how tight his boyfriend is around his tongue, or how Jimin clenches every time the tip reaches
as far as it can and just barely flicks against a sensitive spot. No, he definitely wasn't so hard his pants
were seconds away from being torn. No way.

Slick starts spilling out in sloppy waves, coating his mouth and dripping down his chin, but
Jungkook couldn't care less; his instincts kick start and he sucks hard, digs his tongue as deep as he
can and traces every inch of the moist walls that he can reach, the scent of arousal making his eyes
glow silver. He could do this all day, if it meant he could keep tasting Jimin like this. He thinks he
hears Jimin screaming somewhere along the line—he tries to arch up but Jungkook has a firm grip on
his thighs—and suddenly the slick is pooling in his mouth, forcing him to back off and lick his lips.

“Shit hyung, you're so wet. I bet I could take you raw and you wouldn't even notice.” Jungkook
pokes at the pink ring of muscle, moaning when clear slick oozes out of it like syrup. He laps up the
excess with a slow, languid swipe of his tongue before pushing his finger in further, sliding all the
way to the second knuckle before Jimin clenches down and his finger is practically stuck.

Jimin was completely soaked, but still so tight that he had to force his tongue and finger in.

Jungkook felt his dick twitch at the prospect of knotting such a tiny hole.

“Hey, ease up baby. You're too tight.” The alpha pops his head from under the covers, trailing wet
kisses up Jimin's stomach before nuzzling his neck. He's probably smeared slick everywhere but the
older boy doesn't complain, hissing when a pair of teeth graze the swell of his chest.
“I-it feels weird...” Jimin mumbles, eyes clenched shut in discomfort despite how clearly aroused he
is. At first Jungkook finds it cute, but then something clicks in his head and he curls his finger,
enjoying the way the omega arches off of the bed.

“Is this your first time with an alpha?” Suddenly the room is thick with pheromones, and Jungkook
can feel his knot beginning to swell, fangs aching to bite into Jimin's neck and pin him down, mark
him so that everyone knows Jeon Jungkook was his first and his last. “Come on hyung, answer me. I
need to know.” The alpha forces in a second finger, scissoring slowly because if Jimin answers the
way he thinks he will, his dick his going straight in regardless of how unprepared the omega is.

“Kook, t-tone it down. I'm close to my heat, remember?” Jimin pulls him down to nuzzle against his
neck, inhaling before gasping softly. Something breaks in the distance, probably a new maid getting
a whiff of full-blown Jungkook for the first time, and it jostles the young alpha out of his impatient

“I'll tone it down if you answer me.” He adds a third finger carefully, not missing the way Jimin
winces before shoving his hips back; fuck, his knot would probably be stuck in there for two hours.
“Come on hyung, I wanna hear you say it.”

“Say what? You know I haven't fucked any guys. Not as a bottom, anyways.” The comment
processes slowly in Jungkook's brain, the image of Jimin pounding into some poor beta until he
walks sideways flashing before he remembers the things Taehyung told him about.

“Oh, fuck. Hyung, i'm gonna put it in.”


Jungkook pulls his fingers out and replaces them with the head of his cock, hissing as he starts
pushing against the tight ring of muscle. As suspected, Jimin isn't nearly as down for sex now that he
can feel what's going into him; the elder whimpers and scrambles, wide-eyed.

“Kookie, it's too big, I-I can't!” Despite his protests the omega's little pink hole is throbbing and
gushing slick, sucking the alpha's cock in greedily, stretched until the pale pink turns red and seems
in danger of tearing. Jungkook licks his lips at the sight, pushing forward more and enjoying how
Jimin thrashes and tenses underneath him, muscles coiling in resistance everywhere but where it
mattered. He's so wet and tight, the alpha can't help but drool as he sheaths his cock further, pressing
until his hips meet the backs of Jimin's thighs.
“Oh, fuck. Hyung, you f-feel so good. Wanna cum inside.” Jungkook whimpers as his eyes fall shut
and he's beginning to suspect that he has a thing for being a submissive top, because all he can think
of is begging Jimin to take his knot. “C-can I? Can I knot you?”

Jimin doesn't answer at first, chest heaving as he claws at his boyfriend's shoulders, digging into his
skin as he tries to adjust and ground himself. It probably hurts, Jungkook muses, but Jimin is too
macho to complain about pain. He'd sooner ride Jungkook raw than admit the penetration left him
breathless. “Kookie, d-don't move. F-fuck, I can feel you up to my stomach.” The elder moans out,
throwing his head back on the pillows to bare his neck.

Jungkook considers arguing that his dick isn't that big but then he remembers Jimin is a tiny person
and thanks to their anatomy, position of choice and where he's chosen to shove his dick it's entirely
possible that he's nudging some unfortunately located organs right now. “Good?” He asks instead,
completely breathless because the omega is clenching experimentally, driving him insane with every
twitch of his walls.

“Fuck, how do girls take you in? I can't-” Jimin gasps and rolls his hips, clenching his eyes shut. A
staccato of moans falls from his lips and his eyes are beginning to water, and the alpha hovering over
him drinks it all in like a man dying of thirst. “Jungkook-”

“Girls can't take all of it. You're the only one who's had me up to the hilt, hyung.” The alpha
whispers against the shell of his ear huskily, nibbling softly before moving his lips down to kiss
around the side of his neck. “You look so pretty stretched around my dick.” He traces a thumb
around the puffy rim, pulling his hips back just so he could plunge back in.

“Don't fucking play with my ass!” Jimin hisses, but he's completely disregarded because Jungkook is
having far too much fun watching the way he gets sucked in when he presses forward and clung to
when he pulls out.

“God, you're so tight. Can I start now hyung?”

“Jeon Jungkook.” Jimin warns, wrapping his thighs around the alpha's waist to lock him in place.

Jungkook thinks that their sex life should probably reflect their relationship. So naturally, he
continues being the terrible boyfriend he's known to be, and starts pounding into Jimin's ass like he's
trying to fuck him dry, because slick is getting everywhere and splattering between their hips with
each thrust. And naturally, while extremely bitter and cursing with every high-pitched moan, Park
Jimin seems to be enjoying it in his little pseudo-alpha way.

It's not the battle for dominance that Jungkook was expecting; instead it's Jimin biting his lip, doing
his best not to go limp, trying his hardest to make Jungkook think he isn't about to cum his brains out
from the drag and stretch of his alpha's dick. His hyung is so cute, resisting the pleasure, and
Jungkook can't help but coo and trail kisses along his collarbone. Except he's still fucking his brains
out, so his mouth slips and now there's a nasty looking scrape from where his fangs dug in. Whoops.

“Ow! Fuck, are you trying to-” he's cut off by a low moan, muscles tensing. “to eat me?”

“Sorry, just being myself. Won't happen again.” The alpha manages through a clenched jaw, his hips
stuttering when he feels the omega clamp down. He needed to knot Jimin. Like, right now, or his
dick might actually explode. He's barely hanging on to what little decency he pretends to have
sometimes when Jimin lets out the most beautiful falsetto and cums hard, arching off of the bed so
hard he bounces when he finally comes down.

It's a sight Jungkook commits to memory, a work of art that puts Van Gogh and Michaelangelo to
shame and then some; Jimin's lightly tanned skin is covered in a thin film of sweat, muscles accented
by the sheen the liquid produces when he tenses, and fuck is his boyfriend jacked. He's like
something out of a fairytale, body all hard-edges and so unquestionably masculine Jungkook is
almost one hundred percent certain that the two percent body fat Jimin might have resides almost
entirely in his cheeks.

And the ways his eyes clench, not in a normal smile but in pure pleasure, the most fucked-out,
amazing eye-smile Park Jimin has ever graced his presence with. His face is lust-incarnate, so
blissfully ignorant of what it's doing to the young alpha, scrunching up and unfurling like the claws
raking down Jungkook's back, leaving marks so deep they might scar. Part of him hopes they do,
and part of them accept that Jimin has already left a big, ugly scar on his heart. Not that he minds—
scars are badass.

Park Jimin is badass.

Jungkook couldn't possibly be more pleased with his choice of a boyfriend.

“K-kookie, too much!” And now he's fucking him into over-sensitivity, grinding his hips slowly as
he feels his knot begin to swell. This is it—the moment he's been waiting for, and Tchaikovsky's
1812 overture finale is booming in his head as he starts slamming his hips forward with renewed
vigor, and once Jimin figures out what's happening he scrambles and claws and whimpers and
—fuck, this is exactly like what Taehyung said.

“Hyung, gonna cum.” He huffs out, slamming his hips forward with shallow thrusts that send Jimin
scooting up the bed and into the mountain of pillows near the headboard. He can hear cannons going
off in his head as his cock is practically suffocated, everything getting tighter and tighter with each
frantic shift of his groin, thighs slowly turning to mush. “Fuck, hyung, i'm gonna fill you up.” The
omega whimpers and claws harder, shaking his head, streaks of tears running down his cheeks, and
Jungkook completely looses it.

He flips Jimin on his stomach and pins him down, one hand pressing against his hip hard enough to
leave bruises while the other slides between the omega's shoulder blades, keeping a steady weight to
hold him in place while he pounds away. He loves the way Jimin's muscles coil underneath his
fingers, back arching to take him in deeper before the omega changes his mind again and pushes
forward frantically, the knot nearly catching on his rim.

“S'not gonna-” Jimin's protests die in his throat as the alpha shifts his grip, his right hand sliding up
from the omega's tensed back to find his hand, linking their fingers and squeezing while he presses
his body down, chest flush against Jimin's narrow back. He hesitates for maybe a second before
arching so that he can sink his teeth into the nape of Jimin's neck, and the omega practically becomes
jelly. The pressure of his jaw is light, not enough to break skin but enough to hold the omega still as
he fucks into him, and he honestly can't help the low growl that comes from his throat as he smashes
his knot in, eyes glowing silver when his hips still, stuck in place thanks to Jimin's insistent clenching
around the suddenly larger intrusion.

It's frustrating because he knows he can go deeper, knows that he's almost pressed right up against
Jimin's spot, but the little wolf is shaking his head and whimpering, entire body tensed as it adjusts to
the size of his alpha's knot. Jungkook releases his hold on the older's neck, placing soothing kisses
there instead as he stills his hips. “Come on hyung, i'm almost there. Relax.”

Jimin just whimpers in response, trying and failing miserably to loosen up

“It'll feel so much better if you let me in a little more baby.” The younger whispers, grinding down.
“Trust me.”

“I-it won't f-fit!” The omega insists, tears smearing into the mattress, and Jungkook thinks he's never
seen someone look so beautiful when they cry. Cliche as fuck, but what can he say? He's smitten. So
smitten that he gives up his fantasy position for something more intimate, flipping Jimin on his back
again and pressing flush against the omega's thighs, hands stroking at his sides.
“Hyung, I know you can take it. You'll open up for me, won't you? Take my knot and all my cum?”
He mutters in such an endearingly sweet way, speaking against the elder's plush lips before he closes
the distance with a chaste, loving kiss. Jimin relaxes for just a second, and it's enough.

Enough to send the omega over the edge again, sobbing and cursing as he arches into the knot and
makes it press against his sweet spot that much harder, bones turning to jelly. Enough to make
Jungkook wince before his first climax hits him, hips canting frantically as the first portion of his load
flies out, painting Jimin's insides white before pooling against his knot. It's enough to make his breath
hitch before leaning down to devour his boyfriend's lips, soft pants and gasps his only supply of
oxygen until he feels lightheaded and has to pull back.

Jimin owns his first kiss (with a boy) and his first knot, and Jungkook can't say he has any regrets
about the situation.

Of course, this is after they've made out and before he cums so much even his knot can't hold it in;
then he regrets not doing this somewhere else, because the bed sheets are covered in so much slick
and cum even the senior maid won't be able to get it out, and they're left with no choice but to move
to his significantly less comfortable futon.
Year 3
Chapter Summary

Apparently Alphas can be domesticated too

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jeon Jungkook is on cloud nine. Fuck that, he's on cloud ten. When he wakes up sore, his back
stinging and his hips complete jello, all he can think about is how hard he fucked his boyfriend. Jimin
normally didn't beg, and he certainly didn't moan and whimper like a bitch in heat, but last night
—last night he fucked his brains out. Plus, he got a confession out of him.

Life was good.

Jimin is nestled peacefully on top of him, snoring softly with his cheek mushed against a hard
pectoral muscle, arms slung loosely around his alpha's neck for comfort. This is how they fell asleep
yesterday, after Jungkook cleaned them off; with the omega comfortably scented by his alpha before
drifting off into sleep. Jimin was a little heavy, but the young alpha was more than strong enough to
make up for it so he didn't mind.

It's hard to upset him when he witnesses Jimin's snores morph into cute little huffs, the older boy
stretching out and cracking his joints before going limp again. Jungkook traces patterns against his
bare back, chuckling softly. “Jimin hyung.”

“Mhhm?” The elder pops one eye open, grumbling softly.

“We should probably get up.” Jungkook runs his fingers through the elder's hair, pleased with the
way he presses into the touch. “I think we missed breakfast.”

“You can cook me some later.” The omega mutters in response, scooting so that he can nuzzle
against Jungkook's neck. “I'm too sore to move.”

“Are you too sore for wake up kisses?”

“Stop being so gay first thing in the morning.”

“Hyung, it's two in the afternoon.”

“First thing in the afternoon, whatever. I didn't agree to date a sap.” Jimin sits up slowly, rubbing his
eyes. He's covered in hickies—courtesy of Jungkook's intense aftercare and cuddling—and the
scrape on his collarbone is just beginning to scab over, the flesh there dark and bruised.

“We love each other. I'm entitled to be a sap. Fuck, i'm entitled to be grade A maple syrup.”
Jungkook kisses the crown of his boyfriend's head, humming in satisfaction. “ Plus, I got laid.”

“No, I got laid. You got your dick wet.” Jimin argues, sitting up completely so that he's straddling the
younger's hips. “My ass feels like it was nuked.”

“Well then call me America, because I wanna nuke your ass till you surrender.”

“So only two times?”

“Hyung, we're korean. We wouldn't give up after two times.”

“The second I get pregnant i'm waving a white flag.” Jimin huffs out, leaning down again to kiss his
boyfriend. “Fuck patriotism, gotta save my own sculpted ass.”

“Can't let some pup ruin how tight you are.” Jungkook agrees, sliding his hands down to squeeze his
boyfriend's hips. “Although I wouldn't mind pups.”

“Me neither.” Jimin agrees, flushing slightly. The omega is clearly pleased at the prospect, hands
clenching into fists before he reluctantly pulls away and stands up. Jungkook feels his chest swell in
sickening pride when the omega stumbles, cursing.

“Help me shower you alpha scumbag.” the omega jokes, ignoring how Jungkook flinches because
he really doesn't want to think about Taehyung while he's with his boyfriend. “I think there's still
some cum in me.”
“Keep it in then.”


“Did you really fuck another guy?” Jungkook pushes himself up, leaning back on his elbows. He
tries to act casual, running his fingers through messy hair before scratching at his bare chest. Nope,
he wasn't anticipating the answer at all.

Jimin regards him for a moment, tilting his head before his tongue darts across his lips, the corners of
his mouth twitching. He does that thing with his hair, the one that makes Jungkook and anyone with
a uterus swoon, and his eyes are suddenly glowing gold and fuck, Park Jimin is hot. “I may be small
but i've got a big appetite Kookie.” The omega turns and saunters off to the bathroom, and Jungkook
feels like he needs to bathe in holy water because all he can think of is his little omega pounding
some poor twink's ass, dominating a beta, or an alpha even, just because he knows he can.

Fuck, dating Jimin wasn't good for his heart.

“Kookie, you coming?” The elder calls from the bathroom, and Jungkook scrambles to his feet.

“Y-yeah, i'll be right there hyung!”


Revealing the truth to Jimin is like a breath of fresh air. Their relationship can only improve, or at
least that's what it feels like, and Jungkook flies through his last two years in college dreaming about
tight asses and eye smiles. Of course, he still manages to get the highest marks and, consequently,
gives their graduation speech. And reveals to his classmates that he was the heir to the Jeon
corporation all along. And maybe admits to stealing a certain freshman roommates underwear and
using it as a flag for his paintball team.

Yugyeom socks him in the stomach, but still invites him to their graduation party.

Jungkook decides to pregame it with Taehyung, and by ten pm they're both belligerent;Jimin is the
one who makes sure they get to the party safely, with a grumbling Yoongi in tow, and when they
walk in someone screams Jungkook's name so the alpha screams it too, throwing his hands up and
jumping around excitedly with the rest of his peers. The deep bass is shaking the walls and everyone
is going wild, mostly Jungkook though, because he's pretty sure he's been grinding his ass on girls
and twerking with Taehyung for about an hour now. Jimin draws the line when the two alphas start
grinding on each other, shoving them apart and snarling before dragging his boyfriend to an empty
couch and sitting next to him.

“Hyung, why'd you ruin our fun?” all the young alpha can do is pout, watching as his friend engages
in a fierce chest pumping battle with one of the girls on the dance team.

“You were getting too wild.” Jimin seems upset, maybe a little too upset considering what he just
said, but Jungkook doesn't notice.

“It was just with Tae! Come on, you know I wouldn't do anything bad hyung.” Jungkook pulls out
the puppy eyes and whines, and like every other time, Jimin reluctantly agrees. Ten minutes later
Jungkook is shirtless on the kitchen counter with a lime in his mouth, Yugyeom screaming 'Body
Shots!' before setting four shots of tequila on the dip of the young alpha's abs. Jungkook doesn't
really think about Jimin, but he can feel evil energy coming from the left corner of the room.

“Who wants to go first?” Yugyeom slurs from his spot beside his friend, haphazardly pouring salt
around his nipples. Jungkook inwardly thinks that his nipples are sensitive, so this probably won't
end well, but who cares because body shots. Jeon Jungkook loves body shots.

“I'll do all of them.” A lean male steps forward, running his hands through his hair and making
Jungkook cringe because ew, that's not a girl.

“You sure Bambam? He might actually punch you.” Jungkook narrows his eyes and spits out the
lime, growling to indicate that yes, he would most certainly punch him. “Jungkookie hates guys. You
should see the shit he did to the upperclassmen who used to throw their arms around him.” He made
a slicing motion with his hand, chuckling. But this guy, Boomboom, doesn't seem to want to take no
for an answer.

“It's our last party together. I'm sure he'll-”

“I'm taking them.” a voice called out gruffly, and next thing he knows the crowd is screaming and
there's a heavy weight on his hips. Jungkook strains his neck to look up, gaping stupidly like a fish
because Park fucking Jimin is straddling him with the most pissed off yet somehow sinful expression
in what must certainly be existence.
“You sure little guy? I can take two out.” Yugyeom frowns, cowering slightly when Jimin growls
and flexes.

“I can handle my liquor, pup. Get this bitch another lime.” Jungkook tries not to squirm when
another green wedge is shoved past his lips, Yugyeom mouthing 'sorry' before taking a step back.
Jimin milks the attention of the crowd for all it's worth, egging them on before the screams and
shouts of his name are overpowering the music (how he even got it across that his name was Park
Jimin is a mystery to Jungkook, but he suspects foul play on the part of one Kim Taehyung, satan

Jimin is in his element, and Jungkook finds himself falling in love again as the omega throws back
the shots of tequila like they're water before forgoing the salt completely and surging forward to
catch his lips in a bruising kiss. Jungkook clenches his eyes shut and taps the counter aggressively,
the universal 'he's eating my face, i'm tapping out, please save me' signal but it's pointless because
Jimin pulls back on his own, the mangled lime hanging daintily from his teeth.

The crowd goes wild again, and Jungkook takes solace in knowing that he'll be the main video of at
least fifty snap stories tomorrow.

Once Jimin finally gets off to celebrate his newfound party-king status Jungkook coughs and dusts
the salt off of his nipples, hissing at the sting. Yugyeom is at his side, carefully removing the shot
glasses before slapping his friend on the back. “That guy was...fuck, I think i'm going gay man.”

“He stole my pulls. The omega girls are all swooning over him.” Jungkook pouts like he's not talking
about his own boyfriend, shoulders slumped. “Who am I gonna grind on now?”

“Maybe the guy? He did just suck your face off, he'd probably be down to dance.”

“Not fun. I'd just end up getting blue-balled by him again.” Jungkook reaches for his shirt, slipping it
back on before fixing his mussed hair.

“Again? You have some kind of history with that dude?” The beta looks at his friend in mock horror,
covering his mouth. “Kook, are you...are you g-”

“Fucking say it and i'll kill you.” The alpha deadpans, reaching for the barely full bottle of tequila to
take a swig. “But yes, that's my boyfriend. Only guy i've ever fucked, and I don't know why it
happened either. I'm definitely not gay though.”

“So...so you're Jiminsexual?”

“I'd like to argue hetero with a hint of Jimincurious, but i've already smashed, so.” The alpha shrugs
and takes another swig, eyeing his boyfriend on the make-shift dance floor. He's caught in a grind
train with some girls, but no one is kissing or leaving marks so Jungkook decides to let it go.

“Isn't it weird? I mean, he's so...masculine. Like, dude could kick my ass.”

“I buy him special protein powder.” Jungkook jokes, setting his bottle down. “But no, it's not weird.
It feels like he's always been there, actually.”

“You sure you're not gay?”

“Yeah, i'm certain. Park Jimin is a fucking anomaly in my life, but I'm not mad. He's a great guy.”

“Unlike you.”

“Hey, i'm still growing. I've got time to change my behavior.” The young alpha pouts, sliding off the
counter. His ass cheeks feel like pancakes but he's otherwise unscathed so he starts towards the living
room, calling over his shoulder. “Sorry if we fuck on your bed!”

“You wouldn't dare!” Yugyeom screeches after him, but Jungkook is already long out of earshot.
The dance floor is packed, mostly a mix of betas and omegas because Yugyeom is careful about who
he invites to his parties; alphas normally cause trouble or get too touchy. Jungkook feels privileged,
knowing he's trusted enough to be in attendance. Still, most of the guys are pretty upset with how
Jimin is stealing all of the girls. He's not missing the dirty looks and snide remarks being thrown in
the omega's direction.

“Fucker just mouth-raped Jeon and now he's getting the girls too? Faggot should just go get a good
dicking down the street at the diversity center.”

“You think he sucks cock at parties? He's got dick-sucking lips.”

“Nah man, he's probably just a fuck boy. Doing gay shit means nothing for fuck boys, as long as
they get their dicks wet.”

“Doesn't that make you fuckboys too?” Jungkook cocks an eyebrow and pushes in to the
conversation, crossing his arms over his chest. The three men splutter before one of them huffs,
rolling his eyes.

“Look, we came here for the girls, and he's taking all of them. You can't say you're not mad either,
you were all over them before!”

“Yeah, I'm a little bitter too. But I bet I could get him to back off and suck my dick. Ten bucks.” He
throws the deal out there shamelessly, watching how Jimin digs his fingers into some random girl's
hips before grinding his crotch forward. The tequila was probably beginning to kick in.

“No way, guy's about to pull like, three chicks at least. Your game is good, but it isn't that good
Jeon.” One of the men, a small beta, pipes up. Jungkook smirks and holds out his hand, wiggling his

“Let's shake on it then. If I win, you guys suck face in front of the girls and pay me. No homo, of

“Fine. But if you can't, we get VIP passes for every club on your tab bro.”

“Call.” Jungkook smirks before shaking hands with the smaller man, eyes twinkling. He'd make this
party so wild half these people would never be able to look each other in the eye again. “Well then,
i'm off.”

One of the betas makes a snide remark but he ignores it, eyes zoning in on his boyfriend. Jimin
looked absolutely sinful the way he rolled his hips, hands tangled in his own hair despite clear
attempts at getting them elsewhere by the girls surrounding him. Jungkook capitalizes on this brief
break in contact to tug on his belt loops, dragging the omega out until their chests bump. Jimin looks
like he wants to punch him but his expression changes the second he realizes who grabbed him.
“Kookie, baby, what's up?”

“Your dick, apparently.” He chides jokingly, pressing their hips together to check. Yeah, that felt like
a semi.
“That was from you.” the omega huffs, nuzzling his neck. “You looked so good under me.”

“Shh, no sexual advances when you're drunk.” Jungkook pulls back, clicking his tongue against his
teeth. “Hyung, I need you to do me a favor.”

“What?” Jimin frowns, still swaying lightly to the music.

“I told those guys I could get you to suck my dick, but I wanna suck yours. Bathroom?” he mumbles
softly, chuckling when he feels the omega's hips stutter. Jimin doesn't answer, just grabs his wrist and
drags him down the hallway, shoving past a wobbly girl to get into the nearest secluded room. The
door is slammed and locked, and Jimin is fumbling to get his belt undone while Jungkook sinks to
his knees.

“Nervous?” the alpha asks, smirking when his boyfriend sends him a withering glare.

“Not the first time i've gotten my dick sucked.”

“Well it's the first time i'm sucking dick, so be gentle hyung.” he warns, tugging the other boy's pants
down. When they leave the bathroom ten minutes later, Jimin grinning like he's won the lottery and
Jungkook rubbing at his sore jaw, the three betas from before have disappeared.

Jungkook learns that Jimin's thighs aren't so amazing when they're fucking the life out of his throat,
but the way he grunts and pulls his hair makes up for it.

Chapter End Notes

IDK what i'm writing anymore, help

Chapter 9
Chapter Summary

Jungkook realizes that maybe he's not doing so great at adulting anymore

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

His first week of grad school has Jungkook reeling, because his fucking life is crumbling around him
and it's not his fault, thank you very much. Everything was perfect the week prior; he'd gone to the
Bahamas with Jimin for the summer, and managed to prepare himself for the fall internship at the
New York branch of his father's company. He had his shit so together he was almost certain he'd
suffer from chronic constipation, and yet here he was, crying like a little bitch during a skype call.

His boyfriend wanted to take a break.

His boyfriend thought they should see other people.

His boyfriend wasn't crying like the situation hurt him.

“Jimin, you know I can't do that. I can't just take a break from you.” he pleads, sniffling. This whole
thing came out of nowhere; they were happy, last time he checked.

“Jungkook, we don't fit together. My parents tossed me out and yours own half the country and then
some. It won't work out.” The omega sounds tired, but resolute, like he's been thinking about it for a
long time; thinking of leaving Jungkook for a long time.

“Hyung, we can make it work. Please, just give me one more chance. Let me show you-”

“Kookie, stop it.” his tone is stern, wrinkles beginning to form on his head. Since when had Jimin
looked so tired?

“I can't just stop loving you.” the alpha argues, gripping the edges of his laptop. “I can't-” he chokes,
up, the lump in his throat rendering him silent.
“This will be good for you. For us.” Jimin insists, and it's his turn to plead desperately. Suddenly
Jimin is on the verge of tears, clearly frustrated, and part of Jungkook is deliriously happy that he's
finally showing some form of emotion. But he's also snapped—something just cracks and breaks out,
and he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“Good? This will only be good for me hyung, and only because you think so.” he mutters bitterly,
eyes wet with tears. “You always do this.”

“Jeon Jungkook.” the elder warns, but it's too late now; they need to talk, before everything is ruined.

“Just shut up for a moment and listen!” Jungkook hisses through a clenched jaw, eyes flashing silver.
“You can leave me if you want Jimin. I'd never hold you back or impose myself on you, you know
that. I respect everything you want and think, you're my hyung for fuck's sake. My boyfriend.” He
bites back the my mate that threatens to fall from his tongue.

“But you haven't given me a single good reason for this. I deserve something more than some
bullshit about status, about how you think this will be good for us. I know you hyung—I know
there's something more going on.” his voice dies down towards the end, and Jungkook tries his best
to convey his worry through his eyes.

“I just want you to be happy, Kook.” Jimin's voice cracks, and Jungkook wants to hold him close
and kiss him until all his worries are gone.

“You think I don't want the same for you?” the alpha says softly, rubbing his eyes. “I love you.
You're the only one i've ever loved.”

“But I don't—I'm not normal. I...I want to be dominant. You'll look weak dating someone like me.”

Jungkook sighs, clenching his eyes shut. “Hyung, that's never bothered me. You know that.”

“It bothers me Jungkook! I hear what they say behind your back when you treat me like you do.
They don't respect you-”

“And that's my problem hyung!” the younger seethes, punching the wall near his bed. “I—I give you
your space! You think I don't notice when you cry alone, or when you pull away? You think I don't
see when you look at girls like a fond memory, or, or how you flinch when I touch you? I fucking
get it, okay?” Jungkook huffs, taking a shaky breath. “I get it. Neither of us expected or wanted this,
but this, this is what we have. I thought—I thought that you were all I had, you know. The only
definite thing in my life.”

He feels small, and insignificant. He doesn't want to feel this way, but because Jimin is the reason,
he's oddly okay with it. He doesn't mind being vulnerable to his boyfriend. He begins to suspect
Jimin doesn't feel the same.

“I don't want you to go through what I went through. I want you to—to feel comfortable in your
own skin, Jungook. You're an alpha, and alphas don't-”

“Hyung, i'm not a child.” Jungkook sighs and wipes his face. “I think we need to talk in person.”

“No—Jungkook, you don't-”

“I'm coming home tomorrow. Don't try and hide, because I will find you. We're going to talk through
this hyung.” He ends the call before Jimin can protest, the last few sobs of the night wracking his
body before he crawls to his shower. He understands why Jimin is doing it, but he doesn't want that
to be the reason why they part. Seconds later he's booking the next flight to korea, his father's driver
taking him to the airport an hour later.

When he arrives back in Korea, his first stop is Jimin's apartment.

Unsurprisingly, Jimin is waiting for him.

Jungkook doesn't really know what to say when the tears fall from his eyes, but he settles for a shaky
“Hyung.” before enveloping him in a bone-crushing hug.

Jimin spills everything before their bodies even hit the couch.

“M-my heat came late, so I thought-” the omega takes a deep breath, staring into his lap. “I thought I
was pregnant.”
“Hyung, that's not a bad thing. We've talked about having pups before.” Jungkook cups his
boyfriend's face with his hands, placing a chaste kiss on his nose. “You know I want all of that with
you, when you're ready.” He doesn't know how or when but Jimin has turned him into a giant sweet
sap, and it's starting to ruin his rich asshole image.

“Yeah, but I thought—I started thinking, what if you get...get tired of me, and you're stuck with me
because we have a kid? I was scared.” Jimin admits, sniffling. That's fair, Jungkook supposes. He
was young, rich, successful, not really the type to settle down before his parents forced him to. These
types of concerns were fair, but the also showed Jimin still didn't trust him completely. That hurt a
little more than he thought it would.

“The only thing i'm getting tired of is waiting for your heats to have sex. Four times a year is harsh.”
he jokes, letting a small smile play on his lips. “But I won't get tired of you hyung. We've been
together a long time, you know? Look, how about—how about you come with me to one of the
company parties? Be the eye candy on my arm?” he slides his hands down to the elder's neck,
rubbing circles against his skin. “Or maybe...maybe my-”

“Maybe your what?”

“Fuck, I dunno, my boyfriend? Or like, my post-boyfriend, pre-fiance?” he squeaks, licking his lips

“Come again?” Jimin's got this coy, devilish little smirk on his lips when he asks, and Jungkook
wants to punch him.

“My...my boy-ancé?”

Jungkook turns red up to his ears when his hyung starts cackling, falling off the couch so that he can
roll around the floor while he laughs. A very large part of him is pleased to see that Jimin isn't upset
anymore, but he steels his expression because an equally large part is currently in a fuck this guy
mood because Jimin isn't taking his confession seriously.

“I was fucking serious! Quit laughing!”

“I-” Jimin gasps for breath, rubbing tears from the corners of his eyes. “I know, and that's what
makes it so great! Boy-ancé? Really Jungkook?” Jimin pushes himself up on his elbows, still
breathless from laughing. “Fuck, how do I keep forgetting—you're such a shitty boyfriend.”
“You know what, forget it. I'll just bring Eunbi or Naeun, I don't need to deal with this shit.”
Jungkook stands up and he's about to storm off when a muscular arm shoots out and drags him onto
the floor, catching him in a choke hold. He never should've paid for those damn jiujitsu lessons on
Jimin's birthday.

“No, you're gonna bring your boy-ancé, Park Jimin, not some pretty little bimbo.”

“Hyung, you are a pretty little—ow!”

“Thanks, Kookie.”

“For what?” the alpha slaps at the arm around his throat, wincing.

“For coming to talk, and for...for making me feel better. Thanks.”

When they finally part, it's reluctant; Jungkook whines and holds Jimin's arm up to his throat, which
lets loose a whole array of BDSM jokes, but by the end they're scenting each other and cuddling
until Jungkook finally slips on his shoes and turns the handle on the door. He does this backwards
and nearly trips, but it's all worth it when he sees Jimin giggle and wave goodbye, eyes forming cute
little crescents.

Two weeks later they're at their first 'official' outing, and Jimin is pacing back and forth in the hotel
room while Jungkook quietly types away on his computer. His hyung is freaking out, but he's got
this paper due tomorrow so—yeah, Jimin will be fine on his own.

“Fuck Kookie, what if they don't like me? These people are snakes, right?”

“Uh-huh, scum of the earth.”

“I mean, I've watched so many dramas—will they really scrutinize me? Is someone gonna throw
water in my face?”
“No, but you might see that happen to someone else.”

“And your parents! Fuck, I haven't talked to them in two months. Your mother is gonna kill me—is
she gonna kill me?”

“She'll probably just throw shade. Relax, if she didn't like you, you'd be gone.”

“Kookie, I really wish you'd be more concerned about this!” Jimin huffs and shuts his laptop, staring
his boyfriend down. “This is the first impression i'm leaving on the leaders of South Korea. I'd like it
to be good.”

“Just be yourself hyung.” Jungkook sighs, tucking away his laptop. “You'll do fine.”

“How? I can't—I've never been to anything like this!” the omega is near hyperventilating now,
fingers tugging on the hair that he must've restyled a thousand times in the past twenty minutes. It's
cute, how flustered he is over all of this, but if Jimin passes the fuck out before they even get there
it'll look bad.

With a low huff he stands up, waving the other male over. “Come on hyung, bring it in.”

Jimin (reluctantly) walks over, letting the alpha wrap a thick arm around his neck and force their
foreheads together in the fashion of a sports pep talk. “You know I love you, right?”

“Yeah, I know Kook-ah.”

“And you know my parents like you enough to let you marry me?”

The omega hums softly in agreement, shutting his eyes.

“That's just with you being yourself, right? You're lovable, you've got a great smile and a great ass—
babe, they'll be shell-shocked.”

“Because some beggar-omega is imposing on their ball?”

“No, because you'll be with me. Because you're so amazing you've gained the love of Jeon
Jungkook, Korea's most attractive, wealthy, ambitious-”

“Okay, enough with the self-praise. I get it Jungkook.” Jimin sighs and rolls his eyes, pulling back.
“But for the record, your ass is just as nice as mine. Your smile too.”

“I'm not lovable?” the alpha pouts, jumping slightly when his hyung slaps his ass and whistles.

“What kind of hyung would I be if I wasn't better than you? Come on Kookie, we've got a party to
go to!”

Jungkook has mild regrets after they get dressed because Jimin looks absolutely stunning, and he can
already feel the ugly possessive anger brewing in the pit of his stomach. Someone's gaze would
linger for too long and he'd snap, he just knew it. Granted, the same could be said for Jimin, so they'd
probably spend the night guarding each other from thirsty omegas and betas.

“Jungkook-ah, are you ready?”

His favorite purchase of the week had to be Jimin's diamond lapel. It was discreet enough to not be
gaudy, but it was still clearly expensive, and the little initials JJK engraved along the platinum plating
would let anyone who looked know exactly who Jimin belonged to; of course Jimin hadn't noticed
the letters, because if he did he'd probably use it to gut the alpha like a pig. “Yeah hyung, let's go in.”

The ballroom is grand, wealthy people are everywhere and champagne is flowing like water but
Jungkook finds himself standing with his parents, glowering because Park Jimin is suddenly the
center of the show, talking and laughing and winning the hearts of every rich asshole that bothered
coming to the gala. His mother looks absolutely delighted that her potential son-in-law is such a hit
while his father is chuckling behind his glass, and fuck him because Jungkook was not pouting.

He's just pissed that Jimin is doing so well after being so nervous, that's all. He kind of wished he
needed Jungkook's help more or something, because no one was interested in talking to the Jeon
group heir when it would be so much easier to sidle up to his boyfriend. Except it's not, because
Jungkook has been fawning over him for almost three years now and he still only gets sex when
Jimin absolutely needs it, despite how irresistible he is. Okay, maybe he's pissed about a lot of things
that have nothing to do with this ball.
“Jungkook, have you met the Han family? President Han used to do archery!” Jungkook is pulled
from his deep sad thoughts by his boyfriend's stunning smile, the infamous Han family slithering
behind him. They're probably thinking of every way possible to break the new couple up.

“Not personally, but my father does business with him. It's nice to finally meet you.” He gives his
best fake smile and my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours handshake, pulling Jimin against his side as soon
he can. “I hope he wasn't talking your ear off. Hyung gets excited when he meets new people.”
Jungkook smiles at the flush on his boyfriend's cheeks, chuckling.

“Pretty as he is, you must keep him locked away and quite busy.” President Han jokes, although
coming from the old man the alpha can only find it creepy. He still smiles politely, but it doesn't
reach his eyes.

“He's more handsome than anything. And Jimin keeps himself busy enough with his dancing and

“You allow him to dance? Without a mark, aren't you worried other alphas will take interest?”
President Han makes a scandalized face, although Jungkook supposes that's how he'll try to break
them apart. Some hot guy that entices Jimin and ruins it all.

“With all due respect President Han, he doesn't allow me to do anything. I'm his boyfriend, not his
pet.” The omega tactfully replies, never losing his smile. “And alphas don't decided whether or not I
leave him, so he's safe in assuming I don't need a mark.”

“Yet.” Jungkook adds in, barely able to hide the amusement in his eyes.

“Yet.” Jimin agrees, turning and giving him an award-winning smile.

The Hans politely excuse themselves once they realize there's no favor to be gained, and Jungkook
turns around so that he can laugh into his hand.

“Fuck these old guys. Half of them tried to feel me up.” Jimin scowls, taking his well-earned spot
next to Jungkook's mother.

“Get used to it darling. Han will probably try and tempt you with every fine specimen of an alpha
this side of Seoul, just so he can marry his daughter off to Jungkook.” The older women takes a sip
of her champagne, giggling. “But Jungkook is too much of a brat to ever let anyone take you away
from him.”

“I prefer the term 'in-love' mother.” Jungkook huffs, fixing his bow tie.

“Please Kookie, it'd be your bratty personality before it was your love for me. You hate losing.”
Jimin chides, discreetly high-fiving the woman next to him.The other three laugh while Jungkook
pouts, throwing back his flute of champagne in the most dignified way he can manage. The ball ends
without any problems, and every ball after that; by the end of his fall semester, Jeon Jungkook is, in
the eyes of the public, set to be engaged to a bubbly, bright-eyed man who can hold his own against
Korea's top businessmen.

Chapter End Notes

Starting this chapter you will see what an amazing shitty boyfriend Jungkook can be (at
the expense of his dignity).

Thanks for reading!

Year 4
Chapter Summary

Jimin starts marking himself, but Jungkook doesn't really mind.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

In his fourth year of dating Park Jimin, things start to change. Maybe it's because they're both adults
now, or maybe it's because Jimin just trusts him more, but the omega starts to change. He begins to
pursue more things, press more boundaries, be more outgoing and charismatic. He's living an alpha's
life—no, he's living life the way he wants to, that must be it. That's what Jungkook tells himself
when Jimin comes home, a fresh tattoo on his ribs. He stares at the alpha expectantly, biting his lip,
and Jungkook tries his best to look like he isn't shocked by it.

“It's, uh...it looks really Chinese.” he tries, cringing at his own failure of a compliment.

“You don't like it.” Jimin's expression falls, and Jungkook backpedals to correct his mistake.

“No, babe, I love it! It says youth is fleeting, right?”

“Yeah...I thought it was fitting. I've been through a lot, but I don't wanna waste what are supposed to
be the most beautiful moments in my life.” the omega mumbles shyly, scratching the back of his

Jungkook rubs the sleep from his eyes, leaning over to get a better look; he'd just woken up from a
nap (courtesy of Jimin's excitement) and his shitty boyfriend™ powers were on full blast. “Your
whole life is beautiful to me Jimin.” Good job Jeon, keep it up- “Like your ass. When you made the
decision to dance and got that ass? That was a beautiful moment.” Fuck.

