8a1b Inglês

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 Unit 1
 Chapter 1 (page 5 to 9)

1) Complete the story using the correct tense of one of the verbs in the box.



Gina usually __________________ (1) around 7:30 am during the week. She
______________ (2) a small breakfast before her shower. She _______________ (3) the
house around 8:15 am to work for 8:45 am. She _________________ (4) in a clothes shop,
which ________________ (5) at 9 am. The morning _______________________ (6) always
busy, so at lunchtime, she ____________________ (7) for a walk in the local park, and
___________________ (8) her lunch outside if the weather is good. After lunch, she
_______________ (9) her manager restock the clothes. At 5 pm, she _________________ (10)
work, and then ________________ (11) to the gym for workout. After that, she sometimes
_________________ (12) friends or goes home. After a very busy day, she usually
_________________ (13) asleep reading her book.

2) White the sentences using the information in the chart.

Transport Leave home Arrive at school
a) John Bus 6:15 6:45
b) Matt and Vick Bicycle 6:15 6:50
c) Jane Car 6:30 6:50
d) Peter and I Train 6:10 6:45
e) Mike On foot 6:00 7:00

Ex.: a) John goes to school by bus. It takes 30 minutes.


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3) Complete the sentences according to the pictures:

a) The cat __________________ in the basket. (to sleep)

b) The boy ____________________________ water. (to drink)

c) They _____________________ pizza. (to eat)

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d) Carol _____________________ her homework. (to do)

e) The children __________________________ football. (to


f) They _________________________ TV. (to watch)

4) Write questions for the sentences:

a) __________________________________________________________________________
No, he isn’t working today. He is sleeping.
b) __________________________________________________________________________
Yes, he is driving his car.
c) __________________________________________________________________________

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No, she isn’t teaching English. She is teaching German.

d) __________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I am speaking English.
e) __________________________________________________________________________
Yes, we are surfing the internet.
f) __________________________________________________________________________
No, aren’t running. They’ve walking.

5) Choose the correct verb form.

a) Tom play / is playing football at the moment.
b) They sometimes go / are going to the beach.
c) Listen! The baby cries / is crying.
d) I talk / am talking to my teacher now.
e) We never watch / are watching TV at night.
f) My sister usually read / is reading books.
g) Look! The dog eats / is eating our sandwiches.
h) My mother goes / is going for a walk every day.

6) (FUVEST) At the present, he ____________________ for a big company.

a) has been worked
b) worked
c) work
d) is working
e) being working

7) (PUC – SP) A: Who is taking Mary to the doctor?

B: I __________________________.
a) do
b) did
c) am
d) was
e) have

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 Chapter 2 (page 10 to 15)

1) Complete the sentences with am / is / are.

a) Her brother _____________ going to play tennis.
b) Donna ____________ going to brush her teeth.
c) My friends ____________ going to have a party tonight.
d) They ______________ going to study for the test tomorrow.
e) I ______________ going to wake up at 6.
f) She _____________ going to wash the dishes.
g) We ___________ are going to study hard.
h) I ____________ going to sleep early.

2) Write positive sentences using GOING TO for future.

Ex.: I / study
I am going to study.

a) You / swim
b) He / sleep
c) She / cry
d) It / rain
e) We / stay
f) You / try
g) They / dance
h) I / work

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3) Complete the sentences using GOING TO + the verbs in the box.


a) He _________________________________________________ his girlfriend.

b) They _________________________________________________ baseball.
c) She _________________________________________________ in the park.
d) I _________________________________________________ my teeth.
e) We _________________________________________________ English.
f) You _________________________________________________ a letter.
g) She _________________________________________________ the dishes.

4) Write about your plans

a) For tonight.
1 - _________________________________________________________________________
2 - _________________________________________________________________________
3 - _________________________________________________________________________
b) For weekend.
1 - _________________________________________________________________________
2 - _________________________________________________________________________
3 - _________________________________________________________________________

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 Chapter 3 (page 15 to 19)

1) Read and answer.

You are going to go shopping this weekend. Your sister, Mandy and

your friend Tom are going to go with you. Your sister is going to drive

her new car; you are going to buy a blouse and your friend Tom is going

to buy a ball.

a) Are you going to go shopping this weekend?

b) Is your brother going to go with you?
c) Is Mandy going to drive her new car?
d) Are you going to buy a ball?
e) Is Tom going to buy a ball?

