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Name Geneene C. Wong



Instructions/Requirements: Conduct a research to add more information on select discussion topics in this
session. Only bulleted information is required for this task. Include the reference(s) you used at the bottom
of the table. Use this file and submit your output via Dropbox.


Province Tourist Destinations Festivals
Agusan del Norte Lake Mainit Baoto Festival
- is a province in -  is the fourth largest lake in - The festival pays tribute to the
the Philippines l the Philippines, having a surface area of “baoto” or native dug-out canoe,
ocated in 173.40 square kilometres (66.95 sq mi). which is the featured activity in
the Caraga regio the festival.
n of Mindanao. - The lake is also the deepest lake in the
Its capital is the country with maximum depth reaching -  Held annually every  June 13-15.
city 223 metres (732 ft).[2][5] It is located in the This is an island race for dug-out
of Cabadbaran a northeastern section of Mindanao and canoes, the main event of which is
nd it is shared between the provinces of Surigao the 30k Baoto Marathon – the
bordered on the del Norte and Agusan del Norte. longest paddling race in the
northeast Philippines. Other events are: the
by Surigao del 150 meter double slalom (men
Norte; mid-east /women, boys / girls; and the 75
by Surigao del Kalinawan River meter single sprint –men/women,
Sur; southeast -  its name meaning “clarity” – is one of boys/girls. Side activities include:
by Agusan del the province’s cleanest inland bodies of a BMC clinic; SRT clinic, Paddling
Sur, and water.  The stretch of pristine and Clinic, Arnis Demonstration; and
southwest picturesque river is Lake Mainit’s only Water Rescue Demonstaration.
by Misamis outlet and passes through AMVI’s host
Oriental. It municipalities before it finally empties
faces Butuan into Butuan bay. Sumayajaw Festival
Bay, part of - Held every August 14 during the
the Bohol Sea, - It is also one of the oldest trading routes town fiesta of Jabonga, is a
to the in the Philippines and has been the thanksgiving celebration for the
northwest. indigenous Mamanwas’ fishing ground bounties showered by the
since time immemorial. Heavenly Father through the
intercession of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, the Lady of Assumpcion –
patroness of Jabonga.

Agusan del Sur Agusan Marsh Naliyagan Festival

- is a - is a protected area in Agusan del Sur, -  It is a commemoration of the
landlocked prov Philippines declared by the former founding anniversary of Agusan
ince of President Fidel V. Ramos.  del Sur, and it pays tribute to
the Philippines l everything indigenous and local
ocated in - The marshland acts like a sponge, as it is about the province and its
the Caraga regio nestled in the midwaters of the Agusan culture. 

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n in Mindanao. River drainage basin. Within its lakes,

Its capital several floating communities can be - Coincidentally starting on June 12
is Prosperidad a found. The sanctuary was home to the which is the Philippine
nd borders, 20.24 feet (6.17 meter) saltwater Independence Day, and
from the north crocodile Lolong, the world's largest culminating on the founding day,
clockwise, Agus captive crocodile. June 17, the Naliyagan Festivities
an del converge at the Naliyagan Plaza,
Norte, Surigao - The marshland acts like a sponge, as it is Patin-ay, Prosperidad in Agusan
del Sur, Davao nestled in the midwaters of the Agusan del Sur, about 1.5 hours bus ride
Oriental, Davao River drainage basin. Within its lakes, away from Butuan City. 
de Oro, Davao several floating communities can be
del found. The sanctuary was home to the - The Naliyagan is relatively a
Norte and Bukid 20.24 feet (6.17 meter) saltwater recent annual tradition.  It started
non. crocodile Lolong, the world's largest in 1993 when the incumbent
captive crocodile.[ governor conceptualized a festival
that aimed to recognize the
Gibong River indigenous people and their
-  The Gibong River is the only gateway to contribution to the culture and
Binaba Falls. The river is a stretch of progress of the province. 
water with a view of unharmed
vegetation in its banks. It is also the Angot Festival
- is annually performed on 28th day
source of water supply irrigating some 60
of September during the town
square kilometres of rice fields of three
Fiesta in honor of St. Michael the
municipalities in the province.
Archangel, the Patron Saint
of Prosperidad.

- is characterized by a ritual called

“Bat-ad”. The ritual is usually
performed by a Babaylan, a well-
respected faith-healing old man in
the village. Bat-ad is an offering of
food to Angot or Ompo, the god
of abundant harvest, which
includes a plate of rice, a boiled
egg, broiled mudfish, a white wine
and a mama. After the ritual, all
villagers join together for a merry-
making. Angot means “a
thanksgiving ritual for the
abundant harvest”.

