Applications of Fiber Lasers For The Development of Compact Photonic Devices

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Applications of Fiber Lasers for the Development

of Compact Photonic Devices
Rose Mary, Debaditya Choudhury, Member, IEEE, and Ajoy K. Kar, Member, IEEE

(Invited Paper)

Abstract—Ultrafast fiber lasers, with their distinct features of kilowatt range [4], [5]. The unique advantages of fiber lasers
high stability, superior beam quality, compactness and power scal- over conventional solid state lasers have also led to their rapid
ability have revolutionized a variety of applications, ranging from commercialization.
micromachining and medical diagnostics to basic research. One
of the applications include Ultrafast Laser Inscription, a technol- The advancement in the field of fiber lasers can be attributed
ogy that has considerably improved and diversified with advances to certain defining features that arise due to their waveguide
in stable, high power Ytterbium-doped fiber lasers. This paper geometry. In fiber lasers, light is tightly confined to a small
explores the highly interdisciplinary application realm of Ultra- cross-sectional area, allowing high intensities within the core.
fast Laser Inscription for the development of novel photonic and Long lengths of the fiber can be used to obtain high gain, while
optofluidic devices.
still maintaining a rugged and compact cavity configuration.
Index Terms—Fiber Lasers, laser applications, optical fiber ap- This makes these lasers highly stable. Another advantage is
plications, optical devices, optoelectronic devices. their ease of use. The laser beam delivery becomes inherently
simple due to the fiber based configuration. The availability of
I. INTRODUCTION high power laser diodes has allowed optical pumping of the
system. Integrated cavities and all-fiber formats have become
HE first fiber laser was demonstrated over 50 years ago
T by E. Snitzer in a Neodymium doped fiber [1], [2]. To-
day, fiber lasers find innumerable applications in a variety of
possible with the advent of fiber-coupled components and fiber
Bragg gratings [6]. The high surface area to volume ratio in
optical fibers allows excellent heat dissipation, facilitating un-
fields ranging from medical diagnostics, laser material process- precedented power scaling capacity. The high intensities in the
ing, imaging, metrology, and scientific research. It is interesting fiber cores are however accompanied by undesirable nonlin-
to note how advances in fiber optics have revolutionized laser ear phenomena which results in power limitation, fiber facet
technology; especially since at the inception of both these tech- damage [7], and fiber fuse effects [8]. The strength of the non-
nologies, this was far from envisaged. Optical fiber technology linear effects depends on the intensity in the fiber core, and the
was conceived as a superior alternative to conventional copper interaction length. Considerable research has been undertaken
cables for telecommunication applications. With the manufac- with a view of overcoming these limitations for the optimization
turing success in low-loss optical fibers complemented by the of fiber laser architectures. Examples include double-clad fiber
advent of high-brightness semiconductor diode lasers, commu- design, and rare earth doped photonic crystal fibers [7].
nication systems based on optical fibers were realized with un- The most common rare earth doped fiber lasers [9] use Ytter-
precedented advancement in terms of speed and data transmis- bium (Yb) and Erbium (Er) dopants, with their operating wave-
sion capacity over long distances. Extensive research exploring length around 1.03 μm and 1.5 μm, respectively. Ytterbium
further application potential of optical fibers grew only after this. doped systems have become increasingly popular over their Nd:
Development of low-loss rare earth doped fibers in the 1980s led doped bulk laser counterpart, due to the added advantages of low
to the first reports of fiber lasers emitting output powers of the thermal load and the absence of fluorescence quenching. In fiber
order of a few megawatts [3]. Since then, fiber laser technology lasers, ultrafast operation is typically achieved by having an ap-
has grown exponentially with average power outputs close to propriate saturable absorber (SA), or by dispersion management
in the system. In the latter case, Yb doped fiber lasers work in the
Manuscript received December 5, 2013; revised January 13, 2014; accepted normal dispersion regime and rely on nonlinear polarization evo-
January 15, 2014. Date of publication January 17, 2014; date of current ver- lution for self-starting mode-locking [10], [11]. Semiconductor
sion March 3, 2014. This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Saturable Absorber Mirrors (SESAM) [12], popularly used for
Sciences Research Council Grant EP/G030227/1. The work of R. Mary was
supported by an ORSAS scholarship from Heriot-Watt University. mode-locked operation in solid–state bulk lasers have also been
R. Mary and A. K. Kar are with the Nonlinear Optics Group at Institute used in fiber systems [13]. However, the use of SESAMs is
of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 not preferred since the fiber laser cavity design deters from
4AS, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).
D. Choudhury is with the Photonics Instrumentation Group, Institute of Pho- being compact and alignment-free. The emergence of carbon
tonics and Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, nanotubes(CNT) and graphene as novel SAs have resulted in
UK (e-mail: [email protected]). a new phase to the development of ultrafast lasers, including
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at fiber lasers [14]. CNT and graphene have a broad operation
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2014.2301136 wavelength, picosecond recovery times, and small modulation

