Womens Legal Rights Handbook
Womens Legal Rights Handbook
Womens Legal Rights Handbook
2007 Edition
2 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Funding for this project was provided through the Council on Domestic Violence and
Sexual Assault. This project was supported by Grant No. 2006-WF-AX-0005 awarded
by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of
view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the
official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence
Against Women.
The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault and the Alaska
Joint State-Federal Courts Gender Equality Task Force first updated this
handbook in 1998. This sixth edition has been revised to reflect changes in the
law since the last printing in 2004. The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence
& Sexual Assault’s Legal Advocacy Project will continue to update the
handbook on a regular basis.
This handbook is designed to inform women in Alaska about the law and how it
applies to them, but it is not intended to serve as legal advice nor to replace the
services of an attorney.
The information in this handbook is based upon the law in effect on January 1,
2007. However, laws are subject to change by the courts and the legislature.
For advice about a specific legal problem or for more in-depth information, you
should contact an attorney.
Special thanks to former Governor Tony Knowles’s Office for transferring the
copyright from the former Alaska Women’s Commission to ANDVSA.
Copyright ©2007, ©2004, ©2001, ©1998 Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual
Assault (ANDVSA).
1. Introduction 6
2. Legal Representation 9
3. Employment 18
Chapter One
Alaska has passed a state equal rights amendment guaranteeing Alaskan women the
legal right to be treated equally. However, women often face problems exercising this
right: they may have difficulty obtaining work because of their sex; they may be
unable to collect support from former husbands; they may not obtain a fair property
settlement when leaving a non-marital relationship; or they may face discrimination
or harassment in their workplace.
This handbook outlines legal rights affecting women in various areas. Be aware,
however, that the law can change and is sometimes difficult to interpret. If you have
a legal problem, try to consult an attorney or government agency.
• Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, a federal law prohibiting
discrimination in employment.
• The 1972 amendment to the Alaska Courts interpret federal and state laws,
Constitution that includes an equal regulations, and constitutions in
rights provision that reads: “No individual cases. Much law is set by the
Introduction 7
The numbers before and after the State laws vary. This is particularly true
abbreviations refer to chapters and concerning marriage and family life. Do
sections of the laws. The citation for not assume that the law of another state
cases gives the names of the parties, applies in Alaska or that Alaska laws
volume, reporter, page number, state, apply in other states.
and year of decision, as in Smith v.
Jones, 830 P.2d 437 (Alaska 1992). TRIBAL LAW AND COURTS
CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAW Native Alaskan tribes have distinct legal
rights and powers. For example, the
The law is divided into two broad areas: federal Indian Child Welfare Act [25
U.S.C. §1901 et seq.] limits the State’s
• civil law, where persons or intervention and powers in cases
institutions sue each other (such as involving the placement or adoption of
divorce/child custody actions, Native Alaskan children. Tribes also
8 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Chapter Two
Women with legal problems should consult with an attorney if possible. If the legal
problem is complex, she may need to retain an attorney to represent her. This is the
ideal; however, there are circumstances (usually lack of money) that may force a
woman to represent herself.
The best time to see an attorney is before Some of the circumstances that may
a problem occurs – not when you are in require professional legal assistance are:
legal trouble. Preventative law can save
time, trouble, and money. Many • buying or selling real estate;
situations involving legal rights and • major financial transactions;
responsibilities can be handled without
• signing a lease or contract with
the assistance of an attorney. However,
major financial considerations;
if you are about to undertake a major
obligation or if circumstances are • marriage, divorce, child custody, or
confusing, consult an attorney. An adoption;
attorney can analyze the legal • if you are involved in a lawsuit;
implications of a situation, offer advice, • if you are arrested or charged with a
and decide how best to protect your crime;
rights. • starting or closing a business;
• drafting a Will or other estate
To help you decide if you need an planning;
attorney, ask yourself these questions:
• if you have tax concerns or financial
• What is at stake?
• when you have a serious accident;
• What are the consequences if the and
problem is ignored?
• when you make appearances,
• Are there other ways to solve the applications or appeals to
problem? government agencies or boards.
• How much is it likely to cost to hire
an attorney?
• Am I knowledgeable about the law
10 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Why can’t I handle my own legal and phone calls, including dates, times,
problems? names, and summaries of conversations.
Follow-up with a letter whenever
You may represent yourself in court and possible .
handle your own legal matters. Self-help
“kits,” pro se packets, and preprinted Keep letters short, concise, and
forms are sometimes available. businesslike. If possible, use plain
However, these items may not consider businesslike stationary. Keep copies of
individual needs, differences, and all correspondence. Keep copies of
complications. information that may be useful such as
receipts, tax records, and licenses.
Many laws are complex and are
frequently changed. Attorneys are If you need something done by a certain
trained to explain the law, to provide time, set a clear deadline in a letter. You
legal assistance, and to be aware of court may want to send letters by certified
procedures, filing requirements, mail if you need to have a record that
deadlines, and other details which a non- they were received.
attorney could easily overlook. This role
is important since judges and court Be punctual and businesslike when you
personnel are not allowed to give you meet with people. If possible, arrange
legal advice. childcare so you are able to give your
full attention to the attorney. Prepare for
REPRESENTING YOURSELF meetings and think about which
documents you may need to have with
If possible, make an appointment with you.
an attorney for a consultation. Some
attorneys give reduced rates for the first Representing yourself is no substitute for
half hour or hour consultation. If you having an attorney represent you. If at all
decide to pay for a short consultation, try possible, make arrangements to get legal
to prepare for it in advance. Think about counsel. If you cannot pay for an
the questions that are most important to attorney, you may qualify for free help
ask. You may want to prepare notes to from Alaska Legal Services. [See the
take with you. Resource Directory at the back of this
handbook for the office nearest you.]
One of the things to keep in mind if you You also should check whether you or a
must represent yourself is to put things relative is entitled to legal help through a
in writing. Keep notes on conversations union benefit plan. You might consider
Legal Representation 11
borrowing money to ensure that you are Center can provide legal
well represented. information, not legal advice or
strategy, and confirms that there is
FAMILY LAW SELF-HELP no attorney representing the caller.
CENTER The facilitator then asks the caller
basic information to determine the
The Family Law Self-Help Center is a type of case, the procedural posture,
free statewide public service provided by and identify what the caller is trying
the Alaska Court System dedicated to to accomplish. The facilitator will
helping self-represented people achieve provide background information
a better understanding of family law about the issue at hand, present
procedures, increasing access to family options, and discuss specific forms.
law courts, and facilitating quicker If the person needs additional
resolution of family law matters. The assistance, the facilitator will
Center also provides referrals to social schedule a follow-up call. The
service and legal organizations and facilitator cannot review forms for
government agencies. The following accuracy or completeness.
services are available: • Free Self-help Computer/Printer
• Self-Help Center Website: In cooperation with Alaska Legal
www.state.ak.us/courts/selfhelp.htm Services Corporation, the Family
The website provides comprehensive Law Self-Help Center has deployed
information about divorce, seven workstations at various courts
dissolution, child custody, child for use by self-represented people in
support, and paternity. The page is any type of civil case. These
easy to use and has detailed workstations provide access to
information and downloadable forms unlimited internet service, Microsoft
and instructions for virtually all Word and Excel software, and
commonly experienced situations. telephones with local access and pre-
• Statewide Telephone Helpline: programmed speed dialing to
907-264-0851 / 1-866-279-0851 relevant statewide providers. The
The statewide Helpline is available self-help workstations are located in
to anyone without a lawyer and Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau,
strives to provide appropriate legal Ketchikan, Kenai, Kodiak, and
education to help people help Palmer.
themselves. In a typical call, the
facilitator first explains that the
12 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
the Alaska Bar Association Office when calling for an appointment with an
for more information about your attorney. Some attorneys have a policy
rights. of “no charge for the initial
consultation,” while others charge for a
LEGAL FEES client’s first visit.
When should legal fees and costs be If after an initial visit you decide not to
discussed? take further action, you are under no
obligation to proceed. However, you will
It is appropriate and important to discuss be expected to pay for the initial visit
fees when you first visit an attorney. unless you are advised or promised
You have a right to know how you will otherwise.
be charged, how much the case is likely
to cost, and when you have to pay. Is a written fee agreement necessary?
If you have questions about a bill, If you are getting divorced but have no
contact your attorney and discuss it. legal benefits or money, you still should
Most attorneys maintain detailed records consult an attorney. Ask if the attorney
of time spent and expenses associated will take your case for future court-
with each case and can itemize or ordered attorney fees or go to court to
thoroughly explain any charges you get your spouse to give you money to
think are confusing or improper. pay your attorney. The attorney you
choose may be willing to wait for a fee
Can I do anything to reduce legal at the end of the case if you can help pay
expenses? costs along the way.
The following suggestions may help You must have a written fee agreement
reduce legal costs: between yourself and your attorney in
the form of a letter or a contract if the
Legal Representation 15
fee exceeds $500. This agreement can bank information, medical records, or
keep you from later having a dispute employment records. Also, ask the
over your bill. You can tell the attorney attorney what documents and
not to work more than a specified information you should bring in to the
number of hours and not to run up high office on your first visit.
costs in your case without telling you
what she or he is doing. Be aware that attorneys charge for their
time. You will be billed for the time
Divorce case fees are usually charged by spent talking with your attorney both in
the hour. Personal injury and some the office and on the telephone. Try to
employment cases are usually handled call only when necessary. Ask the
on a contingent fee basis, which attorney’s secretary questions that are
generally means the attorney receives a not legal in nature.
portion of any recovery actually received
and the client pays the costs of Realize that your attorney only provides
representation. legal services. The attorney is not your
counselor, parent, minister, etc. Many
Some laws, such as the federal Equal people have emotional issues associated
Employment Opportunity Act, award with their legal problems, especially if
attorney’s fees if you win. In Alaska, a they are getting a divorce. Many
spouse may have to give the other domestic violence programs and
spouse money for attorney fees in a women’s resource centers have trained
divorce if that spouse has more assets or advocates who can help you sort out
earning power. Alaska courts give the your feelings and discuss your options.
winning side an attorney’s fee award in
some cases. [Civil Rule 82.] If you are not happy with the service you
are getting from an attorney, you can
WORKING WITH AN ATTORNEY always fire that attorney and hire another
one. Some women stay with attorneys
Do not be intimidated by your attorney. that are not working out for them
Do not hesitate to ask questions even if because they think it will be too
you are embarrassed. Remember, your expensive to change. In some instances,
attorney is there to help you and answer a woman may be better off making a
your questions. change in attorneys and incurring the
costs associated with the change. If you
Ask what you can do to save money on need to fire your attorney, ask for a copy
your legal bill, e.g., gathering your own of your file so that you can give it to
16 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
If you think your attorney is not acting in The Alaska Bar Association administers
your best interests, you may file a a Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection to
complaint against the attorney with the provide reimbursement when an attorney
Alaska Bar Association and they will has taken money or property by
Legal Representation 17
Employment discrimination is one of the most common complaints in employment
disputes. It can include sex discrimination, sexual harassment, age discrimination,
religious discrimination, discrimination because of a physical or mental disability,
pregnancy discrimination, or discrimination based upon a person’s race, ethnicity,
national origin, or religion. If you believe that you are a victim of employment
discrimination, you should know about the federal, state, and local laws designed to
protect you.
What is the Rehabilitation Act of federal or state law, the employee may
1973? be entitled to hiring, promotion,
reinstatement, back wages and benefits,
This Act prohibits employment and future wages and benefits if she can
discrimination on the basis of a handicap show a reduction in her earning capacity.
in any program or activity that receives Compensatory damages for emotional
federal financial assistance, such as the distress or pain and suffering and
federal government, state agencies, or punitive damages may also be granted.
federal contractors.
There are caps under federal law on the
What is Title IX of the Education a mo u n t o f c o mb i n e d f u t u r e ,
Amendments of 1972? compensatory, and punitive damages.
The caps range from $50,000 to
This Act prohibits discrimination on the $300,000 depending on the size of the
basis of sex in educational programs or employer. In 1997, the Alaska State
activities that receive federal financial legislature passed a “tort reform” bill
assistance. that put caps on compensatory and
punitive damages under state law. [AS
What is Title VI of the Civil Rights 9.17.020.] Check with your attorney to
Act of 1964? find out the possible tax consequences
for awards of lost income.
This Act prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color, or national origin in What type of conduct is prohibited
programs or activities receiving federal under Title VII?
financial assistance.
There has been a great deal of publicity
Retaliation against a person who files a regarding sexual harassment and hostile
charge of discrimination, participates in environment. One of the greatest
an investigation, or opposes an unlawful misconceptions in this area concerns the
employment practice is prohibited by all protected classes. If the adverse
of these federal laws. employment action or harassment is not
due to the employee being a member of
What happens if the employment one of the “protected classes,” the action
practice is found to be is not discrimination. (The employer
discriminatory? may still be subject to liability for some
other illegal employment practice or for
If discrimination is found under either breach of its employment policies.) For
22 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
“Quid pro quo” and “hostile How can a woman show she has been
environment” are the two types of sexual sexually harassed?
harassment. “Quid pro quo” sexual
harassment is the easiest to identify. It To show sexual harassment, a woman
occurs when a supervisor who controls must show that she is a member of a
an employee’s terms and conditions of protected class and that she is being
employment attempts to exchange harassed because of her sex. Even if
benefits at work for sexual favors from harassing behavior lacks sexually
the employee. [Meritor Savings Bank v. explicit content, if the conduct is
Vinson, 477 U.S. 57 (1986).] “Hostile directed at or motivated by hostility
environment” sexual harassment is against women, there can be a hostile
unwelcome behavior that happens environment claim. [Robinson v.
because of your sex. The conduct must Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc., 760
be especially severe or pervasive that it F.Supp. 1486 (M.D. Fla. 1991).] In a
interferes with work performance or hostile environment claim, the harasser
creates a hostile or unpleasant work can be a supervisor, co-worker,
place. Verbal conduct such as jokes, subordinate, or even a customer or
remarks, or bantering, in addition to subcontractor of the employer. The
touching, visuals, gestures, and other victim is not required to have a wage
conduct that may be sexual in nature can loss because of the sexual harassment;
create a hostile work environment. that is, you are not required to be
terminated or turned down for a
In the past, the distinction between “quid promotion or raise in order to have a
pro quo” and “hostile environment” valid claim. In all hostile environment
sexual harassment was important in cases, the conduct complained of must
determining employer liability for a be so severe or pervasive that it created a
supervisor’s acts. Two recent United hostile workplace.
States Supreme Court decisions have
made it easier for employers to be held
Employment 25
If an employer has notice, or should How can a woman show that the
have had notice, of sexual harassment, harassment is unwelcome?
the employer must take action. It is this
failure to take action that makes the The victim will be required to establish
employer legally responsible for sexual that the conduct of the harasser was
harassment. An employer will be unwelcome. An Alaska case, French v.
deemed to have “constructive notice” if Jadon, Inc., 911 P.2d 20 (Alaska 1996),
the workplace is permeated with sexual indicates that a woman must report that
conduct. the conduct was unwelcome by reporting
the harassment, keeping a diary, or
What is an employer’s liability for telling someone.
supervisor sexual harassment?
What if a woman engages in sexual
In Faragher v. City of Boca Raton and conduct for fear of losing her
Burlington Industries v. Ellerth, the employment?
Supreme Court held that employers are
liable for sexual harassment by a If an employee submits to unwelcome
supervisor, regardless of whether the advances or participates in sexual banter
employer knows about specific incidents out of fear of being ostracized from the
of harassment, if it resulted in a tangible work group or of losing her job, she may
employment action such as firing, failure still have a valid claim for sexual
to promote, or loss of job benefits. The harassment. For example, the EEOC
employer can assert an affirmative guidelines clarify that even if a woman
defense if the harassment did not cause a has participated in sexual banter with co-
tangible employment action. The workers, unwelcome sexual touching by
employer must show that they exercised a supervisor may still constitute a valid
care to prevent and correct promptly any sexual harassment claim.
sexually harassing behavior and that the
employee unreasonably failed to take Does the sexual harassment need to be
advantage of any preventive or directed at the victim?
corrective opportunities provided by the
employer or to otherwise avoid harm. The sexual harassment does not need to
26 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
What are Alaska’s laws regarding In what way do jobs have to be equal
wage discrimination? to qualify under the equal pay act?