2) Write sentences using GOING TO:

a) It / rain / ?
b) I / not / sell my car
c) You / write an email tomorrow
d) He / not / play computer games tonight
e) She / buy a present / at the weekend / ?
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f) They / watch TV / in the afternoon

g) We / not / visit the museum
h) You / go to the movies / ?

3) Look at this boy, what is he going to do?

a) He is going to sleep.
[ ] true
[ ] false

b) He is going to have a party.

[ ] true
[ ] false
c) He is going to play handball.
[ ] true
[ ] false

4) This girl is getting up. What is she going to do?

a) She is going to have breakfast.

[ ] true
[ ] false
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b) She is going to play with her friend.

[ ] true
[ ] false
c) She is going to work.
[ ] true
[ ] false

5) This man is very tired. What is he going to do?

a) He is going to bed early.

[ ] true
[ ] false

b) He is going to play football.

[ ] true
[ ] false
c) He is going to have a party.
[ ] true
[ ] false

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 Chapter 4 (page 20 to 25)

1) Choose the correct question word:

a) ________________ are you going? I’m going to the mall.
[ ] What
[ ] Which
[ ] Where
[ ] Who

b) _______________ is your name? My name is John Meyer.

[ ] Whose
[ ] Which
[ ] Who
[ ] What

c) ________________ is this girl? She is my best friend.

[ ] Who
[ ] Which
[ ] Whose
[ ] What

d) _______________ dog is this? It’s my mother’s dog.

[ ] Who
[ ] Whose
[ ] Which
[ ] What

e) _________________ time is it now? It’s eight o’clock.

[ ] When
[ ] Where
[ ] What
[ ] Which

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f) __________________ are you reading? I am reading in the library.

[ ] Where
[ ] Which
[ ] What
[ ] Who

g) ___________________ do you prefer, teddy bears or dolls?

[ ] What
[ ] When
[ ] Which
[ ] Where

h) ____________________ do you get up? At seven.

[ ] Who
[ ] What
[ ] When
[ ] Where

i) __________________ do you like to eat? I like chocolate.

[ ] Where
[ ] Which
[ ] When
[ ] Where

j) _____________________ is your house? It’s near the school.

[ ] Where
[ ] When
[ ] Who
[ ] What

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2) Write the missing question word:

a) ____________________ does Jack live?
b) ____________________ is the ice-cream?
c) ____________________ is your favorite actor?
d) ____________________ food do you like?
e) ____________________ does the class start? On Monday.
f) ____________________ do you play tennis? Three times a week.
g) ____________________ is your sister? She’s twelve.
h) ____________________ are you sad? My foot hurts.
i) ____________________ brother do you have? Two.

3) Change the statements to questions using the question word in parenthesis.

a) The car is in the garage.
(Where) _____________________________________________________________________
b) She is eating a sandwich.
(What) ______________________________________________________________________
c) They like red car, not the blue one.
(Which) _____________________________________________________________________
d) He does his homework at night.
e) My brother has two bicycles.
(How many) __________________________________________________________________
f) I have English classes three times a week.
(How often) __________________________________________________________________
g) We feel very good.
(How) _______________________________________________________________________

4) (PUC – BA) ___________________________ does it take to fly from here to London?

a) How much
b) How many
c) How long
d) How soon
e) How far

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 Unit 2
 Chapter 1 (page 27 to 31)

Hi, I’m Juliet! This is my family!

1) Now write sentences about Juliet’s family.

a) Mary / Mark ____________________________________________________________

b) Amy / Juliet ____________________________________________________________
c) Kate / Juliet ____________________________________________________________
d) Sarah / Amy ____________________________________________________________
e) Tina / Mary ____________________________________________________________
f) John / Vicky ____________________________________________________________

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2) Now make sentences using the comparative of equality.

a) Henry / young / Tom
b) Tim / tall / Mark
c) Kate / pretty / Sarah
d) John / funny / Lisa.
e) Mary / happy / Mark

3) Unscramble the words to make sentence.

a) as / Sam / Jack / intelligent / is / as.
b) hot / as / is / Fortaleza / Salvador / as
c) as / English / as / easy / is / Portuguese
d) Paris / Rio de Janeiro / as / as / is / beautiful.
e) famous / Kaka / as / Robinho / as / is

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 Unit 2
 Chapter 2(page 32 to 36)

1) Complete the dialogs using WILL + VERB.

