Ring Lasers

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5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014 1101107

Broadband Saturable Absorption of Graphene Oxide

Thin Film and Its Application in Pulsed Fiber Lasers
Xiaohui Li, Yulong Tang, Zhiyu Yan, Yue Wang, Bo Meng, Guozhen Liang, Handong Sun, Xia Yu, Ying Zhang,
Xueping Cheng, and Qi Jie Wang

Abstract—Graphene oxide (GO) has been used for optical inten- as stretching CFBG, the wavelength tunability can be also
sity manipulation and short pulse shaping. Most interestingly, it achieved [23]. Very recently, single-layer graphene has been val-
can be used as a broadband light absorber. Such property has been idated the intrinsic broadband operation property [25]. Among
systematically investigated in this paper, in a broad wavelength
range from 1 to 2-μm. We fabricated one type of GO/polyvinyl al- carbon based materials, graphene oxide (GO), as an excellent
cohol (GO/PVA) film and use it as a saturable absorber (SA) in Er-, nonlinear optical material, can be employed for optical inten-
Yb-, and Tm-doped fiber ring lasers, respectively, to build pulsed sity manipulation and short pulse shaping [26]–[28]. These two
fiber lasers. It is demonstrated that broad range of mode-locking characteristics are developed as optical limiters (OLs) and sat-
in the 1-μm and 1.5-μm regions can be obtained. In addition, urable absorbers (SAs) [28]. OL allows a low transmission at
Q-switching around wavelength of 1870 nm can be obtained in a
Tm-doped fiber ring lasers. To the best our knowledge, this is the high light densities, which can be used for light protection and
broadest wavelength regime in which one type of GO SA film can in sensor focal-plane. While SA gives a low absorption at high
be used to build all-fiber pulsed ring lasers. light densities, which can be used to achieve ultrashort pulses
Index Terms—Fiber lasers, graphene oxide, mode-locking, in solid state lasers, waveguide lasers, fiber lasers and even
Q-switching, modulation depth. semiconductor lasers [29]–[34]. GO can be considered as an
insulating and disordered analogue of a highly conducting crys-
I. INTRODUCTION talline graphene [26]. However, the fast carrier relaxation and
ARIOUS carbon based materials, due to their unique large saturable absorption of few-layered GO indicate that oxi-
V and outstanding optical, magnetic, electronic and struc-
tural properties, have been intensively studied and applied in
dation mainly exists at the edge areas and has negligible effects
on ultrafast dynamics and optical nonlinearities [35].
many fields, such as ultrafast optics [1]–[7], biosensing [8], op- GO, as a cheap carbon material which can be mass produced,
tical modulator [9], and photodetector [10]–[12]. Single walled- has been widely utilized in passively mode-mocked lasers as
carbon nanotube (SWNT) and graphene have been applied in a SA. Recently, GO-based passively mode-locked fiber lasers
ultrafast optics [12]–[24]. SWNT has also been used in the have been demonstrated in Er-doped, Yb-doped, and Tm-doped
broadband technology by combining SWNTs with diameter fiber lasers, respectively [31], [36]–[39]. We have reported
distribution [15]. Through tuning the extra components such GO walled paper absorber that was applied in the Yb-doped
passively mode-locked fiber laser operating in the all-normal-
dispersion (ANDI) regimes [31]. Liu et al. demonstrated Er-
doped fiber lasers mode-locked by using a hollow-core photon-
Manuscript received November 29, 2013; revised February 17, 2014 and ics crystal fiber filled with GO solution [36]. Recently, Jung
March 9, 2014; accepted March 10, 2014. Date of publication March 20, 2014; et al. investigated the GO SA implemented on a side-polished
date of current version May 7, 2014. This work was supported by A∗ STAR fiber for femtosecond pulse generation in the 2-μm region [38].
SERC under Grant 112-290-4018 and A∗ STAR SERC Advanced Optics in En-
gineering Program under Grant 122 360 0004. This work was also supported However, all the aforementioned results are reported only in one
in part by the CAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Re- particular operation wavelength region. It is not clear whether
search Teams. one type of GO SA film can perform in a wide spectral range
X. Li, Y. Tang, Z. Yan, B. Meng, and G. Liang are with the School of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Sin- as a SA, e.g. from the 1-μm region for Yb-doped fiber (YDF)
gapore 639798 (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; ZYAN004@ laser, to the 1.5-μm region for Er-doped fiber (EDF) laser, and
e.ntu.edu.sg; [email protected]; [email protected]). up to the 1.9-μm region for Tm-doped fiber (TDF) laser. In
Y. Wang and H. Sun are with the Centre for Disruptive Photonic Tech-
nologies, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technologi- addition, even it can operate in different wavelength regions,
cal University, Singapore 637371 (e-mail: [email protected]; HDSun@ what would be the performance of those pulsed fiber lasers? All
ntu.edu.sg). these questions should be answered in order to better understand
X. Yu and Y. Zhang are with the Singapore Institute of Manufac-
turing Technology, Singapore 638075 (e-mail: [email protected]; the saturable absorption properties of GO so as to apply it to
[email protected]). the implementation of high performance pulsed fiber lasers in a
X. Cheng is with the JPT Electronics Pte., Ltd, Singapore (e-mail: broadband wavelength range.
[email protected]).
Q. J. Wang is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and In this paper, we systematically investigated the GO SA prop-
with the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technologi- erties by using a Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser at different wave-
cal University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail: [email protected]). lengths tuned by optical parametric oscillator (OPO) technique
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. and a home-made passively mode-locked EDF laser. The opti-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2014.2312952 cal SA property has been studied in three different wavelength

