IT Elective 2 Web Systems and Technologies - Syllabus
IT Elective 2 Web Systems and Technologies - Syllabus
Program Outcome : To provide graduates who can demonstrate a high level of academic preparedness.
Course Number : IT Elective 2
Course Title : Web Systems and technologies
Number of Units : 3 Units(with laboratory)
Hours/Weeks/Semester : 54 hours/18weeks/1 semester
Instructor : Mr. Jayf T. Mangansakan
Desired Learning Outcomes Learning Content/ Subject Matter Teaching References and Assessment Time
Delivery Resource (Achieved Learning) Table
At the end of the course the students Introduction to Web Development
will be able to: o The Web Structure Lecture 2hour
Discuss the basic principle on o Introduction to HTML Collaborative HTML Tutorial by Oral recitation
web development Discussion SoloLearn Written Quiz
o Introduction to Cascading Sheet
Discuss the structural design of The webpage structure using HTML Lecture
a webpage using HTML. o Basic HTML Document Interactive
Discuss the approaches in structure Discussion
designing the webpages. o The HTML elements - Laboratory
Identify the differences HTML Tutorial by
Paragraphs, Text Formatting, exercise
between the various versions of SoloLearn
HTML. Attributes, Images, Links, Oral recitation
Tables, Inline and block Written Quiz
elements, Forms, Colors and Laboratory exercise 6hours
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Discuss the various approaches The webpage presentation using CSS
in designing the webpages o Inline, Embedded, External CSS
using CSS. o CSS rules and Selectors Lecture
Design a webpages using a o Style Cascade and Inheritance Interactive
CSS. Discussion CSS Tutorial by
o Working with text –
Laboratory SoloLearn Oral recitation
Font family, size, style, weight exercise
and variant. Text color, Written Quiz
Laboratory exercise 9hours
alignment, indenting, shadowing
and spacing
MySQL Database
Create database tables in o Tables, Records and fields
MySQL o Creating database Lecture Oral recitation
o Creating tables Discussion “How to do Written Quiz 6 hours
Laboratory Everything with Laboratory exercise
exercise PHP and MySQL”
by VikramVaswani
Connect PHP to MySQL Using PHP with MySQL
Perform queries; inserting, o Connect PHP to MySQL Lecture
deleting and updating of o Inserting records Discussion
recrods Laboratory Oral recitation 12 hours
o Editing an Deleting records
exercise Written Quiz
o Performing Queries
Laboratory exercise
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