Positioning Clients

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INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (2) Maintain head elevation for 1 hour after an

1. Autograft: After surgery, the site is immobilized for 3 to intermittent feeding.
7 days to provide the time needed for the graft to (3) The head of the bed should remain elevated
adhere and attach to the wound bed. for continuous feedings.
2. Burns of the face and head: Elevate the head of the 5. Rectal enema and irrigations: Place the client in the
bed to prevent or reduce facial, head, and tracheal left Sims' position to allow the solution to flow by
edema. gravity in the natural direction of the colon.
3. Circumferential burns of the extremities: Elevate the 6. Sengstaken-Blakemore and Minnesota tubes:
extremities above the level of the heart to prevent or Maintain elevation of the head of the bed to enhance
reduce dependent edema. lung expansion and reduce portal blood flow, permitting
4. Skin graft: Elevate and immobilize the graft site to effective compression of the esophageal varices.
prevent movement and shearing of the graft and
disruption of tissue; avoid weight-bearing. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: In
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM advanced disease, place the client in a sitting position,
1. Mastectomy: leaning forward, with the client's arms over several
a. Position the client with the head of the bed pillows or an overbed table; this position will assist the
elevated at least 30 degrees (semi-Fowler's client to breathe easier.
position), with the affected arm elevated on a pillow 2. Laryngectomy (radical neck dissection): Place the
to promote lymphatic fluid return after the removal client in a semi-Fowler's or Fowler's position to