1077-260X © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

regimes from 1 to 2 μm. The results indicate that the GO SA

truly has an ultra-broadband SA property. We investigated one
GO SA film as the wall-paper absorber in three types of fiber
ring lasers based on Yb-, Er-, and Tm-doped fibers, respectively.
Mode-locked YDF and EDF lasers have been successfully im-
plemented. As the YDF and EDF lasers are operated in dif-
ferent dispersion regimes, dissipative soliton was obtained in
the YDF ring lasers, while conventional soliton was obtained
in the Er-doped fiber ring lasers. Due to a higher loss in the (a)
TDF ring laser cavity, Q-switching was obtained at ∼1.87 μm
in the current experiments. In addition, we have systematically
studied the effects of the different modulation depth of GO
SA, cavity loss, and gain on the performance of pulsed fiber
lasers. This study reveals that one GO SA flake can be used in
a broad wavelength range as an SA for potentially achieving
high-performance pulsed fiber lasers.


In the experiments, the GO sheets, fabricated by ultrasonic Fig. 1. (a) Linear transmission spectra of the GO/PVA films (green dashed
agitation after chemical oxidation of graphite, consist of few line) and the pure PVA films (red dashed line), in the wavelength range from
∼300 to 2500 nm. (b) Raman spectrum of GO/PVA films.
atomic layers with a thickness of 0.1–5 μm (typically from
1 to 3 layers). GO wall paper absorber is prepared by using
vertical evaporation method [29], [31]. The fabrication process where Is , αS and αN S are the saturation intensity, saturable,
of the GO is free of surfactant such as sodium dodecyl sulfate. and nonsaturable absorption, respectively.
GO/polyvinyl alcohol (GO/PVA) dispersion is mixed with 0.6 g The nonlinear SA properties of GO absorber are studied by
PVA powder and 0.25 mg GO aqueous solution at 90 ◦ C for 3 h. power-dependent measurements at different wavelengths with a
Then, the GO/PVA dispersion is poured into a polystyrene cell Ti:sapphire femtosecond lasers and an OPO system. SA proper-
to evaporate for several days. After evaporation the GO/PVA ties can be obviously observed with the increase of the incident
SA is formed. The average thickness of GO/PVA membrane is light intensity. The corresponding nonlinear transmission spec-
about 30 μm. We use a small piece of the GO SA film in the trum of the GO SA is shown in Fig. 2. The nonlinear transmis-
passively mode-locked fiber lasers by inserting the film between sion of the GO absorber has been measured at three different
two fiber connectors. In addition, the graphene oxide can also be wavelengths (i.e., 1.06, 1.5, 1.9 μm), respectively. Due to the ma-
fabricated by liquid phase exfoliation method, which is cheap terial scattering losses and the fiber connector-induced losses,
and easily scalable method [40], [41]. the measured minimum nonlinear transmission at low power
Fig. 1(a) shows the linear transmission spectrum of GO/PVA intensity are 65.8%, 70.6%, and 72.1%, respectively. The mea-
film and PVA thin film measured by using the UV-VIS-NIR sured values are smaller than the linear transmissions at the
spectrometer. The GO/PVA film experiences higher losses at corresponding wavelengths as shown in Fig. 2. The modulation
the wavelength regime below 500 nm. The linear transmissions depths of GO SA (i.e., αS ) are 20.6% at 1.06 μm, 16.1% at
at 1060, 1550, and 1900 nm are 78.1%, 83.7%, and 85.8%, 1.5 μm, and 12.8% at 1.9 μm. As seen in Fig. 2, we can cal-
respectively. culate that the saturation intensities (i.e., Is ) of the GO SA at
Fig. 1(b) shows the Raman spectrum of the GO/PVA SA film different wavelengths are about 1.41, 1.32, and 0.90 MW/cm2 ,
excited by a 532 nm laser. The spectrum shows two prominent respectively.
peaks (i.e., D band at 1336 cm−1 , and G band at 1612.4 cm−1 ). D
band can be interpreted as the structural imperfections induced
by the attachment of hydroxyl and epoxide groups on the carbon III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
basal plane. The G band is related to the first-order scattering The GO sheet was mixed with the PVA as the SA film. A
from the E2g mode. Only a tiny 2-D band is found, indicating piece of GO SA with size of 2 mm2 is placed into the fiber
that the GO films of considerable thickness were coated. There connectors to form a mode locker. Fig. 3 shows the general
are some other peaks as well as the background as seen in the experimental setup for the GO SA film applied in different
Raman spectrum. They are caused by some acrylic or some other rear-earth doped fiber ring lasers. The GO SA film is inserted
polymers in the SA films, induced in the fabrication processes. into three different fiber ring cavities, which uses 0.8-m YDF
The nonlinear SA property of GO as a function of light in- (CorActive YB164 with core diameter of around 6 μm, cladding
tensity can be expressed as [3], [42] diameter of 125 μm, Numerical Aperture of 0.14, and Core Ab-
sorption of about 500 dB/m at 976 nm. The group velocity
αS dispersion (GVD) is about −43.33 ps/nm/km at 1030 nm.), 0.8-
α(I) = + αN S (1)
1 + I/Is EDF (Liekki Er80-8/125 with Mode Field Diameter of about