“Go back to sleep you asshole. Forget it, I'll laser it off.” Jimin starts to storm off but Jungkook's
arms shoot out and drag him back into the bed because there was no way in hell he'd let a shirtless
Jimin get away. When the omega squirms in protest he just tightens his grip, pressing their chests
together and smiling.
“Chim chim, if you like it I like it.” he starts off, pressing light kisses to his boyfriend's pouting lips.
Jimin isn't buying into the cute act, and if it's even possible he frowns more.

“Don't fucking chim chim me. I was being serious and you went off about my ass again!”

“I just woke up. You know I can't process meta shit right after I wake up hyung.”

“You have a fucking MBA from Harvard Jungkook!”

“Which I got after a full night's sleep and a balanced breakfast.” The alpha presses closer to his
boyfriend, sighing happily. “Anyways, I like the tattoo. Nine out of ten would bang.” He cackles
when Jimin slaps his arm, glaring. “Okay, ten out of ten.”


“Eleven out of ten? Hyung, you're making me break the law of probability here.” Jimin gives him
strong side-eye but they eventually settle down, the elder nearly falling asleep in his boyfriend's arms.
Jungkook would have let him too, if this wasn't the perfect opportunity to bring up something that's
been bothering him since they started dating. He pinches Jimin's side softly, careful to avoid the
newly inked skin.

“Hey, Jimin?”

“Hmm?” The omega lets out a sleepy hum before nuzzling further into his neck.

“Why do you hate sex?” He bites back the with me that threatens to spill out, letting his hands rub
soothing circles against his omega's skin.

“Where's this coming from?” Jimin pulls back, nose twitching cutely as he tries to inhale more of his
alpha's scent.

“I dunno, it's just...other than the first time, we don't do anything unless you're in heat. Sometimes we
don't even do it then.” Jungkook flinches when he feels two small hands cup his face, stubbornly
avoiding his hyung's gaze. He knows Jimin will just give him puppy eyes and the conversation will
be over, just like all the other times.

“Kookie, it's not that I hate it.” Jimin starts, sighing softly.

“Then was it me? Was I bad?” he squeaks out, confidence from before completely gone. For each
second his boyfriend hesitates to answer he feels his stomach sink lower, until Jimin finally shakes
his head.

“No Kook, it's just—why do we have sex in the first place?”

“Oh my god. Have you been watching those philosophy shows again?” Jungkook wasn't ready for
another discussion about meta shit. It was still too earlier for that.

“It's because we have an urge.” Jimin continues, ignoring the offhand comment. “We want to be
close to our mates in every way possible. Between mated wolves sex is no different from a hug, or a
kiss on the cheek. Normally alphas want more than that, but—just hugs and kisses are enough. We
don't need more, other than when we're in heat.” he misses Jimin's defeated look.

“Well, I guess-”

“And after the first time it made me realize something. That I—even though I gave you so much shit
about treating omegas right, and taking things at my own pace, I...I still looked down on them. I
couldn't get over that while you were coddling me.”

“So you avoided it all together? Jimin hyung, we could've just talked this out.”

“No Kookie. I needed to stop being myself...I needed to see what it was like to be a regular omega,
without you protecting me.” The elder slides his hands down, playing with the small hairs at the nape
of his boyfriend's neck. “Life's tough, you know? It was...I wanted to give up so many times. I still

A low whine escapes the back of Jungkook's throat, brows furrowing. “Hyung, just let me mark you.
All this anxiety will go away-”
“Will you let me mark you back?” The omega's gaze doesn't falter when Jungkook pulls away
completely, eyes going wide. He didn't expect anything like this, and he's almost embarrassed to
admit it.

Omegas never marked their mates. They had no claim to stake, because they were expected to be
submissive—no matter how relaxed and open minded he considered himself, Jungkook was still
uncomfortable with the idea of being marked by Jimin. Uncomfortable, but not completely opposed
—not after all the ways the omega had opened his eyes to the world and it's abundance of stupid
injustices and fine asses.

“I...I would let you mark me first if it made you comfortable hyung. I can't say i'd like it, and I can't
say it wouldn't be strange, but stuff like that isn't important.”

“Where would you want it?” Jimin is suddenly excited, scooting closer and propping his head up on
his elbow.

“You first.” Jungkook seizes the opportunity to lean forward and steal a kiss. “Not your neck right?
That's boring.”

“My inner thigh maybe?” The omega bites his lip, shrugging. “It would feel good and no one would
see it but you.”

“I'm okay with that.” Jungkook growls softly, reaching over to play with his hyung's hair. “I'd want
mine on my ass, so every time you wanted to kiss it you'd have to kiss my ass.”

“Were you raised by a fucking B-grade comedian?”

“Nah, a twelve-year-old.”

“Jeon Jungkook.” Jimin shoots him a withering glare and the alpha smirks, kissing the tip of his nose.

“I'd want mine on my neck, where everyone can see it.”

“You just said that's boring.” his boyfriend pouts, shoving at his shoulder.
“Yeah, for you. I want everyone to cream their pants when they see you walk in all tattoos and
muscles and come over to kiss my neck.”

“They'd think I was your dom or some shit.” Jimin giggles until he snorts, falling back onto the bed.
“Oh my god, you could call me daddy-”

“So are we all green to have spontaneous sex now?” The alpha cuts in, leaning over Jimin and
crowding his space.

“Did you seriously just ruin our moment for that?” Jimin scowls, flicking his boyfriend on the nose.

“Hyung, if you torment me with your ass and your chest any longer i'll ruin a lot more than a few
moments. You've learned about what it means to be an omega, right? So let me fuck my boyfriend,”
He leans in to kiss the omegas forehead. “-and then have sex with him,” Jimin gasps when a pair of
lips press against his scent gland. “-and then make love to him until the only thing he can do is
whimper out my name.” His eyes flash silver as he licks at a latte-colored nipple, thoroughly
enjoying the way his omega's breath hitches.

“C-can't...tattoo, Kookie.” The alpha chuckles darkly before sliding his mouth down, placing gentle
kisses against the angry, red flesh, leaving a little press against each character. Jimin hisses and
whimpers at the sensitivity, hands sliding down to tug at the younger's hair.

“Later then, hyung?” Jungkook pulls back, smirking.

“Y-yeah, later.”

The alpha backs off, but not before licking his lips. Something told him later would be a long time,
but knowing why made it feel a little less long.

After his first tattoo, Jimin gets more. One day the right side of his ribs say 'never mind', and then
sometime in the fall when Jungkook forces his way into the shower because he's running late to
work he notices a set of roman numerals following the lower part of his v-line, just shy of the soft
flesh above his groin.
“It's the day we met.” Jimin says softly, barely audible above the water. “I thought it meant more
than our anniversary.”

“I like this one the most.” Jungkook smiles, running his fingers over the raised skin. “Where'd you
get it done? I want one too.”

“Tattoos don't suit you, Kookie.” Jimin pouts, touching the spot where it'd be.

“Something tells me this one will be perfect.”

Jungkook is starting to think that the years only started counting that hot day during the summer,
when he was dragged out to a homey diner in a sweater and slacks.

Chapter End Notes

I am too lazy to post links but the referenced tattoos are from the MAMA 2014
performance and he'll probably pick up like Miyavi's tattoos or smth later because why
Year 5
Chapter Summary

In their fifth year together, Jungkook begins to feel a little whipped.

“Mister Jeon, the fourth quarter sales are double from last year, there's no need for a cut in staff-”

“It could have been tripled if the higher-ups weren't embezzling like their lives depended on it. I'm
doing an internal survey, and then we're replacing the rusty parts. You're all dismissed.” He ends the
meeting with a snap of his fingers, handing the leather portfolio to his secretary. The senior staff
grumble as they leave, but they don't dare make eye-contact with the young tyrant, Jeon Jungkook.

In the year that he's been running the sales department of the main branch Jungkook has single-
handedly disposed more crooked executives than anyone in company history, and he's known as the
ice prince. Ruthless, cruel, the asshole who laughs as he ruins lives—all titles he expected to receive,
but he cringes a little when he hears them from his boyfriend's mouth at dinner.

“So, who's life did you fuck up today? Some guy who's got a wife and three kids?” Jimin's draped
over the dining chair like a cat, only wearing his briefs because it's hot outside and he was too lazy to
adjust the thermostat, which he's always too lazy to do but that's okay because Jungkook can
appreciate coming home to a Jimin who's wearing nothing more than the ink on his skin and a thin
pair of briefs.

“Pretty sure I'm about to knock out two, maybe three section chiefs. If they really cared for their
families they wouldn't jeopardize them like that.” he answers around a mouthful of steak, eyes
wandering along the curve of the newest tattoo, which happened to wrap right around Jimin's nipple.
His boyfriend was half ink now, tattoos all over his arms and shoulders, curling around his chest and
completely covering his back. His ears were pierced to high-hell as well, four on one side and six on
the other; Jimin's self transformation involved so many new marks on his body, but his neck was
spotless. Jungkook liked to think that's because he was saving that skin for when they finally mated.

“Kookie, just because they're bad people doesn't mean their families deserve to be punished.” Jimin
sighs and stabs at a few salad greens before stuffing them into his mouth. “Kids don't deserve to
suffer. Imagine if they were ours!” Jimin seems especially stressed on this point, but it's probably just
because his heat was three weeks ago; residual hormones were especially bad in male omegas.

“If they were ours then they'd have two amazing fathers who'd never do something risky like that.”
Jungkook shrugs, reaching over for his glass of wine. This was year five with Jimin, and still nothing
—no marks, no wedding rings, no shower sex and cuddles. At least Jimin lived with him now—
made him dinner, when the dance competitions weren't too close and he could make it home in time.
“Besides, I set up other jobs for them. Just not ones as nice as before.”

“You wouldn't bat an eyelash at just ruining his entire family if I wasn't here to scold you.” Jimin
sighs, running his hands through his dark hair. It was back to black for once—out of all the colors he
dyed it, Jungkook definitely preferred his natural black.

“And that, Park Jimin, is why you're my better half. You handle the feelings, I handle the asshole.”
Jungkook takes a sip from his glass, savoring the taste; he was getting old, he had to be getting old if
he was starting to enjoy wine. “Am I invited to your next showcase?” He tilts his glass, watches the
red liquid swirl around a bit with mild interest.

“Actually, I was invited to LA to lead a workshop. We're still smoothing out the details, but I'm
leaving next week.” Jimin straightens up in his seat, cutting his chicken breast. “I was hoping you
would come, maybe bring Tae and Yoongi too?”

“How long?” Jungkook sets his glass down, picking his utensils back up.

“Just a week. You can take that long off, can't you?” Even if he couldn't Jungkook would respond
yes so quickly he'd probably get whiplash. Park Jimin had him whipped.

“Yeah, of course.” The alpha scratches at the spot on his hips he had tattooed last year, shrugging.
“Anything fun happen today?”

“The most exciting thing was coming home to my monster of a boyfriend.” Jimin sighs, pushing his
plate forward. He hasn't finished all of his food, and he won't, because he's on one of his stupid diets
again. Jungkook finishes every last bite, because he knows Jimin worked hard to cook it.

“For every corrupt official I remove a dozen people are saved from getting cut. I'd like to think I'm a
monster working in favor of the people. Kinda like the Hulk?” The alpha gathers his dishes and puts
them in the sink. “Minus all of the collateral damage of course.”

“Well you've definitely got the muscles.” Jimin smiles, clearing his plate as well before joining his
boyfriend at the sink. “The dick is debatable.”
LA turns out to be a big step for both of them, but they don't realize it yet. Jungkook doesn't suspect
shit, because as far as he knows he's just going on a trip to watch his boyfriend dance. Taehyung and
Yoongi also don't think anything of it, because they're too absorbed in each other and taking couple
pictures everywhere to acknowledge that anyone else exists. But there's one factor Jungkook didn't
see, one person Jimin didn't mention until it was too late—Park Chanyeol.

From the second they land and the tall man hugs Jimin just a little too tightly, Jungkook realizes this
trip may be more taxing than initially anticipated.

“Hey man, glad you could make it! You can stay at my place-”

“We have a house.” Jungkook cuts in, glaring at the literal ray of sunshine touching his boyfriend.
“And a car, and a jet. The only thing Jimin needs from you is the studio.”

“What my sugar daddy of a boyfriend is trying to say is we're all good hyung. Still, you promised me
dinner at that one barbecue place in k-town.” Jungkook starts to open his mouth but before he can
get a word in Jimin says “Alone.”, effectively shutting out the alpha. Well, that was fucking rude.

“Don't look so glum Kookie, you get to eat dinner with me and Yoongi!” Taehyung throws an arm
around his shoulder and Jungkook groans, because he honestly doesn't want to third wheel Korea's
most disgusting gay couple.

“Ah, we haven't met before Jungkook-ssi. I'm Park Chanyeol, and I went to high school with
Jiminnie for a bit before my family moved here.” The tall man offers his hand and Jungkook
reluctantly shakes it, doing his best not to scowl.

“Thanks for taking care of him back then—and now too. Don't let him stop eating because of his
diet.” Jungkook ignores the dirty look Jimin throws him, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek
instead. “Go have fun with your friend. I'll take these saps to some fancy restaurant so they can ogle
each other while I pout alone.”

“Promise you won't pick up any LA girls at the club?”

“Who said I was going to the club?” Jungkook frowns, leaning back.

“Tae is definitely going. Don't you know your own best friend?”
“Why would I—god dammit, I am not being mom again!”

“Don't worry Kookie, they have Uber here. Just don't get too wild, yeah?”

“Only if you do the same.” The alpha flinches when Jimin raises a fist, arms blocking his body. “I
love you.”

“Love you too, brat.” After a brief kiss Jungkook takes their shared luggage and they part for the
day, Taehyung and Yoongi cooing in the background at how sweet they are with each other. Dinner
with his friend turns out to be better than he thought, because honestly Yoongi could never even
hope to get between them; they've been friends since they were pups, and somehow the beta ends up
third wheeling them as they take pictures at famous places and feed each other, squabbling before
jostling each other around and nearly getting kicked out of every store they walk into.

“Tae, you gonna maybe spend some time with me?” Yoongi grumbles once they finally sit down,
Taehyung still glued to his best friend's side chatting about the funny bodybuilders they passed at
Santa Monica. Yoongi has a scar on his neck—Taehyung's from three years ago, after they decided
to mate. He's a little jealous that his best friend mated first, considering their relationships started
within weeks of each other.

“You'll get all my time tonight so quit whining, or I'll sleep with Jungkookie too!” Taehyung sticks
his tongue out before clinging onto his friend more tightly, drawing the attention of a few other
people in the restaurant. It was an expensive place, but it was also Jungkook's treat, so he just
ordered everything he figured the couple would like before withdrawing to check his cellphone
every five seconds.

“Jungkookie probably doesn't want some big sweaty alpha clinging to him.”

“Taehyung's been clinging to me for years, hyung. Doesn't bother me.” Jungkook checks his phone
again, frowning because Jimin still hasn't responded to his message. He's about to send another one
when a hand larger than his own snatches the device away, Taehyung clicking his tongue against the
back of his teeth and shaking his head.

“You're hovering too much Jungkookie. Let Jimin have some fun with his friend, and you have
some with yours.” Taehyung probably already knows how upset he is; Kim Taehyung would be
able to tell if he was upset in seconds, honestly. They were close, closer than Taehyung and Yoongi,
closer than Jungkook and Jimin even. As close as real brothers, he liked to think.
“I didn't get to scent him at the airport. What if someone flirts with him?” Jungkook whines,
slamming his forehead against the table. Taehyung and Yoongi share a look before smiling broadly.

“Upset you haven't tied Jimin down yet?” Yoongi teases from his seat, taking a bite of the far too
expensive veal on his plate.

“I think the negative five sex sessions he gets every month are starting to put him on edge. You think
Jiminnie is getting it somewhere else?” Taehyung chuckles, slapping his best friend's back. “As if.
You're a proto-alpha Kookie, no one is gonna top you.”

“Jimin wouldn't do that to me.” Jungkook states simply, with finality. When you're with someone for
so long, you just know. He knew if anything happened here in LA, it wouldn't be Jimin's fault. That
Chanyeol guy on the other hand—he didn't doubt for a second that Chanyeol would force his hand
in some way. Jungkook didn't really like other alphas hanging around his mate, and Park Chanyeol
was no exception.

“Yeah, maybe Jimin is a decent human being, but are you gonna be a good boy at the club?”
Taehyung smirks, smoothing his hair down. “I know how wild you get when he isn't there to drag
you away.”

“I'll be good and sit in a booth, don't worry. I doubt anyone here is interested in me anyways.”
Jungkook shrugs, handing his black card to the waiter when he comes back around. “The alphas in
America are bigger.”

“Kook, you may not be the biggest here, but you're definitely bigger than average. Don't get all
complacent and make Jiminie cry.” Taehyung warns, standing up. “Yoongi will beat you up if you
make him cry.”

“Hyung, I've been clinging to him for five years. I don't know how to be attracted to anyone else.”
The trio leaves the restaurant in silence after that statement, Jungkook leading the way to their shared
villa. The luggage has already been delivered to their rooms, and the group parts to get ready for the
club. Jungkook considers just staying home but the thought of his friends, more specifically his best
friend getting trashed in a foreign country and waking up in a ditch makes him dress up in a black
button-down and fitted black slacks before meeting his hyungs in the living room.

Taehyung wolf-whistles and widens his eyes while Yoongi gives him an indifferent shrug, the duo
dressed up like they weren't only going to grind on each other for the rest of the night. “Damn, Jimin
is missing out.”

“I just don't wanna get kicked out for looking scruffy. Don't worry hyung.” Jungkook undoes his top
two buttons, sighing. “Although I wish I could dance with him. It's been awhile.”

“You mean under the watchful eye of the korean media you couldn't rub your dick on his ass in
public.” Taehyung tactlessly corrects, smirking. Yoongi swipes at his head but the alpha dodges,
pulling the door to the villa open. “Come on kids, we've got night clubs to hit up.”

“K-Town right? Maybe we can meet up with pup's lovebird there.” Yoongi supplies, checking one
more time for his wallet and phone before walking outside.

“I don't get it. Why fly all the way to LA just to go to a korean club?” Jungkook frowns, pulling the
door shut behind him and heading straight for the car that's been waiting outside for god knows how
long. “It won't even be the full experience.”

“Yeah, but there'll be hot people there—maybe, anyways. Who cares Jungkookie, we're gonna have
fun!” Taehyung starts rocking in the back of the car and the driver shoots him a dirty look, Yoongi
quickly apologizing before slapping his mate in the throat.

“Jimin said I can't dance with girls.”

“Jimin dances with girls all the time.” Taehyung replies, rubbing at the red mark on his throat.

“He's on a dance team with those girls. They probably don't wanna suck his dick.”

“After he got those tattoos and piercings i'm pretty sure everyone wants to suck his dick.” Jungkook
wants to scowl at this but the car suddenly stops, loud music seeping through the window from

“We're here Master Jeon. Should I wait for you?” The driver meets his eyes in the mirror and
Jungkook shrugs, fixing his cuffs.

“I'll call when I'm ready. Thanks for the ride.” He waits for the door to be opened for him, because
the bouncers and club owner should have been informed that the son of the Jeon family was on his
way and he'd be hung by his toes before he waited in line with American plebeians. There are more
curious glances than dirty looks when the trio walks into the club, a suited man scurrying out to meet
them and drag them to what must be the nicest VIP booth at the back of the club.

Yoongi is muttering about privileged rich assholes when they finally sit down, but the other alpha
gives all of negative eight fucks because there's a colorful array of whiskeys and champagnes spread
out on the table for them to try. Jungkook was honestly more concerned about the death water in
front of him, and avoiding Taehyung's stupid drinking games.

“Jungkookie, you ever heard of the three shot game?”

“The fuck is that?” the youngest recoils, meekly reaching for what he thinks is a glass of water so
that his hands aren't empty.

“Well we each take three shots and see who's the fastest. Loser takes another shot.” Taehyung
beams, already lining up the glasses. Jungkook is about to tell him to fuck off when a group of girls
walks over, and just as Yoongi is about to wave them off they all sit around Jungkook, making the
young alpha stiffen.

“Can I help you?” he tries to water down the venom in his tone, because honestly he's grateful that
there's a distraction from Taehyung's murder attempt on his liver. “This is a private booth.”

“My daddy owns this club.” what Jungkook assumes is the leader of the girls says, tucking her hair
behind her ear and smiling. The alpha really wants to gag at the way she says 'daddy' but he isn't
given the opportunity because she's in his space, coyly releasing pheromones and playing with her
hair. “I'm Tiffany.”

“I'm Jungkook, and I own your daddy.” the alpha smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes, his manners
barely holding up because he came on this vacation to be with Jimin and now he's got to fend off
horny little princesses while Taehyung and Yoongi suck face on the other side of the booth. “I think
you should leave, Tiffany.”

“Not without taking a shot with you.” The girl has the audacity to pout, and Jungkook most
definitely isn't above hitting women because he's all about gender equality but the warning look
Taehyung shoots him makes him bite his cheek instead.
“Look, i'm not interested. I've got a boyfriend, okay?” he tries, scooting away from the group of

“Don't lie to me, you don't smell like anyone else. You're just being shy, aren't you?” a slim hand
traces up his thigh and while old Jungkook probably would have just went 'fuck it' and dragged her
to the nearest bathroom stall new Jungkook is exclusively faithful to Jimin so he pushes the hand off,

“I'm being serious. Look, i'm flattered, really, but I don't want this and you don't wanna be here
when he finds out you touched me.” Yoongi and Taehyung are just watching in amusement no
matter how many SOS signals he sends them with his eyes, their stupid mating mark saving them
from all this trouble. If Jimin had just let him mark him they wouldn't be having these damn issues—
how could Jimin just leave his irresistible boyfriend laying around like this?!

“He's not wrong, you know.” A familiar voice cuts in, amber irises glowing as a thick cinnamon
musk suddenly floats around the booth. Jungkook has to do a double take because Jimin is deadly
handsome, skin-tight leather pants hugging him in all the right places and a simple black shirt
clinging to his chest and biceps, revealing a few of his arm tattoos. He's got on combat boots and his
ears are glinting with a variety of silver piercings, hair styled like he's some kind of victorian-era
prince and sweet mother of god his hair is blonde.

Jungkook just stares stupidly as the omega takes a seat on his lap, mouth opening and closing but no
sound coming out because what the fuck is he supposed to say to this? Who the fuck let Jimin make
himself look so hot? He'd have to sit that person down and give them a stern talking to later. Jimin
just drapes over him like some fucking seductive incubus-concubine sex-god and Jungkook just
casually has a heart-attack while he gets catty with the girls who approached his alpha.

“I'm having a hard time believing Jeon Jungkook would date someone who looks like they fell out of
a rehab center.” Tiffany scoffs, flipping her hair. The two hyenas behind her cackle, further
amplifying what must be her demonic queen powers because she looks smug as hell.

“Sorry to disappoint, but he likes daddy kinks, not daddy issues.” Jimin drawls, nosing along
Jungkook's throat. The alpha is completely enraptured, doing his best not to drool as Jimin fiddles
with the buttons on his shirt. “Having a nice ass would help too. Or in your case, an ass period,
Princess Pancake.”

Taehyung snorts and Yoongi covers his mouth, but Jungkook is still too busy worshiping his
boyfriend to be an intelligent addition to the conversation; Jimin fit against his hips so nicely.
“I can't believe this...Jungkook, are you seriously choosing him over me?” The girl looks at Jimin
like he's some sort of plague, clacking her nails against the table. Jungkook doesn't realize he's being
addressed until Jimin strokes his cheek, pulling him out of his daze. “It was never even a choice.
Now scuttle off before I buy your daddy's club and turn it into a chicken restaurant.” The alpha
waves at Tiffany dismissively before curling his arms around his omega's waist. If they didn't have
sex tonight, Jungkook was going to throw a riot. He'd burn down something—Jimin's hair product
maybe? Fuck, that meant he wouldn't be able to style his hair like this anymore-

“Earth to Kookie? Are you listening?” The omega waves his small ring-covered hand, frowning.

“Sorry, I just—when did you dye your hair? And are these new clothes?” Jungkook is still kind of
having a heart-attack, but it's cool.

“Chanyeol surprised me. He's wandering in here somewhere, so be sure to thank him after we

“After we what?”

Oh, he was so getting laid tonight.

“Drinks and dancing Kookie. We're gonna enjoy our time in LA. Play the three shot game with

Jungkook nods like an idiot, and somewhere across the table Taehyung screeches 'Traitor!'


He really shouldn't have let Jimin convince him to take those shots. He also shouldn't have agreed to
take Jimin's shots for him, too. But Jimin was so hot today—more hot than naked Jimin, or even
fresh from the shower Jimin. Fuck, he was so weak for his omega.

“Kookie, are you alright?” Jimin, fucking sexy ass Park Jimin, is pressed against his side, scenting
him. Yoongi and Taehyung are gone, probably out dancing, and Chanyeol is on the other side of
Jimin, nodding his head to the music. If he's being perfectly honest with himself right now, Jungkook
is seconds from reintroducing the alcohol he drank to the world. He finds it in his heart to be
perfectly honest with Jimin, too.
“I need to rest...you can go dance hyung, I don't mind.” He kisses his boyfriends forehead, then his
nose, then his lips and his neck. “I'll wait here.”

“And let you get preyed on by those damn vultures again?” Jimin pushes out his lips in a pout,
shaking his head. “Gotta make sure no one steals my alpha from me.”

“So mark me and then go dance.” Jungkook sighs, slurring his words.

“Jungkook, this is hardly romantic.” his boyfriend frowns, planting a light kiss on his lips. “I'm not
going to just bite you and leave you here.”

“Don't wanna ruin your fun.” the alpha whines, pulling away. “Don't wanna ruin anything for you,
Jiminnie hyung.”

“Well, you've already ruined my ass with your damn knot.” Jimin chuckles, running fingers through
the alpha's thick hair. “And it's only a matter of time before you ruin it even more with pups.”

“Wanna mark you and marry you first.” He's barely there now, head drooping onto his boyfriend's
shoulder as he huffs. “I love you so much, hyung.”

“I know Kookie.” Jimin sighs, and Jungkook clenches his eyes shut when he feels a wet, sloppy kiss
on his forehead. “I love you too.”
Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jungkook wakes up with the headache of the century.

He's in bed at what he assumes is the villa, except he doesn't, because his brain isn't even functional
enough to assume right now. Someone is pressed against his side snoring softly—Jimin, he can tell.
The room is rich with a musk of cinnamon and cedar. Both of them were off of their suppressants,
and it felt so good.

It felt good to press closer to his boyfriend, nuzzling along his neck and jaw to leave his scent. It felt
even better when Jimin sighed happily and snuggled closer, letting his pheromones flow freely.
Jungkook is nearly naked but his omega is still in his black shirt, pants tossed somewhere out on the
floor and accessories lined up neatly on the dresser. He thinks he liked the pants much more than he
likes the shirt.

“Hyung, breakfast.” the alpha eventually whines, pulling away when his stomach grumbles. Fuck,
he could probably eat half a horse with how hungry he was, and for some reason the ever-present
throb in his head, courtesy of one Park Jimin, is making it worse.

“Suck my dick and I'll think about it.” his hyung grumbles, tugging at the blanket since he's lost his
space-heater of a boyfriend. “Actually, just suck my dick. Semen has protein in it.”

“Hyung!” Jungkook snarls and picks up the nearest pillow, not even taking a second to think before
whacking him with it. “I wanna eat now!” He's whining and snarling like a petulant child but fuck it,
Jimin knows how immature he is. Jimin also knows that Jungkook hates missing out on breakfast,
and that he likes his hyung's cooking the best. He's clearly doing this to himself, by ignoring
Jungkook's request.

“Stop it, before I make you.” Jimin growls, somehow managing to sit up despite the constant
onslaught of what must be a memory foam pillow, because it kept molding to the shape of his back.
Jungkook doesn't stop; if anything he hits harder, whining a mix of 'hyung' and 'breakfast' while the
omega yawns and wipes the sleep from his eyes.

Within thirty seconds of waking Jimin up the alpha is on his back being smothered by a pillow.
“Hey Jiminnie, I was gonna grab some breakfast before—shit, is this a bad time?” Jungkook jolts up
(or rather, he tries to jolt up but Jimin is holding him down with the pillow on his face so he just kind
of twitches, flails, and unceremoniously pulls a muscle in his neck) when the scent of another alpha
invades their space, messing up his beautiful cinnamon and cedar by adding a dash of pine. That was
just tacky, pine didn't go with cinnamon, that was a fucking winter scent-

“Oh, hey Chanyeol. Don't worry, this is nothing special, just teaching Jungkookie here some
manners.” Jungkook is certain the other alpha blanches even though he can't see him; Jimin is scary
when he decides he wants to discipline someone. “I'm gonna cook breakfast soon, but you're more
than welcome to join us.” Jungkook growls and flails in protest until a solid slap to his stomach shuts
him up, the alpha across the room clearing his throat.

“Oh, okay...I'll just go wait in the kitchen then.” Chanyeol excuses himself and Jimin lifts the pillow
just long enough for Jungkook to fill his lungs with air again, smashing it back down when he tries to

When they shuffle out of the bedroom a few minutes later Jimin is in a tank top and some shorts
while Jungkook is naked bar the the bright read mark over his abs and his favorite pair of tight Iron
man boxer-briefs. They weren't his favorite because of the cartoon character printed across them; no,
they were his favorite because of the distorted pictures of his favorite superhero. More specifically,
because the pouch in the front could barely hold his dick, and that made the fabric stretch
unnaturally, but more importantly it emphasized his innate alpha-ness.

It's not like he felt threatened by Chanyeol, or like he was trying to scare him away with his monster
proto-alpha dick while simultaneously informing him that Jimin's ass had taken said dick and
therefore would not be satisfied by anything less; no, Jungkook just thought they were comfy.

“You want steak and eggs Kook?” Jimin looks over his shoulder, eyes wandering downward
automatically before he smirks and licks his lips.

“Whatever's easiest.” He shrugs and scratches at his abs, posturing himself to make Chanyeol feel as
inadequate as physically possible. He might be taller, but Jungkook would wreck him in every other

“So, Chanyeol, are you a dance professor or something?” Jungkook asks casually, leaning against
the entry to the kitchen.

“Music producer, actually. I manage the complex the dance studio is in, and I work with them a lot.”
Mister happy McSunshine beams at him when he answers, and the alpha is almost blinded.
“Huh, that sounds fun. So, you're close with Jimin?” his tone has the slightest edge to it, but
Chanyeol doesn't pick up on the hostility.

“Yeah, we were in the same group in high school. He used to have the cutest little tummy pudge-”

“You saw him shirtless?” Jungkook's eyes flash silver and his boyfriend hums softly in warning. “Of
course you did. PE, right?”

“No, he slept at my place a lot. We were family friends.”

“Ah. So you were like brothers?”

“Not really? Jimin was my first kiss in fifth grade.”

“Fifth grade?” Of course fucking Park Jimin had gone further than him by then.

“It was an accident Kookie. Chanyeol tripped and fell on top of me trying to grab a basketball.”
Jimin cuts in before a fight can break out, sliding a plate across the table to his friend. “Now come
eat. You're the one who asked for this damn breakfast.”

Jungkook is about to complain but the omega shoots him a 'sit your ass down' look so he complies,
making sure to scrape the chair against the floor obnoxiously loud before he takes a seat. Jimin is
there seconds later, setting down a generous amount of steak and eggs before dropping into his
boyfriend's lap. The alpha grunts in surprise but he's instantly pacified when Jimin offers him a small
piece of steak, smiling.

“Say 'ah' Kookie.”

“Ah.” He doesn't try to stop the dopey grin curling at the corners of his mouth as he chews, arms
wrapping around Jimin's waist to pull him closer. Normally he'd be against being fed like a baby but
if Jimin's the one doing it he thinks his stupid dignity can go fuck itself (so that he can fuck Jimin,
“You two are so cute.” Chanyeol sighs, leaning back in his chair; Jungkook lets out a low rumble in
his chest as he hooks his chin over Jimin's shoulder, waiting for the elder to finish feeding himself.
When he takes too long the alpha starts whining, nosing along his jaw for attention until his hyung
cracks and starts feeding him bits of steak again.

“Dear god, it's like watching a child feed King Kong.” Taehyung ruins the moment with his
unwanted arrival, decked out in an oversized shirt and heart boxers. Jungkook chooses to ignore him
for now, humming happily every time Jimin turns to feed him his breakfast.

“They're in their own world man. That's like, goals.” Chanyeol swoons.

“Dude, they've been together for centuries. Of course they're goals.” Taehyung pours himself a cup
of coffee, ignoring the way the overflow drips all over the counter. “Like, i'm pretty sure you're
gonna see these two assholes in the Guinness book of world records for 'most whipped alpha' or
some shit.”

“You've been with Yoongi just as long.” Jimin frowns, swallowing a bite of his eggs.

“Yeah, but we're not like you two. You could fucking dry hump your ex and Jungkook wouldn't bat
an eyelash because 'Jimin would never cheat on me.' Like, the amount you guys trust each other is
disgusting. I don't get how me and Yoongi mated first.”

“I was wondering about that too, to be honest. What are you waiting for?” Jimin's friend is really
starting to grate on his nerves; Jungkook wonders if he could get away with murdering him before
the workshop.

The alpha takes a moment to regard his boyfriend, asking himself the question; why doesn't he press
more for them to be together like that? Everyone around him was expecting him to get married to
Jimin. They were okay with him, even though they all thought he was a beta. There was nothing
stopping him, really; even Jimin seemed more eager than him.

“Jungkook just doesn't want any pups to steal the attention he gets.” Jimin jokes quickly, ruffling the
younger's hair. “He's too much of a brat to share me with kids.”

“...You aren't mated because of kids?” Taehyung is suddenly stone-faced, and Jungkook feels the pit
of his stomach drop.
“I think that's one reason, yeah.” Jimin shrugs, and the glare the alpha's best friend fixes him with
gives him the mother of all flashbacks.

After their first time, and Jimin's heat, the omega was all over him whenever they would have their
little visits on the weekends. Jungkook never lets it get further than kissing and a few excited
touches, and eventually his boyfriend just stops trying.

Somewhere in their second year of dating Jimin mentions going off his suppressants; the day before
Jungkook had seen a documentary on how they brand male omegas in some countries, and he voices
his opinion strongly; they never talk about it again.

They go at the same pace until the third year; for every step Jimin takes, he takes three back.
Eventually, they're stuck in the same place. That's what this is; Jungkook refusing to move, and Jimin
not pushing forward.

But is it really that bad? Being in a place where he knows he'll be happy.

“Jimin, you should probably head out. I heard LA traffic is killer.” Taehyung sets his cup of coffee
down, crossing his arms over his chest. His tone isn't anything to be argued with so the omega just
shrugs and agrees, kissing Jungkook on his cheek before getting up.

“I'll see you at dinner then. Call me after your nap?” Jimin smiles cutely, tangling his fingers in his
boyfriend's hair.

“Yeah, of course. Drive safe.” Jungkook tries not to even acknowledge Taehyung's presence as the
pair leaves, rubbing the back of his neck. The chair across from him scrapes against the floor,
mocking his earlier childish gesture; a thump on the table is the only confirmation that Taehyung is
currently staring him down.

“Jeon Jungkook. I thought Jimin fixed you.”

“What are you talking about hyung?” he laughs nervously, staring at his hands. “I'm fine. We're

“You still haven't forgotten, have you?” The breath that leaves his friend's lips is disappointed,
painfully so. Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat.


“You weren't there hyung. I know...I know you lost a lot, but I lost something too. I can't just forget
something like that.”

“I know.” Taehyung rubs his face, pulling at his skin in a way that disfigures his handsome features.
“I know Kookie, but you gotta move on. Don't let this affect Jimin too.”

“I don't want that either. That's why-” he closes his eyes and shudders. This wasn't the breakfast
conversation he was expecting. “I don't want to lose him hyung. I'm scared.”

“Kook.” When Taehyung says his name, he sounds heartbroken. It's understandable; Jungkook
would've been spared the entire situation if he hadn't been friends with him. He probably would have
been borderline normal if he hadn't associated with Kim Taehyung all those years ago. “It's...it's my
burden to bear, alright? So stop. Please.”

When he was seventeen, Jungkook was bright-eyed and pure. Not in the sexual sense; he'd already
stuck his dick in every hole he could find, make no mistake. No, he was just optimistic. As innocent
as an alpha his age could be, considering his family background. His best friend was two years older
than him, but that never bothered Jungkook. Taehyung was all he could ask for in both a friend and a
brother. Except Jungkook learned all of his bad habits from Taehyung.

Smoking, drinking, chasing skirts—it was all the doing of one Kim Taehyung, delinquent
extraordinaire. Kim Taehyung, who'd knocked up his girlfriend by the time he turned 19. The same
Kim Taehyung who lost both of them due to birth complications, the very same Kim Taehyung who
had sent Jungkook in his place to the hospital because he knew he'd be a little late. He doesn't like
talking about what he saw, but Jungkook knows he doesn't want to feel what Taehyung felt that day.
He doesn't want to feel what he felt ever again. That's probably when sex becomes purely casual for
him—once he realizes how much a simple act could hurt someone he cares about. Some things are
best kept brief and impersonal, he learns.

“I just...I love him so much, hyung. I want all of these things with him, but I don't want to lose him.”
He feels ridiculous, sitting in his underwear. All of the things he does are immature, and fuck if he
doesn't know it, but Jungkook thinks he's not ready to be an adult yet. He doesn't want to be. “I
know I can't be greedy...I'm happy with just him-”
“He's not happy Jungkook. And he wants to take the risk.”

“I would never do anything to make him unhappy.”

“That's what you think Kook. Do you pay attention to his tattoos?”

“Of course.” He knows each one by heart—he's spent plenty of nights kissing his boyfriend's ink-
covered skin, whispering confessions until Jimin falls asleep to the sound of his voice.

“Kook, he has the fucking heart sutra on his back. That is the literal epitome of 'i'm fucked up and
my boyfriend hasn't noticed yet.' He's crying out for help-”

“He's not.” Jungkook growls, looking up to glare at his hyung. “That...he got that so that he could
forgive his parents. So he could forgive everyone, for what they'd done to him.”

“So you know what each one stands for?” Taehyung bites out, returning his glare.

“I always ask...I was there for most of them.” He shrugs, unsure.

“Jimin, he's....he's an omega, right?” Jungkook stiffens in his seat, suddenly on full alert because
Taehyung wasn't supposed to know about that.

“No, why would he-” his instant denial is silenced by a fist slamming into the table.

“It's obvious kid. You two both disappear for a week?”

“That's for my rut-”

“Your rut only lasts a day now Jungkook. I'm not dumb.” The elder frowns, staring right through
him. “He's not...he's not her, Jungkook. Make Jimin happy, give him the family he deserves. Get
your head out of your own ass for five seconds and realize what you see isn't all the world has to


“Jeon Jungkook.” Taehyung stands up and walks around the table, cupping his cheeks. “You make
him as happy as you fucking can. Be the second best thing in his god damn life, after your pups.
Treat him like he's the only thing that matters.”

Jungkook hasn't seen Taehyung cry since he was seventeen, and he doesn't ever want to see him cry

Chapter End Notes

Sorry year five is gonna be long af but shit goes down and you learn new things about
both of them and jikook will become goals so its worth (hopefully)

Also for people interested in Taegi's storyline i'm probably gonna do a one-shot or a
short chaptered fic on them, because they are the metaphorical glue that holds jikook
together in the beginning
Chapter 13
Chapter Summary

Summer can't end soon enough.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Be careful about how you move your hips. It's more of a slide and pop than a roll.” Jimin calls from
the front of the humid practice room, wiping his sweat with the corner of his shirt. He's already
drenched through every piece of clothing on his person but it doesn't bother him, because it's typical
of a dance workshop.

The room is crowded, almost over-crowded, but they manage to give everyone enough space to see
the instructor. Jungkook squeezes in last minute, panting in the thin white shirt and basketball shorts
he chose to wear. Jimin must not notice him, because he keeps teaching the last few moves of his

“The last move is just a spin and freeze—go for at least two rotations before you do your final pose.”
The way Jimin's body moves with the music is downright sinful, and Jungkook can barely
concentrate on what he's supposed to be learning. “We'll tie everything together from here, and then
finish up.”

Jungkook manages to pick up the dance after seeing it once, but he still hides behind two rows of
clambering students until Jimin calls out groups and the students disperse into clumps based on what
number they were given during the count off. Jungkook, king of espionage, manages to slip into the
bathroom and hang outside until the end, when Jimin is supposed to be dancing by himself so that
they can upload the video onto the dance studio's website.