of axillary lymph nodes;
b. Turn the client ONLY to the back and unaffected
maintain a patent airway and minimize edema.
3. Bronchoscopy postprocedure: Place the client in a
semi-Fowler's position to prevent choking or aspiration
2. Perineal and vaginal procedures: Place the client in resulting from an impaired ability to swallow.
the lithotomy position 4. Postural drainage: The lung segment to be drained
should be in the uppermost position; Trendelenburg's
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM position may be used.
1. Hypophysectomy: Elevate the head of the bed to 5. Thoracentesis
prevent increased intracranial pressure. a. During the procedure, to facilitate removal of fluid
2. Thyroidectomy from the chest wall, position the client sitting on the
a. Place the client in the semi-Fowler's position to edge of the bed and leaning over the bedside
reduce swelling and edema in the neck area. table, with the feet supported on a stool, or lying in
b. Sandbags or pillows may be used to support the bed on the unaffected side with the head of the
client's head or neck. bed elevated about 45 degrees (Fowler's position).
b. After the procedure, assist the client to a position
1. Hemorrhoidectomy: Assist the client to a lateral (side- 6. Thoracotomy: Check physician's orders regarding
lying) position to prevent pain and bleeding. positioning.
2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease: Reverse
Trendelenburg's position may be prescribed to promote CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM
gastric emptying and prevent esophageal reflux. 1. Abdominal aneurysm resection
3. Liver biopsy a. After surgery, limit elevation of the head of the bed
a. During the procedure, do the following: to 45 degrees (Fowler's position) to avoid flexion of
(1) Position the client supine, with the right side of the graft.
the upper abdomen exposed. b. The client may be turned from side to side.
(2) The client's right arm is raised and extended 2. Amputation of the lower extremity
over the left shoulder behind the head. a. During the first 24 hours after amputation, elevate
(3) The liver is located on the right side, and this the foot of the bed (the stump is supported with
position provides for maximal exposure of the pillows but not elevated because of the risk of
right intercostal space. flexion contractures) to reduce edema.
b. After the procedure: do the following: b. Consult with the physician and, if prescribed,
(1) Assist the client into a right lateral (side-lying) position the client in a prone position twice a day
position. for a 20- to 30-minute period to stretch muscles
(2) Place a small pillow or folded towel under the and prevent flexion contractures of the hip.
puncture site for at least 3 hours to provide 3. Arterial vascular grafting of an extremity
pressure to the site and prevent bleeding. a. To promote graft patency after the procedure, bed
rest usually is maintained for about 24 hours and
4. Nasogastric tube the affected extremity is kept straight.
a. Insertion b. Limit movement and avoid flexion of the hip and
(1) Position the client in a high Fowler's position knee.
with the head tilted forward. 4. Cardiac catheterization
(2) This position will assist to close the trachea a. If the femoral artery was accessed for the
and open the esophagus. procedure, the client is maintained on bed rest for
b. Irrigations and tube feedings 3 to 4 hours; the client may turn from side to side.
(1) Elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees (semi- b. The affected extremity is kept straight and the
Fowler's position) to prevent aspiration. head is elevated no more than 30 degrees until
hemostasis is adequately achieved.
5. Congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema: the head in a midline, neutral position to facilitate
Position the client upright, preferably with the legs venous drainage from the head.
dangling over the side of the bed, to decrease venous c. Avoid extreme hip and neck flexion.
return and lung congestion. 6. Laminectomy
6. Peripheral arterial disease a. Logroll the client.
a. Obtain the physician's order for positioning. b. When the client is out of bed, the client's back is
b. Because swelling can prevent arterial blood flow, kept straight (the client is placed in a straight-
clients may be advised to elevate their feet at rest, backed chair) with the feet resting comfortably on
but they should not raise their legs above the level the floor.
of the heart because extreme elevation slows 7. Increased intracranial pressure
arterial blood flow; some clients may be advised to a. Elevate the head of the bed 30 to 45 degrees
maintain a slightly dependent position to promote (semi-Fowler's to Fowler's position) and maintain
perfusion. the head in a midline, neutral position to facilitate
7. Deep vein thrombosis venous drainage from the head.
a. If the extremity is red, edematous, and painful, and b. Avoid extreme hip and neck flexion.
traditional heparin sodium therapy is initiated, bed 8. Lumbar puncture
rest with leg elevation may be prescribed for the a. During the procedure, assist the client to the lateral
client. (side-lying) position, with the back bowed at the
b. Clients receiving low-molecular-weight heparin edge of the examining table, the knees flexed up to
usually can be out of bed after 24 hours if pain the abdomen, and the neck flexed so that the chin
level permits. is resting on the chest.
8. Varicose veins: Leg elevation above heart level b. After the procedure, place the client in the supine
usually is prescribed; the client also is advised to position for 4 to 12 hours, as prescribed.
minimize prolonged sitting or standing during daily 9. Myelogram postprocedure
activities. a. The head position varies according to the dye
9. Venous insufficiency and leg ulcers: Leg elevation used.
usually is prescribed. b. The head is usually elevated if an oil-based or
water-soluble contrast agent is used and the head
SENSORY SYSTEM is usually positioned lower than the trunk if air
1. Cataract surgery: Postoperatively, elevate the head of contrast is used.
the bed (semi-Fowler's to Fowler's position) and 10. Spinal cord injury
position the client on the back or the nonoperative side a. Immobilize the client on a spinal backboard, with
to prevent the development of edema at the operative the head in a neutral position, to prevent
site. incomplete injury from becoming complete.
2. Retinal detachment b. Prevent head flexion, rotation, or extension; the
a. If the detachment is large, bed rest and bilateral head is immobilized with a firm, padded cervical
eye patching may be prescribed to minimize eye collar.
movement and prevent extension of the c. Logroll the client; no part of the body should be
detachment. twisted or turned, nor should the client be allowed
b. Restrictions in activity and positioning following to assume a sitting position.
repair of the detachment depends on the
physician's preference and the surgical procedure MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM
performed. 1. Total hip replacement
a. Positioning depends on the surgical techniques
NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM used, the method of implantation, and the
1. Autonomic dysreflexia: Elevate the head of the bed to prosthesis.
a high Fowler's position to assist with adequate b. Avoid extreme internal and external rotation.
ventilation and assist in the prevention of hypertensive c. Avoid adduction; side-lying on the operative side is
stroke. not allowed (unless specifically prescribed by the
2. Cerebral aneurysm: Bed rest is maintained with the physician).
head of the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees (semi- d. Maintain abduction when the client is in a supine
Fowler's to Fowler's position) to prevent pressure on position or positioned on the nonoperative side.
the aneurysm site. e. Place a pillow between the client's legs to maintain
3. Cerebral angiography abduction; instruct the client not to cross the legs.
a. Maintain bed rest for 12 to 24 hours as prescribed. f. Check the physician's orders regarding elevation of
b. The extremity into which the contrast medium was the head of the bed; flexion usually is limited to 60
injected is kept straight and immobilized for about 8 degrees during the first postoperative week
hours. (usually 90 degrees for 2 to 3 months thereafter).
4. Brain attack (stroke)
a. In clients with hemorrhagic strokes, the head of the
bed is elevated to 30 degrees to reduce
intracranial pressure and to facilitate venous
b. For clients with ischemic strokes, the head of the
bed is kept flat.
c. Maintain the head in a midline, neutral position to
facilitate venous drainage from the head.
d. Avoid extreme hip and neck flexion; extreme hip
flexion may increase intrathoracic pressure,
whereas extreme neck flexion prohibits venous
drainage from the brain.
5. Craniotomy
a. The client should not be positioned on the site that
was operated on, especially if the bone flap has
been removed, because the brain has no bony
covering on the affected site.
b. Elevate the head of the bed 30 to 45 degrees
(semi-Fowler's to Fowler's position) and maintain

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