a) Peter: Do you think the Republicans or the Democrats (win) _______________________

the next election in the U.S.?
Pam: I think the Republicans (win) _________________________ the next election.
Patrick: No way! The Democrats (win) __________________________.

b) Jane: Can you see my future in the crystal ball? What (happen) ___________________?
Fortune teller: You (meet) ______________________________ a handsome guy from
New York. You (marry) ___________________________ this guy.
Jane: Forget the boy! I want to know if I (pass) ___________________ the exams at

2) Lucy is going to travel for a week. She asked her mother to take care of some things while
she is out.
Ex.: water the plants  Her mother will water the plants.

a) feed the cat

b) clean her apartment
c) Cancel the English class
d) Get the telephone messages
e) Call her boss

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3) Complete with WILL or WON’T.

a) It’s my birthday next week. I ________________ be 20 years old.
b) Sarah is on holiday for a month so she _______________ be here tomorrow.
c) I think she _______________ pass the exam. She is a very good student.
d) If you stay up late, you ___________ get up on time.
e) Don’t worry. I ___________ help you with the homework.
f) You _______________ feel better if you don’t go to bed and relax.


4) Match the words in the left with those on the right to make phrases.






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 Chapter 3 (page 37 to 42)

1) Match.
1 What is Carlos studying? a We’re going to be late.
2 Look at the blue sky. b I’ll take him to my house.
3 It’s almost 7 o’clock. c She’s going to have a baby.
4 What would you like to drink? d I’ll have orange juice, please
5 Sarah is in hospital. e It1s going to be a beautiful day.
6 Oh! What a cute little dog. f She’ll be back tomorrow.
7 Andrea is traveling for the weekend. g Medicine. He ‘s going to be a doctor.

2) Can you remember? Complete the sentences.

a) What would you like to drink? I _______ have orange juice, please.
b) Look at the blue sky! It __________________ be a beautiful day.
c) Oh! What a cute dog. I ________ take him to my house.
d) Sarah is in hospital. She ___________________ have a baby.
e) What is Carlos studying? Medicine. He __________________________ be a doctor.
f) Andrea is traveling for the weekend. She ____________ be back tomorrow.
g) It’s almost 7 o’clock. We _______________________ be late.

3) Choose the correct verb for each sentence.

a) I think Brazil _______________________ win the World Cup.
[ ] will
[ ] is going to

b) I ________________ travel to Rio de Janeiro for Carnival.

[ ] will
[ ] am going to

c) Stop with the noise. The baby _______________ cry.

[ ] will
[ ] is going to

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d) Look at the black clouds. It ___________________ rain.

[ ] will
[ ] is going to

e) Ok! I ____________________ help you with the housework.

[ ] will
[ ] am going to

4) Put the verbs in parenthesis in the correct from use WILL or GOING TO:
a) Paula ________________________________ next year. (to graduate)
b) People __________________________ flying cars in 2050. (to have)
c) My mother _______________________________ to Milan next month. (to travel)
d) I ___________________________ the bags for you. (to carry)
e) Just a moment. We _________________ with you ( to go)
f) I think you _______________________ my new car. (to like)
g) They _____________________________ in 2011. (to get married)
h) He ______________ rich and famous. (to be)

5) Now, write the sentences A, B, C and D in the interrogative form and E, F, G and H in the
negative form.

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 Unit 2
 Chapter 4 (page 42 to 46)

1) Answer the questions.

a) How do you go to school?
[ ] by bus
[ ] by car
[ ] on foot

b) What are the air transports?


c) What are the sea transports?


d) What are the transports on land?


2) Answer the questions with the given words.

a) How are they going to travel to Salvador? (plane)

b) How is she going to work? (bus)
c) How are you going to go to the shopping mall? (taxi)
d) How are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis going to travel to Europe? (ship)
e) How are you going to go to the concert? (limousine)
f) How are the students going to go to the football game? (foot)
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3) Now, write about your future intentions.

a) How will you go to school tomorrow?
b) How will you travel on your vacation?
c) How will you go to the shopping mall?
d) How will you go to your friends house?
e) How will you do back from school?

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 Gabarito a. Is he working today?

b. Is he driving his car?
 Unit 1 c. Is she teaching English?
d. Are you speaking English?
 Chapter 1 (page 5 to e. Are you surfing the internet?

9) f. Are they running?

