21ST June 24-28, 2019

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School San Pablo City Science Integrated High School Grade Level Grade 12 STEM Sections

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Charisel Jeanne H. Casala

Learning Area 21 Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Teaching Dates and Time June 24-28, 2019 Quarter First Quarter


A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21 st Century Philippine Literature from the regions.
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st Century Philippine literature from the regions through: 1) a written close
B. Performance Standard
analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research.
EN12Lit-Id-25/ EN12Lit-Id-25/ EN12Lit-Id-25/ EN12Lit-Id-25/
C. Learning Competency
EN12Lit-Ie-28 EN12Lit-Ie-28 EN12Lit-Ie-28 EN12Lit-Ie-28
Philippine Literature During the Philippine Literature During the Philippine Literature During the
II. CONTENT American and Japanese Introduction to Literary Criticism
Spanish Colonization Spanish Colonization Colonization
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
21st Century Literature from the Philippines 21st Century Literature from the Philippines 21st Century Literature from the Philippines 21st Century Literature from the Philippines
3. Textbook pages
and the World pp. 9-21 and the World pp. 9-21 and the World pp. 9-21 and the World pp112-113
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource portal
B. Other Learning Resource www.quipperschool.com
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
WORDSCAPES: Form a word using HUMAN TABLEAU. The students will TWO TRUTHS AND ONE LIE. Taking How do we provide criticisms to the
B. Establishing the purpose for the the pool of letters provided in the circle. be asked to perform words that out the lies about the American and things that we usually see every
lesson correspond to Spanish influence in our Japanese Literature day? Where do we base such
literature through a tableau. criticisms?
What are the most evident effects of
What do you think are the main effect Ask the students: What are the Provide reasons and samples why
C. Presenting examples/ instances both American and Japanese
of Spanish colonization in the evident contributions present in each we write a critical paper/criticisms in
of the new lesson colonizations in the Philippine
Philippines? group’s performances? literature.
Students will participate in the Battle
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the theories and insights in
Read Mariang Makiling of the Philippine Wizards on the Discuss American Literature
practicing new skills #1 writing a critical paper.
Spanish Conquest 2019.
In the said battle, students will be
Cite the preparation that people
E. Discussing new concepts and able to answer and learn from each
Answer Comprehension Questions Discuss Japanese Literature need to do or accomplish in writing
practicing new skills #2 question and explanations shared by
a critical paper.
the teacher.
Read the text Dead Stars by Paz
Conquer the four rounds in the battle Analyzeand criticize a short paper
F. Developing mastery (leads to Draw out from the text the traditions, Marquexz Benitez and identify the
of Philippine wizards and enhance written by a National Artist, Edith L.
formative assessment) values, beliefs and daily life underlying impact of the American
their wit on the Spanish influences in Tiempo entitled Writers for National
experiences evident from the text. colonization to the Philippine
Philippine Literature. Unity
Philippine Literature during the Philippine Literature during the Being able to draw out and identify
Literary criticism is essential for it
Spanish occupation was mostly Spanish occupation was mostly some features of both American and
not only informs the readers of what
G. Finding practical application of influenced by Christianity as well as influenced by Christianity as well as Japanese colonization make our
they may discover through a literary
concepts and skills in daily the European ideals of liberty and the European ideals of liberty and students wise in appreciating their
text, but also shapes the society for
living freedom through trade. Filipino writers freedom through trade. Filipino great and huge effect to the
it criticizes the context in which the
either wrote in Spanish or in their own writers either wrote in Spanish or in development of the Philippine
text was written.
tongue or both. their own tongue or both. Literature.
What literary works were published What do the works of literature under What are the contributions made by What are the many functions of
during the Spanish occupation of the the Spanish conquest reflect about both Japanese and American literary criticism? What is the
H. Making generalizations and Philippines? the life of the Filipinos in those occupations to the development of importance of applying your critical
abstraction about the lesson What do those works reflect about the times? What can you say about the Philippine Literature? thinking skills as a Filipino?
life of Filipinos during this period in literature of the country in particular?
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
A. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
B. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
C. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
D. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
E. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
F. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?



Teacher III Principal II

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