Lesson Plan in Media and Information Literacy Grade 11/12 Content Standard

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Fatima Grace A.

Edilo May 20,2019

Lesson Plan in Media and Information Literacy

Grade 11/12

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate understanding of media and information literacy
(MIL) and related concepts.
Performance Standard:
The learners organize a creative and interactive symposium for the
community focusing on being a media and information literate individual.

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Identify traditional media and new media, and their relationship.
b. Value the importance of traditional and new media.
c. Create a timeline of the exposure to traditional and new media in different

II. Content

Topic : The Evolution of Traditional to New Media

Learning Reference:
Media and Information Literacy: Kto12 Curriculum Guide
Media and Information Literacy: Teaching Guide pg:19-27
Materials: CAIM’s, Cartolina, manila paper and others

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Review

B. Motivation (“Guess What”)

The teacher will group the students into two (2). Given each group a flag and
then the teacher will show a picture with “jumbles letters” for the students, the
group who raise the flag first will guess what the word/term it is.

C. Setting of Objective
The teacher will call as students to read the objectives of the lesson.

D. Activity (“Task Card”)

The students will group into four (4).Then teacher will give each group a “task
card” together with the materials needed for the activity. Each group will make a
Data Retrieval Chart with the use of the information in the task card. One of the
students will read the instruction of the activity. The teacher will show the chart
for their task.
Data Retrieval Chart

Ages of Year’s Example form What format/ equipment Traditional /

Media of Media use to communicate with New Media
each other?
E. Analysis
The teacher will ask the students about the activity.
1. In what age’s a traditional media used?
2. Why did you think that this age’s belongs to traditional media?
3. In what age’s a new medium exist?
4. Why did you think that this age’s belongs to traditional media?
5. What do you think is the relation of traditional and new media?
6. What do you think is the reason of the changes of media?

F. Abstraction
The teacher will engage the students in the discussion, generalization of
the lesson and the importance of traditional and new media’s.

G. Application
The teacher will group the students into four (4). Have the learner create a
timeline of their exposure in traditional and new media from the prehistoric
age, industrial age, and electronic age through to the digital age. For each
item of media, the learners are to include a year, short description and a
personal insight. Remind the learners that the output will have to be
presented in the class.
Criteria: 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest
Completion of work =1 2 3 4 5
Content =1 2 3 4 5
Cleanliness of work =1 2 3 4 5
Teamwork and Behavior = 1 2 3 4 5

IV. Evaluation

A. Direction: Identify the following questions of traditional and new media . Write
“PHA” if it is Pre-historic Age, “IA” if Industrial Age, “EA” if Electronic Age and
“NIA” if New/Information Age.
1. Printing press using wood blocks
2. It is the age of human civilization where computers and digital period are
introduced for different purposes.
3. People discovered fire and developed paper from plants.
4. Printing press for mass production
5. Transmitting messages from a distance along a wire, especially one creating
signals by making and breaking an electrical connection.

B. Essay
1. In what ways do media affect your life? (5points)

V. Assignment
Study the next topic “Information Literacy”

Prepared by:

Fatima Grace A. Edilo

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