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see

depths, allowing relatively simple passive mode locking of fiber

Fiber lasers are currently in use in a variety of application
regimes. For micromachining, which predominantly used CO2
lasers, fiber lasers emerged as a superior alternative with easy
beam delivery and a robust setup. They are also less bulky and
more convenient to use compared to CO2 lasers, which use He-
lium gas in the system [15]. Consequently, micromachining has
evolved at a rapid pace over the years, from hole drilling [16] and
surface re-structuring [17] to fabrication of sub-micron features Fig. 1. Photo-ionization mechanisms and corresponding Keldysh parameter.
with high precision. Lasers have been used for micromachining
both absorptive and transparent materials [18]. In this paper,
preferred for laser material processing, such as cavity dumped
we discuss the role played by fiber lasers in the field of micro-
Yb:KYW oscillators [33]. Other laser systems of importance are
machining of transparent materials. Laser micromachining in
high repetition rate Yb–doped fiber lasers (100 kHz–5 MHz),
transparent dielectrics was first demonstrated in 1996 by Davis
with high pulse energies of the order of nanojoules to micro-
et al. [19]. They reported a permanent refractive index change
joules. These systems have greatly reduced fabrication times for
within a bulk dielectric by tightly focusing femtosecond laser
low-loss waveguides. Studies in the field of ULI spanning more
pulses within the material. The mechanisms of material modi-
than 15 years have now established optimized laser parameters
fication has since been widely studied, and is attributed to the
associated with low-loss waveguide fabrication in a variety of
nonlinear excitation processes that occur as a result of the high
materials. In this paper, we discuss the key aspects of ULI using
intensities at the laser focus [18], [20], [21]. Modification in
a variable repetition rate Yb-doped IMRA fiber laser (IMRA
materials have been manifested in a number of forms including
FCPA μJewel D400). Even though ULI is fast becoming a well-
material ablation [22], bubble formation [23], voids [24], [25],
documented field, this paper gives a brief description about the
nano cracks [21], [26] and refractive index change [24], [27].
dynamics of energy transfer and types of material modifica-
The type of modification depends highly on the nature of the
tion for completeness. The multidisciplinary impact of ULI in
material, and the inscription laser parameters. This type of direct
the fields of compact laser source development and optofluidic
laser writing offers a number of advantages over conventional
applications has been detailed.
waveguide fabrication methods. It is a rapid process requiring
no clean room facilities as needed for thin-film deposition tech-
niques. The process can also be employed in a wide variety of
materials including many glasses, crystals and ceramics that are When an ultrashort laser pulse is focused within a dielectric
transparent to the operating wavelength of the laser. However, material, the high peak irradiances of the order of 10 TW/cm2
the most distinct feature of this femtosecond laser based material causes laser induced optical breakdown through a combination
processing is its three-dimensional (3-D) fabrication capability. of photo-ionization and avalanche ionization processes.
Since the first demonstration, the technique has rapidly devel- In photo-ionization process, the energetic electrons in the
oped, emerging as a stand-alone technological field and known valence band are promoted to the conduction band depending
by various names. “Ultrafast Laser Inscription” (ULI), one of on the intensity and energy of the incident light, and can occur
the nomenclature, also used throughout this paper, is now an by two distinct methods, namely, multiphoton ionization and
established field and acknowledged as a powerful tool for novel tunnelling ionization. In multiphoton ionization, electrons are
photonic device fabrication. ULI is capable of impacting a va- released from the material by simultaneous absorption of two or
riety of fields, including opto-fluidics [28], passive and active more photons. Tunnelling ionization takes place when the input
waveguide devices [29], [30] and micro-mechanics [31]. The laser field is strong enough to distort the Coulomb field felt by the
repeatability and reliability of ULI devices have improved con- electron, allowing the electron to tunnel out of its bound state.
siderably with the use of robust fiber lasers. A theoretical framework for these processes was put forward
Over the years, the number of materials viable for ULI has by Keldysh in 1964 [20] which introduced a parameter γ that
increased and the technology has been used for the fabrication determines the dominant photo-ionization process in a material.
of various devices including waveguide lasers [27], [30], and γ is known as the Keldysh parameter and is given by
waveguide amplifiers [32]. The majority of the initial defining 
ω mcnε0 Eg
studies used regeneratively amplified Titanium doped Sapphire γ= (1)
lasers at an operating wavelength of 800 nm, with pulse du- e I
rations of about 100 fs, and kilohertz repetition rates. While where ω is the laser frequency, c is the speed of light, n is the
these systems provide high pulse energies of the order of micro- refractive index, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, Eg is the
joules to millijoules, typical fabrication times were slow owing band-gap of the material, I is the laser irradiance, and m and
to the lower repetition rates. Titanium Sapphire oscillators, but e are the reduced electron charge and mass. For multiphoton
with no amplifier stage, operating at megahertz repetition rates ionization, γ > 1.5 and when γ < 1.5, tunnelling ionization
and low pulse energies have also been used. Currently, compact is predominant. When γ = 1.5, photo-ionization is a combina-
laser systems that are well-suited for industrial environments are tion of multiphoton and tunnelling ionization processes. Fig. 1

