Principles of Statics

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Principles of Statics.

Statics is a branch of mechanics, which studies the effects and

distribution of forces of rigid bodies, which are and remain at
rest. In this area of mechanics, the body in which forces are
acting is assumed to be rigid. The deformation of non-rigid
bodies is treated in Strength of Materials.
Topics in Statics:
 Resultant of Force System
 Equilibrium of Force System
 Analysis of Trusses
 Cables
 Friction
 Centroids and Centers of Mass
 Moments of Inertia
Components of a Force.
Forces acting at some angle from the the coordinate axes can be
resolved into mutually perpendicular forces called components.
The component of a force parallel to the x-axis is called the x-
component, parallel to y-axis the y-component, and so on.
 Components of a Force in XY Plane
F X =F cos θ X =F sin θY
F Y =F cos θY =F sinθ X F=√ F X 2+ F Y 2 tanθ X =

 Components of a Force in 3D Space

Given the direction cosines of the force:
F X =F cos θ X

F Y =F cos θY

F Z =F cos θZ

F=√ F X 2+ F Y 2+ F Z 2
cos θ X ¿
cos θ Y ¿ cos θ Z ¿

Given the coordinates of any two points along the line of action
of the force (with reference to the figure shown, one of the
points is the origin):
F=√ X 2 +Y 2 +Z 2

F X =F
F Y =F F =F
d Z d
Problem 002
Compute the x and y components of
each of the four forces shown in Fig. P-

Problem 005
Find the components in the x, y, u and v
directions of the force P = 10 kN shown
in Fig. P-005.

Problem 006
The force P of magnitude 50 kN is acting at 215° from the
x-axis. Find the components of P in u 157° from x, and v
negative 69° from x.
Problem 008
A force P = 800 N is shown in Fig. P-008.
a) Find the y-component of P with
respect to x and y axis.
b) Find the y'-component of P with
respect to x' and y' axis.
c) Find the y-component of P with
respect to x' and y axis.
d) Find the y'-component of P with
respect to x and y' axis.
Problem 009
The body on the 30° incline in
Fig. P-009 is acted upon by a
force P inclined at 20° with the
horizontal. If P is resolved into
components parallel and
perpendicular to incline and
the value of the parallel component is 1800 N, compute
the value of the perpendicular component and that of P.
Problem 010
The triangular block shown in Fig.
P-010 is subjected to the loads P =
1600 lb and F = 600 lb. If AB = 8 in.
and BC = 6 in., resolve each load
into components normal and
tangential to AC.
Problem 016
The magnitude of vertical force F
shown in Fig. P-016 is 8000 N.
Resolve F into components parallel
to the bars AB and AC.
Problem 017
If the force F shown in Fig. P-017
is resolved into components
parallel to the bars AB and BC,
the magnitude of the component
parallel to bar BC is 4 kN. What
are the magnitudes of F and its
component parallel to AB?
Moment of a Force.
Moment is the measure of the capacity or
ability of the force to produce twisting or
turning effect about an axis. This axis is
perpendicular to the plane containing the line
of action of the force. The magnitude of
moment is equal to the product of the force
and the perpendicular distance from the axis
to the line of action of the force. The
intersection of the plane and the axis is commonly called the
moment center, and the perpendicular distance from the moment
center to the line of action of the force is called moment arm.
From the figure above, O is the moment center and d is the
moment arm. The moment M of force F about point O is equal to
the product of F and d.
Problem 228
Without computing the magnitude of the
resultant, compute where the resultant of the
forces shown in Fig. P-228 intersects the x and
y axes.
Problem 230
For the truss shown in
Fig. P-230, compute the
perpendicular distance
from E and from G to the
line BD. Hint: Imagine a
force F directed along BD and compute its moment in terms of its
components about E and about G. Then equate these results to
the definition of moment M = Fd to compute the required
perpendicular distances.
Couple is a system of forces whose magnitude of the resultant is
zero and yet has a moment sum. Geometrically, couple
is composed of two equal forces that are parallel to each
other and acting in opposite direction. The magnitude of
the couple is given by
Where F are the two forces and d is the moment arm, or the
perpendicular distance between the forces.
Couple is independent of the moment center, thus, the effect is
unchanged in the following conditions.
 The couple is rotated through any angle in its plane.
 The couple is shifted to any other position in its plane.
 The couple is shifted to a parallel plane.
In a case where a system is composed entirely of couples in the
same plane or parallel planes, the resultant is a couple whose
magnitude is the algebraic sum of the original couples.

Problem 247
The three-step pulley shown in Fig. P-247 is
subjected to the given couples. Compute the value of
the resultant couple. Also determine the forces acting
at the rim of the middle pulley that are required to
balance the given system.
Problem 250
The cantilever truss shown in Fig. P-250 carries a
vertical load of 10.8 kN. The truss is supported by
bearing at A and B which exert the forces Av, Ah, and
Bh. The four forces shown constitute two couples
which must have opposite moment effects to prevent
movement of the truss. Determine the magnitude of the
supporting forces.
Problem 251
A vertical force P at A and another
vertical force F at B in Fig. P-251
produce a resultant of 100 lb down
at D and a counterclockwise couple
C of 200 lb·ft. Find the magnitude
and direction of forces P and F.

Resultant of Concurrent Force

Resultant of a force system is a force or a couple that will have
the same effect to the body, both in translation and rotation, if all
the forces are removed and replaced by the resultant.
The equation involving the resultant of force system are the
The x-component of the resultant is equal to the summation of
forces in the x-direction.
The y-component of the resultant is equal to the summation of
forces in the y-direction.
The z-component of the resultant is equal to the summation of
forces in the z-direction.
Note that according to the type of force system, one or two or
three of the equations above will be used in finding the resultant.
Resultant of Coplanar Concurrent Force System
The line of action of each forces in coplanar concurrent force
system are on the same plane. All of these forces meet at a
common point, thus concurrent. In x-y plane, the resultant can be
found by the following formulas:
R x =∑ F x R y =∑ FY

R=√ R x 2+ R y 2 tanθ x =

Problem 011
Three ropes are tied to a small metal ring. At the
end of each rope three students are pulling, each
trying to move the ring in their direction. If we look
down from above, the forces and directions they
are applying are shown in Fig. P-011. Find the net
force on the ring due to the three applied
Problem 012
Find the resultant vector of vectors A and B
shown in Fig. P-012.
Problem 013
Three vectors A, B, and C are shown in the figure
below. Find one vector (magnitude and direction)
that will have the same effect as the three vectors
shown in Fig. P-013 below.

Coplanar Parallel Force System.

Parallel forces can be in the same or in opposite directions. The sign of the
direction can be chosen arbitrarily, meaning, taking one direction as
positive makes the opposite direction negative. The complete definition of
the resultant is according to its magnitude, direction, and line of action.
R=∑ F=F1 +…+ F n
R d=∑ F x =F 1 x1 +…+ ¿ F n xn ¿

Resultant of Distributed Loads

The resultant of a distributed load is equal to the area of the load diagram.
It is acting at the centroid of that area as indicated. The figure below shows
the three common distributed loads namely; rectangular load, triangular
load, and trapezoidal load.

Problem 236
A parallel force system acts on the lever
shown in Fig. P-236. Determine the
magnitude and position of the resultant.

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