21st Century History by Decade-2010s

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Saturn opposite Uranus (2009­2011)

Outer Planet History: 21st Saturn lower square Pluto (2010­2012)

Century Saturn lower square Neptune (2016­2017)
Decadal Highlights Saturn conjunct Pluto (2019­2021)
Jupiter conjunct Saturn (2020)
Pluto Ingresses and Transits
Major Planetary Configurations
Pluto remains in Capricorn from 2009 until 2024.

Neptune Ingresses and Transits

Neptune moves to Pisces, April 2011.residing there until 2026. Nep­
tune and Pluto continue their intermittent lower sextile until the late

The Saturn‐
Uranus‐Pluto T‐
square (red lines),
active 2008‐2012,
looks very similar
to the 1930s

Jupiter/Uranus opposite Saturn square Pluto T­square (2010)

Saturn opposite Uranus square Pluto T­square (2011­2012)
Jupiter opposite Pluto square Uranus T­square (2014­15)

Significant Quadrature Alignments

By Frequency (Lowest to Highest) Uranus‐Pluto transits span a few years, with related activity seen over a
decade; that was the case in the early 1930s and the mid 1960s

Uranus lower square Pluto (2010­ 2018)effective 2008­2019

Saturn upper square Neptune (2016­2017)
Saturn conjunct Pluto (2019­2021)

Saturn transits tell the story of the decade. The overlapping Saturn­
Uranus opposition and Saturn­Pluto upper square of 2009­2012
connects us with the early and late 80s and the mid­60s (when Saturn
last opposed Uranus). The simulataneous Uranus­Pluto lower square
(see above) ties these two transits to 2008­2012 that looks very similar
to a 1930s version of the T­square. Altogether, these transits signal a
time of fundamental change and adjustment.
It is easy to overlook the Saturn­Neptune upper square of 2016­2017;
it is overshadowed by the Uranus­Pluto transit and Saturn­Neptune
carries a more subtle signature. More than likely, the financial crisis of
2008 forward, offers clues to be found around 2005­2006. This is also
the years when BP had signficant accidents that could have warned

Uranus ( ) in 2017 still lies within six degrees of square to Pluto

(Z)in 2017

Uranus Ingresses and Transits

Uranus bounces between Pisces and Aries in 2010, remaining there
until 2018.
Uranus is lower square Pluto, 2010 through 2015 (effectively 2008­
2018). The lower square is a significant transit, with connections to the
1965­1966 Uranus­Pluto conjunction, the 2045 and circa 2070 T­squares.
This transit belongs to the first Uranus­Pluto wave of 1893Neptune­

Saturn Ingresses and Transits

The 2009‐2011 opposition brings episodes from 1989 to full light; 1989
included Exxon Valdez, end of Iran‐Iraq War, Fall of the Berlin Wall
Saturn opposite Uranus (2009­11)
Saturn upper square Pluto (2010­2011) Tiannemen Square
against the the begining of every other decade.
Deepwater That means we entered a new
Horizon economic period in 2000 and will
Disaster enter the next one about 2020.
The decade Readers may note that this coincides
ends with a Saturn­Pluto conjunction, with a new socio­political period of
beginning a new wave: 2021Saturn­ Saturn­Pluto (2021Saturn­
Pluto2053. These waves define the socio­ Pluto2053).
political landscape for their duration.
Most Signficant Transits
2010 begins under a planetary
Traditionally, Jupiter­Saturn waves are configuration that defines the decade
economic indicators, representing two and sets major agenda for the next
sides of business: expansion and thirty years. It is known as a 'T­
contraction. These waves have a twenty square', an obvious name, given how
year period. During the 21st Century (and it looks (illustrations of it abound in
most of the 20th), the conjunctions fell at this survey). The main compenents,
Saturn, Uranus and Pluto also appeared in a T­square during the 1930s

One can easily trace the 2008‐2010 financial doldrums along the The 2010‐2012 T‐square looks very similar to the 1930‐1934 version;
quadrature alignments of this wave their positions relative to one another, however, are different
when the world saw a similar financial downturn as happens presently in
parts of the planet. Consider this a major turning point. T­squares among
these three planets appear rarely across time and when they do, they
appear at times seen as turning points.
At the root of the T­square lies the Uranus­Pluto lower square, the
second quadrature alignment of the 1966Uranus­Pluto2100. Transits
among these two last about half a decade, but effectively last ten years,
this one from 2008­2018. Since these waves span 110 to 140 years, issues
connected to changes that occur across centuries will dominate. For
example, that this recession gains the moniker 'Mancession' points to
gains women have made since the 1960s when Uranus and Pluto
... issues connected to changes that occur across centuries will

conjoined. The fact that many nations, especially the BRICs (Brazil,
Saturn‐Neptune waves have a legacy in the Middle East dating back to
Russia, India and China) now move beyond the Cold War in so many ways
also points back to the peak of that conflict that appeared in coincidence
with the Uranus­Pluto conjunction.
Every quadrature alignment points to every other quadrature alignment 1980s when 1982Saturn­Pluto2020 began right after 1980Jupiter­
in a wave. Thus, 2010 carries "DNA" from its 1960s origin, but also ones Saturn2000. Since that Saturn­Pluto wave began at the beginning of the
in the future. We now set the groundwork for 1966Uranus­180°­ Thatcher/Reagan era, we must consider the ramifications of its coming to
Pluto2100, near 2045. Considering how many "deadlines" come due an end. The era of lax regulation, high deficit spending and too easy cred­
about mid­century, this connection heeds attention. Two more it comes from that time and certainly set the conditions for the 2008­2010
observations add depth. Uranus­Pluto oppositions bring radical change finaancial collapse. At the same time, economic agenda from then en­
(see 1792 and 1902). Lower squares, where we now find Uranus and abled China to hold much US debt that ties the two countries together. It
Pluto, call for fundamental correction. a shift in direction in recognition is not too far of a leap to imagine that China and other emerging nations
of real workd changes. The decisions made (or ignored) set directions will set the tone for all of 2021Saturn­Pluto2053. Perhaps, the more inter­
that create the destiny of the 2040s (which include two major outer esting question is whether or not the United States wakes up in enough
planet T­squares, by the way. time to realize that it must compete with the rest of the world in other
ways than military might.
The end of the decade brings the next highlights. The every 20 year Description
Jupiter­Saturn wave begins again in 2020 accompanied by the start of a
new Saturn­Pluto period: 2021Saturn­Pluto2053, somewhat mirroring the

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