9.5 μm at 1550 nm, NA of 0.13, Cladding diameter of about

125 μm. The peak absorption is about 50 dB/m at 976 nm. The
GVD is about -0.02 ps2 /m), and 2.5-m TDF (Nefern SM-TSF-
9/125 with Mode field diameter of 10.5 μm at 2000 nm, Core
NA of 0.150, cut off wavelength of 1750 nm, Core Absorption
of 1.5 dB/m at 1570 nm. The GVD is around 32 ps/nm/km at
1800 nm.) as gain medium, respectively. The fiber lasers have
total lengths of 10.7, 10.9, and 26.2 m, respectively. The rest
single mode fiber (SMF) considering the pigtail of the compo-
nents in each cavity are 9.9-m Corning@HI-1060 (The GVD
is −43 ps/nm/km at 1030 nm), 10.1-m SMF-28 (The GVD
is 17 ps/nm/km at 1560), and 23.7-m SMF-28, respectively.
The YDF and EDF ring lasers have used the same pump laser
diode with a pump wavelength of 976-nm and a pump power of
500 mW. While the Tm-doped fiber laser is pumped by using
a wavelength tunable laser at 1570 nm (Yokogawa, AQ-2200-
136) and a 30-dBm EDFA as a pump laser source (Amonics,
AEDFA-PM-30-B-FA). All the three fiber lasers consist of op-
(b) tical couplers with splitting ratios of 30:70 for the YDF laser,
10:90 for the EDF laser, and 30:70 for the TDF laser. In order
to stabilize the laser output, polarization controllers (PCs) are
used in each cavity. Polarization-insensitive isolators (PI-ISO)
are also used in each fiber cavity. GO wall paper thin films,
inserted between the fiber connectors, are used as SAs in each
cavity. The EDF laser operates in the anomalous dispersion
regimes with total dispersion of −0.24 ps2 , while the YDF laser
operates in the normal dispersion regime with total dispersion
of 0.26 ps2 . Because the TDF laser is operated in the ∼1.9 μm
regime, it has a large loss in the silica fibers. The dispersion in
Fig. 2. Nonlinear transmissions of GO SA flake at the (a) 1060 nm, single mode fiber (SMF-28) and TDF is also anomalous that the
(b) 1550 nm, and (c) 1900 nm regimes, respectively. total dispersion of the fiber laser cavity is about −1.36 ps2 .
The experimental results, for both YDF and EDF fiber lasers,
were measured by using a commercial optical spectra analyzer
(OSA Yokogawa AQ6370 A with resolution of 0.02 nm), a
high speed oscilloscope (LeCroy-8600 A, bandwidth 6 GHz),
a 10-GHz NIR photodetector, and a commercial autocorrelator
(Alnair Labs, HAC-200). The experimental results for the TDF
laser were obtained by using equipments in the corresponding
wavelength regime. The OSA is Yokogawa AQ6375 (0.05-nm
resolution) and the photodetector used is an InGaAs detector