depicts the occurrence of photo-ionization mechanisms with standing of the possible modifications, for instance, the possi-
respect to the Keldysh parameter. bility of both positive and negative refractive index in certain
Avalanche ionization occurs when there are free electrons multicomponent glasses [40].
available in the material, which act as seed for the avalanche At laser pulse energies higher than that required for homo-
process. These electrons absorb the incident laser light and can geneous refractive index change, self-organized nanogratings
thereby achieve a kinetic energy higher than the ionization po- are formed. The formation depend strongly on the polarization
tential of a bound electron. When such an energetic electron of the incident pulse train, and the orientation of these well-
strikes the lattice, it can dislodge a bound electron resulting in defined, periodic structures are found to be orthogonal to the
two free electrons of lower energy. This process known as im- electric field vector of the laser beam. This structural modifica-
pact ionization gets repeated, creating an avalanche of electrons. tion is associated with interference between the incident laser
This avalanche process results in plasma generation. field and the electric field of the free electron plasma wave in
When the generated plasma reaches a critical density at which the material. ULI based nanogratings in fused silica are found
the plasma oscillation frequency equals the laser frequency, the to exhibit enhanced chemical etching properties in comparison
material breaks down and becomes absorbing. The absorbed to the unmodified material. This phenomena is beneficial for the
energy is transferred to the lattice, heating up the material. The fabrication of microfluidic elements.
dynamics of energy transfer depends mainly on the input laser When the intensity at the laser focus exceeds the ablation
pulse duration. At pulse energies greater than the damage thresh- threshold of the material, the energy transfer of free electron
old of the material, the heating effect results in damage struc- plasma into the lattice is accompanied by the formation of pres-
tures and voids, often accompanied by refractive index changes sure waves. These effects are manifested in the form of micro-
around the structure. These refractive index changes occur due explosions and void formation within the material.
to induced stress around the damage. Refractive index changes The diverse regimes of material modification possible by ULI
are observed even at low pulse energies, where the plasma is have been used for a variety of applications. For instance, the en-
not energetic enough to create ablations. Even though the sci- hanced chemical etching sensitivity of nanogratings fabricated
ence behind this mechanism is not fully understood, this regime by ULI has a huge impact for optofluidic device applications.
is most used for the fabrication of optical waveguides; since it The void formation regime finds potential application for 3-D
provides a specific path of isotropic refractive index modifica- memory storage. Most popularly, ULI is used for waveguide in-
tion. Thus, focused ultrafast laser pulses can create permanent scription. Waveguide inscription studies have been reported in
modifications in a dielectric material, in the form of smooth numerous materials including fused silica, borosilicate, phos-
structures with a refractive index change or at higher pulse en- phate, bismuthate chalcogenides, ceramics, and crystals includ-
ergies, highly scattering nanostructures or voids. The modifica- ing Nd: YAG, Yb:KYW, lithium niobate and KTP. This has
tions can be extended along any arbitrary path in 3 dimensions, led to classifications based on the type of waveguide morphol-
usually by translating the substrate. The different modifications ogy and corresponding modification regime. Consequently, ULI
find different uses for various device architectures. based waveguides can be broadly classified as Type I and Type
The realization of a desired modification involves a success- II.
ful interplay of the determining parameters of the inscription Type I waveguide inscription utilizes the smooth refractive
laser, focusing optics, and the material under study. In terms index modification regime that occurs at low pulse energies.
of the laser properties, the pulse energy, repetition rate, laser It is possible in most glass materials, and certain crystals and
wavelength, pulse duration and laser polarization play a vi- ceramics. The smooth refractive index maybe manifested in the
tal role. Deterministic material features include bandgap en- form of positive or negative refractive index, or a combina-
ergy, thermal and nonlinear properties, and material symme- tion of both. For materials that have a positive refractive index
try, in the case of crystals. Other factors include the numeri- change by ULI, the modified region forms the core, while the
cal aperture of the lens, inscription geometry and translation surrounding unmodified region forms the cladding of the wave-
speed. Some of the determining features will be described guide. Other novel inscription designs have allowed waveguide
below. fabrication in materials that exhibit a negative refractive index
The different useful material modification regimes tailored change by ULI. These include double-cladding [41], and de-
using ULI include smooth refractive index change, nanograt- pressed cladding structures [42].
ings, and void formation. Type II inscription is essentially used in crystals, and mate-
The homogeneous refractive index change occurs at laser rials in which smooth positive refractive index change is not
pulse energies marginally higher than the material modification achieveble. In this method, the ultrafast laser is used to inscribe
threshold. The refractive index can be positive or negative de- two damage tracks in the material. The strained material within
pending upon the material under study, with the change typically the damage lines undergoes a refractive index change due to the
of the order of 10−3 [34]. For fused silica, the positive refractive strain-optic effect, allowing light guidance through this region.
index modification threshold is 50 nJ for ∼150 fs pulse dura- This mode of inscription has few drawbacks compared to Type
tions [35]. The isotropic refractive index change is explained by I, such as the unpredictable nature of the guiding regions, polar-
different hypotheses, namely, thermal effects [36], [37], color ization dependence, and effect of the strain field from multiple
center formation [19], [38] and structural change [27], [39]. damage tracks. This method has however been very effective
However, these do not provide an explicit nor exhaustive under- for waveguide laser applications [43], [44].

Fig. 2. ULI Setup- The IMRA inscription setup, with power control (λ/2 plate,
PBS: Polarization Beam Splitter, and power meter), and polarization control (λ/2
plate and λ/4 plate)
Fig. 3. (a) Schematic of the multi-scan waveguide fabrication. (b) The square
waveguide cross-section achieved in Yb-doped Bismuthate glass at 38 nJ laser
pulse energy, and 1 MHz repetition rate.
The ULI setup used for the study discussed in this paper is
given in Fig. 2. The laser system is a variable repetition rate of waveguides in this geometry using a non-diffracting Bessel
Yb-doped fiber based master oscillator power amplifier sys- beam has recently been demonstrated [45]. Various beam shap-
tem (IMRA FCPA μJewel D400). A pulse picker positioned ing techniques have been proposed to correct the asymmetry
before the power amplifier stage can vary the repetition rate of waveguide cross-sections in the transverse inscription ge-
between 100 kHz and 5 MHz. The laser system also includes ometry, including astigmatic beam shaping technique [46], the
an adjustable compressor that can be used to change the pulse slit technique [47], deformable mirror [48], adaptive optics [49]
duration. Therefore, the laser is capable of producing transform and multi-scan [50]. Therefore, the transverse geometry which
limited pulses with duration as low as 350 fs to longer, chirped provides a more flexible working range and 3-D capabilities is
pulses of 1–2 ps duration. The laser output is linearly polarized preferred in spite of the asymmetric waveguides; and is used
with the operating wavelength centered at 1047 nm. The output for the study presented in this paper. We use the multi-scan
from the compressor stage is steered using mirrors M1-M3 and technique, which is now established as a reliable method, in
incident on a half-wave plate and a polarization beam splitter which the desired waveguide cross-section is tailored by multi-
for a calibrated control of the average power. This is followed ple overlapping scans by the laser. The method employs consec-
by optics for the polarization control of the beam; a half-wave utive scans with each scan offset by a small distance in a direc-
plate to rotate the plane of polarization, and a quarter wave tion perpendicular to both the laser propagation direction and
plate to attain circularly polarized pulses. The beam is subse- waveguide axis. This technique is independent of the intensity
quently steered using mirrors M4–M7 to a vibration insensitive distribution at the focal region and provides waveguides with
granite gantry and aligned through the focusing optic onto the almost square cross-sections and a step index refractive index
substrate for inscription. The substrate is placed on automated profile. The multi-scan technique provides an elegant method to
high-precision, air-bearing x–y–z translation stages (Aerotech). independently control the size of the waveguide cross-section
The inscription geometry is an important factor for wave- by varying the scan parameters and the change in refractive
guide fabrication. In the transverse inscription geometry, the index by varying the translation speed, which is not possible
sample translation direction is maintained perpendicular to the using other cross-section shaping approaches. Fig. 3 shows a
beam propagation. The resultant material modification exhibits schematic diagram of the multi-scan fabrication technique and
an asymmetric cross-section, the spatial distribution of which the corresponding optical micrograph image of the end facet of a
depends on the beam waist and the confocal parameter of the waveguide fabricated in Yb-doped Bismuthate glass. This tech-
voxel created by the focused beam. The asymmetry is espe- nique has been reported to produce waveguides with insertion
cially affected by the numerical aperture (NA) of the focusing losses as low as 0.12 dB cm−1 . An increase in the fabrication
lens. A variation in NA changes the confocal parameter faster time is a disadvantage although it is possible to circumvent this
than the beam waist. In comparison, the longitudinal inscrip- by choosing appropriate writing parameters.
tion geometry involves the substrate translation along the same
direction as the beam propagation and therefore allows the cross- IV. ULI APPLICATIONS
section of the modified region to be defined by the symmetry
of the beam itself. However, the working distance of the lens A. Compact Waveguide Laser Sources at 1 Micrometer
limits the translation distance, which consequently limits the One of the widely explored applications of ULI includes the
lengths of the waveguides achievable using this geometry. In ad- fabrication of optical amplifiers and lasers, by the inscription of
dition, for an inscription beam with Gaussian profile, increased waveguides within laser gain media, typically rare earth doped
spherical aberration with varying depths present a drawback substrates [27], [30], [32], [51]–[53]. Successful mode-locking
in inscribing deeply embedded structures. However, inscription of waveguide lasers have also been reported [30], [54]. Rare