Except he slides in and mirrors the omega perfectly, balancing Jimin's fluidity with his sharpness all
the way through until the crowd is cheering and a few people throw their shoes into the center.
Jimin's wide-eyed and his chest is heaving, completely focused on the alpha next to him.

“Kookie, you dance?”

“Yeah. I actually studied over here every summer back in high school.” he shrugs casually and wipes
the sweat from his neck, frowning. He didn't think he'd break a sweat.
“Alright everyone, thanks for coming! Remember Jimin's teaching all week, so be sure to tell your
friends!” A tall, skinny beta shouts, clapping his hands before walking to the center of the room
where Jungkook is still standing around, eyeing his hyung. “Jimin, who's your friend? He's good.”

“I know.” Jimin still looks a little shocked by it all, but he's also still breathless from dancing. “This is
Jungkook. Jungkook, this is Mark.” They shake hands and smile, but before Jungkook can begin a
line of questioning on exactly how close this 'Mark' was with his boyfriend Jimin tugs on his wrist,
nodding towards the door.

“We better go. There's that meeting before dinner, remember?”


“Bye Mark! See you tomorrow morning.” Jimin smiles and waves, dragging his alpha outside to the
waiting car after he's gathered his things. The omega types something on his phone before tossing it,
and he doesn't look at it again even after they arrive kick off their shoes at the entrance. It's a little
strange, but Jungkook shrugs it off as fatigue and follows him to their bedroom. Now's his chance to
fix everything, and get them moving forward again.

“Hyung, I wanna talk-”

“Gonna shower first. We can talk inside, if you want?” Jimin offers, padding quietly into the
bathroom. Jungkook just nods, pulling off his wet shirt and tossing it into the hamper. They both strip
down and Jimin steps in first, adjusting the temperature of the water.

“Jimin, first off I think-” He doesn't get to finish because fucking Park Jimin smashes him into the
shower wall so hard it's almost a guarantee that the tiles crack, pressing their lips together in a hungry
kiss. The omega growls, nips and licks until he forces his tongue into the younger's mouth and his
small hands are pinning Jungkook's wrists to the wall next to his waist. They both gasp for air when
he pulls back, and Jungkook shuts his eyes because what the fuck just happened?

“Kookie, I can't do this anymore. You're gonna fuck me, even if I have to shove your dick in me
myself.” Jimin's eyes are a burning amber, and the water is beginning to feel cold on the alpha's skin
because his boyfriend is absolutely sweltering, from his hungry gaze to the tips of his fingers digging
into Jungkook's skin.
“Hyung, wait, let me explain.” He tries meekly, gently resisting the force on his wrists. Jimin was
still on his stupid diet, so maybe he'd be able to overpower him-

“No. You think you can fucking dance like that, and just walk away afterwards?” The omega huffs
through his nose, clearly about to explode in what Jungkook sincerely hopes is a good, sexual way.
“We're gonna have sex.”

“W-wait hyung, not in the shower!” Jungkook finally manages to wiggle free and he darts for the
towel rack, covering himself. “You might slip and get injured...just calm down, okay?” He raises his
hands in surrender, waiting for the omega to stop huffing through his nose like he's some sort of
caged bull. Jimin doesn't alter his breathing but he does nod in agreement, turning off the water and
pushing Jungkook towards the bed backwards.

Except Jimin has clearly forgotten that Jungkook is clumsy as fuck, so what starts out as a sexy chase
towards the bed ends as an impromptu hospital trip when the alpha trips and falls, banging his head
on the dresser.


“I can't believe you got concussed.” Taehyung is sitting next to the bed with Yoongi, staring at
Jungkook like he's the most amazing person in the world.

“Shut up.” the alpha grumbles.

“No, like, how the fuck? I went over it with Yoongi after you guys left, and the likelihood of falling
in that direction at exactly that point in time is literally zero.”

“Clearly it isn't.” Jungkook snarls out, wincing when he feels a sharp pain in his head. When he
woke up Jimin wasn't there—probably because he'd gone off to his workshop for the day. He'd
allegedly stayed up watching him all night, so Jungkook was willing to let it go. For now.

“But Kook, how'd you fall anyways? It's not like the carpet is slippery.” Yoongi pipes in, rocking in
his chair.

“None of your business.”

“Did Jimin try to get the dick?” Kim Taehyung, Satan spawn, pipes in.

“What? No-”

“Did he try to give you the dick?”

“Tae!” He lunges for his friend and rips out the IV in the process, cursing loudly. A nurse walks in at
just that moment, startling slightly because he's flashing his thighs (apparently you didn't wear
underwear under hospital gowns? Weird.) and the alpha immediately pulls the thin blanket back over
his legs.

“H-hi.” They all smile like nothing happened, and thankfully the nurse just gives them a judgmental
stare. Then again, this was a nurse in America; she'd probably seen far worse.

“Mister Jeon? Is one of these two gentlemen your mate?”

“Ah, no, i'm not mated yet.” The alpha rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. “Do they need to leave?
They're my brothers.”

While Taehyung and Yoongi just smile awkwardly (because the only english they know is hello and
i'm fine, thank you) Jungkook communicates with judgmental nurse, looking over his own clipboard.

“Mister Jeon, the concussion is mild but you're due for your fertility tests. It's a part of the proto-alpha
preservation project with the UN-”

“I know, but I normally get it done in Korea. I can leave today, if it's a problem.” His smile is tight,
barely restrained even—he knows for a fact that America has the lowest percentage of proto-alphas,
and wouldn't they just love to get their hands on his baby juice?

“It's not. However it's highly important that you mate soon Mister Jeon. You're an important addition
to the gene pool, and the end of your fertility is likely coming up soon.”
“That's a little pessimistic.”

“It's realistic Mister Jeon. You're a very special man, and we need you to take that seriously.”

“Uh huh. Any reason you're still here?” his charts are all clear and he's ready for discharge, so he can
get away with being rude. “Better yet, why am I still here? I'll go ahead and check out.”

“Mister Jeon-”

“Hyung, get my clothes and handle checkout. We're leaving.”

Both men jump up when they hear Korean, nearly bumping heads as they scramble to be useful.


It was nearly the end of their stay in LA, and Jimin hadn't said a single word to him since the shower
incident. Not an apology, or a lecture, or even a joke about the lump on his head. Jungkook had been
reduced to sleeping on the couch because Jimin had snatched his keys, and his clothes were in a
suitcase in the living room. He doesn't understand what he did to deserve this—Taehyung suspects
its just an omega hormone thing, but Yoongi is convinced Jungkook fucked up somehow when they
weren't looking.

“Fuck, there's no way it's me this time! I swear to god, I've been myself all week.” the alpha whines,
sloshing around his cup of whiskey. They're in the game room in the basmenet of the villa, sharing
drinks while Jimin's out eating with some of the people from the workshop—Jimin's stopped
drinking too, for some reason, and even if he didn't talk to Jungkook he still shot dirty glares
whenever he caught him with a beer in his hand.

“And that's the problem. You only fuck up when you're yourself Kookie, try being a decent human
being for a change!” Taehyung argues, face red from all of the vodka he had to chug after the last
round of truth or dare. “Jimin is an angel, he wouldn't act like this for no reason.”

“Maybe he's finally dumping you.” Yoongi offers, completely sober because when he was dared to
drink a cup of vodka, he just made Taehyung do it—classic Yoongi.
“That can't be it. He's tried that before, but he always talks to me a lot. This is the first time he's gone
dead silent.” Jungkook chugs the rest of his drink, cringing at the bitter taste. “There's gotta be
something wrong. Maybe Chanyeol tried something with him?” He snarls and jumps from his seat,
but Yoongi puts him back in his place with a quick flick to the nose.

“There's no funny business going on there. Chanyeol's got a mate, kid. Fucking everyone our age is
mated, 'cept you and Minnie.”

“Ouch. I've heard of rubbing salt in wounds, but that was some grade A seasoning babe. You ever
thought of going into the restaurant business with Seokjin hyung?” Taehyung throws an arm around
his mate's neck, nuzzling against his cheek. “You could roast and season whatever the fuck you
wanted, people's feelings included.”

“Get off.”

“You like it when I squish you.” Jungkook scoots away when his soon to be dead best friend
squishes he who shall not be fucked with's cheeks. He also wishes he was wearing a poncho instead
of the nice suit he had on because it'd probably be a blood bath.

“Taehyung, get off.” the eldest growls, eyes flashing blue. Taehyung doesn't take the hint, probably
because he's too drunk which is completely Yoongi's fault—not that that would be taken into
account once his wrath was unleashed of course.

“Aw, come on kitten.” Taehyung slurs out, and suddenly his eyes are flashing and—ew, they might
have sex.

“Kitten?” Jungkook repeats dumbly, sealing his friend's fate; the young alpha takes his bottle of
Johnny Walker Blue label and takes the steps two at a time, running to his bedroom. The door is
slightly ajar so he shoves his way in and slams it behind him, panting because holy fuck his friend is
either getting his dick cut off and fed to him or feeding it to Yoongi through one of two choice
orifices. Tomorrow would be so fucking awkward.

“Jungkook?” God, he missed that voice. Some people at the office had commented offhandedly once
about how his boyfriend's high tone was a little annoying; he promptly had them fired for embezzled
funds that he may or may not have placed in their accounts himself.

“Uh...hey babe. Miss me?” he smiles and waves, falling back onto the bed. “Sorry I just came in.
There was a uh...situation downstairs.”

“You're drinking?” the omega accuses, eyes flashing amber in irritation. “Were you gonna go out?”


“Then why are you all dressed up?” Jimin's back is to him now, but the omega still smells pissed, so
he treads carefully.

“Ran out of laundry so I bought a new suit today. Did I do something wrong babe?”

“Don't call me that. I'm you're hyung.” Jimin hisses out with so much anger that the alpha physically
recoils, hugging his bottle of liquor to his chest.

“Jimin hyung...did I do something wrong?” he asks again, doing his best not to be irritated by the
sudden aggression. Maybe he fucked up really bad, maybe Yoongi was right.

“Yeah.” the answer is small, and quiet; Jungkook leaves his bottle behind and pushes off of the bed,
walking over until he's so close he could reach out and touch Jimin if he really wanted to.

“Can I know, so I can fix it?”

“This isn't something we can fix, Jungkook.” Jimin lets out an exasperated sigh and the alpha closes
the distance between them, pressing against the elder's back. He missed being close enough to smell
Jimin, he missed that woodsy cinnamon musk waking him up in the mornings when the suppressants
wore off, he missed wrapping himself around his boyfriend at night, when they were both too tired to
protest anything the other did. He sincerely hoped he didn't fuck that up somehow.

“Hyung, what is it? What did I do?” he presses, wrapping his arms around Jimin's narrow waist.
Jimin's hands slide on top of his own naturally, dipping down to fill the gaps between his fingers.

“I'm pregnant.” Jungkook's grip tightens. “We're gonna have a baby, Kookie.”
“You're sure?” The alpha kisses his boyfriend's jaw, something strange bubbling in his chest. It's not
like he was too young to have a kid or anything—he was nearly twenty five, for christ's sake—it's
just that he was at the perfect age, and he didn't expect anything like this, and he'd have to drop work
at the company so he could spend more time with Jimin and the pup, and-

“Yeah, i'm sure. I checked every day, even went to the doctor—there's a little pup growing inside
me.” Jimin smiles, Jungkook can tell by the way his jaw loosens; but he was upset before. There was
something else there.

“Then why were you so upset hyung? You know I've always wanted pups.” Jungkook knows he
probably doesn't want to hear what Jimin is about to say, but he asks anyways.

“Kookie...” Jimin starts out softly, turning around to face him, look into his eyes. “I don't wanna
mate until our pup presents.”

Well fuck, there it was.

Translate: Jeon Jungkook, I don't trust that you won't disown the shit out of our kid, so I'm not gonna
tie myself down until I trust you.

“That's...wow. Sixteen, maybe eighteen years?” Jungkook shuts his eyes, sighing. “That's a long,
long time hyung.” He thought five years was a long time. Leave it to Park Jimin to prove him wrong.

“This is important to me, Kook.” Jimin looks up at him with those fucking watery puppy eyes and
the alpha feels weak, but he knows just giving in is the wrong answer. Not just for him, but for them.

“Jimin, you know how long I've waited for...for everything. Fuck, we're not even engaged and
you're asking me to wait sixteen years? That's...that's not fair, hyung.” Jungkook doesn't pull back,
because he knows how much it would upset his omega.

“I know, Kookie, but-”

“Marry me.” The alpha huffs out, giving up no sooner than he'd formed his resolve.

“Marry me, and I'll wait as long as you need. Fuck, i'll wait a hundred years, just-” Taehyung's talk
rings in the back of his head, making his decision that much easier. “I know why you're doing it, so
just do this for me. I need this, hyung.”

“Yeah, o-of course. The answer is yes.”

It hurt a little, knowing Jimin still didn't trust him completely, but he supposed he should be happy; in
nine, no, maybe eight months he'd be a father. Jimin just wanted to make sure that their kid was safe
and loved. He should be happy, knowing that his omega was so invested.

Why wasn't he happy?

Chapter End Notes

Friendly reminder that Jimin does everything he does for a reason, which we
unfortunately cannot see until he tells us because this fic is in Jungkook's POV (aka pls
don't hate Jimin, he's just a little fluffball who wants to be loved)

(You can hate me tho, i'm the mastermind behind all this drama)

Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

When they get back to Seoul the first thing Jungkook does is set up appointments with the best pre-
natal care doctors. Jimin insists he doesn't need it, but Jungkook doesn't give a fuck because he's
insecure about miscarriages and maybe he's not ready to talk about it, okay? He's seen some shit.

Regardless, he ships his fiance (thank god he's upgraded) off to the hospital every week, and he very
happily informs his parents that they're officially engaged with a pup on the way. He lets Namjoon
know second, and Taehyung doesn't find out until Seokjin spills at a nice dinner—his best friend
nearly chokes him out over the grill. Still, it was worth the betrayed expression he got.

(“I can't believe you didn't tell me first. Why didn't you tell me first?”

“I dunno, my parents seemed more important?”)

Still, all is not rainbows and sunshine. There are certain things Jungkook must handle as the alpha in
the relationship. Namely, asking Jimin's father for his hand in marriage, without letting Jimin know
because Jimin probably hated his parents. There was also the matter of inviting his parents, but that
depended heavily on how the whole asking for his hand in marriage thing went. He wasn't above
excluding them completely if he didn't get the answer he wanted.

He got an address from one of his father's henchmen and drove out to the address himself, wearing
his best fitted suit and Rolex. Jimin's parents didn't live too far from the first place Jungkook met him
at, the alpha apartment complex—that's probably where they'd planned to send their son while he
attended college classes. But their home was a house, located a little ways off in a quiet
neighborhood. His parents owned a restaurant Jungkook learned, one that was pretty popular with
the locals. Jimin was also pretty popular, before he presented.

The door opens and Jungkook puts on his best business smile, a crate of ginseng in his arms.
“Ma'am, can I come in? It's about your son, Park Jimin.”

“Is he...is he okay?” the woman asks, her face distorting with worry. “He isn't in any sort of trouble,
is he?”

“No, of course not. Do you mind?” he gestures to the crate, and the women flusters before stepping
aside and ushering him in. Jimin definitely takes after his mother when it comes to the cheeks, he
thinks; his build must be from his father. The crate is put in the living room and Jungkook is offered
tea while he sits there nervously, Jimin's mother fussing over him like he's her own son.

“When will your husband be home?” he asks after taking a sip from the small cup, shoulders stiff.
Fuck, why was he so old fashioned? He should've just snatched Jimin up and excluded his parents.
“I've got something to ask him.”

“Something that you can't ask me?”

Jungkook blanks for a second, because he hadn't even considered asking Jimin's mother. Did he fuck
up? Fuck, he might as well ask both of them, just for good measure. Jimin would probably hate him
after this anyways.

“Well, I wanted to ask for his hand in marriage. Normally the dads grill you more than the moms.”
He answers with a shrug, taking another sip from his tea. “But knowing Jimin, you'll probably be the
tougher one.”

“You...Jiminnie has a fiance? And it's you?” the woman looks absolutely shell-shocked, nearly
dropping her tea cup when she starts to set it down. “What's your name, son?”

“Jeon Jungkook. I'm a businessman, and...we're sort of having pups. I'm sorry I came so late.” He
bows ninety degrees, completely still until the woman chuckles and pats his shoulder.

“It's fine, Mister Jeon. How long have you been seeing each other?”

“Five years now, almost six.” The alpha answers, sitting up. “I love him, if that's what you're

“I can tell that much by the fact that you came here, Mister Jeon. Jimin wouldn't have sent you here
even if it killed him.” The woman chuckles bitterly, shaking her head. “Not that I can blame him.
What does he do?”

“He's a dance instructor, but he's also been working on a degree in dance with a minor in music.”
Jungkook supplies, shifting around. “He paid for it all himself—he won't let me do anything for him,
even though it'd be so much easier.”
“Just like his father.” The woman clicks her tongue and sighs, eyes crinkling fondly. Jungkook takes
a moment to look around and notices that there are no pictures of Jimin; instead there's another boy,
most likely his brother. Jungkook would have to meet him one day too.

“Do you have any pictures? Of Jiminnie.” Jungkook fumbles with his phone, carefully avoiding the
NSFW folder he made last year and tapping on the one that says 'Chim Chim.' He doesn't know
when he got so many pictures of Jimin—fuck, now he had to make one for pregnancy too. Maybe
he'd make one for each month? Or just buy a separate phone for pictures of Jimin.

“These are some of my favorites.” He hands the device over carefully, appreciating the way the
woman's face lights up as she scrolls through photos of her son.

“That one is from when we went to the Bahamas a few years back...he was mad at me because I
forgot to put on sunscreen. And that was our first drinking date.”

“These are all of him. Are you sure you're not just some stalker?” She jokes, and the alpha flusters
and takes his phone back, swiping until he can find one of them together.

“I'm not. We really are together, I swear-”

“It was a joke, Jungkook-ah.” the woman chuckles and hands his phone back, placing her hands on
her lap. “I'm fine with you marrying him,but there's something you should know about his father—
no matter what he says or how he acts, he just wanted the best for Jimin.”

“Is he coming back soon?”

“It looks like his car just pulled in.” her expression falters and Jungkook suddenly feels all the weight
return to his shoulders. The man who walks in is more wide than anything, just a bit taller than Jimin
with a square jaw and a stern expression. When he notices Jungkook his expression brightens
slightly, eyes forming a familiar pair of cute crescents.

“Ah, you must be from the graduate school. Jihyun said you might stop by sometime this week.” The
man offers his hand and Jungkook meekly shakes it, lacking the usual my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours
vibe. He waits until the man's taken a seat next to his wife before he speaks.
“Actually, Mister Park, that's not why i'm here. This is about Jimin.” He tries not to get pissed off at
the way the man's expression immediately darkens.

“That boy is causing trouble again? I told him, he should have just done as I asked-”

“I want to marry him, sir. I came to ask permission.” Jimin's father looks dumbfounded, like he
couldn't even fathom why someone like Jungkook would want to marry someone like his son, but he
eventually regains his composure.

“You don't need my permission. Jimin doesn't care what I think, he never has.”

“But I want it, sir. And I...I want you to come to the wedding as well.”

The older alpha stares at him with some scrutiny, cracking his knuckles distractedly on one hand.
Jimin does that too, when he's irritated; Jungkook is beginning to feel a little sick, seeing all of the
similarities between them.

“Do you know what I tried to do for Jimin, boy? I tried to set him up with a nice alpha after he
presented. I tried to give him an easy, comfortable life because I knew he was upset with how he
presented, and that little piece of shit decks me and runs away, makes his mother cry and his little
brother worry. Our family barely recovered from his dramatic little exit, so forgive me if I want
absolutely nothing to do with him.”

Jungkook sucks in a breath, blinking.

“Don't try to defend him. I think you should leave-”

“Jeon Jungkook.” The young alpha stands up and fixes his suit, before bowing. “My name is Jeon
Jungkook, Mister Park. And I hope that I can change both of your minds about this.” As he's
walking out, Jungkook realizes something. Jimin and his father are the same. They both let ugly
thoughts settle in their heads, and they both just brazenly decide things on their own. Fixing
whatever happened between them would be a headache, but he would make it work.

With a defeated sigh, he pulls out his phone and dials the last number he called.
“Hyung, do you want anything special for dinner tonight? You know that you can't diet anymore,


He lets out a grunt from the pit of his stomach, and Taehyung mocks him from his spot beside the
squat rack.

“Fuck, you look like one of those cartoon characters with the big weights. Hold still, gonna send this
to Jiminnie.” Jungkook's form miraculously becomes perfect at the mention of this potentially being
sent to the love of his life™ and he holds back his grunts because who can't squat three hundred and
fifty pounds without breaking a sweat? Pussies, that's who.

He finishes his set and racks the weights, punching his skinny friend lightly in the chest. “Tae, why'd
you come if you're just gonna watch? You could build up a little, you know.”

“And turn into a muscle pig? No thanks.” he snorts, shoving his phone back into his pocket. “Poor
Jimin has to cook five thousand steaks a day just to keep up with your bulking cycle.”

“I cook most of them!” the alpha defends, moving on to the pull-up bar. “Pass me that weight, will
you?” Jungkook busies himself with fastening the weight belt around himself, missing the way
Taehyung scowls and grunts before picking up the biggest plate he could find. Jungkook takes it
with one hand and fastens it to the chain around his waist, launching himself off of the ground with
the extra weight into a pull up.

“Kook, has anyone ever told you you're a fucking gorilla? “ Taehyung makes his signature alpha
scumbag face, pretending he was waiting his turn for the bar. “Like, we get it man. You have the
biggest dick in the room.”

“Gotta get bigger for hyung.” he manages to huff out, arms beginning to tremble from the strain of
the extra weight. “Got two little Chim Chims to take care of now.”

“You mean you still wanna be able to bully him even after he gets his new mama bear strength.” His
best friend crosses his arms over his chest, shooting a dirty look at the omega girls on the elliptical
machines because they've been ogling Jungkook since he walked in. “Hey, you think me and
Yoongi would do good with kids?”
Jungkook nearly falls on his ass, managing to stabilize at the last second so that he can turn to stare at
his hyung in classic Jung-shook fashion.

“You two want kids?”

“Yeah, well we were thinking about it-”

“Won't Yoongi hyung like, eat their souls or something?”

“Jungkook, he's not a demon.”

“I don't believe that. You know i'll never believe that.” He has a violent flashback to the one time
he'd made the mistake of trying to wake Yoongi up and ended up locked in the closet until Taehyung
came home and let him out. “You can't let that thing near kids, Tae. Spare the children.”

“I wish Jimin would spare your kid from the stupidity that is his father.” The older alpha grabs the
weight from his friend, re-racking it. “Like, it's child abuse just subjecting him to your genes. Your
existence is abusing him.”

“We don't know the gender yet.”

“Well if it's a girl i'm saving her. She can live with me and Yoongi until you die or you're murdered,
whichever happens first.”

“Damn, i'm glad you're my best friend Tae. For a second I thought you were a backstabbing baby-
stealing dick face, but i'm glad you've shown me the real you.”

“Of course. Anything for you, Bitch-kook.”

“What would I do without you, Gay-hyung?”

The two alphas walk back from the gym calling each other all sorts of unoriginal names, until they
part at Jungkook's apartment complex. The younger of the two punches his hyung before sprinting
up the stairs, fully aware that Taehyung was too lazy to chase after him; except Jungkook lives in a
penthouse, so by the time he hits the fifth floor he's already walking over to the little hallway with
elevator access.

In taking a moment to admire his reflection (because why wouldn't he, he's hot okay) Jungkook
comes to appreciate the way his shoulders have broadened and his chest pops out, the way you can
see most of his muscles through his shirt when it's wet, and most importantly how he officially looks
like he could kick 90% of the population's ass. He wants his kid to be able to say 'my dad could beat
up your dad'; it's on his bucket list.

The doors open a little too early for his taste, but he can probably just finish ogling himself in the
bathroom so Jungkook whistles as he walks towards his door, adjusting the cap on his head. There
were definitely upsides to his fiance, soon to be husband, being pregnant. Like right now, when he
walks in all sweaty from the gym and Jimin is on the couch wearing one of his shirts while clutching
another one to his face so that he can smell it.

“I'm back hyung.” He saunters over and throws himself on top of the omega, careful to avoid his

“Go away.” Jimin groans, slapping his back. “It was nice and peaceful before you walked in.”

“But now it's nice and sexy. Take a bath with me.”

“I already showered.”

“But you didn't shower with me.” The alpha whines, propping himself up on his elbows. “Come on,
we gotta cuddle. The doctor said so!” Jungkook may or may not have paid him extra to say that.

“Will you shut up if I do it?” Jimin pulls the shirt from his face, yawning. He'd probably been
seconds away from a nap before his fiance barged in and used him as a pillow. Jungkook gives him
puppy eyes—which are super effective now, thank god for motherly hormones—and Jimin sighs
before raising his arms, the universal signal for 'pick me up so that we can get this shit over with'.

Jungkook lifts the omega like he weighs nothing and surges towards the bathroom making race car
noises, not missing the way Jimin's giggles vibrate against his chest. His parking job is complete with
screeching noises (Jimin was driving way too fast to not burn out the tires) and a little chirp once he
finally sets Jimin down and the doors are locked.
“You're so fucking extra.” the omega giggles, slipping out of his clothes. “From day one, even.”

“You said I was an amazing race car. Gotta live up to expectations.” Jungkook peels off his sweaty
gym clothes, truly appreciating the way Jimin pauses to appreciate his body. When he leans over to
turn on the water Jimin actually whines and presses against his side, huffing into the crook of his

“Stop going to the gym. It's bad for my heart.” the elder complains, clawing at his skin.

“Excuse me? Did Park Jimin, resident personification of sex just tell me to tone it down?” The alpha
drops himself into the tub, settling in after adding some aromatic bath salts. “I am truly flattered.”
Jimin joins him a few seconds later, leaning his back against Jungkook's chest.

“Silence, demon. You cannot seduce me with your massive chest and perfectly placed nipples.”
Jimin chides, turning around to straddle his alpha's hips.

“Hmmm, but you can't resist my bunny teeth and fluffy brown hair. You will be seduced.” He leans
forward to place a quick kiss on his omega's nose, squirting some soap on his hand before bringing
them back to wash himself. Jungkook however is apparently too busy doing what normal people do
in the bathtub to notice the way Jimin's eyes focus on his hands, tongue darting across his lips one
too many times for it to be pure coincidence. No, he's the strange one here, scrubbing at his skin
before rinsing it off. Yeah, he's the weird one when he nearly jumps ten feet in the air because Jimin
just casually slides onto his dick and keens, clawing at his chest.

“W-what are you doing hyung?”

“Shut up.” The omega's eyes flash amber before they clench shut again, a little whimper struggling to
fall from his lips. “Hurry up and get hard.”

“I'll be ready in a few seconds, trust me.” The alpha's pupils are blown, irises beginning to shift to
silver as he eyes the little pudge forming where the bottom of Jimin's glorious six pack used to be. He
considers changing the name to glorious pudge, but Jimin would 100% drown him in his own blood
for saying something like that so he keeps his thoughts to himself. “You okay babe?”

“Wash me too. Wanna feel your hands on me.” Jimin sighs out, and who is Jungkook to refuse? He
grabs more soap and starts to rub along his fiance's back, eyes occasionally flitting down to where
their hips are connected because Jimin is bouncing and the water is sloshing out of the tub and fuck.
They were not gonna get clean this way.

Then again, it was kind of hot how Jimin could do something so filthy while he was being cleaned.
Jungkook can feel his dick throb at the thought. Jimin must feel it too, because he throws his head
back and starts bouncing faster.

“Hyung, there's not gonna be any water left to rinse you off with.” the younger jokes weakly,
leaning forward to wrap his lips around the swollen nipple that's been catching his attention ever
since Jimin got that stupidly arousing tattoo last year. The way his omega moans and tugs at his hair
encourages him to suck harder, hips beginning to stutter because now Jimin is riding his dick like his
life depends on it.

“I'm close...Kookie, help.” Jimin snarls and tugs on his hair harder; the alpha takes this as his cue to
1. lift Jimin up and 2. fuck him into the wall. He's still sore from the gym but he pistons his hips with
enough force to leave angry red marks, whimpers of his name falling from the other man's lips like a

“Hyung, i'm gonna-”

“Don't knot.” the omega growls in warning, staring him down. Jungkook just nods and whimpers
pathetically, one arm wrapping around to hold Jimin in place while his free hand slides down to the
base of his dick, squeezing at the bulge there until it dies down completely. Fuck, Jimin better at least
let him cum or it was gonna be world war three after this bath session.

“Kookie, deeper!” Prince Jimin begins his demands anew, and Jungkook begrudgingly obliges until
he's spent and slumped over his omega, barely holding them both up as his thighs shake. Jimin had
been kind enough to allow him to cum inside because, quote: “you already knocked me up, asshole.”
and now that they've settled down Jungkook is mentally jello and just blindly follows orders to dry
the omega off and carry him to bed, bridal style, before massaging his hips and thighs.

“Hey babe, what was that all about? I thought I had three more months before you got super horny.”
the alpha kisses at his future husband's bare stomach, fingers drawing soft circles against the skin of
his thighs. “This some kind of revolutionary new kink?”

“Nah, this is me finally getting the dick I deserve. I'm not gonna be nice to you anymore.”
“Nice? Hyung, I would've kept going if you really wanted it all those times.”

“Yeah, well I didn't want you to half-ass it just because you were trying to make me happy. It feels
so much better when you want it too.” Jimin sighs and shuts his eyes, sprawling his limbs out and
nearly kicking the younger in the process. “Fuck, that was some good dick.”

“Can you not?” Jungkook huffs, pressing one last kiss to Jimin's stomach before crawling up the bed
to curl around him. “There's a person attached to that dick, you know.”

“I sincerely thank you for providing a solid support for the dick that I love so much.” Jimin rolls on
his side, snuggling closer. “Without your brave efforts my ass would starve to death.”

“I love you too hyung.” the alpha chuckles, leaning over to kiss Jimin on his nose—he gasps when
he's met with lips, the omega kissing him hungrily until he has to part for air.

“No more of your cutesy PG shit. I want hardcore everything.”

“I'm not gonna hardcore fuck my pregnant husband hyung. I'll crush you.” He sets his arm next to
Jimin's to emphasize the size difference, shaking his head. “You can ride me as hard as you want to,
but i'm not gonna risk hurting the baby.”

“You say after you fucked me into the bathroom wall.”

“I didn't go as hard as I could.” The alpha insists, hand sliding down to rest on the little bump that
was Jimin's tummy. “We're gonna be parents.”

“Yeah, we are. Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?”

“I dunno, maybe both. If it's a girl I wanna call her Taehee, and if it's a boy I wanna call him
Wonbin.” Jungkook lets his fingers trace circles above the bump, something warm buzzing in his
chest. “Because, you know. They'll be hot.”

“What about Jungmin or Jikook? We could do cutesy names.” Jimin tries, closing his eyes.
“They'll get teased. How about cutesy, but not too much? Like Jungmi, or Jiyong?”

The omega fidgets and sighs, nodding his head. “That works too. Cutesy, but not too cutesy.”

“Like us?”

“We're cute as fuck, Jungkook.”

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading/discussing/being so involved in the story!

Chapter 15
Chapter Summary

Jungkook finally manages to get something off his chest.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

To the untrained eye, Jimin doesn't really show until he's four months pregnant.

Of course, Jungkook spends all of his free time admiring his omega's body, so he can tell even the
tiniest of difference. He enjoys the way the little mound of pudge evolves into a smooth, spherical
bump, and he loves how the baby in the ultrasounds becomes more and more clear, the sound of his
pup's heartbeat bringing him to tears without fail every time. (Jimin says he cries too much, but fuck
Jimin, he was just expressing his joy at being a father.)

Except Jimin wants to look nice in his tuxedo come their wedding day, so he proposes something

“Let's set the date for a little after the pup is born. We can sign the papers before, but I wanna look
good in the pictures.”

“Well, why not wait until our kid can walk on it's own? We'd have a ring bearer.” Jungkook is sitting
on the couch curling his home set of dumbbells while Jimin works on their breakfast. The alpha tried
to cook earlier but Jimin chased him off with a knife, insisting that he had to at least pull his own
weight around the house. “We can just sign the papers this weekend, and hold the official wedding
when our kid is big enough to fit in formal wear.”

“...You don't mind waiting that long?” He can't see it but Jimin is probably frowning and fidgeting,
the little insecurities that he can normally fight off crawling into his thoughts.

“Jiminnie, you think I care about time? I'm gonna be with you forever.”

Jungkook receives a particularly spectacular blowjob that night, and he returns the favor tenfold two
days later.
A week later something phenomenal happens while they're on the couch, watching re-runs of variety
shows because Jimin says the baby likes it. They're both cracking up thanks to their—admittedly--
outdated senses of humor, curled into each other because it's nearly impossible for a wolf to ignore
the scent of their mate, marked or otherwise. The pregnancy pulls Jungkook towards Jimin just as
much as it glues Jimin to Jungkook.

Jimin stops laughing and goes stiff while Jungkook's curled against his neck, still chuckling.

“Kookie, I—I felt something.” The omega blanches, placing his hand on top of his stomach to check.
Jungkook slides his hand over curiously, eyes growing as wide as saucers when there's a small
thump against his palm. He keeps staring at the spot his hand is touching, completely speechless, and
Jimin giggles and takes a video because apparently Jungkook appreciating and being in shock due to
the miracle of pregnancy and babies kicking ribs is hilarious.

(He spends the next few nights sleeping with his ear pressed to Jimin's tummy, talking to his baby
and seeing if it responds with kicks. Jimin thinks it's the cutest thing ever but fuck Jimin, he was
having some serious bro talk with his kid, okay?)

Towards the beginning of the fifth month they debate on whether or not to figure out the gender of
the baby; Jungkook, in his usual, go with the flow manner, couldn't care less whether he does or
doesn't know whereas Jimin, who actually cares about every step of his child's life is eager to know
what to name the baby, what sort of clothes he should buy, what angle the crib should be in the
nursery because apparently that's a thing-

“Jimin-hyung, we can find out next week if you want. I don't mind either way, you know that.”
Jungkook is a certified muscle pig now, sporting enough lean red tissue to make a special forces
operative blush in shame. Of course he leaves just enough fat on himself to still be squishy in some
places, because omegas love cuddles when they're pregnant and he needed to be the perfect thing to

“But...but what if it's not what you want?” Jimin presses, releasing enough stressed pheromones to
set off a priest. “I don't wanna disappoint you Kookie.”

“Hyung, the only thing I want is a pup. You clearly have a pup inside you. I'm failing to see the
disconnect here.” Honestly, his parents are against the whole waiting until their kid could walk idea,
but Jungkook doesn't care. As he's stated repeatedly, he could wait for Jimin forever, and he's pretty
sure the omega would be willing to do the same for him. “It doesn't matter to me.”
“What if it's not an alpha? Everyone's firstborn in your family is an alpha, right?” the omega frowns,
rubbing his stomach.”If this cub fails their expectations-”

“Jimin, my family isn't like that. I just want a kid to dote on, okay? Eat some more of your dinner.”

“Why are you so hot? Be more ugly so I can know that no one else has a chance with you.” his
hyung complains, and Jungkook can only roll his eyes and sigh.

“Babe, with that bump you're like a fucking pierced tattooed god of fertility. Don't lecture me about
being attractive.”

“But i'm fat-”

“You're pregnant. If you still look like that after the baby is born, then you'll be fat.” Jungkook takes
another big bite of steak, chewing thoughtfully. “Although, you'd be so cute if you were pudgy.
Were you pudgy as a kid?”

“Jeon Jungkook!” the omega whines, pushing his food around his plate. Jeon Jungkook, certified
proto-alpha and omega comforter, scoots over to the other side of the table and nudges his hyung
with his shoulder.

“You know i'd love you no matter what you look like. No matter what you do, even.”

“Even if I broke all your Iron Man toys?”

“Okay, no matter what you do with a few exceptions. You're my husband.” He pokes at the gold
band on Jimin's adorable little fingers, eyes twinkling.

“Yeah, but you'd rather have a mate.” Jimin stares into his lap and curls into himself, voice cracking.
Jungkook observes with his usual neutral expression, gauging whether or not this was just hormones
again. He couldn't tell if the omega was tough as nails or fragile—maybe a mixture of both,
somewhere in between. Tough when he needed to be?

“Jimin, have you ever wondered why I'm still here?” the alpha asks quietly, keeping the small
distance between them.

“All the fucking time.” the elder sighs out, running his fingers through his hair.

“It's not because I love you. Love only goes so far, you know?” Jungkook fidgets in his chair, staring
at the wall across from him. “If it was just love, I would've given up by now. I can tell when
someone's pushing me away hyung.”

“The baby?” Jimin croaks, sounding defeated.

“It'd be nice if it was that simple, but no. Even a baby isn't so important i'd go through all this.” No,
he could just argue for joint custody. Not being with Jimin wouldn't affect how much he loves his

“Remember the night we started dating hyung? You decked me because I kept pressing for sex.” He
tries to lighten the mood but Jimin's still staring at the ground like it holds all of life's secrets. “You
looked hurt that day hyung...the wrong kind of hurt. Like I...I stabbed you in the back. At first I just
wanted to fix things between us, because you're a sweet guy hyung. You didn't deserve to feel hurt
because of an asshole like me.”

His vision is getting blurry—is he crying? Fuck, he hoped Jimin didn't notice.”That's all it was at
first, but then I started noticing things—falling in love with you. I'm glad I did, because—you've
never looked at me the same, you know? Not since that day.” Jungkook rambles, wiping the tears
from his eyes. “Me, Tae, anyone. I don't think you realize it yourself sometimes, but you don't trust
anyone hyung. Not even me. Not—not even yourself.” His throat burns, and it's getting harder to
speak, harder to work past the lump in his chest.

“At first I was just pissed about it, but then I remembered that night and-” He chokes on a sob. “I did
this to you. Whoever hurt you before, they set it up, but, but I-” When did his chest get so tight? It
feels like he can barely breath, like there's no more air left in the world.”I'm worse than them.”

“Jungkook...” His name sounds so good when Jimin is the one saying it.

“You took a chance, and you trusted me, and I-” the alpha takes a shaky breath. “I fucked up. I was
just a stranger but I nearly ruined your life hyung—I never wanted to do that to anyone, I, I—
Taehyung too, he just, he just slept with that girl once, and now she's dead, and the baby is dead, a-
“Jungkook, breath.” He feels so dizzy but he can't stop; no, Jimin needs to hear this, even if he
passes out.

“You don't get it hyung. Maybe you could've met someone else, someone you really loved, but
because of me you'll never—I took away your future with that person. I just, I wanna give it back.
That's why I can wait hyung, that's why I don't care how much you hurt me or step all over me
because-” Fuck, his whole body was shaking.

“Because it hurts me more to see you like this hyung.”

His eyes sting, and he's given up on seeing completely.

“It hurts so much.”

Jungkook goes limp when he's pulled into his husband's chest, tears falling without restraint. He
really fucked this up, he should never have done that, never assumed that the omega would just let
him do as he pleased—he'd lost someone important that day and he didn't realize until it was far, far
too late. He lost what they could have been—happy, healthy, mated with god knows how many
kids. A normal couple, with a normal life.

Alphas really were the worst.

Chapter End Notes

Hi this chapter is the start of major reveals and revelations so pls apply ur seatbelts and
prepare for unwanted feels

(Also for the record this is the last time Jungkook cries because he's sad in the story, so
yay no more sad-kook!)

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 16
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Mister Jeon, these are the documents for the meeting this week. Your father is handling the deal
with the oil company, but he'd like you to sit in.”

Jungkook's lips press into a tight line at the sight of the thick manila folder, a variety of curses stuck
on the tip of his tongue. “Thank you. You can go home now, Secretary Jung.” The man bows before
disappearing through the thick wooden doors that guard the alpha's office. Once he's finally alone,
Jungkook lets his head hit the lacquered mahogany desk his father probably spent a small fortune on,
shutting his eyes.

Today he was supposed to drop by Jimin's parents' house for round two of getting shit on. His
mother in law had suggested it, and planned a little dinner—he felt bad lying to Jimin, especially after
his confession last week, but he wanted to make things right. Fuck, why did Jimin have to turn him
into such a great guy. His asshole image was ruined.

When the phone next to him vibrates he groans again before swiping to answer, a yawn catching in
his throat. “Jeon speaking.”

“Kookie, I know you have an important meeting and all, but can you get me some rice cakes?”

“Can't you order in?” The alpha sits up, wiping the sleep from his face.