What are the federal laws regarding Some typical defenses that are raised by
wage discrimination? the employer under equal pay act claims
include a factor other than sex such as
At the federal level, the Equal Pay Act education or training differences.
of 1963 amended the Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA) to prohibit pay PREGNANCY DISCRIMINATION
discrimination because of sex. This
requires employers to pay equal wages What is the federal law regarding
to men and women working under pregnancy discrimination?
similar working conditions where they
are performing equal work on jobs At the federal level, the Pregnancy
requiring equal skill, effort, and Discrimination Act of 1978 amended
responsibility. Pay differences based on Title VII to include under the definition
a seniority or merit system that measures of sex any discrimination based upon
earnings by quantity or quality of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical
production are permitted. Employers conditions. This Act makes it unlawful
may not reduce the wage rate of any for an employer to refuse to hire a
employee in order to eliminate illegal woman because she is pregnant unless
wage differences. The law is interpreted pregnancy interferes with the major
as applying to “wages” in the sense of all tasks associated with the job. [42 U.S.C.
employment-related payments, including § 2000e (k).]
overtime, uniforms, travel, and other
28 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
take the employment, you may have an you should review those policies and
enforceable contract. The Alaska procedures since your employer is
Supreme Court has said that an employer required to follow them. If you are
need not have employment policies and required to take steps under the policy to
handbooks; if they do, however, the object to adverse action, you should do
rules and policies constitute a contract so within the time frames allowed. If you
and must be followed. do not understand the policies and
procedures, you may want to contact
In what other situations can an your human resources representative or
employee bring a claim against an an attorney.
What are the laws in Alaska regarding
Employees in Alaska may also bring a personnel files?
claim against the employer for breach of
the covenant of good faith and fair Alaska law allows employees to obtain
dealing. Among other things, the copies of their personnel files and any
covenant requires an employer to follow other records that the employer
any policies and procedures it has maintains regarding the employee. If you
established, to treat like employees alike, want a copy of your personnel file, you
and to not terminate employees for false should send or hand deliver a letter to
reasons. An employer is not allowed to the employer, addressed to the person in
deprive the employee of benefits earned charge of personnel, and state in your
under the contract and is required to act letter: “Please consider this a formal
in good faith and deal fairly with request for a copy of my personnel file
employees. Employees also cannot be and any other records you maintain
terminated for reasons that are against regarding me pursuant to AS 23.10.430.
public policy, e.g., discharge for jury I am willing to pay reasonable copying
duty or filing a workers’ compensation costs. I would like to pick up a copy of
claim. the file by [fill in the date].”
(This section is adapted from The Impact of Does workers’ compensation cover
Violence in the Lives of Working Women: injuries related to domestic or sexual
Creating Solutions-Creating Change. Copyright
©2000 by NOW Legal Defense and Education violence?
Fund, 395 Hudson, Street, New York, NY 10014,
Tel. 212-925-6635.) Workers’ compensation provides no-
fault, generally exclusive coverage for
Domestic violence does not always stop work-related injuries as defined by state
34 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
victim. [Yunker v. Honeywell, Inc., 496 Is an employee who has to leave work
N.W.2d 419, 424 (Minn. Ct. App. because of domestic or sexual violence
1993).] In responding to complaints that eligible for unemployment
their employees committed violent acts, compensation?
however, company officials must take
care not to violate other legal obligations Women who have left their jobs as a
nor to jeopardize the rights of the result of domestic violence, workplace
accused. For example, in many rapes, or other forms of sexual
jurisdictions, companies may not harassment may be eligible for
discriminate against employees who unemployment benefits in some states if
have criminal records unless the they can prove that they quit for
employer’s action was based on job- “compelling” reasons that constituted
related factors. “good cause.” Each state has its own
definition of what constitutes “good
Do occupational safety and health cause.” In an increasing number of
laws apply when there is violence in states, women who have left their jobs
the workplace? because of domestic violence are able to
receive unemployment compensation, in
Federal and state occupational safety and most circumstances, under a “good
health laws require employers to make cause” provision that explicitly covers
sure their employees work in safe domestic violence.
environments. The federal Occupational
Safety and Health Act of 1970 Can the Americans with Disabilities
(“OSHA”) contains a “general duty Act of 1990 apply when an employee is
clause” that requires every employer to a victim of domestic or sexual
provide a workplace free from violence?
recognized safety hazards. [ 29 U.S.C. §
654(a) (2000).] State laws impose An employee who has a disability due to
similar requirements. OSHA’s general domestic or sexual violence and is able
duty clause may be interpreted to require to perform the essential functions of a
employers to take reasonable steps to job may not be terminated, demoted,
protect workers from violent attacks in harassed, or otherwise disadvantaged
the workplace. because of her disability and may be
entitled to “reasonable accommodations”
under the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA), as discussed elsewhere in
this chapter. Employees who are dealing
with domestic violence may experience
36 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
many forms of abuse that cause mental How do I make a complaint if I have
and/or physical disabilities which would been discriminated against?
qualify them for protection under the
ADA. Reasonable accommodations may Complaint procedures can vary
include time away from the office for considerably depending on the type of
appointments with doctors, modified claim being made and how it is being
work schedule, additional training or pursued. It is important to file your
supervision, a transfer, or medical leave. complaint promptly. Check with an
attorney or the agency you are working
Can the Family and Medical Leave with early in the process to establish the
Act apply when an employee is a deadlines for filing a claim in court. A
victim of domestic or sexual violence? written complaint is necessary under
most discrimination laws. If you decide
An employee who needs time off from to pursue a claim of discrimination, you
work for herself or a family member for should be aware that the deadlines for
a “serious health condition” resulting certain actions are very short and strict.
from domestic or sexual violence may be If you are unsure about how the law
entitled to job protected leave under the might apply to a specific situation, call
federal Family and Medical Leave Act the agency that handles those
as discussed in this chapter. complaints. They either will know the
law or refer you to the agency that does.
RESOURCES With requests for grievances or
investigations by your union or your
What do I do if I am the victim of employer, it is safest to file written
discrimination? complaints or requests.
If you think you have been the victim of Where can I file a charge of
discrimination, you can hire an attorney discrimination?
to advocate for you, and/or you can
pursue a claim through one of the local, You may file a charge of discrimination
state, or federal agencies responsible for with the United States Equal
enforcing the laws that cover Employment Opportunity Commission
discrimination. (EEOC) or the Alaska State Commission
for Human Rights (ASCHR) if you
believe you have been discriminated
against by an employer, labor union, or
employment agency when applying for a
Employment 37
job or while on the job because of your Directory at the end of this handbook for
race, color, sex, religion, national origin, contact information.] To avoid delay,
age, disability, marital status, pregnancy, call or write beforehand if you need
or parenthood. You also may file a special assistance to file a charge.
charge of discrimination with EEOC or
ASCHR if you believe that you have What is a Notice of Right to Sue letter
been discriminated against because of issued by EEOC?
opposing a prohibited practice or
participating in an equal employment The issuance of a Notice of Right to Sue
opportunity matter. See the Resource letter ends EEOC’s process with respect
Directory at the end of this handbook for to your charge. You may file a lawsuit
contact information. against the respondent named in your
charge within 90 days from the date you
How do I file a charge with the Alaska receive this notice. You should keep a
State Commission for Human Rights? record of this date because once this 90-
day period is over, your right to sue is
An individual aggrieved by an alleged lost. If you intend to consult an attorney,
discriminatory practice prohibited by AS you should do so as soon as possible.
18.80.100-145 may file a written
complaint with the Commission. Your lawsuit may be filed in state court
Complaints must be filed with the or the United States District Court.
Alaska State Commission for Human Filing the notice is not sufficient. A
Rights (ASCHR) within 180 days of the court complaint must contain a short
alleged discriminatory act. It may be statement of the facts of your case that
filed in person or by mail at any shows that you are entitled to relief.
Commission office. The Commission’s Generally, suits are brought in the state
staff will assist you with drafting and where the alleged unlawful practice
filing the complaint. You can contact occurred, but in some cases can be
ASCHR at 1-800-478-4692 for more brought where relevant employment
information. records are kept, where the employment
would have been, or where the
How do I file a charge with the respondent has its main office.
You may contact EEOC if you have any
Charges may be filed in person, by mail, questions about your rights, including
or by telephone by contacting the nearest advice on which court can hear your
EEOC office. [See the Resource case, or if you need to inspect and copy
38 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
information contained in the case file. may want to ask how much experience
(Additionally, many EEOC offices can the attorney has with these types of
provide you with names of private cases. Try to find an attorney who is
attorneys who have agreed to consider recommended for his or her work in this
referrals for private litigation.) area.
No. A complaint filed with one agency is • The Alaska State Commission for
considered filed with the other due to a Human Rights (ASCHR) is the state
work sharing agreement. agency that enforces the Alaska
Human Rights Law. The
Is it important to file employment Commission maintains an
discrimination complaints promptly? investigative unit in Anchorage. The
Commission has statewide powers
Yes. There are strict time frames in and accepts complaints from all
which employment discrimination regions of the state. At the present
claims must be filed. It is important to time, if an individual has a
file complaints promptly to preserve the discrimination action in the
ability of the local, state, or federal Commission, the individual can only
agency to act on your behalf and to recover actual wage and benefit
protect your right to file a private lawsuit damages. There can be no recovery
if needed. for emotional distress or punitive
damages in the Commission.
How can I find an attorney for my (However, emotional distress and
employment discrimination claim? punitive damages are available
before the federal EEOC and in a
Employment law and employment state court civil suit under AS
discrimination law are specialized areas 18.80.220.) An Alaska Supreme
of practice. You may call the Alaska Bar Court ruling explains the
Association Lawyer Referral Service at requirements to get a hearing with
1-800-770-9999 for the numbers of the Commission. [State Department
attorneys who practice in this area. You of Fish and Game v. Meyer, 906
Employment 39
Chapter Four
stay under the Bankruptcy Code. If a out whether both spouses are entitled to
credit report discloses such a claim, you use the account. If both spouses use the
can contact the company in writing and account, the creditor must report credit
demand that they correct the report. in each person’s name. This means that
Include a copy of your discharge order married women can establish their own
and ask for the company to provide you credit simply by having joint accounts
with an updated credit report removing with their spouses.
the liability as current and outstanding
and reporting it as discharged in Questions about your age or marital
bankruptcy. If the credit reporting status are not prohibited by the Equal
company fails to do so, you can contact Credit Opportunity Act. One reason is
an attorney who has experience in that agencies may take your race or age
litigating consumer law issues. You may into account to give elderly or
sue in federal court for both damages disadvantaged persons favorable
and the costs of such action. treatment. Another reason is that it is
reasonable for the agency to inquire
What federal protections do I have about age or marital status to determine
against credit discrimination? probable future income.
The federal Equal Credit Opportunity Many federal agencies, particularly the
Act [15 U.S.C. §§ 1691] and Regulation Federal Trade Commission, have the
B [12 CFR 202.001] prohibit duty to enforce the Equal Credit
discrimination in credit because of race, Opportunity Act. If you are denied credit
color, religion, national origin, sex, based on one of the prohibited
marital status, and age. The Act says that categories, you have a right to action by
spouses have the right to apply for the Federal Trade Commission, Office of
separate credit reporting. If your spouse the Comptroller of the Currency.
has a bad credit rating or too many
debts, you may want to maintain What state protections do I have
separate credit. There can be no against credit discrimination?
discrimination because a credit applicant
receives public assistance. The only age The Alaska Fair Credit law [AS
discrimination permitted is that no one 18.80.250] says that an institutional
has to give credit to a minor under age creditor cannot refuse credit or loans
18. because of “sex, physical or mental
disability, marital status, changes in
For joint accounts, creditors must find marital status, pregnancy, parenthood,
Credit, Debt Collection, & Bankruptcy 43
race, religion, color, or national origin.” Practices Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 1692) offers
The state law is similar to the federal protection to individuals from certain
laws. The state also forbids creditors types of debt collection practices.
from denying credit to a spouse or Among the practices that are prohibited
requiring both spouses to have a single is conduct by the collector that is likely
account. to harass, oppress, or abuse a person in
connection with the collection of the
How can I get relief from credit debt. A debt collector may not use any
discrimination? false, deceptive, or misleading
representations or means in their effort
If you are denied your rights under state to collect a debt. The Act also regulates
or federal law, first ask the creditor for communication between the collector,
all of the information you need. Insist on the debtor, and third parties such as
correcting wrong information in your employers and landlords. The Act
file. Complain to the agency regulating provides for civil liability and statutory
the creditor. You may then consider a damages if it is violated. If you have
suit in state or federal court. If you win questions about your rights under this
in court, you can get your actual federal legislation, you should contact an
damages and attorney’s fees, and in attorney who practices in this area of the
some cases, punitive damages. You can law. The Alaska Bar Association may be
also have the court order the creditor to able to refer you to an appropriate
extend credit. individual to assist you if you are unable
to locate a knowledgeable attorney
If you believe the lender or creditor through your telephone directory.
discriminated against you for improper
reasons, you can also file charges with If you do discuss your situation with
the Alaska State Commission for Human your creditors, you may be able to
Rights. See the Resource Directory at resolve the situation by establishing a
the end of this handbook for contact payment plan. Before making any
information. payments, you should insist upon
receiving a written agreement with the
BANKRUPTCY AND DEBT creditor setting forth the terms of your
COLLECTION agreement. You may be able to negotiate
a discount in the debt and interest rate if
Federal laws provide a number of you can convince the creditor that you
statutory protections to consumers from are in financial hardship. However, the
debt collectors. The Fair Debt Collection information you provide may be used by
44 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
the collection agency to identify assets debtor’s reasonable and necessary living
and any sources of income. You should expenses, and whose exemptions
insist that any agreement include a adequately protect the assets that the
provision that the creditor will take no debtor would like to retain after the
further collection action while you bankruptcy. Dischargeable debt consists
negotiate the debt before providing the of all liabilities existing before the filing
creditor with information. You also may of the bankruptcy petition except that
wish to consult with a consumer credit designated as non-dischargeable under
counselor before engaging in 11 U.S.C § 523 (a). This statutory
negotiations with your creditors or section prohibits discharging:
supplying them with information.
• u n p a i d t ax e s ( w i t h s o m e
In the event you are unable to resolve exceptions);
your financial problems by negotiation • child support, alimony, and certain
with your creditors, you can consider property settlement obligations;
bankruptcy. Federal law currently
• fines and penalties owing a
provides consumers protection against
overwhelming indebtedness through two
forms of bankruptcy relief. Known as • debts incurred through fraudulent
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, these two conduct;
forms of bankruptcy relief are designed • debts incurred after the filing of
to give individuals a fresh start in life in bankruptcy (post petition); and
terms of resolving their financial • government guaranteed student
problems. Both of these forms of relief loans.
are subject to pending legislation that
will alter their availability so it is critical Chapter 7 relief may be denied on
that you discuss your circumstances with certain grounds, including a prior
someone who is knowledgeable in discharge in bankruptcy in a case filed
bankruptcy. within six years prior to the current
filing, commission of certain fraudulent
What is Chapter 7 relief from debt? or dishonest acts, and/or inability to
explain disappearance of assets.
Chapter 7 relief is the most commonly
filed petition by consumers and is known The substantial amendments to the
as a liquidation proceeding. A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Code became effective on
case typically involves a debtor who is October 16, 2005. Many people think
mired in dischargeable debt and whose that these amendments made filing
income is close to or less than the
Credit, Debt Collection, & Bankruptcy 45
proceeding. $2,950.
3. The debtor has assets that exceed her
exemption rights in property she What is the effect of filing Chapter 7
wishes to keep after the bankruptcy. or Chapter 13 relief from debt on the
The amendments to the Bankruptcy collection efforts of creditors?
Code no longer allow the debtor to
use her actual reasonable and A debtor is freed from the burden of the
necessary living expenses to collection efforts of creditors under
determine her net disposable income either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13
that funds a plan. The allowable bankruptcy. Creditors have to stop their
living expenses are now based on efforts to collect once the debtor has
guidelines that are published for filed her bankruptcy petition. The goal in
each state and major urban areas every bankruptcy is for the debtor to
within those states by the Internal receive a discharge. After receiving the
Revenue Service. discharge, the debtor no longer has any
personal liability for the pre-petition
Every state and federal government debt that is discharged. The debt is no
recognizes that some types of property longer legally enforceable. The concerns
are essential for maintenance of an and pressures of having to deal with the
individual’s health, safety, and welfare. pre-petition indebtedness is removed,
Therefore, every state has statutory and the debtor is free of the burden of a
exemption rights in varying amounts in mountain of debt that she could never
those types of property deemed to be repay. However, there is a cost to relief
essential. The equity that is exempt in from debt through bankruptcy.
each category of property varies from Typically, credit agencies will report
state to state and from state to federal your bankruptcy filing for a period from
government. For example, in Alaska, AS seven to ten years after the filing. You
09.38.010(a)(3) and 8 AAC 95.030 will also have to report your bankruptcy
establish an exemption amount of when filling out most loan applications;
$67,500 in a debtor’s home. The federal however, most individuals find that the
exemption is $18,450 per debtor. Thus, benefits of the bankruptcy outweigh the
if a debtor has substantial equity in her costs.
home, she may protect that equity up to
$67,500 in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Most public libraries contain materials
Similarly, Alaska protects up to $3,750 about bankruptcy. There are individuals
worth of equity in a debtor’s automobile, who successfully handle their own
while the federal statute protects only bankruptcies, but there are risks involved
Credit, Debt Collection, & Bankruptcy 47
Chapter Five
Victims of crimes have certain rights and protections under state and federal law.