Fig. 4. Energy level diagram of Yb3 + ions. The commonly used pump and
laser transitions are also given.

earth doped substrates exhibit excellent properties for laser

emission. For laser sources for 1 μm, Yb dopant is typically Fig. 5. Transmission mode optical micrograph of the waveguide structures
preferred. Ytterbium has a simple energy level scheme with in- inscribed at (a) 5 MHz repetition rate and ∼30 nJ pulse energy, and (b) 1 MHz
herently two levels, compared to Neodymium that possess a four repetition rate and similar pulse energies. Both sets are inscribed at sample
translation speeds of (left to right) 1, 2, 4, and 8 mm s−1 .
level energy system with many possible transitions. Yb systems
comprise of 2 F5 /2 excited state manifold, and 2 F7 /2 ground
state manifold, as shown in Fig. 4. Pumping and laser transi- ide based fiber with a slope efficiency of 36% [57]. The study
tions occur between the various Stark levels of each manifold. presented below aims to investigate the lasing capabilities of
For the pumping of Yb3+ doped systems, wavelengths ranging waveguides written in the same glass.
from 0.9 μm to 1 μm can be used, with the laser transitions The substrate material used for waveguide fabrication was a
centered just above 1 μm. The higher energy sublevels of the Yb-doped Bismuthate glass (Yb-BG) with a dopant concentra-
ground state functions as the lower laser level, thereby making tion of 6600 wt-ppm (1.6 × 1026 m−3 ). The glass has a refractive
the Yb-doped laser systems work as a quasi-three level system. index of 2.03, and a peak absorption at a wavelength of 975 nm.
The simple energy level scheme of Yb3+ ensures the absence To investigate the suitability of the material for ULI, waveguides
of various detrimental effects such as excited state absorption were written at a range of pulse repetition rates ranging from
and cross-relaxation. The lower fluorescence quenching in this 200 kHz to 5 MHz and pulse energies between 20 and 120 nJ,
system allows high rare earth solubility. Also, the small quan- and for different sample translation speeds. The polarization of
tum defect facilitates efficient lasing. A disadvantage that arises the beam was set to be circular and a 0.4 NA aspheric lens was
in the system is the pump-induced thermal loading that occurs used to focus the beam ∼200 μm below the sample surface.
at high pump intensities. The multi-scan writing technique was employed to control the
There have been many reports of Yb doped lasers [10], [13], waveguide cross-section. For this particular case, we used 20
[55]. Yb doped glass systems with their broad luminescence overlapping laser scans along the sample length, with each scan
and high rare earth solubility find several applications in sci- separated by 0.4 μm along the sample width.
ence and technology. In telecommunications, they find use in The waveguide morphology was analyzed using a white light
wavelength division multiplexing systems which require broad microscope working in the transmission mode. All the fabri-
band amplification. The efficient laser action around 1 μm in cated waveguides had a brighter contrast compared to the sam-
Yb doped systems is utilized in bio-medical applications and ple substrate, indicating a positive refractive index change. For
material processing. Yb doped phosphate glass laser with 90% each laser repetition frequency, the waveguide cross-section ex-
slope efficiency has been obtained pumped by a 975 nm fiber hibited material damage at high pulse energies of the order of
coupled laser diode [56]. Lasing has also been observed in glass ∼100 nJ and lower translation speed of 1 mm s−1 . At lower pulse
fiber lasers [10], [11], [13], [55]. Waveguide lasers are also of energies (90–40 nJ) and higher translational speeds ∼8 mm s−1 ,
import because of their impact in integrated optical applica- the cross-section modified to tear-drop formation and further
tions. Waveguide architecture provides the advantage of real- modified to square cross-section. The transition from tear-drop
ising more compact and efficient laser sources. These usually structure to symmetric square cross-sections was observed for
have a monolithic laser cavity that can be easily integrated with both decreasing repetition rates at constant pulse energy and
other optical elements. Many reports have shown devices in- vice versa. Fig. 5(a) shows the tear-drop shaped cross-sections
scribed in silica based glass, since they can be easily integrated of waveguides written at 5 MHz repetition rate, with a sample
in telecommunication systems. However, the preference for non- translation speed of 1, 2, 4, and 8 mm s−1 , increasing to the right.
silicate host systems have sprung due to the limited amplifier The waveguide structure is attributed to the cumulative heating
bandwidth and doping concentration of rare earth ions possible effects characteristic at high repetition rates. 1 MHz laser rep-
in silica glasses [57]. Recently, Bismuthate glass has been stud- etition rate was found to be an optimal inscription parameter,
ied as a host glass for Yb-dopant ions; for laser applications. providing close to square waveguide cross-sections as shown in
Laser action was reported from a highly Yb-doped bismuth ox- Fig. 5(b).

