Prone Positionin Guidelines

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Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19 

Prone Positioning Guidelines 


Many ICU patients have acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) requiring advanced 
therapies to improve oxygenation. Most interventions and therapies do not improve 
mortality or better long-term patient outcomes. Prone positioning of ARDS patients leads to 
improved oxygenation and has recently been found to decrease mortality. This document 
serves to inform clinicians about prone positioning of critically ill ARDS patients. 

● Spinal instability 
● Facial or pelvic fractures 
● Open chest or unstable chest wall 
● Uncontrolled intracranial pressure 
● Relative contraindications: Severe hemodynamic instability 


● Minimum of 5 staff members to safely position the patient 
● At least 5-10 foam dressings for padding 
● 3 Waffle cushions: 2 for upper extremities and 1 for head 
● 2 flat sheets 
● EKG stickers 
● Ambu with mask and HEPA filter 
● Gel Donuts 

Link to Video: ?v=E_6jT9R7WJs or search “Prone Positioning in Severe 

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome” NEJM 

Nursing Actions and Special Considerations 


1. Assess hemodynamic status 

2.  Assess mental status. 

3.  Assess size and weight to determine the ability to turn within the bed frame. Ensure 
whether a 180-degree turn may be safely accomplished within the confines of the 

4.  Evaluate for absolute/relative contraindications (noted above). 


1.  The patient must be deeply sedated; strongly consider neuromuscular blockade. 
The healthcare team should effectively manage agitation to provide a safe proning 

2.  Endotracheal tube must be firmly secured with a commercial device. Note the 
position of the tube (cm at teeth). 

3.  Ensure orogastric tube in place to protect from drainage of oral secretions. Sump 
stomach prior to turn to reduces the risk of aspiration. 

4.  Tape eyelids horizontally closed 

5.  Keep 5 leads on anterior chest wall and remove remaining V2-V6 leads. 

6.  6.Empty ileostomy/colostomy bags, if applicable. 



7.  Secure tubes and catheters. Disconnect nonessential tubing. Foley should be at the 
end of the stretcher with slack. 

8.  Apply 3M Cavilon moisture barrier to patient’s face. Frequently assess commercial 
endotracheal securement device during prone positioning because of the possibility 
of skin breakdown and potential of adhesive breakdown due to salivary drainage. 

9.  Place foam dressing to upper chest/clavicles, shoulders, pelvis, elbows, knees, 
forehead, and tops of feet. The foam dressing will reduce the risk of friction and 
shear (Refer to appendix A). 

10.  Disconnect arterial line from the pressure bag. Cap the arterial line at the t-piece. 

Method for turning the patient in the prone position 

1.  Start with a flat sheet under the patient. Have all 5 staff members at bedside. 

2.  Position the staff at the sides of the bed, 2 on each side, and the respiratory 
therapist at the head of the stretcher. The RT at the head of the bed is responsible 
for securing the ETT, ventilator tubing. The person on the side of the bed closest to 
the patient maintains body contact with the bed at all times to serve as a side rail. 

3.  Pull patient using the underlying flat sheet while in the supine position to the side of 
the bed away from the ventilator, ultimately to turn the patient in the direction of 
the ventilator. 

4.  Cross the patient’s outer leg over the inner leg at the ankle. Chest and/or pelvic 
support can be done by placing a pillow at the abdomen before completing the turn. 

5.  Keep both patients arms straight against the body 

6.  Tuck a new flat sheet, and the arm closest to the ventilator with palm facing up, 
underneath the patient to the side you are turning. The new flat sheet will pull 
through as you are turning the patient. 

7.  Patient should be laying directly on the arm that is going to be pulled through. EKG 
voltage may be altered as the heart shifts within the thorax. If a 12 lead EKG is 
needed, place precordial leads on the posterior thorax. 

8.  Begin by turning patient towards the ventilator and onto their side THEN stop. With 
the patient in the lateral position, reposition the patient’s ECG leads on the patient’s 
posterior thorax. Evaluate the quality of waveform and assess for arrhythmias. May 
consider delaying the reposition of the patient’s 5 lead ECG until the patient is in the 
prone position based on clinical stability and ease of turn. 



9.  The staff member at the head of the bed supports the head during the turn and 
ensures all tubes and lines are intact. 