Alaska has an Office of Victims’ Rights and a Violent Crimes Compensation Board to
assist victims of crime.
What are the different types of crimes witness to one, you may be asked or
in Alaska? subpoenaed to testify in a grand jury or
trial proceeding. If you are served with a
Crimes are divided into felonies, subpoena, you have been ordered to
misdemeanors, and violations. Felonies appear before a judge and/or a jury. If
are serious offenses, such as murder, for you do not appear, you may be charged
which the sentence can include with the crime of contempt. If you are
imprisonment for more than a year. subpoenaed in a criminal case, you can
Misdemeanors are less serious crimes, call the prosecutor’s office for answers
such as driving while intoxicated, that to any questions you have.
can lead to imprisonment for up to one
year. Violations are minor infractions, Your local domestic violence or sexual
such as traffic tickets, that cannot be assault program can provide advocacy
punished by imprisonment and are and information about the criminal
generally punished by fines. process. See the Resource Directory at
the end of this handbook for contact
If criminal charges are filed, will I information.
have to go to court?
What help can paralegals provide in order is a civil remedy, it can result in
the prosecutor’s office? criminal charges if violated.
Are matters that come before OVR need of immediate medical attention.
confidential? • The right to protection from the
defendant by the judge setting bail
OVR is required by law to keep and/or conditions of release.
confidential all matters and information, • The right to protection from
as well as the identities of all harassment or threats because of
complainants or witnesses coming your involvement in this case. If
before OVR, except insofar as someone bothers you or threatens
disclosures of such information may be you, call the police or the District
necessary to enable OVR to carry out its Attorney’s Office. They may be able
duties and to support its to help in these ways:
recommendations. However, OVR may ο by contacting the person, or the
not disclose a confidential record person’s attorney, to tell the
obtained from a court or justice agency. person to stop bothering you;
ο by investigating and, if
CRIME VICTIM RIGHTS necessary, arresting and
prosecuting the person;
You have both constitutional and ο by asking a judge to put the
statutory rights as a crime victim. Your person back in jail, if the person
constitutional rights are those contained has been released; and
in Alaska’s Constitution. Statutory rights ο by providing information about
are those created by the Alaska shelter programs that may be
legislature. available in your area.
• The right to timely disposition of the
There is a person in the District
case following the arrest of the
Attorney’s Office called a Victim-
Witness Paralegal/Coordinator who can
answer your questions and provide • The right not to be fired from your
assistance to you as a crime victim. job because you have to miss time
from work to go to court at the
If you are a victim of a crime, you have request of the prosecuting attorney.
these rights: • The right to obtain information
about and to attend all court hearings
• The right to be treated with dignity, that the defendant has a right to
respect, and fairness throughout the attend.
criminal justice process. • The right not to have your address
• The right to see a doctor if you are in released to the public.
54 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Department of Corrections
4500 Diplomacy Dr., Suite 219
Anchorage, AK 99508
Chapter Six
Use of gender specific language in this committed against women since the age
chapter of 18, 100 percent of rapes, 92 percent of
physical assaults, and 97 percent of
Domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking acts were perpetrated by men.
stalking are gender specific crimes. (Tjaden P, Thoennes N., Full Report of
While women are less likely than men to the Prevalence, Incidence, and
be victims of violent crimes overall, Consequences of Violence Against
women are five to eight times more Women: Findings from the National
likely than men to be victimized by an Violence Against Women Survey.
intimate partner. Statistics show that 78 Washington: National Institute of
percent of stalking victims are women. Justice; 2000. Report NCJ 183781.)
Women are significantly more likely
than men (60 percent and 30 percent, The gender specific language used in
respectively) to be stalked by intimate this chapter reflects that domestic
partners. Other studies have shown that violence, sexual assault, and stalking
95 percent of domestic violence is primarily occur by men against women;
committed by men against women. however, men can be victims.
Women are more likely to be victims of
sexual violence than men: 78 percent of What is the frequency of violence
the victims of rape and sexual assault are against women?
women and 22 percent are men. Most
perpetrators of sexual violence are men. A woman is battered every nine seconds
Among acts of sexual violence in this country. Although serious violent
58 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
crime levels have declined since 1993, also passed changes to the Gun Control
domestic violence still remains one of Act making it a federal crime in certain
the greatest single causes of injury to situations for batterers to possess guns.
women in the United States. By The majority of domestic violence,
conservative estimates, 1.5 million sexual assault, and stalking cases will
women are raped and/or physically continue to be handled by your state and
assaulted by an intimate partner annually local authorities. In some cases,
in the United States, according to the however, the federal laws may be the
National Violence Against Women most appropriate course of action.
Survey. By other estimates, four million
American women experience a serious What are the federal crimes and
assault by a partner during an average 12 penalties?
month period. In Alaska, the effects of
domestic violence and sexual assault are All the federal domestic violence crimes
pervasive. Alaskan women are murdered are felonies. It is a federal crime under
by their intimate partners at a rate 1.5 VAWA:
times greater than the national average.
In 2004, Alaska ranked first for rates of • to cross state lines or enter or leave
forcible rape, with 84.1 rapes committed Indian country and physically injury
per 100,000 inhabitants. That is 2.8 an “intimate partner” [18 U.S.C. §
times greater than the national average. 2261.];
(Crime in the United States, FBI, 2005) • to cross state lines to stalk or harass
or to stalk or harass within the
THE VIOLENCE AGAINST maritime or territorial lands of the
WOMEN ACT AND THE GUN United States [18 U.S.C. § 2261A.];
• to cross state lines or enter or leave
In 2005, Congress reauthorized the
Indian country and violate a
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA),
qualifying protective order. [18
which recognizes domestic violence as a
U.S.C § 2262.]
national crime. VAWA was originally
passed in 1994 and since its passage,
It is a federal crime under the Gun
significant gains have been made
Control Act:
towards ensuring victim safety and
access to critical resources while holding
perpetrators accountable for their • to possess a firearm and/or
violence. In 1994 and 1996, Congress ammunition while subject to a
qualifying protective order [18
Violence Against Women 59
The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Contact the Alaska Immigration Justice
Protection Act of 2000 defines severe Project if you need more information or
forms of trafficking in persons as: assistance. See Chapter 16 for
information on federal protections for
• sex trafficking in which a battered immigrant victims of domestic
commercial sex act is induced by violence, sexual assault, and trafficking.
force, fraud, or coercion or in which
the person induced to perform such CONFIDENTIALITY FOR
an act is under 18; and VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC
• the recruitment, harboring, VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ASSAULT,
transportation, provision or AND STALKING
obtaining of a person for labor or
services through the use of peonage, If you are a victim of domestic violence,
debt bondage, or slavery. sexual assault, or stalking, it may be
Violence Against Women 61
places you in fear that someone has you to be ridiculed. [AS 11.41.500-
been injured. [AS 11.56.810.] 530.]
Interference with a Report of Domestic Violating a Protective Order: Contacting
Violence: Attempting to, or you or going to your home, where
preventing you or someone else you work, or other places named in
from reporting domestic violence to your protective order as places from
the police. [AS 11.56.745.] which to stay away, or violating
Arson or Criminal Mischief: Damaging other conditions set by the judge in
or tampering with your property, the protective order. [AS 11.56.740.]
even if it is jointly owned. [AS Murder: Killing you, your children, or
11.46.400 & AS 11.46.480.] other family members. [AS
Kidnapping: Taking or holding you 11.41.100-110.]
against your will in order to
physically injure or sexually assault What protections are available to
you. [AS 11.41.300.] victims of domestic violence?
Custodial Interference: If the perpetrator
is related to your child, taking and The laws of Alaska provide protection to
keeping your child away from you individuals who are victims of domestic
for an extended period of time violence. One of those laws is the
without your permission when you Domestic Violence Prevention and
have legal custody. [AS 11.41.320- Victim Protection Act of 1996. This law
330.] provides comprehensive protection to
Sexual Offenses: Having sexual victims of domestic violence including
intercourse or sexual contact with civil protective orders and protections
you without your consent. [AS throughout the criminal process. See the
11.41.410-425 & AS 11.41.434- Protective Order section at the end of
460.] this chapter.
Burglary and Criminal Trespass:
Entering your residence, or another
building or dwelling, unlawfully.
[AS 11.46.300-310 & AS 11.46.320-
Robbery, Extortion and Coercion:
Taking your property by physical
force or threats, or making you do an
act by threats of force, or by threats
to expose secrets that would cause
64 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
monetary compensation for the crime give your consent. It is also a crime to
committed. Sexual assault is a criminal have sexual contact or penetration with
offense and if a victim makes a police someone who is mentally impaired and
report against a perpetrator, the District not able to understand what he or she is
Attorney may prosecute the case. A doing or the consequences of their
victim of sexual assault can also file a conduct.
civil case against a perpetrator of sexual
assault asking for monetary reparations Sexual crimes in Alaska include:
and a victim can also file for a protective
order against the perpetrator. • touching and penetration without
If you have been a victim of sexual • sexual touching, or penetration of a
assault, you can contact a domestic person who is under the age of
violence and sexual assault program in consent;
your region. See the Resource Directory
• sexual touching or penetration of a
at the end of this handbook for contact
person who is incapacitated or
incapable of consenting;
What is sexual assault? • viewing, photographing, or exposing
sexual parts of the body without
Sexual assault is when someone, without consent;
your consent, touches or penetrates you • creating or distributing child
sexually. Touching, such as rubbing a pornography; and
breast, vagina, penis or anus, even if it is • a wide range of other acts which
through clothing, is called “sexual affect a person’s right to choose
contact.” Intercourse, oral sex, or whether to interact in a sexual way
insertion of an object or body part into with another person.
the vagina or anus is called “sexual
penetration.” Sexual contact or It is also a crime to attempt to do any of
penetration occurs if the offender these acts. Sexual offenses often include
touches or penetrates your body or if you the use of physical force, threats,
have to touch or penetrate the offender’s intimidation, coercion, and
body. Another sexual assault crime manipulation.
occurs when a person has sexual contact
or penetration with you while you are What is sexual harassment?
incapacitated because of drugs,
medication, or alcohol and unable to Sexual harassment includes:
66 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Sexual assault in the third degree is also married. You can be sexually assaulted
a felony and is committed when by a friend, a date, a spouse, or a
someone has sexual contact with stranger. Approximately 80 percent of
someone who they know is mentally sexual assaults are committed by
incapable, incapacitated, or unaware that someone the victim knows. Sexual
a sexual act is being committed. [AS assault is a crime regardless of whether
11.41.425] the perpetrator is a spouse, boyfriend, or
acquaintance. A spouse can be
FACTS ABOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT prosecuted for sexual assault in the first,
second, and third degrees.
You are not alone. The U.S. Department
of Justice estimates that 130,000 sexual You may need advocacy, counseling, a
assaults occur in the United States each medical evaluation and treatment, or
year, or more than 350 per day. It other assistance. You can get help by
doesn’t matter how old you are, where calling a sexual assault or domestic
you live, or your cultural background – violence program in Alaska. [See the
you can be a victim of sexual assault. Resource Directory at the end of this
Sexual assault victims are both male and handbook for contact information.]
female, of all ages and from all walks of Attempted illegal acts are also crimes, so
life. Don’t be confused if the offender is you should report a sexual assault even
“respected” or well liked in your when the act was incomplete.
community. If the person had sexual
contact or penetration with you without Changes in the law have helped to
your permission, it was a crime. Sexual minimize a victim of sexual assault from
offenders may be from any class, being re-victimized in the courtroom. In
culture, profession, or educational level. the past, attorneys often cross-examined
the victim about her past conduct or
Nothing you did and nothing about the clothing, particularly in cases where the
way you looked makes you responsible defendant said the woman consented.
for what happened to you. The motive Now there is a law specifically
for sexual assault is the need to feel forbidding public, embarrassing cross-
powerful and in control. It is a myth that examination of a rape victim about her
sexual assault occurs because of past sexual conduct. The victim’s sexual
uncontrollable sexual urges or a lack of conduct cannot be introduced into the
sexual opportunities. Studies have trial unless the judge believes the
shown that most offenders have a information is important for the trial.
consenting sexual partner and are often This is discussed with the judge prior to
68 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
There are four levels of sexual abuse of a Who are the victims of sexual assault?
minor. They range from serious felonies
to misdemeanors depending on whether Anyone can be a victim of sexual
there is penetration or not, the age of the assault. Sexual assault is not about the
victim, and the relationship of the victim uncontrollable sexual desires of the
to the offender. [AS 11.41.434-440.] perpetrator. It is about power, control,
and domination. According to the U.S.
Other crimes include: Department of Justice, an estimated 91
percent of sexual assault victims are
• Incest: when a person who is at least female and 9 percent of victims are
Violence Against Women 69
male. However, 99 percent of sexual violence and sexual assault. One of those
assaults are perpetrated by men. laws is the Domestic Violence
Prevention and Victim Protection Act of
What are my options if I have been 1996. This law provides comprehensive
sexually assaulted? protection to victims of domestic
violence and sexual assault including
There is no right or wrong thing to do civil protective orders and protections
after you have been sexually assaulted. throughout the criminal process. Victims
The most important thing to do is to of sexual assault have the option of
ensure your own safety. You may want getting a protective order against their
to call someone you trust such as a perpetrator. For information on how to
friend or family member. You could also get a protective order, please refer to the
call a sexual assault or domestic violence Protective Order section of this chapter.
program in your town. All of these
centers have a crisis line that you could SEXUAL ASSAULT RESPONSE
call. See the Resource Directory at the TEAM (SART)
end of this handbook for contact
information. Many communities in Alaska have a
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).
You also have the option of going to the The SART team is made up of a police
hospital. You will also have the option to officer, a specially trained nurse
be screened for STDs, receive examiner, and a victim’s advocate. The
emergency contraception, and have a three components of the team come
SART exam to gather forensic evidence together at the hospital at the same time
(see the next section for more with the victim of a sexual assault.
information about SART). You can
receive services from the hospital Before the medical exam, a law
without law enforcement being involved. enforcement officer and the medical
However, Alaska law requires that provider will jointly interview the victim
medical providers report certain injuries to get information for the investigation
such as a stab or gunshot wound to law and to meet her medical needs. The
enforcement. Medical providers are also police officer then leaves during the
mandated to make reports of abuse SART exam, which is done by a
involving children or vulnerable adults. specially trained nurse examiner
(referred to as a Sexual Assault Nurse
The laws of Alaska provide protection to Examiner or SANE). The nurse
individuals who are victims of domestic examiner then gathers forensic evidence
70 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
from the victim. The nurse examiner assault program to find out if SART is
also treats the victim for any medical available.
needs that they have and can provide
options to protect against sexually What are my rights if I am a victim of
transmitted diseases and pregnancy. The sexual assault?
victim’s advocate will be there with you
throughout the entire process. The A victim of sexual assault is entitled to:
advocate will inform you about the
SART process and answer any of your • Notice and explanation of available
questions as well as support you in the protections from harm and threats of
weeks and months after the assault. harm arising out of cooperation with
law enforcement and prosecution
If you plan to press charges or get a efforts including protective orders,
SART exam, it is best not to change assistance in obtaining personal
your clothes, shower, douche, or brush belongings, transportation to safe
your teeth because these activities could home or shelter, assistance in
destroy evidence. If you have done these obtaining medical treatment, and
things, however, evidence can still be other applicable services.
gathered. It is best to get a SART exam • Make in writing or in person their
within 96 hours after the assault has wishes to have no contact with the
taken place. But even if it is outside this defendant or any person acting on
time and forensic evidence may not be behalf of the defendant or the
present, some injuries may not yet have defendant’s counsel.
healed and could still be documented.
• Confidentiality with respect to the
victim’s address or phone number
SART is not available in all
(s), including but not limited to
communities in Alaska. However,
criminal proceedings, divorce,
similar services are available to victims
dissolution, and child custody
of sexual assault even if there is not
SART. The state’s forensic evidence
collection kit may not be charged to the • Refuse to make statements and/or
victim; however, there may be some recordings requested by the
testing for certain sexually transmitted defendant or any person acting on
infections or pregnancy that may not be the defendant’s behalf.
covered even though they happen at the • Private counsel, the DA, or other
same time as the SART exam. Call your accompaniment during statement or
local domestic violence and sexual recordings.