“I want the ones from the street stall near the apartment. That ahjumma makes them the best.” Jimin
whines cutely, and fuck if Jungkook wasn't about to sprint there just so that he could see the happy
blush on his hyung's cheeks.

“I...i'll send Tae up with them. But i'll get you anything you ask, okay?”

“Okay...” His husband sounds disappointed but what can you do? Jungkook had some ass to kiss
today, and it was kind of hard to do that if you were too busy tending to your pregnant husband's
every whim.
“Love you hyung. I'll be home as soon as I can, but Tae will keep you company.”

After an obnoxious goodbye kiss and some sappy banter Jungkook is on his way to speak with the
Parks, his fitted suit and styled hair suddenly feeling sub-par. This time he brings some expensive tea
that's supposed to be good for your health, something his father gifts to literally everyone when he's
trying to be polite. Mrs. Park is happy to see him, but Jimin's dad looks like he was forced into this.

“Sir.” He bows ninety degrees before taking his seat at the table. The man grumbles out a greeting
before staring at his plate again, avoiding his wife's gaze.

“Sorry Jihyun couldn't make it tonight dear—he couldn't get out of work.”

“It's fine, Mrs. Park. I just wanted to try my sales pitch again.” The young alpha jokes, glancing at
Jimin's father. The man did not look amused.

“Well, I for one am glad Jiminnie has such an insistent alpha. It's sweet, what you're trying to do.”

“It's what any respectable son-in-law would do, Jihye. Shame we don't have a son worthy of him.”
Mr. Park grunts out, biting down a little too aggressively on a piece of meat. “You should leave him
while you have the chance.”

“I don't intend to sir.” Jungkook responds curtly, reaching for his cup of water. “ Actually, I came
here to ask some questions too.”


“Your side of the story, I guess? Jimin is like-” The young alpha stops himself before he can say
Jimin is like you, opting for a less offensive sentence. “He doesn't see things the way you see them.
Maybe...maybe he assumed you were doing something bad, when you were just trying to help him.”

“Is he stubborn with you too?” The old man chuckles, and it seems genuine, so Jungkook throws out
a soft smile.

“Well, I can't say my life has been easy.”

“When Jimin presented we were all pretty shocked.” Mr. Park begins, scratching his chin. “His
mother isn't an omega, and we've never had omegas in the family. We were so sure he'd be an alpha
—he was too. It broke the kid's heart, when he had his first heat.” The elder looks slightly upset, but
he continues before the expression can linger. “I...I had a friend who was well off, with a son who
had—who had a little thing for guys. I tried to set Jimin up with him, give him a little security, you
know? They'd both get what they needed out of it, and Jimin wouldn't have to deal with the rest of
the world. He'd be safe, and the kid was good, so he'd be happy too.”

“Jimin didn't like him?” Jungkook asks between mouthfuls of soup, quirking an eyebrow.

“Well, he didn't really resist at first—his girlfriend cheated on him or something, so he was down,
you know? And the kid made him smile again. They were fine the first few months, but one day he
comes in here screaming about how he wasn't a weak omega, and he says he's not gonna mate with
the Im's son because the guy was a pig.”

“Did you ask him why he thought that?”

“Of course! I asked him so many times why he suddenly flipped, and he'd just give me this guilty
look before running off. When I asked my friend's boy about it he said they fought over a mark.
Jimin wanted to mark him too, but that's not natural, you know? There was no reason for him to treat
that poor boy like that.”

Jungkook is beginning to get a bad feeling about where all of this may lead, but he just nods his
head. “Yeah. Alphas don't get marked unless they're in a same-rank relationship.”

“That's what I said! I told him this is who he was now, and the sooner he accepted it the sooner he'd
be happy. Told him to just take the damn mark, because honestly that kid was a catch. I love my son,
no matter how much he upsets me, and I just wanted him to live a stable life.”

“Did Jimin ever argue differently from what the other alpha said?” He sets his spoon down, bowl
empty; from the corner of his eye he can see Mrs. Park's pleased smile.

“No. He'd just get this look, you know? Like I was breaking his heart. But what the hell was I
supposed to do with a look? I just—I thought he was still real shook up about the omega thing. That
he still thought of himself as an alpha.”
“Sounds like Jimin.” the young alpha agrees, sighing. “For what it's worth, he misses you guys. He's
snarky about it, but even when he's cursing you out there's this fond little light in his eyes.” Jungkook
fixes his tie. “I see it in yours too, Mr. Park.”

“Son, I was just beginning to like you.” The older alpha scowls, but the look doesn't reach his eyes
—no, he's probably accepting Jungkook's presence now. Accepting the only connection he has to his
eldest son. “We don't have dessert.”

“I don't have a sweet tooth.” Jungkook replies without missing a beat, standing up and pushing his
chair in. “I enjoyed our talk. Same time next week?”

“Show up here and i'll strangle you.” The older alpha growls, but it's all just posturing; Jungkook
knows he'll be very much welcome.

“Thank you for the dinner, Mrs. Park.”

“Oh, anytime dear. Don't be a stranger!”

Jungkook has on a big smile when he leaves, waving until he's out of sight. The second he's stepped
into his car his phone goes off, Jimin's name flashing across the screen.

“Yeah babe?”

“Kookie, Tae fell asleep.”

“I'll be home in ten minutes tops to beat his ass.” The alpha coos, starting his car.

“Could you maybe bring back some dried squid?” Jimin asks shyly, and he's probably fidgeting;
Jungkook swoons.

“Yeah babe, of course. Anything else?”

“Nothing, just. Come home quick?”

“Of course. Anything for you.”


When Jungkook finally meets Jihyun, it's not at his weekly dinners with the Parks. It's at three in the
morning, his hair all mussed and his pajamas barely covering him as he rushes to get everything his
husband was craving before he gets the disappointed puppy eyes of an unsatisfied omega.

He's the only one in the checkout line but he still waits, blinking slowly with a basket filled to the
brim. A young man ushers him forward and he starts placing things on the belt; almond butter, quail
eggs, strawberry-banana protein shakes, some weird squid kimchi that costs roughly a million dollars
per ounce—the list goes on.

When the cashier gets to the squid kimchi he chuckles, which Jungkook immediately takes offense to
because fuck this guy, he's just trying to get his preggo hubby some past-midnight snacks.

“Something wrong?” He grunts out, narrowing his eyes.

“No, sorry. It's just—I haven't seen anyone but my brother eat this stuff. He loves it.”

“So does my omega.” Jungkook decides to let the kid live for today, pulling out his card to pay.

“Your wife has pretty unique taste.” the little beta jokes, and Jungkook sets him with a glare before


“Oh. Pregnant?”



“Squishy cheeks?”

“Are you stalking me kid?” the alpha is on guard, or at least as on guard as he can be at three in the
morning. Fuck, it was probably three thirty now.

“No, I just—Jungkook, right?”


“I'm Park Jihyun. I think you're married to my brother? Jimin.”

“I wonder that sometimes too.”

Jungkook visits the supermarket every night after that, and they become fast friends.

Chapter End Notes

I'm tired so I'll come back and comment here later x.x


Hi guys! first off thanks for reading, even though this fic is a rollercoaster on crack--i
always write like 3-4 chapters ahead so sometimes i forget the confusing parts because
for me it's all already written out/ resolved (whoops) and on that note let me know
anytime you're confused and I'll answer as quickly as possible!

(Also the whole time i was writing this i was thinking jungkook is a snake b/c he's
fishing around for info instead of asking jimin. That sneaky snek.)
Year 6
Chapter Summary

Jungkook's life is suddenly full of good spots

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The seventh month of Jimin's pregnancy is probably the highlight of Jungkook's life.

It all starts when they go in for Jimin's weekly check-up, the big alpha gushing at the way his
husband waddles down the hallway, grumbling about how his feet hurt and his back hurts and that
the lights in the hallway were too bright. Once they get to the room a doctor pulls him aside, the
nurse ushering Jimin in despite his vocal protests about being separated.

“It'll just be for ten minutes Jimin-ssi. Come on, your baby is waiting.” it takes a little convincing, but
eventually Jungkook is led to an examination room where the doctor sits him down before patting his

“Mister Jeon, I've got some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want first?”

“Bad?” He's suddenly nervous, because what if his baby is hurt?

“Well, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to stop taking your scent suppressants. Jimin will need the real
thing in the coming months, and i'm going to have to put you on supplements as well.”

“What? Why?” The alpha recoils, leaning back in his seat. “Am I dying?”

“No, of course not, but—male omegas are special. During pregnancy, omegas develop a pouch of
sorts inside them—we'll call it a mock womb.” The doctor pulls up a diagram on the computer
screen, pointing to a cross-section that makes absolutely no sense but the young alpha nods
anyways.”It's normally called the hormone pocket, and it's above the prostate, near the sealed
entrance of the real womb.”
“The what-state? Doc, you're losing me here.”

“His sweet spot, Mister Jeon.” Doctor Oh looks a little disgruntled at the alpha's lack of knowledge.
“The hormone pouch collects semen and uses it to stimulate the release of certain hormones, hence
the name. The addition of certain supplements is known to aid as well. It doesn't finish formation
until the third trimester.”

“So?” Jungkook is fidgeting in his seat, because normally Jimin memorizes all the hard stuff and he
just coos over his tummy.

“So, the good news is that your sex life will get quite the boost. I'd expect regular interest and
attempts at least twice a day. But-”


“But, your husband will also become quiet emotional. I recommend-”

“So just fuck him and cuddle him?”

Doctor Oh looks sincerely disturbed. “I supposed that's one way of putting it.”

“Kay. Can I go now? I wanna see the baby.”

“...Yes Mister Jeon, you're free to leave.”

The next day Jungkook does as instructed, tossing his supplements in the trash when he gets ready
for work. His husband is still asleep so he doesn't get a goodbye kiss, but he scents him for good
measure, heart fluttering at the way the omega whines and sighs contentedly. God damn, his boy was

“I'll be back soon hyung.” Time at the office flies by because he's being ogled more than usual and
it's a huge confidence boost (Taehyung would be disgusted with him), and when he gets home and
smells dinner cooking he's elated until Jimin smells him and suddenly he's having sex where he
should be eating.
By the end of the week, there isn't a single surface they haven't soiled. Jungkook thinks this month is
great even though Jimin cries about everything because the omega also smothers him with love and
affection, insisting on washing him and shampooing his hair and sitting in his lap to feed him during

He thinks it's great because the way Jimin looks at him starts to change, if only a little. Part of him
wishes they'd shared this intimacy before, but part of him is also glad they started up again because
whatever the fuck the hormone pouch is, it turns Jimin into a nymphomaniac.

“Hyung, untie me.” The alpha whines and tugs on his restraints, arm muscles bulging because yes, he
was actually trying to get out. Fucking Park Jimin and his boy scout-worthy knot tying skills.

“No...you look the best under me, Kookie.” The omega practically purrs, bouncing faster as his eyes
eat up the alpha spread underneath him. “Fuck...you like being tied up baby? You're so hard.”

“Speak for yourself.” Jungkook grits out, stomach muscles clenching because okay yeah, maybe he
thought it was really hot that Jimin tied him up and is somehow riding him into submission. An alpha
can have a weird fantasy or two, can't they? “Gonna make you beg for my knot.”

“From down there?” Jimin lets out a breathless laugh, and suddenly there's slick gushing out of him
and he clamps down and grinds his hips so slow it actually hurts, and—fuck dignity, Jeon Jungkook
was a man with needs.

“Hyung...” he whimpers softly, letting his arms fall limp. “I wanna knot.” Jimin clenches around him
again and he arches his back, nearly throwing the omega off with the way he bucks his hips.

“I thought you were gonna make me beg?” His husband looks so smug, like he's won the lottery or
something, but before Jungkook can pretend to be upset he leans down for a quick kiss, smirking. “If
you wanna knot me, you gotta beg Kookie. You gonna be a good little alpha slut for hyung?”

“Jimin, please.” The alpha leans up to lick at his jaw, baring his neck. He thinks his eyes are
watering but it's hard to tell because his dick is so hard it hurts and vision isn't exactly his primary
focus right now because sex.

“You're so beautiful, Kook.” The omega leans forward hesitantly, amber eyes gazing longingly at
the alpha's neck. Jungkook turns his head more to the side, ignoring the chants of no and wrong
ringing in his head when Jimin's tongue darts out to trace a circle around his scent gland. Jimin's lips
press against the spot hesitantly, teeth grazing the skin there and Jungkook clenches his eyes shut,
focusing on the way his husband is twitching around his cock.

“So pretty.” His hyung whispers against his skin, and Jungkook's never been one to appreciate those
kinds of compliments but he feels his heart pound against his ribs, matching pace with the slow
coiling in the pit of his stomach.

“Hyung?” The alpha calls out softly, tensing when he feels Jimin growling against his skin. The
omega nips and sucks the spot until it's certain to leave a big, ugly bruise; he even lets his fangs prick
the skin, just in the slightest, just enough to draw a few stray drops of blood.

The effect is instant; one second he's whimpering and compliant and the next he's broken through the
flimsy tie wrapped around his wrists, thighs clenching as he locks his knot in and cums hard, barely
coherent enough to push Jimin up so his stomach isn't crushed between them.

“That was fucking weird.” Jungkook manages to huff out between gasps, his chest still heaving
because that was the hardest he's ever cum in his life.

“Good weird or bad weird?” Jimin is resting against his shoulder, wincing every time the knot shifts
or twitches inside of him.

“I love you weird.” the alpha chuckles out, sighing dramatically. “What am I gonna do about the
mark? Hickeys are pretty unprofessional.”

“Keep it.” Jimin grunts, leaning in to press a kiss against the spot. “Bitches need to know not to
touch my man.”

“If you get to leave one, I get to leave one.” Jungkook replies, turning to nip the top of his husband's
ear. “You know. So bitches know not to touch my man too.”

“...Just a little one.” Jimin agrees, pulling back with all sorts of discomfort and uncertainty in his

“You're sure?”
“Yeah, just—be gentle.” Jimin leans back slowly, clenching his eyes shut once his back hits the bed.

Jungkook blanks for a few seconds, all of the blood from his brain rushing down to his knot before it
surges back into his chest, an indescribable fondness leaving him warm all the way down to the tips
of his fingers. Jimin looked so pretty under him, so round and plump with his pups, his head tilted so
that he was baring his neck just the slightest, adam's apple bobbing each time he swallowed

The alpha is just as nervous, if he's perfectly honest with himself. This was like his second chance—
no, chance two point five, because he's pretty sure he fucked up again somewhere along the line.
Before he even leans in his fingers trace along the smooth skin of his omega's swollen belly, the
other man keening softly at the attention. “I love you hyung.”

Jimin doesn't respond, just clenches his eyes more tightly, grasping the sheets until his knuckles turn
white. The alpha doesn't mind, even takes his time sliding his hands up past his chest before sliding
them down to the omega's fingertips. He's happy just rubbing the backs of his husband's hands, eyes
crinkling in a smile before he leans down to kiss the tension out of his body. Jimin doesn't kiss back
at first either, not until Jungkook guides one of his small hands to tangle in the hairs just above his
nape, the omega's thick fingers finally unclenching so that they can slide through.

He takes his time kissing Jimin, working his lips over until they're swollen and wet with spit, the
elder chasing after his lips every time he pulls back to catch his breath. Jungkook locks their fingers
together before he noses along his hyung's jaw, silently asking permission again; when Jimin bares
his neck completely, the wolf inside of him swells with pride, the word mate bouncing around his
head as he leans in to place a soft, barely there kiss against his husband's scent gland. He arches his
back to get a better angle, mimicking how slow and gentle Jimin had worked over his neck earlier on
in the night; whenever Jimin tenses up he slows down and runs his tongue along the spot, careful to
keep his fangs away. The process is slow and delicate, feels like it takes a lifetime and a half, but
when Jungkook pulls away there's a small, dark bruise blooming where he's always dreamed of
putting his mark.

“You okay hyung?” He was quiet about it, but Jungkook didn't miss the tears rolling down his
omega's cheeks. Jimin was still shaky, still squeezing Jungkook's hand and trying to steady his

“I—no, but i'll be fine.” The elder lets out a ragged breath, blinking away the tears. “Can I have a
little space?”

“Hmmm....No?” Jungkook points to their joined hips, smiling. “Kinda stuck.”

“You're way too happy about this”

“Am I?” The alpha hums, leaning down to kiss his husband's nose. “I guess I am.”

“It felt really good when you popped your knot this time.” Jimin shuts his eyes, beginning to fall
asleep. “Felt like you hit two sweet spots.”

“That's cause you have two now hyung.”

Jimin's eyes suddenly widen comically, and Jungkook laughs at the way he dives for his phone so he
can fact check with google. The elder then immediately proceeds to praise the length and girth of
Jungkook's dick, because apparently it's rare for an alpha to be able to reach both.

While he'll always be happy that his omega is pleased with his dick, tonight Jungkook is happy for
another reason. He nuzzles against it when his knot finally settles down, giving the bruised spot one
last kiss before closing his eyes.

Chapter End Notes

I feel like Jungkook has grown up so much from the first chapter ;(

(Wow Jungkook look at the difference when you treat him nicely and don't just ram
your dick in)

Thanks for reading/commenting/kudos!

Chapter 18
Chapter Summary

Jungkook and Taehyung reunite.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Somewhere around eight months in Jungkook starts to snap. It's not a bad kind of snapping he
supposes, considering it's because he's stressed about his baby and Jimin is getting more and more
hormonal by the second and there are eight million projects due in the next twelve hours and now
Taehyung wants him to throw a fucking baby shower because apparently people do that—he had to
google it to make sure, and yes, it's real.

No, this is the good kind of snapping because people will forgive him for it later. At least, that's what
he tells himself when he walks into work Monday and screams his head off at an intern because he
didn't bow his head when they made eye-contact at the coffee machine. The whole sales floor
watches in horror—mostly because a pissed off proto-alpha is terrifying—as he nearly chokes the
poor kid due to his inability to respond.

“You didn't know who I was?”

“N-no sir, I-”

“You work in my company and you don't know who I am?”

“I-I only know your father, I didn't know-”

“Oh, so you figured I wasn't important? If I wasn't important, do you think i'd stay up until three in
the morning writing a report instead of spending time with my pregnant husband so that we can
afford to hire pampered assholes like you to sit around and do jack-shit all day? I swear on my
unborn child-”

“Mister Jeon, a word?”

Jungkook is about to flay into whoever interrupted his rant but he whips around to see Taehyung in a
suit, carrying what looks like a briefcase full of important documents. He gives his hyung one long
look before turning back to the intern and hissing under his breath.

“You better know the names of every fucking person on the sales floor by tomorrow, or no amount
of brown-nosing will save your ass from getting cut. Got it?”

The poor boy just nods as Jungkook turns on his heel, stomping all the way to his office. Taehyung
closes the door quietly behind him, eyebrows raising when Jungkook flops into his chair like a child
throwing a tantrum.

“Dude, you can't just ass-rape people like that. Poor kid probably has PTSD now.”

“He looked at me and didn't bow. Who does that?”

“Jimin? Yoongi, Seokjin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung...Pretty much everyone who knows you, actually.”
Taehyung nods, setting his briefcase down on the floor. “No self-respecting adult would bow their
heads to you if they actually knew you.”

“Why the fuck are you even here?” He snarls, eyes flashing silver as he sits up. He'd throttle
Taehyung right here, no one would find the body until midnight at least--

“To go over the details of your baby shower. And be your fucking therapist, apparently.”

“I don't need a fucking therapist.”

“Can you even feel your dick anymore?”

“Oh my god no. It's like, I wake up in the morning and there's this sad little worm staring back at me,
going 'no, please, don't put me in there!' but then Jimin gets these puppy eyes and if I don't cum he
gets so offended so I gotta keep going and then the worm is like 'i'm drowning!' but i'm like I know
it's wet in there, just take one for the team and the little worm starts crying and turns into a bigger
worm, except the bigger worm is like 'it's fucking suffocating in here!' so then i'm like just fucking
pop your knot then, drop a load so we can get out of here and he's like 'we're firing blanks captain.'
and i'm like fuck, we can't be firing blanks it's only 9am and I had my pills last night-” Taehyung
stops him mid-sentence by putting a hand over his mouth, eyes wide with a mix of shock and

“Dude. You need a therapist.”

Jungkook bites his palm, indiscreetly enjoying the way his hyung recoils and shakes his hand. “I
don't need a therapist Tae, I just need someone to talk to. Someone who's not Jimin, or Jihyun.”

“Who's Jihyun?”

“Jimin's little brother.”

“You fucking snake. I'm your best friend, you should only be talking to me!” The older alpha gets up
and slams his briefcase on the coffee table, growling. “I work my ass off deciding between maroon
and burgundy tablecloths for your fucking baby shower, and this is how you repay me?”

“Those are the same fucking color.”

“Maroon is a dark red with brown in it. Burgandy is a dark reddish purple, bitch.” Taehyung throws
the cloth samples on the table, along with magazine cut-outs and business cards.

“I don't even like red.”

“But Jimin's skin looks good next to it, and this is about him, not you you selfish alpha scumbag!"
He throws the empty case at his former roommate's head, and Jungkook groans from the pain. “Now
tell me about this Jihyun bitch you've been side-hoeing me for. Is he hotter than me? Does he have
bigger hands and longer fingers?”

“You own the biggest pair of fucking meat mittens i've ever seen Kim Taehyung. And he's Jimin's
little brother, so don't call him a bitch.”

“He's as nice as Jiminnie, isn't he?”

“Probably nicer, actually. He's a beta, so less hormones?”

“Well fuck, he should be a great listener then. Have fun chatting his ear off with all your juicy secrets
and life problems, even though he's not like, your fucking life mentor or hyung or even an alpha.
Sounds like you've got something real good going there.” The older alpha crosses his arms and huffs,
turning his head away when Jungkook (begrudgingly) sits next to him and places a hand on his
thigh. Stupid fucking jealous hyungs.

“Tae Tae, you know we're not like that. I could never side-hoe you, you're my main hoe. Like,
whenever I want a casual fuck in exchange for money, i'm going to you first. Jihyun isn't even on my
radar. No dick for him.”

“You'd really give me the dick? Like, the good dick? Not Jimin level, but at least like, good enough
to turn me gay for five minutes.” Taehyung turns, but he's still pouting.

“Sure, if you let me gag you and smack you around a bit. Oh, and you'd need to call me daddy and
wear a school girl outfit.”

“Thigh-highs or stockings?”

“Neither. I want everyone to see the scrapes from when I make you go down on your knees.”
Taehyung stares hard for a second, eyes watering, before he crumbles and leans over to give his best
friend a hug, sniffling.

“You're my fucking soulmate Kook. I missed you so bad.”

“Fuck, me too. No homo though.” Jungkook can feel his eyes watering a little, but he's not gonna

“Yeah, i'd hate every second of it. But-”

“A hoe's gotta earn his keep, right?” the younger finishes, flashing a fond grin.

“C'mere you fucking alpha scumbag!”

When secretary Jung walks in to submit the daily schedule his eyes widen comically, because the
two alphas are embracing in a suspiciously intimate way and there's a bruise beginning to form on
Jungkook's cheek and Kim Taehyung himself is going “Sorry Kookie, let Daddy kiss it better.”
While making said kissy face and –

He slams the door. He doesn't get paid enough for this shit.


The baby shower is just a preliminary wedding. Or at least, that's what Jungkook is beginning to
think, what with the way he's running literally everywhere to gather useless shit for an event literally
just celebrating the fact that his dick got Jimin's little omega eggs fertilized. He kind of thought that
baby showers were stupid.

“So, Jihyun-ah. I can call you that, right? Jihyunnie, are you excited to see your big bro again?”
Taehyung's got his arm slung around the poor beta's shoulder as they walk through the department
store, and the kid's been sending Jungkook help me eyes since Taehyung “coincidentally” appeared
as they were getting out of the car.

“Y-yeah, I mean, I missed him a lot. H-how do you know Jungkook again?” He shrinks back when
Taehyung gets too close, chuckling.

“I'm his best friend. You know, the guy he tells all his real problems to.”

“Good for you.” the beta replies meekly, slipping away to the safety of Jeon Jungkook, Proto-

“Hyung, be nice. This was supposed to be a bro-date, which you're completely infringing on, so at
least infringe like it was an accident.” Jungkook shoves his best friend to the side, jutting his jaw out.
“We're going in here to make the arrangements for the cake and snacks. They specialize in food
that's good for expecting omegas.”

“You were gonna take him to some pre-nup restaurant for a bro-date? Kook, you should be taking
him to a strip club!”

“Hyung, this is my husband's little brother.” Jungkook snaps, picking up the ordering catalog maybe
a little too roughly.

“So? Jihyunnie can probably appreciate a little lap dance. Isn't that right, Hyunnie?”

“Hyung, you are two seconds away from losing the title of best man.” The younger alpha
aggressively flips through pages of the magazine, earning judgmental stares from the staff. “Jihyun,
you know what kinda cake Jimin likes? He never eats cake around me.”

“Hyung used to really like vanilla with strawberry icing when we were kids, but it had to be the
fluffy whipped kind.” Jihyun responds, leaning over to look through the book with his brother-in-

“So he likes his icing like he likes his men?” Taehyung starts, grinning from ear to ear; the other two
men ignore him completely. “Whipped. Get it? Cause Kookie is whipped, and the icing is whipped

“What about finger sandwiches? You think he'd like cucumbers, or is he more of a brie and apple
kind of guy?”

“I'd go with something salmon or maybe beef. He's always been big on the proteins.”

“Guys?” The older alpha flails his arms, demanding attention.

“You think he'd like that squid kimchi, maybe on steamed buns with porkbelly? I could make it at

“Ah, yeah, he'd probably love that! We should probably get some mints though, since we'll be
serving kimchi.”

“Yeah, we can have the catering company bring those in.”

“GUYS!” Kim fucking Taehyung, satan spawn, shouts at the top of his lungs into Jungkook's
fucking ear like it was a completely necessary action and if there weren't women and children in this
fucking store he'd be so dead.
“What hyung?” Jungkook is about 110% done with his best friend but he tries not to show it, which
is pointless because Taehyung can tell when he's irritated, but whatever.

“Laugh at my joke, you-” Taehyung glances to the side, noticing a toddler clinging to his mother's
leg. “You itch-bay.”

“Are you really using pig latin right now?”

“So what if I am? You ussy-pay.”

“Did you just call me a pu-” Jungkook also takes note of the toddler. Fuck his life. “Taehyung, I'm
gonna grate your stupid square mouth on the sidewalk until your teeth look like jigsaw puzzle

“Do it, itch-bay. You won't.”

Jungkook and Taehyung are kicked out of the catering store a few minutes later and Jihyun ends up
ordering everything using the alpha's card.


The day of the baby shower Jungkook is working furiously in the kitchen to finish his special little
pork buns, mostly because Jimin keeps eating them and he doesn't have the heart to scold the omega
for indulging a little, except a little is a lot because he's definitely made at least ten and they're all
nowhere to be seen.

“Hey, Kookie?” The omega waddles in holding his stomach and all anger over the missing pork
buns is forgotten, Jungkook immediately turning to his husband with a smile.

“Yes hyung?” He loved the way Jimin blushed and fidgeted when he called him hyung. Fuck. He
has to turn back around and go back to frying the pork belly before his weak ass gives in and just
feeds it all to his husband.
“Are there...are there any more of those little pork buns?” the elder asks shyly, licking his lips. He's
got a little bit of red sauce on the corner of his mouth, and on anyone else it'd be disgusting but the
way Jimin wears it makes Jungkook coo because he must've been enjoying it so much, if he ate until
he was messy like that.

“Maybe. Depends on what I get in return.” He responds nonchalantly, flipping a few pieces. Fuck,
he'd take anything if it was from Jimin.

The omega is quiet for a bit, contemplating, before he waddles over and Jungkook has to turn off the
stove because he'd be fucked by an angry puffer fish before he let any hot grease splatter on his
precious hyung's skin. Jimin fidgets next to him for a few seconds before tugging on his sleeve, his
eyes looking incredibly guilty and needy at the same time. “I'll let you leave a hickey...no, two. One
on each side.”

Damn, the pork buns must've been good. Not that he'd know, he hasn't gotten to try a single one.

“Just hickies, right?”

“Well...I wanna have sex too. Can we?”

“The party is in an hour hyung. You know I like to take my time with you.” They had sex three
times already this morning. Jungkook could already see that sad little worm, staring back at him.

“Then...just your mouth and your fingers?”

He just wanted oral. Bless. “Of course Jiminnie. Go wait in bed? I need to finish up this batch really

Jimin ends up getting a quick knotting anyways, because pregnant Jimin gets whatever the fuck he
wants and Jungkook honestly shouldn't have pretended that he'd ever even bother resisting.

Or so he tells his friend Taehyung over a glass of wine, the two alphas sitting off to the side while
Jimin chats with a few other omegas he knows from his parenting classes.
“Like, I think his body is completely adjusted to it. There's no way my dick hasn't left some sort of
indent now, right?” Jungkook swirls the white wine in his glass, sighing. “I never thought i'd
complain about getting my dick wet.”

“I never thought I'd hear you complain about getting your dick wet.” Taehyung shudders, shaking
his head. “I'm glad I can't knock Yoongi up. Fuck, he'd probably suck my soul out through my

“You know he's right over there hyung. If he hears you he'll probably kill you.”

“Nah, he loves me to much. He's not above maiming me though.” The older alpha takes a sip from
his glass, eyeing the circle of pregnant omegas surrounding and congratulating Jimin, a few with
pups in their arms. “Kook, what's it like? Doing a pregnant omega, I mean. How's it different?”

“Well, he's definitely wetter. It's like a heat, but there's like this—your pups are inside there, you
know? It really gets you riled up.” Jungkook sighs again, eyes wandering to his cute little hyung.
“It's like they can do no wrong. Like, he ate all of the pork buns I made and we had sex three times
this morning and I still wanted to fuck him. I just wanna give him everything.”

“You think you'll feel the same once the pup is out of his belly?”

“Sexually, hell no. Like, I love him and all, but I need my dick.” Jungkook smiles, taking a sip from
his glass. “But I'll keep loving him more and more, I think. The fact that he's carried my child will
never change, you know? Even if the bump and the hormones go away.”

“Christ, Jimin's turned you into a half-decent alpha.” Taehyung fake-sobs before chugging his wine
and reaching for another glass. “Is Jihyun still coming?”

“He just got here.”

On cue the beta walks in, smiling and greeting everyone awkwardly before he taps on his brother's
shoulder; when Jimin sees him he starts sobbing, and Taehyung has to hold Jungkook back because

“They're having a bro-ment. Let them bond in peace.”

Jimin and Jihyun spend the night catching up and healing, and Jungkook's dick is more than grateful
for the break.

Chapter End Notes

Sorry this chapter was 90% crack but Daddy-Kook is coming next chapter!

(spoiler alert; he's a shitty dad, but he tries really hard so it's okay)

(Or maybe not, the kid might grow up to be like him)

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 19
Chapter Summary

Jungkook (finally) becomes a dad, and now Jimin has two babies to raise.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

People always talk about moments where you remember every detail, because something important
happens. Like when your grandparents die, or when you get that first college acceptance letter, or
when war breaks out and it's all over the news. Jungkook never really got that, because honestly he's
never had something that good (or bad) happen to him in a way that left those kind of details to

But he'll remember when Jimin's water breaks. He'll remember because it breaks on him, while's he's
balls-deep, the omega bent over the kitchen counter. Jungkook will remember because he freaks the
fuck out, mostly because he thinks he just fucked his husband into labor (the doctor kindly explains
to him later that it doesn't work that way). He's a nervous wreck but Jimin is calm, telling him what
to do patiently while reminding him to breathe because he's completely useless if he passes out.

Jungkook thinks he's completely useless when he's awake too, because even after they get to the
hospital all he does is hold his husband's hand, and Jimin is comforting him, not the other way

“Hyung, i'm so sorry, I should've held back but your belly was just so soft and squishy and you have
my pup in you, and-” the alpha huffs, banging his head against the side rail of the bed. “I love you
hyung, I love you so much.”

“Calm down Kookie.” The elder sighs, stroking his hair. “We knew the baby would be coming this
week. It's okay.” Jimin was handling all of this way too well—it was probably whatever drugs they
gave him to prep him for surgery.

“I'm gonna miss your bump so much. Fuck hyung, I loved your abs, but can you stay squishy for
me?” He's having all sorts of weird separation anxiety now and all he can think is that he should've
fucked Jimin more in his over sized shirts, bent him over more counters, maybe tried something in
public for good measure--
“Kookie, we can have more pups.”

“It won't be the same!” Jungkook should be ecstatic that Jimin just promised him more pups but
instead he's leaning over the handrails to sniff his husband's stomach, the baby's scent just beginning
to break through and making him growl every time a nurse came by to check on the omega's status.
“This is our first kid. After this i'll be like, a pro or something.” he argues, kissing his husband's

“I strongly doubt that for some reason.” the omega drawls, clearly amused. “It may take you a
hundred pups before you even pass novice level.

Jungkook wants to argue that he'd probably have it down after three or four, but the nurses usher him
out of the room because its time and holy fuck, he's gonna be a dad soon. He does what any self-
respecting alpha would do; calls his best friend, and his best friend's brother, and his parents and his
in-laws and tells all of them that the baby is on the way and he's freaking out and to please bring
some Valium, the doctors won't give him any.

Seokjin and Namjoon show up first, because they have their shit together and they're a model couple
that's always aware and mature and in control for no good reason other than their age. When
Jungkook starts crying Seokjin hugs him and rubs his back, giving some strong side eye to his mate
because Namjoon insists on pointing out all the things that could go wrong with a male omega's

“I just wanna be realistic man, you gotta be prepared.”

“Namjoon, please.”

“What? They're two double-recessives having a kid, he needs to know the ups and downs to it.”

“Leave my baby alone, you menace.” Seokjin snarls and Namjoon finally shuts up, patting the
younger alpha's back soothingly.

“Hey man, at least you didn't mate an alpha. I heard they're the worst naggers.”

The next person to walk over leaves Namjoon and Seokjin confused, but Jungkook pulls back and
rubs his eyes before shaking the man's hands.

“Jungkook.” The man smiles and shakes his hands, but Seokjin clears his throat and points because-

“Jungkook, why did you call a priest here?”

“In case Yoongi hyung comes.” The youngest alpha says naturally, giving his old friend from
college a hug. “I just need to make sure my baby is safe.”

“These two aren't the afflicted, correct?” Joshua adjusts the bible underneath his arm and Seokjin
scoffs, rolling his eyes.


“No, they're just gay. Not demons. Seokjin Hyung might be a woman in disguise though.” Jungkook
assures the man, pressing against his side. “The one I want you to check will come in with a dumb-
looking alpha—You remember my roommate Taehyung?”

“Kim Taehyung?” when the alpha nods a second group suddenly appears, his mother and father
shuffling in with a small army of bodyguards.

“Oh Jungkookie, is our little Jiminie alright? How's the baby?” His mother asks in a whiny tone,
clinging to her husband. “Has it been born yet?”

“They're operating now, but they should be done soon.”

“Is Jimin Christian?” His father suddenly questions, eyeing the priest. Joshua pauses for a moment,
and Jungkook needs a second to process before he says “It's for Yoongi.”

His father understands immediately, probably because he's also experienced the Satan-like beta.
When Taehyung and Yoongi stumble in, cheeks flushed from running, Joshua stares straight into the
older male's eyes.


“Yeah, him.”

“Jungkook, why is there a priest here?”


When the doctor lets him into the room, Jungkook nearly dies from how happy he is. Jimin is barely
awake, stomach stitched up neatly so that it wouldn't scar, and then his—no, their pup is being
handed to him, so small and soft and smelling of rich cedar and cinnamon. It's a little baby boy, the
cutest fucking bundle of person he's ever seen in his twenty-five years, and Jungkook nearly dies
again when the baby blinks before grabbing onto one of his fingers. Shit, he might drop his kid from
sheer excitement.

“Kookie.” The omega croaks, voice thick with sleep as he fights the drugs that had him knocked out
cold earlier. “Wanna hold him. Help me.”

“Y-yeah, yeah, of course honey.” The alpha sucks in a breath before he walks over, taking extra care
with each step because he'd literally kill himself if he tripped and dropped his baby boy. Jimin raises
his arms and Jungkook carefully places the baby in them, wrapping around the omega so that he can
still support him.

“Is he healthy?” the omega asks no one in particular, and when the nurse nods and smiles Jungkook
answers him, kissing his temple.

“Yeah hyung. He's healthy and strong.”

“He looks like me.” Jimin whispers, cooing softly at his son. The alpha honestly doesn't know who
to look at—his husband, or his baby. He wants to scent them both so badly, but Jimin needs to go
into post-op care and his baby needs to get his immunizations and then be fed--
“Yeah.” Jungkook finally responds, rubbing the tears from his eyes. “Thank god. I thought he'd have
my nose.”

“I like your nose.” The omega pouts, kissing their son's forehead. “You're really pretty, Kookie.”

“Shush, this isn't about me. We need to fawn over our baby more.” the alpha wipes his eyes, but
there's no point because the tears are flowing freely. Honestly, he's relieved that both his husband
and the baby are healthy. He's relieved that everything is okay, that no one was hurt during this
whole thing, and it shows.

“Jungkook, you're gonna make our baby cry.” Jimin scolds, cooing at the bundle in his arms when
his alpha starts sobbing.

“Don't care. I'm happy.” Jungkook tucks his face into the crook of his husband's neck, shutting his
eyes.”Glad you're both okay, hyung.”


It's twenty minutes before both Jimin and the baby are cleared to see guests, Jungkook still hovering
protectively near the bed while his husband smiles and coos at their son. He should be happy but he's
on full-alert instead, nearly bending the bars of Jimin's IV stand when Taehyung storms in,squealing.

“I'm an uncle! Oh my god, i'm an uncle—Let Uncle Tae see the baby, make sure Jungkook didn't
rub off on him.” The alpha makes grabby hands until Jimin relents, warning him about six thousand
times to be careful and not move too much which were pointless arguments because he wiggles

“Aw, he's like a cute little Jiminnie. But those are Kookie's grumpy eyebrows—he's gonna be mean
and cute looking. That's weird.”

“You wanna spend the rest of your life with a grumpy foot up your ass?” Jungkook snarls, leaning
forward until Jimin pushes against his chest, huffing.

“Down boy. He's just joking.”

“Yeah Kookie, it's just a joke. Like the priest was, remember?” Yoongi walks in with wet bangs, his
face recently dried from the thorough dousing of holy water and impromptu bathroom baptism he'd
recently been subjected to. Jungkook decides that maybe it's a good idea to shut up now.

“Priest?” Jimin tilts his head to look up at his husband and the alpha blanches.

“Inside joke Minnie, don't worry about it. Tae, gimme the kid.” Yoongi seems happy enough just
holding the baby, but Jungkook still watches carefully because even if the priest couldn't prove that
he was a demon he could be a practitioner of witchcraft or something. He probably ate babies, not
baby souls.

When Seokjin and Namjoon come in everyone starts crying (except for Jungkook of course, he's too
alpha to cry) and the eldest gives them all sorts of tips on how to take care of their son and what not
to feed them and instructs Jimin clearly on how he shouldn't leave Jungkook with the baby for too
long because he'll probably fuck it up somehow.

"Seriously. Like, if anyone is gonna drop your kid on his head, it's Jungkook. Monitor him at all


"Statistically speaking alphas are less aware of internal dangers to their pups, and are more likely to
cause injury during play. Since you're a proto-alpha, that risk doubles."

"I'm not gonna drop my baby hyung!"

"Kookie, I'm gonna have to go with Seokjin hyung on this one." Jimin drawls from the bed, biting
back his grin when Jungkook stomps around insisting he can handle a child just fine, thank you very


Everyone who came to see the baby comes in to congratulate them, and by the time the last pair has
left it's dark outside and Jungkook has slipped into bed with his hyung because these hospital
assholes aren't gonna kick him out; no, he's gonna cuddle with his family even if he has to bite
someone's arm off. He made sure he paid for the nice recovery suite with the nice bed so that he
could fit in it too, after all.

“Kookie, what are we calling him? Jungmin?”

“He'll hate us if we're cheesy like that. We're calling him Eunwoo.”

“You can't just decide that yourself.”

“Already signed the documents.” The alpha hums, chuckling when Jimin punches him weakly.
“Don't worry, I asked you repeatedly. You seemed to like it a lot when you were high off those
painkillers.” It was also on the list of names they'd brainstormed up last week, but he figured Jimin
wouldn't remember half the shit they did until his drugs wore off.

“Still kinda high.” the omega sighs, staring at the baby perched on his husband's chest. “I kinda miss
him being inside me. It was like I had a little buddy.”

