Course Coordinator: Dr. Mahim Sagar Pedagogy: Lectures With Examples, Interactive Discussions and Case Studies

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SML760  (Marketing  Management  )                                                                                                                                  
Session  Plan  
Course Coordinator: Dr. Mahim Sagar
Pedagogy: Lectures with examples, Interactive Discussions and Case Studies.

Session 1. What is Marketing: Evolution of the Framework

⎯ Identifying innate needs and desires
• Market Research and Marketing research
• Maslow's Need Hierarchy
• Cognitive dissonance: Fundamental Problem of Marketing
• CRM and Growth of CRM: dissonance mitigation tool
Base Reading: Jr. Perreault, William, Joseph Cannon, E. Jerome McCarthy (2011), "Essentials
of Marketing", McGraw-Hill Education.
Self Study Component: Levitt, T. (1960),"Marketing Myopia", Harvard Business Review, Vol.
38, pp.45-56.

Session 2. What is Marketing: Evolution of the Framework (contd.)

⎯ Identifying innate needs and desires
• Market Research and Marketing research
• Business Defined: Derek F. Abell

Self Study Component: Re-refer- Levitt, T. (1960),"Marketing Myopia", Harvard Business

Review, Vol. 38, pp.45-56.

Session 3. What is Marketing: Evolution of the Framework (contd.)

⎯ Satisfying innate needs and desires
• Starting Point: Product and levels of product
Self Study Component: 1) Waterschoot, W.V, and Bulte, C.V.(1992), "The 4P Classification of
the Marketing Mix Revisited", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 83-93
2) Jones, John P. (1990),"The Double Jeopardy of Sales Promotions", Harvard Business Review,
Vol. 65, No.5, pp.145-152.

Copyright  :  Dr.  Mahim  Sagar,  IIT  Delhi,  2014  

SML760  (Marketing  Management  )                                                                                                                                  
Session  Plan  
Session 4. What is Marketing: Evolution of the Framework (contd.)
⎯ Satisfying innate needs and desires
• Product Revisited, Price, Place, Promotion (Marketing Mix Defined)

Session 5. What is Marketing: Evolution of the Framework (contd.)

⎯ Satisfying innate needs and desires
• Marketing Mix Revisited
• Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning(Marketing Plan)
Self Study Component: Doyle, Peter, and Saunders, John (1985). ‘Market Segmentation and
Positioning in Specialized Industrial Markets,’ Journal of Marketing, 49(2), Spring, 24-32

Session 6. What is Marketing: Evolution of the Framework (contd.)

⎯ Satisfying innate needs and desires
• The DNA of Marketing: Marketing Mix + Marketing Plan = Marketing Strategy
Self Study Component: To discuss the DNA Framework: NIRDOSH- Non-Smoking Device
case study. The case study will be given in session 5, so that students can discussion in session 6.

Session 7. What is Marketing: Evolution of the Framework (contd.)

⎯ Creating Surplus
• Brand Equity: Detailed out
• Valuation of Brands
• Brand Demystified
Refer: Interbrand/ trusted Brand Rankings/ Brand Equity Valuation
Note: Students will present a case Analysis (Winstock Case Study)

Session 8. Product Life Cycle

⎯ Most important Diagnostic Tool: Views and Counterviews: Thesis : Anti-thesis
Self Study Component: William E. Cox, Jr (1967), " Product Life Cycles as Marketing
Models", The Journal of Business, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 375-384.

Session 9. Product Life Cycle (Continued)

Copyright  :  Dr.  Mahim  Sagar,  IIT  Delhi,  2014  

SML760  (Marketing  Management  )                                                                                                                                  
Session  Plan  
Reference Book: Everett M. Rogers (1983), "Diffusion of Innovations", The Free Press, NY
Must Read: Dhalla, N. K., Yuspeh, S.(1976), "Forget the Product Life Cycle Concept",
Harvard Business Review, Vol . 54, No.1, pp. 102-112.

Session 10. Developing a Brand- A road map

Reference Book: Mahim Sagar, Deepali Singh , D. P. Agrawal, Achintya Gupta (2009, 2012),
"Brand Management", Ane Publication, India.
Self Study Component:: Sagar, M, Singh, D., Agrawal, D.P. (2006), "Framework of Ethical
Brand Positioning: A case study of anchor", Journal of Management Research, Vol.6, No.2,

Session 11. Developing a Brand- A road map (Contd.)

Self Study Component:: Sagar, M., Khandelwal, R., Mittal, A., Singh, D., (2011), ”Ethical
Positioning Index (EPI): an innovative tool for differential brand positioning”, Corporate
Communication: An International Journal, Vol.16, No. 2.

Session 12. Pricing Strategies

Self Study Component:: 1) Sahay, Arvind(2007), "How to reap higher profits with dynamic
pricing", MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol.48, pp.53-60
2) Sagar, M, Bora, S. , Gangwal, A, Gupta, Kumar, A and Agarwal, A (2013), "Factors Affecting
Customer Loyalty in Cloud Computing: A Customer Defection-Centric View to Develop a Void-
in-Customer Loyalty Amplification Model", Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management,
July 2013.

Session 13. Product distribution and Retailing

⎯ Distribution Process, Formats of Retailing:- Challenges & Issues of MBO's/ EBO's.

Session 14. Integrated Marketing Communication

Self Study Component:: 1) Company-Cause-Customer: Interaction Architecture, Mahim Sagar,
Arushie Mangla, Urvi Aggrawal. (working paper).

Copyright  :  Dr.  Mahim  Sagar,  IIT  Delhi,  2014  

SML760  (Marketing  Management  )                                                                                                                                  
Session  Plan  
2) Kabra, S., Sanjeev and Sagar, M., “Sales Promotion Efficacy: Customer Centric Approach". (working
3) Barnwal, V., Sagar, M. and Sharma, S. (2009), “Response to Request for Proposals in IT Industry:
Critical Success Factors”, IIMB Management Review, Vol.21, No.4, pp. 313-322.
4) Vyas, Preeta and Sagar, Mahim (2007), "Sales Promotion Practices in Apparel Retail Sector and
Challenges Ahead", Proceedings of GLOGIFT 07, November 15-17, 2007, pp. 464-470.

Session 15. Marketing Research Protocols

Self Study Component:: Wasuja, S., Sagar, M. and Sushil (2012), “Cognitive Bias in Salespersons in
Specialty Drug Selling of Pharmaceutical Industry: Evolution of a knowledge-intensive amplification
model”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, Vol.6, No. 4, pp.310 - 335.

In every class there will be lots of discussions with practical examples from industry.
Essential Readings:
⎯ Essentials of Marketing by Jr., William D. Perreault, Joseph P. Cannon and E. Jerome
McCarthy, McGraw-Hill Higher Education
⎯ Marketing Management : A South Asian Perspective by Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane
Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha
⎯ Marketing Management by Rajan Saxena
⎯ Brand Management by Mahim Sagar
Must read research papers detailed in session plan and sent through mail

Examinations, quizzes, assignments, class participation & term paper will be the major elements
used for evaluating student’s performance in Marketing Management Course. Evaluation will
consist of following components:-

S. No. Evaluation Component Weightage (Total 100 marks)

1 Minor I 20 marks
2 Minor II 20 marks
3 Major Exam 30 marks
4 Term Project 30 marks
*Term Project may consist of two assignments- one group assignment and one individual
assignment of 15 marks each.

Copyright  :  Dr.  Mahim  Sagar,  IIT  Delhi,  2014  

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