Are We Ready For A VR Classroom? A Review of Current Designs and A Vision of Future Virtual Reality Classrooms

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Session 1C Lightning Talk SIGITE ’19, October 3–5, 2019, Tacoma, WA, USA.

Are We Ready for a VR Classroom? A Review of Current

Designs and a Vision of Future Virtual Reality Classrooms
Chunming Gao Yan Bai Bryan Goda
School of Engineering & Technology School of Engineering & Technology School of Engineering & Technology
University of Washington, Tacoma University of Washington, Tacoma University of Washington, Tacoma
Washington, USA Washington, USA Washington, USA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT In the simulated 3D space, while a recorded audio instructs, the

user can examine animated 3D human organs, watch the blood
With the advance of head-mounted virtual reality technology cells flowing in the artery, and interact with the cells. The
and their lower cost, it is foreseeable that an online course can application Virtual Desktop develops an auditorium where the
be delivered in a virtual reality (VR) classroom. This paper user’s desktop can display on the large screen at the front.
introduces head-mounted VR technology, discusses the current However, it is still a single user application. In [1], authors
designs of VR applications, and depicts a vision of future VR developed a virtual conference room where multiple users can
classrooms. enter a virtual room from different locations, interact with each
KEYWORDS other, and share the same PowerPoint presentations. While
Virtual Reality; VR classroom; future classrooms; online learning current educational applications are mainly single user based,
most entertainment applications have already been multiple user
based, where users can demonstrate to each other their skills
interacting with the objects in the virtual environment. Another
In the past few years, head-mounted devices (HMD) for
category of applications are 3D recordings of places and events
virtual reality (VR) has garnered both academic and industry
which can also be adopted for future classroom applications.
interests due to HMDs’ enhanced immersive effects and their
lower cost. Wearing a VR headset, a user is fully immersed in a
3D virtual environment created by using 3D recordings or 3D 3 A VISION OF FUTURE VR CLASSROOMS
programming. Multiple users may reside virtually in the same A VR classroom will be highly immersive and highly
space, whose presence and activities are represented by avatars interactive. The instructions can be in pre-recorded format or
[1]. They may interact with each other and interact with the delivered live by an instructor. Students will need a VR set to
objects and surroundings in the virtual space. We can imagine participate. If it is pre-recorded, the advantage is that it can be
that a creative virtual classroom enabled by VR technology will repeated but without a live instructor’s guidance. If it is
inevitably impact online course delivery to the extent that it delivered live, it is fundamentally an online lecture that requires
might foundationally transform the future classrooms [2]. students to attend at the specific time. Either way, the instructor
and students do not have to commute to campus while still
2 CURRENT DESIGNS experience the 3D classroom gatherings. Furthermore, wearing
the headset, the learning environment is fully enclosed and
Currently most VR applications are developed for 3D video
students will solely focus on the learning activities. Due to the
games, of which the features can be readily adopted for
avatar representations for presence, students will feel fiction-like
educational gamifications. Applications for educational purpose
experiences which would encourage their active participations
are still in their infancies and prototypes. We examine a few
and collaborations [2]. Additionally, special effect maybe created
representative educational VR applications developed on HTC
for demonstrations such as visualizing the data encryption and
Vive VR headset. One application named Future Classrooms
decryption processes and visualizing the transmissions of
demonstrated a 3D VR classroom where the user can walk
wireless signals in 3D space. A VR classroom with so much
around the classroom, watch video introductions, make module
potential brings an unprecedented opportunity to innovate and
selections, observe 3D videos, and interact with the objects in
transform IT education.
the 3D virtual space. Some applications demonstrate human
body anatomy and physiology.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or [1] P. Pazour; A. Janecek; H. Hlavacs. “Virtual Reality Conferencing” Proceedings
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and Reality (AIVR).
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this [2] K. Oiwake; K. Komiya; H. Akasaki; T. Nakajima. “VR Classroom: Enhancing
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author. Learning Experience with Virtual Classrooms” 2018 Eleventh International
SIGITE '19, October 3–5, 2019, Tacoma, WA, USA Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Network (ICMU).
© 2019 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6921-3/19/10


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