Violence Against Women 71
cases are), the District Attorney must defendant to enter a plea. If the plea is
show to a group of citizens (called a “guilty” or “no contest” (sometimes
grand jury) or to a judge (at a called “nolo contendere”), the judge sets
preliminary hearing) that there is enough a date for sentencing. If the plea is “not
evidence to bring the case to trial. At a guilty” (this happens in nearly all cases),
preliminary hearing (rarely done in the judge will set a date for trial. You do
sexual assault cases), there will be a not have to attend the arraignment. Your
judge, a District Attorney, a defense contact person will tell you the trial date
attorney, and the offender. It is open to or the sentencing date.
the public. The defense attorney is
allowed to ask questions. Change-of-Plea Hearing: If the
defendant originally pleads “not guilty,”
At a grand jury proceeding (commonly the defendant can change his or her plea
done in sexual assault cases), there will to guilty or “no contest” at any time.
be 12 to 18 grand jurors (they are Most defendants do change their plea,
citizens just like you) and a District which cancels the trial. You do not have
Attorney. There is no judge, no defense to attend a change of plea hearing.
attorney, no offender, and it is not open
to the public. The vast majority of sexual Trial: If the defendant does not plead
assault cases are reviewed in the privacy “guilty” or “no contest,” a jury trial (a
of a grand jury where witnesses, one at a jury consists of 12 people) will be held
time, are asked questions. When it is and you will testify. To make you as
your turn, the District Attorney will ask comfortable as possible and to refresh
you questions and then the grand jurors your memory, the District Attorney or
may ask you questions. Your contact your contact person will meet with you
person in the District Attorney’s Office shortly before the trial.
will tell you the grand jury date. The
District Attorney and, most likely your Delays: A judge at the request of the
contact person, will meet with you District Attorney or the defense attorney
before you testify to explain your role in may grant a “continuance” (changing a
court and to tell you the questions that court proceeding to a later date).
will be asked. Continuances may also occur because of
the judge’s or attorneys’ schedules,
Arraignment: At the arraignment the evidence analysis requests, and legal
offender (now called a “defendant”) arguments about the evidence. Because
appears before the judge. The judge delays are common, it is best if you can
explains the charges and asks the mentally prepare for them. Tell your
76 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
presentence report and recommendations civil matter, not a criminal matter. If you
from the District Attorney, the defense want the perpetrator to be prosecuted
attorney, the defendant, and you. You criminally, you need to report the
may express your views to the judge, incident(s) to the police.
either in writing or in person at the
sentencing hearing (you may do this in A victim of sexual assault who does not
addition to giving the victim impact fall within the definition of household
statement to the probation officer). You member for a domestic violence
are not required to attend the sentencing, protective order can file for an
but many victims and family members emergency 72 hour, 20-day and/or six
have said it was helpful to see and hear month sexual assault protective order.
how the case ends. If you choose not to For example a sexual assault victim can
attend, your contact person can tell you file for a protective order if the
what happened. perpetrator is a:
• You did not consent to the sexual These all fall within the definition of
act. household member in the domestic
• You were not capable of giving violence protective order statute.
consent because you were
84 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Do I need to get someone to help me gave you the order and ask for a certified
get my order enforced in another copy. If you have already relocated to a
state? different state and do not have a certified
copy, you can request assistance from a
It is not necessary to have anyone assist court clerk, advocate, or attorney in the
you in getting your order enforced in new state to get a certified copy from the
another state. However, since this is a court that gave you the order. If you are
new law, there are still many people who moving to a new state, it may be helpful
do not know about it. You may want to to take phone numbers for the court
contact an attorney or an advocate from clerk in the state that issued the order
a domestic violence/sexual assault and the number of the nearest domestic
program. Advocates for victims of violence program in the new state. Some
domestic violence and sexual assault states maintain computerized registries
know the laws and rules about getting of protective orders in their state. If the
orders enforced, and they know how the state that gave you the protective order
court system works. In Alaska, each has a registry, try to get the phone
domestic violence/sexual assault number of the registry manager, or the
program has a designated legal advocate number of the local or state law
who is knowledgeable about laws that enforcement agency that has your order
affect battered women. You may also on file.
want to hire an attorney, but in most
instances, an advocate will be able to What if my order is a temporary ex-
assist you. In some places, it may be parte order and is only good for a
difficult to get your out-of-state order short time?
enforced without an advocate.
Temporary ex-parte orders can be
What things will I need to get my enforced by other states just as any
protective order enforced in a new regular protective order granted after
state? notice and a hearing, as long as the
abuser has been served and the abuser
In most places, you will need a certified will have the opportunity to have a court
copy of your protective order. A hearing set before your temporary order
certified copy says it is a “true and expires.
correct” copy, is signed or initialed by
the clerk of court that gave you the The state where you are going cannot
order, and usually has some kind of extend the date of a domestic violence
court stamp. If your copy is not a protective order that was issued by
certified copy, call or go to the court that another state. If you need to extend an
Violence Against Women 87
out-of-state order, you will have to the new Uniform Child Custody
contact the state that issued the order and Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
arrange to be at the hearing (UCCJEA), and the Parental
telephonically or in person. In some Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA).
states, you may be able to obtain another If your order gives you temporary
domestic violence protective order from custody of your children, it is very
the state where you have moved. important for you to contact an
advocate and/or an attorney to make
Could I have problems getting my sure that your order meets the
protective order enforced in another requirements of these laws.
There are sometimes problems getting PROTECTIVE ORDERS AND
new laws enforced until everyone knows TRIBAL ORDERS ENFORCED IN
about the law and knows what they are ALASKA
supposed to do to enforce it. Some of the
things that might come up include: Can the state prosecute for a violation
of an out-of-state or tribal order?
• State Rules: Some state rules can put
women in danger, such as requiring Under AS 11.56.740, only if a copy of
that the abuser be notified when the your out-of-state or tribal order is filed
protective order is registered. with the court. However, even if the out-
• Lack of Knowledge: In some states of-state order was not filed with the
judges, clerks, and law enforcement court, law enforcement may be able to
officers may not know about this enforce certain parts of the order such as
law. Although all states are required obtaining your personal belongings from
to enforce the federal law, you may the abuser. Law enforcement can make
need an advocate or attorney to help an arrest if the abuser commits another
you. offense (violation of Alaska law) such as
• Confusion: The law is not clear assault or trespass. If you are concerned
about whether other states can use about an abuser tracking down your
the Violence Against Women Act to location from filing the protective order
enforce parts of protective orders with the court closest to you, contact
dealing with child custody. Other your local domestic violence/sexual
laws that govern child custody assault program. They can assist in filing
orders are the Uniform Child the order with another Alaska court and
Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA), safety planning.
88 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
How do I file my out-of-state or tribal order to see whether it has been filed
order with the court system? with the Alaska Court System. The
officer is required by law to enforce
Clerks of court (and magistrates in the order just as if it were issued in
locations lacking a clerk) accept out-of- Alaska.
state and tribal orders for filing. When • If you do not have a copy of your
presented with an out-of-state or tribal filed order with you, a local law
order, the clerk reviews it to determine enforcement officer or state trooper
that it is a certified copy and that it can get the information they need to
appears on its face to be unexpired. As a enforce your order from the Alaska
matter of policy, the clerk will not Public Safety Information Network
contact the issuing jurisdiction for more (APSIN). When you file your order
information. The clerk will file stamp with a court clerk’s office in Alaska,
the order and assign it an Alaska Court the State of Alaska will enter the
System civil case number. The clerk order into the Central Registry for
next will distribute the order to the Protective Orders which is contained
appropriate local law enforcement in APSIN. However, it is still very
agency for entry into the central registry important that you always have a
(the same distribution procedure used for copy of your filed order with you.
Alaska protective orders). It is important • If the abuser violates the order and
to get a copy of your file stamped order you have not filed it with the Alaska
and keep a copy on your person at all Court System, you should still call a
times in case there is any delay in the law enforcement agency
order getting entered into the Alaska immediately.
Central Registry for Protective Orders.
What if the court that issued my order
Once I file my out-of-state or tribal contacts Alaska and says that my
order, how do I get it enforced by order has been changed or is not
local law enforcement or state good?
troopers in Alaska?
If the court in Alaska gets notice from
• Immediately call any local law the state that gave you the protective
enforcement agency or state trooper order that your order has been changed
office if the abuser violated the in some way, the court in Alaska will
order. notify you. If your order has been
• When the police get there, you changed without your knowledge, you
should show them a copy of your will have to go back to the state that
filed order. They will check your gave you the order to do something
Violence Against Women 89
about it. You may need an attorney or an Resource Directory at the end of this
advocate to help you. If your order has handbook for contact information.
been revoked, you cannot have it
enforced by law enforcement in Alaska. What can I do to enhance my personal
The Alaska court clerk or an advocate safety?
can explain how to get a protective order
in Alaska. • Change your daily schedule and the
route you take to work, school, and
Special thanks to the Kentucky Domestic stores.
Violence Association for permission to • Accompany children to and from
adapt their brochure on Domestic school or bus stops.
Violence Protective Orders and Out-of-
• Remove your residential address and
State Enforcement.
phone number from checks.
SAFETY PLANNING • Get an unlisted and unpublished
telephone number and an answering
machine to screen calls.
What is a safety plan?
• Choose carefully who gets personal
Women can do a number of things to information about you, such as your
increase their safety during violent home address and phone number.
incidents, when preparing to leave an • Destroy discarded mail.
abusive relationship, and when they are • Make sure your telephone number is
at home, work, and school. Many unlisted and unpublished.
batterers obey protective orders, but • Learn about Caller ID and “block”
some do not. It is important to build on telephone number from appearing on
the things you have already been doing Caller ID systems.
to keep yourself safe. • Limit confidential conversations on
cordless phones or baby monitors
Stalkers can be extremely dangerous, because the transmissions are easily
and any threats or contact by them intercepted.
should be documented and treated
• Use a private mail box (through a
seriously. Victim advocates can help you
company such as Mail Boxes Etc.)
maintain incident logs and develop
for your official mailing address,
safety plans. If you are a victim of
which ensures more privacy than a
stalking, a domestic violence/sexual
post office box.
assault program will be able to answer
your questions and help you. See the
90 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
What can I do to protect my home? the stalker and any possible vehicles.
• Coordinate with co-workers when
• Change or improve locks on doors leaving the workplace; never leave
and windows and keep them locked. the building alone, especially at
• Use window bars, poles to wedge night.
against doors, or an alarm system.
• Replace wooden doors with metal How can I feel safer in my vehicle?
• Keep a light on all the time. • Park vehicle in well-lit, public areas.
• Install an outside lighting system • Keep car doors locked, even while
that lights up when a person is vehicle is in use.
coming close to your home. • Equip car with gas cap and hood
• Get a smoke detector and fire locks.
extinguisher. • When traveling, plan ahead and be
• Tell neighbors you trust to call the aware of locations where you can get
police if they hear suspicious noises help, such as police stations.
coming from your home. • Be alert for vehicles following you.
• Identify visitors before opening If followed, drive to a police station,
doors. fire station, or a busy shopping
• If you have a telephone, ask that a
friend call you at least once a day. • If it seems like the stalker always
knows where you are, go to a
• Keep your purse and vehicle key in a
mechanic or law enforcement and
place where you can get them so you
have your car checked for GPS
can leave quickly.
tracking devices.
• Have someone stay with you if you
• Be alert. If you feel threatened, drive
live alone, or go stay with family,
to a police or fire station, or a busy
friends, or at a sexual assault
shopping center.
program shelter.
• Try not to travel alone.
How can I feel safer in my workplace? • Get a cell phone so you can make
emergency calls at any time. Keep
• Have co-workers screen calls, emergency phone numbers with you.
visitors and incoming mail.
What can I do to feel safer online?
• Give co-workers (managers,
security) a photo or description of
• If you are receiving harassing
Violence Against Women 91
messages and are under 18, tell a offers prisoner custody status
parent or adult you trust. information:
• Use a gender neutral and non-
identifying screen name/username. • You may call from any touch-tone
• Change your pin numbers and phone, any time, to find out if an
passwords frequently. offender is in jail.
• Search for your name on the internet • You may register so the system will
and find out what contact call you if the offender’s custody
information is posted online. status changes by being released,
• The stalker may have access to your transferred, or escaping.
computer and may be monitoring
your activities. When you look for The telephone number for VINE to
help or a new place to live, try to use check the offender’s custody status or to
a safer computer at a library, café, or register for notification is 1-800-247-
friend’s house. 9763.
• Create an additional email account if
Do not depend solely on the VINE
you suspect the stalker is accessing
service for your protection. If you feel
your email or sending harassing
you may be at risk, take precautions as if
messages. Do not publicize this
the offender has already been released.
account and check this email
account from a computer the stalker
may have access to.
• Don’t give out your primary email
account to people you don’t know
and have a separate free email
account for newsgroups and social
• Save every harassing or threatening
communication digitally.
Chapter Seven
For large estates, estate planning commonly involves planning the distribution of
your property in an effort to reduce any state and federal estate tax liability. Estate
planning also commonly involves the drafting of trusts that allow you to designate
some or all of your property, real and personal, to be held by a trust and managed by
someone (a trustee) for the benefit of another (a beneficiary). People also use estate
planning and trusts when they have young children (children under 18) or disabled
family members as a means to provide for their care in case of their death.
If you have young children, disabled family members, or substantial assets, you may
want to discuss these issues with an attorney who specializes in estate planning.
necessary tax returns), and distributing person with its own expenses and
your property according to your Will or requirements (trusts must be registered
according to state law. This person does and file income tax returns) so a trust is
not need to live in the same community not inexpensive to set up or administer.
or even in Alaska, but it may be more
convenient if she or he does. People You can also set up a trust during your
usually choose a loved one or a close lifetime. People sometimes do this as
friend to serve. Regardless, the Personal one way to minimize future estate tax
Representative is entitled to receive a liability or as a way to avoid probate in
reasonable sum as compensation unless Alaska and any other states where they
you indicate otherwise in your Will. own real property (land). These “living
Generally a Personal Representative has trusts” can take many forms and have
to obtain a bond to serve in that capacity. particular requirements depending on the
If you want your Person al desired result. You should consult an
Representative to serve without having estate planning attorney if you think you
to post a bond, you must specifically want or need this kind of trust.
state that the Personal Representative
may serve without bond in your Will. A Will also should nominate a guardian
Keep in mind the cost of the bond will or co-guardians for your minor children
most likely come out of the assets of the or for a disabled dependant. The court
estate. will strongly favor your nomination, but
the court cannot force that person to
A Will may also provide that a trust be serve as guardian and will not appoint a
set up at your death. A trust allows guardian who might not act in the child’s
property to be held by one person for the or dependant’s best interest. If your
benefit of another. For example, if you children have a surviving parent when
set up a trust in your Will for your minor you die, that person usually takes
children, you must name a trustee to custody automatically. This occurs even
manage the trust. The trustee is in charge if you are not married to the other parent
of managing the trust assets for your at the time of your death, unless it is not
children’s benefit according to the rules in the child’s best interest. If you do not
you have set forth in your Will for the want your ex-spouse to have custody,
creation of the trust. A bank or other you can state that intent and your
financial institution can also serve as reasons in your Will and the court will
trustee, but you should find out how consider those reasons in determining
much they charge before naming them. custody. The court also may consider the
Keep in mind that a trust is its own legal wishes of children over 14 when
appointing a guardian. It is a good idea
94 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
to select different people as your the event of your death, and it should be
Personal Representative and guardian as kept in a safe place. Most courts in
they have different duties and Alaska offer a safekeeping service for
responsibilities. Wills for a small fee (currently $40). If
you keep the Will yourself, it is
A Will also can disinherit someone other recommended you keep the Will in a fire
than your spouse who might otherwise proof box and not in a safety deposit
inherit from you if you did not have a box. It is only your original Will that
Will. For example, you may have a child may be admitted to probate; a copy is
you want to disinherit. You should invalid.
specifically mention this person’s
existence and your intent to disinherit What happens without a Will?
him or her. You do not need a reason for
disinheriting someone. If you have a If you do not have a valid Will when you
child who has been adopted by his or her die, state law determines who inherits
stepparent, that child still has a right to your estate. These laws, called laws of
inherit from both natural parents and intestate succession, give preference to
grandparents, unless specifically your spouse, children, and parents. This
disinherited. means that if you own property with
someone you are living with but are not
You must follow certain formal married to, that person may not receive
requirements to ensure that your Will is the property when you die. In order to
effective. The person signing the Will is provide for someone not included under
referred to as the “testator.” To make a state law, or to provide for someone in a
Will, the testator must be at least 18 different way than state law provides,
years old and of sound mind. In Alaska, you must have a Will.
a Will must be in writing and signed by
the testator or at her direction and If you are married and your husband dies
witnessed by at least two people. The without a Will, you are entitled to inherit
witnesses should also sign an affidavit all of his property if he has no surviving
that they witnessed the testator sign the parents or children, or if both of you
Will. This affidavit can be found in the only have children from that marriage. If
Alaska statutes. [AS 13.12.504.] A your husband is childless but has parents
handwritten Will is also valid in Alaska living, you are entitled to the first
as long as it is handwritten by the $200,000 of his estate plus three-quarters
testator and signed by the testator. of the remainder, and his parents receive
the rest. If he has children with you and
Your original Will is very important in
Inheritance & Estate Planning 95
you have children from prior even if she decides to take her one-third
relationships, you receive $150,000 plus share of the augmented estate.
half of the remainder and your joint Allowances are paid before creditors of
children get the rest. If he has any the estate receive anything. The laws
children from a prior marriage, you governing inheritance apply equally to
receive $100,000 plus half of the men and women. Your husband will
remainder and his children get the rest. have the same right to claim one-third of
your estate as you do with his estate. He
If your husband has a Will that was also receives the same statutory spousal
signed before your marriage, you may allowances.
receive the share you would have
received had he not left a Will unless For inheritance purposes, a “spouse”
certain circumstances exist. If your includes only someone to whom you are
husband has a Will that leaves you out, legally married. If you get divorced,
disinherits you, or provides an amount your ex-spouse is treated like a spouse
less than what you would be entitled to who has died. Therefore, if you are
under state law, you can choose to take divorced and did not change your Will,
one-third of his augmented estate. This your ex-spouse will not receive a share
is known as the “elective share.” The of your estate, even if he is still named in
augmented estate is a complex concept the Will. This is true for life insurance as
that is set forth in the statute. It is well. Nonetheless, it is very important
important to remember that if you wish that you change your Will, the
to receive your share of your husband’s ownership of your bank accounts and
estate, you must make that decision your beneficiary designations on any life
within nine months of his death. The insurance policies and retirement
elective share must meet certain legal accounts to avoid any confusion.
requirements and it is recommended you
contact an attorney with expertise in A spouse who is planning a divorce or is
probate and estate planning. In addition, separated is treated the same as one who
a surviving spouse is entitled to a is happily married. A domestic partner
$27,000 homestead allowance, a or someone with whom you are living
$10,000 property allowance, and an will not be treated as a spouse for
additional family allowance for living inheritance purposes, even if you intend
expenses for the surviving spouse and to marry or act as if you are married.
children while the estate is being Alaska does not recognize the concept of
administered (not to exceed $18,000). “common-law” marriages.