10.  Under the direction of the person at the head of the bed, at the count of 3, the 
patient is carefully turned over by pulling the tucked arm and new flat sheet 

11.  The patient is now prone. Pull and center the patient. Straighten and reconnect 
lines. Position the head to prevent pressure areas. Position arms in a modified 
swimmers position or aligned with the body. 

12.  Every attempt is made to prevent pressure injuries. Alternate arms and head every 2 
hours. Utilize gel donuts to support the shoulders, abdomen, penile tip and pelvis 
where necessary. 

13.  There is no minimum or maximum time in prone position. In most cases, 

improvement in oxygenation, defined as PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 150 mmHg with an FiO2 
>60% with ≤10cm of PEEP 

Nursing Considerations 
1.  Collaborate with the team to assess the patient’s response to the prone position: 
● Pulse Oximetry 
● Mixed venous oxygenation or central venous mixed oxygenation saturation (Scvo2) 
● Hemodynamics 
● Arterial blood gases 
● PaO2/FiO2 ratio (P/F ratio) 
● The team will determine the frequency of blood gases and enter the order as 

2.  Assess skin frequently for areas of nonblanchable redness or breakdown. 

3.  Provide frequent oral care and suctioning of the airway as needed. The prone 
position promotes postural drainage. 

4.  Maintain eye care to prevent corneal abrasion. It is important to maintain 

lubrication to prevent dryness and corneal abrasions. 

5.  Maintain tube feedings. 

6.  Alternate side to side head position every two hours 

7.  Alternate “swimmers arm” position every two hours 



8.  Document the patient’s response to the prone positioning, ability to tolerate the 
turning procedure, length of time in the prone position, complications noted during 
or after the procedure, and patient and family education. 

Preparation for Returning to Supine Position 

1.  Position the staff at the sides of the bed and the respiratory therapist at the head of 
the bed. 

2.  Maximally inflate the bed 

3.  Disconnect arterial line from the pressure bag. Cap the arterial line at the t-piece 

4.  The person on the side of the bed closest to the patient maintains body contact with 
the bed at all times to serve as a side rail and prevent a fall. The RT at the head of 
the bed is responsible for securing the ETT, ventilator tubing. 

5.  Pull patient using the underlying flat sheet while in the prone position to the side of 
the bed away from the ventilator. 

a.  Cross the leg next to the edge of the bed over the opposite ankle. 

b.  Keep both patients arms straight against the body 

c.  Tuck a new flat sheet, and the arm closest to the ventilator with palm facing 
up, underneath the patient to the side you are turning. The new flat sheet 
will pull through as you are turning the patient. 

6.  In order to turn the patient in the direction of the ventilator. 

a.  Begin by turning patient towards the ventilator and onto their side THEN 

7.  With the patient in the lateral position, reposition the patient’s ECG leads on the 
patient’s anterior thorax. Evaluate the quality of waveform and assess for 
arrhythmias. May consider delaying the reposition of the patient’s 5 lead 

8.  ECG until the patient is in the supine position based on clinical stability and ease of 

9.  Under the direction of the person at the head of the bed, at the count of 3, the 
patient is carefully turned over by pulling the tucked arm and new flat sheet 



10.  The patient is now supine. Pull and center the patient. Straighten and connect lines 
and tubes. 

11.  Collaborate with the team to assess the patient’s response to the supine position: 

● Pulse Oximetry - Mixed venous oxygenation or central venous mixed oxygenation 

saturation (Scvo2) 
● Arterial blood gases - PaO2/FiO2 ratio (P/F ratio) - If P:F > 150 mmHg and Driving 
Pressure (Pplat – PEEP) < 15 cm H2O after two hours in supine positions consider 
not returning to prone position, in collaboration with team. 



Drahnak, D., & Custer, N. (2015). Prone Positioning of Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress 

Syndrome. Critical Care Nurse, 32(6): 29-37. 

Guerin C, Reignier J, Richard J et al. Prone positioning in severe acute respiratory distress 

syndrome. NEJM (2013); 368(23): 2159-2168. 

Guerin C, Constatin P, Bellani G et al. A prospective international observational prevalence 

study on prone positioning of ARDS patients: the APRONET (ARDS prone position network) 

study. Intensive Care Med (2018); 44:22-37. 

Vollman, K, Dickinson, S, & Powers, J. (2017). Pronation Therapy. AACN Procedure Manual 

for Critical Care 7th ed. Elsevier Sanders, St Louis, Missouri pp. 142-163. 


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