Fig. 7. Schematic of the setup for laser measurements. L1-30X aspheric lens,
L2-30X aspheric lens, L3-10X aspheric lenses, CF-coupler fiber, HR-high
reflector mirror, WG-waveguide inscribed in Yb-BG, OC-output coupler,
M-dichroic mirror, D-detector.

Fig. 6. Insertion loss versus laser pulse energy for waveguides inscribed at
1 MHz laser repetition rate, for different sample translation speeds.

The quality of the inscribed waveguides is quantified by mea-

suring the insertion loss (IL). IL is defined as the loss in signal
power incurred when a waveguide is inserted into an optical fiber
test-bed. IL comprises of coupling losses at the input and out-
put ends of the waveguide, propagation loss within the medium
and Fresnel reflections at the interfaces. An Nd:YAG laser at a
working wavelength of 1064 nm was chosen for IL measure-
ments in Yb-BG, since the wavelength corresponds to a region
Fig. 8. Evolution of output power with respect to launched pump power, for
of minimal absorption for the sample. The trend of the wave- different output couplers.
guide insertion loss with respect to pulse energy is given in
Fig. 6.
The waveguides written at 1 MHz follow the characteristic with output coupling percentage varying between 3 and 89 were
trend for ULI waveguides that exhibit smooth refractive index used. The output from the waveguide was collected by lens L3.
change. At pulse energies greater than ∼70 nJ, the material The dichroic mirror M was used to let the pump beam to pass
modification is at the boundary between the regions of pure through while reflecting the collimated signal output at a small
refractive index modification and that of optical damage. The angle which is then detected by detector D (KD Optics DATS
higher occurrence of scattering and absorption centres at these 01 HP).
pulse energies due to thermal diffusion results in a higher in- Continuous wave (CW) lasing was achieved from the compact
sertion loss for the waveguides as observed in Fig. 6. As the integrated cavity using the various output couplers. Fig. 8 gives
pulse energy is lowered, the material modification is manifested the evolution of output power with pump for a number of output
as a well defined refractive index modification which results couplers. The laser with a 4% output coupler has a low pump
in waveguides with low and comparable losses. At laser pulse threshold of 30 mW and a slope efficiency of 42%. With increase
energies < 45 nJ, the modification becomes fainter, resulting in output coupling, the slope efficiency increased almost by a
in weakly guiding structures characterized by higher insertion factor of two, at the expense of increased lasing threshold. In the
losses. absence of any output coupler, lasing was achieved as a result of
For subsequent active measurements, a waveguide in a the 11% Fresnel reflection at the waveguide output facet. This
∼48.7 mm long Yb-BG sample was used. The waveguide was laser configuration measured a slope efficiency of 87%, close to
inscribed with a laser pulse energy of 52 nJ, and translation the quantum defect limit. A steady-state intra-cavity intensity
speed of 8 mm s−1 , and measured an IL of 2.4 dB at 1064 nm. analysis was performed to find the output coupling that guaran-
Fig. 7 shows the configuration of the laser cavity. A fiber cou- tees optimum laser performance. The optimal output coupling
pled diode laser at 975 nm was used as pump laser. The light for the laser was estimated to be 30% [27]. Correspondingly, a
from the pump laser was collimated using lens L1 and focused maximum output power of 163 mW for 265 mW incident pump
into the laser cavity using lens L2. The sample was placed on power was obtained resulting in an optical conversion efficiency
a platform with xyz translation control. The laser cavity con- of 62%. The laser has a high slope efficiency of 79%, and a low
sisted of the waveguide as the gain medium, and the cavity threshold of 35 mW at an operating wavelength of 1035 nm.
mirrors butt-coupled to either facet using index matching gel. For pulsed laser operation, a SA based output coupler was
A dielectric mirror with high transmission at 975 nm, and high used, thereby maintaining the compact cavity configuration.
reflectivity beyond 1 μm was used as the pump mirror. For Laser performance was investigated using Semiconductor Sat-
the output coupler, a number of partial reflectors for 1064 nm, urable Output Couplers, CNT and graphene SA. Self-starting

Fig. 9. Evolution of output spectra with pump power for SOC-1040

Q-switched mode-locking (QML) was obtained with the SAs.

The mode-locked pulses measured a repetition rate of 1.51 GHz
Fig. 10. Pulsed operation using SOC 1060. (a) Q-switched mode-locked
in agreement with the cavity length. pulses. (b) Q-switch envelope. (c) Mode-locked pulse train.
Semiconductor saturable output couplers (SOC) combine the
principles of the well-known SESAM, and an output coupler;
and are available commercially from Batop. The highest avail-
able SOC with a fast recovery time has a transmission of ∼3%,
far from the optimal value of 30%. However, as an initial ex-
periment, we used semiconductor SOCs for the investigation
of pulsed operation from the waveguide laser. Initially, a SOC
designed for 1040 nm (SOC 1040), with an absorbance of 11%,
non-saturable loss of 5% and 6% modulation depth was used.
Fig. 9 shows the evolution of the output spectra of the wave-
guide laser with increase in pump power. The abrupt change
from narrow line width CW operation to broad band opera-
tion is noticeable, indicative of pulsed operation. Initial studies
showed that the working of the laser was hampered by thermal
drifts as a result of the high absorbance value of the SOC 1040.
Consequently, a SOC with a low absorption values at the same
transmission of 3% was used. Centred at a working wavelength
of 1060 nm and hence referred to as SOC 1060 in this paper, Fig. 11. RF Spectra of the 1.5 GHz mode-locked pulses observed under a
Q-switched envelope using CNT-SA. Inset shows the magnitude spectra with
the SOC had an absorbance of 2.7%, non-saturable loss of 1% the higher harmonics.
and 1.7% modulation depth. Self-starting QML was observed
at a threshold pump power of 53 mW. The mode-locked pulses
observed beneath a Q-switch envelope had a repetition rate of oscilloscope is shown in the inset of the Fig. 11. With increasing
1.5 GHz in accordance with the length of the cavity. The details pump power, the repetition rate of the Q-switched pulses was
of the pulsed operation are given in Fig. 10. The laser produced found to increase, indicating a tendency towards CW-mode-
an average output power of 26 mW for a launch pump power of locking.
530 mW, resulting in a low optical conversion efficiency of 5%. The evolution of the average power output from the Fabry-
After this first demonstration of pulsed operation from the Perot cavity waveguide laser with the CNT-SA, with respect to
monolithic waveguide laser, both CNT-SA, and graphene SA pump power is given in Fig. 12(a). A maximum output power of
were used for a comparative analysis in terms of their lasing 112 mW was obtained for a launched pump power of 530 mW,
threshold, and slope efficiencies. QML operation was obtained resulting in an optical conversion efficiency of 21%. The laser
for both, with the mode-locked pulses having a repetition rate has a slope efficiency of 27%.
of 1.51 GHz in agreement with the cavity length. By replacing CNT with graphene and using a 40% OC, the
Using CNT-SA coated on a 40% OC, self-starting QML was laser efficiency was found to increase almost by a factor of 2. A
initiated at an input pump power of ∼130 mW. Fig. 11 gives the threshold pump power of 100 mW was required for self-starting
rf spectra measured using a Rigol DSA 1030 spectrum analyser QML. A mode-locked pulse repetition rate of 1.51 GHz was
showing a fundamental repetition rate of 1.51 GHz. The magni- obtained with a Q-switched pulse repetition rate of 0.95 MHz at
tude spectrum showing the fundamental repetition rate and the the maximum pump. Fig. 12(b) shows the evolution of the out-
harmonics of the pulsed laser, measured using a wide-bandwidth put power as a function of launched pump. The laser produced