The spouse can take these allowances
96 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
value of your gross estate less certain change your beneficiary designations to
deductions. In 2006, the amount that an the persons you want to receive those
individual can pass free of estate taxes is assets.
$2 million. That amount will increase to
$3.5 million in 2009. The estate tax is In order to make sure your assets pass
repealed in 2010. Therefore, an according to your wishes, you need to do
individual who dies in 2010 can pass an two things. First, you need to have the
unlimited amount of assets estate tax right estate planning documents in place,
free. If Congress does not make the such as a Will or trusts, if appropriate.
repeal permanent, the amount that can Second, you need to make sure you have
pass free of estate taxes will decrease to property titles and beneficiary
$1 million in 2011 . designations in order, so that the
property will pass the way you want.
Your Will only controls assets that pass This may mean filling out new
through probate. There are many assets beneficiary designation forms or doing
that might pass to others when you die deeds to retitle property.
without going through probate.
Insurance policy proceeds and jointly What is your taxable estate?
held accounts are two common
examples. For example, if you have a Federal laws do not state how a person
$100,000 life insurance policy that can leave his or her property; that is left
names your children as beneficiaries, to state law. But the federal government
that money will pass to them directly at does impose estate taxes in certain
your death. If you name your husband as circumstances. An estate (including the
beneficiary and then get a divorce, face value of insurance policies,
Alaska law removes him as beneficiary retirement accounts, one-half of the
unless the policy provides otherwise. If value of jointly held assets, and other
you designate “my estate” as the property you own) of over $1.5 million
beneficiary of your policy, those same is taxable at a rate beginning at and
funds will belong to your probate estate increasing to 48 percent depending on
and will be administered according to the size of your estate. The top tax rates
your Will if you have one or the laws of are scheduled to decrease in the next few
intestacy if you do not. However, be years. If you have a sizable estate, you
aware that this law may not change the should consult an expert in estate
beneficiary on certain retirement planning. That person can advise you
accounts when you get a divorce. about your possible estate tax liability
Therefore, it is imperative that you and ways of reducing it. Keep in mind
98 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
that more of your property is considered a guardian or conservator for you. The
part of your “estate” for tax purposes power of attorney form used to designate
than for purposes of distribution under a another person to act for you is set out in
Will or by intestate succession. AS 13.26.332-335. You can also use a
DPOA to nominate a guardian or
You may have heard about Congress’ conservator for you in the event you
“repeal” of the federal estate tax in 2010. become disabled. You should carefully
This repeal, however, is only for the year read, understand, and consult an attorney
2010. As the law is currently written, in before signing a power of attorney.
2011 the estate tax laws with revert to
the laws in effect in 2001 including an You can sign an Advanced Health Care
exclusion for only $1 million. No one Directive authorizing another person to
knows what will happen between now make your health care decisions. The
and 2011, but this is an issue to keep in health care power of attorney is different
mind for estates worth more than $1 from the durable power of attorney
million. discussed above. If you do not have a
health care power of attorney, your
OTHER ESTATE PLANNING spouse or other family members may
TOOLS make your health care decisions,
including the decision to terminate life
What is durable power of attorney? sustaining measures. You also can
nominate a guardian to make the health
A durable power of attorney (DPOA) is care decisions for you if you are
a document you sign that gives another, disabled.
your “attorney-in-fact,” the power to
make decisions for you when you sign What are Living Wills?
the Power of Attorney or if you become
disabled. The person you designate can A competent person at least 18 years old
be anyone you choose: a family member, may sign a declaration (“Living Will”)
a friend, or a co-worker. DPOA’s can be that life-sustaining procedures be
limited for specific acts such as withheld or withdrawn in the event of a
purchasing a house or can encompass all terminal illness that will result in death
day to day activities. By choosing within a short time. The Living Will is a
someone you trust and who knows you, part of the Advanced Health Care
a DPOA allows you to choose how you Directive (AHCD). The Health Care
would want to act if you become Advance Directive can be signed in the
disabled. If you become disabled and do presence of two witnesses or a notary.
not have a DPOA, the court will appoint
Inheritance & Estate Planning 99
Both witnesses must be personally attorney are all distinct legal acts that
known to you and at least one of them have special statutory and legal effects.
cannot be the agent appointed in the It is recommended that you see an
AHCD; related by blood, marriage or attorney to discuss any and all aspects of
adoption; or be a person who will receive these legal documents.
a portion of your estate under your Will.
You should provide a copy of the
Advanced Health Care Directive to your
primary care physician.
Do I need an attorney?
Chapter Eight
What are the name change procedures child have any particular name. There is
in Alaska? a requirement that a birth certificate be
filed within seven days after birth. The
Alaska Civil Rule 84 sets out a formal birth certificate states the mother’s
procedure for any person to change her name. If the mother was married at the
name. It is not clear if this rule cancels time of the baby’s birth, the birth
out the common law rule that a person certificate will also list her husband’s
could change their name at will so long name as the name of the baby’s father
as there was no intent to defraud others. unless a court (in a paternity suit) has
If you follow the procedures set out in decided that a different person was the
Rule 84, you can choose any name. father. [AS 18.50.160.]
Every Alaska court has forms for you to
use to apply for a name change. You do If the mother was not married at the time
not have to go through this procedure if of the baby’s birth, the father’s name can
you are getting a divorce. The judge can be left blank on the birth certificate. If
change your name as part of the divorce the mother and father, though unmarried,
decree without a separate proceeding. both request the father to be listed, the
[AS 25.23.260.] registrar must do this. A woman can
leave the father slot blank. If a later
If you want to change your child’s name paternity action establishes the father,
other than as part of an adoption the registrar can add or change the name.
proceeding, you need to have the [AS 18.50.160.]
consent of both the child’s legal parents
or legal guardians. If you do not have all NAME CHANGE WITHOUT
the required consents, you must prove to PUBLICATION/DOMESTIC
the court that you properly served a copy VIOLENCE SITUATIONS
of the name change petition and date and
time of hearing on the legal parents/ A victim of domestic violence can
guardians at least 30 days prior to the request a name change from the court
hearing. These procedures can be without publication. An attorney can
complicated; therefore, it is wise to prepare legal documents and provide
consult an attorney if you cannot obtain information to the court on why you
the required consents. need a name change and how publication
of the name change would put your
NAMING A CHILD safety at risk.
Chapter Nine
A person may be involuntarily committed to an approved health facility for treatment
of a mental health or substance abuse problem by court order if he or she meets
certain criteria.
What are Mental Health There are two ways that a person can be
Commitments? involuntarily committed. First, an adult
(the petitioner) can file a petition with
If a court determines that a person is the superior court to seek the involuntary
mentally ill and as a result of that commitment of another individual (the
condition is gravely disabled or likely to respondent). The petition must allege
cause serious harm to self or to others, that the respondent is believed to present
that person can be committed against his a likelihood of serious harm to self or
or her will to a facility for mental health others or is gravely disabled as a result
treatment. “Gravely disabled” means of mental illness and must specify the
that the person is, as a result of mental factual information on which the belief
illness, in danger of physical harm is based. After the petition is filed, the
because she or he is not taking care of judge conducts a screening investigation
basic needs like clothing, food, or of the respondent or directs a mental
shelter. [AS 47.30.915(7).] A person health professional to conduct the
must be given every reasonable screening investigation. This must
opportunity to accept voluntary happen within 48 hours. Often a mental
treatment before involvement with the health professional will call the judge
judicial system. If the patient is on and the judge will issue an oral ex-parte
involuntary status and elects to leave the order for a 72 hour mental health hold
treatment facility and the facility feels because the person has already been
the patient is gravely disabled or likely evaluated.
to cause harm to self or others, the
facility may initiate involuntary If the judge finds that the individual
commitment procedures. The patient can meets commitment standards, the judge
be involuntarily detained for 48 hours can order that the person be taken into
pending the initiation of involuntary custody and brought to a treatment
commitment hearing. facility for emergency examination
treatment. [AS 47.30.700.]
104 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
The second way that a person is person has a right to a jury trial and an
involuntarily committed for mental examination by a physician of choice for
health treatment involves an emergency 90 or 180 day commitments. The person
situation where safety considerations do must also be informed of the right to
not allow for the procedures set forth appeal any order of involuntary
above. In this situation, often referred to commitment. [AS 47.30.745-770.]
as a “POA,” a peace officer or mental
health professional may cause the person Individuals subject to civil commitment
to be taken into custody and delivered to should be aware that their conversations
the nearest evaluation facility. The peace with mental health professionals during
officer or health professional then must the commitment process may not be
complete an application for examination confidential because although the mental
of the individual. [AS 47.30.705.] health professional cannot breach
confidentiality in general, the person
A person who is taken in for emergency conducting a screening interview will
examination and treatment must be have to provide information to the judge
examined within 24 hours after arrival at at the hearing (which is a closed
the facility. Unless the person is released proceeding) unless otherwise requested
or agrees to voluntary admission, a by respondent.
hearing must be held within 72 hours
(not counting weekend and holidays) to What are involuntary outpatient
determine whether detention should commitments?
continue for up to 30 days. For example,
if a person is committed on Friday and A person involuntarily committed to in-
Monday is a holiday, a hearing must be patient care may be transferred to out-
held on Thursday. The person has the patient care if the person is no longer
right to be present at the hearing, likely to harm herself or others and will
represented by an attorney at no cost, to recover more rapidly as an out-patient.
present evidence, and to cross-examine Hospitals and other mental health
witnesses at this hearing. [AS 47.30.710- providers refer to this process as “early
725.] discharge.” Requirements may include
taking medication on a daily basis,
The court can order commitment for up keeping appointments at the community
to 30 days or order a less restrictive form mental health center, and other
of treatment. At subsequent hearings, a conditions. If the patient shows signs
person could be committed for 90 to 180 there is a likelihood of harm to self or
day periods. [AS 47.30.740-770.] A others or grave disability, the out-patient
Involuntary Commitment 105
provider must notify the patient verbally exercise religion just because of
and in writing to return to in-patient care treatment for mental illness. [AS
within 24 hours. If the patient does not 47.30.825-860.]
arrive at the facility within the specified
time, the police may bring the patient to ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
the facility. [AS 47.30.795.] ADDICTION COMMITMENTS
What are forced medication orders? Under the Uniform Alcoholism and
Intoxication Treatment Act, people
If an evaluation or treatment facility suffering from alcohol and drug
believes a patient is incapable of giving problems have the right to treatment. As
informed consent to take psychotropic long as the person commits no crime,
medication, a physician can petition the drunkenness alone is not a crime [AS
court for an order to administer 47.37.010 et seq., Peter v. State, 531
medication without the patient’s consent. P.2d 1263 (Alaska 1975).]
[AS 47.30.839.] A hearing on the issue
has to be held and a court visitor is A person may voluntarily apply for
appointed to assist the court in treatment of alcohol or drug problems at
determining whether the patient has the an alcohol or drug treatment center. [AS
capacity to give or withhold informed 47.37.160.] A person who is intoxicated
consent. in a public place and in need of help or a
person who is incapacitated by alcohol
PATIENT RIGHTS or drugs in a public place may be
involuntarily taken into protective
People who are receiving treatment in custody by a peace officer and taken
mental health facilities keep certain home, to a treatment facility, or to jail if
specific rights under Alaska law. These no emergency medical service is
include the right to participate in setting available. [AS 47.37.170; Busby v.
up treatment plans, the right to know any Municipality of Anchorage, 741 P.2d
medications being given and possible 230 (Alaska 1987).] The person may not
side effects, and the right to refuse be kept at a jail for more than 12 hours
certain kinds of treatment. The person after admission or at any other treatment
has a right to privacy, to retain personal facility for more than 48 hours unless the
possessions, and to have documents and person is involuntarily committed to the
notices given in a language she can facility. A person who asks to remain at
understand. People do not lose civil a treatment facility may do so with the
rights such as the right to vote or consent of the physician in charge. [AS
106 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Chapter Ten
Adoption is a legal procedure by which a permanent parent/child relationship is
created. When you adopt a child, you have to support the child as you would a natural
child. If your husband adopts your natural child, he has the right to seek custody of
the child if you get divorced. He must also pay child support if you receive custody in
a divorce action.
Can I choose the family my child? Consent may be withdrawn within ten
days after the consent but before the
You have the right to choose the family court decree by written notice to the
with whom you want your child to live. person collecting the decree. You may
An agency should present you with also withdraw consent after the ten day
options and the chance to interview the period if the court finds that the
family. Even if you are a minor, you withdrawal is in the best interest of the
have the right to decide if your child is person being adopted.
Adoption 109
What if I can’t afford medical would be that the birth mother’s identity
expenses for my pregnancy? is needed for assisting the adopted
person in a medical emergency. If you
It is legal for your adopted family or are working through an adoption agency,
adoption agency to help with medical they may not disclose the child’s birth
expenses, and they may be willing to do name.
so. Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
is a federally funded program that can ADOPTING CHILDREN
help with medical expenses. See the
Resource Directory at the end of this If you want to adopt someone, you
handbook for contact information. should contact an attorney or the Clerk
of the Superior Court nearest you. If
Can I see my child after she or he is there is a problem getting to the court,
adopted? you may be able to proceed by
telephone. [See Adoption of I.J.W., 565
Visitation between an adopted person P.2d 842 (Alaska 1977).]
and their natural parents are not
prohibited after the adoption, except An adoption proceeding is initiated by
through another court order. [AS filing a petition for adoption in state
25.23.130.] However, the adoption may court. The petition must include:
be an “open” adoption that expressly
permits visitation with the natural • the date and place of birth of the
parents. person to be adopted, if known;
• the name to be used for the person to
Can my identity be kept confidential? be adopted;
• the date of placement of the minor
If you would like your identity unknown
and the name of the person placing
to the public, it will be kept confidential.
the minor;
There are some exceptions, and adopted
children have the right to discover the • the full name, age, place, and
identity of their birth parents once they duration of residence of the person
are eighteen. [AS 18.50.500.] Adoption adopting the minor;
proceedings are held in a closed court, • the marital status of the person
and court records are only available for adopting the minor, including the
inspection if all interested parties date and place of the marriage, if
consent or if there is a court order for married;
good cause. An example of good cause • that the person adopting the minor
110 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
has facilities and resources, years old is allowed to see a copy of her
including those available under a original birth certificate and any changes
hard-to-place child subsidy that have been made to it. [AS
agreement, suitable to provide the 18.50.500.]
nurture and care of the minor to be
adopted, and that it is the desire of FINAL COURT DECREE AND
the person adopting the minor to REQUIRED CONSENT
establish the relationship of parent
and child with the person to be Natural parents can challenge an
adopted; adoption up until the date of the final
• a description and estimate of value court decree. [In re: Rita T. v. State, 623
of any property of the person to be P.2d 344 (Alaska 1981).] Generally, an
adopted; and adoption may not be challenged one year
• the name of any person whose after the final decree is issued unless
consent is required. [AS 25.23.080.] consent(s) were obtained illegally or the
person who adopted has never taken
Except in the case of stepparent custody of the child. [AS 25.23.140(b).]
adoptions, the Department of Health and If parental rights have been terminated,
Social Services will investigate whether the parent(s) whose rights have been
the adoptive parents will be good for the terminated may not generally object to
child. Anyone who can establish good the adoption under any circumstance if it
cause to adopt may adopt. This includes has been one year since the decree was
a single person, unmarried adults, the issued.
unmarried father or mother of the child,
domestic partners, same-sex partners, or If you adopt a child under age 18 in
a husband and wife. [AS 25.23.020.] Alaska, you must obtain the consent of
the mother or legal guardian. Any
An adoption also may be an “open” consent must state whether the child or
adoption that expressly permits visitation parent is a member of an Indian or
with natural parents, extended family, or Native tribe and must adhere to strict
tribe. If you want an open adoption, the p ro c ed u r a l r e q u ir eme n t s . [A S
provisions for visitation should be 25.23.060.] You also may be required to
expressly set forth for the court and obtain the consent of the father, even if
parties so there is no later there was no marriage. [AS 25.23.240.]
misunderstanding. If the child is more than ten years old or
has a spouse, the child or spouse also
An adopted person who is at least 18 must consent. [AS 25.23.040.] Consent
Adoption 111
Chapter Eleven
Courts have held that most reproductive choices are private matters. A woman’s right
to make reproductive choices freely is part of a larger constitutional right of privacy
or liberty. Decisions relating to contraception and procreation are among the many
decisions that an individual may make without unjustified governmental interference
because they are basic to individual dignity and autonomy. They may be regulated
only if constitutional guarantees of privacy and self-determination are protected.