When the GO SA film is inserted into the YDF ring cavities,
mode-locking can be self-started at the center wavelength of
1029.5 nm in the Yb-doped fiber laser when the pump power is
about 50 mW. The mode-locked fiber laser can be self-started at
the pump power of 50 mW. With the increase of the pump power,
single pulse mode-locking are still obtained in the experiments.
Fig. 4 shows the experimental result when the pump power is
about 78 mW. The spectral width is about 0.9 nm with a steep
edge as shown in Fig. 4(a). The corresponding pulse trains are
shown in Fig. 4(b). The pulses operated in normal-dispersion
regimes have large chirps, and dissipative soliton can be formed
Fig. 3. Experimental setup for the three-different-wavelength (1, 1.5, and in the fiber cavity [43]. The corresponding pulse width is about
1.9 μm) pulsed fiber laser based on GO SAs. 190 ps measured with a high-speed oscilloscope as shown in



(c) (c)
Fig. 4. Passively mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on GO film at
Fig. 5. Passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser based on the GO film at
a pump power of 78 mW. (a) Spectrum, (b) the corresponding pulse train,
a pump power of 80 mW. (a) Spectrum (The center wavelength is 1559.6 nm),
(c) single pulse durations with measured result and Gaussian fit result. (The
(b) corresponding pulse train, (c) autocorrelation (AC) trace of the pulse. If a
center wavelength is 1029.5 nm.).
Sech2 profile is assumed for fitting, the pulse duration is the width of AC trace
divided by a factor of 1.54.

Fig. 4(c). The time-bandwidth product (TBP) of the pulse is

about 51, which is much larger than the transform-limited value.
By changing the polarization state, the center wavelength of the
mode-locking laser can be tuned accordingly which is due to
the birefringence of the fiber cavities.
Then we apply the GO SA film in Er-doped passively mode-
locked fiber lasers. The EDF laser operates in the wavelength of
1560 nm with pulse duration of 750.5 fs as shown in Fig. 5(a).
The spectra width is about 3.8 nm, corresponding to a TBP of
0.352, which is close to the transform-limited values. The EDF
laser can be self-started at pump power of 80 mW. Since the cav- (a)
ity operates in anomalous dispersion regime, the conventional
soliton is formed in the fiber laser cavity. The suppression of the
Kelly sideband is mainly due to the periodic perturbations such
as gain, filtering, and loss in the fiber resonator [44].
We also applied the GO SA thin film in the Tm-doped fiber
ring lasers. In the experiment, Q-switching phenomena were ob-
tained. The results were measured by using an OSA and an In-
GaAs photodetector together with an Agilent oscilloscope (The
rise time is only about 25 ns). We used a laser diode at 1570 nm
as a seed laser (with an optical power of about 10 mW) and an (b)
EDFA to amplify the seed laser, and then use it as a pump laser Fig. 6. Passively Q-switched Tm-doped fiber laser based on the GO SA at a
source. When the power of EDFA reaches 330 mW, Q-switching pump power of 330 mW. (a) spectrum, (b) corresponding pulse train. The center
can be obtained as observed from the oscilloscope. Fig. 6(a) and wavelength is ∼1870 nm.