Dinagat Islands Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Bugkosan sa Isla

- are a group of Association (PBMA) Shrine - is province-wide festival that
islands constitu - is a non-sectarian and non-profit brings together the island’s
ting charitable religious fraternal seven municipalities. Bugkosan
a province in organization for men and women in the is actually a mnemonic
the Caraga regio Philippines founded by Ruben Edera for Best Unique Gathering for 
n in Ecleo Sr. in 1965 on the Philippine island Organized

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the Philippines, of Dinagat, off the coast of Mindanao. for Sustainable Advocacies

located on the Upon the senior Ecleo's death in 1987, he and Networking developments.
south side was succeeded by his son Ruben B. Ecleo
of Leyte Gulf. Jr. PBMA has an estimated million - This festival is a celebration of the
The island members in the central and southern island’s charter and is essentially a
of Leyte is to its Philippines and abroad. It was registered way to instil awareness on the
west, with the Securities and Exchange province’s cultural and
across Surigao Commission (SEC), environmental importance. This
Strait, in Makati, Philippines on October 19, festival is a thanksgiving
and Mindanao i 1965 under the Registration No. 28042. celebration geared towards
s to its south. Its Its main office is located at San Jose, how bayanihan – an age-old
main Province of Dinagat Islands. Filipino trait of a community of
island, Dinagat, people helping each other – is
is about 60 depicted in the everyday lives of
kilometres White Castle or Islander’s Castle the locals.
(37 mi) from - Islander's Castle, also known as White
north to south. Castle, is an iconic landmark in the Banwag Festival
provincial capital of Dinagat Islands. It is - This festival marks the
a very noticeable Disney-like castle sitting commencement of the annual
on top of a hill overlooking the entire Philippine Benevolent
town of San Jose which also offers Missionaries Association
fascinating views of the hills, islands and Conference, a religious gathering
the sea. This castle serves as a residence of the association’s members
of a very known and prominent people in from all walks of life. Members
Dinagat, Ecleo Family. who attend the conference get to
celebrate the festival by gathering
in the cultural centre of the island
and lighting a candle in the middle
of the night. This symbolic lighting
is in support of the peace and
unity of the island municipality’s
Surigao del Norte Siargao’s Cloud 9 Bonok-Bonok Maradjaw Karadjaw
- one of the most well-known waves world Festival
wide and one of the best in the - cultural-religious festival
Philippines, is a perfect barreling right highlighted by a street dance
hand reef break that can be both fun and parade depicting the legends and
challenging. Although it is a relatively lifestyle of the indigenous
short wave, the fact that it barrels nearly Mamanwa Tribes.
the whole way guarantees satisfaction.
- The festival is also a tribute to St.
Nicholas, city's Patron Saint,
whose feast is observed on
September 10.

Dako Island Tinabangay Festival

- is the biggest in the trio which includes - Tinabangay Festival happens
Guyam and Naked Islands. every February 22 of each year.
Tinabangay comes from a bisaya
- Daku has fine bone-white sand, emerald word “tabang” which means help,
waters, and swaying coconut trees — all tinabangay then means to help
of which make it the perfect tropical together as a community or

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destination. It also has a barangay with bayanihan.

friendly locals.
-  Tinabangay festival is celebrated
by the island town of Socorro in
the province of Surigao del Norte.
Socorro is more popularly known
as Bucas Grande Island, the home
of CARAGA’s pristine beaches,
unspoiled coves and enchanted

Surigao del Sur Enchanted River Kaliguan Festival

- is a province in - The Hinatuan Enchanted River, also - is situated in Cagwait, Surigao del
the Philippines l called the Hinatuan Sacred River, is a Sur. It is held every last week of
ocated in deep spring river on the island June, a yearly merriments to pay
the Caraga regio of Mindanao in the Philippines. tribute to St. John the Baptist
n in Mindanao. featured via Search for Perlas ng
Its capital - It flows into the Philippine Sea and Kaliguan excellence exhibition,
is Tandag City. the Pacific Ocean at Barangay shoreline moving and other
Surigao del Sur Talisay, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur. It is shoreline fun exercises.
is situated at found between the boundaries of Celebrations in the Philippines are
the eastern Barangays of Talisay and Cambatong. It among of tourism's sanctuary and
coast of earned the moniker "enchanted river" part of developing in national
Mindanao and from the diplomat Modesto Farolan who financial improvement.
faces described the river in his poem entitled
the Philippine "Rio Encantado".
Sea to the east. Lanuza International Surfing Festival
Tinuy-an Falls - Lanuza Surfing Festival is usually
- is a multi- held in November. The event is
tiered waterfall in Bislig, Surigao del participated by different surfers
Sur in the around the country and has
southern island of Mindanao, Philippines. recently garnered foreign
- are 95 m wide and 55 metres (180 ft)
high, touted as the little Niagara Falls of - Lanuza Surfing Festival was born
the Philippines. Tinuy-an is a white water more than a decade ago to bring
curtain that flows in three levels (with a the spotlight to its challenging
fourth tier hidden from view) and is said surfs.
to be the widest waterfall in the