“I'll be your little buddy instead. Let me inside you.”

“There's nothing little about you, Jeon Jungkook. Even your baby was huge.” the elder throws some
admittedly weak side-eye, yawning. “Are they gonna come take him soon?”

“They said they'd take him down to the nursery at nine. So we've got thirty minutes?” Jungkook
shrugs, rubbing his baby's back. “We get to go home with him tomorrow though.”

Jimin starts to say something sassy about taking home two babies when there's a knock on the door,
Jihyun peeking his head around the corner shortly after. Jimin's face lights up at the sight of his
brother, smile coming out naturally as he waves him over. “Hyunnie, I thought you wouldn't be able
to make it!”

“Yeah, I uh...well.” The beta rubs the back of his head sheepishly when his parents round the corner
too, Mrs. Park gasping while her husband looks everywhere but the bed where his estranged son is.
“Brought mom and dad. Thought they should be here, too.”

Jimin's expression goes sour so quickly Jungkook begins to wonder if he ever knew how to smile at
all, lips pursed into a thin line as he glares at his father. “Mom would've been enough.”

“Good to see you too, son.” The short alpha grunts out, hanging back when the rest of his family
walks over to see the baby. “What's his name?”

“Eunwoo.” Jungkook answers because it doesn't look like Jimin wants to talk anymore, or ever for
that matter. “Do you want to hold him?”

“He can't-”

“Jimin.” The alpha scolds, sitting up to hand off their son. “Don't.”

There's a brief stare down before Jungkook leaves the bed, motioning for Jihyun to follow. “Talk
with them for a bit, hyung. Eunwoo should be the one to decide whether or not they're in his life, not
you or me.”

“Jungkook, he abandoned me!”

“So talk it out with him. I'm not giving the baby back until you do.” The young alpha huffs, takes his
son, and walks out with a confident strut that Jimin would laugh at any other time; Jihyun does, once
they're outside of the room.

“I'm sorry, but you looked so silly-”

“I hope they figure things out.” Jungkook stares down into his son's eyes, swaying back and forth
slowly. The way the little bundle in his arms is staring back up at him makes him want to cry a little,
makes him wonder if Taehyung's kid would have looked up at him with the same eyes.

“You're gonna be a good dad, you know that? You're already a great husband.”

“Jihyun, don't lie to me. I'm too stressed for bullshit right now.”

“Okay, maybe you're a terrible role model and between you and Taehyung this kid will have all sorts
of issues,” the beta starts, stepping closer so that he can fuss over the baby as well. “But you really
are a great husband. I'm glad you're the one Jimin is with, and not Jaebum.”

“Who's Jaebum?” the alpha turns his head to ask, but before they can finish their conversation Jimin's
father storms out, muttering curses under his breath. Mrs. Park follows, chuckling.

“Jungkook-ah, we'll all be having dinner at your apartment next week. Jimin invited us.” The woman
says happily, clasping her hands together. “All of us.”

“Jungkook, if that brat ever gives you any trouble just leave him and come to us. I'm fine with you
being my son instead!” Mr. Park growls out, eyes flashing red; Jungkook startles a little, because he
hasn't seen a pair of red eyes in awhile. It was a pretty fucking scary color on an alpha, although he'd
heard the silver his eyes turned was twice as bad because it seemed like they were dealing with a
ghost or something. Red eyes at least looked angry.

“Did he forgive you?”

“No, he permitted me to come and speak in more detail next week. The nerve of that little brat-”

“That's good, Mr. Park. It means he wants to fix things.” Jungkook smiles, because of course Jimin
would give his father a hard time, even if he wanted to make things better just as much.”I'll be sure to
prepare something tasty.”

“Whatever. We'll see you next week then.” The older man grunts, but the way he looks at his
grandson is a dead give-away; he's excited for their family dinner. Jungkook spends the night at the
hospital talking about how their baby will be an astronaut, and Jimin doesn't sleep until he's been
assured the alpha won't force any career choices on their son.

Chapter End Notes

idk what to say about this chapter but all sorts of plot is gonna slap you in the face next
chapter (plus more daddy-kook)

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 20
Chapter Summary

Jimin is too nice for his own good

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Kookie, wait—fuck.” The omega lets out a soft sigh, arching his back. “B-baby...it's your turn.”

Jungkook pops his head up from between Jimin's thighs, mouth still covered in slick. “He's crying?”

“Eunwoo is as needy as his dad.” Jimin confirms, letting out a breathless laugh when the alpha ducks
back down to eat him out some more. “Baby, go check on him.”

“Mhmm.” The alpha hums, nipping the soft skin of his husband's inner thigh before sliding out from
under the covers, tongue cleaning what it can in one quick swipe. “Promise you'll wait for me?”

“I can't go down on myself.” Jimin responds, cleaning the slick from around his alpha's mouth. “We
could always check on him together.”

“No way hyung. You're not gonna hog Eunwoo all to yourself.” Jungkook gets out of bed,
stretching. “Just keep yourself on the edge until I come back.” Jimin curses something at him when
he leaves, but the younger is more focused on figuring out why his son is crying at one in the
morning so he ignores the complaining and saunters over to the nursery, leaning over the crib.

Sure enough Eunwoo is on his back bawling, thrashing around like whatever's bothering him is pure
evil (although from recent experience Jungkook is one hundred percent sure he just wants to be
rocked back to sleep); the baby fidgets even after his father picks him up, crying like he's being

“Easy buddy...hungry?” the alpha whispers, rubbing the baby's back.”But you just ate before you
slept. Your diaper is good too...teething?” he tries, giving the pup one of his fingers to suck on. It
works for maybe ten seconds before his son starts fussing again, twice as loud as before. “Kid, you're
killing me. Want appa to sing for you?” Jungkook tries scenting the little baby as well, but Eunwoo
is clearly just in a 'terrorize daddy' mood because nothing is calming him.

At just that moment, Jungkook remembers something they used to teach him during his
supplementary alpha classes. The visage of his rank professor appears, voice booming like some kind
of disney-worthy premonition. “Pups will often seek the comfort and approval of their pack alpha,
so raising a child is not only an omega's job. When you have pups, be sure to scent them and sleep
with them to keep them calm.”

Right. Maybe Eunwoo just wanted to nap with him? That had to be it. Except he couldn't fit in the
crib, and there's no way he'd be able to sneak him into the bed with Jimin-

“Eunwoo, wanna see something really cool?” the alpha suddenly grins, placing his crying son back
into the crib. It had been awhile—maybe eight or nine years—but Jungkook figured if he couldn't fit
in the crib as a person, he'd probably be able to squeeze in as a wolf. His clothes are gone in seconds,
and he changes even faster, climbing into the crib as carefully as his clunky frame permits. Figuring
out where to lay down proves to be an even bigger problem because somehow he's the same size and
Jungkook really didn't think this through, did he? This was the last time he listened to hallucinations
of his old professors.

He spends twenty minutes circling and shuffling around Eunwoo, who's giggling now because his
daddy turned into a big furry thing and apparently babies liked that? Go figure. At some point one of
the side panels of the crib falls off, which is definitely not his fault because how would he even do
that? So Jungkook curls around his pup and calls it a day, licking his cheek until the baby falls

When he wakes up in the morning it's to a hard thunk on his head, and he's about to growl and bite
whoever touched him but when he tenses he can feel his fists clench, and clenched fists means not a
wolf means he's just casually laying naked in the wrecked crib with his baby now. Fuck.

“Hey hyung...” He pretends to rub the sleep from his eyes, yawning casually like he didn't do
anything wrong. Jimin would murder him if he found out what really happened.

“Mind explaining how this came about?” The omega crosses his arms over his chest, but he looks
half-amused so maybe there was hope.

“Well, he wouldn't stop crying so I had to get creative.”

“Creative?” Jimin raises an eyebrow, nodding his head. “What kind of creative, Jungkook?”

“I just uh, kinda shifted to sleep in the crib with him, except I was still too big so I just kinda...curled
up and dozed off?”

“With the side of the crib open so my baby can roll onto the floor?”

“Your babies are safe.” Jungkook can feel his son curled against his side, locked safely in his arms so
he knows there was no rolling out of any cribs. “And well-rested. Just let this one go.”

“You're not allowed to check up on him alone anymore.” Jimin puts out his hands, and Jungkook
curls tighter around his son, frowning.

“He didn't get hurt! I made sure he was safe.”

“Kook, you could have dropped him or worse. I know you're excited we have a baby now, but you
can't just treat him like he's invincible. You've got to be careful with him.” the elder scolds, stepping
forward to snatch up Eunwoo. “Now come on, breakfast is ready.”

The alpha whines when his pup is taken away, flailing until he falls out of the crib. From there it's a
scramble to get his pants back on because Jimin can and will eat everything if he takes too long. It
takes him maybe a minute, but by the time he jumps into his seat half the meat is gone and Jungkook
is left with mostly rice and soup. Damn Jimin and his obsession with protein.

“By the way Kook, you uh, you have ears.” Jimin says he scoops a fork full of eggs into his mouth,
Eunwoo suckling from his chest—which isn't fair, Jungkook never got any of that fucking milk no
matter how much he asked—and the alpha shrugs, piling food onto his plate.

“I think I started shifting back in my sleep. Gotta be focused to hold the form, you know? Since I
don't use it much.” His ears twitch on top of his head and Jimin stares hard, eyebrows raised.

“How come you never shifted around me?” Jimin shifts, holding his son closer so that he has better
access to his chest. Lucky Bastard.
“I dunno. I only shift when i'm really stressed or when I want to—I almost shifted that one time I had
to rescue you from your apartment.” The alpha plows through the food on his plate, going back for
seconds and thirds once he's sure Jimin is done eating. “But there's not really a reason for me to shift
otherwise. It's not like I get antsy if I don't do it.”

“But shouldn't you?” the omega presses, and Jungkook is beginning to think there's something
wrong with him because why is he so fucking jealous that his son gets to suck milk from his
husband's chest when he can't? He really needs to let that go.

“I don't really fight my instincts hyung. Me and my wolf get along pretty well.” he shrugs and
finishes the last of the food on his plate. “Might just be a proto-alpha thing, but even when it wants to
do stupid shit like mount people in public I don't really feel strongly against it. The only thing we've
ever disagreed on is marking you.”


“Yeah. I wanna mark you really badly, but my wolf says not to. Says 'mate isn't ready yet, mate is
scared.' Funny, how the beast is more humane than me, huh?” Jungkook's ears twitch again,
flattening shortly after. “Although I guess he's just gonna instinctively be whipped for you and give
you everything you need. The wolf only cares about you guys.”

“And you don't?” Jimin chuckles, pushing his plate forward and cradling his son more securely.
“Kook, you're obsessed with your family.”

“I still think about work and stuff. Sure, it's secondary, but all that extra stuff doesn't even register in
the wolf's head.” The alpha stands up, taking both of their plates to the sink. “Like, you had him
whipped from day one. You wouldn't believe the things he thought up during rut-”

“I get it. Wolf loves me, Kook loves me.” the elder smiles, shifting in his seat. “You ready for

“Do I have to go?” Jungkook whines, shuffling over to his chair. “My daddy owns the company. I
can take a break for a few days.”

“You've got a family to support now Kookie. Gotta earn your money fair and square like everyone
else.” Jimin chides, slapping his thigh. Jungkook pouts while he gets ready, and pouts as he's
walking out, and he pouts while he's at work too.

“You check his diaper?”


“Feed him?”


“Scent him?”

“Of course Kook. I'm his fucking mom, I did everything.” Jimin scowls, because it's two in the
morning and their son is still crying and they agreed that they would both check from now on
because Jimin didn't trust Jungkook alone and Jungkook would throw a fit if Jimin got to see the
baby more than he did.

“Should I shift and cuddle him? He likes sleeping with me.” the younger suggests, reaching for their

“Try it without shifting first. He might just miss his daddy.” Jimin is clearly skeptical but he allows
the alpha to lift Eunwoo up, watching as he rocks the baby in his arms.

“Maybe he's weirded out because we smell different?” the alpha jokes, nosing along his son's neck;
the baby calms down a bit, but his hyung is a little too quiet, so he looks up. The air is tense, Jimin
taking a few steps to create some distance between them. It's awkward, and he doesn't know where
this is going, but Jungkook is certain he won't like it.

“Jungkook, I...I want to tell you about something.” the omega swallows nervously, glancing to the
side. “Something that happened to me. But, you have to promise you won't get upset.” Jimin looks
up with puppy eyes, and how can he resist? “Promise?”
“Yeah hyung, of course.” Jungkook nods his head, still swaying slightly to sooth their son. “What is

“When...when I presented, my dad—he set me up with someone. Some family friend's son or
something, and the guy, he was—he was great Jungkook. Fuck, to be perfectly honest I liked him
more than I liked you when we started dating.” Jimin chuckles and the alpha is about to whine when
he remembers he promised he wouldn't be upset. “He was so good to me, after everything that
happened with my girlfriend...he took the time to make sure I was okay. It felt like he really loved
me, and I-” The elder rubs his face, sighing.

“I loved him too Kookie. So much.”

“It's good you had someone there for you.” Jungkook tries to hide the bitterness in his tone with a
curt smile. Jimin was his first love, but for the other man he wasn't even first or second. The thought
hurt a little more than it should have.

“He wasn't there for me, he was there for himself. I was just-” the omega pauses and catches his
breath. “I was just an omega to him. I was his fucking pet, and when I didn't listen, he just—he got
some people to teach me a fucking lesson, Jungkook. He didn't want to look bad, so he paid some
fucking scum off the streets to-” Jimin grips the side of the crib so hard it creaks, threatening to
splinter. “I'm not weak. There were just too many for me to take. He just wanted me to feel weak.”

“Hyung, what did they do?” Jungkook puts his son back in the crib so that they can both stare at him
—Eunwoo was the only thing keeping him calm, and he figured he'd help Jimin as well.

“They just...they just roughed me up. Tore my clothes, touched me, tried to scare me. That's all it
was at first, and I used to get into fights all the time so it didn't bother me, but the way they did it—it
was like they were gonna rape me.” Jimin says the last part so quietly he almost doesn't catch it, eyes
clenching shut before he opens them to stare hard at his pup.

“Is that all?” the alpha manages to ask through his clenched jaw, chest already tightening.

“One of them thought it'd be funny to pin me down with his teeth and rub himself on me...they got
off on how scared I was Kookie. They just kept biting, and I was so scared one of them would force
a claim on me.” The omega is surprisingly calm, staring into the crib like this was just a casual
conversation. Like he wasn't revealing something he'd probably hidden from everyone else. “I'm
sorry. I know you don't deserve to deal with this—with my baggage, but every time you try to leave
a mark I see them. I don't want to, but I can't help it Kookie.”
“What about—what about this guy? How'd you find out it was him?” Jungkook tries his hardest not
to punch a hole in the wall but he's seething, and he can see the silver of his eyes reflected in
Eunwoo's. “Did he confess to it?”

“No.” Jimin runs his fingers through his hair, letting out a mirthless chuckle. “No, I ran to him like a
fucking idiot after it happened looking for comfort. I heard him talking on the phone with one of
them.” The elder shakes his head. “I didn't even ask, didn't confront him. I fucking knew it was him
after he made up that shit about arguing over a mark—we never argued. He was just covering his ass
and telling me to keep my mouth shut. It's just—it hurt so much. It felt like he ripped my heart out of
my chest Jungkook. That's why when you started getting too close...when we started getting too
close, I-”

“You tried to get me to leave you.” the alpha finishes, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You loved
me, but you didn't want to be hurt again.”

“I was selfish for a little bit...tried to be happy sometimes, with you, but then we'd get too close
Kookie. I didn't want to act like that, I just-”

“Hyung, it's okay-”

“No it's not!” The elder turns to face him, tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes. “I
should've...I should've told you earlier. I should've tried harder to get over it. There were times when
I was even scared of you, Jungkook. Scared you'd just get tired of my shit and snap.”

“I...I'm really sorry about that hyung.”

“Even you were only using me in the beginning. You just wanted to see if you'd pop a knot in me—
then you wanted to date me five minutes later? I just—I should have told you I felt insecure about it.
I should have told you how I felt, period.”

“It's not like I was an open book either-”

“Just fucking let me apologize Kook. This kinda stuff--it's not just you, and you've said sorry more
than enough. It's my turn.” Jimin draws in a breath, crossing his arms over his chest. “I'm really sorry
Jungkook. I'm sorry I didn't trust you, and I'm sorry you've had to deal with my issues for so long.”
The alpha takes a step back and regards his husband for a moment, rubbing his mouth because as
much as he's been dying to have everything settled between them the image of someone else holding
Jimin down flashes through his mind on repeat, making something ugly and dark curl in his chest.

“If you're really sorry, tell me who did it to you. Tell me who that fucking piece of trash is, so I can-”

“No, Kook.” Jungkook jolts when he feels small fingers rub against his fist, trailing up his arm; he
hadn't realized how tense he was. “I don't want anyone else to know. I want this to go away.”

“Hyung, if you just tell your dad what really happened-”

“What if it was Eunwoo? Could you live with it?”

“What do you mean?” the younger scowls, anger bubbling in his chest. He didn't have time for
Jimin's stupid-

“If something like what happened to me happened to Eunwoo because of you, would you be able to
live with yourself? I couldn't, Kookie. I don't wanna do that to my father.” Jimin rubs his eyes,
holding back a sob and Jungkook suddenly feels distressed, because his omega shouldn't be crying.
“If he ever found out—he's like me, you know? He'd do something stupid, try to atone like some
dumb-ass saint. I don't want him to hurt like that because of me.”

“Hyung, this whole thing ruined your life! It's okay to be selfish sometimes-”

“I'm already being selfish Kookie. I have you and Eunwoo, don't I?” The elder shrugs and wipes his
eyes free of tears, like that sentence wasn't some sort of heartbreaking revelation that would probably
both please and haunt Jungkook for the next month at least. “I trust you to keep this a secret. Don't
tell anyone, and don't go out looking for revenge.”

“But hyung, he-”

“Jungkook. I trust you.” Jimin says, although it sounds more like a plea. A plea not to break his trust,
because apparently Jimin's had enough of that in his life. Maybe even a warning that this was his first
and last chance, that he shouldn't fuck this up because he just might fuck up Jimin with it. He doesn't
like the way his stomach twists, his instincts screaming for revenge, murder, anything to restore his
mate's honor.


If Jungkook wanted to mate Jimin, he'd have to respect his wishes.

He's not so sure that he can.

“Okay.” he mumbles quietly, turning his head to stare into his son's eyes. “Okay hyung.”

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading!

Year 8
Chapter Summary

Life gets just a little bit better

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jimin smiles a lot more after their talk. Smiles, laughs, cries, curses—he's more lively, and if
Jungkook wasn't whipped before he's Jimin's personal slave now. It's a running joke in their group of
friends—that, and the sudden revelation that Park Jimin is a menace. Jungkook almost half-wishes
they'd never had their talk, because Monday night when he's just trying to watch some television and
have personal time Jimin slips next to him on the couch and starts asking five thousand questions
about the movie that's on.

“Why does he keep shooting everyone?”

“Because they shot at him first.”

“Yeah, but they had to for a reason right? Why are they after him?”


“Well, didn't you watch the beginning?”

“Didn't you?”

“Kookie, I'm just asking questions!”

“With your hand up my shirt?” Jungkook turns his head to frown, crinkling his nose when Jimin
licks his cheek.
“I need your attention more than the television.”

“No you don't—quit licking me hyung!” The alpha squirms and flees to the other end of the couch
but Jimin is hot on his tail, caging him in so that he can run his tongue along an exposed collar bone.
“Stop, I just showered!”

“Don't you want your omega to groom you?”

“No, I want my husband to remove his tongue from my neck so that I can enjoy this overly-violent
action movie in peace.” After shoving Jimin's face away he stands up, wiping the spit off of his skin.
“I thought you were sleeping early tonight.”

“Bed was boring without you.” The omega pouts and hugs a pillow, pulling his knees to his chest. “I
got cold.”

“Well maybe if you wore more than just one of my t-shirts your bare ass wouldn't be freezing.”

“You never complained before.” Jimin smirks like the fucking menace he is when Jungkook blushes,
because now he's thinking about inappropriate things dammit. He wanted to watch movies, not think
about inappropriate things.

“There's a first time for everything hyung.” he responds, walking around to take a seat next to Jimin
who immediately ditches the pillow and crawls into his lap. “Hyung, get off.”

“On you?” The omega gives a coy smile, and the way he says it is less than comforting.

Jungkook blinks once. Swallows a few times. Counts to ten in his head, and pinches himself,
because certified menace Park Jimin's pulled his shirt up with one hand and the other one is pumping
his dick casually, and Jungkook never really stopped to think about it before but his husband does
have a really nice dick. It's pink at the tip, matches his short and stocky aesthetic in a weird way,
makes him wonder what it'd look like with a piercing to go along with all those tattoos on his hips.

“Hyung, I know what I want for my birthday.”

“What?” Jimin asks, breathless because he's still jerking himself off on Jungkook's lap like that's a
thing. Jungkook thinks he's going to make that a thing in the future.

“I want a ten-foot portrait of your dick, to go in our bedroom.”

Jimin punches him so hard he forgets he even asked, but there's a wallet-sized Polaroid photo on the
desk in his study the next day.


Jungkook's life is easy until Eunwoo starts walking. He manages to get through a whole three years
of peace before the pup proves to be just as much of a menace as Jimin, running off whenever his
feet touch the ground and forcing his fathers to chase after him like madmen. Taking his son to the
park was like taking out a puppy with no leash; by the time they came back in he'd be covered in all
sorts of dirt, panting, while his pup would just giggle and squirm because running away from daddy
was fun.

What's worse is that Jungkook worked from home now—Jimin had gone back to teaching dance,
and he didn't want his husband to feel obligated to be the only one who stays at home to watch their
son. Granted, he also probably wasn't qualified to teach Eunwoo much of anything; Jungkook was
about as good of a father as he was a boyfriend.

Today is an excellent example; he's on the floor with his son, building a block tower except every
time his gets taller Eunwoo throws something at it and he has to rebuild everything completely.
Jungkook was competitive, and apparently his son was competitive too, and this probably wouldn't
end well because Jungkook also happened to be a bit of a child because frontal lobes on the brain
only fully developed when you were twenty-six and so what if he was twenty-eight, Jungkook had
always been a late bloomer.

“You can't just knock mine down like that!”

“Appa!” Eunwoo says triumphantly, standing up on wobbly legs to place a little flag at the top of his
tower; Jungkook promptly wrecks the whole thing, sticking his tongue out, when the toddler shoots
him a murderous glare.

“What? You wanna fight me over it, pup?”

“Appa!” the toddler screeches, waddling over to him so that he can bite his ear—Jungkook knows
that's what he's trying to do because the pup has done it maybe a thousand times before, mostly
because Jungkook is a sore loser. He catches Eunwoo by the scruff of his neck just before he can
pounce, dangling the pup in the air.

“You started it. Don't give me that look, I was playing fair until you knocked mine down.”


“Who cares how old I am? Fairness doesn't have an age, Eunwoo.”


“If you tell your papa i'm gonna tell him about how you broke his dance trophy.” Well, technically
Jungkook broke that trophy because he was rolling around on the floor with Eunwoo but Eunwoo
was the one who wanted to play-wrestle in the first place so that made it his fault, right? Jungkook
believed in guilt by association.

“Now come on, daddy wants to nap before his phone conference.” The alpha grunts and stands up,
still holding his wiggling son by his scruff. Pups are supposed to go limp when you grab there but
Eunwoo struggles more—Jungkook figures it's the Jeon blood in him. That, or his son is just a brat.

“You know kid, daddy doesn't get to have sex anymore because of you. Papa always says he's too
tired or he wants to be free in case you need something.” Eunwoo garbles something inquisitively,
which Jungkook takes as a 'whatever do you mean, father?'

“I don't know how to explain it to you since you're so young—sex is something alphas do to omegas
to make pups, right?” Jungkook plops his son down in the middle of his bed, laying down next to
him. Eunwoo crawls over so that he can sit on his dad's stomach, playing with one of his big hands.
“But sometimes you do it for fun too. Or to feel closer to someone. Or to pass the time before your
two o'clock microeconomics lecture.” Thinking back, Jungkook used to have a lot of sex for a lot of
reasons. It's probably for the best that he met Jimin.


“You won't get it till you're sixteen, at least. But I think papa is worried I'll put another pup in his
belly before our wedding.” Jungkook winces when Eunwoo bites down on one of his fingers,
cooing happily. “You shouldn't eat daddy!”

Eunwoo bites harder like it's the most natural thing to do, and his little fangs are just starting to come
in so the alpha swears he draws blood. “Jeon Eunwoo, you little shit-” Jungkook pulls his hand back
the second his son opens his mouth, inspecting the little circle of teeth marks on his thumb. It'd bruise
at most, but it still stung-

“Liddle thit!”

It was at this moment, Jeon Jungkook knew he fucked up.

(When Jimin comes home later that day, he's happy that his son has finally started copying words—
he's also happy that Jungkook has duct tape over his mouth until he can be a better influence on their


“You think I should tuck tomorrow? My tuxedo is kinda tight.”

“Nah, it'd be great if your dick was showing for all the wedding pictures. It really brings out the color
in your eyes, you know?”

“So left or right then? Or maybe up?”

“How the fuck do you tuck up?”

“You just pull it up and stick the tip in the waistband.”

“Won't that chafe?”

“Not really? I won't be moving around much.”

“In the interest of avoiding dick rash, i'd say down and to the left.” Taehyung stuffs another fry into
his mouth, scratching at his bare stomach. “Or maybe try taping? Don't like, Idols and drag queens
use tape?”

“I'm not gonna tape anything.” Jungkook swats at his best friend weakly, huffing when all he hits is
air. It's the day before his wedding and hes spending it sprawled out on a king-sized bed with
Taehyung watching re-runs of old cartoons. This should be his bachelor party. He should have
strippers popping out of cakes, and maybe some hard drugs in the kitchen; instead he has power
rangers and cold McDonalds, and the loving presence of one Kim Taehyung.

“You think Jiminnies party is fun?”

“I don't wanna talk about it Tae.” the younger alpha snaps, rolling onto his stomach. Jimin was
having a proper bachelor's party. Jimin invited everyone (including Taehyung) to the party, but
Jungkook couldn't go because he was the stupid groom, and the groom wasn't supposed to see the
other groom—bride?--groom bride thing until the day of the wedding.

“Kook, can we at least drink? You don't have to be so down just because he's having fun. You
could've thrown one too, you know.”

“I'm a fucking public figure Taehyung. I can't just go around ordering drinks and women the night
before my wedding.”

“Jimin wouldn't order women--”

“No, but fucking Kim Seokjin would just to spite me. I bet he's getting some gross lap-dance right
now, by some gross stripper in some gross chair.”

“Or he could be getting a great lap dance by a hot stripper in a luxurious chair.” Taehyung quips,
stuffing another fry into his mouth. He was definitely getting friend of the year award.

“Ah, fuck it. Let's go grab some beer from the convenience store.” Jungkook sits up, running his
fingers through his hair. “We can at least watch porn or something while we wait.”
“Kook, I've got a better idea!”

Whenever Kim Taehyung says that, something bad happens.

Like back in high school, when Jungkook was completely content with going to class but Taehyung
dragged him out to see a gang fight that they were promptly dragged into.

Or that time when he suggested moving in together for college because two alphas would never get
into violent arguments when they're forced to share the same space, right? He had three broken ribs
before they even opened the front door.

Or that one time he asked about getting his cartilage pierced, and Taehyung told him to get dick
piercings instead because Jimin would love those. (fortunately he didn't follow through with that

But this is the night before his wedding, and surely Taehyung wouldn't do anything to put
tomorrow's big event at risk? Jungkook figures that if there's ever a time to trust his hyung, it's now.

“I'm listening.”

“Let's go to a sex shop.”

Fifteen minutes later and they've arrived at the door of Top-Knot, some kind of emporium for
debauchery that managed to get five stars on yelp according to Taehyung. When they step inside
Jungkook's eyes double in size, and some innocent part of him shies away from all of the naughty
things his hyung is trying to introduce him to.

“Does Jimin have any kinks? You can give him a little gift tomorrow night.” Taehyung picks up an
obscenely sized dildo and waves it around, browsing the shelves.

“We don't really do anything weird.” the young alpha mumbles, staring at his shoes because despite
all of his sexual escapades he's vanilla as fuck and he doesn't need something like nipple clamps
ruining what remains of his innocence.
“It's not weird, Kookie. It's exciting, and it's also part of being a good alpha. You should take care of
your omega's needs, you know?” His hyung points the rubbery toy at him, waving it around like a
wand. “You gotta keep them satisfied emotionally and physically. Didn't you take sex ed?”

“Sex ed never mentioned porn shops hyung. Can we just like, buy a toy and go? I'm uncomfortable.”

“I bet Jimin likes to ride you. He'd never let some young punk pin him down.” Kim Taehyung, in all
his satanic glory, ignores the words of his younger friend and begins walking towards the back of the
store like he's a frequent visitor. Jungkook loses sight of him when he rounds a corner into a
particularily dark, scary looking section of the shop, and it takes more than a month's worth of
courage to follow him to the site.

“H-hyung?” he calls out, raising his eyes from the floor cautiously.

“How thick is your dick man? Is it like, hot dog or like, home-made sausage?”


“Cucumber? Like one of the big American ones, not the tiny little shits they sell here.”


“Just come over here and pick!” An arm shoots out and drags him to an ominously lit shelf titled
'Cock Rings', where he's quite literally blinded by a wall of shiny packaging and obscene boxes and
fucking floor models where they explain how to use the toys safely.

“What are these? Why—why would you put that on your dick?”

“It's for Jiminnie. I think he'd enjoy a collar too, but maybe just a plain black one. Here, hold this.”
Jungkook blinks slowly as he's handed a black strip of leather, then a bright green bottle, then
something that looked suspiciously like a leash. “I'll just get you a stretchy ring since this is your first
time using one.”

“I'm not using any of these hyung. Jimin won't like them!”
“And how do you know?” Taehyung challenges, tightening his grip on the package in his hand.
“You probably just starfish and let him do whatever he wants!”

“He likes that!”

“He's an omega Kook. No matter what he says part of him wants to be dominated by his alpha in
bed. It's a security thing.”

“Then these-” Jungkook gestures to the pile of toys in his right hand.

“Are for him. Unless you're man enough to fuck him like you ought to be doing.” the elder alpha
huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. “I know you're trying to be accommodating and all, but Jimin
is gonna be your for-realsies husband and you still haven't marked him. You gotta instill some good
old fashioned faith through your knot, man.”

“Jimin doesn't want to be marked yet. We're waiting-”

“For your dick to fall off so he can be the alpha? Kook, I may be taking an insensitive, careless
approach here, but I'm your friend. The friend who introduced you to Jimin in the first place, and the
friend who wants you to be in a happy, healthy relationship.” Taehyung juts out his chin, frowning.
“You immediately thought that those sub toys were for you. Jimin's turning you into a pussy, man.”

“I've been with him for eight years hyung. It was really hard to get this far.” Harder than he'd like, at

“Yeah, and now you have a kid and you're getting married and you two need to grow the fuck up. I
know—Yoongi told me that Jimin has some reservations about certain things, but if you keep tip-
toeing around them you two will never be happy. You gotta just show him you can fuck his brains
out and still be whatever rom-com heartthrob he has emotional wet dreams about, yeah? Make him
want to be your omega.”

“But Yoongi-”

“Yoongi-hyung has his problems too Jungkook. The only difference is that we figured them out
instead of playing house.” the older alpha frowns and puts the package back on the shelf, reaching
for the toys he handed his friend. “I know you're all grown up, and it's not really my place to pry, but
it's stressful, you know? Watching my best friend go through all this. Just—have you ever talked
about yourself with Jimin? About everything that's happened.”

“I...we talked awhile back. Before Eunwoo was born.” Jungkook feels like this conversation is way
too heavy for a sex shop. He'd rather be back in his hotel room, watching re-runs of old cartoons
while eating cold McDonalds.

“Maybe you should tell him more. Everything?” Taehyung's face scrunches slightly in concern, the
older alpha patting his shoulder. “You can tell him about me, too. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon.”

“How soon is 'soon'?”

“You'll know when the time is right Kookie. For now, I'm buying these, and you're gonna use them
at least once.” Taehyung returns to his usual carefree persona, smirking. “You're gonna do great

“Just don't fuck up your speech.” Jungkook snarls and jostles the older alpha, but there's no real bite
to it. After all, Taehyung is his best man.


It's finally their wedding day, and Jungkook is at the altar sweating buckets. His fitted black tuxedo
feels like it's made out of leather, with the way he's all hot and clammy and nervous. It doesn't make
sense. They got married years ago. He signed the papers himself. Why was it suddenly so scary?
Why were all these people staring at him? Why the fuck was Jimin taking so long to come out?

“Dude, quit twitching.” Taehyung hisses through clenched teeth, smiling out towards the crowd
because all of this was kind of a big deal, and they had to look natural. “He'll be here soon. They
changed the song.”

“Does he look hot? What if he looks too hot and I forget my vows?”

“You have them written down-”

“What if I forget how to read?”

“Jungkook.” Taehyung looks like he's about to smack his friend on the back of the head when a low
murmur from the crowd makes them both turn their heads towards the aisle, the elder smiling broadly
while Jungkook's jaw drops and he thinks he melts into a puddle because his hyung is suddenly
steadying him with a hand on his back. Jimin comes up the aisle wearing a simple white tuxedo with
a black shirt—his hair is styled up, like it is any other day. He hasn't done anything special, is pretty
much the same-old jiminnie hyung, but Jungkook thinks he's about to have a heart-attack.

“Eunwoo looks so cute in his little tuxedo!” Taehyung coos from the side, and the younger alpha
lowers his gaze and notices Jimin is holding their son's hand, the little cushion with the rings on it
placed in a basket hanging from the toddler's other hand. Eunwoo probably threw a fit until they let
him walk up with his papa, and then Jimin caved, and then-


“Don't cur—are you crying?”

“No, I'm not crying.” Jungkook sniffles and wipes his eyes, keeping his gaze focused on the aisle.

“Kook, you're crying. Oh my god, you're not even gonna make it through the vows.”

“Shut up.” He could bicker with Taehyung about how he just had something in his eyes all day, but
Jimin was walking up the steps now, and the priest was clearing his throat, and Eunwoo was
bouncing around showing off his little bowtie--

“Mister Jeon?” a rough, admittedly grouchy sounding voice calls from his left side, and he turns his
head. “Do you accept these vows?”

“I, uh, I do.” He swallows the lump in his throat, staring hard at his shoes where Eunwoo is currently
clinging to his leg. Little monster couldn't even behave for five minutes.

“And you, Mister Park?”

“I do.” Jimin says it so confidently, so naturally that Jungkook feels shame and embarrassment curl in
the pit of his stomach because he'd sounded so god damn lame and all of their wedding photos
would probably show him crying rivers while Jimin just smiles and waves to the crowd like a prince.
He's so busy wallowing in self pity that he barely notices when a small hand slides along his jaw,
nudging it gently.

“Kookie, baby, look up.”

The alpha gets his shit together long enough to do as he's asked, blinking through his tears until he
can see that Jimin is crying too. Well, now he just has to start sobbing like a little bitch, doesn't he?

“Hey, baby, don't cry. Hyung is right here.” Jimin's chuckling through his sobs because Jungkook
must look ridiculous, an over-sized alpha hunched over bawling his eyes out at the altar while his
omega rubs his back and tries to get his attention long enough for them to kiss and end the stupid

“Appa! Appa!” Eunwoo is tugging on his pants now, and at the distressed scent his pup is giving off
Jungkook kneels down without a second thought, leaning in to scent him.

“What's wrong, brat?” From the corner of his eye he can see the discarded basket with their rings in
it; he'll scold his son for that later.

“Appa, popo!” Jungkook shuts his eyes when a tiny pair of lips kiss his cheeks, then his nose, and
finally his mouth; he can't help the exasperated chuckle he lets out because that's how he makes
Eunwoo feel better when he's sad, and it's currently having the opposite effect due to the fact that it
hit him right in the feels.

“That was supposed to be papa's kiss, dummy.” His voice cracks but he reaches a whole new level
of no fucks given, lifting his son up so that he could kiss Jimin, too. By the time they finally kiss each
other they're both crying and smiling at the same time, and it's nothing more than a light peck, but
Jungkook is sure he wouldn't have it any other way.

The resulting ceremony, he's not so sure.

Taehyung is so drunk when he gives his speech that he drops the glass he was toasting with on
Yoongi's head, and he has to be dragged back to his hotel room kicking and screaming because he
doesn't want to stop talking. Seokjin, the elder Kim brother, also drunk, eats half the buffet before
Namjoon can apologize, and then he sits Eunwoo down and starts crying about how his baby is all
grown up now and it's Eunwoo's job to make sure his parents behave. Taehyung comes back once
they start dancing, and he's unabashedly started a grind-train with Jihyun and one of Jimin's female
cousins, which Jimin charges in to break up because “She's only sixteen, don't taint her!”

Jungkook himself hasn't touched a drop of alcohol, and he's just watching his friends bicker fondly
from his seat near the dance floor. He thinks he can see Yugyeom casually hitting on someone from
their business class, and the Bambam guy he almost killed at their graduation party is dancing with
Jihyun (he gives it maybe five minutes until Jimin breaks them up). Everyone seems drunk off of
something, but he's surprisingly sober.

“Enjoying yourself?” The alpha grunts when something heavy drops into his lap, curling against him
like a cat. His arms automatically wrap around the intruder's narrow waist, squeezing him lightly.

“Not as much as you, hyung.” he chirps back, relaxing. He can smell a mix of liquors on Jimin's
breath, see the pink tint to his cheeks that he probably got from the alcohol. Taehyung was serving
out shots at the open bar now, and Jimin must've gotten dragged into it. “Why'd you stop dancing?”

“Because my big strong alpha isn't there to grind on my ass and kiss my neck.” the elder slurs,
reaching for Jungkook's untouched flute of champagne. The younger simply watches as he downs it,

“I don't think you should drink anymore hyung.” He turns his head when Jimin curls against his
neck, panting softly each time he inhaled his alpha's strong woodsy musk. The omega whines softly
and shifts in his lap, turning to straddle his thighs.

“Dance with me.” Park fucking Jimin pushes his lip out in a pout and rolls his hips forward, looking
at Jungkook with those innocent little doe eyes like he's not currently seducing him into getting up.
The alpha decides to play along, sliding his hands down to Jimin's thighs and squeezing.

“What kind of dance? I'll slow dance with you.”

“Jungkook, they're not playing slow dance music anymore. All the old people left.”
“I don't mind slow dancing to party music.” He shifts his hands up, toying with the belt loops on the
omega's slacks. “We can dance with Eunwoo.”

“Eunwoo went to bed with his grandparents.” Jimin's eyes flash gold, his body tensing. “You think
i'm drunk?”

“I know you're drunk. I think if I go out to that dance floor you'll start humping my leg.”

“Fine, drink with me then.” The omega stands up, brushing off his clothes before walking over to the
bar on shaky legs; Jungkook huffs and follows, placing himself between Jimin and the counter
before he can order a drink.

“Hyung, you really shouldn't drink anymore.”

“My wedding was today Jungkook. I think I deserve to drink the most out of everyone!” Jimin falls
forward, reaching for a shot glass—Jungkook quickly intercepts with his hand, pulling his husband
flush against his chest.

“I think it's time for you to sleep, hyung.”

“But I wanna dance and have sex!” The omega huffs indignantly, and Jungkook goes wide-eyed
because he's never seen Jimin be so whiny and cute before. Granted, he's also never seen Jimin
drunk. It's sort of refreshing, considering normally he was the whiny, immature one.

“You really wanna dance?” Jimin nearly nods his head off, and the alpha sighs fondly before guiding
him over to the dance floor. They spend at least an hour doing whatever the smaller male wants,
Jungkook allowing himself to be tugged back and forth until Jimin's yawns and sleepy eyes overtake
his previous burst of energy

When they get back to their wedding suite Jimin falls against the bed with a huff, and Jungkook
focuses on changing out of his suit and into his pajamas. He'd been looking forward to the sex, but
he supposes he can wait until tomorrow-

“Kookie, we gotta do it.” Jimin drawls out in a husky voice, rolling onto his stomach. “It's our
wedding night.”
“Hyung, I don't think you'd be able to stay awake through it.” The alpha sets aside his blazer and
bowtie, unbuttoning his shirt. “Sex takes time. There's foreplay, and I've gotta prep you, and then
we've gotta do the whole humping thing.” He's nearly done with his shirt when Jimin whines softly,
and Jungkook is adult enough to admit that the sound goes straight to his dick.