Fig. 12. Output power with launched pump power in (a) (in red) CNT-SA
setup, and (b) (in blue) graphene SA setup. The available pump power is 530 mW. Fig. 13. Evolution of average output power with respect to pump power, in
the waveguide laser incorporating graphene SA. The available pump power is
∼1 W, resulting in a laser output power of 485 mW and slope efficiency of 50%.
a maximum output power of 202 mW, with a slope efficiency
of 48%. The optical spectrum is centred at 1039 nm with a full-
width half-maximum (FWHM) spectral bandwidth of 1.1 nm.
The pulse duration was measured to be 1.06 ps, The laser pulses
had a time-bandwidth product of ∼0.324, close to 0.315, ex-
pected for bandwidth-limited sech2 -shaped pulses [54].
With a view to scale the achievable power from the system and
investigate the possibility of attaining continuous-wave mode-
locking, we used two 976 nm fiber-coupled diodes. A total pump
power of 1 W was available by polarization combining the two
outputs into a single fiber. Self-starting QML operation was
obtained at a pump threshold of 100 mW. A maximum output
of 485 mW was achieved resulting in an optical conversion
efficiency of 43%. The laser has a slope efficiency of 49%, as
shown in Fig. 13.
For the complete characterization of the high efficiency pulsed
waveguide laser, optical saturation experiment for the graphene
SA film was performed at 1064 nm. The graphene SA was
measured to have a saturation fluence of 10.2 μJ/cm2 , and mod- Fig. 14 Optical microscope images showing waveguide damage by fiber-fuse
ulation depth of 17.6% [54]. These values were used to analyse effect. (a) Top surface view of the sample shows two damaged waveguides.
the possibility of obtaining mode-locked pulses with high am- (b) A zoomed in top view of the fiber-fuse damage. The input facet of the
waveguide is at the right, with the pump light incident from this side. (c) This
plitude stability from the integrated cavity. The criterion for top surface view gives a clearer image of the observed bullet shaped damage
stable CW mode-locking is given as [58]: centers in the waveguide core. (d) Comparison of the cross-sectional images of
the guiding structures and the waveguide core damaged by fiber fuse.
Ep2 > EL ,sat EA ,sat ΔR (2)
where Ep is the intracavity pulse energy and EL ,sat , EA ,sat are guide laser is affected by the high nonlinearity in the waveguide
the saturation energies of the gain medium and the SA respec- cores. Another hampering effect is the fiber-fuse effect. A fiber-
tively, and ΔR is the modulation depth of the SA. The term on fuse is a continuous destruction of the optical fiber core, induced
the right is also called as QML parameter. For the Yb-BG glass and fed by the propagating light. It is triggered by the local
waveguide laser at its best performance, producing 485 mW, the heating of a waveguide structure through which a high power
square of the pulse energy in the cavity was found to be less beam is being delivered. Once the heat induced high density
than the QML parameter, by two orders of magnitude. There- plasma is captured in the core region, it travels along the fiber
fore, achievement of stable continuous-wave mode-locking us- toward the laser source, consuming the light energy and leaving
ing the waveguide requires further engineering of the SA, or a a hollow damage train. For the high-power operation of the Yb-
modification in the laser cavity design. BG waveguide laser mode-locked by graphene, and emitting
Despite the fact that power scaling is a desirable feature for 485 mW output, a fiber-fuse effect was observed that resulted in
waveguide lasers, its development inherently follows the same complete damage of the waveguide core along the entire length.
trend as that of fiber lasers, including the detrimental effects. The effect was characterized by periodic voids and bubble for-
Similar to fiber lasers, the average output power from a wave- mation, and initiated at the far end of the cavity. Fig. 14(a-c)

