Ultimate Volumetrics Diet Book Helps People Lose Weight, Manage Hunger
Ultimate Volumetrics Diet Book Helps People Lose Weight, Manage Hunger
Ultimate Volumetrics Diet Book Helps People Lose Weight, Manage Hunger
A new book by Barbara Rolls, professor of Beef and Veggie Pocket, Pasta with Exploding
nutritional sciences and Helen A. Guthrie Chair in Tomatoes and Arugula, and Alex's Three-Layer
Nutrition at Penn State, aims to help people control Carrot Cake. Full-color photographs illustrate many
their hunger while also losing weight. "The Ultimate of the recipes.
Volumetrics Diet" will be available in stores and
online on April 10. The new book builds upon Rolls' two previous
books about Volumetrics principles, one of which
"There is no magic way to get around the fact that topped the New York Times Paperback Advice
to lose weight you must reduce the calories you Bestseller List in 2007.
consume to below the number you burn," Rolls
said. "However, cutting calories doesn't have to
leave you feeling hungry. You can carefully choose Provided by Pennsylvania State University
the foods you eat so that you feel full and satisfied
on fewer calories."
APA citation: Ultimate volumetrics diet book helps people lose weight, manage hunger (2012, March 26)
retrieved 29 October 2018 from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-03-ultimate-volumetrics-diet-
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