“Don't need to do all that...just come inside me.” There's a rustling as the omega strips behind him,
cursing softly when something gets caught—his cuff-links, probably. Jungkook turns around just as
he's pulling off his undershirt, eyes automatically eating up each and ever tattoo on his husband's

“Babe, you're gonna fall asleep.” he tries again, shrugging his shirt off and reaching down to undo
his zipper. “I'll use my hands if you want?”

“Want you inside, Kookie.” Jimin says stubbornly, palming at the tent in his briefs. The way he's
squirming and gasping at his own little touches is making Jungkook's brain shut down, making the
alpha in him come out a little more than it should, but he tells himself he'll just get his husband to
come once and then it'll all be over.

He lays down next to Jimin expecting to do no more than that, kicking off his pants before curling
against the omega's side and tracing his fingertips along one of the tattoos on his chest. “You really
want me inside you hyung?”

“Fuck—i'm wet, what do you think?” the elder hisses, pulling his briefs down so that his cock can
spring free. It's pale and pretty, just a bit pink at the tip for now—Jungkook knows how red it can
turn just before Jimin comes, how the veins along the side pulse outwards against his tongue.

“It won't feel good if you take me raw.” He starts to toy with the omega's nipples, rubbing the nubs
to hardness before pressing them back in; Jimin keens at the attention. “You won't be able to walk

“Maybe that's what I want.” is the quick, breathless response; Jungkook raises an eyebrow at how
eager his husband is being.

“Jimin, you're playing with fire here.”

“So burn me.”

It's becoming increasingly apparent that Jungkook won't be sleeping early tonight, not that he minds.
Instead he rolls over so that Jimin is caged in underneath him, pinning the omega's wrists to either
side of his head while he rests most of his wait on his thighs. “I'm trying to be gentle, hyung.” he
growls out, eyes flashing silver as he takes in the body writhing underneath him. The way the light
catches on the brush strokes inked into his skin—the alpha licks his lips, something primal stirring in
his chest at how sultry and submissive his normally dominant omega is proving to be.

“H-hurry up and put it in...” There's a lewd squelch as another wave of slick slips down Jimin's
thighs, pooling in the sheets. Jungkook's nostrils flare as he's hit full-force with the scent of Jimin's
arousal, the omega inviting him in with spread legs and a bared neck. The alpha is being tempted—
there's no other word for it. His husband is drawing him in, playing with his instincts to get what he
wants—Jungkook cracks.

He noses along the crook of Jimin's neck, grazing his teeth against the skin there slowly as he works
his boxers off, cock curving up against his stomach the second it's free. He wants nothing more than
to be inside of Jimin, to fuck him, breed him until he's pumped full of pups—he nips at the omega's
ear, earning a soft whine. “Gonna fuck you till you can't stand up, hyung.” he manages to grunt out,
sliding his hand down to press a finger against the omega's leaking hole, taking a moment to
appreciate the lewd sounds it makes as it clenches around nothing. “You like it when I talk like

“Hurry up!” Jimin snaps back, although his snarl fades into a soft whine when the alpha rubs the
head of his cock against his entrance. Jungkook thinks it's cute, the way he keens and whimpers in
search of attention despite the sharp words coming from his mouth. He's beginning to think he likes
drunk Jimin a lot.

“What if I wanna take my time tonight hyung?” Jungkook practically purrs, and okay, maybe he's
going to regret not listening to his hyung tomorrow, but as of right now he's the one with the alpha
dick and Jimin is the one who's drunk off his ass and begging for attention, so the hierarchy is tipped
in his favor. He's distracted himself with rubbing his cock along the cleft of Jimin's ass, cursing every
now and then when a new wave of slick drizzles out and coats him from base to tip.

“Kookie...” there's a breathless whine and Jungkook's head snaps up, tongue darting out to wet his
lips. Jimin's eyes are glowing, and he's staring intently at their hips, probably mentally willing his
alpha's cock to go in--or so Jungkook would like to think, with the way his brow was furrowed in
concentration. He supposes it's about time he stopped playing in his husband's slick and gave him
what he wants.

With a disappointed huff the alpha finally presses in, pushing his hips forward slowly until he
bottoms out with a lewd, wet smack. Jimin hisses and clenches his eyes shut, and Jungkook is
tempted to say 'I told you so' and scold him for not being more patient but instead he leans down to
kiss is nose, shifting to fit snug between his thighs. “You okay?”

“It hurts.” Jimin pops open an eye, arms rising from the bed to wrap around Jungkook's neck. The
alpha chuckles and kisses his cheek, leaning in for another one when he gets an irritated huff in

“I thought you wanted me to burn you?” Jungkook teases, shuffling a bit so that he can rest his
weight on his elbows. “We can just cuddle.”

“We can cuddle after you knot me.” is the omega's quick-fire response, and Jungkook swears his
dick is about to fall off when the heat around him tightens. It's too tight for him to move without
actually hurting Jimin, so Jungkook does some quick thinking and comes to the conclusion that
making the omega soaking wet is the only way their wedding-night sex will happen. The problem is,
Jimin's already so wet—his eyes haven't stopped glowing, and his cheeks are flushed, and everything
about him says maximum-arousal, do not exceed limit. Granted, Jungkook probably got his first
speeding ticket a week after his license; he didn't really pay attention to limits.

“Hyung, can you do something for me?” he makes sure his voice is low and husky, lips right against
the shell of the omega's ear. “Can you spread nice and wide so I can go in deeper?” The alpha slides
one of his hands up a thick thigh, licking his lips. “Or am I already too deep?”

Jimin just whimpers and licks the corner of his jaw, so Jungkook tries again. “You think you can
take a little more?”

“Y-yeah, I can—I think.”Jimin replies, letting out a shaky breath. Jungkook pulls back, placing a
quick peck on the omegas lips.

“I need to get behind you. Is that okay?” He doesn't miss the way his husband tenses, lips pressing
together in a grimace; Jimin always had to see his face when they were having sex. He didn't like
losing sight of the alpha or what he was doing because of what had happened all those years ago,
and Jungkook hates whoever did it to him even more when he hears the lingering fear in his omega's

“C-can you hold my hand?”

“Yeah. Just lay on your side for me, okay?” Jungkook pulls all the way out, watching the omega's
expression carefully as he rolls over. He moves behind him at a snail's pace, planting soft kisses
along the omega's ribs and shoulder until he can lean over to press one against his temple. Jungkook
gives it a minute before he slides his hand down to the back of Jimin's knee, lifting his leg; the other
arm slips under his head, cushioning it, and he lets the omega get settled against his chest. They're
both still for a few seconds before a small hand works its way into the alpha's palm, squeezing twice.
Jungkook kisses his husband's ear before shifting his hips so that he can push in, a small groan
slipping past his lips once he's in most of the way.

“You okay hyung?” he asks again, peppering kisses along Jimin's jaw and cheek; the omega relaxes
after a few seconds, but Jungkook fills the room with his scent just in case; he wants Jimin to know
that it's just him, and that he won't be hurt. “Hyung?”

“Yeah, i'm-” Jimin lets out a soft sigh, twisting his head up so that he can kiss his alpha. “I love you.”

“I should hope so. We exchanged vows today.” Jungkook jokes, canting his hips forward and
earning a little whine.

“Stop ruining the moment, brat.”

“Stop having a moment when my dick is in you.” Jungkook quips back, grinding forward before
Jimin can respond. He's got no intention of stopping but neither does his hyung, and the omega
manages to bicker between his gasps.

“Can you just pretend to be mature for-” he keens at a particularly well-aimed thrust. “For five

“I was trying to be mature and let my husband sleep, but he wanted to get fucked instead.” Jungkook
replies, tightening his grip on Jimin's thigh as he lifts it higher. He changes his angle so that he can
snap his hips forward full-force, soaking in the way his omega curses and squeezes his hand, barely
able to catch his breath after each thrust; even from his side, Jimin looks perfect to him. Jimin could
be covered in dirt from head to toe and Jungkook would probably still want to lick it off, or
something equally disgusting—though he's certain Jimin wouldn't let him.

“Jungkook, slow—slow down!” Jimin moans out, reaching down with his free hand to squeeze the
base of his cock; Jungkook swoons at the way it bounces in his little hand before he slams forward
one last time, melding their hips. He's a little breathless from all the effort of, well, sex, but he still
curls around his omega, kissing the corner of his jaw before nuzzling against the side of his neck.
“What's wrong? You don't need to hold back.” He sets Jimin's thigh down and slides his hand up to
grab at the smaller man's wrist, tugging. “I like it when you feel good hyung.”

“I wanna feel good together, Kookie. I wanna do what you like.” Jungkook nearly has a heart-attack
for what must be the hundreth time today when Jimin grinds his ass back, rolling his hips in ways
that made the alpha feel an extenuating need to sprint to the nearest church and douse himself in holy
water. All he can do is whine against his husband's neck, body growing impatient as his mind
debates on the ups and downs of listening to his dastardly omega.

“D-don't wanna make you uncomfortable hyung.” he manages to grunt out, fighting back the urge to
start thrusting again.

“Jungkook.” Jimin uses his chiding hyung tone, twisting around to stare the alpha down. “We're
going do what you like tonight. Tell me what you want.”

“You won't like it.” The younger insists, pushing himself up a little.

“We always do it my way. I think I can handle one night of yours.”

Jungkook makes a face, because he really doesn't want to say it. “It'll ruin the mood.”

“What are you gonna do, tie me down and whip me?” Jimin jokes, kissing his cheek. “Go ahead and
tell me.”

“I want to mate.” Jungkook mumbles and pulls back more, already tense for the rejection he's used to
hearing. Maybe if he just kept going, they could've avoided all of this and had a nice wedding night.

“You want to mark me tonight?” Jimin chases him, pressing back so that their skin is touching again.
“Like this?”

“We don't have to.” The alpha is quick to reply, sliding his hand back down to lift Jimin's leg. “Let's

Jungkook's hand drops to the mattress, and he stares at his hyung with owl eyes.


“You can mate me. I'm okay with it.”

“You're drunk.” He concludes, pulling out and rolling so that he has his back to Jimin. “Just get
some sleep hyung.” Jungkook shuts his eyes and the bed dips next to him, a small hand reaching out
to push back his bangs; he hates how he leans into the touch automatically.

“Jungkook, I said i'm okay with it.”

“But you don't want it.” the younger huffs, rolling until he was almost face-down in a childish
attempt to get away from Jimin.

“You know what happened to me and you can still say that?” The younger feels bad immediately, an
apology ready on the tip of his tongue but when he rolls over he's met with a plush set of lips, the
words dying in his throat. Jimin devours his lips like they're candy, raking his nails down the alpha's
ribs possessively as a small growl builds in his chest. The kiss is brief but it feels like it goes on for
centuries, until Jimin pulls away completely and rolls off the bed.

Jungkook's eyes follow the omega automatically, mouth watering when he places his hands against
the wall and spreads his legs, popping his ass out—he'd have to scold his hyung for that later, he
couldn't just go around throwing out an ass like that. It's not until Jimin looks over his shoulder and
licks his lips that Jungkook processes what he's doing—presenting himself to be bred. It feels like
he's in a sex-ed class all over again, but instead of the shitty diagram every senior before him had
drawn all over it's Jimin in front of him, baring his neck and his ass like Jungkook was the only
person in the world that he wanted.

“Hyung.” He almost doesn't recognize his own voice, with how low and raspy it sounds as it echoes
through the room. Jimin is staring at him expectantly, wiggling his hips so that a stream of slick drops
onto the carpet with a low plop.

Jungkook's never stood up so quickly in his life.

He's pressed against Jimin's back in seconds, nipping at the back of the omega's neck as he lines up
his cock and slides in slowly, relishing how warm and wet his husband is; Jimin smells healthy and
fertile, and Jungkook's alpha instincts are going into overdrive as he snaps his hips up. It doesn't help
that Jimin keens and whimpers his name, head turned almost completely to the side to bare his neck
until the alpha sniffs at his scent gland cautiously; once he's certain the smaller man isn't distressed he
presses his teeth into the spot, locking his jaw so that he can pin the omega against the wall. The sex
that follows isn't romantic, per say, but there's a primal connection between them that wasn't there

When Jungkook presses forward, Jimin presses back, and when the omega keens and whimpers
there's a set of low growls echoing off of the wall as well. Jungkook even gets so excited that his
knot starts to swell early, and it takes every ounce of self control he has to rein himself back in so that
he can savor the current situation. He's not ready for their night to be over just yet, and he's also not
enough of a jerk to subject Jimin to multiple knots in one night.

“Hyung, are you close?” He lets his hands slide down from where they were groping the omega's
chest, one resting on his hip while the other curled around Jimin's cock and tugged gently, pre-cum
oozing from the tip. “You wanna help me out a little?” Jungkook nips and kisses the spot where his
teeth have left a bruise, skin tingling at the mere thought of marking his husband in the very same

“Tired of standing?” Jimin manages to tease breathlessly, letting his head drop as he's finally given
the opportunity to catch his breath.

“Your thighs have been shaking for the past five minutes.” the younger huffs out, pulling away so
that he can walk towards the bed. “You mind getting on your hands and knees for me, sugar tits?”
Jungkook cackles when his hyung barrels into him, wrestling the smaller man for a bit before he
gives up and flops down on his back, panting. Jimin whines a bit at this, probably because he was
having fun playing around, before curling up next to him.

“My dick is still hard Kookie.”


“You gonna do something about it?” He presses closer.

“Maybe.” Jungkook rolls onto his side, throwing an arm over his husband's waist. “But kisses first.”
Jimin scoffs before leaning in to press their lips together, hands sliding up so that he can pull the
alpha on top of him. In his defense, Jungkook does struggle valiantly to remain partially rolled-over,
however once Jimin's added tongue to the kiss he gets a little distracted and suddenly he's balls-deep
courtesy of his own twitching hips. The kiss degrades into a mess of tongue and teeth, and the
squelching between them reaches a new high when Jimin starts pouring out so much slick that it
leaves thick strings connecting their hips each time the alpha pulls back.

Jungkook braces his thighs, adjusts his angle before pounding forward so hard the bed creaks and
Jimin bounces up a little with each thrust. There's still space between them—barely anything,
honestly, but enough to drive the alpha crazy because he needs every part of his body touching Jimin
and he won't settle for anything else. The omega squeaks in surprise when he's flipped onto his
stomach, Jungkook wasting no time in coiling around him so he can pin him down and rut his hips
even deeper, a low groan slipping past the alpha's lips when his knot starts to swell and suddenly his
hands are pulling Jimin's hips back, forcing the omega onto his cock as his thrusts grow frantic.

“Hyung, m'gonna come.” he puffs out next to the omega's ear, tracing the shell with his tongue.
“You too?”

“Fuck...just let me know when—bite me.”

Their mating bond isn't anything special or romantic. Jungkook sinks his teeth into the bruise he'd left
earlier when his whole body tenses, and Jimin cries out until all he can do his whimper soft pleas of
'alpha' and 'mate'. Even though the impact of the bond hits them both full-force it turns out to be
nothing spectacular to the alpha, and when they're laying curled up together later that night he begins
to really think.

“It feels so weird...like i'm inside your head.” Jimin mumbles sleepily, kissing at the matching mark
he left on Jungkook's neck. The younger hums in response, staring at the wall like it had all the
answers in the world.

“How's it feel for you Kookie?” Jimin turns his head, smiling; the alpha shrugs.

“I don't...feel any different.”

“Did you not bite hard enough?” the smaller man touches his neck, wincing when his fingers trace
over the fresh wounds.
“No,it's not that. I can—I mean I can feel you, it's just-” he furrows his brow, sighing. “I thought i'd
get super possessive or something, you know? Like, i'd go berserk and kill the couple staying in the
next room.”

“And you have a problem with not doing that?” Jimin cocks an eyebrow, pulling the sheets over his

“I just thought i'd love you even more.” the alpha frowns, rubbing at the bite that marked him as
property of one Park Jimin. “I don't feel like I do.”

“That's because it's impossible, dummy.” Jimin chides, slapping his hand away from the wound—
probably so that it won't get infected later. “We both love each other too much.”

“You don't feel any different either?”

“It took me awhile to realize it too, but a bite doesn't change the fact that we love each other. Neither
does a kid, or marriage papers. It's something we decide Jungkook.”

“Still...” Jungkook grumbles, taking one of Jimin's hands so that he can toy with his fingers. “I'm
supposed to feel everything you feel, but I don't feel any different. The bite didn't work.”

Jimin gives the younger a long look before sighing, all the fight knocked out of him from their
previous session.

“Jeon Jungkook, we feel the same.”

“Yeah, but shouldn't I at least—oh.”


Jungkook agrees; he's an idiot. But he also agrees with the butterflies Jimin feels before snuggling
closer, and the flush that creeps up his neck from admitting he loves Jungkook just as much as
Jungkook loves him. He thinks he can get used to this—not having to pester Jimin for affection, or
worry that he's pushing too hard in their relationship. There's a comfort in knowing that Jimin is just
as content as him; that if for any reason that changes, he'll know as soon as it happens.

Jungkook supposes that in their eighth year together, he finds stability.

Chapter End Notes

asdjfkd I apologize for falling off the grid but I had work suddenly and this chapter took
5ever to write because I didn't want to rush it too much and I didn't want their sexytimes
to be too explicit (because, you know, feels) and then it got longer than usual and I was
considering cutting it in half but then I was like nah, and now i've finished mapping out
the final chapters and i'm sad because I like this au

TL;DR life got in the way (as per usual).

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 22
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“I can't believe he just hit her.”

Jimin storms through the front door of their home, throwing his blazer down before tugging his tie
loose. He looked near ready to murder someone, and the alpha hot on his heels is mirroring the
expression. They'd just come back from a gala, and they were both upset—admittedly for different
reasons. Jimin had lost his shit and had to be dragged out of the building kicking and screaming after
one of the company presidents struck down his omega because she didn't greet her superiors, a sight
that had momentarily flustered Jungkook because he was supposed to be in control but he clearly

“You shouldn't have flown off the handle like that hyung. We could have done something else—
talked to him, maybe even made sure that she received proper medical care if she was hurt.” His
voice is a little shaky because he's trying not to yell, trying to be a kind, reasonable alpha, but his
efforts are slowly fading, under constant attack by the negative emotions flowing through their bond.

“He fucking hit her Jungkook! Just to prove a point!”

“And you were about to hit him to do the same thing. We could have talked-”

“Would you hit me if I acted out?” Jimin looks ready to throttle someone, fists clenched so tight his
knuckles have turned white. “Is that how things are to you, Jungkook? I talk out of turn and I
deserve to be slapped?”

“Jimin, please.” Jungkook feels all of the anxiety and anger, making his chest tight and
uncomfortable—he doesn't hesitate to close the distance between them, burying his face in the crook
of his mate's neck. He's upset, but he tries not to be, tries to calm Jimin with his scent and his touch
or at the very least find comfort in his mate's scent. “You know I would never—you're just upset
hyung. I need you to breathe, okay?” The omega is practically swallowed up in Jungkook's arms,
body relaxing slowly until the mark on his neck stops aching and the alpha is certain he's fine.

“It's okay. Everything's okay.” Jungkook mumbles softly, rubbing the smaller man's back. He knows
how sensitive Jimin gets about issues with disciplining omegas—knows why he gets so upset. If he
ever gets his hands on the alpha who scarred his mate so heavily, he'll make him regret existing.
“Alphas are supposed to protect us Kookie. They're supposed to love us. He shouldn't-” Jimin
exhales a shaky breath, pulling back. “That wasn't right.”

“You should get some rest.” Jungkook reaches out to stroke his cheek, smiling fondly. “Eunwoo will
be livid if he sees his papa crying.”

“Who said I was gonna cry?” Jimin snaps playfully, turning to nip at his mate's palm.

“Cannibal.” the younger mutters, sliding his hand down to smooth out Jimin's shirt. “You don't have
to go to these things, you know. If they upset you, it's okay to tell me no.”

“You come out to my showcases. It's only fair.” the omega shrugs before reaching out, tugging on
his mate's wrist. “Why didn't you let me hit him?”

“If he hit you back I would've murdered him. I was keeping myself out of jail.”the alpha responds
without missing a beat, swinging their arms back and forth. “You know my temper is a thousand
times worse than yours.”

“Speaking of tempers, did you really knock that security guard flat when he tried to grab me?”

“Probably broke his jaw.” Jungkook shrugs, still focused on where Jimin's little fingers are curled
around his wrist.”They get paid enough to take hits like that.”

“Eunwoo isn't supposed to be dropped off for another hour.” Jimin suddenly changes the topic,
turning and walking towards their bedroom. “We should wash up so we're ready for him.”

The alpha quirks a brow and follows after him, something warm coiling in the pit of his stomach—
Jimin's stomach, actually. He could feel his arousal through their bond. “We really just gonna wash
up babe?”

“We'll do whatever we can in 30 minutes.”

Jungkook feels warmth spread through his chest, and it's incredible.

Ever since they've formed their bond, everything feels twice as good. He can feel when Jimin's
pleased with him, when he's upset, when he wants to be comforted and when he wants to be left
alone. It hasn't been that long since they exchanged marks—a few months, maybe, but feeling the
subtle changes and emotions through their bond has made them impossibly close with each other.

But he enjoys the little moments the most. Like now, while he's curled up in bed with Eunwoo
taking a mid-day nap only to be startled awake by a suffocating warmth, radiating from the center of
his chest out to the tips of his fingers. He knows it's Jimin watching them from the doorway,
probably cooing softly to himself while he begins to wiggle out of his dance clothes so that he can

“Come cuddle.” the alpha croaks out sleepily, patting the spot next to him until he feels the bed dip,
the scent of his mate curling around him.

“Gotta shower Kookie. I smell.”

“I like cuddles better when you smell.” Jungkook responds, yawning. “Be my big spoon hyung.”
The mattress shifts again as something warm wraps around him, Jimin leaning in to nip at his ear
before throwing one of his thighs over the big alpha's waist.

“What are we having for dinner?” Jimin whispers, eyeing his son; Jungkook had played with
Eunwoo until the poor pup passed out, needing to be carried to bed; Jungkook wasn't spared from
the energy drain either.

“Hmm...whatever you want, as long as I get you for dessert?” the alpha tries innocently, running his
fingers through his son's hair.

“Not in front of our child, pup.” Jimin chides, slapping his husband's arm. “I want spicy pork.”

Jungkook hums in agreement, and after thirty more minutes of lazing about the two finally seperate,
Jimin heading off to shower while Jungkook starts preparing food in the kitchen. It's all nice and
domestic, and he can't help but think no matter what happens outside of their home this place will
always be some sort of sanctuary. It's strange, considering all of the fights they had here, but
Jungkook has come to terms with the fact that life is pretty strange.
“Hey babe, we've got a design meeting tomorrow. Mind being my eye-candy?” Jimin slips into the
room without a sound, Eunwoo waddling after him with the stuffed animal he's refused to part from
every since they bought it. The smell of cooking pork had probably roused the pup, and the sound of
his pup whining had probably pulled Jimin from the shower.

“You bring eye-candy to design meetings now? I thought only the big kids got to sit in on those?”
The meat is nearly done so Jungkook starts shoveling it onto a serving dish, the side dishes and rice
already set up on the table.

“The company we're working with this time is big on social events. Close teamwork, or some
nonsense like that.” Jimin takes the plate once it's full, setting it down on the table before taking a
seat himself; Eunwoo begrudgingly sets his teddy aside to crawl into his papa's lap. “You don't even
have to dress up or anything. Just come in your underwear.”

“You'd let someone else see my abs?” the alpha makes a scandalized face, pulling his chair out. “I
thought those were your favorite?”

“We're mated now, so you could come naked and it wouldn't matter. You're mine no matter what.”
Jimin shrugs, reaching over to start feeding his son some of the pork. “In or out?”

“In.” Jungkook nods, piling meat onto his husband's rice before serving himself. “Should I wear my
dad clothes?”

“I like the black polo. The one that makes your arms and chest pop?” Eunwoo squirms until he gets
another bite of food, little arms flailing.

“Stop objectifying me hyung. I'm more than my muscles.”

“Of course. There are other parts of your body I also appreciate.” Jungkook chokes on his food
while the elder smiles and coos sweetly at their son, feeding him bits of pork.


“Jiminnie, you finally brought him!”

Jungkook does his best not to gape as his omega is surrounded by dancers, all of them nudging him
and smiling. Since he's walked in he's been placed on some sort of pedestal, probably because
whenever he goes to Jimin's showcases he always hides in the back until he can whisk his husband
back home.

“He's so big. I didn't think he'd be this big in real life.” a small beta pipes up, staring at Jungkook like
he was some sort of wonder.

“It's amazing Jimin didn't have a whole litter of pups—are you two planning for more?”

“Leave him alone.” Jimin swoops in to save the day, leaning up to fix a stray strand of hair for his
husband before smoothing out his shirt. “You'll have time to chat him up while we're in our

“You're leaving me out here?” Jungkook says, openly funneling his disagreement through their
bond; Jimin gives him a look in response, a soft eye-roll, before patting his butt affectionately.

“These are the people I work with Kookie. It wouldn't hurt to see my side of things for a little bit.”
Within minutes of promising to ditch him the omega is gone, off to have a small formal meeting with
some of the other choreographers and the company they're working with. Jungkook glues himself to
the wall because his interactions with omegas and betas are pretty much limited to screaming at them
when they do something wrong in a report, and he's quite obviously the only alpha in the room.

The room is mostly full of betas, which isn't so bad he supposes, but the way the omegas cower
slightly when he so much as breaths in their direction makes him feel more out of place than he
already did; he earnestly wishes for the nosy little beta from before to come back and look at him in
awe some more.

“You know, they'd warm up to you more if you smiled a little.” Jungkook nearly jumps out of his
skin at the voice that sounds just a little too close, quickly shifting his posture so that his arms are
over his chest (the polo Jimin picked out really did make it look like he'd break free from his shirt any

“I don't need anyone warming up to me. I've got Jimin.” is his admittedly gruff response, and
Jungkook is all sorts of defensive when it comes to how loyal he is to his husband because it took
eight fucking years and a kid before they were mated. The man—an omega, now that he's gotten the
opportunity to inhale—regards him with a soft smile before chuckling into the back of his hand like
the high-class women that surround him at charity galas.
“Even Jiminnie has friends. It wouldn't hurt to socialize, Mr. Jeon.” the man offers his hand and
Jungkook shakes it begrudgingly, giving his best 'I still don't like you' scowl. “I'm Lee Taemin. I
used to be Jimin's mentor—now i'm more or less his partner.”

“Jeon Jungkook, but it sounds like you already knew that.” The alpha bristles back, quickly returning
his hand to its place tucked underneath his arm. “Is there a reason you're talking to me?”

“You just reminded me of a certain alpha i'm fond of, is all.” Taemin tugs at the collar of his shirt,
revealing a large bite mark—whatever the fuck made that could probably tear Jungkook limb from
limb. “My mate is as charming as you are.”

The sight of a marked omega makes Jungkook visibly relax, and now he's okay with being best
friends with Taemin because they're both practically biologically engineered not to cheat. “So have
you been teaching him since college?” the alpha suddenly perks up, allowing the smallest of smiles
because god knows if these other dancers are homewreckers.

“We've been working together. I actually convinced him to come in and dance—he'd always watch
from outside, because he didn't have money to attend the school. Although it looks like that's not a
problem anymore.”

“Not if I can help it.” Jungkook agrees, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “So, did he ever tell you
about the tattoos? Like, he told me what they meant, but-”

“Those?” Taemin looks like he's about to burst out into laughter, eyes disappearing into crescents that
make Jungkook do a double take because this could be Jimin's taller long-lost brother. “He read in
the cosmopolitan that tattoos increased an alpha's sex drive. All bullshit, obviously, but he got
addicted after the first one.”

“So, are you like, um,” Jungkook teeters back and forth, licking his lips. “His uh, best friend?
Because I thought Yoongi was?”

“Yoongi and Jimin are definitely close, but as a beta there are some things he'd never understand.
Don't you have an alpha as a best friend?” the omega cocks a brow, although his stance is still
harmless, amused if anything.

“I—I don't remember seeing you at the wedding?” he tries, because he doesn't want to be rude to
Jimin's other best friend or whatever the fuck Taemin is, but he also doesn't want to get all flustered
and lose the upper hand in the conversation.

“It was during Minho's rut. I wasn't about to ruin it with a hormonal alpha.” Taemin shrugs, toying
with the bracelet on his wrist. “Jungkook, can I ask you something?”

Jungkook tries not to bristle at the sudden drop in formalities. “Yeah, of course.”

“Why haven't you given up on him yet?”

“...What?” He snaps his head to the side, eyes going wide because he honestly wasn't expecting such
a loaded question from someone he'd met literally five minutes ago. Taemin doesn't show any signs
of joking or remorse—no, his eyes are dark and hard, like Jungkook's about to do or say something

“It doesn't make sense for someone like you to stick with him. You could've had literally any omega
in the country, and you chose Jimin? I'm having trouble believing it.”

“I don't know what kind of answer you're looking for-”

“The kind that lets me know you'll never leave him.” is Taemin's response, fired off so quickly the
alpha nearly gets whiplash. Jimin certainly had a knack for collecting over-protective friends.

Thinking back, Jungkook has wondered the same thing an infinite number of times. It's gone from a
has to a used to now, something he's almost completely forgotten, but that feeling was there. At first
it was the guilt, he supposes. He thought he'd ruined Jimin, and he just wanted to fix it. But if that
was the case, he could've just stayed away after the first night—cut it off cleanly, so that the other
man had time to heal. Jungkook is all too familiar with that scenario, considering he'd managed to
dodge dating for the better side of a decade. Instinct could have been a major factor as well, but-

“To be perfectly honest, I don't know.” he voices his thoughts aloud, pulling at the fabric of his
pants. “There were plenty of times where I asked myself that—why are you still here? There were so
many times we could've stopped seeing each other. But for every time I asked that, I was satisfied
without an answer. I guess-” he scrunches his nose, “I don't want to know.”

“Afraid it'll be something dumb?”

“More like afraid the answer will be nothing.” the alpha chuckles, relaxing. “A stupid reason I can
live with, but nothing? That has some pretty deep implications.”


“Like I just want to be with him, and nothing's going to stop me.”

The look in Taemin's eyes soften and he backs off a bit, tucks his hands into the pockets of his
cardigan. “This was a good talk Jungkook. I learned a lot.”

“Like?” The alpha mimics his posture from earlier, tongue in cheek.

“Like how you're complete trash without Jimin, but he's changed you for the better and now I don't
want you to play in traffic.” Taemin shrugs and adjusts his sweater. “I knew a lot of your past hook
ups. They didn't say very good things about you, so I was worried when Jimin told me that
Jungkook and Jeon Jungkook were the same person.”

“I fucked dancers?”

“You fucked half of our campus during the summer.”

Their conversation ends there, as lightly as it began, and Jungkook hops around on his feet until
Jimin sidles up against him again and presses a kiss to his cheek. The alpha is only too happy to
return the favor, curling his arm around his mate's waist when he feels the Jimin fan club closing
back in.

“Kookie, did my Tae Tae-hyung scare you?” Jimin coos, pinching his cheek.

“We just had a little chat, but he seems cool.”

“His mate is just like you, except bigger. It's kind of funny.” The elder reaches into his pocket so that
he can scroll through his phone, probably for a picture. “You ready to head back?”
“I don't get to chat more?” he fakes a pout, because as much as he enjoyed getting grilled by Taemin
he honestly does just want to go home and lay down. Answering important questions drained all of
the energy out of him.

“No, you get to massage my back when we get home so that I can get an excellent sleep.” Jungkook
swears to himself that he won't fall for Jimin's charms, but at the end of the night he's hovering over
his husband, rubbing down his back until the room fills with soft snores and Jungkook is left on his
own to rinse off the baby oil in the bathroom.

He's gotten most of the gunk off and he's muttering to himself about how he should be the one
getting back massages when the counter vibrates, the light from a phone screen casting a green glow
on some of the tiles. It's Jimin's—it has to be, because Jungkook never takes his precious electronics
into the bathroom, and now the only question that remains is who the hell thinks it's okay to call
Jimin so late at night? Jungkook picks up the phone, and he's about to swipe to answer the call and
tell whoever it is off when the screen goes black for a few seconds, lighting back up to indicate a
voicemail's been left.

Curiosity gets the better of him, so the alpha unlocks the phone and presses the phone to his ear,
waits for the voicemail to start so that he can figure out if it's for work or just another dumb prank
call. The voice on the other end is low and dark, distinctly alpha.

“Chim chim, it's me. This probably seems a little out of the blue, but you'll be working with my
company soon...I trust you'll be professional about everything. It'll be good to see you again, alone—
seeing you with someone else stings, you know? But I guess we weren't ready for each other yet.
Can't wait to see-” Jungkook cuts the message off, staring at the screen with a neutral expression. He
thinks for one, maybe two seconds before deleting the message, something ugly surging from his
chest out to his fingertips, making his eyes burst into a brilliant red.

The feelings must've transferred through the bond—they had to have, because Jimin jolts awake with
a gasp, eyes glowing amber and muscles tensed.

“Jungkook? Jungkook, what's wrong baby?” He sounds frantic, borderline delirious, and it only
shows how much hatred the alpha must've pumped out before he managed to rein his anger back in.

“Just some bad news from work. I'll take care of it in the morning, don't worry hyung. Sorry for
waking you.” Jungkook shrugs, places the phone back on the counter where he found it before
crawling into bed and curling up against his mate's side. He tries to think of other things—think of
what he's going to do tomorrow, or how much progress Eunwoo's made with his speech, but it all
comes back to that voicemail, to the person behind it, the person he thinks left it.
He wishes he could just shut off the bond for a few hours, and do what his gut's been telling him to
ever since Jimin revealed his past. Instead, he kisses his husband goodnight and falls into a restless

Chapter End Notes

IDK what this is but the chapter was getting too long so here's part one of the final arc,
I'll post the rest as I reach good stopping points :X

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 23
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jungkook has traditionally hated mondays, mainly because that was pretty much the day he had to
clean up after whatever mess his workers had made over the weekend. There were also department
meetings and status reports, and all sorts of stupid contracts he had to sign and approve for the
month. Jimin also tended to go to work early on mondays, because Eunwoo had enrichment classes
—the alpha would often wake up alone, pout for about twenty minutes and then roll out of bed to get

Today when he wakes up alone he's sweating buckets, and his entire body feels weak. Being the
careless alpha that he is, Jungkook shrugs it off as a cold and drags himself to the bathroom to take a
shower. Once he's all clean and in a fresh pair of boxers he still feels a little under the weather, but he
manages to brush his teeth and wash up enough that he thinks he can make it through maybe a half a
day of work before he needs to head home and rest. Jungkook downs a few aspirins before getting
dressed, chugging a coffee on the way out and driving to the office like usual.

Ten minutes into his first meeting and he feels the fever come back.

“The projections for this quarter are high, assuming we follow through with the Hunan deal and win
the construction bid for the national park. I recommend expanding into the Japanese market after
we've got the funding.” One of the managers finally finishes his tirade about why they should open
up a branch for electronics in Japan, and he can't wait to get through the next one.

“We can't expand without a stable foundation. Look for small companies that are well-established in
the market, and offer to invest. Next?” Jungkook tries his best not to look bored, opening the next
packet which appears to be on the wonderful world of grass seed development. “What's this?” he
tries not to look severely offended by the fact that he has to sit through this, but the fever is wearing
away at his patience.

“Recently there's been an increase in the popularity of front yards in newly built houses. Some of our
engineers have been working on grass seeds suited to the specific soil they're planted in, house by

“So you want us to make designer grass?” The alpha mentally prepares himself for the onslaught of
stupidity behind whatever the fuck this is.
“Not just designer grass sir. We could create and capitalize on a revolutionary new market of
personalized greenery—the trend towards luxury personalized goods has gone up in recent years.”
The man, Department head Kim Heechul now that he gets a better look, seems like he'll push for this
even if he has to argue for hours. Jungkook is not in the mood for his extra ass today.

“So you're telling me to approve a plan to make personalized grass for the wealthy? How is this
beneficial to the company as a whole?”

“We'd be the first in the market for something like this. Think of the potential—we could export to
larger countries and estates in dry regions-”

“And we could also be the laughing stock of Korea for bothering with this at all. You're not selling
your point very well, Mr. Kim.”

“Sir, I believe strongly that this will succeed-”

“Fine. Send a test batch to my father's home and see if he approves of it. Next?” Heechul blanches,
mostly because Chairman Jeon is very particular about everything to do with his house and if the
grass seeds are off even the slightest the project will probably be burned along with him. Jungkook
didn't enjoy throwing his dad's name around to get things done, but some people would only listen if
the fear of losing their livelihoods was dangled around.

“I wanted to talk about the recent issues with the Saerin group-”

“Just a moment.” Jungkook is sick to his stomach, and he regrets the coffee he had for breakfast
because he can already feel it threatening to rise up the back of his throat. On the outside he's
composed, politely excusing himself for an emergency call but on the inside he's ready to pass out,
and it takes all of his energy to stop the feeling from traveling through his bond and alerting his mate;
Jimin didn't need to fuss over a little cold.

“Mr. Jeon, would you like to see a doctor?” His secretary comes in and hovers around, flits about
nervously until the alpha dismisses him with a wave of the hand.

“I'm fine, really. Nothing a bit—actually,” Jungkook licks his lips, tapping his fingers against his
desk. “I think i'm taking my lunch early. Cancel all of today's meetings, and have the urgent matters
packaged and brought to my home.”
There was something bothering him, like an itch he couldn't scratch.

“Right away sir. Would you like for me to order you anything?”

He was burning up, irritable, craving something he just couldn't place-

“No, I've already got lunch set up. Could you contact Taehyung? Let him know we're having dinner
at the Han river.”

“Of course.”

Jungkook drives home, staggers to his bedroom and strips down to his boxers; he knows he's going
into rut, but he doesn't know why.

He should have been synced with Jimin—twice a year, on dates that their doctors figured out down
to the literal second. His partner hadn't changed, so why was he suddenly off-schedule? Did his
alpha wolf feel threatened because of what had happened the other day? Sometimes natural rankings
could interfere with ruts, but even if that was the case he's felt far more insecure—he was just angry,
if anything, when he heard that voicemail.

Anger didn't trigger ruts.

By the time Jimin makes it home, probably alerted by Taehyung, Jungkook is nearly delirious with
the desire to breed. It's a physical pain, an ache he can't get rid of no matter how many pills he takes
or how much cold water he dunks himself in. He isn't satisfied even when his omega crawls into bed
and fusses over him, something primal demanding more, upset that Jimin isn't as needy as he is.

“Easy pup—we should call a doctor. You shouldn't be this warm.” Jungkook practically purrs and
curls around his mate, not caring that he's probably a thousand degrees to the touch.

“It's okay. I just need to knot a few times and I'll cool down.” the younger manages, kissing anything
he can reach.

“Then I'll run out and get a blow-up doll. Give me fifteen minutes.”
“Why do we need that?”

“I'm not gonna let you stretch my ass out again. I told you it hurts when I'm not in heat!” Jungkook's
entire world crumbles at the revelation, but it's cool. He'll just overheat and die, it's fine, really.

“I can hear your sassy thoughts you little brat.” Jimin cuffs him on the ear, growling in irritation.
“This doesn't feel right Kookie. I'm gonna talk to Doctor Oh, and then we'll address whatever the
fuck this is.” There Jimin goes again, being the responsible one.


“Fine, i'll stop. Just make the call quick.” the alpha grumbles, loosening his hold so that Jimin can
grab his cellphone and call their doctor. He sits still like a good boy while Jimin talks on the phone,
even keeps his hips still when all he has to do is thrust up to rut against Jimin's lower back, and his
reward is a lengthy lecture by his mate.

“Doctor Oh says you're entering a primal heat because Eunwoo is almost old enough to be on his
own for the length of a rut—proto alphas start going by breeding seasons instead of individual heats
once they're mated.”

“So?” Jungkook is seriously about to just bend Jimin over the bed and get rid of the itch under his

“One, I wouldn't let you just bend me over you horny little shit. Two, you can't just knot me, because
we might actually have a litter of pups, and I am not carrying an entire litter Jeon Jungkook. I'm too

“You know you'll only carry as many as your body can handle. That's a thing.” Jungkook latches
back onto his mate, nibbling on his ear impatiently. “Besides, I like it when you're squishy. I miss my
squishy hyung.” The alpha pouts, sliding his fingers down over the hard planes of Jimin's abs. He
was all muscles and tattoos—he should be squishy, and full of pups. Squishy.