fiber laser operates in the conventional soliton regime without

dispersion management. This is caused by the interaction of the
anomalous dispersion, and the nonlinearity (self-phase modu-
lation). The Q-switching in the TDF ring lasers is due to the
relatively high transmission loss in this wavelength regime and
the relatively low pump power. Because of the low damaged
threshold of the PVA, high pump power cannot be responsible
for achieving mode locking with current cavity parameters.
(a) The pulse dynamics for these fiber lasers are different, when
the GO SA is applied in different fiber cavities without in-
tentionally managing the dispersion, the nonlinearity, and the
pump strength. In order to obtain a transform-limited pulse,
the Yb-doped fiber laser can also be designed to work in the
conventional soliton regimes by using a piece of anomalous-
dispersion component, such as grating pairs, chirped fiber Bragg
gratings (CFBG) [48], hollow core photonic crystal fibers (HC-
PCF) [49], or high-order-mode fibers (HOMF) [50]. On the other
(b) hand, high energy pulses can also be obtained in the 1.5 μm
and the 2 μm regimes by inserting normal-dispersion compo-
Fig. 7. (a) The oscilloscope trace with different repetition rate under different nents [51]–[53]. In all the operation wavelength regions, the
pump powers. (b) Variations of the pulse duration and repetition rate as a function
of the pump powers. GO/PVA film acts as a stable SA. In addition, the GO SA can also
be potentially applied in the mid-infrared regime (above 3 μm),
TABLE I and even be potentially suitable for the THz and microwave band
THE SUMMARY RESULT OF THE DIFFERENT WAVELENGTH PULSE GENERATION by controlling the oxidation degree of GO [54], [55]. It is also
possible that the ultra-broadband SA will find its application in
the external cavity semiconductor lasers as well as solid-state
lasers [56].

The ultra-broadband SA property of GO/PVA films has been
studied in three different wavelength ranging from 1 to 2 μm.
This type of GO SA film has been investigated in three-
wavelength fiber ring lasers based on Yb-, Er-, and Tm-doped
fibers, respectively. The experimental results demonstrated that
(b) shows the spectra and the corresponding oscilloscope trace.
the modulation depths of the SA vary at different wavelengths.
The center wavelength is 1871 nm and only the substrate of the
Mode locking of dissipative soliton and conventional soliton
spectrum becomes broadened when Q-switching are observed
can be obtained at 1.06 and 1.56 μm, respectively, whereas Q-
in the temporal domain. The pulse width is about 35 μs, and the
switching can be obtained at the wavelength of 1.87 μm. To the
output power is about 20 mW.
best of our knowledge, this is the broadest wavelength regime
With further increasing the power of the EDFA, the repetition
in which one type of GO SA film can operate in all-fiber pulsed
rate of the Tm-doped Q-switched fiber laser increases from
ring lasers.
12.5 to 33 kHz and the pulse width decreases from 20.5 to
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[49] X. Liu, J. Lagsgaard, and D. Turchinovich, “Monolithic highly stable Yb- Guozhen Liang was born in Fujian, China, in 1986. He received the B.S. de-
doped femtosecond fiber lasers for applications in practical biophotonics,” gree in physics from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei,
IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1439–1450, China, in 2010. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in micro-
Jul./Aug. 2012. electronics at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
[50] J. W. Nicholson, S. Ramachandran, and S. Ghalmi, “A passively- Technological University, Singapore. His current research interests include the
modelocked, Yb-doped, figure-eight, fiber laser utilizing anomalous- development of high performance terahertz quantum cascade lasers, terahertz
dispersion higher-order-mode fiber,” Opt. Exp., vol. 15, pp. 6623–6628, plasmonics, and integrated graphene devices.
[51] X. Liu, “Mechanism of high-energy pulse generation without wave break-
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053808-5, 2010. Handong Sun is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Physical
[52] P. Wan, L. M. Yang, and J. Liu, “High pulse energy 2 μm femtosecond and Mathematical Science since 2007. He received the Bachelor’s degree in
fiber laser,” Opt. Exp., vol. 21, pp. 1798–1803, 2013. physics from the Dalian University of Technology, Master’s and the Ph.D.
[53] S. Kobtsev, S. Kukarin, and Y. Fedotov, “Ultra-low repetition rate mode- degrees from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Hong
locked fiber laser with high-energy pulses,” Opt. Exp., vol. 16, pp. 21936– Kong University of Science and Technology, respectively. His research interests
21941, 2008. include optoelectronic materials and devices, semiconductor physics; optical
[54] Z. Zheng, C. Zhao, S. Lu, Y. Chen, Y. Li, H. Zhang, and S. Wen, “Mi- spectroscopy; nano-materials and technology.
crowave and optical saturable absorption in graphene,” Opt. Exp., vol. 20,
pp. 23201–23214, 2012.
[55] S. Chen, C. Zhao, Y. Li, H. Huang, S. Lu, H. Zhang, and S. Wen, “Broad-
band optical and microwave nonlinear response in topological insulator,” Xia Yu received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Electrical
Opt. Mater Exp., vol. 4, pp. 587–596, 2014. and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in
[56] C. A. Zaugg, Z. P. Sun, V. J. Wittwer, D. Popa, S. Milana, T. S. Kulmala, February 2003 and April 2007, respectively. From June 2006 until September
R. S. Sundaram, M. Mangold, O. D. Sieber, M. Golling, Y. Lee, J. H. Ahn, 2008, she worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the school of EEE, NTU.
A. C. Ferrari, and U. Keller, “Ultrafast and widely tuneable vertical- She is currently an Assistant Research Scientist in the Precision Measurements
external-cavity surface-emitting laser, mode-locked by a graphene- Group, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), Agency
integrated distributed Bragg reflector,” Opt. Exp., vol. 21, pp. 31548– for Science Technology and Research (A∗STAR). Her research interests include
31559, 2013. photonic crystal-based devices, microstructured waveguides, photonic sensors,
and surface plasmons.