Province Tourist Destinations Festivals
Basilan Bulingan Falls Fiesta Santa Isabel
-  is an island - is truly a natural wonder given as a gift to - celebrated every July 8 by the
province that is

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endowed with the island of Basilan. Hidden in the dense residents of Isabela City, in honor
natural beauty. forest of Lamitan City, the falls feature of its Patroness Saint, Elizabeth of
It is pristine and clear waters cascading through a wall of Portugal (Span. Sta. Isabel de
unspoiled from natural rock formation.  Portugal). The focal point of the
the picturesque celebrations is the Sta. Isabel
cities, towns Malamawi Island Cathedral, located at the center of
and countryside - is a small inhabited island made famous Isabela City. This is highlighted by
to the majesty by the long stretch of white sandy beach a procession and novena masses,
of waterfalls on its northern coast. With its exotic the traditional Bella Isabela
and the serenity appeal, idyllic natural beauty and Beauty Pageant, a marathon, a
of seashores. serenity, the place has become a go-to regatta and other activities
From the place of locals specially of those from organized primarily by the Diocese
historical relics Isabela City and suburbs who wish to of Basilan and the Prelature of
of the past to escape for sea, sun and sand experience. Isabela and its lay organizations,
the living the Catholic Women's League and
heritage of the the Knights of Columbus.
present, it's all
in Basilan. Budbud Festival
- a barangay fiesta in honor of
Nuestra Senora dela Regla of
Begang Barangay, otherwise
known as Isabela City's "Little
Cebu", a majority of whose
residents originated from Carmen,
Cebu Province. The festival
consists of several days of beauty
pageants, street dancing,
"budbud" (rice cake) eating and
much merrymaking.

Lanao del Sur Lake Lanao Kaliraya Festival

- is a province in - Is a large ancient lake in the Philippines, -   Kalilang and Kariyala both mean
the Philippines l located in Lanao del Sur province in the “merrymaking and thanksgiving”
ocated in country's southern island of Mindanao. This universal expression of
the Bangsamoro With a surface area of thanksgiving for the triumphs,
Autonomous 340 km2 (130 sq mi),  it is the largest lake abundance, prosperity or any
Region in in Mindanao, and the second largest lake form of blessings received. The
Muslim in the Philippines and counted as one of celebration of this is festival are
Mindanao (BAR the 15 ancient lakes in the world. similar to Lami- Lamihan of
MM). Lamitan, Basilan and Meguyaya of
Aga Khan Museum of Islamic Arts Upi, Maguindanao.
-  The capital is - is a museum of Islamic art and Moro
the city culture situated in Marawi, Lanao del
of Marawi, and Sur, Philippines. Kalilang sa Ranao
it borders Lanao - A festival commemorating the
del Norte to the - is a museum of Islamic art and Moro charter anniversary celebration of
north, Bukidnon  culture situated in Marawi, Lanao del Marawi City Highlights of the

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to the east, Sur, Philippines. festival are Qur’an Reading

and Maguindan Contest, presentation of colorful
ao and Cotabat Muslim songs and dances, Islamic
o to the south. Quiz Bee, exhibits of Maranao
To the crafts, native delicacies,
southwest traditional games and musical
lies Illana Bay, instruments competition.
an arm of
the Moro Gulf.

Maguindanao Masjid Dimaukom Shariff Kabunsuan Festival

- is a province in -  is a mosque in Datu Saudi -  celebrates the arrival of the Arab
the Philippines Ampatuan, Maguindanao, missionary believed to have
located in the the Philippines.  introduced Islam to southern
Bangsamoro Philippines and contributed to the
Autonomous - The mosque's construction was financed area’s growth, starts on Dec. 15. 
Region in by Datu Saudi Ampatuan Mayor,
Muslim Samsodin Dimaukon. The land where the - The highlight of the four-day
Mindanao. mosque was built was a property of the celebration is the Guinakit Fluvial
mayor's family. The mosque was painted Parade, which will allow the
pink to symbolize peace and love and people to witness the re-
was built by workmen to symbolize unity enactment of the arrival of Mr.
and inter-faith brotherhood. Kabunsuan. Colorful vessels
symbolizing royalty among
Muslim tribes in Mindanao
New Israel Eco-Adventure Park
-  located in Makilala, Cotabato Province. Meguyaya Festival
It is known for being the home of the - Meguyaya is a Teduray term for
Moncadistas, untamed monkeys and thanksgiving and merrymaking.
the longest zipline in Asia. The week-long celebration is the
most anticipated and colorful
annual event in Municipality of
Upi wherein the tri-people (the
Tedurays, Christians, and
Muslims) of Upi come together,
celebrate and showcase their
cultures, history, and traditions.