“Do you even have time for more pups? Your father is gonna start transitioning you soon.”
“Of course! I'll always have time for my family.” the alpha grumbles and pouts, and he's pretty sure
if he doesn't pop a knot soon his dick will explode. “I can't force you to have my pups, but I can act
like a petulant child until you crack and give me what I want.”

“You're not going to knot me.”

“Even if I make you super wet?”

“You could turn my ass into the pacific ocean and I still wouldn't let you do it.”

Jimin has no trouble holding true to his promise for the first day at least, and Jungkook spends his
night sleeping in a nest of blankets on the floor because he's almost certain if he doesn't he'll ravage
his mate in his sleep.


“Hyung, m'gonna—” Jungkook gasps and clenches his eyes shut, pulling back until just the head of
his cock is sheathed. He lets the flesh rest in the palm of his hand, pumps a few times until he's
milked himself dry and there's cum dribbling out down Jimin's thighs. He's sated for the moment,
content with leaving a trail of kisses down his omega's back as he's surrounded by Jimin's sweet
cinnamon musk. Despite all his complaining Jimin's been trying his hardest to keep the alpha
satisfied, to a point where he takes every chance he gets to doze off, even if he's covered in cum and
slick, and Jungkook appreciates it more than he's capable of expressing.

“We should wash up.” Jungkook rolls onto his back and pulls Jimin on top of him, chuckling at the
way his mate whines softly into his neck.

“You'll just get upset when I'm clean and cover me in your fucking alpha juice again.” the elder
grunts out, wrapping around his mate automatically. “It's easier to just stay dirty for a few days until
you stop with your scent marking.”

“I don't want you to feel gross.” He argues, massaging at the dip of his mate's back and working his
way down until he's rewarded with a pleased sigh. “It might help your muscles relax too. You're
tense.” In reality, Jungkook just wanted shower sex; Jimin was probably also painfully aware of this,
considering the alpha hadn't exactly been able to filter out his dirty thoughts since his rut started.
“Fine, you damn pervert. Help me up.” With a few curses and a bit of wobbling Jungkook manages
to get them both to the shower, where he starts to carefully wipe down his husband. He's mindful of
all the bite marks and bruises he's left, makes sure to take extra care washing around their mark
where he's all but re-opened the wound. He's content with just washing for now, but it's Jimin's
brilliant idea that puts them in an unfortunate situation.

“Can you massage me?” He asks innocently, throwing a look over his shoulder that makes Jungkook
nod and reach forward with soapy hands, going straight for the spots he could feel all tensed up
before. He doesn't expect the whine of disapproval he gets in response, the omega rubbing his ass
back insistently.

“Inside too.”

“I don't know hyung. Shower sex is a little-”

“Put it in.” Jimin uses his hyung voice and Jungkook immediately complies, hissing when his hips
are flush against his hyung's ass. The alpha keeps himself still from the waist down, focusing on
rubbing out the coils and knots in Jimin's muscles, and it's more soothing than he thought it'd be.
He'd even argue that it was a good idea, once he feels the coil in the pit of his stomach relax as he
fusses over his mate, more focused on earning relaxed sighs instead of the breathy keens he was so
set on earlier in the day.

Everything is a good idea until Jimin is the one who's turned on—which Jungkook can't even be
mad at, because honestly, he's groping all over his thighs and chest while he's balls-deep and he may
or may not have been nibbling on his ear and whispering dirty things to help pass the time—and
things get slippery in the wrong way.

The omega pushes back and clenches just a little too hard, and Jungkook's knot starts to swell just the
slightest, and Jimin must only be subconsciously aware because he starts pressing his ass back more
insistently, consequently making the knot bigger, and fuck, now Jungkook has to pull out before he
gets stuck-

“H-hyung, wait, my knot.” The alpha hisses and tries to pull back, but he loses his footing (because
shower sex is fucking dangerous, like he was trying to say before) and the world is suddenly in slow
motion. Jimin scrambles forward once he realizes what he's done, cursing under his breath when he
starts to slip forward—Jungkook, still currently in rut and far too protective of his mate, reaches out
to stabilize him and ends up pulling him down as well. There's a whirlwind of flailing limbs, and
slasher-worthy horror music is playing in the back of the alpha's head as he watches his knot sink
deeper and deeper until it disappears completely, his back slamming into the glass side-panel and
sliding down when Jimin falls back onto him.
There's a lot of cursing and panting, but the cursing reaches a new level when Jimin tries to get up
and he can't, because, well, he's attached to a dick. It was a recurring theme in Jimin's life.


“Hyung, easy, you'll hurt yourself-”

“You need to get it out right now Jungkook!Doctor Oh said...he said...fuck-” Jimin gasps and falls
back again, digging his nails into whatever he can reach frantically. Jungkook is in his own little
heaven, muscles tensing and relaxing because he's finally popped a knot and he forgot how good it
felt to be locked inside of Jimin.

“It's okay hyung. We can handle more pups.” He mumbles carelessly, shifting so that his mate can
get more comfortable.

“I don't care about that! He said...said we'd be locked together for eight hours.”


“Your rut is gonna end, and we're stuck like this for eight fucking hours, Jungkook.”

“W-will I be...” Jungkook swallows thickly and glances down at where their hips are joined; he can
feel his balls tightening, feel himself spurting out and pulsing, and it already feels so warm and sticky
with just one load.

“You won't stop until the knot shrinks. Just like any other knot.” Jimin confirms in a grim tone,
wincing when he feels another load shoot off. “It's to ensure the mating is a success.”

“Shit...let's-” Jungkook inhales deeply before picking Jimin up and shutting off the water; he takes
the time to dry them both off, mindful of where they're connected, before carefully laying back on
the bed and letting Jimin curl up against him. “Sorry babe—I didn't realize it'd be for so long. Will
you be okay?” He feels like this wasn't some freak accident, like it was all because of him, and now
he has some apologizing to do.
“It's not your fault brat. Just turn on a drama and we can marathon it until you've calmed down.” The
elder sighs in defeat, like he knew this would happen, before turning to kiss his sulking mate on the
cheek. “It's okay Kookie. It doesn't hurt.”

“But you're gonna get uncomfortable. I don't want you to-”

“Jeon Jungkook, my ass will be fine. If you feel bad just massage my hips and compliment me until I
fall asleep.”

“Like dirty compliments? Ow!”

“No asshole, regular compliments. Tell me how handsome I am” Jimin closes his eyes and snuggles
back, and Jungkook does his best to hide his mischievous smirk because Jimin can't get away from
him, no matter what he says.

“You've got the best dick-sucking lips to ever come out of Busan hyung. They're beautiful.”

“Jeon Jungkook...”

“And I've never seen an ass as nice as yours. Abs are easy to come by, but your ass is perfection.”

“I swear to god, if you don't stop-”

“And your tattoos give me wet dreams hyung. Makes me want to paint them white, if you get where
i'm going.” Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows and Jimin elbows him in the ribs, red up to the tips of his

“I hate you.”

“Love you too, Jimin.”


“I still prefer the maroon suits. They make us look a little less intrusive.” Jungkook adjusts his clothes
in the mirror, striking several poses to check that his suit is flawless. He's got on a cream colored
Italian suit, something Jimin wanted him to wear, but he's convinced they'd pop more with a little
color and he'd be damned if he didn't argue for it until his face turned blue.

“What's wrong with white? Afraid you're gonna spill something on it?” Jimin teases from the
doorway, still in his undershirt and boxers. He'd taken awhile to shower, and even longer to fix his
hair—it was back to black again, styled up and freshly cut so that he could dazzle whatever
production companies came his way. It was certainly working on Jungkook.

“I just think it looks better on us. Maroon and black is a nice combo, you know?” He's already taking
off his blazer when Jimin walks over, giving a blatant fake pout as he stares at his husband's

“Your thighs look better in the white pants. Wear the white ones for me.” Jimin sidles up to his
husband and links their arms, giving a coy smile. “I'll give you a kiss.”

“I'm getting sick of kisses now, actually. Someone keeps bribing me with them.” Jungkook leans
down to steal a kiss no sooner than he speaks, smirking when he's flicked on the nose in retaliation,
the smaller man huffing indignantly.

“You're not allowed to touch my belly tonight.” His hands hover over the soft flesh of his stomach,
where small pouches of fat are just beginning to form; they haven't confirmed it yet, but Jungkook is
willing to bet by Jimin's recent loss in muscle mass another pup is on the way. “Even if you wear the
white one.”

“Hmm, but what if I give you a kiss?” They've turned into that disgusting mushy couple that
everyone hates to be around ever since they've mated, but it's nice. There's no shame at all when
Jungkook waddles over with grabby hands and puckered lips, crowding his hyung's space until he
can pull him into a bear hug and rock back and forth; Jimin isn't shy about the way he giggles and
smiles until his eyes disappear into little crescents, swatting at his mate every time he sways a little
too far and nearly topples them over. Honestly, if he was a bystander he'd be thoroughly disgusted
by their behavior.

“Quit playing around, you'll make us late.” The elder is the one who puts an end to their flirting,
wiggling away so that he can start putting on his suit. Jungkook leans back against the counter and
appreciates the sight of his husband walking away, tongue darting across his lips in a feeble attempt
at quenching his never-ending thirst for Park Jimin's ass. He supposes he could go with the white
suit, even if he looked better in the maroon one. After all, there was only one man he wanted to

The hardest part of the evening is probably getting Eunwoo to sit still long enough for Taehyung to
take him. Every time they try and leave without the toddler he throws a fit and hides somewhere in
the house, normally very poorly, and Jungkook is sent out to retrieve him because his hair only took
five minutes to do, and Jimin isn't about to have his hair re-done because their son decides to wrestle
him. Jungkook also might have made a smart ass comment about how Jimin is toddler sized so it'd be
easier for him to find their son, but that's definitely not why he ends up with retrieval duty.

Once he's scooped his pup from behind the dining room curtains kicking and screaming and assured
him that they'd hurry home to watch cartoons they set off, Jimin looking like some sort of movie star
and Jungkook suddenly incredibly apprehensive about how he's going to handle other alphas ogling
his mate.


“The choreography for your last performance was excellent! We're very interested in having you
work with some of our trainees, Mister Park.” Jimin stops to talk to what must be the millionth
entertainment company representative since they've walked in, and Jungkook squeezes their linked
hands in irritation. He's put on his best social smile so many times tonight, kept his temper in check
when he caught stares lingering for just a moment too long—Jimin was clearly an object of lust for
these men and women, and it made him feel sick to his stomach.

“I'd have to talk it over with my partner, but I'm sure he'd be delighted to work with you after we
finish our contract with JB entertainment.” Jimin takes it all in stride, smiling and shaking hands and
politely declining the mountain of verbal offers he receives and Jungkook wonders if he takes on a
similar appearance when they're at charity banquets and galas. “Speak of the devil. Here's Mister Im

Jungkook glances in the direction of the newcomer, squaring off his shoulders once the scent of virile
alpha clogs up his throat. The man was tall and slim, clean cut from his short styled hair down to the
designer cuff links he work on his sleeves, and exuded an aura of lazy dominance that reminded
Jungkook somewhat of a snake. He already knew he wouldn't like him.

“I hope you all aren't trying to steal my choreographer from me before he finishes his work?” the
man's voice is smooth, irritatingly so, and Jungkook feels Jimin press into his side for comfort—he
lets his fingers wander down to the omega's lower back and trace small patterns to soothe him.
“Of course not. We're just discussing who gets to have him next.” The representative jokes, and
Jungkook must look ready to murder him for it because Jimin squeezes his hand and chuckles
nervously in response before he tries to rein in the conversation.

“Maybe we could joke about something a little more appropriate in front of my husband? I didn't
bring his muzzle tonight and I'm pretty sure he'll bite if agitated.”

“He's already left quite the bite on your neck. His fangs must be the size of combat knives.” The
newcomer, Im, jokes, and Jimin laughs along with him. Jungkook puffs up a little at the compliment
but he still doesn't like whoever the hell this is, so he keeps a wary gaze on him.

“You still want to eat me? Should I let you leave a mark?” The other alpha leans forward and
jokingly pulls down his collar, egging him on until Jimin's hand shoots out to gently push him back.

“Jaebum, don't.”

They share a look, something meaningful, and Jungkook's eyes dart between them because Jimin is
only supposed to look at him that way, even if he's only scolding. It's suspicious, like they've known
each other before—a past hook up, maybe? The alpha presses closer to his mate.

“Relax, it was just a joke. Mister Jeon, it's wonderful to finally meet you. Jimin always seems to
brighten up when news about a certain company heir comes on.” Jaebum offers his hand and
Jungkook shakes it, not bothering to hide his lack of enthusiasm.

“I'm sorry but I can't say the same. You're the one who keeps my Jimin busy and away from me
these days.”

“He's my Jimin when he's at work Mister Jeon. You can't keep such a sweet little omega all to
yourself.” Jaebum chuckles, and Jungkook manages a strained smile.

“I'm glad you've grown attached, but i'm afraid I don't share, Mr. Im.”

“I believe that mindset is true of all alphas, Mr. Jeon.”

“Excuse me?”

Jungkook is roughly point-five seconds from shoving his fist down Im Jaebum's throat when Jimin
steps in to save the day, filling the space between the two alphas. “Kookie, do you mind getting me a
drink? Something sweet.”

He's about to argue that Jimin shouldn't be drinking when he feels the smallest of nudges on their
bond, a desperate little tap that lets him know Jimin plans to handle this the civil way which does not
involve anyone getting limbs jammed into their larynx. He doesn't want to leave his mate alone with
Jaebum, but he doesn't want to upset the delicate balance of their trust either.

“Yeah honey, of course.” Jungkook kisses the crown of his omega's head before sauntering off,
something strange swirling in his chest. Im Jaebum, whoever he was—Jungkook didn't like him one
bit. He couldn't wait for Jimin to finish up this contract and move on to another company, one that he
could control and watch. No, good alphas didn't micromanage their mate's lives like that. If Jimin
ever found out-

When he looks back to where his mate is, the elder is smiling and laughing, a far-cry from his
worried expression. Jaebum is looking at him like—like Jungkook looks at him.

No. The hormones from his rut must still be lingering—he just needs to soothe his nerves. Inhale and
exhale slowly, think about Eunwoo's smile, about Jimin's peaceful sleeping face. Their bond is okay.
Jimin loves him. He would know the second something was off.

He throws back the glass of wine he picked up, letting the pleasant buzz of alcohol numb his mind.

Chapter End Notes

I know this one was up for like 5 minutes but it was a draft I accidentally posted so I
apologize :X

Anyways (aside from jungkook being an insecure dummy who wont talk about his
concerns) I hope you enjoyed reading!
Chapter 24
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Christ Kookie, how much did you drink?” Taehyung looks ready to knock him flat when he
staggers through the doorway, a worried Jimin hot on his heels.

“Just a few glasses of wine, relax.” the alpha growls out in response, shoving at his friend's chest
when he stands in his way. “What?”

“Jungkook, I think you should come back with me for tonight. You don't look good.” Taehyung's
earlier scowl is replaced with a concerned frown, and Jungkook wants to shove at him again but his
limbs don't agree with him and he misses, slamming into the wall instead. “Shit, he's done. Jimin, I'll
send Yoongi over okay? I think—I don't think he should be here right now.”

It's irritating as hell, but the small, insignificant part of Jungkook called his conscience lets the older
alpha drag him to his car and drive him half-way across the city, lets himself be dumped on a sofa
before Taehyung heads to his bedroom and has a heated argument with his mate before Yoongi
appears, cursing at the top of his lungs until his alpha leads him towards the door and pleads with
him. When the door clicks shut it's quiet again, save for a clock ticking in the background. Jungkook
closes his eyes when he hears his best friend approaching.

“Kook, what's up? You don't drink when your upset.” Jungkook catches the and you know why
that's left unsaid, pushing back the shame that's beginning to crawl out from the pit of his stomach.

“It's...complicated.” He can feel Jimin reaching out through their bond, soothing him, or at least
attempting to. He musters up enough energy to do the same, and he hopes what little he manages lets
his mate sleep peacefully tonight. “Don't wanna talk about it.”

“Were you gonna wait until Jimin got hurt to talk?” the other alpha challenges, tightening his fists.
“Jungkook, you're not a fucking child. You know what happens if you drink when you're upset-”

“I was in control, okay? I'm not some fucking kid anymore, like you said!” he snaps back, sitting up.
There's fire in his veins again, making his muscles tense and his heart pound against his chest, but the
sight of Taehyung's red eyes brings him back to reality. He can't fight with his hyung, not over
something dumb like this. “I'm just-” Jungkook lets his shoulders slump forward, sighing. “I was
trying not to smother him.”
The hand rubbing at his back is surprisingly welcome, his instincts veering towards a more juvenile
path as he whines and leans into the touch. Taehyung's frown is still there but the other alpha is less
confrontational now, more focused on his younger friend. “You didn't like his friends?”

“Friend. I know I shouldn't be so jealous, since we have the bond, but I can't help it hyung. He still
seems so far away.” The alcohol is beginning to make his head spin, and he feels sick to his stomach.
“I love him, and he loves me, we have a family, but I still-” something blocks his throat and he
coughs, clearing it. “I'm afraid someone will take him from me.”

“Jungkook, no one is going to steal him away. Look, you can't ever do this again, okay?” Taehyung
is suddenly in his face, grabbing his cheeks. “Promise me you won't drink like this again. You can't
control your wolf when you're like this.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“I don't wanna find out, and neither should you.”


When Jungkook wakes up, it's to a beam of harsh sunlight and a splitting migraine. He can't say he
expected anything else, but that doesn't make the situation anymore pleasant. The smell of coffee and
eggs is welcome however, and when he finally does open his eyes it's to Taehyung hopping around
the kitchen while humming some pop song.

“Hyung, can I have an aspirin?” he croaks out, his own voice sounding rough and unfamiliar—
probably from all of the growling he did yesterday. Taehyung doesn't pause what he's doing, hums
louder instead, and Jungkook gets the strangest feeling he's being ignored on purpose. “Hyung?” he
tries again.

The older alpha doesn't say a word, just keeps on preparing food and humming lightly, and
Jungkook is about to whine like a petulant child and throw a tantrum when a plate is shoved in his
face; he takes it and bows his head slightly, eating slowly. There's an uncomfortable silence aside
from the scraping of forks against plates, and the morning has suddenly taken a turn far more
ominous than what he first anticipated.

“Yoongi wants to talk to you when he gets home.” Taehyung finally breaks the silence, setting his
plate down on the coffee table. “But I don't want you talking to him.”


“He'll blow things out of proportion. You know how over-protective he is of Jimin.” The other man
sighs and runs his fingers through his brown hair, the beginnings of wrinkles creasing his forehead.
“You really shouldn't have done that, Jungkook. You need to talk when you have problems.”

“I don't want to seem petty.”

“He'll love you regardless.”

“It took so much just for us to get this far hyung. I don't want anything to go wrong because of me.”
Jungkook sets his plate down, crossing his arms over his chest. “I'm always the one stirring up

“You're the one always blaming yourself. You think Jimin likes always being the one who's getting
apologized to?” his friend says softly, reaching out to ruffle his hair; Jungkook shies away from the
touch. “He can be the bad guy too, you know? Yoongi'd have you believing otherwise, but it takes
two to tango and Jimin is no angel.”

“He's got reasons hyung.” Jungkook argues, thinking back to when Jimin told him why he was so
afraid of alphas. He was justified in his fear-

“We all have reasons, Kook. Some are—some are bad. Real bad. But if you keep babying him
because of one bad thing, it's not gonna end well. Yoongi has some bad reasons too.” Taehyung
swallows the lump in his throat, reaching back to rub his neck. “You have a kid. You'll have two
kids soon. You can't act like this anymore Jungkook.”

“Like what?”

“Like you're the only person who can fix things.”

“I can't believe he's turning four. He's still so little!” Jungkook's mother is fawning over her
grandson, and while he's normally all about selling off his son as the greatest thing in existence he's
currently more preoccupied with glaring daggers over the rim of his cup at one Im Jaebum, who has
most unfortunately been invited to their family event. He and Jimin have been irritatingly chummy
the past few weeks, and part of Jungkook wishes he never went out to the showcase meet-ups.

“Jungkook, dear, don't you think Eunwoo looks just like his grandfather?” his mother tries to catch
his attention and the alpha gives a half-hearted nod, setting his cup down.

“He has his eyes. Well, my eyes I guess.” Eunwoo tugs on his pant-leg and Jungkook lifts his son
up, smiling when the pup giggles. “He's definitely got Jimin's laugh.”

“Thank god he doesn't have your evil cackle.” A voice cuts in from the side, making the alpha raise a
brow before nudging the offender with his elbow.

“What's wrong with my laugh?”

“You only laugh when you're bullying people.” Jimin responds, sticking his tongue out. Jungkook
probably scars half the population when he leans in for a wet, sloppy kiss in retaliation. Jungkook's
mother most certainly doesn't enjoy the view, and let's him know with a kind slap to the back of the

“Not all of us are newly mated son. Do have some tact at public events.”

“This is a family event.”

“Even more reason not to do it. Think of the children.”

“Only my kids are here.”

“Do you want Eunwoo to start copying you?” Jungkook shuts up at this, because he'd really rather
not have his toddler running around kissing everyone. The child in question wiggles in his arms until
he sets him down, running off to terrorize the extended Jeon family because it's his special day and
they wouldn't dare ignore him.
“Kookie, you mind grabbing more drinks from inside—we're running low.” Jimin's got this cute little
pink tint to his cheeks, and Jungkook feels a pleased growl rumbling in his chest before he can stop
it. He leans in for another kiss but his mother clears her throat, and the alpha reluctantly nods and
heads towards their kitchen to load up the spare cooler.

His hands are borderline freezing by the time he's unloaded from the fridge, but it's warm outside so
he decides to suck it up until he can complain to Jimin later about how hard it was moving so many
cold bottles on his own; he'd use it as an excuse to cuddle him, maybe. Sparing no opportunity to
look more dominant than necessary, Jungkook hauls the full cooler back outside with one arm and
sets it down near the snack table, in between the nearly-empty plate of meat and the kids' popsicles.

He's about to return to his lovely husband and harass him some more when an overly-friendly slap
on the back nearly sends him flying face-first into the dirt.

“Son, it's been ages since we last saw you!” A voice belonging to his charming father in law booms
out, and once he manages to regain his balance and maximize his distance from an anthill Jungkook
gives a completely genuine, not fake in the least smile as he bows and shakes the older alpha's hand.

“Sorry, I've been busy with company stuff.”

“You've also been busy with Jimin, from the looks of his stomach.” the older man responds curtly,
sounding slightly less impressed. He probably still wasn't very fond of the idea of his children having
sex, despite both of them being beyond the young adult stage. If only he realized how much of a
nymphomaniac his son was-

“Say, isn't that the Im boy?”

“Jaebum?” Jungkook hums with disinterest, doesn't bother thinking twice about it, but Jimin's father
presses his lips into a tight line and furrows his brow, watching the two men chat with curiosity.

“I didn't think that those two were on speaking terms. Jimin seemed so upset the last time they saw
each other.”

“They work together now. I guess they got over it.” Jungkook ignores the itch he suddenly has in the
back of his head, trying his best instead to remain in his father in law's good graces until Eunwoo's
birthday celebration is over. “Do you need anything? A beer, or some water?”
“Son, the only thing I need is for you to go over there and separate them. Don't you know Jaebum
has a soft spot for Jimin?”

“I'm aware.” He responds dryly, reaching for a can of beer. “They're just friends. I'm not going to
make trouble over it.”

“You should. That Im boy is trouble.” The older alpha bristles, clearly not enjoying how the other
man is fawning over his son. “He doesn't look like someone who broke it off in high school.”

Jungkook finally stops ignoring his problems and lets the words sink in, a spark going off in his brain
before all of his muscles contract involuntarily, the can in his hand exploding in a fountain of foam
and shredded aluminum. He turns to his father in law, jaw set tightly, and nods. “That Jaebum and
this Jaebum are the same guy?”

“Yeah. Jimin didn't tell you?”

“Must've slipped his mind.” Jungkook growls out, shoulders going stiff as he sets down his mangled
can and saunters over to where his husband and Jaebum are chatting in a circle. The first thing he
does is push his mate behind him, eyes flashing silver as he stares the other alpha down.

“You need to leave.” His voice is so low and dark it doesn't sound anything like him, but the promise
of violence in his tone is unabashedly Jungkook. “Now.”

“What, I can't chat with an old friend? Aren't you being a bit much?” Jaebum steps up to his
challenge, broadens his shoulders and squares up like he's ready for a fight. His eyes flash a murky
gold, and Jungkook debates on poking them out just so that he never has to see them again.

“Compared to what you've done this is nothing.” Jungkook quips, baring his fangs and letting
pheromones roll off his body in wave. Jimin must've put two and two together now, because he's
whining softly in the back of his throat and tugging on his alpha's arm, but right now protecting his
family is more important than listening to Jimin's excuses.

“The worst i've done is kiss him.” Jaebum scoffs, and if his blood wasn't already boiling it's damn-
near evaporating now. Jungkook's protective instincts are going haywire, demanding that he kill this
alpha for even thinking about touching his mate. Mate was his, and no one else's.
“Leave now.” His chest vibrates with a low growl, and he can feel his body tensed in preparation to
lunge, fists clenched so tightly his knuckles have gone white. Jaebum simply saunters up, gets close
enough that their heads are almost touching, and shoves at the younger alpha's chest.

In his defense, Jungkook tried to be civil.

A full blown brawl between alphas was a bloody affair, and generally frowned upon in the upper
class which he just so happened to belong to. Consequently, when he charges at Jaebum swinging
fists the crowd that gathers is more shocked than terrified—the terror comes after their tussle moves
to the ground, and Jungkook is snarling and striking out at anything he can reach, ears deaf to the
pleas from his mate. Jaebum lands several solid hits on his ribs, manages to leave a trail of blood
down his chest with a quick swipe of claws, but Jungkook gives back just as much as he gets, makes
sure to dig his fangs in deep when he bites into the other alpha's shoulder and tackles him into the

It's all screams and chaos from there; he can feel coals burn through his polo shirt and sear into his
back and Jaebum shoves him off, but the pain just makes him more angry and instead of a yelp he
growls even deeper and swipes at the older alpha's face, puffing his chest triumphantly when the
other male staggers backwards. Jaebum falls to his back, and Jungkook lunges for the killing strike,
fingers wrapping around the other man's throat and squeezing until he can feel the pulse begin to
weaken, until the desperate clawing at his arms degrades to half-hearted swipes and he's almost done
it, he's protecting mate-

“Jeon Jungkook!”

His entire body freezes, chest still heaving from the effort of fighting, but the bond has been pulled so
tight he can't ignore it anymore. His chest is filled with all sorts of feelings—distress, fear, anger,
worry, hate, even. When he looks up, Jimin is crying.

The world suddenly resets, and his inner alpha retreats as quickly as it surged forth.

“J-jimin, I didn't mean to-”

“Get off of him!” The smaller man shouts, and he's shaking so hard—his hand is rubbing his
stomach, like he's trying to keep the pup inside calm, but he's still shaking so much himself—he pulls
away quickly, leaves the other man unconscious on the ground as he takes hesitant steps towards his
“I'm sorry baby. I just—he hurt you, so I just—I got angry.” Jungkook whines, chest tightening
when Jimin shies away from his touch. He's screwed up big time; he didn't keep his promise, and
now he's ruined Eunwoo's birthday, and what else could possibly go wrong?

“You never have any control.” the omega hisses, hands still shaking from where his fists have
clenched. “Whether we're talking or eating or sleeping together, you can't separate from your wolf
for five fucking seconds.”

“Jimin, you know why, I can't help it.” Jungkook bristles slightly, suddenly defensive. “It's who I

“Who you are?” the elder narrows his eyes like he can't believe what he just heard, jaw locking in a
jut as he stares his mate down. “The Jungkook I know isn't a monster. ”

It hurts, being called that—it hurts more because he can feel the sincerity through their bond, feel
how Jimin is so disappointed he can barely stand to look at him. Still, he had a reason—Jaebum was
the one who left him with so many scars. Jimin would understand if he just explained. “He was the
one who-”

“He didn't know!” Jimin shouts before he can finish, exasperated. “You think I would just hang
around him without confronting him? I'm not some fucking kid for you to watch Jungkook, i'm not—
would it kill you to just ask me for once? Just, just talk to me instead of assuming things on your own
and going off to do stupid shit?”


“Get yourself treated. We'll talk after you've decided to grow up.”

Despite towering over Jaebum's crumpled form, Jungkook feels incredibly small.

As he's carted off into the ambulance, he can finally see the results of his rage. Their yard is
destroyed, Eunwoo's cake upturned in the grass and his presents scattered, some of them ripped open
from where the two alphas began clawing at each other. There are a few lost to the charcoal of the
grill, singed black and frayed around the edges like some sort of dystopian scene.
He did this.

Chapter End Notes

hi im alive and I posted this so that I could read all of the comments and be motivated to
finally finish the last chapter afdjdskersfkfj THANKS FOR READING!

EDIT: I'm going to add an epilogue and a summary of the whole story from Jimin's pov
because I feel like I've been a little unfair with how he's been perceived, but it's all in
Jungkook's POV so i kinda brushed it aside. Hopefully it clears some things up!
100 years
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Kookie, you're taking this way too hard.” Taehyung has been trying to coax him out of his slump
for days but the alpha is having none of it, has gone completely recluse in one of his family's country
homes save for contact with his secretary. He tells himself it's a time of reflection, but he knows he's
just hiding from the truth. Jimin isn't calling for him through their bond, no matter how much time
passes, and Jungkook wants to ignore that reality. Taehyung isn't letting him.

“He called me a monster hyung.” The younger manages, staring into his hands. He wasn't far off—
Jungkook was so in-tune with his wolf it was sad. They were one in the same, the curse he carried
with his genes. It's not completely his fault—he knows that his wolf is just extra cautious, extra
sensitive because of what happened to Taehyung's past girlfriend. It wants pups and mate to be safe,
and he agrees, but he can't keep hiding everything he wants to say. He's tired of it, and Jimin's been
tired of it, but admitting he has problems is--

It's difficult.

“You know he didn't mean it.”

“He did. I felt it.” Jungkook scratches at his chin, tugging on the IV attached to his hand. “He was so
upset. He was afraid of me.”

“He could've been afraid that you'd get hurt, Kook. Don't assume things like that.” Taehyung rubs
his shoulder, trying his best to soothe his friend, convince him that his life isn't in complete shambles.
“Even with the bond, there's still things we don't know—it's not like you can tell everything about a
person from a feeling. You still need to talk to him.”

“I don't want him to think i'm weak hyung. He needs to feel safe with me.” it's an automatic
response, and Taehyung's expression darkens in understanding. Alphas weren't supposed to be weak
or share their feelings—they were supposed to get over it. It was twice as true of male alphas,
something that'd been burned into their minds since birth.

“I really think that you two should talk today.” is all that Taehyung says, rubbing his friend's back a
few more times before standing up to leave. He's been here for three hours already, so Jungkook
doesn't blame him for scurrying out. “Jimin said he'd drop by.”
“With Eunwoo?” the alpha feels his heart twist in longing, a whine leaving his throat unsolicited at
the thought of seeing his pup again.

“Alone, I think. He wants to talk to you.”

Jungkook's only company is the soft buzz of the radio for the next two hours, until the door to his
room clicks open and a thick cinnamon musk saturates the air. He holds back his whine, but knows
Jimin can feel his relief through their bond. The omega approaches his bed slowly, and sits on the
side, has his lips pursed into a thin line like he was forced to come here. Jungkook swallows the bile
that rises in the back of his throat.


“What you did was wrong, Jungkook. You could've gotten seriously hurt, or worse-” Jimin stops
there, like the thought is enough to silence him forever. The alpha doesn't blame him—the tightness
in his chest makes him feel small, because he knows that it's Jimin feeling all of this anxiety, nerves
still frayed from seeing his mate exchanging blows with another alpha. He wishes there was
something he could say to make it all better, but there isn't.

Instead he manages a meek “Is Eunwoo alright?” playing with the cord of his IV drip instead of
looking his husband in the eyes. He wants to curl up and hide now that he's finally seen Jimin, and
all of the longing from the past few days is gone, replaced with shame and distress. He was a bad
alpha, a bad mate, he shouldn't have done that-

“Kookie, look at me.” His chin is gently pulled up, until he's caught in Jimin's concerned stare. “Talk
to me, Jungkook. What's wrong?” Jimin is sweet, he thinks. Too sweet, too kind, too patient, too
perfect for someone like him. He's sure that Jimin would argue some nonsense against it, argue that
Jungkook is too good for him, but the alpha knows he's getting the better side of things. He reaches
up to touch his mate's cheek, marveling at how soft his skin is, at how he's practically glowing
because of the pregnancy. This is his. He never should've jeopardized that.

“I don't like it when other alphas are near you.” Jungkook starts, pulling himself closer to his mate so
that he can place a hand on the swell of his stomach. “And I don't like the way the company owners
talk about you at meetings, like they own you. I don't like that you go places where I can't watch
you.” Jimin makes an affronted noise at this but doesn't say anything, instead sliding his hand around
to play with the hairs at the base of the alpha's neck. “I don't like how you didn't tell me who Jaebum
was.” He licks his lips, hesitating. “And I...I don't like how you still hang around him, even though
he's in love with you. It makes me nervous.”
“Jungkook, I only love you.” Jimin contests, frowning slightly.

“You were in love with him first, hyung. You said—you said you loved him more, even, and then
you started hanging out with him, and once I figured out who it was I just-” Jungkook clenches his
eyes shut, taking a shallow breath. “I thought about how he hurt you, and how he loved you, and
how you loved him and—I couldn't stop myself. I'm sorry hyung, to say this, but—but i'm not sorry
about what I did. He deserved it.” When he opens his eyes again his vision is blurry, probably from
tears. He's only with Jimin, so it's okay.

The omega is quiet for a few moments, contemplating, until he sighs and leans forward to place a
small kiss on his mate's lips. “This is all my fault. I should've told you after I confronted him—he
really didn't know Kookie. When I told him about it he tried to sprint home to his dad and maul
him.” the smaller man chuckles fondly at the memory. “He's just like you, you know? He found out
that it was his dad, and he threw a fit and nearly got himself disowned but he didn't care because I
was hurt and it was more important to take care of me.” Jimin smiles, something mischievous
twinkling in his eyes. “Although I agree he deserved it. He's been going off about how he's going to
challenge you and take me for months now. He should have learned his lesson after this.”

Jungkook makes the most offended face at the revelation and Jimin bursts into a fit of giggles, falling
forward into his mate's chest and curling against it. The alpha huffs and rests his chin on the crown of
the smaller man's head, growling in irritation when Jimin laughs so hard he starts slapping him.

“Is it that funny that I got into a fight?”

“No, it's—I'm glad I met you.” Jimin mumbles into his chest, sighing in content. “Everything before
was—i'm glad it was you.”


“Tell me everything. Let's talk.” the elder changes the subject quickly.

“Everything?” Jungkook makes a skeptical face, because he doesn't know if he should tell Jimin all
of his worries. He doesn't even tell Taehyung everything, so why would he tell his omega? He's not
weak, is he?

“Start from when you were a kid. Enlighten me.” Jimin snuggles closer to his chest, like a kid getting
ready for his bedtime stories. Jungkook's inner alpha swoons, and he thinks, maybe he isn't weak for
this. Maybe this is normal, this is something he should do with his mate because if not him then who?

So Jungkook tells him everything. He starts from when he and Taehyung first met in elementary
school, when he started dating Jung Juri, a relationship that only lasted two class periods before he
caught her holding hands with another boy at recess. He thinks that's why he's so possessive now—
his wolf had been so upset back then, he remembers. He talks about high school, and about how
Taehyung had met the wonderful beautiful girl and slept with her just once—how she'd gotten
pregnant, and they'd all gotten close, and how everything was normal until just before she was
supposed to give birth, until both the child and mother were gone. He talks about how both he and
Taehyung were never the same after that—Jungkook slept around like he had an addiction and
Taehyung closed off, shied away from women and omegas out of the fear that he'd hurt someone
else—lose someone else. He talks about how Taehyung's family, and Jungkook's family by
extension, cut the alpha off completely once they found him in bed with one of the pool boys, glued
together by a knot. He recalls how they tried to make him ignore his best friend, and he recalls just as
strongly throwing a fit until they agreed to finance him through college even if he'd been disinherited.
College, he remembers, was binary before Jimin. He'd spend time joking around with Taehyung,
sticking close to him and making sure that he was okay, or he'd be knee-deep in assignments and
women, distracting himself from the world and his own dark memories.

He talks about the first time he saw Taehyung really smile again, talking about a grumpy beta he'd
met in his music theory class at the start of the semester. Min Yoongi, someone Jungkook would
come to hate if only because of his skepticism. He didn't want his hyung to get hurt again. When
Yoongi turns out to be alright, he talks about Jimin—about how the first time they met he was
honestly more interested in the waitresses' ass. About how the second time they met he was irritated
that Jimin was wearing his clothes. About how the only reason he ran down the street whining for
rice cakes was because Jimin seemed sad, too sad, and he just wanted to cheer him up. He even
admits that he probably didn't even love Jimin until a year into their relationship, when he'd
threatened to leave and Jungkook realized he honestly couldn't do without.

He talks about all of the ugly feelings he had because of Jimin, too. Wanting to hurt Chanyeol.
Wanting to hurt everyone around him, attack anyone who got too close. Wanting to lock the omega
up and keep him all to himself, no matter how petty or selfish it seemed. He doesn't think those
feelings will ever change, but he feels better about them, now that he's voiced everything. Jimin must
feel better too, because he cries and thanks him for finally opening up. Their bond is warm again,
drawing them to each other like magnets, and Jungkook wraps around his mate until every part of
them melds together, even the tiniest sliver of space unacceptable.

“Fuck, I missed you so much hyung.” He tries to rub himself all over Jimin, not satisfied with his
barely-lingering scent. Everyone needed to know that this was his omega, that they wouldn't get
away with trying to do anything to him. Jimin lets him get away with it, even scents him back when
he can manage to get the upper hand, and by the end of it they're both panting and thoroughly sated,
the room thick with the scent of cedar and cinnamon.
“I'm sorry.” Jimin whispers after they've curled against each other, and Jungkook feels his chest
constrict with anxiety. The smaller man presses even closer, and Jungkook feels like he's about to
hear something he doesn't want to.

“For what?”

“Everything, Kook. Calling you a monster. Making you wait. Being....being me.” Jimin sniffles and
Jungkook immediately pulls back and tries to comfort him, kissing his cheeks and his neck and
everything he can reach until the omega pushes him away with a shaky breath.

“Don't—don't do that, please. Just let me talk.”

“Hyung, if you're not comfortable I don't want you to force yourself.”

“Stop putting me first.” The omega mumbles, letting his arms go stiff to maintain the distance. “This
needs to happen.”

“It's not your fault-”

“Jungkook, i'm your hyung.” Jimin interrupts, pulling away completely. “This is my fault.”

“It's not your fault that happened to you Jimin! You're a victim, you shouldn't act like-”

“I'm not just a victim, Jungkook. I'm your hyung, and your husband, and your mate. Stop treating me
like i'm helpless.” Jimin says with finality, sitting up. “I'm sorry for everything i've done. I know i'm
getting better, but it's taking so long, and just—thank you. And i'm sorry.” Jungkook tries to argue a
few more times but Jimin shuts him up with a look. They spend the rest of the day muttering soft
apologies to each other, but Jimin seems insistent on apologizing more so Jungkook lets him. Now
that they're back together, the words from before seem meaningless.


“Hyung, come back to bed.”

It's warm and sunny out, a lazy weekend afternoon at the beach in Busan. Jimin and Jungkook have
taken some time off to heal, although it's only for a weekend, and most of it is spent napping, eating,
or watching movies. They're too lazy for sex, too lazy to do anything more than kiss each other good
morning and good night. More specifically Jungkook is too lazy—he likes to just lay in bed and play
with his mate's belly, trail kisses along his tattoos before curling up and napping. If it weren't for
Jimin they probably wouldn't eat or bathe, because the alpha requires an entire army to get him out of

“We're going to the beach today Jungkook. Get off your ass and change.” Jimin saunters back in
wearing an oversized shirt and plain black swim trunks, reaching for the bag he packed yesterday.
Jungkook whines and rolls back and forth in bed, because he'd honestly rather just cuddle all day and
not go out to get sunburned and ogled by young omegas. Jimin doesn't seem to care.

