Exercícios Com WAS e WERE

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Exercícios com WAS e WERE

Agora que você já deve ter assistido a vídeo-aula acima, teste o seu conhecimento
sobre was e were. Caso você tenha alguma dúvida, deixe o seu comentário
abaixo. A gente faz questão de responder todos os leitores do blog Inglês no
Teclado. Good luck!

1. Complete as lacunas abaixo com was ou were.

a) I ______ born in the USA.

b)   ______ you tired?

c) ______ Daniel hungry?

d) Jack and Bob  ______ good friends.

e) Mary  ______ very happy.

f) Ryan ______ so cool.

g) John ______ at Jack’s house.

h) Vinicius and Marcus ______ sick two weeks ago.

i) ______ Bob and Samantha sleeping?

2. Complete as lacunas com was going / wasn’t going ou were going/ weren’t

a) They  ______ to get married, but they decided agains it.

b)   ______ you  ______ to watch a movie?

c)  I  ______ to call you, but I forgot.

d) Bob ______ to play chess but then he decided to study.

e)  ______ Jack ______ to skip classes?

f) We ______ to take a trip to Europe last summer, but we decided to go to Canada

g) I ______ to attend yesterday’s meeting, but I din’t feel well enough to get out of

h) We  ______to buy a japanese car, but we changed our minds and bought a
German one instead.

i) I  ______ to buy anything at the store yesterday, but I did when I found a pair of
nice-looking shoes.

3. Aponte o erros nas frases abaixo, caso haja de fato algum erro.

a) If I were you, I wouldn’t do that

b) Were I to win the lottery, I would move to Boa Bora.

c) If I were to say what I think I would be fired.

d) Were I in your shoes, I would make a complaint.


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