1. gets up
a. is playing
b. go
c. is crying
d. am talking
e. watch
f. read
g. is eating
h. goes
6. d
7. c

b. Matt and Vickgo to school by bicycle. It takes 35
 Unit 1
c. Jane goes to school by car. It takes 20 minutes.  Chapter 2 (page 10
d. Peter and I go to school by train. It takes 35
minutes. to 15)
e. Mike goes to school on foot. It takes 60 minutes.

3. a. is
a. is sleeping b. is
b. isn’t drinking c. are
c. aren’t eating d. are
d. is doing e. am
e. aren’t playing f. is
f. are watching g. are
h. am

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2. d. He isn’t going to play computer games tonight.

a. You are going to swim. e. is she going to buy a present at the weekend?
b. He is going to sleep. f. They are going to watch TV in the afternoon.
c. She is going to cry. g. We are not going to visit the museum.
d. It is going to rain. h. Are you going to go to the movies?
e. We are going to stay.
f. you are going to try.
g. They are going to dance. 3.
h. I am going to work. a. true
b. false
3. c. false
a. is going to call
b. are going to play 4.
c. is going to run a. true
d. am going to brush b. true
e. are going to learn c. false
f. are going to write
g. is going to wash 5.
a. true
4. Personal answers b. false
c. false

 Unit 1  Unit 1
 Chapter 3 (page 15  Chapter 4 (page 20
to 19) to 25)

1. 1.
a. Yes, I am going to go shopping this week. a. where
b. No, My sister is going to go with me. b. what
c. Yes, she is going to drive her new car. c. who
d. No, I am going to buy a blouse. d. whose
e. No, he is going to buy a ball. e. what
f. where
2. g. which
a. Is going to rain? h. when
b. I am not going to sell my car. i. what
c. You / write an email tomorrow. j. where

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b. Tim is as tall as Mark.

2. c. Kate is as pretty as Sarah.
a. where d. John is as funny as Lisa.
b. how much e. Mary is as happy as Mark.
c. who
d. what 3.
e. when a. Jack is an intelligent as Sam.
f. how often b. Fortaleza is as hot as Salvador.
g. how old c. English is as easy as Portuguese.
h. why d. Rio de Janeiro is as beautiful as Paris.
i. how many e. Kaka is as famous as Robinho.

 Unit 2
a. Where is the car.
b. What us she eating?  Chapter 2(page 32 to
c. Which car do they like?
d. When does he do his homework?
e. How many bicycles does she have?
f. How often do you have English classes? 1.
g. How do you fell? a. will win / will win / will win.
b. will happen / will meet / will marry / will pass

4. e
a. Her mother will feed the cat.
 Unit 2
b. Her mother will clean her apartment
 Chapter 1 (page 27 c. Her mother will cancel the English class.
d. Her mother will get the telephone messages.
to 31)
e. Her mother will call her boss.

1. 3.
a. Mary is Mark’s wife. a. will
b. Amy is Juliet’s sister. b. won’t
c. Kate is Juliet’s aunt. c. will
d. Sarah is Amy’s cousin. d. won’t
e. Tina is Mary’s sister. e. will
f. John us Juliet’s grandfather. f. won’t

2. 4. go  water sking
a. Henry is as young as Tom. play  football

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swin  in the ocean h. will be

build  sand castles
have  a sunbath 5.
buy an ice-cream a. Is Paula going to graduate next year?
b. Will people have flying cars in 2050?
c. Is your mother going to travel to Milan next month?
d. Will you carry the bags for me?
e. Just a moment. We won’t go with you.
 Unit 2
f. I think you won’t like my new car / I don’t think you’ll
 Chapter 3 (page 37 like my new car.
g. They aren’t going to get married in 2011.
to 42) h. He won’t be rich and famous.

1. 1-g / 2-e / 3-a / 4-d / 5-c / 6-b / 7-f.

 Unit 2
a. ‘ll  Chapter 4 (page 42
b. ‘s going to
c. ‘ll
to 46)
d. ‘s going to
e. ‘s going to
f. ‘ll 1.
g. ‘re going to a. Personal answers
b. plane and helicopter.
3. c. ship
a. will d. train, car, bus, van, taxi, motorcycle, limousine.
b. am going to
c. will 2.
d. is going to a. They are going to travel to Salvador by plane.
e. will b. She is going to work by bus.
c. I am going to go to the shopping mall by taxi.
4. d. They are going to travel by ship.
a. is going to graduate e. I’m going to go to the concert by limousine.
b. will have f. they are going to the football game on foot.
c. is going to travel
d. will carry 3. Personal answers.
e. will go
f. will like
g. are going to get

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