However, the government may indirectly influence a woman’s access to birth control,
available medical procedures, and health care services by conditioning or eliminating
funding for programs.
There are several loans and grants [Valley Hosp. Ass’n, Inc. v. Mat-Su
available to Alaskan women seeking Coalition for Choice, 948 P.2d 963
abortions. The Alaska Pro-Choice (Alaska 1997).]
Alliance administers Pauline’s Loan
Fund, which is a fund established to Can a woman obtain a third trimester
assist low-income women who either abortion in Alaska?
chose to have an abortion or need one
for medical reasons, but who are unable No. There are no medical providers in
to access funds for a legal and safe Alaska available to perform late
abortion. There are also funds available trimester abortions. Alaska also has a
for travel support for Alaska women to statute banning late term abortions. [AS
travel to Seattle to obtain an abortion. 18.16.050.] However, this law cannot be
The Washington chapter of the National enforced. An injunction issued in 1997
Abortion and Reproductive Rights prevented the Alaska ban from taking
Action League (NARAL) provides effect. In early 1998, the Anchorage
housing, transportation, and logistical Superior Court struck down the ban,
support to Alaskan women to travel to ruling that it violated a woman’s
Seattle for an abortion. See the Resource fundamental right to make her own
Directory at the end of this handbook for reproductive decisions and her right to
more information. privacy under the Alaska Constitution.
The Superior Court found that Alaska’s
Can a hospital receiving public money law was so vague that it could apply to
prohibit abortions? virtually all of the safest, most common
abortion procedures used prior to fetal
No, not in Alaska. In a recent case, the viability and that this vagueness was a
Alaska Supreme Court ruled that the deliberate attempt by the legislature to
Valley Hospital must allow doctors to scare doctors from performing legal
perform abortions in the facility because abortions for fear of prosecution.
it is a quasi-public institution that [Planned Parenthood of Alaska, et al. v.
receives public money and because the State of Alaska, Case No. 3AN-97-
right to privacy in the state’s constitution 06019.]
protects a woman’s right to an abortion.
In this significant case, the court said In June of 2000, the state withdrew its
that reproductive rights are fundamental pending appeal in the Alaska Supreme
rights under the Alaska Constitution’s Court and let stand the Superior Court
express protection of the right to ruling that Alaska’s statute banning so-
privacy, found in Article I, section 22. called “partial birth” abortions is
120 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
techniques are still developing. Anyone other employees’ ability to work. For
considering having a child through example, if an employer requires its
artificial insemination, in vitro employees to submit a doctor’s
fertilization, embryo transfer, or a statement concerning their inability to
surrogate mother should consult an work before granting leave or paying
attorney about the obligations, duties, sick benefits, the employer may require
and rights of the persons (including the employees affected by pregnancy-related
child, natural parent, donor or surrogate conditions to submit such statements.
parent) involved.
If an employee is temporarily unable to
The only law currently in Alaska perform her job due to pregnancy, the
addressing any of the above procedures employer must treat her exactly the same
is that concerning artificial insemination. as any other temporarily disabled
In Alaska, a child born to a married employee. For example, they must be
woman by means of artificial provided modified tasks, alternative
insemination performed by a doctor and assignments, disability, or leave without
consented to in writing by both husband pay.
and wife is considered for all purposes
the natural and legitimate child of both Pregnant employees must be permitted
spouses. [AS 25.20.045.] Although not to work as long as they are able to
specifically addressed by statute, where perform their jobs. If an employee has
the husband does not consent to artificial been absent from work as a result of a
insemination, he may not have any legal pregnancy-related condition and
obligation to acknowledge or support the recovers, her employer may not require
child. [See K.E. v. J.W., 899 P.2d 133 her to remain on leave until the baby’s
(Alaska 1995).] Alaska law does not birth. An employer may not have a rule
address legal consequences of in vitro that prohibits an employee from
fertilization or surrogate motherhood. returning to work for a predetermined
length of time after childbirth.
LEAVE Employers must hold open a job for a
pregnancy-related absence the same
An employer may not single out length of time as jobs held open for
pregnancy-related conditions for special employees on sick or disability leave.
procedures to determine an employee’s See Chapter Three for more information
ability to work. However, an employer about employment discrimination.
may use any procedure used to screen
122 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Chapter Twelve
landlords. Family status includes of court (and sometimes jailed) for not
households that have minor children or paying support.
pregnant women. The Fair Housing Act
prohibits discrimination in selling as The child support enforcement program
well as renting. is a federal, state, and local effort to
collect child support from parents who
CHILD CUSTODY are legally obligated to pay. See Chapter
14 for more information about child
If there is a court order placing your support.
children in the custody of another
person, you cannot take the children PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY
away without violating a criminal law. AND OTHER PEOPLE
However, if your parental rights have
never been subject to a court order, you If your child purposefully destroys real
have the right to custody of your or personal property of another, you as
children subject to reasonable custody the parent or legal guardian of the child
and visitation rights of the other parent. may be responsible for paying for up to
$10,000 of the damages, plus court
If your husband is an alcoholic or a costs. [AS 34.50.020.] You could have
batterer and you want to leave him, you to pay for all the damages your child
can take your own children with you. causes to another person, even if it was
This is not kidnapping. However, you not intentional, if you negligently failed
cannot take children away from the other to supervise your child and that was the
parent without acting reasonably or you reason the damage was caused. Your
could be subject to criminal penalties. homeowners or apartment dwellers
You should seek the advice of an insurance may provide some insurance
attorney if you have questions about coverage for claims like these. If
your parental rights. someone makes a claim or sues you,
immediately notify your insurance
The court’s intervention is a temporary [Rita T. v. State, 623 P.2d 344 (Alaska
limitation of parental rights. When the 1981).]
situation improves, the court can review
the situation and return the child to the REPORTING CHILD ABUSE
parents. [AS 47.10.080(c).]
If you see a child being harmed, do not
What is termination of parental hesitate to report it. The Office of
rights? Children’s Services (OCS) in the
Department of Health and Human
In rare cases where there is continuous Services is responsible for investigating
harm to a child, the state may try to child abuse. You can contact them by
terminate or end a parent’s rights in calling 1-800-478-4444. If you are
court. [AS 47.10.080(c)(3).] Termination unable to reach OCS, you should contact
of parental rights is usually final. The the police. These reports are
parents cannot, after termination, confidential. [AS 47.17.040(b).]
exercise any control over the child.
There may be no visitation rights or in The Department of Health and Social
some cases some visitation rights can be Services can obtain emergency custody
retained. The state cannot seek of a child if the child has been
termination until it tries other ways to abandoned, denied necessary food, care,
solve the problems. [AS 47.17.030(d).] clothing, shelter, medical attention, or
The child protection law that went into has been physically or sexually abused.
effect on September 16, 1998 provides [AS 47.17.070 and AS 47.10.142.] If
for time-limited services for families that emergency custody is assumed, the
are not Alaska Natives. If the state Department must notify the parents that
cannot reunify the family after 15 they have taken emergency custody of
months of reasonable effort, the state can the child and file a petition with the
pursue terminating parental rights. court advising that the child is in need of
When Alaska Native families are aid within 24 hours. The court must hold
involved, the state must engage in active a hearing on the child’s custody within
efforts to reunify the family. 48 hours of their notification by the
Department of Health and Social
It has been held that a mother whose Services. [AS 47.10.142.]
parental rights were terminated because
of physical abuse could still challenge Most people whose job puts them in
her child’s adoption after termination but contact with children are required by law
before the final court decree of adoption. to report suspected child abuse. This
Parent and Child 127
Chapter Thirteen
husband’s, but you may change your are prepared properly. [Brooks v.
name to your husband’s name or to a Brooks, 733 P.2d 1044 (Alaska 1987).]
hyphenated name by taking your In order to be valid, a contract should be
marriage certificate to the Department of fair, clear, involve property issues,
Motor Vehicles and getting a new include promises from both parties, and
license. You should also provide the include a full disclosure of each person’s
marriage certificate to the Social property. It is usually advisable for each
Security Administration. Most other party to the pre-marital contract to be
agencies (credit cards, banks, voter represented by their own attorney.
registration) will accept the new license
to change your name on their records. If you wish to cancel or revise the
contract during your marriage, you
Some women keep their maiden names should do so in writing. You will also
for business and professional reasons, need to check your Will, if you have
but use their husbands’ name socially. one, to see if any changes need to be
This is fine, but your driver’s license, made to it in order to be consistent with
social security, voter registration, charge the pre-marital contract.
accounts, and bank accounts should be
in your legal name and your employer Courts will usually not enforce a
should be reporting your wages in your contract solely concerning personal
legal name. duties. Courts will enforce financial
agreements, including agreements to
What is an annulment? waive claims to the spouse’s estate or to
convey property.
A marriage may be voided or annulled if
either of the persons who are married
Most pre-marital agreements concerning
were not able to give consent because of
large amounts of property require legal
age or lack of understanding. The
help and knowledge of tax laws.
marriage may also be voided or annulled
if it was obtained by force or fraud or if MARITAL PROPERTY
the marriage was not consummated. [AS
25.05.031.] What are the property rights of
marital partners?
Some people draw up pre-marital The Alaska statutes regarding property
contracts regarding their property rights rights of married people make each
after marriage or in the event of divorce. spouse liable only for her or his own
These contracts are legal provided they property. [AS 25.15.010.] For example,
Marriage and Domestic Partnerships 131
if your husband owns a boat in which open a savings account in your name and
you have no interest and the boat runs your husband would have no control
into a dock and destroys the dock, you over it unless you give him legal access
will not have to pay for repairs to the to it.
dock just because the boat belongs to
your husband. On the other hand, if you Can I sue my husband?
have property of your own, you are
required to maintain the property In Alaska, you can sue your husband for
yourself. You can sell or transfer negligent or intentional wrongs or torts
property to your spouse. [AS 25.15.030.] that he has committed. [Armstrong v.
You are not liable for the pre-marital or Armstrong, 441 P.2d 699 (Alaska
separate debts of your spouse. For 1968).] If your husband is injured by
example, if your husband is making another, you can sue the wrongdoer for
payments on a college loan, you do not loss of your husband’s consortium or
become obligated on these loans just services. [Schreiner v. Fruit, 519 P.2d
because you are his wife. [AS 462 (Alaska 1974).]
25.15.050.] Similarly, just because you
are married, you do not become liable to What are types of jointly held
pay your husband’s debts or bills if you property?
have not agreed with the creditor to do
so. However, if you and your husband A wife and husband who buy property
are both signors on a credit card, both of together always own it as tenants by the
you are responsible for any debts either entirety. Only married people may own
of you may incur. If you separate, you property as tenants by the entirety. The
should terminate the joint account and unique feature about tenancy by the
get credit in your own name. Of course, entirety is the right of survivorship.
both you and your spouse remain When one owner dies, all of the property
responsible for any debt from the automatically goes to the surviving
account after it is closed. spouse.
If you maintain your own property, such Tenancy in common is ownership with
as a checking account, your husband has no right of survivorship. Each owner has
no automatic control over it. [AS her own individual interest in the
25.15.060.] You have every right to property that can be sold freely during
separate your property from your life or passed by will. Each tenant, or
husband’s and prevent him from having owner, is entitled to possession or use of
access to it. For example, you could the whole estate, but no co-tenant has the
132 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
relationship. If you want to own property policy, you should ask your insurance
together so that you and your partner company to arrange for coverage of your
will both have an interest in the property partner. State workers that are in
in case your partner dies or you separate, domestic partnerships are eligible for
you should keep your property in both benefits provided to their partners
names, including joint checking through the state. In 2005, the Alaska
accounts, ownership of real property as Supreme Court ruled that it was a denial
tenants in common, and a written of equal protection of law for the state to
agreement and last Will and testament deny benefits to same sex partners,
that specifically sets forth your although the legislative and executive
intentions and agreements. If you want branch have been hostile toward
to keep your property separate, you implementation of these rights. [ACLU
should also put that agreement in v. State of Alaska, Municipality of
writing. You should be aware that you Anchorage, 122 P.3d 781 (Alaska
may be liable for the reasonable value of 2005).]
contributions (including money, labor or
other services) to you or your property in
the event of death or separation. If your
partner dies or you separate and you and
your partner have not put your
agreement regarding property in writing,
you should be aware that the law
regarding your property interest in your
partner’s property and your partner’s
interest in your property is unsettled. If
possible, obtain advice from an attorney
to ensure a fair distribution. Do not
assume that because the property was in
the legal name of one person that the
other person has no interest.
Chapter Fourteen
The information contained in this chapter is not intended to be and should not be
used as a substitute for legal advice regarding specific factual situations. If legal
advice is required, the services of an attorney should be sought.
For many women, the most difficult See Chapter Two for more information
legal issue they ever face is getting a about finding an attorney.
divorce or filing for child custody. A
woman’s husband or partner may Usually, you will have a first interview
threaten to harm her or take the children with an attorney before he or she will
away and he or she may remove all the take your case. There is sometimes no
money from the joint savings account. A fee for this interview, but you should
woman may feel isolated and scared, yet confirm when you make an appointment.
she must deal with the stress of finding
an attorney and protecting herself. The attorney will ask for facts about the
case. If you have been a victim of
In addition, divorce often causes a domestic violence, the attorney will ask
severe decline in the standard of living about dates of past abuse and whether
for women because of the impact it may you can document this. Police and
have on her income and housing medical reports will be of help. If you
situation. have witnesses to any abuse, be prepared
to give their names. You will also need
information about property, debts, and
family income. All information provided
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 135
can change their mind and stop the Chapter 13 for more information.
proceedings before the final hearing. If
the dissolution does not require Is it necessary to hire an attorney for
heightened scrutiny, one party may sign divorce or child custody proceedings?
a waiver of appearance and not attend
the hearing. In a dissolution requiring If there are no children and property,
heightened scrutiny, both parties must be marital couples may be able to handle
present at the hearing unless the court their own divorce without attorneys.
finds the presence would constitute a This is called appearing pro se (“for
significant hardship and that a just oneself”). Although this alternative is
agreement has been reached. One party much less costly than hiring an attorney,
may file separately if the whereabouts of it can be confusing and time consuming.
the other spouse is unknown and there Anyone who has children, property, or
are no issues of child custody or support. other complex issues should seek the
advice of an attorney.
You can obtain instruction packets and
all necessary forms for dissolution at If you cannot afford an attorney, you
your local courthouse. Many women may qualify for no-cost assistance
seek advice from an attorney (on issues through the Alaska Legal Services
such as child support, custody and Corporation or through the Alaska
valuation of property) and then use the Network on Domestic Violence and
dissolution process. The Family Law Sexual Assault’s Pro Bono Program. If
Self-Help Center can also help with you cannot find an attorney, then you
information on representing yourself should contact the Alaska Court
through this process. See Chapter Two System’s Family Law Self-Help Center.
for more information on the Alaska The Family Law Self-Help Center
Family Law Self-Help Center. provides educational information and
sample pleadings to people who are
What is a child custody action? representing themselves in family law
If a woman was not married to the father
of her children, she can file a child
custody action to determine custody,
visitation, and child support. [AS
25.20.060]. She can also file a motion to
determine property division of joint
assets and payment of joint debts. See
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 137
six years before filing the divorce. [AS What kinds of protections are
09.05.015.] available while the divorce and/or
child custody action is pending?
For the court to decide child custody, it
must determine that is has jurisdiction When a divorce is filed with the court, a
under the Uniform Child Custody standing order issued by the presiding
Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act judge takes effect. Standing orders vary
(UCCJEA). [See later in this chapter.] depending on the court location, but they
The court can set child support against all include three important protections.
another person if: They prohibit either party from:
• the other parent can be served in the • disposing of assets except for
state; reasonable and necessary expenses;
• the other parent resided with the • threatening or harassing the other
child in this state; party; and
• the other parent resided in the state • removing any minor child involved
and supported the child at one time; from the State of Alaska.