“Kookie, I'm leaving in five minutes with or without you. I suggest you get your act together.”
Jungkook groans and rolls over in response, crawling until he lands with a soft thump onto the floor.
His arms flail around blindly until some kind, otherworldly being hands him his swim trunks, and
then he proceeds to struggle to get them on while not leaving the ground, a mess of limbs and cloth
until he finally emerges upright and victorious, bathing suit covering his legs.

“It's on backwards.” Jimin deadpans, and the alpha thinks he can feel his heart sink in devastation.
After a few minutes he manages to get his trunks on the right way and slip into a loose tank top,
outfit complete with flip flops and a pair of expensive sunglasses. He looked incredibly plain but his
outfit probably cost more than a week at the beach—Jimin rolls his eyes at the clothes before holding
out his hand expectantly. The alpha practically lunges to fulfill the request, lacing their fingers
together before pressing against his mate's side as close as he can get without making it impossible to

“Are we gonna nap in the sun?” Jungkook manages through a yawn, shuffling along after his
husband. They're out on the beach now, not far from screaming children and hormonal young adults,
so the alpha has been pressing just a little closer when he can. Jimin is starting to sweat which makes
him worry, but the older man insists he's fine, that he grew up in Busan too so this is nothing.
Jungkook still tries to stand just right so that he can block the sun.

“We're gonna play in the water for a bit. I miss it out here.”

“Swimming isn't romantic.” the alpha whines, leaning in to kiss his mate's cheek. “Can't we enjoy
drinks while watching the tide?”

“I'm pregnant.”
“Water is a drink too hyung.” Jimin whacks his side and the younger pouts, ambling along until
they've found a nice spot underneath an umbrella and his mate sets his bag down to start preparing
their things. It's a few minutes before Jungkook is free to sprawl out on their beach mat, closing his
eyes and enjoying the warmth in the air thanks to the shade of the parasol. Jimin is looking at the
water like it holds all of the good things in the world but he won't budge unless his mate does,
probably because playing in the water alone at his age while carrying pups was the epitome of
frowned upon.

“Jimin-hyung, are you waiting for me to get up?” the alpha mumbles from his spot on the ground,
cracking open an eye; Jimin sighs and lays down next to him, resting his head on his mate's arm.

“We're okay, right?”

“I don't feel like i'm in any immediate danger.” Jungkook jokes, opening both of his eyes.

“No Kookie, I mean us.” the elder presses, turning to look into his eyes. “Do you think we should
take a break or something?”

“I'm not letting you out of my sight when you're pregnant hyung.” the alpha scoffs at the idea, rolling
onto his side so that he can hover above his mate. “We don't need a break.”

“I upset you.” the omega insists, chewing on his bottom lip like he's steeling himself for punishment.
“You still want to see me?”

“When we're alone all you want to do is cuddle, but when we come out to have a nice day at the
beach you suddenly want to fix things?” He doesn't mean for his tone to sound sour but it's
unavoidable, and his heart breaks a little with the way his mate recoils in fear. “Of course I still want
to see you hyung. You're just timid and insecure, you say things you don't mean sometimes. A lot,

“You don't have to put up with it.” Jimin mutters softly, looking down. He's so small and beautiful,
Jungkook thinks, made just the right size to curl up in his arms. He almost wants to slap the younger
version of himself for trying to get rid of Jimin.

“When you called me a monster, did you mean it?” it clearly catches his husband by surprise but
Jungkook waits patiently, keeping his expression neutral so he doesn't encourage or discourage any
specific response. It takes a few moments before the other man is willing to answer, fists curling into
the beach mat.

“I—I was terrified, Kookie. You didn't care about our bond or what I said, you just—it was like you
weren't gonna stop until one of you died. I thought-” Jimin pauses, averting his eyes.”I thought you
—that you wanted to be hurt or something. That you were done with me and you wanted a reason to

“You thought I was using Jaebum to hurt myself? At our son's birthday party?” It's hard to hide the
hurt and confusion in his eyes, but he wants his mate to keep talking so he tries his best, tracing
patterns along his side. “Why do you always think I'm going to leave you?”

“Because everyone else has.” The world was quiet for a moment, quiet enough for him to hear the
waves crashing against the shore and the faint call of birds in the distance. He understands why Jimin
waited until they were at the beach to talk now—it's so much more quiet, because you can't think,
not when there are so many other people talking around you.

“Everyone else left you.” it's more of a statement than a question, but Jimin answers regardless.

“Even you left me once. I guess I just...don't want to be hurt like that again. Not by you.” the omega
scoots closer, sniffling. “I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. If you—if this turns out bad,
I don't think i'd have the strength to-”

“Jimin.” The alpha tuts, kissing the crown of his head. “Don't think like that. Please.”

“I can't help it. I'm broken.” Jimin admits, eyes beginning to water. It's like he's telling it to himself
for the first time, except Jungkook knows that's not the case—knows that Jimin locks himself away
all the time and cries on his own, even if they've been together for what feels like eternity. He thinks
that maybe next time, he'll walk into the room and hold his mate close, kiss his cheeks and rub his
back until he calms down and realizes he isn't alone.

“I don't think you're broken hyung. You just need time.” Jungkook says softly, sliding his hand up to
card his fingers through Jimin's hair. He enjoys the way the omega begins to relax again, pressing
into his touch.

“It's not fair to make you wait all the time. I should just hurry up and get better.”
“I'm fine with waiting hyung. I want to wait.” the alpha reassures, shifting to get more comfortable.
“I walked into this knowing that you'd need some time.”

“Still—you don't deserve someone like me-”

“I don't deserve the love of my life?” Jungkook challenges, staring deep into his husband's eyes.
Somewhere in there is a Jimin who laughs and smiles all the time, a Jimin who loves without fear
and speaks his mind. He's seen bits and pieces of him, and it's more than enough to keep him going.
“I'm afraid of losing you too, hyung. I'm just as scared as you about everything, but you—you
always push yourself for me. You make it look like you're happier than you really are, and you
indulge me as much as you can, and even when you break down you still try to fix things. Honestly,
I-” the alpha sighs, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I'm grateful. Before I met you I just—I was
terrible, hyung. I slept around and didn't care, forced myself on whoever I wanted, never felt
anything other than boredom, really.” His throat burns a little, probably from the Thai food last night;
he'd whine and ask for something sweet today.

“I know it seems bad now, because i've changed so much, but—I love you, Jimin. This isn't me
being too good for you, and this isn't you hurting me all the time. This is love, isn't it? People doing
stupid shit because all they can think about is how much they care about someone else, people saying
things they don't mean because they're afraid to lose what they have—it's just love. We just love each

“You're saying everything's okay because we love each other?” Jimin seems pensive, seems like he
wants to pull away, doesn't want to believe whatever Jungkook is about to throw at him.

“Romeo and Juliet offed themselves like idiots for love. I think it's okay if we throw around a few
harsh words and pout for a couple of days.”

“Jungkook, they weren't real.”

“That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.” the younger quips, leaning in
for a chaste kiss. Jimin huffs before he kisses back, closing his eyes until his mate pulls away.

“Hyung, promise you won't cry on your own anymore.”

“What?” the smaller man blubbers, scrambling for a response as he turns red up to his ears. It looks
like he didn't realize Jungkook noticed when he cried. Pink looks good on Jimin.
“If you're sad, just let me know. I'll let you know too, so,” he shrugs like it's nothing, like this
development in their relationship hasn't taken over a decade. “Let's just be with each other next time.

“Deal.” Jimin gives him his signature blinding smile, eyes disappearing into crescents and it's like
everything good and cute in the world has hit him full force, reset all the negativity in his life back to
zero. That was the effect Jimin had on him, and he couldn't be more grateful.

Oddly enough there isn't much else they want to talk about after that. Jungkook shares some lazy
kisses with his mate until a particularly disgruntled pair of what must be grumpy single people call
them out for it, and then he shamelessly escalates it into a make-out session until a life guard clears
his throat about six thousand times before asking them to stop. Jungkook wants to keep going but
Jimin immediately apologizes and swats the alpha away until he gives up.

“We should go swimming.” Jungkook says suddenly, standing up and pulling off his tank top. Jimin
stares up at him skeptically, reaching for the sunscreen.

“I thought swimming wasn't romantic?”

“It isn't, but it's better than just watching people walk by. Come on.” he holds out his hand and Jimin
takes it, linking their fingers together automatically. As they walk out to the shoreline, Jungkook
finally feels the anxiety in his chest die down.

They decide to go out for dinner that night, somewhere along the boardwalk where they can get
fresh seafood at a decent price. Jungkook misses the raw fish and pork soup, but Jimin has his heart
set on spicy rice cakes so they settle down in a small restaurant off the main street, tucked away in a
cozy little alley. It's here that Jungkook finds his patience tried again because the server who comes
up to take their order is none other than Im Jaebum, one homewrecker and husband-stealer
extraordinaire. Before he can lunge and successfully kill the other alpha Jimin sets a hand on his
thigh, squeezing gently.

“Could you two maybe...talk? You're both important to me.” Both alphas melt at Jimin's request, and
then bristle again once they've noticed the other is fawning over him. Jimin chuckles lightly before
excusing himself to go and talk with the shop owner.

“You don't fucking own him Jeon.” Jaebum hisses out as soon as Jimin's out of earshot, clenching
his fist. “If I find out you've done so much as displace a hair on his head-”
“Who'd you get that from?” Jaebum has a slowly healing black eye; it's pink around the edges, has
probably been there for a few days, but Jungkook knows it's not from their fight. It bothers him,
knowing someone else went after the alpha that he was supposed to beat up.

“Jimin. He told me if I ever touched you again, he'd make my whole body match.” Jaebum mutters
darkly, gripping the table. “Shame he didn't do the same to you.”

“Almost like he loves me or something, huh?” Jungkook quips, suddenly smug because his mate
stood up for him against another alpha. “Why do you bother hanging around him? Don't you think
your family has fucked him up enough?”

“I didn't know about that!” Jaebum growls and stiffens, clearly still touchy about the subject; a few
patrons glance there way and he manages to calm down, lowering his voice. “I tried to fix it when he
told me, but that's—it's not something you can just punch someone for and fix. There was nothing I
could do to change how he—what about you? How could you just let it go after finding out?”

“He asked me to.” the younger alpha shrugs, continuing. “It was easy enough to do until I realized
who you were. He didn't want anyone making a big deal out of it.” Classic Jimin, always
considering himself a burden.

“You just let it go?”

“You wouldn't?”

The two alphas stare each other down for what seems like an eternity before Jaebum stands up,
jamming his hands into his pockets. “I guess you're not as terrible as I thought. But if I ever find out
that you've made Jiminnie cry-”

“You say that like you haven't.”

“It wasn't on purpose!”

“You think I like seeing him cry?”

“No, but he cries a lot more now. I can tell.” Jaebum's jaw is tense, like he's holding himself back
from saying something else. “He wasn't like this before.”

“That's your fault, dumbass. He was sad all the time since I first met him.” Jungkook mumbles the
last part, in case his mate is close enough to hear. “Meeting you again probably didn't make him any
better either.”

“I would never do something like that to him-”

“But he's hurt because of you, and you weren't around to fix it. I think it's time you gave up on all of
this, Jaebum.” The younger alpha straightens himself out, does his best to look sympathetic because
for some reason or another when people become close to Jimin all they want to do is protect him and
coddle him until the world ends. He's seen it with Yoongi, and with Jaebum, and even with himself
—it was something beyond instinct, but he couldn't quite pin it down. “He's got a lot of people
watching over him now, you know? Not just you and me. It's easy to forget sometimes, or think he's
lonely, but he's not. We're not the only ones who can fix things.”

He honestly wants to vomit after repeating advice that came from Kim Taehyung, but the words
seem to strike a chord in the older alpha because he just nods and swallows, looking slightly guilty.
“Yeah I...I guess so. I'm sorry about what happened at your son's party. I didn't really—I have a
mate, you know. I just didn't trust you, so I went a little too far.” Jaebum rubs the hairs at the base of
his neck awkwardly. “I guess I felt guilty, and I wanted to make sure-”

“I get it man. You were just doing the aggressive older brother thing.” Jungkook waves him off
boredly, now that he's certain the other alpha isn't a threat. “I don't really wanna spend another
second looking at your face, so,”

“The feeling's mutual.” Jaebum grunts out before sauntering off back towards the kitchen where
Jimin is laughing at something the owner said. When he sees Jaebum the omega smiles and says
something, glancing over his shoulder at Jungkook before nodding his head and excusing himself.
Jungkook does his best not to look irked by the whole surprise meeting, but he must be pouting

“You're pouting. Did he beat you in an argument or something?” Jimin sits across from him and rests
his chin on his fist, looking slightly amused.

“You didn't tell me he had a mate. I ruined our son's birthday party for nothing.”
“Don't worry, mom carried him inside before he could see anything. She hasn't let me see him since
either, though.” He rubs the swell of his stomach, sighing. “You think Eunwoo is mad at us?”

“If he's with his grandma, he's probably been eating cake and watching television for the past few
days. I bet he doesn't even remember we exist.” Jungkook jokes, reaching for his glass of water. “So
why did you start talking to Jaebum again? You could have refused the moment you saw him.”

“I don't want anyone to ever feel sad or guilty because of me.” he says simply, shrugging his
shoulders. “Making other people hurt is what i'm most afraid of.”

“I guess I'm not a person then, huh?” the alpha takes a sip from his cup, meaning it as nothing more
than a joke. Jimin just stares through him for a few seconds, expression completely neutral, before he
nods his head.

“You're different. What happens between us is different.” the omega stares aimlessly for a few more
seconds before continuing. “We shouldn't be afraid to be who we are with each other. I don't think
we should hold back anymore Kook.”

“What do you mean hold back?”

“Play nice so the other person is happy. I feel like we hurt each other more if we're not honest, even
if it's with good intentions.”

“So if I want to have se-”

“I meant emotionally, Kook. I didn't mean you should mount me whenever you want to.” Jimin
glares at him for ruining the conversation and Jungkook just shrugs because he was honestly more
curious about their sexual boundaries than how they felt. He figured feelings would just work
themselves out.

“Sorry, just making sure. How about we have a date night every week, and just talk about this
'feelings' shit? Because I don't think either of us are gonna do it unprompted.” Jungkook reaches
across the table and links their fingers, smiling. “And then after we talk, we can-”
“Can you stop thinking with your dick for five seconds?” Jimin's flushed up to his ears again, and
Jungkook's inner alpha whines and swoons at how cute his mate is when he's shy.

“Sorry, it's a proto-alpha thing. Gotta keep the world populated with my pups, right?” Jimin doesn't
buy into his shit for a second, but Jungkook figures he'll get his was soon enough so he just pretends
to apologize and orders a plate of rice cakes for them to share. They revert to meaningless chatter—
apparently Jaebum's aunt owns this restaurant and he comes to help out sometimes, and last week
Jimin saw a couple arguing in the department store about what color looked better for their wedding,
and Jungkook honestly just wants to fire Kim Heechul because he's done with his eccentric ass.

(“He wanted to make designer grass. Designer grass! Who the fuck thinks up shit like that?”

“It doesn't sound so bad. I'm sure someone would want to buy it.” Jimin shrugs, licking sauce free
from his lip.

“Hyung, I need you to be on my side for this.”

“I'm just saying, maybe he's right. It sounds kinda cool.”)

By the time they start walking back to their hotel the moon is out, and the stars would probably be
out too if there weren't still so many streetlights on. Jungkook is carrying all of the beach things this
time around, and he'd probably be carrying Jimin too if the omega hadn't slapped him while he was
attempting to do it. Their room isn't far, and the walk back almost seems too short after how much
time they've spent together today.

“I don't wanna go back to work tomorrow.” Jungkook groans once they're inside, throwing himself
onto the couch. Jimin joins him a few moments later, sitting on the alpha's lap and making himself
comfortable before turning on the television.

“How will your company function without their precious heir?”

“Dad works hard enough for the both of us.” Jungkook reaches up and tugs until his mate gets the
message and lays down, settling against his chest. “Let's sleep in tomorrow. We could get breakfast
in bed.”

“Or we could act like responsible adults and return to our child and our duties.” Jimin responds,
yawning. “Besides, I get to sleep in the car anyways, so i've got no incentive to stay up late.”

“No incentive, huh?” Gears begin to turn in Jungkook's head as they watch reruns of old variety
shows, and maybe his hands wander a little while they're snuggled close like this, but just to play
with his baby bump like always. He gives a strategic ten minute break before his fingers slide lower,
tracing patterns against the skin of Jimin's hips until the omega draws in a breath and tenses, the tips
of his ears beginning to turn pink. He hasn't said a word for or against the action, so Jungkook gets
more bold and dips into the waistband of his swim trunks, massaging dangerously close to the
beginning of an erection.

“Jimin, baby,” he growls out when he notices the elder is still trying to focus on the television, eyes
set dead ahead even if his heart rate is beginning to pick up. “Can we go to bed?” His fingers dig just
a fraction deeper into his omega's skin, earning a soft gasp but it's not enough to draw Jimin into him
fully, not yet at least.

“I wanna watch the show.” the elder mumbles softly, clearly using it as an excuse to avoid whatever
Jungkook plans to do to him later on tonight. Instead of finding it discouraging, the alpha takes it as a
challenge. His fingers slip down even lower until half of his arm is hidden beneath Jimin's trunks,
sliding down from his inner thighs and tracing back to his perineum where they sit, sliding down
occasionally to tease.

Jimin seems hell-bent on resisting this as well; he bites his lip and clenches his thighs, but he can't
stop the muscles from twitching in pleasure when Jungkook forces his arm forward, prodding
insistently at his rim. It doesn't take long before the tips of his fingers are drenched in slick, Jimin's
chest heaving despite his efforts to resist giving in. The alpha barely spares a second before he slips
his finger in, rubbing against moist walls and searching for little bumps and patches that just might be
the beginnings of the hormone pouch the doctors told him so much about.

His fingers aren't enough to find it—he's got three in now, curling every so often to remind Jimin that
there's something more entertaining than the television nearby. The omega is flushed and panting,
and there's arousal reverberating through their bond with a steady pulse, but Jungkook still finds
himself pseudo-ignored and he's beginning to think Jimin is playing coy for the sole purpose of
seeing how far he'll go. Jungkook doesn't like it when he doesn't get his way, so he sits up and
plunges his fingers even deeper, sliding his free hand up his husband's shirt.

“Is the show that interesting?” He teases, voice low and seductive, lips pressed against his mate's ear
so that he can feel the heat from them as he flushes and shivers in pleasure. His alpha is extremely
satisfied playing with mate in his lap like this, thrusting fingers deep inside him while watching him
attempt to resist the pleasure only to fall apart. Jimin rakes his nails down his forearms and keens, and
maybe that's when he should stop but Jungkook keeps going, kisses and sucks marks along his
husband's neck until he feels a new river of slick trail down his forearm, Jimin's swim trunks soiled
with slick and cum. He'll never hear the end of it if he doesn't pay for the dry cleaning.
“T-three days of nothing, and you jump me on the couch?” Jimin manages through pants, slumping
against his husband's larger frame; Jungkook's hand doesn't still, just works his mate into over-
stimulation, and a low rumble of a growl comes out instead of words. He can feel everything through
their bond, feel how Jimin's interested in a second round but also irritated because he really was
enjoying the show before Jungkook started playing with him. He thinks he can feel a thick wave of
love, or maybe affection, but it's background noise to the moans and whimpers and lewd squelching
that's unabashedly Jimin.

“Bed?” He tries a second time, already sliding his hands down to hook underneath his husband's
thighs so that he can lift him up. Jimin barely begins nodding his head before the alpha takes off for
their suite, nudging the door open with his foot before setting his mate down in the center of the
duvet. He peels off the omega's shorts before he can complain about being dirty, tossing them
somewhere near the door before reaching out to tug his shirt off as well.

Jimin flushes bright pink once all of his clothes are gone, hands flying up to cover his chest which
Jungkook thinks is slightly swollen but he's not going to go there today because he's pretty sure Jimin
will beat him to death with a pillow if he asks to milk him. “Why am I the only one who's naked?”

“Because I like seeing you naked.” Jungkook shoots back, grinning mischievously. “You can take
mine off too if you want.” Except when Jimin sits up and tries to pull off his shirt the alpha refuses to
cooperate, practically frozen in place no matter how much Jimin huffs and tugs on his shirt and
whines at him to raise his arms. The omega's nearly broken a sweat when he finally sits back and
glares, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Why aren't you letting me take it off?”

“Why aren't you taking it off?”

“Jeon Jungkook-”

“Park Jimin.”

They stare at each other for a few moments, and Jungkook takes in the look of insincere irritation
that's become a part of his daily life, the scowl that's barely managing not to degrade into a pout so
that the omega can have his way, the dark brown eyes that scream 'I love you' as much as they
whisper feelings of self-hate. He thinks about how much more he sees and feels, thanks to Jimin,
how he's grown and come to realize things he'd spent his life ignoring. He thinks about how Jimin
has opened up his world completely, given him access to everything but himself. Jungkook thinks it's
about time he breaks open that door, too.

Jimin's eyes widen slightly when he reaches out and takes one of his smaller hands, flattens it out
against the center of his chest, just over his heart. He looks like he wants to ask what's going on but
Jungkook speaks first.

“I've never loved anyone before you, so I can't really say if this is perfect, or special, but--” He
stutters a little, swallowing to quell the sudden dry spell in his throat. “Do you—does this feel right to
you? Like the heartbeat of someone who's in love?” He thinks Jimin is about to burst out laughing,
or scoff and slap him for saying something so stupid and cheesy, but instead the elder is dead silent.
He stares at where his hand is on Jungkook's chest before slowly raising his free hand to his own,
over his heart. A look of shock and realization hits him, like he's discovered something life-changing,
before it degrades into a frown.

“It—it's the same.”

“What's the same?” Jungkook presses, leaning forward.

“Our heartbeats. They're exactly the same.” Jimin repeats, stunned by his own words. “How did you
do that?”

“When a proto-alpha imprints on their mate, they match hearts so they can tell if they're in distress.”
The omega blinks, looks like he finally understands until Jungkook cackles and shakes his head.
“That's complete bullshit hyung. I just love you, there's no stupid science behind it.”

“Jungkook!” there goes that fake irritation again, like he didn't enjoy the joke just as much.

“But, since you still think you're not good enough for me and all that nonsense, here's physical proof.
Our hearts are the same.” He leans forward for a kiss, just a soft press of the lips, and it takes more
than a little willpower to pull back. “This is definitive evidence, wouldn't you agree?”

“Definitive evidence?”

“Yeah, case closed, i'm guilty. Park Jimin loves me.”

“I'm more guilty than you!”

“Nope hyung, we've got the same heart beat. We're the same level of guilty.”

“Reopen it then! There's no way that-” Jimin squeaks when he's pushed back onto the bed, eyes
going wide when he sees his alpha's glowing ones, Jungkook sparing no subtleties in showing how
aroused he is.

“I'm closing this case for good tonight. Sorry, Jiminnie.”

Naturally, Jungkook doesn't have a shred of actual remorse in his body. It's clear in the way he
shamelessly indulges himself in his mate, nipping and kissing along his chest and shoulders until his
tattoos are dotted with blooms of pink and purple, clear in the way he marks up Jimin's thighs until
the skin around his tattoo of their anniversary date is complemented by a quickly darkening halo. It's
also clear in the way he lets Jimin pull him up to mark his neck and collar bones before shifting into a
messy kiss, lips puffy and swollen long before they finally pull apart.

He enjoys the way Jimin gets possessive when he's pregnant, the way he'll scrape his nails along
Jungkook's ribs until the scratches stay, pull the alpha flush between his legs if he starts to pull back
and rut up insistently until every ounce of his attention is taken. And the way he spreads out so
beautifully until he's finally filled up—Jungkook chokes on a curse once he's fully sheathed, staring
down at Jimin like he's some sort of god. No, he's not god. He's just Jimin.

“I love you.” Jimin breaks through his thoughts with a soft mumble, barely registered through his
shaky breaths, and the alpha feels an overwhelming fondness in his chest. He can't recall another
time where Jimin said those words first, but—what does it really matter, in the grand scheme of of
things? Regardless of who says I love you first, or who loves more, who hurts more, who makes the
most mistakes—the endgame is the same. They'll be together.

“The feeling is mutual.” he manages to grunt out before he starts rolling his hips, a little part of his
mind already lost to more primal instincts. This is the part of Jungkook that Jimin doesn't always like,
the part that gets into fights and starts arguments and marks the omega like someone is going to
snatch him off of the street in broad daylight; his thoughts aren't any different but now they're
focused on marking Jimin from the inside out, making the omega crave the thrust and drag of his
cock like a drug until he lets out so much slick that their hips are drenched in it. He wants to pin his
little mate's hips down with a bruising grip and fuck into him until his legs go numb and he can't
walk, until Jimin is completely helpless and fucked out and full of his pups forever, until he stays soft
and plump like this forever, just waiting to be bred again.
His thoughts are obscene enough to bring a pink tint to his own cheeks but Jimin doesn't notice—his
eyes are clenched shut and he's arched his back, taking in as much as he can with greedy slurps and
squelches—for someone so insistent on pushing him away, Jimin's incredibly honest in bed.
Jungkook decides that tonight he'll take his time, keep his thrusts shallow and his kisses light until
Jimin finally cracks and begs him for something more, until his omega vocalizes how much he wants
to be wrecked, and then Jungkook will fuck his brains out. It takes maybe five minutes before he
gains his desired results.

“K-kookie, please-” there are tears at the corners of his eyes, and his skin is flushed all the way down
to his collar bones, each word he tries to whimper out interrupted by sharp thrusts that knock the air
out of his lungs. Jimin hasn't bothered reaching down to touch himself—he knows that the second
his hands slide around his dick they'll be slapped away, knows that his alpha loves it when he comes
untouched, hanging off of a thick knot. “M-more, please!” Jungkook likes the way he keens and
whimpers, the way his dick twitches with interest even though it's currently sloshing around in slick,
turning his insides into mush. Still, he wants this to be more important than it is, more than just a
messy fuck after their vacation, so he cages Jimin in his arms and presses their chests together, pins
down his mate's wrists before kissing him until they're both light-headed and the muscles in his back
coil and tense at the pleased growl rumbling from his chest.

Jimin curls his toes and comes a second time—or maybe it's Jungkook? He can't tell because their
bond is thrumming steadily in pleasure, robbing him of his own physical senses and providing
something strange in exchange, something that's his and not his all at once. Honestly, he can't tell
who's fucking who's brains out anymore, but he doesn't really care, just keeps his omega pressed
close and swallows his little whimpers with kisses and bites down on their bonding mark when he
feels his knot start to swell and the body beneath him resists in just the slightest. He doesn't stop to
think about how Jimin must be overwhelmed with his scent and his presence, about how he's
breaking boundaries by knotting outside of a heat; he just thinks about the nails digging into his back,
the labored puffs of air against his ear as his mate adjusts to the knot swelling inside him, the way his
walls clench and relax sporadically, almost in time with his broken moans.

When his knot finally takes, Jungkook hisses at the sensation, grinding his hips forward and whining
low in his throat because it's not enough, it needs to go deeper-

“Baby, easy.” Jimin croaks out, and Jungkook is pulled back to reality, remembers that this is his
pregnant husband who probably had all of zero energy to begin with and is dangerously close to
passing out. He pulls his teeth out of the mark gingerly, aware that he's nearly broken skin, and he
kisses the spot apologetically before pushing himself up so that he can kiss a pair of plush lips, too.
His hips are still twitching and grinding forward on the brink of orgasm, but Jungkook levels himself
long enough to look into his mate's eyes and smile, turning to kiss his palm when it slides along his

“Good?” the alpha asks in his own raspy voice, releasing Jimin's other wrist so that he could wrap
his arms around his neck and pull him down for another kiss. It's a pleasant surprise when the omega
starts rolling his hips back, arching to take his knot even deeper.

“What do you think?” Jimin manages to whimper out, raking his nails down the alpha's broad back
when his knot throbs. “F-fuck...you haven't—Kookie, aren't you gonna fill me up?” He almost
sounds disappointed, and Jungkook feels his pride take a slight blow before Jimin is nipping his ear
and whimpering dirty things, hands sliding up and down his back to rub against the marks they made

“I need you to fill me up baby. Touch me?” Jimin's hands guide him to his slightly swollen chest,
down his ribs and back up again before the omega pulls a finger into his mouth and sucks, never
breaking eye-contact. Jungkook groans at the sight, thinks he feels he knot swell even more before
his husband releases his finger with a wet pop and licks his lips, eyes sultry and sinful like something
straight out of his own personal hell. Jimin leans up and licks the shell of his ear and Jungkook
shivers, heat coiling even tighter in the pit of his stomach. “Want me to ride your knot, Kookie?” The
alpha's nostrils flare and his eyes flash silver before he flips them over, mindful not to be too rough.

Jimin stays true to his word, bouncing until his thighs shake, grinding all the way down before
pulling up until the knot begins to stretch and tug at his rim before repeating it all again. Combined
with the way he's looking at the alpha, the way he's moaning and begging it's all too much, and
Jungkook feels the first wave of his orgasm knock him senseless, barely managing a gasp before his
hips stutter and lock, pumping cum into his mate in thick bursts. Jimin slumps over him and
whimpers, tears in his eyes from the over-stimulation until Jungkook slips a hand between them and
pumps Jimin's cock in time with his release, relishing in the way the omega clings to him and gasps
until he's been sated and they're both gasping for air.

Jungkook falls back and lets Jimin collapse on his heaving chest, running his fingers through his
mate's sweaty bangs before sliding his hand down to hook around his waist. “For the record, I think
that was great, not good.” the younger says, barely able to catch his breath in between each word.

“It was okay.” Jimin contests, wrapping around his torso like a koala. “Mediocre at best.”

“That was mediocre to you? What kind of sex have you been having?” Jungkook huffs and closes
his eyes, feeling the beginnings of sleep tug at his consciousness. “Your husband must be some kind
of beast.”

“Would've been better if you said I love you too.” Jimin mutters like a petulant child, and Jungkook
can see the pout on his face without looking.
“I love you, Park Jimin. More than knotting things and protein and proving to everyone I've got the
biggest dick in the room.”

“But less than Eunwoo?”

“Of course less than Eunwoo.”

“You better.” Jimin huffs and turns his head, craning his neck for one last kiss before they both fall
asleep. (They end up sleeping in, and Jungkook doesn't go back to work the next day.)


“Do you think it's a boy or a girl this time?”

“I hope it's a boy. God knows I have enough issues with aggression being possessive about you.”
Jungkook is walking hand in hand with his husband through the hospital, on the way to their next
prenatal appointment. It's the first ultrasound they're getting so he's excited to take part, although it's
more eagerness to confirm that his child is healthy and growing well. Jimin's been practically
glowing since they returned from their Busan retreat, but a second opinion never hurts.

“You don't like it when Eunwoo plays with other alphas either. What makes you think you'll be
more protective of girls?” Jimin scoffs, pulling him towards the examination room. The alpha shrugs
and rubs the back of his neck.

“I dunno, they look prettier? I'd protect a butterfly before i'd protect a rhino, y'know?”

Doctor Oh manages to hear the last bit of the conversation and, as usual, seems less than amused
with the alpha he's dealing with. Thankfully, Jimin is there to act as a bridge between them.

“Doctor Oh! I'm excited to see the ultrasound today.” the omega is practically oozing happy
pheromones and it seems to quell the Doctor's irritation immediately, the latter instructing him to take
a seat and lift his shirt.
“Yes, well, based on how healthy Eunwoo was at this stage I don't suspect any surprises. The
second baby is normally easier for male omegas.” Doctor Oh chuckles and begins his scan, sliding
the paddle back and forth until he lands on the spot he was looking for. “Oh.”

“Oh?” Jimin repeats, frowning slightly.

“It seems that you're having a litter this time around, Jimin. Twins!”

“Twins!” The omega exclaims, eyes going wide before disappearing into happy little crescents.

“Twins?” Jungkook internally screams, eyes going wide and staying wide because holy shit, twins?
Jimin spent enough time away from him because of Eunwoo. If he adds twins into the mix, that's
two, maybe three hours of attention just for him during the day if he's lucky. Sex takes at least one
hour, and cuddles—fuck, was he going to have to cut back on post-sex cuddles? He can't handle
twins. No, he already barely has Jimin on the weekends, convincing Taehyung to watch three kids
for longer than an hour would be—how much would that cost even?


“This is fine!” He shouts out of context, eyes still wide; Jung-shook glances around the room, and
realizes he's the only one who's uncharacteristically shocked. “This—that's great, sweety.” He tries
again, smiling with ill-hidden shook-ness.

“Jungkook, are you okay?” Jimin probes through their bond, and Jungkook is shit at hiding things
when it comes to their bond so he lets it all loose, and once Jimin's figured out why he's so shook he
rolls his eyes and scoffs, turning back to face the screen. “We've got two beautiful little babies,
Kook. Aren't you excited to meet them?”

“I-” He stares at the screen, at the two little white blobs with synced heartbeats, and his heart
implodes with all sorts of warm fuzzy feelings. “Yeah. I'm gonna be a dad again.”

Five years later and Jungkook finds his first gray hair after the twins, Minhyuk and Sungjin, (both
boys—why the fuck did he want boys again?) break into his office and make paper-snowflakes from
his contract files. Eunwoo, at the tender age of nine, as orchestrated the entire event, and on any
other day he would praise him for coming up with something fun for his younger brothers to do but
today he really needed those files and fuck, his dad was gonna kill him.
Jungkook is in the middle of lecturing his sons when Jimin arrives sweaty from dance practice,
wiping his face with a towel while he interrogates the room full of children. “Did you three get into
daddy's things again?” he asks, and all of them—even Jungkook—shrinks back, full of guilt.

“Appa told me to do something fun with them, and we made snowflakes in art class last week, so I
thought we could do that here too. I used the safe scissors and everything!”

“No one said you didn't sweetheart. But you shouldn't use Appa's important papers to make crafts,
right? Ask next time.” Eunwoo pouts and nods his head, and the twins stare at their feet too because
they copy literally everything Eunwoo does without questioning it. Jimin turns to Jungkook and the
alpha startles, staring down at his house-slippers like they'll save him.

“Jungkook, honey?”

“Yes?” his reply is meek at best.

“Do you mind coming to our room?” Jungkook nods, and when Jimin turns his back the twins stick
their tongues out and he swears he'll spank all three of them for that blasphemy the next time they're
alone, just wait. They knew exactly what they were doing, the little devils. Still, he's the Dad here—
or one of the dads, at least—so he holds his head high and clears his throat, pretends he's not about to
be chewed out again for not watching the kids when it was his turn all the way up to the door, and
when he closes it behind him he's already got an excuse on the tip of his tongue.

“I swear I just fell asleep for five minutes-”

“Relax Kookie, i'm not coming after you. I wanted kisses.” Jimin makes grabby hands from where
he's standing in the bathroom doorway and the alpha immediately obliges, pressing their lips together
in a gentle welcome home kiss before pulling back and placing soft pecks around his mouth. He
keeps going until Jimin scrunches his nose and giggles, swatting harmlessly to make his husband

“I missed you.” Jungkook pouts, diving in to steal another kiss before Jimin starts using real force
with his slaps.

I missed you too. Today I had to teach a bunch of idols a new dance.”

“And they couldn't keep up for shit. Honestly, my work is cut out for me this time. I should've just
retired.” Jimin strips out of his sweaty clothes and Jungkook appreciates the view from the doorway,
watching as his mate climbs into the shower. “There was one who was kind of good—I think his
name was Jongin? He's got a lot of modern and ballet experience, so he just needs to get used to the
style. Kid has serious stage presence though.”

“Is he cuter than me?” Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest, huffing—pouting, more than
anything honestly.

“Everyone is cuter than you Jungkook. I didn't marry you because you're cute.” Jimin quips,
groaning as he ups the water pressure on the shower head. “You're my big scary alpha.”

“I married you for your ass and thighs. Let that be eternally known.” He dodges a bottle of shampoo
thrown at him, only to go and retrieve it when Jimin whines about how he needs it to wash his hair
now. Except his husband pulls him into the shower, clothes and all, and giggles before slinging his
arms around his neck and kissing him senseless underneath the stream of water, stopping just shy of
a make out session when the water begins to cool.

Reality strikes again, and now Jungkook remembers that he's completely soaked in his house clothes.

“Park Jimin, is this funny to you?”

“I love you Kookie~” he sing-songs, and is this really some kind of joke to him? Jungkook could
catch a cold! He hates colds.

“I swear to god if I get sick i'm making out with you every single fucking day.” the alpha growls,
turning off the water before it gets too cold and he really catches something; he didn't want to risk
passing it on to the pups. “I'll breed some kind of super-mono and shove it down your throat with my
tongue and you'll have to come home and be sick and miserable with me and both of us will have
tummy aches.”

“That doesn't sound so bad, you know. I'd get to stay with the kids all day too.”

“It'd be the worst tummy ache of your life. Worse than morning sickness.” Jungkook insists, trying to
regain the upper hand from his overly-positive mate.

“It can't be that bad if i'm spending it with the people I love.” Jimin shrugs and smiles, leaning in for
another kiss; Jungkook blinks a few times to right himself, because since when was Jimin this
beautiful in the shower? Since always, or only when he dragged the alpha in against his will, fully
clothed, and got him soaked? Who gives a flying fuck.

Jimin was like summer in Busan, blazing without fail. It wasn't the typical 'fuck, this place is kinda
hot' blaze, but more of a 'let me just drench you in the earth's sweat, otherwise known as humidity,
because that shirt isn't quite soaked through yet', a suffocating combination of hot beyond reason and
wet enough to make porn stars blush. He's homey, like a little diner just a few blocks from a college
apartment where the customers wear sweaters and slacks in June to impress their blind dates. He's the
heart ache of a first love and the joy of a first child, the reason you cry and smile and laugh and shout
all in the same day. He's Jungkook's first true religion and his first deposed god as well, his greater
and his equal all at once, the thing he didn't know that he was missing in life until it was nearly gone.

“Hey, hyung?” He mumbles later that night, when the whole house is barely awake save for him and
his wandering thoughts. Jimin looks up from where he's curled into him, yawning because he's just
begun to fall asleep. He rubs his eyes with his fists and Jungkook holds back the excited squeal at
how cute his mate is, except he feels it anyways because of their bond and now he's pouting.

“Did you wake me up just to dote on me again?”

“That was one time-”

“One time too many. Keep your weird lovey-dovey alpha thoughts to yourself when i'm sleepy.”
Jimin mumbles, kissing the side of his jaw. “What's up?”

“Some asshole who woke me up to dote on me three times is giving me shit about doing it once


“Those alphas who...who touched you all those years ago. Do you forgive them?” Jimin blinks like
he hadn't really thought about it, mind still fuzzy with sleep. He's quiet for a few moments but
eventually he comes up with a response he likes.
“I guess...I guess so. It's a little fucked up, but if they'd hadn't done that to me, I never would've met
you. I never would have had Eunwoo or Minhyuk or Sungjin. Who's to say what life with Jaebum
would be like, but...” Jimin yawns and snuggles closer, content. “I'm happy with the one I have with

“Happy? Not like, okay, or, content, or complacent-”

“Jungkook, I want to spend the next hundred years with you. Satisfied?”

“So just a century?”

“Oh my god.”

“It's just like, most people say forever, you know?”

“No one actually means that. How can you mean it if it's not a real number?”

“I dunno. Can you just say forever? Just once?”


“I, Park Jimin, want to spend forever with Jeon Jungkook. Go on, try it.”

“I want to spend forever with you. Happy?” Jimin's got a pink tint to his cheeks, and even after all
these years he still gets shy when he confesses? Pink suits Jimin.

“Eh. That was mediocre at best.”

Chapter End Notes


First and foremost, it was very difficult not to respond to the comments but they helped
me finish this chapter a thousand times faster than I would have otherwise so thank you
all for commenting! Honestly the point of this story going in was sort of that Jungkook
and Jimin are on two opposite sides of the spectrum and can't hope to understand each
other (i.e this is jungkook's first love but Jimin's third, Jimin is an omega and Jungkook
is an alpha, Jungkook is heinously rich and Jimin ran away from home so he's barely
getting by, etc.) So there are purposely a lot of points when Jimin comes off as an
asshole (because to be perfectly honest Jungkook just doesn't understand what he's
going through or what's going on no matter how hard he tries) and for that I deeply
apologize to my bias T^T (I'll just make a fluffy Jimin-centric fic to make up for it later)

This fic has been fun to write, and while it's not officially over (there's a Jimin POV
summary and an epilogue) thank you for reading through all of the main story and
reaching the end! I'm going to go and try to finish my other finish my other fics now
(emphasis on try) but i'll also probably open up a drop box from prompts and requests,
so keep an eye out!

Thanks for reading!

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