shows the images as viewed from the top surface of the wave-
guide, with the periodic bullet shaped hollow damage centres.
Fig. 14(d) shows the damaged waveguide facet in comparison
with the neighbouring guiding structures. While this effect is
highly undesirable, the demonstration, however accidental, is a
clear indication of another issue that needs to be resolved in the
path of compact waveguide laser development.
In summary, we have presented the application potential of a
single ULI waveguide, facilitated by a highly stable commercial
fiber laser system manufactured by IMRA. A compact Fabry-
Perot cavity waveguide laser was successfully demonstrated
for an operation wavelength around 1 μm, with CW operation
resulting in high efficiencies near the quantum defect limit. The
same cavity also worked as an efficient ultrafast laser emitting
Q-switched mode-locked pulses with a pulse duration of ∼1 ps,
and the performance features depending on the type of saturable
Fig. 15. Variation of etch rate in fused silica with respect to incident pulse
energy using ∼460 fs pulses and a translation speed of 0.1 mm s−1 . θE rep-
resents the angle between the electric field vector and translation direction. A
B. Selective Etching: Application in Compact clear pulse energy threshold for onset of polarization sensitivity can be observed
Lab-on-a-Chip Devices at ∼300 nJ for the etch rate at θE = 45◦ and θE = 0◦ . No such threshold was
observed for θE = 90◦ .
When ultrashort (NIR) pulses of typically sub-500 fs dura-
tion are focused within the volume of a transparent dielectric
material, in addition to inducing refractive index change in the early polarized pulses and are oriented orthogonal to the electric
focal volume, the material modification also manifests as a local field vector [21], [66] of the pulses. By rotating the polarization
enhancement of the chemical etching selectivity. This effect en- of the incident pulses, the nanogratings can be oriented perpen-
ables the fabrication of embedded microfluidic channels within dicular or parallel to the axis of the structure desired for etch-
the material that can be monolithically integrated with optical ing. Therefore, the rate of ingress of etchant into the inscribed
waveguides taking advantage of the arbitrary 3-D flexibility of- structure can be controlled by the inscription polarization [67].
fered by ULI. This advantage along with the possibility of 3-D in Conversely, the observation of etching sensitivity to inscrip-
situ fabrication offers a niche capability in the field of compact tion pulse polarization is indicative of nanograting formation.
lab-on-a-chip (LOC) device development. Selective etching has The nanogratings exhibit long-range order with a periodicity of
been observed in glasses including fused silica [59] and photo- λ/2n, where λ is the free-space wavelength and n is the effec-
sensitive glass [60] as well as in crystalline materials [61]–[63]. tive refractive index, and appear when the incident pulse energy
Etching selectivity implies that the laser-modified regions can lies above the maximum threshold for smooth modification and
dissolve significantly faster in an etchant solution compared to below the minimum threshold for disruptive modification.
the unmodified bulk material. The selectivity depends on both Nanograting formation in fused silica was reported to oc-
the etchant being used and the material being etched. Silica cur for pulse duration lower than approximately 200 fs [21]
based glass substrates have been shown to exhibit selective etch- although more recently evidence of nanograting formation was
ing in acid (aqueous hydrofluoric acid (HF)) [59], [64] as well demonstrated for pulses of duration up to 400 fs [68]. We found
as alkali [aqueous potassium hydroxide (KOH)] based etchant evidence of polarisation sensitive etching in fused silica using
solutions [65]. Alkali based etching of silica substrates offers ∼460 fs pulses from the ULI setup shown in Fig. 2 with the
better selectivity, although the etching time is observed to be repetition rate set at 500 kHz. We studied the etch rate in fused
significantly longer compared to acid based etching. Although silica with respect to incident pulse energy when the linearly
there are multiple options with respect to the choice of material polarized pulses were focused at a depth of 200 μm beneath the
for developing ULI enabled LOC applications, fused silica in surface of a fused silica substrate (Corning, UVFS 7920) using
particular offers unique advantages in this regard such as non- a 0.4 NA aspheric lens. The substrate was translated through the
porous nature, hydrophilicity and low autofluorescence. The focus for a distance of 4 mm using speeds of 0.1 to 4 mm s−1 .
photo-induced selective etching rates in fused silica is control- Fig. 15 shows the variation of etch rate with respect to pulse
lable and can be tailored by varying inscription parameters such energy for a translation speeds of 0.1 mm s−1 . The pulse energy
as the energy and repetition rate of the pulses, and translation was varied from 650 to 200 nJ. Single tracks were inscribed for
speed of the substrate. However, the interest in etching fused each pulse energy and translation speed, which were repeated
silica was driven by the observation of nanograting formation for three cases, wherein the angle between the electric field vec-
in the inscribed regions. The selective etching phenomenon in tor of the inscription pulses and the translation speed direction
fused silica has been subject to extensive evaluation in the recent was maintained at 0◦ , 90◦ and 45◦ as shown in Fig. 16, in or-
past. Planar sub-wavelength nanogratings are formed inside the der to generate a substantial dataset. The fused silica substrate
volume of fused silica when translated through the focus of lin- with the inscribed tracks was then ground back and polished

Fig. 17. Schematic representation of the channel and inlet architecture of the
device. The channels were designed such that the modified regions extended
beyond the frame of the substrate by a short length in order to provide an exit
route for un-etched material. Figure is not to scale.

Fig. 16. Bright-field transmission microscope image showing inscribed scans the device. The cross-section of the channels was designed to be
after etching using a 5% (aq.) solution of HF. The pulse energy used to inscribe
the scans shown was 280 nJ. 300 μm × 1 mm with a length of 3.1 mm for both channels. The
channels were linked together using a 2-D array of 18 constric-
tions that was symmetrically aligned across the cross-section of
to reveal the facets of the laser-inscribed regions. Etching was the larger pair of channels with a spacing of 40 μm and a length
subsequently performed using aqueous dilute HF at 5% (v/v) of 200 μm. Two cylindrical inlet ports were designed to enable
for 45 min. fluidic interfacing.
Similar pulse energy thresholds were observed for the other Inscription of the device was performed with a 0.4 NA as-
translation speeds used in this study. The threshold was observed pheric lens using 460 fs pulses from the ULI setup described
to be ∼300 nJ when the translation speed was 0.5 mm s−1 and in Fig. 2, which was operated at 500 kHz. The channels were
about 380 nJ for translation speeds between 1and 4 mm s−1 . For inscribed using 650 nJ pulses at a translation speed of 2 mm
pulse energies above ∼450 nJ, the etch rates were observed to s−1 while the inlets were inscribed using the same pulse energy
be within the same order of magnitude for all three polarization at a faster speed of 4 mm s−1 . The constrictions were inscribed
orientations. The pulse energy threshold was further observed using 270 nJ pulses at 0.1 mm s−1 . The device was subse-
to have insignificant effect on the etch rate of laser written quently etched using a 13.3% aqueous solution of HF for 4.5 h.
structures when θE = 90◦ . The polarization-sensitive etch rates determined using the linear
This observation presents evidence of nanograting formation single track inscription mentioned earlier provided the informa-
in laser-inscribed regions within the volume of the fused sil- tion necessary to ensure balanced etching of the device. Fig. 18
ica substrate using pulse durations of ∼460 fs, which is longer shows the transmission microscope images of the components
than previous reports. Nanograting formation is a unique fea- of the device before (left) and after (right) etching.
ture of ULI as it creates the opportunity to tailor the etch rates The deformability based cell separation was achieved using
of laser inscribed structures, especially for LOC devices where human promyelocytic leukemia (HL60) cells with an average
microfluidic structures with large differences in aspect-ratio are size of 11.7 μm ± 1.1 μm. The cell population cultured in
often desired. Appropriate manipulation of laser-inscription pa- DMEM (Life Technologies) was injected into the input chan-
rameters can enable control over the etch rates for millimeter nel using a microfluidic syringe infusion pump (WPI, SP100i).
scale and micrometer scale structures and optimize these to pre- Prior to use, the device was primed using phosphate buffered
serve the post-etch aspect-ratio of the structures. saline. The device was able to successfully operate at flow rates
The polarization sensitive etching phenomenon in fused silica ranging from about 2 μL to 1 mL min−1 indicating robust, leak
was applied in fabricating a LOC device aimed at separating a free functioning. The constrictions were found to be of optimum
population of mammalian cells with heterogeneous deformabil- cross-section to enable deformation of the cells during transit
ity into sub-populations with uniform degrees of deformability. and exhibited asymmetric post-etch dimensions of 4 and 8 μm
The device incorporated a 3-D microfluidic channel network along the short and long axis respectively. The device was found
embedded within the volume of a 2 mm thick substrate. As to exhibit a throughput of ∼3000 cells min−1 . The integrity of
shown in Fig. 17, the device architecture comprised of two axi- the cell membrane for the device output population was analyzed
ally aligned channels that form the input and output sections of by performing a live-dead analysis using a commercial flow