• the child resides in this state because
of acts or directives of the other What other protections are available?
• the other parent engaged in sexual While the divorce is pending the court
intercourse in this state through may order:
which the child may have been
conceived; or • that one spouse pay an amount of
• the other parent acknowledges money to allow the other to pay for
parentage in a writing deposited with an attorney or other costs to carry on
the Bureau of Vital Statistics in the divorce;
Alaska. • that one spouse pay reasonable
spousal maintenance, including
Even if the court does not have authority medical expenses;
to decide support, a parent should ask for • that one spouse pay reasonable
it since the court can always defer the support for minor children in the
issue to the Child Support Services care of the spouse;
Division (CSSD) who can bring an • that one spouse is entitled to
interstate action. See CSSD later in this necessary protective orders,
chapter. including orders:
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 139
the U.S., they account for 75 percent of safety of the victim and any household
all battered women and report being member, taking into account the results
battered 14 times as often as women still of an assessment of the potential danger
living with their partners. posed by the perpetrator and the risk of
harm to the victim. The court cannot
What is mediation? order or refer a victim of domestic
violence to mediation if a protective
Divorce mediation is a relatively new order is in effect. [AS 25.20.080 & AS
concept. It is a voluntary process in 25.24.140.] Where there has been
which a neutral third party, a mediator, domestic violence in the past, the victim
helps the couple reach a mutually is permitted to have a person of the
acceptable agreement about their victim’s choice, including an attorney, in
respective rights and responsibilities attendance. Mediation is held in private
after divorce. It is less formal than court and is confidential. The mediator may
proceedings, and even if the people are not testify about the mediation
represented by attorneys, the attorneys proceedings. [ARCP 100(g).] The cost
usually do not actively participate in the of mediation may be paid by one party,
mediation process itself. The goal of by both parties, or by the state if the
mediation is to help reach an agreement, parties are indigent. If mediation or
and the mediator does not have authority negotiation fails, the matter will proceed
to impose a decision on the parties, through court.
although some mediators do pressure
parties to agree to a settlement. Is mediation mandatory in Alaska?
Mediation (using a third party to help At any time within 30 days after a
you communicate and reach an petition for child custody is filed under
agreement) can be used to settle any or AS 25.20.060 or during the pendency of
all aspects of a divorce. Either party can a divorce proceeding (Civil Rule 100)
petition the court to order mediation or the court may order the parties to submit
the parties can engage in mediation to mediation. [However, as discussed
without a court order. [ARCP 100; & AS above, there are limits and prohibitions
25.20.080.] However, the court cannot on mediation if there is domestic
order a victim of domestic violence to violence involved.] Each party has the
engage in mediation unless she wants to right to challenge peremptorily one
use mediation and mediation is provided mediator appointed. Mediation shall be
by a mediator who is trained in domestic conducted informally as a conference or
violence in a manner that protects the by telephone. The parties to the action
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 141
property to another, there may be a tax the other. However, there is strong
gain or loss. Contact an accountant, preference to provide support through
attorney, or the IRS about the tax division of property. [Malone v. Malone,
consequences if you are considering this 587 P.2d 1167 (Alaska 1978); AS
type of division. [IRS Publication 504.] 25.24.160.] The courts seldom provide
long-term alimony for wives unless there
MODIFYING DIVORCE DECREES is evidence of health problems, the
woman is past middle age, the woman is
Other than for issues involving children unemployable, or the marriage was long-
– custody, visitation, and support – the term and there are not enough assets to
court’s ability to modify issues in the provide for her support.
divorce once the decree is final is
limited. There are a few narrow grounds There are two types of alimony in
including fraud, newly discovered Alaska – reorientation and rehabilitative.
evidence, and inadvertence that would Reorientation alimony is support for a
allow the court to reconsider issues short period of time that allows one
within one year. After one year has spouse to adjust financially to the effects
elapsed, it is extremely difficult to of the divorce. Rehabilitative alimony is
relitigate any property or debt issues. support to allow one spouse to do certain
things to improve her financial situation,
CHANGE OF NAME such as education or job training. This
type of alimony is usually awarded in
The court may order either party’s name long-term marriages where the wife has
changed in a divorce or dissolution, but left her career or training to raise
if it is to a name other than a prior name, children or followed her husband in his
the ordinary requirements for name career. The court requires that any
change must be followed. [AS amount that is awarded as rehabilitative
25.24.165.] See Chapter Eight for more be closely linked to the costs of the
information about names. education or job training sought. An
award of alimony is to be based on the
Can I receive alimony from my ex- division of the marital assets, the length
spouse? of the marriage and station in life, the
age and health of the parties, their
In the area of alimony, or financial earning capacity and financial condition
support for one spouse from the other, (including cost and availability of health
Alaska law provides that either spouse insurance), and the parties’ conduct
may be ordered to provide support for during the marriage, including any
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 145
credit for health insurance and medical parent the difference between the two
costs that are required by the court and multiplied by 1.5.
actually paid. There are some narrow
exceptions to setting child support You can obtain a copy of a booklet
according to Civil Rule 90.3 guidelines entitled How to Calculate Child Support
including a large family, significant Under Civil Rule 90.3 from your local
income of a child, divided custody, and/ courthouse so that you can calculate
or extraordinary high or low expenses. child support requirements.
However, in working out a dissolution
agreement, the parents cannot just agree CHANGES TO CHILD SUPPORT
to reduce the child support amount
below the guideline unless the court Either party or the state has the right to
finds that unusual circumstances justify request a review of a child support order.
varying the child support obligation in There are several reasons why an order
the manner provided by the agreement. could be modified. Some of the
situations that could result in a
The court can allow the non-custodial modification follow:
parent to reduce child support payments
for any period the parent has an • child support guidelines were
extended visitation (defined as over 27 adopted or significantly amended
consecutive days), but the order needs to after the existing support order;
specify the amount of the reduction • the income of the obligor changes so
which cannot be greater than 75 percent that the support order is 15 percent
of the total monthly award. Also, a higher or lower than the present
parent is considered to have shared support order; or
physical custody, for purposes of child
• there is no medical support order in
support rules, if the children are with
that parent for at least 30 percent of the
year, regardless of who has legal
If either party requests a review, both
custody. If the parents have shared
parties will be required to provide Child
physical custody, then each parent
Support Services Division (CSSD) with
calculates under the guidelines what they
financial info rmation. Private
would pay to the other, and then they
agreements between parties are not valid
multiply that amount by the percentage
unless they are approved by a judge or
of time the parent will have physical
entered in a court order of a case in
custody of the children. The parent with
which the child support order is being
the larger figure then pays the other
enforced by CSSD. It is important to
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 147
note that child support payments cannot [Note: Custodian is the person who has
be changed retroactively. Therefore, if the care, control and maintenance of a
you are paying too much or receiving child(ren) as determined by a court or
too little, you should act immediately to agreed upon by both parents. This
modify the support calculation. person will receive the support as
specified in a child support order. The
Pro se packets are now available to Office of Children’s Services is the
modify child support. You can request custodian for children in their custody.
the court to modify child support without The obligor/non-custodial parent is the
using CSSD or an attorney person who must pay support because
they do not have daily care or
The Alaska Court System recently maintenance responsibilities.]
finished a project that produced “forms”
for pro se parties to move the Court to What services are available in Alaska
modify child support without CSSD or from CSSD?
attorneys. The forms are available in the
Clerk’s Office, and they are fill-in-the- The Child Support Services Division
blank type forms. They require that the can:
other party and CSSD be legally served
with the motion and supporting • provide child support services when
documents. either parent or a third-party
custodian applies;
CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES • establish paternity if it has not
DIVISION (CSSD) already been established;
• establish a child support order;
Every state has a child support
enforcement program to collect child • enforce a child support order, even if
support from parents who are legally the paying parent is not in Alaska;
obligated to pay it. In Alaska, the Child • obtain an order to modify an existing
Support Services Division (CSSD) child support order;
provides these services. State • send orders to withhold funds for
enforcement programs locate absent child support to employers, banks,
parents, establish paternity, establish and the Permanent Fund Dividend
enforce support orders, and collect child Division, and other places the
support payments. While programs vary paying parent may have income or
from state to state, their services are assets;
available to all parents who need them. • collect and mail out payments; and
148 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
• revoke the driver’s licenses and to make this request in writing so that a
occupational licenses of obligors copy of your request gets into your file.
who do not pay child support.
Child Support Services will not release
If you or the other parent are receiving information to the general public.
temporary assistance benefits, CSSD However, if your case is filed with the
will automatically collect child support court, information in your court case is
payments to repay the state debt. available to the public. If you and/or
[Important Note: Public assistance your children have been a victim of
recipients are normally required to domestic violence, you may request that
cooperate with efforts by CSSD to this information not be released. [AS
establish paternity and to collect child 25.27.275.] Domestic violence includes:
support. However, a recipient may not
be required to cooperate if there is good • harassment;
cause not to require such cooperation. • threats;
Inform CSSD and your public assistance • emotional abuse;
worker if recovering child support or
• physical violence, including sexual
establishing paternity would put you
assault or incest; and/or
and/or your children’s safety at risk due
to domestic violence.] See Chapter 15 • parental kidnapping. See Chapter
“Good Cause Exception” under the Five for a more detailed definition of
Domestic Violence Policy section for domestic violence.
additional protections for victims of
domestic violence. How is a support order established by
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Child support orders may be established
by a court or by CSSD through the use
Child Support Services may be required of an administrative process. If CSSD
to provide information about you or your establishes a child support order
children to others included in your child administratively, they will set the
support case. If it would put your safety support amount using Alaska’s Child
at risk for the obligor to receive Support Guidelines. [Alaska Court Civil
information about you and your children, Rules of Procedure 90.3 (CR 90.3).]
you can request that your address and This rule requires that the child support
other information not be released to the obligation be a percentage of the
obligor. [AS 25.27.275.] It is a good idea adjusted annual income of the obligor
parent. CSSD multiplies the obligor’s
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 149
income by the appropriate percentage How long does it take for the custodial
(depending on number of children in the parent to receive support payments
support order). If the obligor does not made to CSSD?
provide income information, CSSD will
use the best information available to In most cases, CSSD mails support
determine the parent’s total income from checks to the custodial parent the next
all sources. business day after CSSD receives the
CSSD uses an Administrative Support
Order when they issue a child support or How can I find out about the payment
medical support order. Both parties status of my case?
receive a copy of this order and either
party can appeal the findings. If you CSSD has a computerized telephone
appeal, you must present evidence system called the KIDS line. The KIDS
supporting your claim. After an line will give you answers to many
administrative review, CSSD will decide commonly asked questions and allows
whether they should change the findings. access to payment information about
Either party may appeal CSSD’s your case. You can also leave messages
decision to a formal hearing officer for your caseworker and hear
appointed by the Commissioner of the informational announcements about
Department of Revenue. The hearing CSSD services. You can call the KIDS
officer’s decision may be appealed to the line 24 hours a day, seven days a week at
Superior Court by either party. 1-800-478-3300. You can also access the
CSSD website.
How are support payments made to
CSSD? What happens if support payments
are not made?
Money that CSSD collects will be paid
to the custodian unless the custodian or If child support is owed and CSSD
child is receiving temporary assistance locates an employer or a financial
or Medicaid. If the custodian received institution of the obligor, CSSD is
temporary assistance, they are required required to issue an Order to Withhold
to assign the child support payments to and Deliver wages or assets. Earnings
the State of Alaska. Custodial parents are withheld directly from the payroll
receive a $50 pass through payment on office or from an account in a financial
each child support payment received. institution.
150 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Failure to make support payments may under the existing court order does not
also result in other enforcement actions object or agrees to the other parent
for collections. These actions include taking custody for nine months or more,
liens, judgments, Permanent Fund then the Court can enter an order
Dividend and IRS refund attachments, precluding that parent from collecting
credit bureau reporting, taking child support arrears that accumulated
possession of money in checking and under the order. However, this is not
bank accounts, and other actions allowed automatic and you have to prove the
under civil and criminal law. Anyone requisite facts to the court before they
owing more than four months of child will order it.
support might also lose his or her
occupational or driver’s license. CSSD What happens if there is a custody
can file liens on real estate if arrears are order in place and the non-custodial
at least equal to one month of unpaid parent under the order takes over
support. custody without changing the order
and starts to collect public assistance?
CSSD may take the obligor’s federal
income tax refunds to pay support debts. CSSD will apply to the court for an
The IRS money will only be applied to interim order requiring the person who
debts that are in arrears (as of the date of formerly had custody to pay support
certification to IRS); it will not apply to during any month during that the other
current support. person had custody and collected public
benefits. CSSD will not address the
What if either parent moves out of custody situation, but they will secure an
state? interim order that reimbursement can be
sought from the now non-custodial
CSSD can continue to collect payments parent.
and can coordinate enforcement of the
support order with the child support Can CSSD establish paternity?
agency in the other state, if necessary.
Yes. If paternity has not been established
What happens if there is a custody and child support is pursued, CSSD can
order in place and the non-custodial establish paternity. This generally occurs
parent under the order takes over when a child is born out of wedlock.
custody without changing the order? Both parties can sign an affidavit when
they agree about paternity. If they do not
If the parent who has legal custody agree, then CSSD will require genetic
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 151
tests to determine the father of the child. proceedings can help you protect your
CSSD will not establish paternity for interests.
children who are born out of incest or
forcible rape unless the mother is legally If you are working with CSSD, you are
competent and requests the required to notify them of the following:
establishment of paternity.
• new addresses;
Does CSSD charge for services? • custody changes of the children;
• visitation of the children when a
No. CSSD does not charge a fee for
court order for visitation exists;
services. However, an alleged father
must pay CSSD for genetic testing if it is • payments received directly from the
proved that he is the biological father. non-custodial parent;
• new employment or changes to
How do I apply for CSSD services? earnings;
• availability of medical insurance
Either parent can apply for CSSD coverage for the children; and
services at any time. To apply for • any action that you start on your
services, you must fill out an application own which may affect support such
form. You can obtain an application at as seeking a new or modified court
the court or at CSSD’s offices. [See the order, custody changes, or other
Resource Directory for locations.] You collections.
can also request an application by mail/
email or by leaving a message on the SUPPORT TO CHILDREN PAST
KIDS line. AGE 18
What are your rights and As a general rule, parents do not have a
responsibilities in working with legal obligation to provide support for
CSSD? their children past the age of 18.
However, there are important exceptions
During any CSSD proceeding, you are to this rule: (1) for unmarried 18-year-
not required, but may hire and bring old children of the marriage who are
your own attorney. You can attend and actively pursuing a high school diploma
participate in case proceedings and or an equivalent level of technical or
hearings that concern your child support vocational training and living as
order with or without an attorney. dependents with the spouse or designee
Participating in child support of the spouse; and (2) when an adult
152 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
child is incapable of self support due to not claim the child as a dependent for tax
physical or mental disability. [AS purposes. [A.S. 25.24.152].
25.24.140(a)(3); Sanders v. Sanders, 902
P.2d 310 (Alaska 1995).] CHILD CUSTODY
• the physical, emotional, mental, • other factors that the court finds
religious, and social needs of the important such as the past history of
child; the parents with respect to their
• the capability and desire of each compliance with child support
parent to meet these needs; orders, if the parent had knowledge
• the child’s preference; of the order and through reasonable
efforts had the ability to comply.