-  A showcase of moves with

the bilao and the indigenous
basket biton for props, a splash of
colors and folk rhythms
thundering from the agong and
the kulintang filled the streets of
this town up in the mountains.
Sulu Jolo Branch Museum Raja Baguinda Festival
- is a province of - is in a two-story building that was once - the most praised celebrations in
the the seat of the Provincial Museum and Mindanao is the yearly Rajah
Philippines in Library of Sulu. It is located in Jolo, the Baguinda Festival. This specific
the Sulu provincial capital of the main island of occasion respects the immense

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Archipelago and Sulu province. The Sulu Museum and Rajah Baguinda who is a religious
part of Library was established through a teacher from Sumatra and
the Bangsamoro Sangguniang Panlalawigan resolution in returned to Mindanao in 1390. 
Autonomous 1981 to house ethnographic materials of
Region in Sulu culture and a library. - Celebrated every 2nd week of
Muslim August in Jolo, Sulu, Rajah
Mindanao (BAR The Fort of the Princess of Asturias Baguinda Festival is a three-day
MM). - is one of the remarkable vestiges of the cultural show to commemorate
Spanish occupation of Jolo. Built in honor the contribution of Rajah
of the Princess of Spain, this building was Baguinda in the history of Sulu. 
converted into a U.S. military
headquarters, where the Spanish forces
left the island in 1899.  The Amon Jadid
-  is one of the Muslim Holidays the
national government recognizes
under Presidential Decree 1083,
which codified Muslim family laws
and practices.

- Muslims perform prayers and

rituals including fasting which
symbolizes discipline and restraint
rather than individual
gratification, extreme expression
of joy. The reason behind this can
be traced back to the events in
the Islamic history about the life
of the prophets of Islam which
happened in the month of

Tawi-Tawi Turtle Islands Sheik Karimul Makdum Festival

- is an -  officially the Municipality of Turtle - November 7 marked the
island province i Islands, is a 5th class municipality in celebration of Sheikh Karimul
n the province of Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. Makhdum Day. It is remembered
the Philippines l for the arrival of Islam in what is
ocated in - is part of the Sulu Archipelago which is now the Philippine archipelago via
the Bangsamoro composed of approximately 400 islands Tawi-Tawi is as historical as, say,
Autonomous of varying shapes and sizes. It is located the celebration of the first Holy
Region in at the southwestern tip of the Mass in Limasawa island on March
Muslim Philippines, about 1,000 km southwest of 31, 1521, just two weeks after
Mindanao (BAR Manila. Portugese explorer Ferdinand
MM). The Magellan saw the coast of Samar.
capital of Tawi-
Tawi is Bongao. Sheik Makdum Mosque Seaweed Festival
-  is located in Barangay Tubig -  “Agal-agal” is the local term for
Indangan, Simunul, Tawi-Tawi, seaweed. 
the Philippines.
- Celebrated with pomp, the Agal-

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-  It is the oldest mosque in the Philippines Agal Festival was the highlight of
and was built by an Arab trader, the 42nd  Kamahardikaan Festival
Sheikh Makhdum Karim in 1380. It was in the capital city of Bongao.
first thought that the pillars of the old “Kamahardikaan” is the Sinama
mosque found within the current word for “the highest honor”, and
mosque are the pillars of the original the event, which commemorates
built in 1380. However, studies from the founding anniversary of Tawi-
the National Museum of the Tawi as a province, brought to the
Philippines have confirmed that the fore the cultures of Sama, Badjao,
pillars found within the present mosque Jama Mapun and Tausug of
dates back to the 17th century, making Southern Philippines.  
them remnants of a reconstruction of the
mosque during the 17th century, and not
the 14th century. Nevertheless , the four
pillars are regarded as sacred and have
high status in Philippine culture as they
are at least 400 years old and are the
oldest known Islamic artifacts in the
entire Philippines.

Grading Rubric:


Content Output is accomplished completely with relevant information. 70

Organization of Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement of
Ideas ideas based on the given flow of information


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