Reasons For The Decreasing of API Gravity in Bangestun Crude Oil Reservoirs in Munsouri Oil Field, SW Lrun
Reasons For The Decreasing of API Gravity in Bangestun Crude Oil Reservoirs in Munsouri Oil Field, SW Lrun
Reasons For The Decreasing of API Gravity in Bangestun Crude Oil Reservoirs in Munsouri Oil Field, SW Lrun
Reasons for the decreasing of API gravity in Bangestun crude Oil Reservoirs in
Munsouri Oil Field, SW lrun
0 239
3 authors, including:
Hossein Memarian
University of Tehran
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hossein Memarian on 21 May 2014.
Physical and chemical properties of crude oil, including viscosity and API gravity, are
commonly inherited from the early organic matter, environmental conditions in which they
rrere deposited and depth of burial of the source beds. API gravity increases in deeper burial
due to higher thermal maturation of organic matter in the source rocks and consequently,
generation of lighter saturated hydrocarbons.
Mansouri Oil Field in the Dezful Embayment in northern Zagros, SW Iran, consists of three
successive reservoir horizons including: Asmari Limestone (Oligo-Miocence), Ilam and Sarvak
Formations (Bangestan Group) of Late and Mid Cretaceous age. API gravity variations do not
follow the international depth order in these horizons, i.e., decrease from 25.83 in the upper
reservoir (Asmari) to 21.46 in the lower Qlam) and to 25.01 in the lower reservoir (Sarvak).
Geochemical analysis of 5 crude samples from 3 reservoir horizons indicated that frequency
distribution of saturated and non-saturated hydrocarbons, as well as polar compounds (resins
and asphaltens) in the Asmari and Sarvak formations are rather close to each other, but they
differ remarkably within the Ilam formation, e.g., saturated hydrocarbons maximize to 60.51o/"
in Asmari, 50.36"h in Sarvalq and 37.22oh in Ilam. However, aromatics decrease to a minimum
of 28.64,h in Asmari alrrd33.84o/o in Sarvalg but maximizeto 41.8o/o in Ilam. On the other hand,
crude materials in the llam reservoir contains 20.98oh of polar compounds, while in Asmari
reservoirl it decreases to a minimum of 10.89%.
Gas-chromatography analysis of crude samples from the Mansouri Oiled Field-showed that
CPI results are rather similar and close to I , indicating that oils in the Sarvak, Ilam and Asmari
resevoirs are generated from one source rock, which belongs to the Kazhdomi Formation.
Other source potential, i.e., Pabdeh Formation, was not mature thermally and therefore, did not
reach the stage of oil generation. It is concluded that the Oil Field consists of only one petroleum
: Mansouri is an under-saturated oil field and lacks gas cap. Consequently, its gas-oil ratio is
th low and the lowest value is found in the Ilam reservoir. Minimum frequency distribution of
paraflinie hydrocarbon and maximized content of aromatics and polar compounds in this
reservoir could be probably due to strong variation of porosity and permeability in the Ilam
API gravity, Geochemicsl analysis, Gus chromstography, Mass spectrometry' Biomarkers,
1 Gas-oil ratio, Frequency distribution, Polar compounds, Mansouri Oil Field, Iran
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