• the love and affection existing
[AS 25.24.150]
between the child and each parent;
• the length of time the child has lived There is a rebuttable presumption that a
in a stable, satisfactory environment parent who has “history of perpetrating
and the desirability of maintaining domestic violence” against another
continuity; parent should not be awarded sole or
• the willingness and ability of each joint legal or primary or shared physical
parent to facilitate and encourage a custody. A history of perpetrating
close and continuing relationship domestic violence includes one
between the other parent and the incidence of violence that causes serious
child, except that the court may not physical injury or more than one incident
consider this willingness and ability of domestic violence. If one parent can
if one parent shows that the other prove that the other parent has a “history
parent has sexually assaulted or of perpetrating domestic violence,” then
engaged in domestic violence the other parent must show that they
against the parent or a child, and that have successfully completed a batterer’s
a continuing relationship with the intervention program, that they do not
other parent will endanger the health engage in substance abuse, and that the
or safety of either the parent or the best interests of the child require their
child; participation as a custodial parent
• any evidence of domestic violence, because the other parent is absent, has a
child abuse or child neglect in the mental illness, or has a substance abuse
proposed custodial household or a problem that affects parenting abilities.
history of domestic violence If the abusive parent cannot prove this,
between the parents; they generally are permitted only
• evidence of drug abuse by either supervised visitation. [A.S. 25.24.150(g)
parent or any other member of the (h)].
household that may affect the
physical or emotional well-being of If the court finds that both parents have a
the child; and history of perpetrating domestic
154 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
violence, the court is supposed to either [In re Matter of J.J.J., 718 P.2d 948
award sole legal and primary physical (1986).] While a parent’s past is not
custody to the parent who is less likely determinative, it can be considered in
to perpetrate violence and order that evaluating current stability and parenting
person into a batterer’s intervention ability. Therefore, the fact that you have
program or award custody to a third committed adultery or are or have been
party if necessary to protect the child. on welfare is not a factor to be
[AS 25.24.150(i)]. considered by the court unless it can be
shown that it either affects the well-
If the court finds that a parent or child is being of the child or is evidence of a
a victim of domestic violence, the court lack of stability on your part.
may order that the address and telephone
number of the parent or child be kept It is generally advisable for women to be
confidential in the proceedings. [AS concerned about the factors that may be
25.20.060.] brought up regarding stability and
predictability of the child’s environment
The courts have indicated that including:
consideration should be given to the
desirability of keeping children together • use of alcohol and/or drugs;
so they can grow up as brothers and • excessive changes in living, overuse
sisters, rather than separating them, of other caretakers, particularly for
unless their welfare clearly requires such extended periods of time;
a course. [Rhodes v. Rhodes, 370 P.2d
• negative comments to children about
902 (Alaska 1962).]
absent spouses; and
The Alaska Supreme Court has also • denial of visitation.
ruled that a parent’s conduct, including
sexual preference, cannot be considered If custody is in any way an issue, you
in determining custody unless it can be should consider immediately hiring an
shown that it has or reasonably will have attorney with experience in the area or, if
an adverse impact on the child [S.N.E. v. you qualify, obtaining assistance from
R.L.B., 699 P.2d 875 (Alaska 1985).] Alaska Legal Services or from the
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence
The Alaska Supreme Court also has and Sexual Assault’s Pro Bono Program
indicated that no single factor should be (if your case involves issues of domestic
allowed to outweigh all others when violence or sexual assault). Once a
analyzing the best interest of the child. custody determination has been made by
divorce or dissolution, it is difficult to
Divorce, Dissolution, Child Custody, & Child Support 155
party from taking the children out of the court ordered visitation with children
judicial district and a parent must get may also be made to pay $200 in
permission from the judge or the other damages for each time that visitation is
parent to do so. denied without a good reason. [AS
If no court orders have been entered
regarding the children, a woman can VISITATION IN PROCEEDINGS
take the children with her when leaving INVOLVING DOMESTIC
a relationship, as long as she doesn’t VIOLENCE
have the intent to permanently deny the
other custodial parent access to the If visitation is awarded to a parent who
children. This means that it is not a has committed a crime involving
crime for a woman to take her children domestic violence against the other
(natural or adopted) with her to a parent or a child of the two parents
battered woman’s shelter or to a friend’s within the five years preceding the
home when immediate safety is at issue. award of visitation, the court may set
The court will look at many factors to conditions for the visitation, including:
determine a parent’s intent to keep
children away from another custodial • the transfer of the child for visitation
parent. It is highly advisable to get the must occur in a protected setting;
advice of an attorney if you are • visitation shall be supervised by
considering taking your children away another person or agency and under
from another custodial parent to ensure specified conditions as ordered by
that you are not committing a crime. the court;
• the perpetrator shall attend and
If the custodian of a child fails without
complete, to the satisfaction of the
excuse to permit visitation as allowed by
court, a program for the
court order, the custodian may be
rehabilitation of perpetrators of
punished by fine. A just excuse includes
domestic violence;
illness of a child which makes it
dangerous to the health of the child for • the perpetrator shall abstain from
visitation to take place, but does not possession or consumption of
include the wish of the child not to have alcohol or controlled substances
visitation with the person entitled to it. during the visitation and for 24
[AS 11.51.125.] hours before visitation;
• the perpetrator shall pay costs of
A person who interferes with another’s supervised visitation as set by the
158 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Chapter Fifteen
State and federal governments have many public assistance programs available
through various agencies. Applicants must meet eligibility requirements for each
program and are accorded basic rights under all programs.
day you receive it with only your fair hearing in a timely manner.
name, address, and signature on it. • See the manual for the program
(With some public assistance about which you have a question.
programs, e.g., temporary assistance
and food stamps, it is important to FAIR HEARINGS
file an application as early in the
month as possible because you will Fair hearings are informal proceedings
only receive benefits from the date you can request if you are dissatisfied
you file your application). with an action on your case that affects
• Have a face-to-face interview. your benefit amount or eligibility. You
• Receive a written notice telling you have the opportunity to tell the hearing
if you are eligible (time limits for officer why your benefits should be
how soon these notices must get to granted, reinstated, or recalculated. You
you vary by program). have the right to represent yourself or
• Have your benefits on the way have someone else represent you at the
within 30 days for most programs fair hearing (a friend, neighbor, relative,
(emergency food stamps should be or an attorney from Alaska Legal
paid within seven calendar days). Services Corporation if you qualify).
However, you do not need an attorney to
• Receive fair and equal treatment
represent you. If you have legal fees as a
regardless of age, sex, race, color,
result of the fair hearing, DPA is not
handicap, religion, national origin,
responsible for them. The hearing is
or political belief.
tape-recorded and held before a Hearing
• Be notified in writing in advance of Officer from the Commissioner’s Office,
any changes in your benefits; who makes a decision about the case.
however, there may be instances
when notice arrives after the benefit You should request a hearing as soon as
change. possible if you are dissatisfied with an
• Request and have a fair hearing action in your case. Generally, you must
whenever the DPA takes an action ask for a hearing within 30 days of the
on your case with which you do not date the notice of decision was mailed to
agree, or if DPA fails to take action you. If you want to keep receiving your
on your case within the required benefits while your hearing is being
time frame. If you are already decided, you must ask for a hearing
receiving benefits, you can request within the time frames described in the
that benefits be continued pending a notice. If you decide to continue
fair hearing decision if you request a receiving your benefits while the hearing
162 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
decision is being made, you may have to need of assistance, you may be entitled
pay the benefits back if you lose the fair to emergency food stamp benefits. If you
hearing. are eligible for emergency food stamp
benefits, the state must make them
INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMS available to you no later than seven days
after you apply. If you are not entitled to
What are food stamps? emergency food stamp benefits, the
Division has 30 days to process your
The Food Stamp Program provides low- application and give you food stamps if
income households benefits that can be you are eligible.
used to purchase food, some kinds of
subsistence hunting and fishing gear, and What is the Alaska Temporary
seeds and plants used to grow food. Assistance Program?
Food stamp benefits also may be used to
purchase meals on wheels and group The Alaska Temporary Assistance
meals for the elderly. Program (ATAP) is available to low-
income families with dependent children
In order to be eligible for food stamp under age 18, whether or not both
benefits, a household must meet specific parents are in the household. It is also
income and resource guidelines. In available to low-income women in their
general, households must meet both a last trimester of pregnancy. Minor
gross income (before deductions) and parents are not eligible for Temporary
net income (after deductions) test. The Assistance unless they are living with
rules are more liberal for the elderly and their own parents or guardians or in an
disabled. The income limits for the Food approved adult-supervised setting. Also,
Stamp Program are set by the federal instead of regular Temporary Assistance
government and are updated annually. payments, some families may be able to
The amount of income the household get a short-term “diversion” payment to
may have and still be eligible depends help them start or remain working.
on the number of people in the
household. For precise eligibility Under Temporary Assistance, the family
information, check with the nearest must make a “family self-sufficiency
public assistance office. See the plan” with their DPA case worker to
Resource Directory at the end of this help them find employment to become
handbook for contact information. self-supporting without welfare. The
Temporary Assistance program is
If you are destitute and in immediate focused on work. Participants must
Public Assistance 163
Chapter Sixteen
This chapter reprinted with permission from the “Guide to Alaska’s Criminal
Justice System,” Alaska Judicial Council.
Arraignment: usually the first court responsibility for the defendant, or let
proceeding in a criminal case. The judge the defendant go on the defendant’s
tells the defendant what the alleged promise to appear in court (“own
offenses are, and what rights defendants recognizance”). Bail is intended to
have. The judge asks the defendant to assure the defendant’s presence in court
plead guilty, not guilty or no contest. and to protect the victim and public.
Arrest: the legal restraint of a person for Bail Hearing: a proceeding at which a
the purpose of charging the person with judge or magistrate decides whether to
a crime. Police also can arrest a person release a defendant before a trial or
for investigation in some circumstances, pending appeal, and under what
or for violation of a court order. conditions. Defendants often must
deposit a sum of money with the court to
Arrest Warrant: a legal document assure their appearance in court.
issued by the court or parole board
authorizing the police to arrest someone. Bail Bondsman: an individual who
arranges with the court for a defendant’s
Arson: intentionally causing a fire or release from jail. The bail bondsman
explosion in a building. promises the court that he will pay the
full bail if the defendant does not come
Assault: causing or threatening physical to court when required. The defendant
harm to another person. Alaska has four pays the bondsman a fee for this service.
degrees of assault, depending on the
seriousness of the victim’s injuries, the Bailiff: a person appointed by the court
weapon used, and the offender’s intent. to keep order in the courtroom and to
Fourth degree assault is a misdemeanor; have custody of the jury.
the more serious assaults are felonies.
Bench Warrant: an order issued by a
Attorney: a graduate of a law school, judge for the arrest of a person – the
admitted to practice before the courts of defendant, a witness, or other participant
a jurisdiction. The attorney advises, in the judicial proceeding – who failed to
represents, and acts for the client or appear in court as required. Judges also
government. issue warrants for the arrest of
defendants when charges or indictments
Bail: the release of a person who was are filed.
arrested or imprisoned. The court can
tell the defendant to pay a bond or Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: the
deposit, require another person to take degree which a juror must be sure of the
172 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
facts in the case before finding the inside. Otherwise, the offense is second-
defendant guilty. degree burglary. Both crimes are
Bill of Particulars: a document that tells
the defendant about the specific Calendar: a daily list of cases to appear
occurrences that the prosecution plans to before the court. Some courts call this
prove during the trial. It limits the list a docket. At “calendar call,” the
prosecution to asking about only these court sets trial dates for a large number
occurrences. of cases.
Complainant: the victim of a crime who Contempt of Court: any act calculated
brings the facts to the attention of the to embarrass or obstruct a court in the
authorities. administration of justice or calculated to
lessen its authority or dignity.
Complaint: a written statement of the
essential facts about the offense charged; Continuance: the postponement of legal
usually filed at the beginning of the case. proceedings until some future time or
174 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Conviction: the court’s judgment that criminal law, and punish, supervise, and
the defendant is guilty of a criminal rehabilitate offenders.
offense, based on the verdict of a judge
or jury, or on the defendant’s plea of Criminal Mischief: the offense of
guilty of no contest. intentionally damaging property. It can
be a felony or misdemeanor, depending
Correctional Institution: a prison, jail, upon the amount and type of damage.
or other facility for imprisoning
offenders. Cross-Examination: the questioning by
a party or attorney of the opponent’s
Corroborating Evidence: evidence that witness, after the direct examination.
supplements evidence already given and The court usually limits cross-
tends to strengthen or confirm it. examination to the credibility of the
witness and to matters raised on direct
Count: one of the parts of a complaint, examination.
indictment or information. Each count
alleges a separate offense. Custody: detained by authority of the
law; arrest and detention. The courts
Court: a chamber or other room where often release defendants to the custody
trials and other judicial hearings take of a responsible third person before trial.
place. A judge presides over the court. They also often let juveniles stay in the
“The court” also refers to the judge custody of a parent or guardian during
rather than to the room or building. proceedings and after disposition.
Court Clerk: an individual who keeps a Defendant: the person charged with a
record of court proceedings each day and crime; also called the accused.
records future dates for the judge’s
calendar. This person takes charge of all Delinquency: a formal finding by a
case files and paperwork for each day. court that a juvenile has committed a
crime and should be subject to state
Crime: any act that the legislature has supervision.
decided to punish by imprisonment and
to prosecute in a criminal proceeding. De Novo: literally anew, as in trial de
novo – the granting of a new trial.
Criminal Justice System: the
combination of police, courts and Detention: the legal confinement of a
corrections agencies that operates person awaiting criminal or juvenile
collectively to prevent crime, enforce the proceedings.
Glossary 175
Direct Evidence: proof of facts by fairness and justice in the courts. The
witnesses who saw the acts done or constitutional guarantee of due process
heard the words spoken, as distinguished requires that every person have the
from circumstantial or indirect evidence. protection of a fair trial.
Due Process of Law: the constitutional Felony: in Alaska any criminal offense
and common law principles that protect that carries a possible sentence of one
176 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
his or her conduct. The defendant is still penalty. A witness may be granted
subject to imprisonment combined with immunity from prosecution to encourage
mental health treatment. the witness to answer questions.
Otherwise, the witness might refuse to
Habeas Corpus: an order to bring a answer to avoid self-incrimination.
person before the judge that issued the
order. The court then decides whether Impanelling: the process by which the
the person has been held in custody court selects potential jurors and swears
without due process of law. them in.
the defendant, and conduct felony bail Mistrial: a trial that the judge has ended
hearings. and declared void before the verdict
because of some extraordinary
Manslaughter: causing the death of circumstance or some fundamental error
another person under circumstances not that cannot be cured by appropriate
amounting to murder in the first or instructions to a the jury.
second degree.
Mitigating Factor: a fact about the
Master: an attorney appointed to crime or offender set out by law that lets
juvenile or other proceedings to hear the the judge reduce a presumptive sentence.
facts of a case and make
recommendations to the judge. Motion: a request by a party in a case
that the court make a certain ruling.
Misconduct Involving Controlled
Substances: criminal drug possession, Murder: first-degree murder includes
manufacture and sale. Alaska law sets killing another person with intent to kill,
out six degrees of this offense, ranging by forced suicide, or through torture.
from major drug trafficking (an Second-degree murder includes killing
unclassified felony), to possession of another person with intent to cause
marijuana (a Class B misdemeanor). serious physical injury, during another
serious felony (felony-murder), or while
Misconduct Involving Weapons: acting in a way that shows extreme
prohibited possession, use or sale of indifference to the value of human life.
firearms. First-degree misconduct (a
Class C felony) includes gun possession Nolo Contendre or No Contest: a plea
by a felon and illegal weapon sales. in a criminal offense indicating that the
Second-degree misconduct includes defendant neither admits nor denies the
recklessly discharging a gun and charges, but does not contest the facts of
carrying a gun while intoxicated. Third- the case. The criminal case proceeds as
degree misconduct includes carrying a if the defendant pled guilty. A plea of
concealed weapon and bringing a gun no contest cannot be used against the
into a bar. The lesser degrees of defendant to decide liability in a separate
misconduct are misdemeanors. civil case.
Suspended Sentence: in some cases, the Victim Impact Statement: the victim’s
judge can suspend part or all of a account of the harm the victim suffered
sentence to imprisonment and give from the crime, to be considered by the
probation instead. If the defendant fails judge at sentencing.
to meet the conditions, the judge can
impose the suspended time. Voir Dire: the questions asked of
186 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
If you have questions or need help, you can call one of these agencies. The area code
for all Alaska numbers is (907).
5. I can purchase rope ladders to be used I understand that I may need to ask the
for escape from second floor windows. police and the courts to enforce my
protective order. I can do some or all of
6. I can install smoke detectors and the following to increase my safety:
purchase fire extinguishers for my home.
1. I can keep a copy of my protective
7. I can install an outside lighting order with me at all times.
system that lights up when a person is
coming close to my house. 2. I can check with my local police
department to make sure my protective
8. I can teach my children how to use order is on record with them. If not, I
the telephone, in case my partner takes will give a copy of my protective order
them, to make a collect call to me and to: to them. I will also give a copy of my
________________________________. protective order to police departments in
(friend/advocate/minister/other) the community where I work and in
those communities where I usually visit
9. I can tell people who take care of my family or friends.
children which people have permission
to pick up my children and that my
204 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
3. I can tell my employer, my domestic 3. When I leave work, I can walk with
violence program advocate, my minister, _______________________ to my car
my closest friend, and or the bus stop. I can park my car where
________________ that I have a I will feel safest getting in and out of the
protective order in effect. car.
5. Cordless phones use radio waves to A note of thanks to Barbara Hart, Esq.,
transmit sounds, and therefore Legal Director, Pennsylvania Coalition
conversations can be intercepted by Against Domestic Violence, whose
other cordless devices, radios, and radio materials on safety planning made this
scanners. Phones with wires are safety planning section possible.
generally safer, but they may also be
tapped. A safe phone for me to use when
discussing my escape plans, safety plans,
or speaking with an advocate
Personalized Safety Plan 207
208 Women’s Legal Rights Handbook
Rights Handbook
Program Location Local Phone Toll Free
AVV Valdez
Makes it Possible (907)Domestic
to Get Your 835-2999 1-800-835-4044
Violence Protective Order Enforced in
AWAIC Other States
Anchorage (907) 272-0100 *