Secrets of Sudarshana Chakra Dasa
Secrets of Sudarshana Chakra Dasa
Secrets of Sudarshana Chakra Dasa
Dasa: Part 1
Rahu is a highly malefic planet in the horoscope and it needs to be
carefully seen for understand the areas in life it is negatively
impacting. In a horoscope, determine the Rasi where Rahu is
placed. From there, count Kendra (1–4–7–10), Kona (5–9) and Ari
(6). From these places, Rahu will be placed in a Kendra, Kona or
Randhra and will suffer destruction when the period of that sign is
under operation.
Kendra: Vrschika (1), Kumbha (4), Vrsha (7) and Simha (10)
1H: CL*, SL
3H: JL
5H: CL, JL
6H: JL, CL
7H: SL, CL
8H: SL, JL
9H: CL, SL
12H: JL*, SL
This indicates that The 2nd house, 10th house and 11th house are
not getting impacted by Rahu at all from all the three points
Janma, Chandra or Surya Lagnas. They can be called the immune
houses from troubles in life. On the other hand 4th house is
extremely affected from all the three Lagnas. From Janma Lagna it
is a Kona from Rahu, from Chandra Lagna it is a Kendra from
Rahu and from Surya Lagna, it is also a Kendra from Rahu. Thus
the 4th house is the most negatively impacted house in the
horoscope and the native will suffer from severe danger (Arista)
due to Rahu.
The houses 5th to 9th and then 12th houses are suffering on 3
counts. Among them, their level of negative impact will vary based
on the reference points from where they are getting impacted. The
level of importance can be taken as 3 pada for Lagna, 2 Pada for
Chandra lagna and 1 pada for Surya Lagna. The maximum
negativity for a house from this viewpoint can be 3+2+1 = 6 pada.
The next step is to ascertain the period. Lets take the 4H which is
severely afflicted. When 4 (for 4th house) is added to multiples of
12, that will give the age on which the native will suffer in the
matters of the 4th house, due to Rahu. There are two methods of
Progression of Bhavas
In the method of Sudarshana Chakra Dasa, each Bhava counted
from the three reference points, Janma Lagna (JL), Chandra
Lagna (CL) and Surya Lagna (SL), firstly assigned 1 year each.
Everything happening in that year can be read by treating that sign
as the Lagna. For the sake of reference, we call this sign as the
Marsha Lagna.
In the fixed method of reckoning, after every 12 years, the Varsha
Lagna returns to the Janma Lagna (or Chandra and Surya Lagna).
Thus the 13th year, the Varsha Lagna coincides with the starting
reference points. Derivation of the Varsha Lagna is very
straightforward. One needs to know the Reference Age first and
then expunge the multiples of 12. How to know the year in
operation? This depends on whether the date of reference is before
or after the date of birth.
After we have fixed the Varsha Lagna, the Masa Lagna can be
arrived by counting 1 Month for 1 Bhava counted from the Varsha
Lagna. Thus the 1st month in that year will be same as the Varsha
Lagna, the 9th month will be the 9th sign counted from the Varsha
Lagna and so on.
Within the month, the next level is the duration of 2.5 days or 60
hours. This can be derived by counting the periods of 60 hours
from the Masa Lagna. This can be further divided into duration of
5 hours.
The Shubha Grahas should ideally occupy the Kendras as this will
give best support for the native to work and reach his goal. This is
best suited in the horoscopes of Karma-yogi, whose mission in life
is to do great things and achieve great heights.
The next best placement are the Konas, where the native does not
have to work much, but is still rewarded with good finances and
resources. This is well suited in the horoscopes of those who wants
to enjoy life in its fullest.
Shani and Mangal are the real papa-grahas. Among the nodes,
Rahu is like Shani and Ketu is like Mangal, hence they are also
papa-graha. However, Mangal and Ketu are the friends of the
Devas, hence their objective is to do good for the creation.
The Bhavas
Now, lets see from a Bhava perspective, which Bhavas should be
occupied by which Graha, Shubha or Papa. Although it is not
possible to give everything with regards to the good or bad results
due to graha placements in a short article such as this, given here
some key highlights. One need to study the impact of each grahas
on the different Bhavas from standard jyotish books to gain
detailed understanding.
If we apply this logic, we will see that an event stands out when it
is supported by the Surya, Chandra and Lagna at three levels,
Mahadasa, Antardasa and Pratyantardasa. If one of them don’t
support the event, the event does not happen.
Once the overall theme or the year is known, one can focus on
individual houses. For instance, 2nd house for family, wealth,
speech, eyes etc., 3rd house for siblings, valour etc. The following
key points should always be kept under consideration.
An important consideration
Which Bhava Results will be dominant in a Year? This depends on
the Bhava where the Varsha Lagnesha is placed. Few
1. If the Varsha Lagnesha is fortified in Natal Chart as well as in
Transit, by (1) conjunction or aspects of shubha grahas, (2)
shubha kartari yoga, (3) placement in Uccha, Sva, Mula and
Mitra Rasis, (4) placed in 7th from the Sun, and (5) victorious
in graha yuddha then the results are going to be positive
pertaining to the Bhava where the Varsha Lagnesha is placed.
2. If the Varsha Lagnesha is weak in Natal chart as well as in
Transit, by (1) conjunction or aspects of papa grahas, (2) papa
kartari yoga, (3) placement in Neecha, Shatru Rasis, (4)
combusted by Surya, and (5) defeated in graha yuddha, then
the results are going to be native pertaining to the Bhava where
the Varsha Lagnesha is placed.
3. What is mentioned above for placement in a Bhava from the
Lagna, is also effective when the Varsha lagnesha (1) is
conjoined with a Bhava lord, (2) having mutual aspect with a
Bhava lord. For instance, when the Varsha lagnesha occupies
natal 7th house, there can be marriage. The same can be told
when the Varsha Lagnesha conjoins the natal 7th lord.
Alternatively, Varsha Lagnesha occupied by natal 7th lord, or
Kakara for Marriage, Venus can also give marriage.
We need to reconcile the influences arising out of Natal
disposition as well as the transit of the grahas on the Varsha Lagna
and the Lagnesha, to determine how auspicious and inauspicious a
year going to be, and also what kinds of events will manifest.
The same rules can be applied to the Masa Lagna / Lagnesha and
2.5 Dina Lagna/ Lagnesha.
Key Principles
Based on my understanding of Ashtakavarga, I am proposing the
following way to use Ashtakavarga in Sudardhana Chakra Dasa.
So, when the Annual Cycle of the Bhava repeats after every 12
years, the Primary influences of the 10 year cycle will modify the
annual results. Thus, the it will be misleading if we look at the
results of the Annual Cycle without considering the impact of the
10 yearly cycle.