Xiaohui Li received the B.S. degree in science from Northwest University,

Xi’an, China, in 2006. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Xi’an Institute
of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Xi’an Ying Zhang received the B.Eng., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from Southeast
Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, in 2012. He is currently a Research University, China, in 1989, 1992, and 1995, respectively. From 1996 to 1997, he
Fellow at Nanyang Technology University. His current research interests include was a postdoctoral fellow with Nanyang Technological University. Since 1998,
passively mode-locked fiber laser, high power fiber laser, and solitons in fiber. he has been working with Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, now
as a Senior Scientist, the Group Manager of Precision Measurements Group,
the Division Director of Manufacturing Automation Division, and the Director
of Research Liaison Office of SIMTech. He received the National Outstanding
Yulong Tang received the Ph.D. degree in optical engineering from the Shanghai Doctoral Dissertation Award from the State Council of China in 1999; the Best
Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Project Award of Photonics Europe’2004 from European Commission and SPIE
in 2008. From 2008 to 2011, he was a Research Assistant at the Shanghai in 2004; the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award in 2005, and the
Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where Best Paper Awards in a number of international conferences. He has published
he was engaged in the development of mid-IR solid-state lasers. Since 2011, he more than 100 referred journal papers in his research areas. His current research
has been working at Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an Assistant Professor, interests include optical measurements, near-field optics, adaptive control and
engaged in research upon high-power fiber lasers and solid-state lasers, and signal processing, image processing, X-ray optics, and ultra-fast lasers.
application of laser technologies. His current research interests include mid-IR
laser sources and nonlinear optic dynamics.

Xueping Cheng received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from the Optoelec-
tronics Engineering Department, Huazhong University of Science and Tech-
Zhiyu Yan was born in Yunnan, China, in 1987. She received the B.Sc. degree
nology, China, in 1997 and 2001, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree
in electronics information and technology from Beijing Normal University,
from Network Technology Research Centre, Nanyang Technological Univer-
Beijing, China, in 2010 and the M.Sc. degree in electronics from Nanyang
sity, Singapore. After receiving the M.Eng. degree, he carried out research in
Technological University, Singapore, in 2012. She is currently working toward
the FBG-based devices design and package in Network Technology Research
the Ph.D. degree at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her research
Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. In early 2003, he joined
interests include fiber laser, supercontinuum generation.
Hewlett-Packard Singapore Pvt., Ltd., and worked in the area of Laser Ablation
and MEMS package. His research is mainly focused on the high power fiber
Yue Wang received the B.S. degree from Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in photonics at Nanyang Tech-
nological University, Singapore. His research interests include the study of linear
and nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor quantum dots, nanowires, and Qi Jie Wang received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering
2-D nanomaterials. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2005. After the Ph.D.
degree, he worked at NTU. From 2007 to 2009, he joined the School of Engi-
neering and Applied Science, Harvard University, in Prof. Federico Capasso’s
Bo Meng was born in Liaoning, China, in 1984. He received the B.S. de- Group as a Postdoctoral Researcher. In October 2009, he was a joint Nanyang
gree in optical information science and technology from Harbin Engineering Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Mi-
University, Harbin, China, and the M.S. degree from the Harbin Institute of croelectronics Division) and the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Technology, Harbin, China, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He is currently (Physics and Applied Physics Division). His current research interests are to ex-
working toward the Ph.D. degree in microelectronics at the School of Electrical plore theoretically and experimentally nano-structured semiconductor and fiber-
and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His based materials, and nanophotonic devices (nanoplasmonics, photonic crystals,
current research interests include the development of tunable singlemode quan- and metamaterials) with an emphasis on investigating the fundamental proper-
tum cascade laser devices, physics and modulation of semiconductor lasers, ties (optical and electrical) of semiconductor and high power fiber lasers, and
mid-infrared plasmonics, and microfabrication. nanophotonic devices in the infrared frequency regimes.

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