Fig. 19. (a) Microscope image of the femtosecond laser irradiation pattern to
form the integrated optical sorter. (b) Same structure shown in (a) after 5 h of
chemical etching in 20% aqueous solution of HF; the central common branch is
0.5 mm long. (c) Intensity mode profile at 1 μm wavelength of (left) optical fiber
and (right) femtosecond laser written waveguide. (d) Microscope image of the
Fig. 18. Transmission microscope images showing the components of the
central common branch of the sorter after etching, with facing integrated optical
device before (left) and after (right) etching. Reproduced from ref [28] with
waveguides. (e) Cross-sectional microscope image of fabricated waveguides at
permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry.
different depths. Reproduced from [70] with permission from The Royal Society
of Chemistry.
cytometer (BD FACS Calibur). The analysis revealed >80% of
the cells collected at the output remained viable. This result of-
fers a simple, label-free separation mechanism based exclusively closer to the input end of the chip, a 532 nm or 473 nm wave-
on cell deformability with promising implications for cellular length laser, depending upon the fluorophore excitation wave-
diagnostic and therapeutic applications. In particular, there is length, was coupled to an optical waveguide designated to excite
preliminary evidence that human pluripotent stem cells, which fluorescence when polystyrene fluorescent beads or fluorescent
are known to be remarkably deformable, progressively become cells flowed in the microchannels respectively. Fluorescence de-
stiffer with the degree of differentiation [69]. The mode of sepa- tection was used to automatically trigger the sorting waveguide
ration demonstrated by the ULI device underscores its potential which when turned on, exerted radiation pressure on the target
in fractionating a population of differentiated cells based on entity to enable its flow along the desired microchannel arm. The
their degree of deformability. device was capable of sorting a cell sample comprising human
The 3-D monolithic integration of embedded microfluidic transformed fibroblasts transfected with a plasmid encoding the
channels with NIR optical waveguides is a unique capabil- enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP).
ity offered by the ULI technique. An elegant application of The application of ULI in developing compact LOC devices
this capability was recently demonstrated in a waveguide en- has evolved rapidly in the past decade from being purely ex-
abled, fluorescence-activated cell-sorting device in fused sil- ploratory into an accomplished technology capable of address-
ica [70].The device design included an X-shaped channel where ing niche demands in the field such as 3-D in situ fabrication
two input channels merge in a central section, in which fluores- and monolithic integration capabilities. It is envisaged that fu-
cence investigation and sorting are performed. This section then ture development in optimized fabrication schemes for low-loss
separates into two output channels as shown in Fig. 19. photonic components and microfluidic structures with improved
The frequency doubled output from a 1040 nm regeneratively selectivity in chemical etching will lead to the emergence of
amplified commercial laser (femtoREGEN, HIGHQlaser) de- high-quality 2-D and 3-D optofluidic architectures.
livering ≥400 fs pulses and operating at 500 kHz was used to
fabricate the device. A 50 × 0.6 NA microscope objective was
used as the focusing optic. The microchannel was inscribed us-
ing a second-harmonic pulse energy of 700 nJ and a translation The field of rare earth doped fiber lasers has witnessed un-
speed of 1 mm s−1 at a depth of 400 μm beneath the surface. precedented advances and is now an integral part of many pho-
The optical waveguides were inscribed using 100 nJ pulses at a tonic applications including biomedicine, material processing,
translation speed of 0.1 mm s−1 , the parameters for which were astronomy and fundamental research. Fiber lasers have an ex-
separately optimized for guiding at 1 μm. Selective etching was tremely robust laser design with diffraction limited beam quality
subsequently performed by immersing the laser modified fused and can produce high average output powers. Continuous wave
silica substrate in a 20% aqueous solution of HF at a slightly fiber lasers with output powers above 1 kW are now available.
elevated temperature of 35 ◦ C in an ultrasonic bath. The device The advances in this field have also resulted in pulsed fiber lasers
was designed to work with fluorescent as well as non-fluorescent with high pulse energies and short pulse durations. Fiber laser
samples. A continuous wave beam from a Yb fibre laser capable development still remains an active field of research, aiming
of generating 5 W optical power at 1070 nm was launched into a towards the development of more robust, high power systems
waveguide designated for use as a light source to exert radiation that in turn promote scientific research and further commercial-
pressure on the particle to be sorted. Additionally, on the side ization.

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ing,” Opt. Exp., vol. 16, pp. 1517–1522, 2008. Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the Optical Society of America.

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